Add key/value pairs to an ArrayList from a HashMap in

I'm trying to create a HashMap, loop through this hash table, and finally, I try to create an ArrayList of key/value - of the HashMap pairs - containing, in its set of value, a parameter value. I know that maybe it's a little difficult to understand, so I provided my code to make sense what I'm trying to accomplish.
package data;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

public class ProductInventory 
    private Map <String, ArrayList<String>> product;
    private ArrayList <String> buildProduct;
    private ArrayList <ArrayList<String>> addProduct;

    public ProductInventory()
        /** Set default values **/

        product = new <String, ArrayList<String>> HashMap();
        buildProduct = new ArrayList<String> ();
        addProduct = new ArrayList<ArrayList <String>> ();
        /** START - Create ArrayList for each item and add to HashMap**/

        ArrayList <String> c1 = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList <String> c2 = new ArrayList<String>();

        c1.add("computer"); c1.add("Apple"); c1.add("iPad2"); c1.add("499.00");
        c2.add("computer"); c2.add("Asus"); c2.add("Zenbook"); c2.add("1449.00");

        ArrayList <String> tv1 = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList <String> tv2 = new ArrayList<String>();

        tv1.add("television"); tv1.add("Panasonic"); tv1.add("Viera"); tv1.add("899.00");
        tv2.add("television"); tv2.add("Samsung"); tv2.add("Series 6"); tv2.add("1597.00");

        ArrayList <String> a1  = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList <String> a2 = new ArrayList<String>();

        a1.add("audio"); a1.add("Bose"); a1.add("321 GS Series III"); a1.add("999.00");
        a2.add("audio"); a2.add("Onkyo"); a2.add("HT-S3400"); a2.add("329.00"); 

        /** END - Create ArrayList for each item and add to HashMap **/

        /** Add entrys to HashMap **/



    /** For the sake of this example, the productAttribute parameter will be equal to "computer"  **/
    public void setProducts(String productAttribute)
            for (Map.Entry <String, ArrayList<String>> entry : product.entrySet()) /** Loop through all entrys in the HashMap **/
                for (String s: entry.getValue()) /** Loop through all values in HashMap**/
                    /** Add product attributes **/
                    if (s.equals(productAttribute))  /** Check to see if param exists in the value set**/
                       /** Add key to buildProduct ArrayList **/

                         /*Loop through values of the corresponding key and add to buildProduct*/
                        for (Iterator<String> i = entry.getValue().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                                Object item =; 
                        /** Add buildProduct arrayList to product arrayList **/
                        break; /** Exit nested loop**/
For the desired output, it can be assumed that the value of the productAttribute parameter is "computer."

Output current of the ArrayList addProduct:
Size of ArrayList: [2]
Content of each element:
[0] - (Size [10]
      [0] - "CMC769LLA"
      [1] - "Computer"
      [2] - "Apple"
      [3] - "iPad2"
      [4] - "499.00"
      [5] - "CUX31EDH72"
      [6] - "Computer"
      [7] - "Asus"
      [8] - "Zenbook"
      [9] - "1449.00"
[1] - (Size [10])
     /**  It includes the exact same content as element [0] **/
Desired output of the ArrayList addProduct:
Size of ArrayList: [2]
Content of each element:
[0] - (Size [5])
      [0] - "CMC769LLA"
      [1] - "Computer"
      [2] - "Apple"
      [3] - "iPad2"
      [4] - "499.00"
[1] - (Size [5])
      [0] - "CUX31EDH72"
      [1] - "Computer"
      [2] - "Asus"
      [3] - "Zenbook"
      [4] - "1449.00"
I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You have defined buildProduct and then add to it.

buildProduct = new ArrayList ();

Do this assignment at the top of each loop so that a new ArrayList is allocated.

1 buildProduct = new ArrayList () ;
2. Add your 4 things using buildProduct.add
3. Add buildProduct to your 'mother' object - addProduct.add (buildProduct);
4. loop back to step 1 and create a new arraylist to the next set of elements

Tags: Java

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    I think that it is better to use an environment variable or file to Exchange data with the guest operating system.

    If you really want the registry value,

    Good luck!

    Steve, author of the Open Source, VMware VI and vSphere SDK VI Java API

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    I think "Ivoking Basic Applications" page shows how to do this:

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    You can add/edit entries in the VMX file like this

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    $vmConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig += New-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig[0].Key= "guestinfo"
    $vmConfigSpec.extraconfig[0].Value = "whatever"
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    {   ...   {"urlculture": {"ModuleName": "urlculture", "culture": "EN"},...}

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    {{ obj | json }}
    Key: {{obj [0]}}
    Value: {{obj [1]}}
    {% endfor %}

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      "Value": "urlculture"
      "Key": "culture",
      "Value": "EN"

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    Thank you, Robert.

    This was a great find. And you'll be happy to learn that we have set and it will work in the next version (unfortunately the hotfix does not update today, we have deployed on the beta version).

    You will then be able to do things like:

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    {% endfor %}


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    I have a DB table has columns of more than 50.

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    here, I need to build block pl/sql-query, Discover the column in the table as a key and query result as values.

    Eg:     Key                         -  Value

    TASK_EVENT_ID - 1765


    ... etc until all of the columns in my table.

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    Thank you


    Here is an approach using DBMS_SQL to iterate over the columns of key / value to assign... (Little code snipped for brevity)

    create or replace procedure (task_expired)

    v_store_id in full,

    v_task_action_id in full,

    v_job_id in full



    -[SNIP code...]

    v_sql VARCHAR2 (4000): = ' select * from my_table where PK = 123';  -Your SQL here!

    v_v_val VARCHAR2 (4000);

    v_n_val NUMBER;

    v_d_val DATE;

    v_ret NUMBER;

    c NUMBER;

    d NUMBER;

    col_cnt INTEGER.

    f BOOLEAN;

    rec_tab DBMS_SQL. DESC_TAB;

    col_num NUMBER;

    vAsString VARCHAR2 (4000);


    -[SNIP code...]

    Message_properties. CORRELATION: = "EDF_EVENT";

    MSG: = SYS. AQ$ _JMS_BYTES_MESSAGE. Construct();

    Msg.set_string_property ('queueName', ' shipping/csi_cth');

    Msg.set_string_property ('MODE', 'CR8');



    d: = DBMS_SQL. Execute (c);

    DBMS_SQL. DESCRIBE_COLUMNS (c, col_cnt, rec_tab);

    1.col_cnt J


    CASE rec_tab (j) .col_type


    DBMS_SQL. DEFINE_COLUMN (c, j, v_n_val);      -Number

    WHEN 12 CAN

    DBMS_SQL. DEFINE_COLUMN (c, j, v_d_val);      -Date


    DBMS_SQL. DEFINE_COLUMN (c, j, v_v_val, 2000);   -Else treat as varchar2




    v_ret: = DBMS_SQL. FETCH_ROWS (c);

    WHEN OUTPUT v_ret = 0;

    1.col_cnt J


    -Fetch each column to the correct data type based on coltype

    CASE rec_tab (j) .col_type


    DBMS_SQL. COLUMN_VALUE (c, j, v_n_val);

    vAsString: = to_char (v_n_val);

    WHEN 12 CAN

    DBMS_SQL. COLUMN_VALUE (c, j, v_d_val);

    vAsString: = to_char (v_d_val, ' DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS');


    DBMS_SQL. COLUMN_VALUE (c, j, v_v_val);

    vAsString: = v_v_val;


    Msg.set_string_property (rec_tab (j) .col_name, vAsString);




    DBMS_AQ. ENQUEUE (queue_name-online 'cbus.aqjms_common',

    Enqueue_options => Enqueue_options,

    Message_properties => Message_properties,

    Payload-online msg,

    Msgid => Message_handle);

    dbms_output.put_line ('00 Msgid =' |) Message_handle);


    -[SNIP code...]



  • Key value pair relational table - cross tab / pivot out?

    I have a Table of KVP and the structure is ID, Key, Value and this is the sample values...

    Table with values

    ID, Key, Value
    1, AGE GROUP, 10
    1, TRAVEL, Y
    2, AGE GROUP, 20
    2, TRAVEL, N

    I want to turn it these date like below (output)

    1, TRUE, 10, Y
    2, FALSE, 20 N

    I read on analysis crossroads/pivot - but not able to make a query that can give me the output above. The structure of the table cannot be changed...! My bad.

    Is it possible in sql, to do my output to look like above?

    It is possible if you know all the possible values for the KEY:

    with t as (
               select 1 id,'STATUS' key,'TRUE' val from dual union all
               select 1,'AGE GROUP','10' from dual union all
               select 1,'TRAVEL','Y' from dual union all
               select 2,'STATUS','FALSE' from dual union all
               select 2,'AGE GROUP','20' from dual union all
               select 2,'TRAVEL','N' from dual
    select  id,
            max(case key when 'STATUS' then val end) status,
            max(case key when 'AGE' then val end) age,
            max(case key when 'AGE GROUP' then val end) "AGE GROUP",
            max(case key when 'TRAVEL' then val end) travel
      from  t
      group by id
    ---------- ------ ----- --------- ------
             1 TRUE         10        Y
             2 FALSE        20        N

    If you are on 11g, you can use the PIVOT, but again, he must know the columns resulting from the outset.

    Another thing, you could do is to return a list CSV key of all the values in a column using STRAGG (or LISTAGG if you are on 11.2), hierarchical queries, XML or WM_CONCAT without papers.


  • How can I navigate another feature of a local html and remote html url and transmit data or the key, value pair?


    I'm trying to integrate a local html file and a remote url base html file MAF 2.0.1 based app. I want to access another device (based amx) on click of a button on the html pages. How can I achieve the same?

    Already tried with the below which fails with call javascript directly on the page html itself.


    <! DOCTYPE html >

    < html >

    < head >

    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = windows-1252 "/ >"

    Home < title > < /title >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    document.addEventListener ("deviceready", callfeature, false);

    function callfeature() {}

    Alert ("callfeature called to map"); ("sni.gps.demo.locationFeature", function (req, res) {})

    Alert ("full gotoFeature");


    function (req, res) {}

    Alert ("gotoFeature failed with" + (res));


    Alert ("callfeature called to map closed");


    < /script >

    < / head >

    < body >

    Simple mobile Web Page < h1 > < / h1 > < form method = "get" >

    < input id = "ip1" name = "name" / >

    <!-a href = "mycustomurlscheme://somedata" id = "myurl" > map < / a->

    < button type = "button" id = 'mybtn' name = "gpsbtn" onclick = "callfeature ()" >

    go to the feature

    < / button >

    < / make >

    < / body >

    < / html >


    update to 2.1 MAF gives you , that can be added to HTML files the and remote access to the MAF since JavaScript API. Deepak mentioned "" and I can confirm it works HTML distance (and so it should be using local HTML). For the transmission of data, not sure whether the request URL object it. I would try here EL referencing a managed bean of application-scope defined in the scope of application (?). I tried beans controlled but so far has not tried to access the managed beans to a feature local or remote HTML using EL (although the EL is here)


  • How to read file(key-value) in OSB properties?


    I have a scenario in which I have to read a few properties(key-value) in a file. Former entire code was developed in java and it is easy to read the java properties file.
    But now I need to implement this in OSB and performance is a crucial element in this project.

    I followed DVM approached defined in and

    But it did not work. I have hundreds of properties (key-value pairs) to read and must transmit it to the service of the company and with the intervention of the proxy service.

    What is the best approach for this (can't go to db call performance being very critical)?

    Thank you

    Hello Francois,.

    XPath in the action assign OSB should be like -

    $DVMVar / ns1:rows[1]/ns1:row[1]/ns1:cell[1]/text()

    where DVMVar is the content below -




    Kind regards

  • How to combine the large number of tables of pair key / value in a single table?

    I have a pair key / value tables of 250 + with the following features

    (1) keys are unique within a table but may or may not be unique in the set of tables
    (2) each table has about 2 million lines

    What is the best way to create a single table with all unique key-values of all these paintings? The following two queries work up to about 150 + tables
      t1 as ( select 1 as key, 'a1' as val from dual union all
              select 2 as key, 'a1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'a2' as val from dual )
    , t2 as ( select 2 as key, 'b1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'b2' as val from dual union all
              select 4 as key, 'b3' as val from dual )
    , t3 as ( select 1 as key, 'c1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'c1' as val from dual union all
              select 5 as key, 'c2' as val from dual )
    select coalesce(t1.key, t2.key, t3.key) as key
    ,      max(t1.val) as val1
    ,      max(t2.val) as val2
    ,      max(t3.val) as val3
    from t1
    full join t2 on ( t1.key = t2.key )
    full join t3 on ( t2.key = t3.key )
    group by coalesce(t1.key, t2.key, t3.key)
      master as ( select rownum as key from dual connect by level <= 5 )
    , t1 as ( select 1 as key, 'a1' as val from dual union all
              select 2 as key, 'a1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'a2' as val from dual )
    , t2 as ( select 2 as key, 'b1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'b2' as val from dual union all
              select 4 as key, 'b3' as val from dual )
    , t3 as ( select 1 as key, 'c1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'c1' as val from dual union all
              select 5 as key, 'c2' as val from dual )
    select m.key as key
    ,      t1.val as val1
    ,      t2.val as val2
    ,      t3.val as val3
    from master m
    left join t1 on ( t1.key = m.key )
    left join t2 on ( t2.key = m.key )
    left join t3 on ( t3.key = m.key )

    A couple of questions, then a possible solution.

    Why the hell you have 250 + tables pair key / value?

    Why the hell you want to group them in a table containing one row per key?

    You could do a pivot of all the tables, not part. something like:

      t1 as ( select 1 as key, 'a1' as val from dual union all
              select 2 as key, 'a1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'a2' as val from dual )
    , t2 as ( select 2 as key, 'b1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'b2' as val from dual union all
              select 4 as key, 'b3' as val from dual )
    , t3 as ( select 1 as key, 'c1' as val from dual union all
              select 3 as key, 'c1' as val from dual union all
              select 5 as key, 'c2' as val from dual )
    select key, max(t1val), max(t2val), max(t3val)
    FROM (select key, val t1val, null t2val, null t3val
          from t1
          union all
          select key, null, val, null
          from t2
          union all
          select key, null, null, val
          from t3)
    group by key

    If you can do it in a single query, Union all 250 + tables, you don't need to worry about chaining or migration. It may be necessary to do this in a few passes, depending on the resources available on your server. If so, I would be inclined to first create the table, with a larger than normal free percent, making the first game as a right inset and other pass or past as a merger.

    Another solution might be to use the approach above, but limit the range of keys with each pass. So pass we would have a like predicate when the key between 1 and 10 in every branch of the union, pass 2 would have key between 11 and 20, etc. In this way, everything would be straight inserts.

    That said, I'm going back to my second question above, why the hell you want or need to do that? What is the company you want to solve. There could be a much better way to meet the requirement.


  • Using XML as a pair key / value in OSB 11 g

    Hi all

    I made a new Test project. There are only 2 files:
    1 proxies - that contain proxy services
    2 xml - containing XMLs

    An example of XML (XML name - TestXML) present in the xml file:

    < valueDetails >
    ABC < key1 > < / key1 >
    < > 123 key2 < / key2 >
    a12s < key3 > < / key3 >
    < / valueDetails >

    I want to use in the pipeline of proxy as key-value property services. How do I get there?

    I use OSB 11 GR 1 material.

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards

    Save the XML as a resource of xquery to the osb. Then, use an entitled action for load in the pipeline. For example affect XQuery resources KeyPairsXML to $keypairs. After this $keypairs will be your xml and appropriate xpath allows to recover the key you want,

  • Trigger - use one to create primary key values

    I'm stuck on a simple use to do a TRIGGER that fires when you add new rows to a table and want to Developer SQL to add the primary key value.

    I seem to be able to relax, but it is not inserted the primary key but giving a SQL error: ORA-00947: not enough values.

    Here's what I have.

    CREATE TABLE HF_fishers


    contact_id INT NOT NULL

    , name VARCHAR (25)

    , last_name VARCHAR (35)

    PRIMARY KEY (contact_id)


    CREATE SEQUENCES HF_fishers_seq.

    Then I ran the following trigger:


    HF_fishers_seq_trigger RELAXATION


    ON HF_fishers



    IF (: new.contact_id IS NULL)


    : NEW.contact_id: = NVL (: NEW.contact_id)

    HF_fishers_seq. NEXTVAL


    END IF;

    END HF_fishers_seq_trigger;


    Then I executed the following SQL statement that gives the error.

    INSERT INTO HF_fishers VALUES('Jacob','Muller');

    But if I do everything is good except that it defeats the purpose of relaxation.

    INSERT INTO HF_fishers VALUES(1,'Jacob','Muller');

    MySQL has a nice 'AUTO_INCREMENT' command, but from what I understand in Oracle, I need to set up a trigger to automatically increment a column/cell, which in this case I use for the PRIMARY KEY.

    3003916 wrote:

    OK Jaramillo, I tried as you wrote, but what would be an INSERT statement correct?

    -After the code trigger of Jaramillo

    INSERT INTO HF_fishers (first_name, last_name) values ("Jesse", "Owens"); -I have the trigger but he made the mistake of duplicate key.

    INSERT INTO HF_fishers values (hf_fishers_seq.nextval, 'Jesse', "Owens");  -No trigger but get key duplicated,.

    INSERT INTO HF_fishers VALUES(:NEW_contact_id,'Jesse','Ownes'); -works without the trigger but the "get links" dialog box appears. So not much 'automatic' on this issue,.

    My mistake.  Here is the modified version of the trigger. I removed the CONDITIONAL clause and comes to be a part of the body of the trigger.

    So, I created the table, the sequence, the relaxation and ran the first two insert statements and it worked fine.  The third one you have invites SQL + or any tool you use to enter a value if she sees the ":" colon as a variable binding.  Colon only works in a trigger without asking for confirmation.

    Here is the code and my exit I ran home

    DROP SEQUENCE hf_fishers_seq;
    CREATE TABLE hf_fishers
    contact_id   INTEGER NOT NULL
    ,first_name   VARCHAR(25)
    ,last_name    VARCHAR(35)
    ,PRIMARY KEY (contact_id)
    CREATE SEQUENCE hf_fishers_seq;
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER hf_fishers_seq_trigger
       ON hf_fishers
       IF(:NEW.contact_id IS NULL) THEN
          :NEW.contact_id := hf_fishers_seq.NEXTVAL;
       END IF;
    END hf_fishers_seq_trigger;
    INSERT INTO hf_fishers(first_name, last_name)
         VALUES ('Jesse', 'Owens');  -- Works with the trigger
    INSERT INTO hf_fishers
         VALUES (hf_fishers_seq.nextval, 'Jesse', 'Owens');  --Works without using the trigger body code.
    SELECT *
      FROM hf_fishers;

    The output

    Deleted table.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.05

    Sequence has fallen.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.02

    Table created.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.03

    Order of creation.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.02

    Trigger created.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:01.05

    1 line of creation.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.04

    1 line of creation.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.01


    ---------- ------------------------- -----------------------------------

    1 Jesse Owens

    2 Jesse Owens

    2 selected lines.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.04

    Validation complete.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.01

  • With the help of several key values to find the data

    Hello, it's me again.

    I had a question out about data from database and display them on a page of the ADF on Jdev

    And Mr. Daniel Atwood answered my question with this blog to follow, that wrote.

    But I have another question on top that.

    The Mr.Atwood example is when using a value of key 'one', what happens if I have two key values, how to set?

    Here are some details:

    I have a table like this

    ID Type_code name
    0001 05 a-blabla
    0002 b 25-blabla
    0002 26 b-blabla
    0003-08 c-blabla
    0003 25 c-blabla
    0003 c 79-blabla

    What I want to do is after the entry of the ID (0003) and type_code (25), he will show me the result on three components of text entry in the ADF with the value 0003, 25 page and c-blabla.

    Currently, I use only ID to query the data, but I would use two key values to find specific data.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to think about it,



    If you had multiple values to use for the request, one approach would be to create a display object. Whether you are creating the view object, in step 6, you will add two bind variables. Call a "pTypeCode" and call the other "pId". Click on the back button so that you're still in step 5, and modify the WHERE clause as follows:

    (ID = :pId) and (Type_code = :pTypeCode)

    After you have done this, double-click the Module of the Application and add your new view object. In the tab control of data, click the Refresh button. Expand your new view object tab of data control-> expand "French"-> note that you now have a new method called "ExecuteWithParams".

    Open your workflow diagram-> delete your existing "SetCurrentRowKeyValues" method-> made slide on your new "ExecuteWithParams" operation on the diagram. When you do so, you should see two settings you need to complete the dialog box. Just as you did before with the SetCurrentRowKeyValue method, set the values for the pTypeCode and the nest.

    Add the case of control flow of the new method to your existing view-> make the new method, the default value.

    On your form, remove the fields that have been placed here who uses the old object from view. On the tab of data control, drag the fields you want to be placed on the inside of your new view object form.


  • Add the value of point two apex and display the result in another part of the apex


    I need to make the addition of the two item values using apex.item.text and find the result in another apex.item.text.

    For example:
    apex_item. Text(1,null) ONE
    apex_item. Text(2,null) TWO
    apex_item. Text(3,null) RESULT
    please suggest me

    Thank you

    No it does not add the two values in the column, user key to enter the value, it must add the value of the item and displays the result in a dynamic way. Need a suggestion for using javascript
    This requirement was not not clear in the op.

    See the demo of Denes Kubicek.

    This topic is discussed far too often. Have you tried to Oracle Application Express (APEX) and adapting one of the many examples of LoV cascading to your situation?

    See you soon,.

    PS: Tip:
    Look for the p_item_id and p_attributes of the APEX_ITEM API parameters.
    You can call JS functions for example using p_attribute

    p_attributes => 'onchange="doTotal(this);"', /* doTotal being your JS Function */

    Published by: Dominic August 16, 2012 11:52

  • How to use Boolean as a constant push to add more values

    Hello everyone, I am trying to use a Boolean OK button and a constant to do something similar to the calculator project that I read in other posts. I scored $1.00, $0.25, button...  So now.  I just want to add the value of an indicator whenever I press the button.

    Is the closest I can get is displayed while I hold the button in and it goes to 0 as I realese it. I want that it add up every time his press.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Kevin, this is Paul of engineering Applications at OR.  Try something like in my attachment.  You can use instructions of type of case to determine if a key has been pressed, and then assign this case real value.  Good luck with it


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