Acquire and process multiple images

Hi, I use an acquisition card NI PCIe-1427 and tried acquisition and treatment of multiple image permanently. To be more precise, how can I extract a buffer of 4 images and perform some processing on the 4 images? For the examples, I can acquire 1000 images (or continuous), but must be extracted 4 images each time to combine them into a single image before saving the final image (on the handset). Thank you for viewing and comment. I woild appreciate if there are examples that I could learn too.

Hi sp@davis,

Did you look at This example that passes by sewing and processing of a video stream? There are tons of examples of different types of image processing on the community of NOR (like this one) If you have a type of mind-specific treatment. I hope this helps!

Tags: NI Software

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    But. The file size of the new file is strongly reduced, compared to the original. He's going from 10 MB to 500 KB (in general). Why is this? Is there a way I can help?

    Kind regards

    / Mikael Lindgren

    File size reduction is the effect of jpeg compression. In the process several files dialog, check the bottom option "convert files to the format" and choose "jpeg max quality.

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    Can someone help me?
    PS: Sorry for my bad English, I'm Spanish

    class Lector {
        // Atributos
        private String ruta;
        private static Collection<Imagen> imagenes;
         * Clase que carga un fichero .zip lleno de imagenes
         * @param ruta: ruta donde se halla el fichero .zip a cargar
        public Lector(String ruta) {
         * Constructor sin parametros
        public Lector() {
         * Metodo que setea el archivo que queremos cargar
         * @param ruta: Ruta del fichero a cargar
        public void setArchivo(String ruta) {
            this.ruta = ruta;
            imagenes = new ArrayList<Imagen>();
         * @param output: Lugar donde sera representada la salida de la carga de imagenes
         * @return retorna 1 si la carga fue bien y 0 si fue mal
         * @throws FileNotFoundException : excepcion por  no haber encontrado el fichero
         * @throws IOException: excepcion por no poder leer el fichero
        public int cargarImagenes(JTextArea output) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
            ZipEntry entrada;
            int contador = 0;
            String archTemp = "temp.jpg";
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(ruta);
            ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis));
            BufferedOutputStream dest = null;
            byte[] data = new byte[9000];
            // Leemos secuencialmente el archivo zip
            while ((entrada = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
                File bufferTemporal = new File(archTemp);
                System.out.println("Archivo " + entrada.getName() + " cargado!");
                output.append("Archivo " + entrada.getName() + " cargado!\n");
                if (!entrada.isDirectory()) {
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(bufferTemporal);
                    dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, 9000);
                    while ((contador =, 0, 9000)) != -1) {
                        dest.write(data, 0, contador);
                       //Cerramos los buffers
                    FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(bufferTemporal);
                    BufferedImage bi =;
                    //Guardamos el fichero
                    imagenes.add(new Imagen(bi, entrada.getName()));
            // Cerramos los bufferes
            return 1;
         * Funcion que carga la simagenes de dentro del .zip y las guarda en el objeto Imagen
         * @return retorna 1 si la carga fue exitosa
         * @throws FileNotFoundException: Excepcion por no encontrar el archivo
         * @throws IOException: Excepcion por no poder leer el archivo
        public int cargarImagenes() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
            ZipEntry entrada;
            int contador = 0;
            String archTemp = "temp.jpg";
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(ruta);
            ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis));
            BufferedOutputStream dest = null;
            byte[] data = new byte[9000];
            // Leemos secuencialmente el archivo zip
            while ((entrada = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
                File bufferTemporal = new File(archTemp);
                System.out.println("Archivo " + entrada.getName() + " cargado!");
                if (!entrada.isDirectory()) {
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(bufferTemporal);
                    dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, 9000);
                    while ((contador =, 0, 9000)) != -1) {
                        dest.write(data, 0, contador);
           fin = new FileInputStream(bufferTemporal);
                    BufferedImage bi =;
                    imagenes.add(new Imagen(bi, entrada.getName()));
            // Cerramos los bufferes
            return 1;
         * Funcion que retorna el array de peliculas
         * @return retorna el array de peliculas
        public Collection<Imagen> getImagenes() {
            return imagenes;
        public int saveAsGzip(String pathFichero) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(pathFichero));
         //GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(fos);
            BufferedImage temp2;
            Imagen img;
            Iterator ite = imagenes.iterator();
                img = (Imagen);
                boolean i= ImageIO.write(temp2, "JPEG", fos);
            return 1;
        public int loadAsGzip(String pathFichero) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
            FileInputStream fos = new FileInputStream(new File(pathFichero));
         //GZIPInputStream gzip = new GZIPInputStream(fos);
            BufferedImage img;
                for(int i=0;i<=100; i++){
                    if (img != null){System.out.println(img);
                    imagenes.add(new Imagen(img, String.valueOf(i)));}
           // gzip.close();
            return 1;
    Published by: sabre150 on October 28, 2010 01:43

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

    805814 wrote:
    Oh, sorry again, Ii have commented on all of the code not clear in my best English and posted the image of class:

    (sigh) OK, it's an improvement, but it is not yet an NBS! I think it would take me less time to write code that is a NBS that try to explain more (perhaps an example is better here?). In all cases, your code still seems to be mixing the two Zip and GZip. I've never dealt with GZip and could not be disturbed from now just for this problem, so I focused on using the Zip classes.

    Try this code:

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import java.util.*;
    /** SSCCE that demonstrates how to:
    1) Create some random images.
    2) Store them to a Zip File.
    3) Restore them from a Zip File
    Please study the code carefully, and note how in a single Java source of less
    than 100 lines of code, it manages to achieve the entire demo.!
    @author Andrew Thompson */
    class StoreImagesAsZip {
        static Random random;
        static int size = 60;
        public static BufferedImage getRandomImage() {
            BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(size,size,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            Graphics2D g = bi.createGraphics();
            GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint(
                new Color(random.nextInt(255),random.nextInt(255),random.nextInt(255) ),
                new Color(random.nextInt(255),random.nextInt(255),random.nextInt(255) )
            return bi;
        static public void writeImagesToZip(File file, BufferedImage[] images) throws Exception {
            OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
            ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(os);
            // Zip does nothing for otherwise compressed media formats such as JPEG and PNG
            zos.setLevel( ZipOutputStream.STORED );
            for (int ii=0; ii< images.length; ii++) {
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                ImageIO.write(images[ii], "png", baos);
                ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry( ii + ".png" );
                zos.putNextEntry( ze );
                zos.write( baos.toByteArray() );
        static public BufferedImage[] readImagesFromZip(File file) throws Exception {
            ArrayList images = new ArrayList();
            ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(file);
            Enumeration en = zipFile.entries();
            while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                ZipEntry ze = (ZipEntry)en.nextElement();
                InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(ze);
                BufferedImage bi =;
            BufferedImage[] imageArray = new BufferedImage[images.size()];
            for (int ii=0; ii

    Also note that I now invested a lot of time trying to help you. If you like what I've done, the best way to show that is on the occasion of my responses as "Helpful" or "correct". If the problem is "answered", make sure that mark also.

  • How can I get Photoshop 11 (Camera Raw 7.4) to open and process the images of my Canon 70 d CR2?

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    susank35683264 wrote:

    How can I get Photoshop 11 (Camera Raw 7.4) to open and process taken with my Canon EOS 70 d CR2 files? I downloaded camera Raw 9.2, but it doesn't connect.  The list compatible camera says that Canon EOS 70 d is compatible with CS2 files, but mine are CR2.  Any research I do just seems to run in circles.

    CR2 does not define a raw format, it is the family of Canon raw file. All Canon cameras has its own format.

    FAQ: Photoshop Elements will work with my camera, or why does not open my raw files?

    Thus, PSE11 can not be updated to the required version of ACR, 8.2.

    Version 9.2 of ACR does not work with PSE11.

    If you don't upgrade to a recent version of PSE, your free option would be to download the program of DNGconverter, mentioned in the faq above.

    This independent software is capable of converting all of a folder from your CR2 files for raw format DNG PSE11 can read and modify.

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    However, I would like to add other forms or images in this clipping mask and set the blending options. How does this in InDesign?

    Thank you!

    1. Draw or make the mask of future cliping as frame
    2. All put together that you want to be in this context.
    3. Group them
    4. Move them to the location you want them finally
    5. Cut them into your editing table
    6. Select the target image
    7. Change > passed in
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    It could be the DPI setting. Tried to turn down.

  • How do the layout and export multiple images on a single sheet of paper for printing? [was: Luke H]

    I'm something of a beginner with lightroom (and a little slow with the technology), so my question may seem Basic, but can someone tell me - is it possible to use the print module, then create a page with several photos on this topic for example a model (with different pictures of different sizes on this topic) and then export this whole (with all its photos) page as a file on my computer which means that I can take this single file to the printer, where they can print for me on one sheet? (whenever I do that he sends the photos individually, not on a page, and in their basic format without any changes that I made).

    First of all, I would advise to check with the printer to see if you have understood correctly this requirement for tiff (because most of the laboratories prefer jpg).

    If you really need bring TIFF and do have access to Photoshop or similar, you can use the function Jpg printing option as described above, save the file in jpg with a value of high quality (90 or 100) then import the jpg in LR and exporting in a 8-bit tiff (as jpg is always of 8-bit nothing would be gained by exporting a 16-bit tiff file). Loss of quality would be very small and invisible.

  • How can I resize multiple images in PSE11?

    I used PSE10 to resize multiple images by selecting the option "Process multiple Images" of the undeneath the drop down "File" menu

    I just migrated to PSE11 and this option is not available - it is greyed out and cannot be selected.

    Anyone got any suggestions? Thank you.

    In PES 11, you must be in Expert mode (the equivalent of change complete in previous versions). Click on the word "Expert" at the top of your screen, and it should be available.

  • VBAI acquire multiple images


    We work with VBAI 2012 and we want to acquire multiple images as quickly as possible one after another to decide what is best for the inspection. Is it possible to take for example 5 images one after the other, or what I call the image to acquire five times?

    Thank you


    Why not continuous use to acquire images and use 5 as the number of buffers required?

  • scan multiple images again and I don't want that he


    I have a HP Photosmart 7525.   I use the Mac OS X 10.6.8 version.  I'm analyzing my grandmother's recipes.  On some of the TI keep break them into multiple images.  How can I disable this feature.  I'm just a complete picture of each recipe when I scan one at a time.

    Thank you


    Hi Sean,.

    Please follow the steps below to resolve the problem described:
    1 open the HP utility and select your device.
    2. based on Scan Settings open the "Scan to Computer".
    3. click on the tab "scan tasks.
    4. Select the shortcut Scan allows to analyze, and then click on edit.
    5. in the section of scanning from an HP device, click the blue triangle or button view details to expand the menu.
    6. in the expanded menu now, open the drop down next to cultures in and set as none or A4.
    7. click OK and try to scan the image.

    Kind regards

  • Trigger camera to acquire multiple images

    I have a camera for Imaging Source and it captures only one image for each external trigger pulse. But I want it captures 3 images. Y at - it any idea how do?

    The Datasheet for the camera DMK 23UV024

    Steps performed so far:

    1. Generate the trigger of a datagenerator pulse and trigger the camera
    2. Developed a LabVIEW program that can capture images on the trigger
    3. I have two different images to grab for a single trigger, since the camera captures a single image for each trigger, it will create confusion as to what trigger image belongs to who. How can I solve this problem.
    4. The idea is to capture 2 images that based on 1 trigger pulse without any interference between the two images

    With a few exceptions, cameras provide an image by trigger.  There are some devices that allow you to set a registry value to capture multiple images, but you would need to have one of these cameras in the first place.

  • DPP4 will correctly process RAW images using a 70 d and Sigma 120-400 mm lens?

    Hi, I would like to buy a used Sigma 120-400 mm lens, as the cost will allow me to upgrade my Canon 300 mm f2.8 L IS lens to the mark 2 version. I also own a Canon 70-200 f4 L IS, Canon macro 100 mm f2.8 L IS, Canon 18-55 mm IS USM, Canon 70 two d cameras and a flash Canon 600 EX - RT. Unfortunately, I can't justify the purchase of a Canon 100-400 mm f4.5/6.6 L IS 11, as well as the upgrade of my 300 mm.

    I could not identify a RAW editor free alternatative of DPP-4, that will actually process RAW images from my 70 d cameras. I do not require the installation of fixed lens of DPP4.

    Jerrin1 wrote:

    Hi, I would like to buy a used Sigma 120-400 mm lens, as the cost will allow me to upgrade my Canon 300 mm f2.8 L IS lens to the mark 2 version. I also own a Canon 70-200 f4 L IS, Canon macro 100 mm f2.8 L IS, Canon 18-55 mm IS USM, Canon 70 two d cameras and a flash Canon 600 EX - RT. Unfortunately, I can't justify the purchase of a Canon 100-400 mm f4.5/6.6 L IS 11, as well as the upgrade of my 300 mm.

    I could not identify a RAW editor free alternatative of DPP-4, that will actually process RAW images from my 70 d cameras. I do not require the installation of fixed lens of DPP4.

    You can always use PLR (3 or 4) as your RAW converter when you use a Sigma lens. You just won't be able to use the digital objective Optimizer (DLO of Canon) on these files. DLO only supports Canon lenses.

    RawTherapee is a free RAW converter that should work with your 70 d, however I would recommend a few stick with DPP, if you do not need a correction of the lens. FWIW, I don't know if RawTherapee has lens correction or not in all cases.

  • How to merge multiple images into a single document and place them on the bottom

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    It is not surprising that "everyone has a different way to do this." In Photoshop that is common. Try this:

    1. open a new file large enough to accommodate five drawings.

    2. open each design, click on it in the layers panel and drag and drop it in the layers panel to the new file.

    3. Repeat until all are in the new file

    4. use the move tool to reposition. (They are on separate layers)

    5 flatten the file if you wish (but save a version not flattened for future editing)

Maybe you are looking for