Asking hatred but... Labels on the constants are boring

I knowthis should be pretty obvious, but I can't find to change the label not constants default behavior when they are generated.  Became very boring.  To 2013.

Need help before I shot the rest of my hair

Thank you

Options | Environment - show created constant labels

Tags: NI Software

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    If you already haven't, physically move your songs in the same folder, delete your old library and build a replacement.

    See you soon,.
  • I have the file calendar.html, it works fine in IE & crome but in firefox the hyperlinks are not active... can someone help me please...

      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> 
      <script language="JavaScript">
     var dDate = new Date();
     var dCurMonth = dDate.getMonth();
     var dCurDayOfMonth = dDate.getDate();
     var dCurYear = dDate.getFullYear();
     var objPrevElement = new Object();
     var objPrevCalDateText = new Object();
     function fToggleColor(myElement) {
      var toggleColor = "#0000ff";
      if ( == "calDateText") {
       if (myElement.color == toggleColor) {
        if (myElement.innerText == dCurDayOfMonth && frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value == dCurYear && frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value == dCurMonth+1) {
         myElement.color = "red";
        else {
         myElement.color = "";
       else {
        myElement.color = toggleColor;
      else if ( == "calCell") {
       for (var i in myElement.children) {
        if (myElement.children[i].id == "calDateText") {
         if (myElement.children[i].color == toggleColor) {
          if (myElement.innerText == dCurDayOfMonth && frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value == dCurYear && frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value == dCurMonth+1) {
           myElement.children[i].color = "red";
          else {
           myElement.children[i].color = "";
         else {
          myElement.children[i].color = toggleColor;
     function fSetSelectedDay(myElement){
      if ( == "calCell") {
       if (!isNaN(parseInt(myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText))) {
        myElement.background = "images/cal_cell_down.gif";
        objPrevElement.background = "images/cal_cell_up.gif";
        document.all.calSelectedDate.value = parseInt(myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText);
        objPrevElement = myElement;
          if(frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value < 10)
           sMonth = "0" + frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value
           sMonth = frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value
          if(myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText < 10)
           sDay = "0" + myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText
           sDay = myElement.children["calDateText"].innerText
          window.returnValue = sMonth + sDay + frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value
     function fGetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear) {
      var dPrevDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, 0);
      return dPrevDate.getDate();
     function fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth, iDayStyle) {
      var aMonth = new Array();
      aMonth[0] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[1] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[2] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[3] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[4] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[5] = new Array(7);
      aMonth[6] = new Array(7);
      var dCalDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth-1, 1);
      var iDayOfFirst = dCalDate.getDay();
      var iDaysInMonth = fGetDaysInMonth(iMonth, iYear);
      var iVarDate = 1;
      var i, d, w;
      if (iDayStyle == 2) {
       aMonth[0][0] = "Sunday";
       aMonth[0][1] = "Monday";
       aMonth[0][2] = "Tuesday";
       aMonth[0][3] = "Wednesday";
       aMonth[0][4] = "Thursday";
       aMonth[0][5] = "Friday";
       aMonth[0][6] = "Saturday";
      else if (iDayStyle == 1) {
       aMonth[0][0] = "Sun";
       aMonth[0][1] = "Mon";
       aMonth[0][2] = "Tue";
       aMonth[0][3] = "Wed";
       aMonth[0][4] = "Thu";
       aMonth[0][5] = "Fri";
       aMonth[0][6] = "Sat";
      else {
       aMonth[0][0] = "Su";
       aMonth[0][1] = "Mo";
       aMonth[0][2] = "Tu";
       aMonth[0][3] = "We";
       aMonth[0][4] = "Th";
       aMonth[0][5] = "Fr";
       aMonth[0][6] = "Sa";
      for (d = iDayOfFirst; d < 7; d++) {
       aMonth[1][d] = iVarDate;
      for (w = 2; w < 7; w++) {
       for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        if (iVarDate <= iDaysInMonth) {
         aMonth[w][d] = iVarDate;
      return aMonth;
     function fDrawCal(iYear, iMonth, iCellWidth, iCellHeight, sDateTextSize, sDateTextWeight, iDayStyle) {
      var myMonth;
      myMonth = fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth, iDayStyle);
      document.write("<table border='0' width='280' cellspacing='0' bordercolorlight='#808080' bordercolordark='#808080'>")
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][0] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][1] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][2] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][3] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][4] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][5] + "</td>");
      document.write("<td align='center' style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT: bold'>" + myMonth[0][6] + "</td>");
      for (w = 1; w < 7; w++) {
       for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        document.write("<td background='images/cal_cell_up.gif' align='left' valign='top' width='" + iCellWidth + "' height='" + iCellHeight + "' id=calCell style='CURSOR:Hand' onMouseOver='fToggleColor(this)' onMouseOut='fToggleColor(this)' onclick='fSetSelectedDay(this)'>");
        if (!isNaN(myMonth[w][d])) {
         document.write("<font id=calDateText onMouseOver='fToggleColor(this)' style='CURSOR:Hand;FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:" + sDateTextSize + ";FONT-WEIGHT:" + sDateTextWeight + "' onMouseOut='fToggleColor(this)' onclick='fSetSelectedDay(this)'>" + myMonth[w][d] + "</font>");
        else {
         document.write("<font id=calDateText onMouseOver='fToggleColor(this)' style='CURSOR:Hand;FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:" + sDateTextSize + ";FONT-WEIGHT:" + sDateTextWeight + "' onMouseOut='fToggleColor(this)' onclick='fSetSelectedDay(this)'> </font>");
     function fUpdateCal(iYear, iMonth) {
      myMonth = fBuildCal(iYear, iMonth);
      objPrevElement.bgColor = "";
      document.all.calSelectedDate.value = "";
      objPrevCalDateText.color = ""
      for (w = 1; w < 7; w++) {
       for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        if (!isNaN(myMonth[w][d])) {
         if (myMonth[w][d] == dCurDayOfMonth && iYear == dCurYear && iMonth == dCurMonth+1){
          calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7].color = "red"
          objPrevCalDateText = calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7]
         calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7].innerText = myMonth[w][d];
        else {
         calDateText[((7*w)+d)-7].innerText = "";
     <script id=clientEventHandlersJS language=javascript>
    function Select1_onblur() {
     <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
      <script language="JavaScript" for="window" event="onload">
      var dCurDate = new Date();
      frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.options[dCurDate.getMonth()].selected = true;
      for (i = 0; i < frmCalendar.tbSelYear.length; i++)
       if (frmCalendar.tbSelYear.options[i].value == dCurDate.getFullYear())
        frmCalendar.tbSelYear.options[i].selected = true;
      <form name="frmCalendar" method="post" action="">
       <input type="hidden" name="calSelectedDate">
       <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
          <select name="tbSelMonth" onchange='fUpdateCal(frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value, frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value)'
           style='FONT-FAMILY:Verdana;FONT-SIZE:12px;FONT-WEIGHT:normal' id="Select1" onblur="return Select1_onblur()">
           <option value="1" selected>January</option>
           <option value="2">February</option>
           <option value="3">March</option>
           <option value="4">April</option>
           <option value="5">May</option>
           <option value="6">June</option>
           <option value="7">July</option>
           <option value="8">August</option>
           <option value="9">September</option>
           <option value="10">October</option>
           <option value="11">November</option>
           <option value="12">December</option>
          <select name="tbSelYear" onchange='fUpdateCal(frmCalendar.tbSelYear.value, frmCalendar.tbSelMonth.value)'
           <option value="1998">1998</option>
           <option value="1999">1999</option>
           <option value="2000">2000</option>
           <option value="2001">2001</option>
           <option value="2002">2002</option>
           <option value="2003">2003</option>
           <option value="2004">2004</option>
           <option value="2005">2005</option>
           <option value="2006">2006</option>
           <option value="2007">2007</option>
           <option value="2008">2008</option>
           <option value="2009">2009</option>
           <option value="2010">2010</option>
           <option value="2011">2011</option>
           <option value="2012" selected>2012</option>
           <option value="2013">2013</option>
           <option value="2014">2014</option>
           <option value="2015">2015</option>
          <script language="JavaScript">
          <!--  -->
           var dCurDate = new Date();
           fDrawCal(dCurDate.getFullYear(), dCurDate.getMonth()+1, 30, 30, "12px", "normal", 1);
           fUpdateCal(dCurYear, dCurMonth+1)

    At least, you will need to use style.color = "#0000ff" instead of color.

    Document.all is not in Firefox, so use getElementById() to deal with specific items.

    A good place to ask for advice on web development is to the 'Web Standards Development/evangelism' MozillaZine forum.

    Aid to this forum are better informed on issues related to web development.

    You must register on MozillaZine forum site to post in this forum.

  • The folder "inbox" for one of my email accounts where does not appear on the screen, but all of the messages are there, and I can click on each one to see...

    I've seen other people having this problem too and their problem solved by using the link "file repair". I tried this also - no effect...

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    I don't have this problem with one of my email accounts has seven. All the others work fine, and this is also several weeks until what stopped it a few days ago.

    Restarting the computer does not help.

    I use Ubuntu 14.04 as the operating system.

    Try this:

    Select the Inbox that shows an invisible list.
    Click the icon of choice of right column header and select 'Reset columns by default'.

    It worked?

  • Drupal 7 and blogger do not work correctly on Firefox but on IE; the problems are quite specific; new problem.

    New problems on Drupal 7 and blogger who agree on IE. In Blogger, if I try to reply to a comment, I get a new window into the comments box that contains a new iteration of my Blogger template that I can't use. In Drupal 7, there are at least two modules that do not work correctly: the CKEditor GUI does not work and the filter of the Module does not work correctly. There is no error message, and the two modules work fine on IE and Chrome.
    There is nothing on the web that suggests or either of these Web sites is to have this kind of problems.
    Thanks for any help.
    David Hilfiker

    Hi david.hilfiker,
    Thank you for your question, I understand that this is happening on two sites. If this is not the case on other people's computers please try a restart of Firefox.
    The reset Firefox feature can solve a lot of problems in restaurant Firefox to its factory default condition while saving your vital information.

    Note: This will make you lose all the Extensions and preferences.

    • Sites Web open is not recorded in less than 25 versions of Firefox.

    To reset Firefox, perform the following steps:

    For Firefox versions prior to 29,0:

    1. Go to Firefox > help > troubleshooting information.
    2. Click on the "Reset Firefox" line


    3. Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is finished, it will display a window with the imported information. Click Finish.
    4. Firefox opens with all the default settings applied.

    For Firefox 29,0 and above:

    1. Click the menu button

      click Help

      and select troubleshooting information. Now, should open a new tab containing your troubleshooting information.

    2. At the top right of the page, you should see a button that says "Reset Firefox"

      . Click on it.

    3. Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is finished, it will display a window with the imported information. Click Finish.
    4. Firefox opens with all the default settings applied.

    Information can be found in the article Firefox Refresh - reset the settings and Add-ons .

    This solve your problems? Please report to us!

    Thank you.

  • Vista will not format or remove windows from my c drive I need is no longer. He's always asking permissions, but I'm the only Admin

    • I have partitioned my hard drive incorrectly. I installed Vista on a partition that was too small. Then I installed another version of Vista on a different partition larger. Now I want to remove the small but it won't let me.

    Follow the news of removal on the link above.

    You should have 2 Partitions with different drive letters, if configure you it correctly.

    It would be a better idea to start over and reinstall vista, do a custom install, removing the two partitions and then reinstalling Vista the correct way.

    Read the info below:

    A tutorial on the use of a clean install

    Super Guide Windows Vista Installation

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • Darken the entire photo but to create the highlighted area

    Hi all

    I know this is probably very simple but...

    What is the best way to go for a photo for, say 50% opaque layer and then create a rounded rectangle or circle which is 100% transparent (so the image under/through the circle/layer looks like 100% light?)

    I want to create an image where a small piece is light at 100% but the rest of the image is much darker.


    Frank W

    You can add an adjustment layer that could darken your entire image to as dark as you like. Once you have that layer target of the adjustment layer mask layer and paint with paint black low opacity on the box of the desired highlight image

  • W centering Spry menu bar / left + right, but not in the bar area?

    Hi - I am in Dreamweaver 5, trying to focus a Spry menu bar (from model column 1, header / footer) and put a margin, or equal space on the left and right of the full menus bar, but don't not spacing between the individual elements of the bar.  Can anyone let me know where I could adjust in the Spry Menu Bar Style sheets, or if it is possible?

    Thank you very much!

    It would be good to see the code and css, but yes, you will need to insert the menu

      in its own container and the container of the give a specific width.

      What makes the working solution I provided is margin: 0 auto; Located on the ul for the menu css. This centers the

        in its container.

        Just tested and it does not really matter if the

          is in a container fixed to a width specific because thethe page will act as its parent container... so, you must have the css not adjusted upwards.

          I'm about to leave my office for the night... but I'm sure someone else will help you solve the problem... they need to see your code and css.

  • New Application appears in the list of tasks of the sidebar, but not in the main area

    Sometimes, when I create a new application, it does not appear in my primary list of Applications.

    But it is available through the recent list in the sidebar.

    It is not a matter of having a 2nd page of apps, but it's not (that is to say, at the bottom of the region in the list, it shows 1-2 of 2 lines.

    No idea why this is happening and how to change?

    I looked through the Application Builder defaults, developer preferences, etc. of the user interface by default, but I don't see any setting to implementation.

    Thank you
    Marion in New York

    Make sure that the 'Application' search box on the Application Builder page is empty.


  • Beginner: How to set the label of the digital control programmatically?

    I have a digital control and I want to put the labels (and unit) programmatically. I've created a property for the text of the label node, and then it changed to a knot of Scripture. For now I have just son a constant in this property. When running I get the error "input unit is not compatible with the current unit." However, the property and the constant are strings "roses." Is what I'm trying to do possible? My apologies in advance for a noob question.

    You will not be able to change the value of the property label programmatically. Here is an article in the knowledge base that explains this and a way around:

    Programmatically change the label for a control or the indicator in LabVIEW

  • Imported photos and delete from the iPhone are confused - I can fix?

    I imported the photos taken with the Photos app on my iPhone 5, with "Remove items after importing" lit. But in pictures the pictures are not good: the photo was cropped in half, if that makes sense, with this half duplicated and that appears twice and a thin line grey narrow between duplicates. And a tiny tiny version of the picture properly, appears at the top of this thin grey line. Thus, for example, that if a photo needs to be "XO", it's rather "XX", with a tiny version of XO appearing at the top of the grey line in the middle of the XX.

    This did not happen for all the photos I just imported, only about half of them; and the system then told me some pictures could not be imported due to an error. I then tried to import the remaining pictures once again, and they are fine.

    The originals have been removed from the iPhone - can I somehow fix those images? Does anyone else have this problem?

    And I guess that's a warning against "remove items after the import. I've never had a problem with this before.

    Thanks in advance!

    Are only thumbnails in Explorer corrupted, or the photo also shared in two, if you click on it to enlarge?

    If the enlarged photo is fine, try to recreate thumbnails by rotating the photo back. You can select several photos at once and click on ⌘R, the ⌥⌘R.

    Try to open the photo in edit mode and try to "Return to the original", if it is available.

    You have a recent backup of iTunes to your iPhone? The pictures of the camera should be included in the backup, if you don't use icloud.

    If you can not fix the pictures imported by turning, try to restore your iPhone to the latest backup to restore the camera.

  • The files are not available on Binatone eReader


    card micro sd for e readers

    I copied all my books from my laptop on a micro sd card when I put it in my ereader (binatone) it is empty, I tried to put back on the micro sd chip, but he said the files are already on and I want to copy or files to change what can be


    You can try to contact the eBook readers Support Binatone for help.

    Binatone Questions / Help

    You can also consult with the card reader which can help you in the matter of fixing.

    Hope this information helps.

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    I had the teacher edition, but never received an email with the details of the product, etc. and the products are not installed (they ask for product key, etc)... What are you doing?


    did you purchase your product of these companies like Amazon? If Yes, this isn't a serial number, only a code with which you can request a serial number from Adobe. Please take a look at (Start here: How did you purchase your product?)

    The next part, so I don't see at the very least, ceased to exist on my Adobe website, everything happens in the link above. I leave as an info yet, he could still fit for you. For this purpose, please click your way through your Adobe Store and find the button "get serial number". Fill in the form and after awhile, you will get the real serial number.


  • Label of the ASM to name of LUN mapping; Are not even necessary device names when you use ASMLib?

    = Environment details start =.

    OS: Oracle Linux 6.4

    Version Infra grid:

    Storage: EMC VMAX

    ASM Lib version:

    # rpm - qa | grep oracleasm

    oracleasm-support - 2.1.8 - 1.el6.x86_64

    oracleasmlib - 2.0.4 - 1.el6.x86_64

    oracleasm version came not in rpm-qa output may be because it is part of the Oracle Linux kernel. But the 2 components above are not

    = Environment details end =.

    We have a 2 node RAC cluster.

    We wanted to add 2 LUNS to our data Diskgroup and asked team storage available to both nodes of the cluster.

    After that they provided, the Linux Admin scanned the LUN and powerpath device names were generated. The powerpath device names like SCSI logic unit number names are incremented sequentially. Because, two additional powerpath LUN used to Node1 to a local file system, the names of powerpath were incrementing differently in the two nodes.

    Thus, for the same LUNS emcpowerpath names differed in Node2. Linux Admin did not notice this difference. And he told us the names of newly added from Node1 LUNS powerpath that have been

    / dev/emcpowerv

    / dev/emcpowerw

    But in Node2, the same LUN were appointed

    / dev/emcpowert

    / dev/emcpoweru

    The DBA guess powerpath name these 2 LUNS will be same on Node2, label the discs to help

    oracleasm createdisk DATA17/dev/emcpowerv1

    oracleasm createdisk DATA18/dev/emcpowerw1

    After marking in node 1, the DBA ran scandisks in Node2. But while the oracleasm scandisks in Node2 is running, it does not seem to/dev/emcpowerv and/dev/emcpowerw in Node2. Instead, ASMLib is smart enough to read the LUN ID in Node1 and search devices powerpath with the same LUN ID and labels as Node1. What's it like in Node2, / dev/emcpowert is labeled DATA17 and/dev/emcpoweru is labeled DATA18 correctly, as shown below.



    LUN ID

    Label of the ASM

    / dev/emcpowerv

    / dev/emcpowert



    / dev/emcpowerw

    / dev/emcpoweru



    Confirmed using the oracleasm querydisk Pei/dev/emcpower < x > .

    During labelling using the oracleasm createdisk , since we use the LUN name I always thought that asmlib dealt only with the names of devices (Powerpath name in this case). I didn't know that ASMLib treats ID LUN. If ASMLIB faces in LUN ID internally, then you don't need to have the same name for a particular LUN for disks shared in different RAC nodes? Right?

    ASMLIB contains 3 packs. Oracleasmlib, which is distributed under a license of Oracle user space and is not part of the standard GPL software distribution. Oracleasm-support, which is in the standard repository and kernel driver of Oracleasm, which is included in the core Oracle UEK only or distributed by Red Hat to RHCK kernel. The subsequent RHCK driver requires a Red Hat subscription. You need all 3 installed packages.

    ASMLib doesn't care to the SCSI ID or device names. When you configure a device to ASMLIB, he writes a header special disk in the device, the command scandisk read and identify a device. ASMLIB devices are populated under the tree of device/dev/oracleasm and found by ASM using the default ORCL: device chain.

    Don't forget that ASMLIB does not work with multiple devices and if you use DB-Multipath or EMC Powerpath, you need to blacklist the physical devices so ASMLIB will use powerpath or multipath device instead. Otherwise there will be no failover devices like ASMLIB will simply use the first device found and ignore the other. Check the following:

  • How can question I change my settings to flash? I said I wanted to be invited to flash store things on my computer but the guests are too frequent and annoying!

    How can I change my settings to flash? I said I wanted to be invited to flash store things on my computer but the guests are too frequent and annoying!

    New versions of Flash have a sign installed on your system for the control of the settings.

    In Windows XP, start > settings > Control Panel > Flash Player, click each tab and change the setting "ask...". ». Most likely your guests are coming in the tab "storage." By using the parameters of "Block"... "can let Flash on some sites.

    If this answer solved your problem, please click 'Solved It' next to this response when connected to the forum.

    Not related to your question, but...

    You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update if necessary:

Maybe you are looking for