A simple query with as wrong return result


I run a simple query with like.
If I use the parameter I get incorrect results.
If I use the request without parameter results are ok.

My script:


-drop table abcd;
create table abcd (col1 varchar2 (10));

insert into abcd values ('111222');

SELECT * FROM ABCD WHERE COL1 LIKE: 1. -bad result with 12%
* 111222 *.

"Select * ABCD where col1 like 12%; -result ok

I use Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
and query, run in Oracle SQL Developer 3.1.07.

I think it's just a bug, and it is set to

DB11.2.0.1>> select * from v$version where rownum=1;

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

1 row selected.


Session altered.


Session altered.

DB11.2.0.1>> create table abcd (col1 varchar2(10));

Table created.

DB11.2.0.1>> INSERT INTO ABCD VALUES ('122222');

1 row created.

DB11.2.0.1>> insert into abcd values ('111222');

1 row created.

DB11.2.0.1>> VARIABLE A1 VARCHAR2(10);
DB11.2.0.1>> EXEC :A1 := '12%';

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



2 rows selected.

DB11.2.0.3>> select * from v$version where rownum=1;

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

1 row selected.


Session altered.


Session altered.

DB11.2.0.3>> create table abcd (col1 varchar2(10));

Table created.

DB11.2.0.3>> INSERT INTO ABCD VALUES ('122222');

1 row created.

DB11.2.0.3>> insert into abcd values ('111222');

1 row created.

DB11.2.0.3>> VARIABLE A1 VARCHAR2(10);
DB11.2.0.3>> EXEC :A1 := '12%';

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



1 row selected.

Kind regards
Sayan Malakshinov

Tags: Database

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  • Simple query with a subquery returns the result of 'bad '.

    DB version: 11.2

    We have created approximately 27 patterns in the last 4 days. The query below confirms that.
    SQL > select username, created from dba_users where created > sysdate-4;
    USERNAME                       CREATED
    ------------------------------ --------------------
    MANHSMPTOM_DEV_01              12 Jul 2012 11:55:16
    PRSM01_OAT_IAU                 13 Jul 2012 01:51:03
    F_SW                           11 Jul 2012 17:52:42
    FUN_CDD_HK_SIT                 09 Jul 2012 15:33:57
    CEMSCOMPTOM_UAT_01             12 Jul 2012 11:43:45
    STORM02_OAT_IAU                13 Jul 2012 02:06:29
    27 rows selected.  -------------> Truncated output
    DBA_TS_QUOTAS.max_bytes column, we can determine the quota of space allocated for a user/schema
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     Name                                      Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     TABLESPACE_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
     BYTES                                              NUMBER
     MAX_BYTES                                          NUMBER
     BLOCKS                                             NUMBER
     MAX_BLOCKS                                         NUMBER
     DROPPED                                            VARCHAR2(3)
    So, I wanted to see the space allocated for users created in the last 4 days. The following query should return only 27 cases because the subquery returns only 27 records. Instead, he returned 66 entries!
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    from dba_ts_quotas
    where username in (select username from dba_users where created > sysdate-4);
    No idea why? I know this isn't a bug with oracle. It's just that I didn't eat fish lately.


    J.Kiechle wrote:
    So, I wanted to see the space allocated for users created in the last 4 days.

    DBA_TS_QUOTAS does not have the space, but rather the maximum allowed for a given user.

    J.Kiechle wrote:
    The following query should return only 27 cases because the subquery returns only 27 records. Instead, he returned 66 entries!

    What happens if your user John has Quotas on 3 tablespace TBS1 and TBS3 and TBS2?
    You can't expect the outer query to retrieve only the more than 27 just line because the inner query returns 27 rows.

    For the space allocated by the storage space for newly created users, you'd better ask dba_segments. something like:

    select owner, tablespace_name, trunc(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) alloc_mb
    from dba_segments
    where owner in (select username from dba_users where created > sysdate - 4)
    group by owner, tablespace_name
    order by owner, tablespace_name;
  • results on the query with filter, but no results when the filter removed

    I was handed the query below and I may be missing something blinding here but if I run it I get no results

    SELECT lipqoh
    OF f41021 a, b f0006
    WHERE b.mcmcu = a.limcu AND
    b.mcstyl = "W";

    If I add the filter a.liitm = 105900 as data below is returned (although the inputs are 0 as expected at the moment, this isn't always the case)

    SELECT lipqoh
    OF f41021 a, b f0006
    WHERE b.mcmcu = a.limcu AND
    b.mcstyl = 'W '.
    a.liitm = 105900;

    the fields for each of the tables mentioned in the motion have the following features

    lipqoh number NULLABLE
    mcmcu Char(12 BYTE) NOT NULLABLE
    mcstyl tank (2 BYTE) NULLABLE
    liitm number NO NULLABLE

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated

    Thank you for providing feedback. The only difference seems to come from the mcstyl columns.
    The following snipplet perhaps explain how this expression may be true or not true according to the data types.

    select * from dual
    where 'W ' = cast('W' as char(2 byte));
    select *  from dual
    where cast('W ' as varchar2(2 byte)) =  'W';
    no rows found

    This statement returns all rows?

    SELECT lipqoh
    FROM f41021 a , f0006 b
    WHERE b.mcmcu = a.limcu
    AND   b.mcstyl = 'W '; /* blank added */

    I expect so. I still don't understand why oracle treats differently the two queries. However I do not have an adequate control environment. Your version is simply a bit outdated (no longer supported). And I know that some of the type conversion rules had been changed between 9i and 10g.

    Published by: Sven w. on March 30, 2010 15:15

  • Choice of the message can be changed in the table of search results Simple query region?

    Hi friends,

    I have a Simple search query region in 11i.

    I created the SearchVO and bound to the query Table Region.

    I have two attributes MessageStyleText and a MessageChoice attribute in the simple search criteria.

    Search results show very well for all attributes.

    But when I search with the criteria of MessageChoice, in the table of results, this attribute MessageChoice is indicated as editable, display the drop-down list.

    I did this attribute ReadOnly = True but then it becomes readonly in search also. So this dosent help.

    I need to this drop-down list of MessageChoice be modifiable in the search criteria, but read in the table of results.

    Please help me with the resolution. Its kinda urgent.

    Would appreciate any help.

    Thank you


    He solved.

    Added programmatically in code.

    Kept the attribute as MessageChoice in the query Table Region.

    Added to the controller

    ' Public Sub processRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


    super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean);

    OAM OAApplicationModule = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule ();

    OAMessageChoiceBean = processFlagMessageChoice

    (OAMessageChoiceBean) webBean.findChildRecursive ("AttributeId");

    processFlagMessageChoice.setReadOnly (true);


  • Not sure if I can do this with a simple query.

    CREATE TABLE primary_table (SSN VARCHAR2 (15) VARCHAR2 (30) FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (30), VARCHAR2 (20)) of the STATE;

    insert into primary_table VALUES ('111-11-1111, 'Elvis', 'Presley', 'ACTIVE');
    insert into primary_table VALUES (222-22-2222', 'Gift', 'King', 'ACTIVE');
    insert into primary_table VALUES ('33-333-3333, 'Lex', 'Harrison', 'ACTIVE');


    insert into secondary_table VALUES ('11-111-1111 ", 1 January 2011", 10);
    insert into secondary_table VALUES (' ' 222-22-2222 ", March 1, 2011", 10);
    insert into secondary_table VALUES (' ' 222-22-2222 ", June 1, 2011", 20);
    insert into secondary_table VALUES ('' 33-333-3333, January 1, 2011 ", 10);



    I created two very simple tables for this exercise. I don't know if I can do this with a simple query, or must use pl/sql.

    I want to join primary_table secondary_table of SSNand list the fields of primary_table, but only if the join returns only a line.

    In other words, I would like to create a list of data primary_table for primary_table lines that have only one line on the secondary table.


    RF25 wrote:
    CREATE TABLE primary_table (SSN VARCHAR2 (15) VARCHAR2 (30) FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (30), VARCHAR2 (20)) of the STATE;

    insert into primary_table VALUES ('111-11-1111, 'Elvis', 'Presley', 'ACTIVE');
    insert into primary_table VALUES (222-22-2222', 'Gift', 'King', 'ACTIVE');
    insert into primary_table VALUES ('33-333-3333, 'Lex', 'Harrison', 'ACTIVE');


    insert into secondary_table VALUES ('11-111-1111 ", 1 January 2011", 10);
    insert into secondary_table VALUES (' ' 222-22-2222 ", March 1, 2011", 10);
    insert into secondary_table VALUES (' ' 222-22-2222 ", June 1, 2011", 20);
    insert into secondary_table VALUES ('' 33-333-3333, January 1, 2011 ", 10);



    I created two very simple tables for this exercise. I don't know if I can do this with a simple query, or must use pl/sql.

    I want to join primary_table to secondary_table of NSSand the list of fields in the primary_table, but only if the join returns only a line.

    In other words, I would like to create a list of data primary_table for primary_table lines that have only one line on the secondary table.


    Something like...

    select p.
    from primary_table p
    where p.ssn in (select s.ssn from secondary_table s group by s.ssn having count(*) = 1)
  • join in the query with the result of a single line

    Hi all

    I have two tables
    create table item(item_id number primary key,
    item_desc varchar2(200));
    create table item_properties(item_id number references item(item_id),
    property_name varchar2(20),
    property_value varchar2(100));
    I insert the following records
    insert into items values(1,'CPU');
    insert into item_properties values(1,'RAM','2gb');
    insert into item_properties values(1,'PROCESSOR','2ghz');
    insert into item_properties values(1,'HARDDISK','2ghz');
    now I want a query that produces the following results
    item_id      RAM      PROCESSOR         HARDDISK
    1              2gb        2ghz              2TB
    How to generate this result?
    I create a query, but it generates several lines, instead I need a single line like above.
    select i.item_id,p.property_value from items i , item_properties p
    where i.item_id=p.item_id and i.item_id=1;
    Kind thanks.

    Published by: Maahjoor on May 7, 2013 12:22 AM
    select i.item_id,
           max(decode(p.property_name,'RAM',p.property_value)) ram,
           max(decode(p.property_name,'PROCESSOR',p.property_value)) processor,
           max(decode(p.property_name,'HARDDISK',p.property_value)) hd
    from items i , item_properties p
    where i.item_id=p.item_id
    and i.item_id=1
    group by i.item_id;

    Or pivot to 11g

    with details as
    select i.item_id,p.property_name,p.property_value
    from item i , item_properties p
    where i.item_id=p.item_id
    and i.item_id=1
    select *
    from details
       max(property_value) for property_name in ('RAM','PROCESSOR','HARDISK')

    Published by: JAC on May 7, 2013 13:04

  • Problem with a simple query

    Hello, I'll start by saying that I am a noob. in any case, I'm trying to do what I thought was a simple query for records that are greater or equal to the date of the day: it's my request...

    < cfquery name = "getUpcoming" datasource = 'events' >
    SELECT title, eventDate FROM event WHERE eventDate > = #Now () # ORDER BY ASC eventDate
    < / cfquery >

    It works, so, I get the records that are greater than the current date, but all records that match to are not.

    I guess that it is looking at the time as well, or should I completely wrong. I do not know? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Good reading up on top of (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7f 6f.html), which you must use when you pass dynamic values to the DB, instead of hard-coding the in your SQL string.  And when using , use a param of CF_SQL_DATE type, and must ignore the time portion of the date/time value, you pass (I'm not 100% certain of this... only about 99% certain... but give it a go).  Or spend only the date part of the date/time value in the query.  Using createOdbcDate() fact, without all the extra horsing around adding things together and using the dateFormat() attribute as the previous poster suggested.



  • How to transpose the query with the following result

    Dear all,

    Can someone tell me a method to convert my query result

    Details are provided in





    Try this
    Create a request combined with,

    criterion no. 1: model, revenue (Actual), Cogs (Actual), Opex (Actual), PL (Actual)

    in the dummy column fx enter the "Real" value

    criterion 2: model, revenue (Yago), Cogs (YAgo), Opex (Yago), PL (Yago)

    in the dummy column fx enter the value as "Yago".

    criterion 3: model, revenue (Budget), Cogs (Budget), Opex (Budget), PL (Budget)

    in the dummy column fx enter the value as 'Budget '.

    Now go to the columns of result and set names coumn (revenue, COGS, Opex, PL) for the result set.
    For the Dumny, remove column header.

    In a sheet view, you will get the result.

    Thank you

  • Query with a subquery should return a value but does not work

    When I run this SQL, it does not return value:

    SELECT vfn.cat
    OF vfn, valid_fishery vf vps_fishery_ner
    WHERE vfn.plan = vf.plan
    AND vfn.cat = vf.cat
    AND vf.permit_year = 2010
    AND vf.moratorium_fishery 't ='
    AND vfn.vp_num = 211652
    AND vfn.ap_year = 2010
    AND vfn.plan = 'MUL '.
    AND vfn.date_issued = (SELECT MAX (date_issued)
    OF vps_fishery_ner
    WHERE vp_num = 211652
    AND ap_year = 2010);

    To test, I remove the subquery and run it separately:
    SELECT MAX (date_issued)
    OF vps_fishery_ner
    WHERE vp_num = 211652
    AND ap_year = 2010;

    Returns 2 April 10

    Then I paste the date into the original query (using her TRUNCATES the function, of course, since I'm only part DDMMYY hardcode the date):

    SELECT vfn.cat
    OF vfn, valid_fishery vf vps_fishery_ner
    WHERE vfn.plan = vf.plan
    AND vfn.cat = vf.cat
    AND vf.permit_year = 2010
    AND vf.moratorium_fishery 't ='
    AND vfn.vp_num = 211652
    AND vfn.ap_year = 2010
    AND vfn.plan = 'MUL '.
    AND TRUNC (date_issued) = TO_DATE('02-APR-10');

    And returns the required value, "A".

    So why the complete query with a subquery does not work, if the value returned by the subquery is valid and works when you just pasted in there?
    Thank you.


    Maybe you should include this in the subquery as well?

    AND vfn.plan = 'MUL'
  • combine the simple search with custom search option panel (date)


    I have a simple search with AutoCustomizationCriteria Panel. The search includes the number of columns in a table. A column is of type DATE and I need to have a search interval criteria (date time) a way to 'Date From' and 'Date' to provide a date range for the search.

    Is it possible to include this type 'date' of the criteria on a panel of simple search to perform this search? Alternatively, the only way is to have a query that is run on the original Version that will build the result set based on the values fields "Date of" and ' Date to '?

    The client is reluctant to use the Advanced Search Panel.

    Thank you


    Anatoliy salvation,

    I've done this type of requirement and its a well worked.

    Please check below the code, I hope it helps.

    Create two search boxes in the control panel simple search on the page for the same date field.

    For example in the table invoice_date is only a single column, but you create two research SearchInvoiceDateFrom and SearchInvoiceDateTo

    write below the code in the controller to manage any logical date

    package rec.oracle.apps.ap.invoice.webui;

    import com.sun.java.util.collections.Vector;

    import java.io.PrintStream;

    java.sql.Date import;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OANLSServices;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;

    Import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAQueryBean;

    SerializableAttribute public class InvoiceLineSearchCO extends OAControllerImpl


    public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header$";

    public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED = VersionInfo.recordClassVersion ("$Header$", "% packagename");

    ' Public Sub processRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


    super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean);

    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule ();


    ' Public Sub processFormRequest (pageContext OAPageContext, OAWebBean webBean)


    super.processFormRequest (pageContext, webBean);

    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getRootApplicationModule ();

    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject) am.findViewObject ("InvoiceSearchVO1");  Catch the VO Page

    vo.setWhereClause (null);

    vo.setWhereClauseParams (null);

    vo.clearCache ();

    VO. Reset();

    Day convDate1 = null;

    Day convDate2 = null;

    TXN OADBTransaction = am.getOADBTransaction ();

    OAQueryBean oaquerybean = (OAQueryBean) webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive ("QueryRN");

    String InvoiceDateFrom = pageContext.getParameter ("SearchInvoiceDateFrom");

    String InvoiceDateTo = pageContext.getParameter ("SearchInvoiceDateTo");

    String currentPanel = oaquerybean.getCurrentSearchPanel ();

    If (InvoiceDateFrom! = null) {}

    JavaSqlDate1 date = txn.getOANLSServices () .stringToDate (InvoiceDateFrom);

    convDate1 = javaSqlDate1;


    If (InvoiceDateTo! = null) {}

    JavaSqlDate2 date = txn.getOANLSServices () .stringToDate (InvoiceDateTo);

    convDate2 = javaSqlDate2;


    If ((!)) ("Search".) Equals (currentPanel))) | (convDate1 == null). (convDate2 is nothing)) {



    System.out.println ("key GB Hi is Catched");

    System.out.println (convDate1);

    System.out.println (convDate2);

    Vector of parameters = new Vector (1);

    StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer (100);

    whereClause.append ("INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN: 1 AND: 2" "");

    parameters.addElement (convDate1);

    parameters.addElement (convDate2);

    vo.setWhereClause (null);

    vo.setWhereClauseParams (null);

    vo.setWhereClause (whereClause.toString ());

    Object params [] = new Object [2];

    parameters.copyInto (params);

    vo.setWhereClauseParams (params);

    vo.executeQuery ();

    vo.clearCache ();

    VO. Reset();



    Thank you


  • How can I return results based on 2 columns?

    I have had a problem and it cannot know for life. First of all, here is a series of example data that I use so you can see exactly what I'm asking.

    EmplId Effdt Effseq            

    10001 1 JANUARY 99 ' 0

    10001 1 JULY 11 ' 0

    10001 1 JULY 11 ' 1

    10001 1 JULY 11 ' 2

    10001 1 JULY 12 ' 3

    Do I have to do here is get 3 ranks. 3 rows, I need are lines 1, 4 and 5. I need rank 1 because it's a different date. I need line 5 for the same reason: it is another date. The question arises with how I can get the rank 4. The problem is that the lines 2, 3, 4, and all have the same date (effdt) effective, Developer SQL just returned one of these lines. Because these 3 rows all have the same date (effdt) effective the switch becomes the actual sequence number (effseq). When the date (effdt) effective is the same, you enter the maximum number of sequence (effseq) effective and return results of this whole line as the emplid, effdt and effseq. It seems so simple and something that you can use a subquery for, but its not as simple as that. Note, that you can specifically use the emplid = 10001 in any specific form because there are many employee also id, the lines will not be in a specific order so that you can always just grasp the lines 1, 4 and 5. Some employees may have only a single line in the database, and some may have 50 lines. Everything depends only on the combination of employee id (emplid) date (effdt) efficient and effective sequence (effseq) as the tiebreaker. Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    WITH t
         AS (SELECT 10001 emplid,
                    TO_DATE ('01-JAN-1999', 'dd-mon-yy') effdt,
                    0 effseq
               FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 10001, TO_DATE ('01-JUL-2011', 'dd-mon-yy'), 0 FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 10001, TO_DATE ('01-JUL-2011', 'dd-mon-yy'), 1 FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 10001, TO_DATE ('01-JUL-2011', 'dd-mon-yy'), 2 FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 10001, TO_DATE ('01-JUL-2012', 'dd-mon-yy'), 3 FROM DUAL)
    SELECT emplid, effdt, effseq
      FROM (SELECT t.*,
                   ROW_NUMBER ()
                      OVER (PARTITION BY emplid, effdt ORDER BY effseq DESC)
              FROM t)
     WHERE rn = 1
  • Possible BUG: af:query with several LOVs throws bitIndex exception

    Hi all

    I use the af:query for the search component and I get constantly "bitIndex < 0:-1 error" when searching on a LOV (by typing the value in the part of the LOV not using inputtext does not popup LOV).

    Installation program:

    I use Jdev with JDEVADF_11.

    Using the schema HR, I created the entity departments and a Department display object based on the entity.

    I created 2 objects of basis for the LOVs SQL view (not from entities not):

    1. view LOV departments - select * from departments
    2 view of the LOV locations - select * from places

    The two views of Lov were created using the wizard with all the default values.

    In my opinion main departments (based on the entity), I created 2 LOVs for LocationId and for DepartmentId.

    The LOV for DepartmentId returns 2 attributes, DepartmentId and DepartmentName both are mapped to the corresponding attributes in the main view of Department. (I did using the popup "Edit the list of values", in the section 'List return values').

    Finally, I dragged the "all searchable attributes" from the control panel of data to a test page, creating a group of ADF query with table

    The error:

    I type a valid service id in the LOV DepartmentId within the research section and I get the "bitIndex < 0:-1 error.» No results are returned.

    When the server running with - Djbo.debugoutput = console I see the following error messages:

    CtrlAttrs < JUCtrlValueBinding > < setInputValue > [18415]: exception caching: oracle.jbo.AttrValException: Houston-27019: the get method for attribute "DepartmentName" in the PREMISESof VIEW_USAGE_internal_vci_def_values is not resolved.
    < DCBindingContainer > < cacheException > [18416] * updated BindingContainer cache EXCEPTION: oracle.jbo.AttrValException
    < DCBindingContainer > < cacheException > [18417] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: bitIndex < 0:-1
    at java.util.BitSet.get(BitSet.java:441)
    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowStorage.getAttributeInternal(ViewRowStorage.java:1823)
    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttributeValue(ViewRowImpl.java:1962)
    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttributeInternal(ViewRowImpl.java:824)
    at oracle.adf.model.bean.DCDataRow.getAttributeInternal(DCDataRow.java:366)
    at oracle.adf.model.bean.DCCriteriaValueRowImpl.getAttributeInternal(DCCriteriaValueRowImpl.java:241)
    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttrInvokeAccessor(ViewRowImpl.java:906)
    at oracle.jbo.server.ViewRowImpl.getAttribute(ViewRowImpl.java:854)
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.internalGetAttributeValueFromRow(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:1213)
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.setTargetAttrsFromLovRow(JUCtrlListBinding.java:2799)
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.setTargetAttrsFromLovRowAndUpdateMRU(JUCtrlListBinding.java:2712)
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlLOVBinding.setInputValueInRow(FacesCtrlLOVBinding.java:1163)
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:2926)
    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlValueBinding.setInputValue(JUCtrlValueBinding.java:2889)
    to oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlSearchBinding$ AdfCriterionValues.set (FacesCtrlSearchBinding.java:3589)
    at javax.el.ListELResolver.setValue(ListELResolver.java:240)
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.AdfELResolver.setValue(AdfELResolver.java:162)
    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.AdfELResolverProxy.setValue(AdfELResolverProxy.java:71)
    at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._setValue(DemuxCompositeELResolver.java:255)

    The search works as expected if I only have a LOV attached to the main view. (if I don't have the Department LOV attached as described above everything works fine)
    If both LOVs of DepartmentLOV and LocationsLOV return a single value, the departmnetId and the locationId, without mapping any additional return attributes research as planned as well.

    This is test case the simplest I could create to reproduce the error I see in our code.

    Here is a link to my test project: [http://www.2shared.com/file/QxZJDfax/bitIndexTest.html]

    Help, please

    I'm looking for workarounds / fixes.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    Hi Sasha,

    expected to be fixed in JDeveloper

    If you have access to My Oracle Support, there are here available patch (patch 12851501).

    Kind regards


  • AF:query with additional features

    Hi all

    JDev: ( migration)

    We use the af:query component as our standard query module (seems logical).
    Thanks to the Frank Nimphius 'validation of complex area of the af:query component' on the ADF Code corner.
    It is clear, how to make the validation in an af:query component.

    What we want to do is the following: on an existing field, add an icon/link that opens a pop-up window that contains
    a taskflow, which contains a more complex query (with af:query ;-)). Must return the result of the tf
    in the field in the first part of FY: query.

    Is something like this?

    Thank you.

    Filip Huysmans.


    No, you can not


  • Problems with my actionscript form results

    It is a very simple form with an input field for e-mail and four boxes. When obtaining the results, I get the results of check boxes, but the e-mail indicates vacuum.

    I went on the code and the php of hundred times and don't see any errors. Here is the code for actionscript and php code:

    to import flash.net.URLVariables;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;

    / * Event mouseclick
    By clicking on the instance for the specified symbol performs a function in which you can add your own custom code.

    Directions for use:
    1. Add your custom code on a new line after the line that says "/ / Start your code custom" below.
    The code runs when the user clicks the symbol instance.

    submit.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);

    function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

    If (eMail.text == "") {}
    eMail.text = "Please enter your email address ';

    else {}
    Start your custom code
    create a container
    var allVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
    allVars.eMail = eMail.text;
    allVars.bead = bead.selected;
    allVars.jewelry = jewelry.selected;
    allVars.onlineNewsletter = onlineNewsletter.selected;
    allVars.sandiegoNewsletter = sandiegoNewsletter.selected;
    Send the info to the URL
    var mailAddress:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://www.southsunbeads.net/form.php");
    mailAddress.data = allVars;
    mailAddress.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    sendToURL (mailAddress);
    Thankyou. Text = "Thank you!"

    <? PHP

    Create local variables of the posted Flash ActionScript variable

    $senderEmail = $_POST ['eMail'];
    $senderNewsletter1 = $_POST ["Pearl"];
    $senderNewsletter2 = $_POST ['jewelry'];
    $senderNewsletter3 = $_POST ['onlineNewsletter'];
    $senderNewsletter4 = $_POST ['sandiegoNewsletter'];

    Strip slashes on local variables typed component software plug-in for security and run any control of error php based here

    $senderEmail = stripslashes ($eMail);
    $senderMessage = stripslashes ($senderMessage);

    IMPORTANT - change these lines to be appropriate to your needs - IMPORTANT!
    $to = " [email protected] ";            
    $from = " " [email protected] "; "
    $subject = "response of the game2."
    Modify the body of the message as you wish
    $message = "result is of the form:

    E-mail: $senderEmail
    Deal of the day of balls: $senderNewsletter1
    Deal of the day jewelry: $senderNewsletter2
    Newsletter online: $senderNewsletter3
    San Diego Newsletter: $senderNewsletter4

    $senderMessage ';
    Build $headers Variable
    $headers = "from: $from\r\n;
    $headers. = "content-type: text\r\n"
    $to = "$to";
    Send the email
    mail ($ $subject, $message, $headers);

    Assemble the message that goes back to the Flash
    The flash that actionscript is looking for a return of 'return_msg' variable it is no sendername in my form, can be simply change of generic message
    $my_msg = thank you '$senderName, all data has been sent.';
    Print the data back to flash that is patiently for her in the onCompleteHandler
    Print "return_msg = $my_msg";
    Script output
    ? >

    Thank you

    I salute you!

    In fact, the problem IS in your PHP script.

    $senderEmail = $_POST['eMail'];
    /* ... */
    $senderEmail = stripslashes($eMail);

    The last one should be:

    $senderEmail = stripslashes($senderEmail);


    Next time, put your code inside tags ...

    It will be easy for people to read your question and will improve the chances that someone will respond.

  • How can I create a query with the data control to the web service?

    I need to create a query with the order of web service data, WSDL, it is query operation, there is a message of parameter with possible query criteria and a return message contains the results. I googled but can't find anything on the query with the web service. I can't find a criterion "named" to the data control of web service as normal data control. Blog of Shay, I saw the topics on the update with the data of web service command. How can I create a query with the data control to the web service? Thank you.


    This might help

    * 054.     Search form using control data WS ADF and complex of entry types *.


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