Blank.gif replacing all the images in a slideshow

Since the last update, I decided to redo a site for a client. In any case...

No matter what I do when I export via FTP or HTML page and download the slide show via an ftp server does display all images, only Blank.gif (1 x 1).

I have a slide show of work on another page (I copied on but still no luck).

the bottom of the page is also on 500px to the end of the page that is not more in the design.

[site has been updated across all updates from muse] I rebuilt the site on a new doc with the same question.

Thank you chris

link to site

slideshow of work

We need the .muse file because that's where your code for this slideshow is maintained... I don't want the entire site.

  • Open your site in Muse,
  • GoTo file > save as > and save the site as a new .muse file
  • Open this new file, the muse and delete everything that is not part of the two slide shows with questions
  • Save the .muse (again, only two slideshows) and upload it to a kind of drop box, so we can pick up

Tags: Adobe Muse

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    I have 18 slideshows each is another contest for our photo club. How can I exchange all the images of each slide show with new images that our club competitions begin? I'm reluctant to just delete the slide show because I will take it all back. I want to leave the form of size and format of the show, but just share all the current images with new ones. I hope there is a quick way to remove and replace all the images for each show? Each slideshow has about 40 pictures and I have 18 shows

    Thank you for your help

    1. activate the "images" tab in the control panel

    2. Select a thumbnail.

    3. right click and choose "same."

    4. press on "BACKSPACE".

    5. open the control panel and load the new images.

  • Replace all the images in different format

    Hi all

    So I know just like the modification of some files by renamming or moving folder and open the project and then that it points to the new directory/whatever and which works very well.

    I help a friend who is sounding a customer is a mess and I need to find a quick way to solve this problem.

    Long story short, the poor kid turned on a redcam but had all converted files .mov 720 x 480 and published in first things. Well... The guys, its impossible to get an OMF from there so I got everything and it imported in first pro and started the repair of some of the bits upward and exported the OMF. Now I've discovered that the child always has the R3D files. so I would replace all the files to .mp4 and .mov in this project to the eponymous r3d with just the extension of r3d.

    Feeling when I tried to move the other files and start to replace I had to manually locate each r3d and which would take forever...

    I want to change the files of much better quality ones, a good installation sequence, keeping its changes and then speedgrade for him but I'm not willing to invest the time to manually replace each file.

    any ideas?

    You may need to do this one at a time if each R3D file is in its own folder.

  • Creating GIF images, how to edit all the images at once?

    Hey everybody. So I now how to make GIFS images already. The problem I have is that I can't find a way to edit all the images at once. I want to brighten them up and add curves, perhaps refine.

    I tried to select all layers, but all image editing in grayed out options and were not available.

    I really want to change individually the 58 frames, lol.

    Is there a way to edit all at once?

    PS - I use Photoshop CS3, if that helps!

    Thank you very much!


    Have you tried to convert all layers to a smart object or group together them? Then apply your effects to the dynamic object or group.

  • Get all the images of devices, but how do I know in what images is seclected


    in my application I want to show all the images in the first screen, after selecting any image in all we will see in the next screen (full screen) actually I get all images but problem how do I know what image is clicked

    I used this code...

    package mypackage;

    to import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Vector;


    Import net.rim.device.api.math.Fixed32;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.EncodedImage;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Manager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.FlowFieldManager;
    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    Import net.rim.device.api.util.Comparator;
    Import net.rim.device.api.util.SimpleSortingVector;

    * A class that extends the class screen, which offers default standard
    * behavior for BlackBerry GUI applications.
    / public final class screen extends MyScreen

    private static final String DEVICE_DIR_PATH = System
    .getProperty ("");
    private static final String SD_IMAGE_DIR_PATH = System
    .getProperty ("");
    private static final String OS6_CAMERA_PATH = "file:///store/home/user/camera/";
    private static final String OS6_SD_CARD_PATH = "file:///SDCard/BlackBerry/camera/";

    public static final int DEVICE_AND_SD = 0;
    public static final int DEVICE_MEM = 1;
    public static final int SD_CARD = 2;
    public static final int OS6_CAMERA = 3;
    public static final int OS6_SD_CAMERA = 4;
    public static final int DEVICE_ALL = 5;
    private static String [] _allImagePaths = null;
    private EncodedImage [encodedbitmap];
    Private bitmap image in Bitmap [];
    private BitmapField [imagebitmapField];

    int dataSize;
    private ButtonField [] bitmapf;

    * Creates a new object of MyScreen
    public MyScreen()
    Set the displayed title of the screen
    setTitle ("MyTitle");

    String [] imagePaths = getImagePaths (DEVICE_ALL);
    FlowFieldManager imageFlowField = FlowFieldManager(Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL | nouveau Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR);
    If (imagePaths! = null & imagePaths.length > 0) {}
    encodedbitmap = new EncodedImage [imagePaths.length];
    image bitmap = new Bitmap [imagePaths.length];
    imagebitmapField = new BitmapField [imagePaths.length];

    for (int i = 0; i)< imagepaths.length;="" i++)="">
    encodedbitmap [i] = loadEncodedImage ([i] imagePaths);
    [i] bitmap image is scaleImage (encodedbitmap [i], 200, 100);.
    imagebitmapField [i] = new BitmapField(bitmap[i],Field.FOCUSABLE);
    imageFlowField.add (imagebitmapField [i]);
    Add (imageFlowField);


    public Bitmap image scaleImage (EncodedImage img, int width, int height) {}

    int currentWidthF32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getWidth ());
    int currentHeightF32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getHeight ());

    If (height == 0) {}
    int requiredWidth = Fixed32.toFP (width);
    int x = Fixed32.div (currentHeightF32, currentWidthF32);
    int y = Fixed32.mul (x, requiredWidth);
    int scaleX = Fixed32.div (currentWidthF32, requiredWidth);
    int scaleY = Fixed32.div (currentHeightF32, y);
    IMG = img.scaleImage32 (scaleX, scaleY);
    } else {}
    int currentWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getWidth ());
    int currentHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (img.getHeight ());
    int requiredHeightFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (height);
    int requiredWidthFixed32 = Fixed32.toFP (width);
    int scaleXFixed32 = Fixed32.div (currentWidthFixed32,
    int scaleYFixed32 = Fixed32.div (currentHeightFixed32,
    IMG = img.scaleImage32 (scaleXFixed32, scaleYFixed32);

    Return img.getBitmap ();

    protected EncodedImage loadEncodedImage (String filePath) {}

    FileConnection connection = null;
    Byte [] byteArray = null;
    Image EncodedImage = null;
    Bitmap bitmap image = null;
    Connection = (FileConnection) Connector.Open (FilePath);
    If (Connection.Exists ())
    byteArray = byte [(int) connection.fileSize (new)];
    InputStream inputStream = connection.openInputStream (); (byteArray);
    inputStream.close ();
    image = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage (byteArray, 0, -1);
    catch (System.Exception e)
    System.out.println ("Exception" + try ());
    return image;


    public static String [] getImagePaths (int source) {}

    If get path for all do this recursively
    If (source == DEVICE_ALL) {}
    If (_allImagePaths! = null) {}
    Return _allImagePaths;

    OS6 device Gallery
    String [] os6CameraSDPaths =
    getImagePaths (OS6_SD_CAMERA);

    OS6 Gallery of SD card
    String [] os6CameraPaths =
    getImagePaths (OS6_CAMERA);

    SD card Gallery
    String [] sdCardPaths = getImagePaths (SD_CARD);
    Gallery of the device
    String [] devicePaths =
    getImagePaths (DEVICE_MEM);

    Combine the two in an ImageViewer
    int numOS6CameraSDPaths = os6CameraSDPaths! = null? os6CameraSDPaths.length
    : 0 ;
    int numOS6CameraPaths = os6CameraPaths! = null? os6CameraPaths.length
    : 0 ;
    int numSDCardPaths = sdCardPaths! = null? sdCardPaths.length: 0;
    int numDevicePaths = devicePaths! = null? devicePaths.length: 0;

    int totalNumPaths = numDevicePaths + numSDCardPaths
    + numOS6CameraPaths + numOS6CameraSDPaths;
    If (totalNumPaths > 0) {}
    String of paths [] = new String [totalNumPaths];

    If (os6CameraSDPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (os6CameraSDPaths, 0, 0, paths)
    If (os6CameraPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (os6CameraPaths, 0, paths,)
    (numOS6CameraSDPaths, numOS6CameraPaths);
    If (sdCardPaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (sdCardPaths, 0, numOS6CameraSDPaths)
    + numOS6CameraPaths, numSDCardPaths);
    If (devicePaths! = null) {}
    System.arraycopy (devicePaths, 0, paths, numOS6CameraSDPaths)
    + numOS6CameraPaths, + numSDCardPaths,

    _allImagePaths = sortPaths (paths);

    Return _allImagePaths;
    } else {}
    Returns a null value.

    Set the path to look for
    String imagePath = DEVICE_DIR_PATH;
    If (source == SD_CARD) {}
    imagePath = SD_IMAGE_DIR_PATH;

    If (source == OS6_CAMERA) {}
    imagePath = OS6_CAMERA_PATH;

    If (source == OS6_SD_CAMERA) {}
    imagePath = OS6_SD_CARD_PATH;

    Listed in the directory looking for image files
    ImagePaths vector = new Vector();
    FileConnection imageDir = null;
    try {}
    imageDir = (imagePath) (FileConnection);
    If (imageDir! = null) {}
    Enumeration = imageDir.list ();

    imageDir.close ();
    While (enumeration.hasMoreElements ()) {}
    String imageName = (String) enumeration.nextElement ();
    If (isSupported (imageName)) {}
    imagePaths.addElement (imagePath + imageName);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    XLogger.error (ImagePath.class, "cannot read file:")
    + e.getMessage ());
    } {Finally
    If (imageDir! = null) {}
    try {}
    imageDir.close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    XLogger.error (ImagePath.class, "cannot close the file:")
    + e.getMessage ());

    If there is no images don't return the null value
    If (imagePaths.size)<= 0)="">
    Returns a null value.

    Return the results in an array of strings
    _allImagePaths = new String [imagePaths.size ()];
    imagePaths.copyInto (_allImagePaths);
    Return _allImagePaths;

    private static String [] sortPaths (String [] paths) {}
    Sort the paths of the time, where modified files.
    Class PathAndLastModified {}

    timeStamp long private;
    private String path;

    {} public void setTimeStamp (long timeStamp)
    this.timeStamp = timeStamp;

    {} public void setPath (String path)
    This.Path = path;

    public String GetExtension() {}
    Returns the path;

    Comparator to sort paths
    Comparator pathComparator = new Comparator() {}
    public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) {}
    If (((PathAndLastModified) o1) .timeStamp)< ((pathandlastmodified)o2).timestamp="" )="">
    Return 1;
    } ElseIf (((PathAndLastModified) o1) .timeStamp > .timeStamp (o2 (PathAndLastModified))) {}
    Returns - 1;
    } else {}
    return 0;

    Return (int) (((PathAndLastModified) o2) .timeStamp - .timeStamp (o1 (PathAndLastModified)));

    Add the paths to the vector sorting
    SimpleSortingVector sortedPaths = new SimpleSortingVector();
    sortedPaths.setSortComparator (pathComparator);
    for (int i = 0; i)< paths.length;="" i++)="">
    String filePath = path [i];
    long lastModified = 0;

    FileConnection baseConn = null;
    try {}
    baseConn = (FileConnection), (paths [i]);
    lastModified = baseConn.lastModified ();

    PathAndLastModified pathAndLastModified = new PathAndLastModified();
    pathAndLastModified.setPath (filePath);
    pathAndLastModified.setTimeStamp (lastModified);

    sortedPaths.addElement (pathAndLastModified);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    Do nothing
    } {Finally
    try {}
    baseConn.close ();
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    Do nothing
    sortedPaths.reSort ();

    Browse to create an array of sorted paths
    String [] sortedArray = new String [sortedPaths.size ()];
    for (int i = 0; i)
    sortedArray [i] = ((PathAndLastModified) sortedPaths.elementAt (i)) .getPath ();

    Return sortedArray;

    private static Boolean isSupported (image String) {}
    Make sure that the image is of the correct type
    If (image == null) {}
    Returns false;
    check the directory
    If (image.indexOf("/") > = 0) {}
    Returns false;

    int delimiterIndex = image.indexOf(".");
    If (delimiterIndex ==-1) {}
    probably a directory
    Returns false;

    the text is a list of extensions supported
    String [] extensions = {".jpg", ".jpeg"};
    for (int i = 0; i)< extensions.length;="" i++)="">
    If (image.length () > extensions [i] .length ()) {}
    Dim ext = image.substring (image.length)
    (-extensions [i] .length ());
    If (ext.equalsIgnoreCase (extensions [i])) {}
    Returns true;
    Returns false;

    my suggestion was supposed to replace navigationclick on-screen.
    If you want to ignore it for the field that you do not have to use getLeafFieldWithFocus.

    I suggest that you think your code, don't write things and try to operate, fist think about something and then implement.
    our projects at the University were generally 80% design, 20% of coding - it was strange at first, but it produced a lot more code.

  • Problem after setting some preferences in Firefox, it began to reload all the images in the visited web pages previously, which resulted in a significant slow

    I spend time with the preferences of Firefox where I was set up, after a few tweeaks, he began to reload all the images previously visited web pages, one of the sites where my own: so I know that's not the question, but this resulted in a significant slowdown of the browser - what is my next step - a new installation? or can it be fixed

    try a reset to reset all preferences of firefox: Firefox Refresh - reset the parameters and modules

  • iPhoto will show not all the images in 2016

    Since the beginning of the year, all the images that I imported into iPhoto just disappear. They are there in the depths of the file system, but iPhoto refuses to show them. It shows the last import correctly, but as soon as I import something else, these images disappear iPhoto. "In the last 12 months' shows photos for 2015, up to the last import 29/12. "All photos" also stops at 12 29, 2015.

    I had to repair and rebuild on the database - it doesn't matter. I also searched the web but found nothing relevant.

    Most likely - the date on your camera is set to false

    Right-click on either in the last import and select Show in times where it is - without doubt, you will immediately see the problem and the most likely cause is your date setting camera


  • iPhone 6 s has no stored in pictures; I deleted all the images, but it is said in the storage of photos and hideos take up to 1.3 GB of memory.

    iPhone running iOS 9.2 6s

    All the images have been removed to make room for the new.

    Have you checked recently deleted under albums?

  • why I can't take a new picture and I can't remove all the images of will not be saved

    why I can't take a new picture and I can't remove all the images of will not be saved

    Check your storage space on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch - Apple Support

  • I upgraded to IE 9, now I can't see all the images. How can I fix it

    I can't see all the images on the sites Web or on explore all I have is the script.

    Try this

  • lost all the images contained in the "my pictures" file on the hard disk while using Windows Live Photo Gallery

    I lost all the images contained in the "my pictures" file on the hard drive.  The files are there but when I open the files they are all empty. It's like some 50 folders and each folder contained about 25 or so images jpg. I lost the using the "windows live photo gallery» I found a thread that someone else has had this problem and only one answer was to check the checkbox 'Show hidden files'. I have done this no luck there. When I open "windows live photo gallery" all records are on the left of the window but empty. I did not send any of these files to the "trash".  Can someone tell me how to recover these?

    You ran the scanner of MS too? It will take some time, but it must be done. If a virus is responsible for it must be nuked before he can ravage any more.

    Send all the pictures? You can still recover these - and get some help course in order to avoid this sort of thing. External hard drives and online storage are worth a small spending to protect valuable files. I also keep the dvd - outdated image files but enough fix if even they can deteriorate over time (but don't we all!)

    Let us know if the scan MS lands anything - run the full scan - it will take time.

    Best - R

  • Is it possible to display all the images in this clip?

    Hi all

    I was wondering if it was possible to display all the images in this clip?

    Thanks in advanceScreen Shot 2016-09-28 at 23.37.56.png

    Go to the menu Burger (next to were is says sequence 01) in the timeline panel.

    and assign continuous video thumbnails.

  • delete all the images in the Lightroom mobile, but those in the collections


    After using Lightroom for mobile on my Apple TV, I realized that, other than the images I've grouped in collections, all the photos I took with my iPhone are available under the "images" tab

    I don't want that, so I disabled the feature to add.

    How can I delete all these images from Lightroom on mobile?

    I want to only keep those in my collections. Also, I don't want to delete the pictures that I took with the iPhone from the mobile, only from Lightroom.

    I hope someone can help,

    Thank you in advance.

    Thank you once again, Mohit.

    I thought... a work around in Lightroom, I created a collection called mobile DELETE... so I went to all the "Lightroom Photos' and choose ' copy in...» »

    I then could quickly select hundreds of photos at once and have all those I want to deleted in the new collection.

    Finally, the desktop version of Lightroom, I can select all the images in the collection DELETE and get rid of them.

  • How to download all the images in the folder to the column of type BLOB (problem of area to create BLOB)


    I use JDeveloper version, I need to download all the images in my local folder to the database at a time table. The problem I face is to create BLOBDomain for each of them?

    Best regards,


    If you can access the files, that only works if they are on the server, you can read the file and create the domain of the BLOB in the file directly. The technique is the same as in the blob. Only difference is that you pass the file to the method and open the input stream of the file instead of the UploadedFile.


  • I just downloaded updates for 2014 PS on mac OS 10.7.5. Now, he opens all the images - error message cannot open because the open parts are incorrect?

    I just downloaded updates for 2014 PS on mac OS 10.7.5. Now, he opens all the images - error message cannot open because the open parts are incorrect?

    Hi Akash.

    Download Installer Camera Raw and it seems to have solved the problem.

    Thanks for your time.


    Peter DeBeer

Maybe you are looking for