By the way the value of the report column in Javascript

Dear magicians Apex,
I am a bit stuck now to implement a modal pop-up/iframe/javascript and this forum is my last hope to solve this problem.
Anyway, I will try to explain what I'm trying to accomplish.
What I need, is: I want to have a SQL report, as first column I want to have an 'ID' of my table numbers and I want this column to have a "link in the column" located in the appropriate links "column attributes. The thing is that when I click on the link of the column (when I run my report on the Apex page) I need a JQuery modal window where the pop-up in IFrame will be another page and this page uses an 'ID' of my link URL column to display the data. So, basically, I want to pass a value of 'ID' of my page parent to my page of the child which appears in an iFrame modal window.
And here's what I have:
1. I have a SQL report:
select SUBNET_ID, 
2 then, in 'The column attributes' to 'SUBNET_ID' a have put a "link in the column" URL like:
3. now, when I run my page and point my mouse over any item in my column "SUBNET_ID", I see that she receives a number of "SUBNET_ID" of my table and it shows it in the button of the browser as:
, or (2) or anything that is 'SUBNET_ID '. So, that's good.
4 and here I am confused, basically, I need to pass a value of
, which seems to work as it gives me good numbers of my table to my 'ViewNetworkDetails' JavaScript function, then it can paste this value in "f?" p =... "IFrame URL. Here is my Jquery Modal script form and Javascript to redirect me to my popup page (the script is located in the HTML header):
<script type="text/javascript"> 
function ViewNetworkDetails(){ 
var apexSession = $v('pInstance'); 
var apexAppId = $v('pFlowId'); 
var subnetIDNumber = document.getElementById(#SUBNET_ID#); 

vRuleBox = '<div id="ViewNetworkDetailsBox" title="View Subnet Details"> 
<iframe src="f?p='+apexAppId+':103:'+apexSession+'::NO:103:P103_SUBNET_ID:'+subnetIDNumber+'
"width="875" height="500" title="View Subnet Details" frameborder="no"></iframe></div>' 
                        stack: true, 
modal: true,                             
                        width: 950,                     
resizable: true, 
autoResize: true, 
draggable: true, 
close : function(){$("#ViewNetworkDetailsBox").remove(); 
                        location.reload(true); } 
PS My hypothesis is that there is a problem with this part of my script
var subnetIDNumber = document.getElementById(#SUBNET_ID#); 
where I can't get my "SUBNET_ID" value from
in 'subnetIDNumber' variable and that's why I can't spend my iFrame URL.

P.S. P.S. the child page 103 has a "Automated row fetch", is not a problem. In addition, I did a simple test, where I had a page element 'P102_Value' with values and in my script I had instead
var subnetIDNumber = document.getElementById(#SUBNET_ID#); 
var subnetIDNumber = $v('P102_Value'); 
and it worked perfectly fine... but cannot operate against the SQL Select statement :-(

Thank you

Change your column to link to send the value of the subnet_id column to the function call (you mentioned, but I don't know if you've actually done m)


You pass the value of the parameter to the function, but not defined all the parameters in the function definition (this is possible in JS, no other parameter is ignored)
For example, to change the function to accept the subnet ID parameter (I'm really surprised how you missed it) and assign this parameter to a variable.