BitmapData byte]

How to convert a byte [] to BitmapData?

If you have a ByteArray, you apparently would be able to use a Loader object, call loadBytes() on it and retrieve the bitmap as indicated in the responsedata.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

Similar Questions

  • Dynamically loaded Bitmapdatas zip are not approved locally and therefore cannot be changed

    It is a very strange problem.

    I use external resources to a game that I do. One of the resources is a zip file containing 100 images (thumbnails). The goal of this zip is simply that he would load these resources much easier, simpler and as I am storing these resources on Amazon S3, significantly cheaper.

    He worked without a hitch, until I moved and ran the swf in a location not approved.

    Now, when I try to load the first thumbnail I get this:

    Charger/get content())

    SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file file:///C|/Users/Tom/Desktop/Jigsaw.swf cannot access the resource local file:///C|/Users/Tom/Desktop/Jigsaw.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/1. Only SWF files local local - with system files and trust can access local resources.

    This happens when I try and access Loader.content, I need to do what some bitmapdatas will have to be changed after loading.

    I ran into a similar error when you try to originally load external resources and convert them into bitmapDatas. This has been fixed by using a policy file.

    I thought the policy file was the problem, but then I tried to integrate the .zip in the swf file rather than load it externally, like this:

    [Embed (source = "... / res/images/", mimeType = "application/octet-stream" "")]

    But even that threw up the same error.

    What is happening is that a byteArray is skillfully transposed in a BitmapData, but in the process, it becomes not approved by Flash.

    I can't find any way to convert this byte.

    I tried using several different class zip as3 packages, but they all fall into the same obstacle.

    Here's the key code:

    zip: FZip var = new FZip();

    zip.loadBytes (zipData);

    var file:FZipFile = zip.getFileByName ("image1.jpg");

    var loader: Loader = new Loader();

    loader.loadBytes (file.content);

    root.addChild (loader);

    loader.addEventListener ("click", Function {}

    var bd:BitmapData =;

    bd.applyFilter (bd, bd.rect, new focus(), new BlurFilter (20, 20, 1));

    } );

    This is the part that is really weird... When I test it, it works fine, when I download online, very well. The only time I get the error is when the SWF file is run locally, but in an untrusted location.

    Obviously, these security measures are a bit blurry if it works without a hitch in line, but does not on-site, expect that it is the other way around.

    As far as I know there's nothing potentially dangerous with my code. It is from a trusted location (the policy file works).

    I found another unfortunate person who encountered the same problem, but never got a response:

    I've tried EVERYTHING. bitmapdatas loaded dynamically zippers are unmodifiable without apparent reason... unless the swf is opened in a trusted location or anywhere online.

    If you want your trusted local files, it adds trust files setting: l

  • How to access the BitmapData instance on the class that extends the charger?

    Hello. I use Flash CS6 to create an AIR application that loads an image from the computer, and then a pixel counts using its bitmap data.

    MyImg is a class that represents the loaded image.

    package com.utils {}

    import flash.display.Loader;

    SerializableAttribute public class extends {charger MyImg

    public void MyImg (): void {}




    In my main class I manage the selection of files and loading.

    private var _myImage:MyImg = new MyImg();

    private var _file:FileReference;

    private var _fileTypes:FileFilter = new FileFilter ("Imagens: (*.jpeg, *.jpg, *.gif, *.png)", "*.jpeg;") *.jpg; *.gif; *.png");

    When the user clicks on a "load image" button on the stage, it calls loadMyImg().

    public void loadMyImg($e:MouseEvent):void {}



    The user then selects the file he wants to do.

    private function chooseFile (): void {}

    Inasmuch = new FileReference();

    _File.addEventListener (Event.SELECT, fileSelected);

    _File.browse ([_fileTypes]);


    Once you have selected the file, it is loaded as a byte array.

    private void fileSelected($e:Event):void {}

    _File.removeEventListener (Event.SELECT, fileSelected);

    _File.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, fileLoaded);

    _File.load ();


    When it finishes loading it loads the byte array in _myImage.

    private void fileLoaded($e:Event):void {}

    _File.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, fileLoaded);

    _myImage.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, dataReady);

    _myImage.loadBytes (_File.Data);


    Once it's done I try to use the _myImage BitmapData, but cannot...

    private void dataReady($e:Event):void {}

    $ (Event.COMPLETE, dataReady);

    trace ($ + $ + $ + $; Returns [object LoaderInfo] [object Bitmap] instance 155 [BitmapData object]

    trace (_myImage + _myImage.content + + _myImage.contentLoaderInfo +; instance of [object LoaderInfo] 155 155 instance [object Bitmap] returns [object MyImg]

    trace (_myImage.content.bitmapData) //compiler error: 1119 of bitmapData property possibly access not defined through a reference with static type flash.flashDisplay:DisplayObject.

    error //same trace (_myImage.contentLoaderInfo.content.bitmapData)


    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Instances have the same name so that they are identical. They both trace as bitmaps, yet when I didn't access it from the event I do not get the bitmapData. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? I need to use the bitmapData of the classroom MyImg. I guess I could create a BitmapData variable in the class and give it the value of $, but I still want to know why it can't be simpler.

    Thank you!

    Cast _myImage.content as bitmap:

    Bitmap (_myImage.Content)

  • bitmapData.draw (SecurityError): security sandbox violation

    I'm loading and playing a local video file with appendBytes() and when I call a bitmapData.draw function)

    below the exception comes up.

    SecurityError: Error #2123: security sandbox violation: BitmapData.draw

    cannot access to null. Access granted to any policy files.

    What should I do? ....

    Mr President, I have already mentioned in my last post, I test with the two relative and absolute.

    Yes, I related paths khow works very well when I do something like this

    bitmap. Draw works very well in above case, but my scenario is different I load a complete video as a bytearray before play and play the video of this bytes

    private void fileLoaderComplete(event:Event):void


    Transmit the bytes loaded to drive

    drive. AddVideo (;


    It is to add video function in Player.mxml

    public void AddVideo(VideobyteArray:ByteArray):void


    if(NS == null)


    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();

    NC. Connect (null);

    NS = new NetStream (nc);

    ns.checkPolicyFile = true;

    ns.soundTransform = new SoundTransform (0.0);

    NS.client = this;

    ns.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, nsStatus);


    videodata = VideobyteArray;

    GetTags (videoData);

    NS. Play (null);

    ns.appendBytesAction (NetStreamAppendBytesAction.RESET_BEGIN);

    ns.appendBytes (VideobyteArray);

    video.attachNetStream (ns);

    playBar.TogglePlay (true);


    I think it's a bug in flash sdk 4.6 (Flash Player 11)

    bitmap. Draw function is somehow in conflict with the appendBytesAction or appendBytes

    This question is posted on the forum of ActionScript 3.0 front



  • My image is unique size, the byte array is another?

    I have a very similar problem, but no solution:

    I need in png encode an Image which is 130 x 30 but the byteArray with which it was created is not long enough. I see it right in front of me.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    "" < mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx = ""
    Width = "160" height = "114" horizontalAlign = "center" >

    < mx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    Import mx.core.Application;
    Import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

    private static var instance: Test = null;
    private var strng:String ="";
    private var png:ByteArray;
    private var result: ByteArray;

    public static void ready(str:String):void {}
    If (instance == null) instance = new Test();
    instance.strng = str;
    instance. Show();

    private void show(): void {}
    result = stringToByteArray (strng);
    If (! this.isPopUp) {}
    setPopupHelpWindowStyle (this);
    PopUpManager.addPopUp (this, Application.application as DisplayObject, false);
    PopUpManager.centerPopUp (this);
    IMG. Load (result);

    private static void setPopupHelpWindowStyle(ifdo:IFlexDisplayObject): void {}
    var isc:IStyleClient = IFlexDisplayObject (ifdo) as IStyleClient;
    isc.setStyle ("modalTransparency", 1);

    private static void stringToByteArray(str:String): ByteArray {}
    var result: ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    var i: int = 0;
    While (I < str.length) {}
    result.writeByte (number ("0 x" + str.substr (i, 2)));
    I += 2;

    return the result;

    public void encode (): void {}
    var encoder: PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder;
    instance.PNG = coder.encodeByteArray (instance.result, instance.img.width, instance.img.height);
    []] >
    < / mx:Script >
    < mx:Image id = "img" x = "10" y = "10" width = "130" height = "30" />
    < mx:Button label = "Button" click = "encode ()" / >
    < / mx:TitleWindow >

    When I try to encode, I get:

    : Error #2030: end of file was encountered.
    at flash.utils::ByteArray/readUnsignedInt()

    I get an error because Baker is created from a string that is only 3540 characters long, or only 1720 bytes. I can see the picture and he'd fill the whole box, but I don't know what type of alogorthm is used to extend the byteArray to fill.

    Is there a method to access the pixels of the image similar to the BitmapData feature, where I can browse the pixels and read the bits directly from the display to build a new ByteArray? Or a way to make a bitmapdata object?

    var bmd:BitmapData = ?;
    var useableByteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

    for (var i: int = 0; i < img.width; i ++) {}
    for (var j: int = 0; j < img.height; j ++) {}
    useableByteArray.writeByte (bmd.getPixel32 (i, j));

    Post edited by: eboda_kcuf

    Can use BItmapData.draw () on the Image?

  • ANE, iOS and BitmapData

    Is there any example of passing data bitmap in iOS and return a copy of modfified. I'm trying to convert a bitmap to jpeg - similar to this example in Windows but it crashed every time. I'm sure that I'm doing wrong something basic but not not an iOS / Objective C programmer, I try really just magical incantations, and I can't find any good examples. Any help is appreciated?



    P.S. Here's my attempt:

    FREObject encodeJPEG (FREContext ctx, void * funcData, uint32_t argc, argv, FREObject)


    FREObject objectBitmapData = argv [0];

    FREBitmapData bitmapData;

    FREAcquireBitmapData (objectBitmapData, & bitmapData);

    width = bitmapData.width int;

    int height = bitmapData.height;

    int stride = bitmapData.lineStride32 * 4;

    uint32_t entry = bitmapData.bits32;

    FREReleaseBitmapData (objectBitmapData);

    UIImage * myImage = [UIImage imageWithData:input];

    NSData * jpgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation (myImage, 0.9);

    FREObject objectByteArray = argv [1];

    FREByteArray byteArray;

    Length of FREObject;

    FRENewObjectFromUint32 (jpgData.length, & length);

    FRESetObjectProperty (objectByteArray, (const uint8_t *) 'length', length, NULL);

    FREAcquireByteArray (objectByteArray, & byteArray);

    memcpy (byteArray.bytes, jpgData.bytes, jpgData.length);

    FREReleaseByteArray (objectByteArray);

    return null;


    Final version - seems to work ok - encodes ok and I think that cleans up after itself ok.


    FREObject encodeJPEG (FREContext ctx, void * funcData, uint32_t argc, argv [] FREObject)


    FREObject objectBitmapData = argv [0];

    FREBitmapData2 bitmapData;

    FREAcquireBitmapData2 (objectBitmapData, & bitmapData);

    width = bitmapData.width int;

    int height = bitmapData.height;

    int stride = bitmapData.lineStride32 * 4;

    uint32_t entry = bitmapData.bits32;

    make the buffer data provider

    CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL, bitmapData.bits32, (width * height * 4), NULL);

    set up for creating CGImage

    int bitsPerComponent = 8;

    bitsPerPixel int = 32;

    int bytesPerRow = 4 * width;

    CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();

    BitmapInfo CGBitmapInfo;

    If (bitmapData.hasAlpha)


    If (bitmapData.isPremultiplied)

    bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little | kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst;

    on the other

    bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little | kCGImageAlphaFirst;


    on the other


    bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little | kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst;


    RenderingIntent CGColorRenderingIntent = kCGRenderingIntentDefault;

    CGImageRef imageRef is CGImageCreate (width, height, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerPixel, bytesPerRow, colorSpaceRef, bitmapInfo, provider, NULL, NO, renderingIntent);.

    do UIImage of CGImage

    UIImage * myImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];

    NSData * jpgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation (myImage, 0.9);

    FREReleaseBitmapData (objectBitmapData);

    FREObject objectByteArray = argv [1];

    FREByteArray byteArray;

    Length of FREObject;

    FRENewObjectFromUint32 (jpgData.length, & length);

    FRESetObjectProperty (objectByteArray, (const uint8_t *) 'length', length, NULL);

    FREAcquireByteArray (objectByteArray, & byteArray);

    memcpy (byteArray.bytes, jpgData.bytes, jpgData.length);

    FREReleaseByteArray (objectByteArray);

    output bits

    CGColorSpaceRelease (colorSpaceRef);

    CGImageRelease (imageRef);

    CGDataProviderRelease (provider);

    return null;


  • Sending the image byte array

    Hello friends

    Please guide me how can I send a table yte my UIcopmonent bitmap with the size of the 0.4 scale.

    In fact my my UIComponet size is 234 X 390 and I hv to send the byte array to the PHP end with size 90 X 150.

    This is so, how can I draw an image with the smallest size.please guide me almost 0.4 scale image.

    When I usedthis code

    var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cnvParent.width,cnvParent.height,true,0xffffff);
    var mt:Matrix new matrix());
    Mt.Scale (.4,.4);
    BMD. Draw (cnvParent, MT);
    var jpgencoder:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
    byteArray = jpgencoder.encode (bmd);

    It shows nothing after conversion to byte array. Please help me out of this problem, I have confused mtotally

    Thanks and greetings

    Vineet osho


    If you acknowledged the answers when given to previous requests for help may call a friend people would sound more sincere. You where showed how scaling of images already was what process does not?


  • Can I remove "zero-byte" &amp; "there are no ready application to open the document...". » ?

    As above.

    (1) If a Cache shows "zero-byte" in the list of information, safely remove it?

    (2) in addition, safely remove it ESPECIALLY if it says "Apple" in the name?

    (3) and, if "there is no set application to open the document...". "etc, can I safely delete that also?

    I will soon migrate to another mac and see no need to take things with what I don't need.  I won't delete the above, if I need.  As long as they do not have a hidden need to exist, so I don't have need of them.

    To be honest, when I click on read the information, I see nothing that I understand anyway.

    For 1 and 2 OK to delete it.

    What do you mean for #3? Is this a real file? A zero-byte file?

    What are the names of files?

  • cannot open HTML file firefox opens new tab and continues to set open or save the file ran malware bytes no problem found

    Trying to open an html file firefox guard opens the dialog box open the file in a new tab. I ran malware byte without success.
    The file never opens.

    Finally refreshed Firefox problem resolved...

    I am happy to hear that you solved it will lock the thread.

  • zero byte jpg 1000 files?

    I recently discovered 1000 of grayed out of jpg files in our user folder that tell all zero bytes and the claim was created in 1970 (not born then) and amended in 1984 (was in elementary school playing with Dataman.) Looking at the file name looks like that they are derived from our Photo/iPhoto library, although the file names one slightly modified. When I tried to put one in the bin I get this message

    "Some of the elements that you are moving are in use by another application. Move the items can cause problems with the application using them. Are you sure you want to move these items? ', although nothing seemed to happen when I did this and could then empty the trash.

    They don't seem to be causing no problem other than cluttering the folder of the user who is a pain.

    I wonder if it is safe to remove them and they came from?

    See you soon

    Try this:

    Quit all applications (not the Finder), even those in the menu bar if there are.

    Then sort the column 'genre', in list view Finder so that all .jpg files are together, select them all, move it to the trash.

    Restart the mac and empty the trash.

  • I downloaded Maleware bytes and scan, but none appear not on my screen

    I downloaded the Maleware bytes, the Super Scanner and Cnet, but none appears on my screen. I know I have to do something to install them, but do not remember what it is I do.

    She came back to me how to install programs. It had been a while! Download the program, and then double-click it to install it.

  • I have 14 cookies with 0 bytes that settle 12-30-5000, how do I get rid of them?

    I have 14 cookies with 0 bytes that settle 12-30-5000, how do I get rid of them?

    In Windows, usually if you can find and see a file then right click with a mouse offers options including rename this file. Rename cookies.sqlite to something like cookies.sqlite. Old1 updates the file out of use; while leaving open the possibility to rename it and re-use it if necessary.

    The easiest way to find the file, (it is located in your Firefox profile) is to use:

    • Firefox Button-> help-> troubleshooting-> [folder opened] profile information

    Firefox will rebuild a file the correct name of the next time you restart Firefox. Delete or rename the files deletes cookies and that you continue to use the cookies of Firefox will be added and updated as usual.

  • 600 proOne G2: invalid function byte - CRC fail

    It seems my featurebyte works not with a Virgin motherboard who already accept to save the series, product, version identifier, etc. CTnumber.

    I tried the combination of upper-lower case, update the bios but no luck

    could someone has an idea about that

    Have byte = 2U3E 3 X 47 5K6J 6S6b 7H7M 7Q7S 7W7a 7m7s aBap aqau b7bm dUdp dq .qG

    PS: I copied partsurfer and it aligns with the sticker on the body as well



    Dear mdklassen,

    Thanks again.

    Have solved the problem by copying featurebyte Simulator of Service Media Library of the bios.

    Ask again why they put wrong sticker on PC, but also Partsurfer.

    the characteristic right byte is




  • Zero bytes available - Finder crashing - Apps does not

    I went back to work for a month of paternity leave, and my iMac (which has only a few months) is completely on the fritz. He was running very slowly, taking an hour just to start. Applications such as Illustrator took thirty minutes to open. Mail will not open.

    Then I watched as storage available ticked down a few Go to zero. I deleted several GB of files, and whenever I restart finder says I have zero bytes available. I've worked on this all week, and all of a sudden this morning nothing I have delete appears in the trash, so I can't empty the trash.

    In addition to this, Finder crashes repeatedly, several panels of preferences system does not open and I can't connect to the network in my office. I scanned for a virus, but everything seems to be clean.

    You need to reinstall OS X from scratch. I'm afraid to erase the disc. I hope that you have a current backup.

    Install or reinstall OS X from scratch

    Make sure that you have backed up your files because the following procedure will remove all of the hard drive.

    HD recovery start:

    Restart the computer after the ring, press in and hold the ORDER et R keys until the menu screen to appear.

    Erase the drive:

    1. select in the main menu disk utility and click on the continue button.

    2. when the recovery menu appears, select disk utility and press the continue button.

    3 disk utility loads and select Macintosh HD indented from the left entry

    list.  Click on the Erase tab in the toolbar... Set the Type of Format Mac OS extended,

    ournaled in the menu dropdown. Click the clear button. Wait for the operation

    ends, then quit disk utility and return to the main menu.

    4. reinstall OS X: Select reinstall OS X and click on the install button.

    Note : You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest to use Ethernet if possible

    because it is three times faster than wireless.

    This should install the version of Mac OS X that you had installed it.

  • My 2 6 iPhone, with suddenly shows 0 bytes left for storage

    Me and my wife 6, with suddenly shows 0 bytes today's iPhone has left our storage. WhatsApp said: there is not enough storage on your iPhone for WhatsApp receive new messages. TO use WhatsApp, free up to 100 MB of space by:... We have removed the large apps as close to 600 MB and remove our deleted photos but it goes always to 0 bytes. Help, please.

    another post... it's a problem of whats app

    OK - mine fixed I

    went into whatsapp, account, then the use of storage, press the refresh up and now my phone says it has 3 GB free again.

    Let me know if this works for you all

Maybe you are looking for