Beginning and end of check date


I have a requirement to find a list of people that have dates that overlap.

Each person can have several Dates of beginning and end, but only one line that has a null term, the current record. If the start and end dates are overlapping, as in the example below, the second row should have a start date of December 24, 2006 and 22 December 2006. Is it possible to list people who have dates and gaps that overlap in the dates.

Empl_ID Start End Date
12345 1 JANUARY 2006 DECEMBER 23, 2006
12345, DECEMBER 22, 2006 13 JANUARY 2007
12345 NULL JANUARY 14, 2007

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Hi Patrick
I like where you're coming. I hope you don't mind but I have extended your idea slightly to add in a PARTITION BY clause to make sure that we look at the records for the same person. Also, if we LAG for a previous record shouldn't we us DRAGS the end_date and compare it with the current start_date?


In doing so, then the results would look like this:

Empl_ID Start Date End Date Lag
12345 1 JANUARY 2006 23 DECEMBER 2006 NULL
12345 22 DECEMBER 2006 JANUARY 13, 2007 DECEMBER 23, 2006
12345, 14 JANUARY 2007 NULL JANUARY 13, 2007

This would give the SIGN a problem because in the first record, the OFFSET would be NULL and the last record the end_date would be NULL. So, it seems that some handling of NULL values must be as well which I will deal with later.


At all times the difference between the Start Date and the Date of Lag is positive, this means, that there is an overlap which means that we must look for any gap where the SIGN is 1.

Using the other function, we could use the LEAD like this:


In doing so, then the results would look like this:

Empl_ID Start Date End Date lead
12345 1 JANUARY 2006 DECEMBER 23, 2006 DECEMBER 22, 2006
12345 22 DECEMBER 2006 JANUARY 13, 2007 JANUARY 14, 2007
12345 NULL NULL 14 JANUARY 2007

When combined with the SIGN becomes: SIGN ((LEAD(START_DATE,1) OVER (PARTITION OF EMPL_ID ORDER start_date)) - end_date)

This time you would look at the sign at-1

Personally, I think that I would prefer the LEAD function because one) there will always be a start_date and b) we could replace all possible NULL values with the SYSDATE to get a final calculation like this:


Based on the date is November 17, 2009, you would now get this result:

Empl_ID Start Date End Date lead
12345 1 JANUARY 2006 DECEMBER 23, 2006 DECEMBER 22, 2006
12345 22 DECEMBER 2006 JANUARY 13, 2007 JANUARY 14, 2007
12345 JANUARY 14, 2007 NOVEMBER 17, 2009 NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Best wishes

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Any help or pointers would be great!

    Thank you!

    Problem: I am picking up days of December 2012 as the first week began on December 27, 2012. In addition, in December, I'm pretty much lost last week as well (26 December - 31 December).

    The request in hand:

    SELECT first_thursday + (7 * (LEVEL - 1))   AS week_start_date,
                     first_thursday + (7 * LEVEL) - 1    AS  week_end_date
      SELECT TRUNC(p_from_date + 4, 'IW') - 4   AS first_thursday, -- Week should start the pre ceeding THURSDAY based on the Start Date
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        FROM     dual
      ) parms
    ) end_points
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= ( last_wednesday + 1 - first_thursday)/7;

    Currently, this is the result I get (I'm only including the months of January and December here).

    Week_Start_Date     Week_End_Date
    27-DEC-12                02-JAN-13
    03-JAN-13                 09-JAN-13
    10-JAN-13                 16-JAN-13
    17-JAN-13                 23-JAN-13
    24-JAN-13                 30-JAN-13
    31-JAN-13                 06-FEB-13


    28-NOV-13               04-DEC-13
    05-DEC-13              11-DEC-13
    12-DEC-13              18-DEC-13
    19-DEC-13              25-DEC-13

    What I would really like is based on start and end Dates, as well as the first and the last day of the month is similarly try nicely. I have provided and then gently break at the end of the month:


    01-JAN-13              02-JAN-13
    03-JAN-13              09-JAN-13
    10-JAN-13             16-JAN-13
    17-JAN-13             23-JAN-13
    24-JAN-13             30-JAN-13
    31-JAN-13             31-JAN-13


    01-FEB-13    06-FEB-13
    07-FEB-13    13-FEB-13
    14-FEB-13    20-FEB-13
    21-FEB-13    27-FEB-13
    28-FEB-13    28-FEB-13


    31-OCT-13    06-NOV-13
    07-NOV-13    13-NOV-13
    14-NOV-13    20-NOV-13
    21-NOV-13    27-NOV-13
    28-NOV-13    04-DEC-13


    01-DEC-13           04-DEC-13
    05-DEC-13           11-DEC-13
    12-DEC-13          18-DEC-13
    19-DEC-13          25-DEC-13
    26-DEC-13          31-DEC-13


    Roxyrollers wrote:

    Hello people:

    I have currently a query that picks up all the weeks between a date range where my week starts on Thursday and ends on Wednesday. The following query works fine except that I need the week of beginning and end, from beginning and end Dates of months and the beginning and the Dates of end of the values of the settings, I'm passing. In this case, I chose January 1, 2013 to 31 December 2013.

    Any help or pointers would be great!

    Thank you!

    Problem: I am picking up days of December 2012 as the first week began on December 27, 2012. In addition, in December, I'm pretty much lost last week as well (26 December - 31 December).

    The request in hand:

    1. First_thursday SELECT + (7 * (LEVEL - 1)) AS week_start_date,
    2. first_thursday + (7 * LEVEL)-1 AS week_end_date
    3. Of
    4. (
    5. SELECT TRUNC (p_from_date + 4, 'IW') - 4 AS first_thursday,-week should start to perform the pre-mounted THURSDAY based on the Start Date
    6. TRUNC (p_to_date + 4, 'IW') - 5 AS last_wednesday
    7. Of
    8. (
    9. SELECT to_date('01-JAN-2013') AS p_from_date,
    10. NVL (to_date('31-Dec-2013'), SYSDATE) AS p_to_date
    11. OF the double
    12. ) parms
    13. ) end_points
    14. CONNECT BY LEVEL<= (="" last_wednesday="" +="" 1="" -="">

    Currently, this is the result I get (I'm only including the months of January and December here).

    1. Week_Start_Date Week_End_Date
    2. DECEMBER 27, 12 2 JANUARY 13
    3. JANUARY 3, 13 JANUARY 9, 13
    4. 10 JANUARY 13 JANUARY 16, 13
    5. 17 JANUARY 13 23 JANUARY 13
    6. 24 JANUARY 13 30 JANUARY 13
    7. 31 JANUARY 13 FEBRUARY 6, 13


    1. NOVEMBER 28, 13 4 DECEMBER 13
    2. 5 DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 11, 13
    3. 12 DECEMBER 13 18 DECEMBER 13
    4. 19 DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 25, 13

    What I would really like is based on start and end Dates, as well as the first and the last day of the month is similarly try nicely. I have provided and then gently break at the end of the month:


    1. JANUARY 1, 13 2 JANUARY 13
    2. JANUARY 3, 13 JANUARY 9, 13
    3. 10 JANUARY 13 JANUARY 16, 13
    4. 17 JANUARY 13 23 JANUARY 13
    5. 24 JANUARY 13 30 JANUARY 13
    6. 31 JANUARY 13 JANUARY 31, 13


    1. 1ST FEBRUARY 13 FEBRUARY 6, 13
    2. 7 FEBRUARY 13 FEBRUARY 13, 13
    3. 14 FEBRUARY 13 FEBRUARY 20, 13
    4. 21 FEBRUARY 13 FEBRUARY 27, 13
    5. 28 FEBRUARY 13 FEBRUARY 28, 13


    1. 31 OCTOBER 13 NOVEMBER 6, 13
    2. 7 NOVEMBER 13 NOVEMBER 13, 13
    3. 14 NOVEMBER 13 NOVEMBER 20, 13
    4. 21 NOVEMBER 13 NOVEMBER 27, 13
    5. NOVEMBER 28, 13 4 DECEMBER 13


    1. 1ST DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 4, 13
    2. 5 DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 11, 13
    3. 12 DECEMBER 13 18 DECEMBER 13
    4. 19 DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 25, 13
    5. 26 DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 31, 13

    Why the "weeks" in November, have all 7 days, while the "weeks" in the first or the last week in the other month usually have less?  (For example, February 28 is a 'week' alone.)

    The following works for the other months:

    WITH all_days AS


    SELECT DATE "2013-01-01' + LEVEL - AS a_date 1

    OF the double




    More GRAND (TRUNC (a_date + 4, 'IW') - 4)

    , TRUNC (a_date, 'MONTH')

    ) AS week_begin

    , The LEAST (TRUNC (a_date + 4, 'IW') + 2

    TRUNC (LAST_DAY (a_date))

    ), Week_end

    Of all_days

    ORDER BY week_begin




    ----------- -----------

    January 1, 2013 January 2, 2013

    January 3, 2013 January 9, 2013

    January 10, 2013 January 16, 2013

    January 17, 2013 January 23, 2013

    January 24, 2013 January 30, 2013

    January 31, 2013 January 31, 2013

    February 1, 2013 February 6, 2013

    February 7, 2013 February 13, 2013

    February 14, 2013 February 20, 2013

    February 21, 2013 February 27, 2013

    February 28, 2013 February 28, 2013


    November 1, 2013 November 6, 2013

    November 7, 2013 November 13, 2013

    November 14, 2013 November 20, 2013

    November 21, 2013 November 27, 2013

    November 28, 2013 November 30, 2013

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    Summary of the report

    Cache sizes

    Start End
    Cache buffers:572 M572 MStd block size:8K
    Size of the shared pool:408 M408 MLog buffer:13 604 K

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    Best regards.

    size of the buffer at the start of the snapshot cache

    size of the buffer at the end of the snapshot cache

    Shared at the beginning of the snapshot pool

    Shared pool, at the end of the snapshot

    So that means: either you did not Oracle or Oracle to change these settings dynamically does not need to change.

    Always send four-digit version of your database and platform info. This forum is not keeping track of it.


    Sybrand Bakker

    Senior Oracle DBA

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    One way to do is to add a filter column (which may hide once it is configured) like this:

    The formula in D2, filled to the bottom, is:

    = AND(A2≥$B$8,A2≤$B$9)

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    After changing the end date of 2014-12-31, you get this:

    I left column displayed D just for illustration.


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    The f

    Each question is important if you do not have an answer for her. So please never hesitate to ask if you need clarification on anything I wrote or need additional information.

    With regard to the location of the Audio Mixer in first elements 11 Windows 8 64-bit (as for Windows 7 64 bit)...

    Access is under the Tools Menu at the top of the workspace Expert or Tools tabs at the bottom. Please refer to the screenshot

    In addition to what has already been post, here's some additional information about your questions.

    If you have not already seen, please check the excellent document Adobe 'Premiere elements/Audio Mixer and Volume control. HTML

    I think you'll do OK with the Audio Mixer Panel. But, you can explore keyframing the volume level of the audio element 'elastic '. It is the orange line which runs horizontally through the middle of the audio clip.

    a. hold CTRL of the computer main keyboard and the left mouse click on a place where you want to place a keyframe volume. You can do it in as many places on the rubberband if necessary. Then, with the mouse cursor, move the White points (keyframes) up or down to increase or decrease the volume to a location along the clip.

    Here's a blog I wrote about the video and the Audio Track Rubberbands (with graphic how) that should help you to correctly enter this particular workflow.

    Thank you for the opportunity to help with your workflow in Premiere Elements. Screenshots are all first elements 11 Windows.


  • change the properties of the report axis (together begin and end)

    Hey everybody,

    I am a beginner with DIAdem reports and close to despair that I have yet found any solution.

    I wrote a script, which produces reports of various measures with 9 pages (3 2D-slots each, a total of 27 lots).

    Now, I want to put the beginning and the end of the x-axis of certain specific parcels.

    First question: tiara offers something similar to an Object Explorer (for easy access to the names of the objects drawn in a report)?

    I created two GlobalDims called x_time_begin and x_time_end to set these properties, but I don't know how to access these variables in the report (tried @... @ and @... @ the 'Axis settings' tab).

    These variables change for each measure, so each report has a different set.

    The presentation of the State is responsible from a set of. TDMS files and is not altered in the script.

    How can I find the name of a specific plot in the report can access?

    Is it possible to define the range of the x-axis in a variable at all?

    Best regards


    Hi Nils,

    It is possible to set the x-axis of begging and positions in the scripts end (see text below).  When you create a report object in the script you can name it anything you want to access later. Otherwise, I think that the default name is the name of the object, of the number (for example the 2D first table is called "2DTable1")

    Dim oMy2DAxisSystem, oMyXScaling
    Set oMy2DAxisSystem = Report.ActiveSheet.Objects.Add (eReportObject2DAxisSystem, "My2DAxisSystem")
    Set oMyXScaling = oMy2DAxisSystem.XAxis.Scaling
    oMyXScaling.AutoScalingType = eAxisAutoScalingManual
    oMyXScaling.Begin = 0.01
    oMyXScaling.End = 100

    Hope that helps,


  • To_char - NUMBER (5) - beginning and ending zeros

    I'm reviewing the code and came across: RPAD (LPAD (TO_CHAR (col), 9, '0'), 11, '0') where the neck is NUMBER (5, 0) NOT NULL default 0 value.

    FWIW (in QA): SELECT LENGTH (col), SIGN (col), COUNT (*) C to tab GROUP BY LENGTH (col), SIGN (col) ORDER BY 1.2;

    22196 0 1

    1 1 5746

    2 1 53553

    3 1 410260

    4-1 16

    4 1 23198


    The output sample I does not contain any negative numbers. Apparently, it is excluded from the query with a different logic (although not directly) or these data are only test cases.

    The intention seems to be to add up to 8 zeros and 2 zeros. A function pad seems redundant as TO_CHAR itself can do the job, although it does not appear that TO_CHAR can add two zeros in the same call start and end. Given that the latter is only two zeros, I just say concatenate is better: TO_CHAR (col, 'FM000000009'). '00'. technically, this is not the same as the current expression, that when the number is negative, the sign is placed in the middle of the string! I guess that it is not expected that the case should not. Maybe I can 'fix' and leave a comment explaining the original behavior.

    Is it possible to add the preceding and zeros with a function of leak?

    Post edited by: Brian Tkatch Put the bracket in the right place. Oops!


    Sorry, it is not clear what you want.

    Whenver you have questions, post a small example data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) and also post the results desired from these data.

    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.

    Always say what version of Oracle you are using (for example,

    See the FAQ forum:

    Why do you need a single function?  Why not something like

    To_char (col, '000000000') | '00'


    If you must do so within a single function:

    To_char (col, '000000000V99') - V99 adds 2 0 leak

    The comment is necessary, because someone who has to maintain the code (including you in a few months) knows what V99 done and will lose time looking at a maximum.

  • Find the beginning and end of a month using get-date

    I am currently using get-date to run reports on past events by subtracting the number of days from the current date.  I would like to make the report so that it automatically determines which was the previous month and captures all events for this date range.

    For example, if it's on 6 February, the report capture data from January 1 to January 31.  If it's on March 23, the report capture events from February 1 to February 28.

    Is this possible?  Here's my current status:

    Get-VIEvent-beginning (Get-Date). AddDays(-35)-done (Get-Date). AddDays(-5)

    Thank you

    Try something like this

    $now = get-Date-time-Minute 0 - 0 - 0 second

    $daysBack = - $now. Day + 1

    $Start = $now. AddMonths(-1). AddDays ($daysBack)

    $DaysInMonth = [DateTime]: DaysInMonth($Start.Year,$Start.Month)

    $Finish = $Start.AddDays ($DaysInMonth)

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  • Mix the beginning and end of a single element?

    Hi - I'm fairly new to CC of the hearing. I have some samples of jet exhaust noise, in the form of .wav files saved. These files are from 0:04 to about 0:12 seconds in length and different depending on the State of the motor (idle, max, etc.).

    The problem is: I need to use these samples to create the ambient noise constantly running at the same volume all along. If I just loop the unique wave, the end of the wave file does not match how it started.

    I understand that I can fade the ends to create a smoother transition, but which lowers the volume - where in this scenario, I'm looking for the volume to be constant loop after loop after loop.

    Is there a way to blend at the end of an element so that it engages smoothly before the start of the next clip?

    Yes, it is a way to do it, but it's complicated bloody!

    You have to find the longest continuous section you can (IE no change at all) and loop that. Although the chances are that you will always hear the join. So what you do is take your section in loop and turn it into a single file. You take this file and place a copy of it under the original track, only offset by about 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the loop - 1/3 is quite good, because you can do it again, so then you have loads of overlapping samples. Chances are when you play together, they will blend more smoothly. You may need to experiment a little, but I'm sure you get the basic idea.

    If the samples are really short, then you make a loop of loops - a much easier way to extend that just stick several sections over and over.

    Otherwise, look for some samples longer - I'm sure there are some.

Maybe you are looking for