Behind another router Linksys WRT54G

The WRT 54 is given and we are trying to expand to cover more computers of our Linksys 8 original report rouoter and add wireless. Connected to the internet WRT in a port of the original router and it shows the IP address as for each additional computer hook us up with ethernet and IP wireless is also of this sequence of IP addressing. But we can not access the Internet. The 54 WRT as a stand-alone router works fine, Internet wireless and ethernet connections. Y at - it something that we need to do to configure the WRT to work behind the other Linksys router.

see here.

Tags: Linksys Routers

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    The router will not connect to my computer. He repeats to me check the connections. They' fine rev.

    Hi Tweetytewe,

    This occurs on cable connections and wireless? If this happens on cable connections and wireless and your Windows installations are fine, you should contact linksys support to receive the best support.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

    Shawn - Support Engineer - MCP, MCDST
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • Linksys WRT54GS Help - Bricked itself?

    Hello community,

    I recently inherited a router Linksys WRT54GS my boyfriend hasn't needed. I kept it in storage for about 6 months because I didn't really need, but yesterday, I found that lying around and decided to go ahead and plug it in, to see if I could use it as a switch to connect my computer, Xbox and PS3. So I plug it into the wall... And it seems dead. All of the lights on the front panel are turned off. On a whim, I decided to plug it into my computer, wired and test pings. I kept getting the "Network unreachable" error, and the router was not network. However, the light on the front corresponding to the numbers 1-4 port back lit up when I plugged my computer at each port. There is no reset anything else, even after a 30-30-30. Should what steps I take now?

    It is possible that the router no longer works. Have you tried to use the router when your friend gave you? If you are still not able to ping the router using its IP address standard, try setting static IP on your computer using for the IP address and for the default gateway. Once the IP static value, try to ping the router command and access the router page using

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    Thank you

    He should choose the height of the 2.4 GHz SSID or the SSID 5 GHz, but only in the case were two router have the same SSID for the 2.4 Ghz and the same SSID for 5 Ghz. (Remember separated SSID at 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz signals)

    It can be confusing, so here's an example:

    Main router:

    2.4 Ghz SSID: myhouse

    5 GHz SSID: myhouse_5gz

    Linksys router:

    2.4 Ghz SSID: myhouse

    5 GHz SSID: myhouse_5gz

    When a wireless client moves around the place he will switch to signal the harder for SSID it finally connected to.

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    My laptop is a Toshiba Qosmio X 300 PQX32C-033019 with Vista and my router is a Linksys WRT54GS to. 6

    Here is my connection connect you, sorry if this is in French:

    Try this-

    Open an Internet Explorer browser on your computer (desktop) wired page. In the address bar type - and press ENTER...
    Let the empty user name & password use admin lowercase...
    For wireless settings, follow these steps: -.
    Click on the Wireless tab
    -Here, select manual configuration... Wireless network mode must be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the name box of the wireless network (SSID) in order to differentiate your network from your network of neighbors...

    -Set the Standard - 20 MHz Radio band and change the Standard channel to 11-2, 462 GHz... Wireless SSID broadcast should be enabled and then click on save settings...
    Please take note of the name of the wireless network (SSID) because it's the network identifier...
    For wireless security: -.
    Click the sub-tab under wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the mode of WEP wireless security, encryption must be 64-bit. Let the empty password, do not type in anything...
    Under type of WEP Key 1 in all 10 numbers please (numbers only and no mailbox for example: your 10-digit phone number) and click on save settings...
    Please note the 1 WEP key as it comes to the security key for the wireless network...

    Click the settings advanced wireless
    Change the interval of tag to 75 > change the Fragmentation threshold to 2304, change the RTS threshold to 2304 > click 'save settings '...

    On your Vista laptop, first turn off the wireless network connection and restart the laptop, and then enable the wireless connection...

    Then click Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > manage wireless network and click Add, select manually create a network profile and click Next, enter the name of your network SSID/network, select WEP for security type and enter your 10-digit network key and click Next, it should say 'Connected successfully to _' close all windows , and then restart the laptop, now see if you can connect to the Internet wireless...

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    I plugged the release LAN of my router verizon at the entrance of the WRT54G, but no internet on the wired WRT54G no outputs.  I guess I need something to "bridge mode", but can not understand it.  I suspect also that I need to disable DHCP, assign a static IP address, and probably more, but I don't have a chance.

    Any ideas?   Help is greatly appreciated.

    What is the ip address of your router verizon?

    Make sure that the ip address of the router Verizon and both are the ip address of the router Linksys assume to be in the same network range. (E.g. Verizon router ip -, Linksys router ip - Then connect the router verizon Ethernet cable to linksys router in the number in Port 1. Open the page of the Linksys router setup disable DHCP and wireless (as you say you want to 'use as a wired router wrt54G')

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    I have the phone jack connected, and:

    -an ethernet cable

    -to one of the sockets at the back of the 2wire ethernet

    -to the 'Internet' on the Linksys ethernet jack

    - and an ethernet cable

    -to one of the ethernet (1-4) at the back of the linksys

    -to the ethernet port on the computer

    The Linksys is unable to connect via the modem and reports that it may not get an IP address from the PPPoE server.  (Directly connect to the 2wire works well though.)

    Who am I wrong configuration?

    There is no side effect of bridge mode... It is one of the mode in which the modem function. When the modem is in bridge mode, you cannot go online with the computer connected directly to the modem... and you will get a 169.254.x.x ip address.

    So after you convert the modem into bridge mode, you must do the PPPoE settings on the router to go online via router.

  • VPN problem - "C1712 behind router Linksys ' connection to PIX515e

    Hi all

    I have a question about VPN (lan-to-lan).

    My setup is the following:

    10.1.20.x-[PIX515e_central site VPN concetrator]-(( ISP ))-[LINKSYS BEFSX41 router]-[Cisco1712_branch] - 192.168.14.x

    I would like to create tunnel VPN between C1712 and PIX515 (lan-to-lan), so users of 192.168.14.x would be able to connect to servers located on a central site in network 10.1.20.x.

    NAT - T is manually enabled on PIX and 'IPsec passtrough' is enabled on the Linksys router. Then what should I do now to create a VPN tunnel?

    What is the basic C1712 and PIX515e configuration to make it work?

    All other industries (8) work, but they are directly connected to the internet via C1712, so without router Linksys in front of him. Thus, PIX is already properly configured for this configuration.

    I guess that the installer with Linksys router does not work because of PAT.

    6.3 (4) version PIX

    C1712 Version 12.4

    Please advise!

    Thank you very much in advance!

    This line is incorrect on the router configuration:

    IP nat inside source list 6 interface FastEthernet0 overload

    Please, remove it and have her take:

    overload of IP nat inside source list 101 interface FastEthernet0

    Hope that solves this problem.

  • Guest WIFI Linksys WRT54GS by connecting (v6) to ActionTec (verizon fios)...


    I want to activate access wifi comments so that I do not share my wifi password main with the guests to allow them to access the Internet (for browsing mainly).

    I currently have Verizon FIOS as my ISP and use ActionTec (MI424WR Rev I). Unforunately, due to certain levels of firmware, allowing access as guest (via dual SSID) is not possible.

    I have an old router d LinkSys WRT54GS (v6) and I was wondering if I can use to connect to my rounter Verizon ActionTec providing guest network? I want to keep Verizon FIOS ActionTec as my main router that I have other devices connected and configured for it.

    So, I was wondering how to connect WRT54GS (v6) to my Verizon ActionTec rounter to leave wifi access without me offering me the passwd wifi main comments?

    My WRT54GS (v6) does NOT run any DD - WRT or OpenWRT f/w but it is running original LinkSys f/w (1.52.8).

    I want to know the following:

    (1) do I need to connect the LAN of router LinkSys LAN Port of Verizon ActionTec port? Or can I connect to LAN_port of Verizon ActionTec WAN_port of LinkSys?

    (2) do I need to disable the DHCP server on LinkSys?

    (3) can I create an additional SSID (with friendly passwd) on LinkSys for allow comments access this SSID while I access my original SSID of ActionTec?

    I went thru' and I tried, but my devices were not able to access internet when connecting to guest SSID.

    Thus, you can enjoy a few tips here. Thank you!

    Kind regards


    Hi kamdard. You can actually set up the WRT54GS as a wireless network completely different from the one you are currently configuring it with a different name and a different password. If you want the host computers or wireless devices behind the WRT54GS to be able to communicate with the computers behind the ActionTec router then you can follow the method from LAN to LAN. If this isn't the case, then follow the LAN WAN configuraiton.

    Only, you will need to disable DHCP on the ActionTec if you follow the method from LAN to LAN.

    For easy setup, I have personally, suggest that you follow the LAN WAN config. This means that you connect the Ethernet cable between the LAN of your Action Tec port WAN or the Linksys router's Internet port. In this way, you don't have to disable DHCP in the WRT54GS and to access its configuration page via anytime.

    Furthermore, what is the IP address of your router, ActionTec? If it is on, too, you may need to change the local IP address of the router Linksys Once done, access the configuration of the WRT54GS page and customize the wireless network and the wireless password.

    Also, before all configurations, it's better reset the unit to default settings. It is done by pressing the reset button at the back of the routerfor 30 seconds while the power is on. Release the button and unplug the unit.

    Hope the above helps.

  • Linksys WRT54G broadcasts simultaneously two wireless signals.

    Everyone knows the Linksys WRT54G Router broadcast two signals?  I did a wirelss security reset in my modem the other day and changed the name of the SSID broadcast.  Now I have the old and the new SSID broadcast at the sametime.  When I go into my router I see that a new figure.  My problem is that the new SSID I created is encrypted with WPA Personal and older SSID broadcasting still is not encrypted, anyone can jump on the signal.  The older SSID has been initially encrypted in WEP... I can't understand this.  Can anyone help?

    FYI... the new SSID signal is very strong and the most original is weak.

    I turned on MAC filtering wireless in order to prevent anyone with a laptop that is close to my network.

    Your router can broadcast only one SSID. If you have changed and configure WPA Personal then that's for sure.

    The unsecured "linksys" network is your neighbor. If you check the web interface of the unsecured "linksys" network you will see that it is another. See the status page.

  • How to get the IP address Linksys WRT54GS DHCP assigns to a Wi - Fi connection?

    To connect the Linksys WRT54GS to a demonstration of Microchip DV102411 WiFi Comm card I need the IP address assigned by DHCP. The Administration WRT54GS log is enabled, but there is no incoming or outgoing network activity. The DV102411 can see the SSID linsys scanning for wireless networks and attached to it but once attached, I need to know the address IP of the DV102411 has been given by the WRT54GS.

    You can consult the router DHCP client table.

  • Connecting A Linksys WRT54G Ver 2 to an AT & T DSL 2Wire gateway Modem

    This link will give you instructions step by step how the router to another router or modem/router linksys cascade: cascade or connect a router to another Linksys router. If this link does not work for you, then you can follow the steps on this link on how to configure the router with a dsl connection, as long as you have an internet provider ADSL connection: setting up a router Linksys for DSL Internet connection.

  • router Linksys with netgear with comcast

    We have problems with our wireless network that we have more than 5 Mac devices on our network. Comcast proposed to attach a Linksys router at our comcast netgear existing router to add 5 ip addresses more to our mixture. Is there a model that would be better for this configuration? Thank you!

    You don't need another router.  One you have will work fine.  However, you will need to go the Netgear forum for assistance.  Your Cable Guy doesn't know what he's talking about.  If you really have an IP address conflict, you will need to find it.  To help, make sure that all devices are set to DHCP and do not have a static IP address.   I'm assuming that the router is a router 4 ports.

  • How LinkSys WRT54G v7 supports RTSP streaming service?


    I use the LinkSys WRT54G v7 and I can see the RTSP videos using VLC player to Strangely, I can't play videos if another AP as the DLINK is used instead of LinkSys.

    I analyzed packages and discovered that RTSP server (youtube) sends RTP packets to the ports of the client which are acquired to the RTSP SETUP procedures. Then the Server packets cannot reach the customer because the hole of the UDP is not perforated to the AP.

    But, when I use the LinkSys, RTP packets can cross the NAT.

    That is my question. LinkSys offers NAT traversal for RTSP streaming service? So, why can't find a list of features on this subject from the LinkSys product information? No explanation for this?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    1. None of the NAT helpers in the Linksys firmware are documented anywhere.

    2. If possible, they added a helper for RTP.

    3. it could also be that VLC player in front of the port with UPnP.

  • Question to Linksys WRT54G password

    I have a router wireless of linksys WRT54G hard wired to a mac and I use the router to get your laptop online. Everything works beautifully. Now I have an iphone that I want to be able to use the same network on. When I turn on my iphone it finds the router which of course requires a password. I'm going in what I think is the password and it is denied. I am able to connect to the Web page of the router and access all my settings. On the administration tab, there is a place to change the password. I changed this and entered a new password, but the only thing that changes is the password that is used to get access to the web page of Linksys. (the web page that I can enter to change and access settings) am I wrong to think this would be the same password to my iphone application?

    Sorry for the long explanation, just try to give detailed information.

    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, it's the wrong password.  Look under your security settings wireless / wireless and you will find the password requested.  This will be a key/paraphrase or password depending on the encryption you put in place.

Maybe you are looking for