BIS push

I watched customer simon simple example to push aside, it is said he download the two files, but there is only a single file attachment.   Am I missing something?

I sent a message to MSohm to study why the second file is missing.

I tried to attach to this post, but had an odd error:

Content type of the attachment (application/octet-stream) does not match its file extension.

You will find the file here:

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • How long does take to BIS PUSH

    How long the BIS push to reach the appliance from the server of the content provider?


    in MS? Joke. Its really instant.

    Best, bert2002

  • What is Blackberry Bis push Service different development of BlackBerry Java development?


    I develop applications using blackberry java development. I want to develop an application that uses blackberry push service, pls suggest is different from the java development?

    What do you mean with 'different '?
    BIS push uses the infrastructure of the RIM and is a service, it is independent of the programming language.

    You can use BIS push with java bb, you can use it with webworks/html5, and you can also use it on bb10 with c ++.

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    jmurra wrote:

    Thank you for your prompt response and thorough, I appreciate your help.

    I wonder if WinMob, anddroid or a different operating system pushes emails faster?  I can't go company BES but need to e-mail faster than 15-20.

    Sorry, those ^^ will not impose on your device. It is a completely different technology.

  • BIS push registration for lack of client app

    Hi all

    I'm trying to implement the push BIS service in the client application.

    I got the Port number, appId, BPA URL & using that i'm trying to register using the code below

    public boolean registerBpas() {} ("MyScreen.registerBpas ()");
    As the suffix of the connection is fixed I just use a Thread to call the code of connection

    isValue Boolean = false;
    try {} ("-step 1");
    String conparam = getConnParam(); ("---> conparam:" + conparam);
    final String registerUrl = formRegisterRequest (null, BPAS_URL, APP_ID), + conparam / * Conn.getConnectionParameters () * /; ("\n\n\n msg registerBPAS URL is:" + registerUrl);
    HttpConnection httpConnection = (HttpConnection), (registerUrl);
    InputStream is = httpConnection.openInputStream ();
    Response string = new String (IOUtilities.streamToBytes (is)); ("\n\n\n\n\n\n msg RESPOSE CODE:" + response);
    Close (httpConnection, is, null);
    String nextUrl = formRegisterRequest (BPAS_URL, APP_ID response) + conparam / * Conn.getConnectionParameters () * /; ("\n\n\n\n\n\n msg nextUrl:" + nextUrl);
    HttpConnection nextHttpConnection = (HttpConnection), (nextUrl);
    InputStream nextInputStream = nextHttpConnection.openInputStream ();
    response = new String (IOUtilities.streamToBytes (nextInputStream)); ("\n\n\n\n\n\n msg RESPOSE CODE 1:" + response);
    Close (nextHttpConnection, is, null);
    If (REGISTER_SUCCESSFUL.equals (response) |) {USER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED. Equals (Response))} ("saved successfully to push BIS msg");
    Returns true;
    } else {} ("msg record BPA rejected");
    isValue = false;
    Returns false;
    } catch (final IOException e) {} ("IOException msg on register()" + e + "" + e.getMessage ());
    isValue = false;
    Returns false;
    Return isValue;

    public static close Sub (conn connection, InputStream is, OutputStream os) {}
    If (OS! = null) {}
    try {}
    OS. Close();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    If (is! = null) {}
    try {}
    is. Close();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    If (conn! = null) {}
    try {}
    Conn.Close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}

    Public Shared Sub errorDialog (final String message)
    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .invokeLater (new Runnable()
    public void run()
    Dialog.Alert (message);

    private static String formRegisterRequest (String bpasUrl, String appId, string token) {}
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (bpasUrl);
    SB. Append("/MSS/PD_subReg?");
    SB. Append ("ServiceId ="). Append (appid);
    SB. Append("&OSVersion="). Append (DeviceInfo.getSoftwareVersion ());
    SB. Append("&Model="). Append (DeviceInfo.getDeviceName ());
    If (token! = null & token.length () > 0) {}
    SB. Append("&"). Append (Token);
    Return sb.toString ();
    public static String getConnParam() {}
    String connectionParameters = "";
    If (WLANInfo.getWLANState () == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED) {}
    Connected to a WiFi access point
    connectionParameters = «;» deviceside = true; interface = wifi. "
    } else {}
    int coverageStatus = CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus ();
    ServiceRecord record = getWAP2ServiceRecord();
    If (record! = null)
    & (coverageStatus & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) ==
    CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) {}
    Having network coverage and a book of WAP 2.0 service record
    connectionParameters = «;» deviceside = true; ConnectionUID ="
    + record.getUid ();
    } else if ((coverageStatus & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) ==)
    CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) {}
    Have a book cover and SDM service network
    connectionParameters = «;» deviceside = false;
    } else if ((coverageStatus & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) ==)
    CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) {}
    Have the network coverage, but no trace of service WAP 2.0 book
    connectionParameters = «;» deviceside = true;

    Return connectionParameters;
    private static {ServiceRecord getWAP2ServiceRecord()
    Full book sb = ServiceBook.getSB ();
    Reviews [] ServiceRecord = sb.getRecords ();
    for (int i = 0; i)< records.length;="" i++)="">
    String cid = records [i] .getCid () .toLowerCase ();
    String uid = records [i] .getUid () .toLowerCase ();

    If (cid.indexOf ("wptcp")! = - 1 &)
    uid.indexOf ("wifi") ==-1 &.
    uid.indexOf ("mms") ==-1) {}
    Returns records [i];
    Returns a null value.

    But I m getting the error below

    Timeout occurred while processing the operation.

    Check the log of the unit below

    INFO: File created successfully
    INFO: MyScreen.registerBpas)
    INFO:-step 1
    NEWS :---> conparam:; deviceside = true; ConnectionUID = WAP2 trans

    registerBPAS MSG URL is: trans


    Timeout occurred while processing the operation.


    MSG nextUrl:

    Timeout occurred while processing the operation.

    ; deviceside = true; ConnectionUID = WAP2 trans


    Has received a bad request formed.

    INFO: msg BPA rejected registration
    INFO:-isSub: false

    Hi Simon

    His work... Register register & to work...

    Thank you very much for your answer...

    In fact, in connection suffix, I used [deleted inappropriate content]

    There must be a hyphen (-) between mds & public, its not allow me to type this text because it's in this forum.

    And tested device in...

    This connection suffix is transposition BIS & now I am able to register and de-register my app to push.

    But still, I need to test the receiver push message part, once my server implementation is made.

    Once again thanks a lot...

    Thank you


  • PHP BB BIS push server works on push_all but not on PIN

    Well this time I already develop my client applications,.

    and I found this problem when I try to make PHP applications according to

    When I send the message to the address push_all:

    It works great on my device, but when I send the message with the specified PIN address:

    once more, the message is blocked by Firewall (THE firewall IS OFF) as MESSAGE NO FIGURE.

    This is my code:

            // create a new cURL resource
            $err = false;
            $ch = curl_init();
            $messageid = microtime(true);
            $data = '--asdwewe. "\r\n" .
            'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n\r\n" .
            . $addresses .
            ' . "\r\n" .
            '--asdwewe' . "\r\n" .
            'Content-Type: text/plain' . "\r\n" .
                    //'Content-Encoding: binary'. "\r\n" .
            'Push-Message-ID: ' . $messageid . "\r\n\r\n" .
            stripslashes($message) . "\r\n" .
            '--asdwewe--' . "\r\n";
            // set URL and other appropriate options
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT , 443);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 3);
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd()."\cacert.pem");
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "My BB Push Server\1.0");
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $appid . ':' . $password);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            $__extra_Headers = array(
                "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=asdwewe; type=application/xml",
                "Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2",
                "Connection: keep-alive",
                "X-Rim-Push-Dest-Port: ".$appport,
                "X-RIM-PUSH-ID: ".$messageid,
                "X-RIM-Push-Reliability-Mode: APPLICATION"
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $__extra_Headers);
            // grab URL and pass it to the browser
            $xmldata = curl_exec($ch);
            if($xmldata === false){
                echo 'Error pada CURL : ' . curl_error($ch)."\n";
                echo 'Operasi push berhasil'."\n";
            // close cURL resource, and free up system resources
            //Start parsing response into XML data that we can read and output
            $p = xml_parser_create();
            xml_parse_into_struct($p, $xmldata, $vals);
            $errorcode = xml_get_error_code($p);
            if ($errorcode > 0) {
                echo xml_error_string($errorcode)."\n";
                $err = true;
            echo 'Our PUSH-ID: ' . $messageid . "
    \n"; if (!$err && $vals[1]['tag'] == 'PUSH-RESPONSE') { echo 'PUSH-ID: ' . $vals[1]['attributes']['PUSH-ID'] . "
    \n"; echo 'REPLY-TIME: ' . $vals[1]['attributes']['REPLY-TIME'] . "
    \n"; echo 'Response CODE: ' . $vals[2]['attributes']['CODE'] . "
    \n"; echo 'Response DESC: ' . $vals[2]['attributes']['DESC'] . "
    \n"; } else { echo '

    An error has occured

    ' . "\n"; echo 'Error CODE: ' . $vals[1]['attributes']['CODE'] . "
    \n"; echo 'Error DESC: ' . $vals[1]['attributes']['DESC'] . "
    \n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } exit(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>

    I appreciate any useful message... Thank you for your attention and help

    well, I'm a bit confused now...

    the problem is already solved without a single change in my code (device and server)...

    I think it is a problem of service blackberry... or something else, I don't know... * huff *.

  • BIS push to more of an app?

    Newbie here. We move a lot on our application to receive the impulses and it works great so far. We had a simple newbie question: can two apps on a single device to register for push notification? (We target device 5.0 and liked if it matters). I am not the person responsible for the coding for this section of the project, and I'm curious to know if it is possible. Thanks in advance!

    Two applications cannot share the sample application IDs. It's supposed to be a 1 to 1 mapping. But nothing to say can't you register receive a second application id.

  • "Workflow" for BIS-Push

    I downloaded the sample application, which contains a demo client.

    However, I find it very difficult to extract the correct workflow of this demo client and integrate it to my own project (with its own logging, factory connections etc.).

    Can someone with more experience in this field tell me the basic steps?

    Or y at - it a library that is not integrated into an overall sample recommended project?

    What I'm doing now:

    -Open a server socket on the device with the correct suffix (which I'm not allowed to say here as it looks, although it is available in the official documentation) and the port of our registration number

    -connect to this URL (xxx is the service of our registration id):

    Here, I get a http 400.

    One thing to check is the same suffix of connection (I would RIM were more open about it) in your application for PD_subReg as in your connection to listen. I also believe that this will work only for a real device, not a simulator (never managed to get the Simulator to work).

    You can also visit the discussion forum BlackBerry push development - there is a certain messages like yours, ask questions about all sorts of things.

    And... you know how people here warn beginners to practice of banging their heads on the wall? Get ready for another round. RIM is very clever to take weeks to answer even the simplest questions.

  • BIS is encrypted push?

    Just a little question because I can't find right now: BIS push is encrypted or do you have to add an additional encryption layer in the payload?

    Hi, I've heard talk about Devcon 2010 registered, DEV01-Push or do not push content delivery to the customer.

    relationship of speaker/developer 45:28 minutes say the content is not encrypted. If the information is very sensitive, you can implement the own encryption key.

  • Registration of client-sample-app Push received the error 403

    Hi guys.

    I work the pusk sdk demo.  When I run the client Simulator demo.

    first register the URL of content provider. I got a 200 response code. It is successfully

    then register at this time, I got a 403 responsecode

    and the text of the response is

    Http: 403 error,
    "" > """lang ="fr"XML: lang ="fr">

    Access forbidden!<br>BPA registration rejected<p class="help"> <p class="help">What's wrong?</p> <p class="help">My url is <a href=";deviceside=false"></a></p> <p class="help">Note that I use mds to connect to the network</p> <p class="help">I don't know why I got a 403 forbidden response.</p> <p class="help">can I subscribe to <a href="" rel="external nofollow noreferrer"></a> with '; '. deviceside = false '?</p> <p class="help">or some settings wrong in my url?</p> <p class="help">Thank you. !</p> <p class="reply">Unfortuantely, as far as I know, you can subscribe to the BPA server using the Simulator.</p> <p class="reply">As long as these devices BES have BIS service book they should be able to receive push sent via BIS push server.</p>

  • Push not configurable Message after a device reboot java BB

    Hi all

    I joined the BlackBerry push notification successfully in my application of the Sub Here again successfully able to get push until you restart the device notification, after restarting the device I can't able to get push notification.

    Note: I put the other entry point, checked the "-autorun at startup" and my main method is as below

     if (args != null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("autostart")) {
                 // auto start, wait for OS
                while (ApplicationManager.getApplicationManager().inStartup()) {
                   try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                PushAgent agent = new PushAgent();
            } else {
                            theApp = new MyApp();

    Is I used something wrong or I have to put in any other place?

    Thanks @gbeukeboom. Finally, I found the solution from this link.

  • Notifications push and wifi


    I have two test devices (the two Torch 9800) to the Agency, one with a data plan and the other without.

    The one with the data plan receives notifications of type push very well. But without, even when connected to wifi, does not push at all.

    It doesn't bother me too much that I'm guessing that most of our clients have a data plan (which I assume is required for growth), but my question is:

    If someone with a data plan is connected to wifi, will they get notifications of type push? No matter what message transport is used when registering the client machine for the BIS push? Or the mode of transport importance only when it receives impulses? Maybe both?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi pg1181,

    It's my understanding of the case. To get push notifications, you must have access to the BlackBerry network, which you can do with a BlackBerry data plan. But as long as you have an active BlackBerry data plan, you will continue to receive push notifications if you are connected via the cellular network or wifi.

    Without a BlackBerry data plan, there is no way for RIM push messages on your phone, and so the apps will rely on polling to get new notifications. Then you will be informed of updates, messages, etc. on the scheduled polling period only (depends on the application refresh interval).

    I hope this info helps!

  • Pushing data from a Java application * confused *.

    Hello community,

    I'm new to the BlackBerry Push. I tried to understand what options are available to provide data to a Java application and how it can be tested.

    There are so many documents on this subject, for example:

    1. Push for the BlackBerry Enterprise Server software
    2. BlackBerry Push service
    3. Push blackBerry SDK service

    What I discovered thanks to these documents.

    1. There are two formats that can be used to send data through the BES (PAP push / push RIM)
    2. BlackBerry Push service has two levels (BB push Essentials / BB push more - limited to 8 KB content)
    3. In the Push Service SDK, there are two modes available (public and business mode)

    For me, these information are really confusing.

    What I don't understand:

    I. can the software of the BlackBerry Push Service SDK be used for both options 1. & 2. mentioned above? (referring to public and business mode)

    II. is there documentation how to push Service SDK can be configured for the mode of the company?

    III. when you use BES Push is also limited to 8 KB content size?

    IV. is it possible to only a single client application that can be used to BES and BIS push?

    Thanks in advance.

    I. the SDK can be used to push either a BIS or BES. The SDK has a setting to determine if its pressure through the (public) BIS or BES (company). The SDK can be used to push push Essentials or Plush Push. The SDK software uses the API of PAP.

    II. I'm not sure of the documentation, but I don't know that the SDK can ask a BES for sure. But in the end, you need to set the flag to push public were false.

    III. no the BES is not a limitation of 8 k.

    IV. I'm not an expert on client applications, but I think you need to develop a version for BIS and a version for BES.

  • Does not receive do not push message

    I use BIS push.

    I when I send messages on the server side. I get the success of status while blackberry.push.openBISPushListener and also answer registraion code of rc = 200.

    But I don't get any push on my device.
    My code side Server

    It's my PAP message that I post at

    -ASDFaslkdfjasfaSfdasfhpoiurwqrwmContent-Type: application/xml; Charset = UTF-8">

    Content-Type: text/plain
    Push-Message-ID: 1342518013536

    Test message 2

    This is the response message I get from "" > ' sender name = 'RIM Push-Data Service' response-time = "2012-07 - 17 T 09: 42:46Z" > "


    My client-side code

    On the recording, I get rc = 200. So I think that my BB is registered successfully

    var port = 21000;
    serverURL = ""; var
    var appID = "XXX-617k3e20yRDmXXXf316r70M4cc13202kXXXX";
    var max = 100;
    var wakeUpPage = "... / push.html";

    function listenToPush() {}
    try {}
    OPS var = {port: port, appId: appID, serverUrl: serverURL, wakeUpPage: wakeUpPage, maxQueueCap: max};
    blackberry.push.openBISPushListener (ops our, onRegister, onSimChange);
    } catch (e) {}
    Alert ("error from BISPushListener:" + e);

    Our function (data) {}
    Alert (Data.Payload);
    try {}
    A code
    return 0; indicate the acceptance of data useful for pushing reliable
    } catch (e) {}
    Alert ("error on receive BISPushListener:" + e);

    function onRegister (status) {}
    If (status == 0) {}
    Alert ("Success");
    } Else if (status == 1) {}
    Alert ("network error");
    } Else if (status == 2) {}
    Alert ("rejected by the server");
    } Else if (status == 3) {}
    Alert ("invalid parameters");
    } Else if (status ==-1) {}
    Alert ("General error");
    } else {}
    Alert ("status unknown");

    function onSimChange() {}
    A code

    Thank you

    Now, I sign up on &»

    I now receive push messages

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