1.1 Eclipse plug-in and JAR files

Yes, it's a little heavy, but you must run cap on the JAR file to get the library COD.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • Problem with several adapters and Jar file included in a service.

    Hi all

    I'm new here and I am ready to work with the VMWare client sdk. I have already started and exported several adapters to implement the full functionality that I need. However, I get an error:

    Request context failed to create 'com.management.serviceprovider' in ' 1.0.0 version. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: error creating bean with name 'DatacenterConfig': calling the init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: cannot find class [com.adapters.Datacenter.ClusterConfigAdapterImpl] for the beans with the name 'ClusterConfigAdapterImpl' defined in URL [bundleentry://281.fwk1147580192/META-INF/spring/bundle-context.xml]. nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.adapters.Datacenter.ClusterConfigAdapterImpl finds do not bundle [com.management.serviceprovider]

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    to org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.context.support.AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.access$ 1600 (AbstractDelegatedExecutionApplicationContext.java:60)

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    This error occurs very often and it's strange because I place the cards together in a same way. Here is the OSGI layer and contaxt bundle files:

    Context Bundle:

    < name of the bean = "ClusterAdvancedAdapterImpl" class = "com.adapters.Datacenter.ClusterAdvancedAdapterImpl" >

    < constructor-arg ref = "dataServiceExtensionRegistry" / >

    < / bean >

    < osgi:service id = "DatacenterConfig" ref = "ClusterConfigAdapterImpl".

    interface = "com. VMware.vise.Data.Query.PropertyProviderAdapter"/ >

    < osgi:reference id = "dataServiceExtensionRegistry".

    interface = "com. VMware.vise.Data.Query.DataServiceExtensionRegistry"/ >

    And I really don't know why this isn't a job.

    The second problem is that I have another project with classes and I want to export it to a jar file. When I do this I also want to include this pot in the bundle, but when I change the ant file it does not work on virgo.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Kind regards


    For option 2 which he question in post above, you can use the piece of code below in the Ant script in the target of the compilation at the end.



  • Eclipse create .jad and .cod files

    According to the documentation I've seen, OTA installation from a Web site is to place the files application.jad and application.cod on a server to direct the BlackBerry device to this location.  My preliminary test indicate that it works as advertised.

    However, I find that Eclipse creates an application.jad file that references a request file - 1.cod, but at the same time only creates the file application.cod.  Of course, when the device will the url and inspects the .jad file, it tries to find the file application - 1.cod!

    What is causing this to happen and how I fix without manually open the .jad file and inspect everything I want to publish?

    Thank you


    I looked at me directory and of course, the cod file was more than 64K.  If you tell me that once it is greater than 64K isn't really a cod file, but in fact a zip file?  To deploy, I need to decompress the file and place the actual cod files in my site url?

    I was skeptical, but it seems to be as you described.

    Thank you for sharing this tidbit.

  • packages and JAR files

    New to Java:

    I'm trying to learn more about the packages and JAR libraries using jdk1.7.0_17 on Debian 6.0.7 (Squeeze). I created a tree of directories and files to work with:
    2013-05-11 20:22:07 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ tree .
    |-- Makefile
    |-- bin
    |   |-- using_class_files
    |   |   `-- MyApp.class
    |   `-- using_jar_file
    |-- ext
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- myapp
    |               `-- util.jar
    |-- obj
    |   `-- com
    |       `-- example
    |           `-- myapp
    |               `-- util
    |                   `-- Speak.class
    `-- src
        `-- com
            `-- example
                `-- myapp
                    |-- MyApp.java
                    `-- util
                        `-- Speak.java
    17 directories, 6 files
    2013-05-11 20:22:39 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat src/com/example/myapp/util/Speak.java 
    package com.example.myapp.util;
    public class Speak {
        public static void hello(String arg) {
         System.out.println("hello, " + arg);
    2013-05-11 20:23:27 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java 
    import com.example.myapp.util.Speak;
    public class MyApp {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
         Speak s = new Speak();
    2013-05-11 20:23:54 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ cat Makefile 
    .PHONY: all
    all: clean using_class_files using_jar_file
    .PHONY: using_class_files
         # create utility bytecode file (Speak.class)
         mkdir -p obj/com/example/myapp/util
         javac -d obj src/com/example/myapp/util/Speak.java
         # compile application file against Speak.class
         mkdir -p bin/using_class_files
         javac -d bin/using_class_files -cp obj src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java
         # run application
         java -cp obj:bin/using_class_files MyApp
    .PHONY: using_jar_file
         # put Speak.class into a Java archive (util.jar)
         mkdir -p ext/com/example/myapp
         jar cvf ext/com/example/myapp/util.jar -C obj/com/example/myapp/util Speak.class
         # print util.jar table of contents
         jar tf ext/com/example/myapp/util.jar
         # compile application against util.jar
         mkdir -p bin/using_jar_file
         javac -d bin/using_jar_file -extdirs ext src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java
    .PHONY: clean
         rm -rf bin ext obj
    I use to make my orders are repeatable. the Makefile is 'quick and dirty '. Emphasis is placed on the keywords 'package' and 'import' of Java and command line tools and their options (javac, jar and java).

    Compile the utility class (Speak.java), compile the application (MyApp.java) against the tree of bytecode (. / obj) and running the application against the tree quote bytecode:
    2013-05-11 20:23:58 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ make clean
    rm -rf bin ext obj
    2013-05-11 20:24:01 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ make using_class_files
    # create utility bytecode file (Speak.class)
    mkdir -p obj/com/example/myapp/util
    javac -d obj src/com/example/myapp/util/Speak.java
    # compile application file against Speak.class
    mkdir -p bin/using_class_files
    javac -d bin/using_class_files -cp obj src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java
    # run application
    java -cp obj:bin/using_class_files MyApp
    hello, world!
    Put the bytecode of the utility (Speak.class) file in a JAR file (util.jar) works, but compile the application against the tree in the POT (. / ext) fails:
    2013-05-11 20:24:08 dpchrist@desktop ~/sandbox/java/jar
    $ make using_jar_file
    # put Speak.class into a Java archive (util.jar)
    mkdir -p ext/com/example/myapp
    jar cvf ext/com/example/myapp/util.jar -C obj/com/example/myapp/util Speak.class
    added manifest
    adding: Speak.class(in = 572) (out= 364)(deflated 36%)
    # print util.jar table of contents
    jar tf ext/com/example/myapp/util.jar
    # compile application against util.jar
    mkdir -p bin/using_jar_file
    javac -d bin/using_jar_file -extdirs ext src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java
    src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java:1: error: package com.example.myapp.util does not exist
    import com.example.myapp.util.Speak;
    src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
         Speak s = new Speak();
      symbol:   class Speak
      location: class MyApp
    src/com/example/myapp/MyApp.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
         Speak s = new Speak();
      symbol:   class Speak
      location: class MyApp
    3 errors
    make: *** [using_jar_file] Error 1
    Any suggestions?



    Normally, you would run javac from the 'src' directory, so:

    javac [options] com/mycompany/whatever/package/MyClass.java

    It will then automatically find or compile all the other classes that are correctly under 'src' under their packages.

  • Eclipse plug-ins: generate ALX file has stopped working

    For some reason, the option generate ALX file is no longer works for me.

    He used to work, but for some reason any stopped.

    Everything is generated (.jar, .jad, .cod, .rapc)

    When you choose "Generate ALX file" (after a right click on the project), simply, nothing happens. The plugin does not create the file.

    I am at a loss! Why it stop working, and how do I make it work again?

    OK solved.

    The problem was that the readonly (because of our source control) .classpath file.

    Now that I've removed the read-only attribute, generate ALX file works again.

  • External JAR &amp; Eclipse plug-in 1.3

    Hi all!

    seriously, I want to use the new plug-in for eclipse but I can not find a solution for the external JAR problem:

    I need to use the library of ksoap2, so, as explained in different post, I created a library project on Eclipse with version 1.2 of the plugin, I added the previously verified JAR and then I reference it projects where I use it.

    It works very well in previous plug-ins but it don't work with the 1.3:

    -If I use the 1.2 method, when packaging project I have a strange error of class of the two copies on the first class from the jar of ksoap2 (that is not duplicate)

    -If I use the pot of ksoap2 as external JAR or library for my project, I can all packing but when I run my application, the pot is not loaded...

    Anyone know if something changes in the plugin?

    Thank you for any idea!

    Hi all

    I ask the support of blackberry and they give me a response.

    I post here if someone will need:


    This error message occurs when an external JAR is created in another version of the IDE. The reason is because that control cap, when your application is compiled, compile everything in the folder of generation, including the previously compiled JAR file. This seems to be a bug in the tool itself, and there are a few references to this question in the BlackBerry Developer Issue Tracker below.

    BlackBerry Developer Issue Tracker


    Moving forward, the current solution to this issue is to have the JAR file built in the same version of the BlackBerry Java plug-in for Eclipse, you build your current application to breast. This is probably why you have not seen the issue in the previous iteration of the plug-in. This leads me to believe that the POT has been compiled in version 1.2 before.


    I'm looking for the source code of ksoap2 and create a project, so I can use it as an external referenced project.

    Now, all work.

    Hope it will be useful

  • Generate the ADF with Eclipse jar file


    I followed the guide to use Eclipse as the tool to develop ADF related stuff, found here:


    Everything is fine, and I've created classes, references, the flow and the pages. However, how to deploy such things in a jar file? There is an option in the JDeveloper, however, I can't find any way to do this in Eclipse? You need a profile I can use, or similar?

    The thing is that I've developed things like extensions of the IOM, and so I need to add the jar genereated file to the war file named:

    Oracle.IAM.UI.Custom - dev-starter - pack.war



    Hope someone has a clue about what to do, because I really want to use Eclipse and JDeveloper.

    Kind regards


    Looks like some doc links are broken. I found the tools Oracle ADF that describes what it takes to generate an adfLibrary in eclipse, but I don't know for what version this document is intended.


  • After a few recent updates (7 and 8) when I type a search term in the awesome bar, it doesn't automatically did a google search, it gives an error saying that firefox could not find an executable .jar file. How can I fix it?

    When I got firefox at the end of the version 3 or 4, he had the function to redirect any search I typed in the awesome bar in a google search. I loved, but recent updates it repeat myself "Firefox can't find the jar file: file: / / / C:/Program Files (x 86) /Mozilla Firefox/omni.jar!/chrome/en-US/locale/browser-region/region.propertieshello. '" How can I solve this

    Try this:

    In the address bar, type "subject: config", without the quotes


    Press the Enter key


    in the filter window, type "Keyword.url" (without the quotes)


    Double-click the 'Value' field and type "http://www.google.com/search?q=" (without the quotes)

    Thank you

    Please check 'Resolved' the answer really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

  • Need for external to Facebook, Twitter and linked in jar file

    Hi all

    Can someone tell me where I can get the external jar file or SDK for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn?

    I use OS 5.0. If any got related package that please send it through '[email protected] '.

    Thank you

    Neeraj Chauhan

    the facebook sdk is available at http://us.blackberry.com/developers/started/facebook.jsp

    for twitter, you can use twitterme with xAuth.
    oAuth also seems possible, see http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/twitter-integration/m-p/1345335#M176988 etc.

    don't know any api of the linked in.

    You can also use the search feature to find answers to questions like that.

  • Eclipse plug-in: generated files .alx file contains several versions of the OS.

    I'm using Eclipse 3.5 with BlackBerry Plugin 1.1.2.  My BlackBerry runtime environment is set to 4.2.1.  I put in my Application descriptor to generate a files .alx file.  When I package for the project, a files .alx file to be generated, but it contains sets of files for version 4.2.1 and 4.7.0:

                   PWMinder                     PWMinder Password Manager, used to store and manage you passwords.                        1.0.5                      Ewert Technologies                           Copyright (c) 2010 Ewert Technologies                                         4.2.1                                     PWMinder.cod
                                          4.7.0                                     PWMinder.cod

    I don't know why it includes 4.7.0; under the /standard directory, it only generates the .cod and other files for 4.2.1 (No 4.7.0 directory is created).   Awhile back, I've changed the runtime environment for 4.7.0, but since I turned it to 4.2.1 I assumed the .alx files is only information for 4.2.1.  He in some way remember that I used 4.7.0 in the past?

    Then this .alx files seems to be a problem when I try to use Desktop Manager to load the application on my device; Desktop Manager says: "no additional applications can be found.  Your file may have existing applications in the list of applications, or is not compatible for your device, or errors.

    The camera I use is: BlackBerry Curve 8330 v4.5.0.127 (Platform

    Running on the simulators seem to work very well.  I was able to get a previous version of my application to load on my device.

    Any thoughts?

    I had a little trouble with that at first on the new plugin but once I got the ALX options appear outside he life much more easily.  Where I thought I'd use groups and such on the BES that users that you have the right version (or no version at all), I now use the ALX.

    Having said that the necessary ALX manual change unless I was building accurate versions of the operating system, which I never do.  Basically, the ALX seems to have trouble with the concept of "install on all devices with version x and more.  There may be a way to set up in Eclipse, but it's not immediately obvious and the manual fix was easy.

    In your case, you can remove the entire section associated with 4.7 but your real problem is that tags say that the app is only for devices > = 4.2.1 and<4.2.2(exlusive).  edit="" the="" 4.2="" section="" to="" look="" like="" the="" below="" which="" is="" basically="" that="" the="" app="" is="" to="" run="" on="" 4.2.1="" and="" all="" versions="">

    Don't forget to deploy your BES with the same file structure listed in the ALX, otherwise you will also change the directory tag indicating the location of the Cod.

  • How to add the JAR files and configuration files to the CLASSPATH when running?


    During execution, I need to load JAR files and relevant config (.cfg files) and file .properties files in the CLASSPATH and run a specific one of the JAR java program that is available in the CLASSPATH.

    Please send me details of Java API or an example of java program to implement the use case above.

    Thanks in advance.

    During execution, I need to load JAR files and relevant config (.cfg files) and file .properties files in the CLASSPATH and run a specific one of the JAR java program that is available in the CLASSPATH.

    Please send me details of Java API or an example of java program to implement the use case above.

    You do not add to YOUR classpath once your application is launched.

    You create a NEW process for the application you want to run and provide an appropriate environment for it to run in-including the CLASSPATH or PATH environment variables.

    The Java API for the ProcessBuilder class has a simple example that shows how to create the arguments and to launch an external application.

    ProcessBuilder (Java SE 7 platform)

    There are also MANY other examples of the use of ProcessBuilder; just search the net.

  • Reissue and safe generation of jar files?

    Hi all.

    I was invited to recreate a link to exe files, as in:

    adrelink.sh force = y 'ad adadmin.

    Then to

    Regenerate the JAR files with FORCE option

    Regenerate forms and pll including the opening of FNDSCSGN.fmb in designer forms (f60desm) then connect to the db and select "compile all '.

    Recompile invalid objects

    Recreate a link to f60webmx (adrelink.sh force = y "fnd f60webmx") grant to recreate and synonyms recompile menus Recompile messages Ran "copy files to destinations.

    recompile the custom.pll

    As part of a SR. Is it safe to make a LIVE during opening hours system?

    Yes, I asked the analyst, I just wanted to check also with the community.

    Thank you.

    RHEL 5



    Stop application services before implementing the steps above and judge after opening hours.

    Thank you


  • reading the images and icons from jar file

    I applied the tutorial in the corner of the adf
    [read the image of the jar file | http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/learnmore/86-images-from-jar-427953.pdf]
    and deploy it in logical built-in web server
    my version Jdeveloper

    but the images did not appear
    For example: when I drag the button and try to specify icon for this button no image for the library referance

    How can I fix this problem or missing steps in the application of the link above?
    Thank you

    I just ran this tutorial recently, took a few tries but everything worked according to the instructions in the article. You should check your steps on. set install to the top of the jar, add it to the project lib reference and use "/ adf/images / ' as the value of the icon. That should be all you need to do at the moment of the conception of the image displayed when running, you need to install the pot to your embedded wls and also change your weblogic - application.Xml.

  • Product key and ISO files - 7437 Inspiron is entered without key and files when I plug it


    I bought my Inspiron 7437 in Dec 2013 in the United States (I live in the United Kingdom and it is impossible for me to reach the support the American customer) and I still have the original box with all that came with it, there was no disc (because there is no disk drive on the 7437) or anythihg with Microsoft product key.  I upgraded to 8.1 immediately without problem.

    Now for a year, I have problems with OneDrive don't no synchronization and Microsoft support suggested I upgrade to Windows 10, but they said to do, I need to "Product key of Windows 8" and "ISO" which "usually come on a CD with your laptop.  I am in contact with Microsoft technical support, we continue the process, they work on my machine remotely.

    I don't have the key, or ISO files because nothing came with the laptop initially.  Maybe it's possible to upgrade to Windows 10 without product key Windows 10 and ISO files (I have not tried) BUT I want to do like Microsoft support told me because they're trying to solve my problem of OneDrive.

    Can pls anyone suggest how to get the product key of Windows 8 and ISO files?

    Press [Windows] and [r] to bring up the Run dialog box. Type


    Press [Enter]. It will tell you the model number and BIOS version. The most recent version and all previous revisions are available here:


    The Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 media authoring tools can be used to download the .isos:



    Don't forget to check your installation of Windows basic editing and download the correct corresponding .iso image file. Ask my guides with that. You can also use the tool for creating Windows Media to perform an in place upgrade.

  • Jar file does not not - in double file source error


    I use the plugin Eclipse + BB 1.3.0 and I do a cross-platform for BB + Android app. I've extracted some of the pure java source files, no blackberry or Android specific methods or imports and put them in a jar file. I did it in eclipse by right-clicking on the project-> export-> Jar and selecting files in my project I want to add in the CONTAINER.

    Then, I deleted the files in my project, I just add in the CONTAINER so that they are only in 1 place at this stage. Then on the command line as I type:

    preverify -classpath ../lib/net_rim_api.jar myfile.jar

    Now, as I understand it, I should have a file JAR that I can use in eclipse and also the BB JDE.

    I tried to add the JAR directly to the project in Eclipse. Didn't ' work (gave the 'Module review errors'). I then created a project, assign the 'Library', adds that the POT and made 'exportable' and 'export '.

    The initial project can import the classes, but that's all!

    In eclipse, I get an error saying that there is a definition "duplicate" for one of my classes. In the console, it compiles the pot very well, but its when its compilation of the main project I get this error. But I deleted the files in the project and cleaned and refreshed, and deleted the "deliverables" folder then all *.cod and .debug files are deleted.

    Its quite frustrating!

    IF anyone can help, I would be very grateful!

    Thank you!

    Too bad
    I fixed it by adding the jar again to the main project in eclipse, and this time I just checked it in "order and export.

Maybe you are looking for