BB Torch - Dialog.doModal (disabiling FileSystemJournalListener reminder)?

In our application, we display a unique dialogue (for most of the instructions) before launch us the camera application. However, when the user types a picture on the BlackBerry Torch 9800, our class FileSystemJournalListener does not fileJournalChanged() at all, even if we record the reminder with our Application object. However, when the user closes the camera and re - open it via the same method (where the dialog box does not display once again), the callback works very well. That's what I have so far:

//within my UI container's constructor that launches the camera

myImageListener = new QRCapturedJournalListener(this); //Implements FileSystemJournalListener


//within my fieldChanged method in my UI container when the user clicks on the field that launches the cameraif(permissionCheck()){  if(myPersistDataObj.showHelp()){ Dialog d = new Dialog(Dialog.D_OK ,STR.INSTRUCTION,Dialog.D_OK, Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap(Bitmap.EXCLAMATION),FIELD_HCENTER | FIELD_VCENTER);d.setFont(Fonts.getFont(6));d.doModal()myPersistantDataObj.shownHelp(true);showExternalCamera();   }} else {//notify user permission was denied}


private void startExternalCamera(){            myAppIns.addFileSystemJournalListener(imageListener);     Camera.getInstance().invoke(); // start camera. Wrapper function that invokes the camera app}...

//Invoke function in Camerainvoke(){   Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());}

If the dialog box is a bit conflicted with my PopupScreen, that shows my user interface, saving my reminder, which not is defined before the opening of the camera?

Looks like I was wrong completely.

Even if he entered my FileSystemJournalListener class, it was indeed to call fileJournalChanged after all. Part of the problem was that for some reason, when OS 6.0.0 calls the camera, there is some cases where she would call fileJournalChanged and send JPEGs of no return paths (during initialization on the Simulator for the first time, he sent back/store/home/user/camera /), in which my reminder in my UN-registed PopupScreen my FileSystemJournalListener without validating that the incoming path contained a JPEG file.

Now, he's going only to unregister the listener if we indeed have a way with a JPEG file and then process it. I'm just curious to know if this is expected behavior go ahead with OS 6.0.0 since this never happened with the previous OS versions? I just want to be sure that it makes sense to unregister it if I only want to deal with the last image captured by the user via the camera.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    You can start a timertask before calling doModal, for example.

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    Anh help on this year.


    Rakesh Shankar.P

    Try how to handle the OK and CANCEL button click

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    Well done

    I think that many people would find answers to their questions if they tried harder with search.  And you find faster as well!  And whenver I creative search, I usually find something else useful that I was looking for.  Kind of like Google where you can go off on a complete tangent...

    In any case, can mark you this as resolved?  See you soon

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    There are a few problems with the code provided, three that I see in any case

    First he tries to define two colors, in fact the color defined in the painting is ignored, so whether you want to remove so the method object.

    Secondly, it pushes the dialog box, rather than use the dialog to hold up the procedure.  If you want to replicate Dialog.alert, you will need to use the doModal dialog processing.  To use the example, you must replace this:

    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushScreen (dialog);


    dialog.doModal ();

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    If a key was negative (in particular, - 1), this could be a problem because this is what Dialog.doModal () returns when the user presses ESC.

    Yes, your assumption is correct (as far as I know).

    I use the same mechanism on some dialog boxes. in the custom classes, I use the int value of a resource as identifiers, for example displayAlert (key1) for my custom class.

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    It's ok I solved it... Haha... A bit of trial and error

    When you press a button added to the display of the dialog box, it returns an index number of the button pressed; a bit like an array of buttons on the screen.

    So all you have to do is say int index = dialog.doModal ();

    and then just manipulate this integer as you please; using an if statement and other.

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    Hi Peter,.

    Thanks for your reply. Sorry I have no solution yet.

    While I use "dialog.doModal () or Ui.getUiEngine (.pushGlobalScreen) (myDialog, 1, UiEngine.GLOBAL_MODAL).

    He throws the Runtime Exception. So I'm calling Thread before enterEventDispatcher() to avoid the Runtime Exception

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    PAP TestApplication = new TestApplication();
    New Thread (theApp) m:System.NET.HttpListener.start ();
    theApp.enterEventDispatcher ();

    public void run() {}
    While (! this.hasEventThread ()) {}
    Thread.Yield ();
    this.invokeAndWait (new Runnable() {}
    this.msgListener = new MsgListener();
    public void run() {}
    try {}
    Dialog myDialog = new dialog box (Dialog.D_OK, "Password", Dialog.OK, Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap (Bitmap.EXCLAMATION), Dialog.GLOBAL_STATUS);
    passwordField = new EditField ("password:", "", 50, EditField.EDITABLE);
    myDialog.add (passwordField);

    Ui.getUiEngine () .pushGlobalScreen (myDialog, 1, UiEngine.GLOBAL_MODAL);
    password = passwordField.getText ();
    System.out.println ("password..." + Password);
    } catch (Exception ex) {}
    System.out.println ("Exception!" + ex);

    It works perfectly, but only after the end of process Builder...

    Let me know, if no solution is available for this while calling the constructor.

    Thank you

    Kiss has

  • OmniDialogMaker

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    Use an include statement

    @include "ominoDialogMaker.jsx".

    var D_MARGIN = 4;

    var D_CONTROLHEIGHT = 18;

    var D_BUTTONWIDTH = 96;


    var D_CONTROLWIDTH = 100;


    var S2 = 1.41421356237309504880;

    Create a rectangle for a new control, walking down.

    function _odControlShared (label, name)


    OD = this;

    var y = od.curYPos;

    itemHeight var = D_CONTROLHEIGHT;

    var itemBump = itemHeight + D_MARGIN;

    If (label! = "")

    label += ":";

    var labelCtl = od.w.add ("statictext', [D_MARGIN, y, D_MARGIN + D_CONTROLLABELWIDTH, y + itemHeight], label");

    labelCtl.justify = 'right ';

    var controlBox = new Object();

    controlBox.left = D_MARGIN + D_CONTROLLABELWIDTH + D_MARGIN; = y;

    controlBox.right = controlBox.left + D_CONTROLWIDTH;

    controlBox.bottom = + itemHeight;

    od.curYPos = controlBox.bottom + D_MARGIN;

    return controlBox;


    function _odControlSharedFinish (control, tname, valueFieldName)


    oD = this;

    oD.items [tname] = control;

    oD.itemValueFieldNames [tname] = valueFieldName;

    oD.itemNames [oD.itemNames.length] = tNom;


    function _odNumber (label, tname, value)


    oD = this;

    controlBox var = oD._odControlShared (label, tname);

    var control = oD.w.add ('edittext', controlBox, value);

    Control.value = value;

    control.onChange = function() {this.value = (this.text) * 1.0; this.text = this.value ;};}  make accessible all the .value

    oD._odControlSharedFinish (control, tname, "text");

    Returns the control;


    function _odText (label, tname, value)


    oD = this;

    controlBox var = oD._odControlShared (label, tname);

    var control = oD.w.add ('edittext', controlBox, value);

    Control.value = value;

    control.onChange = function() {this.value = this.text ;};}  make accessible all the .value

    oD._odControlSharedFinish (control, tname, "text");

    Returns the control;


    function _setColorFromButton (victim, button)


    var g =;

    var n = button.value;

    var g.newBrush (g.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, n) = myBrush;

    g.backgroundColor = myBrush;



    the color values are table of three tanks, 0,0... 1.0.


    function _odColor (label, tname, color)


    oD = this;

    controlBox var = oD._odControlShared (label, tname);

    var swatchBox = [controlBox.left + 40,, controlBox.right, controlBox.bottom];

    var buttonBox = [controlBox.left,, + 30 controlBox.left, controlBox.bottom];

    Swatch var = oD.w.add ('group', swatchBox);

    var button = oD.w.add ('button', buttonBox);

    Button.Swatch = swatch;

    Button.Value = color;

    button.onClick = function() {}

    var n = doColorPicker (this.value);

    This.Value = n;

    _setColorFromButton (Swatch, this);


    _setColorFromButton (Swatch, Button);

    oD._odControlSharedFinish (button, tname, "value");

    Back button;



    Add a button and static text in the dialog box;

    the button refers to the text "nameCtl."

    and .filePrompt and .fileExtension.


    function _odFileCommon(label,tname,path,prompt,extension)


    controlBox var = oD._odControlShared (label, tname);

    buttonWidth var = 10;

    var buttonBox = [controlBox.left,, controlBox.left + buttonWidth, controlBox.bottom];

    var nameBox = [controlBox.left + buttonWidth + 10,, D_DIALOG_WIDTH, controlBox.bottom];

    var f = new File (path);

    var nameCtl = oD.w.add ('statictext', nameBox);

    var button = oD.w.add ('button', buttonBox, '...');

    button.nameCtl = nameCtl;

    nameCtl.text =;

    Button.Value = f.fsName;

    Button.file = f;

    prompt = button.filePrompt;

    button.fileExtension = extension;

    oD._odControlSharedFinish (button, tname, "value");

    button.onChange = function()


    This.file = new queue (this.value);

    this.nameCtl.text =;


    Back button;


    function _odOpenFile(label,tname,path,prompt,extension)


    oD = this;

    var buttonCtl is _odFileCommon(label,tname,path,prompt,extension);.

    buttonCtl.onClick = function() {}

    var f = this.file.openDlg (this.filePrompt);

    If (f)


    This.file = f;

    This.Value = f.fsName;

    this.nameCtl.text =;



    ButtonCtl return;


    function _odSaveFile(label,tname,path,prompt,extension)


    oD = this;

    var buttonCtl is _odFileCommon(label,tname,path,prompt,extension);.

    buttonCtl.onClick = function() {}

    var f = this.file.saveDlg (this.filePrompt);

    If (f)


    This.file = f;

    This.Value = f.fsName;

    this.nameCtl.text =;



    ButtonCtl return;


    function _odSelectFolder(label,tname,path,prompt,extension)


    oD = this;

    var buttonCtl is _odFileCommon(label,tname,path,prompt,extension);.

    buttonCtl.folder = new Folder (path); file, pls, no files

    buttonCtl.nameCtl.text += ' / ';.

    buttonCtl.onClick = function() {}

    var f = this.folder.selectDlg (this.filePrompt);

    If (f)


    This.Folder = f;

    This.Value = f.fsName; = this.nameCtl.text + ' / ';.



    ButtonCtl return;


    function _odCheckbox(label,tname,value,checkboxText)


    oD = this;

    controlBox var = oD._odControlShared (label, tname);

    var control = oD.w.add ('checkbox', controlBox, checkboxText);

    Control.value = value;

    control.onChange = function() {this.value = this.text ;};}

    oD._odControlSharedFinish (control, tname, "value");

    Returns the control;


    function _odRadioButtons(label,tname,value,radioChoices)


    var oD = this;

    controlBox = oD ._odControlShared (label, tname);

    itemHeight var = controlBox.bottom -;

    result = oD.w.add ('edittext', controlBox, value); field of hidden text for fight against it...

    result.onChange = function() {}

    var i;

    This.Value = this.text;

    for (i = 0; i< this.buttons.length;="">


    var button = this.buttons [i];

    Button.Value = (button.theChoice == this.text);



    result. Hide();

    result.value = value;

    result. Buttons = new Array();

    var i;

    for (i = 0; i< radiochoices.length;="">


    choice of var = radioChoices [i];

    If (i > 0)


    var bump = itemHeight + D_MARGIN; += bump;

    controlBox.bottom += bump;

    oD.curYPos += bump;


    each object radiobutton pokes his choice in the control of the ersatz,

    It looks like a simple value.

    ("Bundling" seems to be by adjacent additions only. Nice!)

    var rb = oD.w.add ('radiobutton', controlBox, choice);

    RB. Value = choice == value;

    rb.theChoice = choice;

    rb.theGroupErsatzControl = result;

    rb.onClick = function() {this.theGroupErsatzControl.value = this.theChoice ;};}

    result. Buttons [result. Buttons.Length] = rb;


    oD._odControlSharedFinish (result, tname, "text");

    return the result;


    function _odMenu(label,tname,value,menuChoices)


    var oD = this;

    controlBox = oD ._odControlShared (label, tname);

    itemHeight var = controlBox.bottom -;

    var control = oD.w.add ('dropdownlist', controlBox, menuChoices);

    I could not discern how to get this from the "items" table, so I hide menuChoice for later. dvb08.

    control.menuChoices = menuChoices;

    Control.value = value;

    Set the index of the initial selection

    var index = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i)< menuchoices.length;="">


    if(value == menuChoices[i])

    index = i;


    Control.Selection = index;

    control.onChange = function() {}

    This.Value = this.selection.text;

    } / / make accessible all the .value

    oD._odControlSharedFinish (control, tname, "value");


    function _odSectionLabel (label)


    var oD = this;

    var B2 = new Object();

    B2. Left = D_MARGIN;

    B2. Top = oD.curYPos;

    B2. Right = b2.left + D_DIALOG_WIDTH;

    B2. Bottom = + D_CONTROLHEIGHT;


    oD.w.add ("statictext", b2, label + ':', {multiline: true});


    function _odBoxedText (lines, text)


    var oD = this;

    var width = D_DIALOG_WIDTH;

    var height = lines * 15;

    var B2 = new Object();

    var b = new Object();

    b.Top = oD.curYPos;

    b.Bottom = + height + 2 * D_MARGIN;

    b.Left = D_MARGIN;

    b.Right = b.left + width;

    oD.curYPos = b.bottom + D_MARGIN;

    var Panel = oD.w.add ('panel', b);

    B2. Left = D_MARGIN;

    B2. Top = D_MARGIN;

    B2. Right = b2.left + width - 2 * D_MARGIN;

    B2. Bottom = + height;



    function _odSeparator()


    var oD = this;

    var height = oD.groupGap;

    var barWidth = oD.ominoDialogWidth;

    If (barWidth)


    var b = new Object();

    b.Top = oD.curYPos + height / 2; = b.Bottom;

    b.Left = D_MARGIN;

    b.Right = b.left + barWidth;

    var Layer10value = 2;

    b.Top = Layer10value / 2;

    b.Bottom = + Layer10value;

    oD.w.add ('panel', b);


    oD.curYPos += height;


    function _odAppendGap()


    oD = this;

    oD.curYPos += oD.groupGap;


    function appendOKCancel (oD)


    var y = oD.curYPos;

    var cancelRect = new Object();

    var okRect = new Object();

    cancelRect.left = D_MARGIN = y;

    cancelRect.right = cancelRect.left + D_BUTTONWIDTH;

    cancelRect.bottom = + D_CONTROLHEIGHT;

    okRect.left = cancelRect.right + D_MARGIN + D_MARGIN; = y;

    okRect.right = okRect.left + D_BUTTONWIDTH;

    okRect.bottom = + D_CONTROLHEIGHT;

    Implement the button apply or OK/Cancel-button

    If (OD.isPalette)


    var applyBtn = oD.w.add ('button', cancelRect, 'Apply');

    applyBtn.oD = oD;

    applyBtn.onClick = function() {}

    oD var = this.oD;

    var result = oD.get ();

    oD.paletteCallback (result, oD.paletteCallbackArg2);



    on the other


    var cancelBtn = oD.w.add('button',cancelRect,'Cancel',{name:'cancel'});)

    var okBtn = oD.w.add('button',okRect,'OK',{name:'ok'});)

    cancelBtn.oD = oD;

    cancelBtn.onClick = function() {this.oD.w.close (0) ;};}  0 on cancel

    okBtn.theDialog = oD;

    okBtn.onClick = function() {this.theDialog.w.close (1) ;};} 1 OK


    oD.curYPos = okRect.bottom + D_MARGIN;


    function trimDialogBounds (oD)


    var xMax = 20;

    var yMax = 20;

    var n = oD.w.children.length;

    var i;

    for (i = 0; i< n;="">


    aenfant var = od.w.children [i];

    var aChildBounds = aChild.bounds;

    if(aChildBounds.Right > Xmax)

    xMax = aChildBounds.right;

    if(aChildBounds.Bottom > ymax)

    yMax = aChildBounds.bottom;


    OD.w.Bounds.Right = od.w.bounds.left + xMax + D_MARGIN;

    OD.w.Bounds.Bottom = + yMax + D_MARGIN;

    actually allow background discontinuities.

    OD.w.Bounds.Bottom = od.curYPos +;



    * The optional arguments of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th make a range instead of a modal dialog box. The reminder

    * is called whenever you click Apply (you get a button apply instead of OK/Cancel)


    function newOminoDialog (tname, existingPanel, paletteCallback, paletteCallbackArg2)


    If you switch to something other than a sign, none can use.

    If (!) () existingPanel instanceof Panel))

    existingPanel = null;

    var isPalette = (existingPanel | paletteCallback)? 1: 0;

    var type = isPalette? "palette": "dialogue."

    var oD = new Object();

    oD.w = existingPanel? existingPanel: New Window (kind, tname, [100,100,500,500]);

    oD.isPalette = isPalette;

    oD.paletteCallback = paletteCallback;

    oD.paletteCallbackArg2 = paletteCallbackArg2;

    oD.curYPos = D_MARGIN;

    oD.groupGap = 12;

    oD.itemNames = new Array();


    oD.items = new Array();

    oD.itemValueFieldNames = new Object(); to search a value in the dialog field appropriate to each control, such as 'text' or 'value '.

    oD.ominoDialogWidth = D_DIALOG_WIDTH; = _odAppendGap;

    oD.number = _odNumber;

    oD.string = _odText;

    oD.radioButtons = _odRadioButtons;

    oD.checkbox = _odCheckbox;

    oD.sectionLabel = _odSectionLabel;

    oD.separator = _odSeparator;

    oD.boxedText = _odBoxedText;

    oD.color = _odColor;

    oD.openFile = _odOpenFile;

    oD.selectFolder = _odSelectFolder;

    oD.saveFile = _odSaveFile; = _odMenu;

    oD.set = _odSet; = _odRun;

    oD.get = _odGet;

    oD._odControlShared = _odControlShared;

    oD._odControlSharedFinish = _odControlSharedFinish;

    return the oD;


    function _odGet()


    var values = new Object();

    tNom var;

    for (tNom in this.items)


    var value = this.items [tname] .value;

    values [tname] = value;


    return values;


    function _odSet (values)


    var oD = this;



    for var p in values


    var value = [p] values;

    var point = oD.items [p];

    If (!) Item)


    var itemValueFieldName = oD.itemValueFieldNames [p];

    If (itemValueFieldName)


    agenda [itemValueFieldName] = value;

    If (Item.OnChange)

    item.onChange ();

    Item.Notify ('onChange'); to get the update





    * Can be run as a modal dialog, OR as a current palette box.

    * As a dialog box, nothing happens until OK or Cancel is selected. OK,.

    * the parameters are returned.

    * To be a palette, pass a function and an arg. The function will be

    * being called (resultParams, yourArg).


    function _odRun()


    var oD = this;

    If (!) OD.finishingTouches)


    oD.separator (oD); ();

    appendOKCancel (oD); ();

    trimDialogBounds (oD);

    oD.finishingTouches = true;


    If (OD.w instanceof Window)


    resultCode var = ();

    If (resultCode! = 1) / / cancel

    Returns a null value.

    var result = oD.get ();

    return the result;


    on the other

    Returns a null value.


    function objectToString (o)



    Return ' ';

    var s = "";

    var i;

    for (tNom in o)

    s += tNom '=' + o [tname] + "\n";

    return s;


    var gExampleSettings = null;

    function example (thisObj)


    var host = app;

    the 2 last arguments are making modeless and give you a button APPLY instead of OK and CANCEL.

    This works in AE and Illustrator, but on Photoshop. I have not tried the rest...

    var d = newOminoDialog ("Omino sample dialogue:" + $, thisObj, function (a, b) {alert ("result\n" + objectToString (a)) ;});})

    Comment on the above and use it for photoshop, to be modal:

    var d = newOminoDialog ("Omino sample dialogue:" + $;

    d.boxedText (9, "It's an example of a dialogue built with ominoDialogMaker.jsx\n"

    + "host:" + $ + ""+ host.version + "\n";

    + "\n"

    + "© 2007-2012 [email protected]«,»»


    d.Separator ();

    d.sectionLabel ("types of controls");

    d.Number ("number:", 'h', 11.23);

    d.CheckBox ("Checkbox X", "x", true, "to check");

    d.String ("Text", "T", "Enter here");

    d.openFile ("A file", "f","","open", "" jpg");

    d.radioButtons (One","r","red", ["red","maroon","scarlet "," crimson"]) to choose";

    var result;

    d.Set (gExampleSettings);

    var result = ();

    If (result! = null)


    gExampleSettings = result;

    var s = "Result Values\n";

    s += objectToString (result);

    alert (s);




    Easy to use ExtendScript progress bar.

    Written by [email protected], 2007

    Enjoy, but this credit must stay intact.


    var pb = progressBar ("main title", "subtitle");

    pb.setValue (valueFrom0to1);

    pb.setTitle2 ("new display of subtitles!")

    If (PB.isCanceled ())

    PB. Close(); they clicked on cancel


    progressBar (title1, title2) function


    var result = new Object();

    result. Running = true;

    result.p = new Window ("range");

    result.p.orientation = "column";

    result.p.alignChildren = 'left ';

    result. T1 = result.p.add ("statictext", undefined, title1);

    result. T2 = result.p.add ("statictext", undefined, title2);

    result.b = result.p.add ("progressbar");

    result.c = result.p.add ("button", undefined, "Cancel");

    result.c.onClick = function() {}

    result. Running = false;


    result.isRunning = function() {return this.running ;}

    result.isCanceled = function() {return! this.isRunning () ;}}

    result.setValue = Function {this.b.value = x * 100; this.p.update () ;}

    result.setTitle1 = function (t1) {this.t1.text = t1 ;}

    result.setTitle2 = function (t2) {this.t2.text = t2 ;}

    result. Close = function() {this.p.close (;})

    result.p.Show ();

    return the result;



    a routine kind of stupid to show the inside of an object in alert al.

    You know, for debugging.


    function alertObj (o, title)



    title = "";

    var s = title + "\n";

    var k;


    s += "(objet null)"; "

    on the other

    s += objectToString (o);

    alert (s);


  • How can I install the disks 2 and 3 Please help

    How can I install the disks 2 and 3 of my new adobe Elements 10 - after the first disc I couldn't out disc and then I hit ok and it went away installation mode

    This is because the dialog is simply a reminder to insert disc two.  When you have finished installing disc one then please insert disc two if you want to install the content on this disc.  You can find more details about what is included on the disks to install Premiere Elements, Photoshop Elements - html.

  • Why do I receive the following message when I try to delete a complete recall, "cannot delete 'reminder 1'. '. Dialog.Error.Text.Reminder.DESTROY.QUOTA_EXCEEDED?

    Since there is no deletion batch for reminders on iPhone or iPad, I went to to remove reminders of old, duly completed. Alas, I could delete successfully a SINGLE reminder completed a total of 1221. Try to delete both does that to my getting the error of 1 220 times! Signing in and then out (or outside, then in) icloud has not made a difference. Restarted my iMac has not made a difference. (I use OS X El Capitan, v. 10.11.6 and Safari v. 9.1.2)

    PS: Try to update a reminder has given rise to a similar message - «...» UPDATE. QUOTA_EXCEEDED '.

    I talked to Apple Care today, they are aware of the problem.  It is being developed.

  • No output message in the reminder of the event reminder register

    Hello world

    Nice day. I've created a diagram that uses the DLL of our client. I have a hard time to create because I am not no matter what background or experience this level of .expertise which involves DLL files. The DLL file is a type of Assembly code .net. The DLL file will be used for sending specific commands (i.e. read the Firmware Version, serial numbers, etc.) using a NFC (Sony S380) Player. It is the only means of communication about the product that is a digital watch. The problem is on the VI Ref callback, which implies a dialog box & a Message string for the property of 'DebugResponseReceived' node, there is no output, but the dialog box Message only gives me a message OK or info that I need to get. If I put a breakpoint to unbundle it by name "e", it gives a message in the property node power & the dialog box. both the Message property Node & dialog box have the same performance. Please see my Code.

    I'd appreciate your help.

    Thank you


    A reminder cannot directly return values. You must use the user parameter of event reminder entry register to pass a reference to a queue, the user event or another way to pass data to a primary application. Research on this forum will be examples, for example here is one I posted years ago (note that screenshots are good, but attached the screws aren't; see further on the wire to correct those):

  • runtime error dialog box: avoid showing its parent window

    Hi all

    Build my own GUI of TS, I use the components of TS in a VI that is never shown (running as a 'service' in my application).

    Another window is used as the interface main and "lives" according to orders sent by my TS 'service' VI (orders shipped on the UIMessages data).

    My problem is that when a runtime error occurs executing a sequence, runtime error dialog box appears, but it also shows my face before the VI "service"... Why is this?

    I think that something that handles windows-related...

    What can I do to avoid this behavior? I want only runtime error dialog box is displayed on the Panel before my main...

    Thank you

    Hi Doug,.

    I finally found the solution. In the LV API, there is a reminder VI named "DisplayExecution" that brings the VI identified as high-lvl (made in the initialization of the API (global refnum TopLevel)) to be the toplevel window.

    This recall VI is played on each interruption of the execution, it is also played on the runtime error.

    Disabling this VI solves the problem.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Windows calendar reminder utility


    I have Windows Vista 32 bit. I can't get the the calendar reminder of Windows to work when the program runs, eventough "reminders should show when Windows Caldendar is not running" in the dialog 'Options' is checked. I missed some jobs because of it. My reminders appear only when I open the program. I've checked and unchecked option in the dialog 'Options' to see if reminders work when Windows Calendar is to be running, but they did not.
    Can someone tell me how to leave reminders to work, even if the program is closed? And I insist, the obvius in the 'Options' dialog box option did not work. Thank you. Good bye.

    Hello cevallos,.

    Thank you for using the Microsoft Answers forum.   Unforuntely the only way that the program can remind you of upcoming events is so its opening.  I suggest that you minimize the program instead of close.

    Thank you for using answers Forum. Please let us know how it works.

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • W500: Dialog box Outlook 2010 32 bit ' file/Options '. "fails on Win 7 64 bit

    Hi all

    For some reason, it seems to be interference between certain Lenovo W500 Driver/software and Office 2010 that breaks Outlook 2010:

    1 / I installed a new copy of Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit, no driver installed Lenovo (IE only the provided Windows drivers) - there are devices that are not yet recognized, but I don't who has not yet set

    2 / I install a new copy of Office 2010 Professional Plus 32 bit, which includes Outlook 2010

    3 / once I start Outlook to join my Exchange Server and my messages start to flow-well

    4 / I then go into file/Options and then make several settings and save by clicking OK - so so good fa

    5 / can I update the system using the Lenovo update tool (update of the ThninkVantage system) and adding all the updates (not those in option)

    6 / Once finished, after the obligatory reboot, I launch Outlook again

    7 / I repeat step 4 above - a message box appears read "the file does not exist"; at this point, only the button cancel from the dialog box Options can dismiss the Options dialog box.

    7bis / as in step 7, but just open Options and immediately, click OK (IE do not any change in the Options) leads to the same error "the file does not exist.

    8 / restore the system to a restore point just before applying updates from Lenovo brings the system back to normal, IE as in step 4 above.

    Any ideas of what might be broken Outlook?

    Thank you!


    Well I finally resolved the issue - for some reason, as the "Sound reminder" field on the Advanced tab was empty. I put it to the mail notification sound electronic normal windows, and then the dialog box options was happy.

    On the complement of research, it is effectively disabled. Don't know why but will survey.

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