C++ class destructor not called on request nearby

I started playing with waterfall and C++ development but im having a problem where I can link my class to the qml and use breast but firm request the something on my class hangs the request and its icon in the emulator will slightly transparent and can no longer be clicked.

It's the call to add it to the qml

File: Applicationui.cpp

ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app): QObject(app){ // create scene document from main.qml asset // set parent to created document to ensure it exists for the whole application lifetime QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

//My classGpsCommunicator* gps = new GpsCommunicator();

//Add the Classqml->setContextProperty("_gps",gps);

// create root object for the UI AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();

// set created root object as a scene app->setScene(root);

Here is the class.hpp

class GpsCommunicator : public QObject {

Q_PROPERTY(double latitude READ latitude) Q_PROPERTY(double longitude READ longitude) Q_PROPERTY(double accuracy READ accuracy) Q_PROPERTY(double altitude READ altitude) Q_PROPERTY(double heading READ heading) Q_PROPERTY(double satellites READ satellites) Q_PROPERTY(double speed READ speed)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isRegistered READ isRegistered) Q_PROPERTY(bool isAltitudeValid READ isAltitudeValid) Q_PROPERTY(bool isAccuracyValid READ isAccuracyValid) Q_PROPERTY(bool isHeadingValid READ isHeadingValid) Q_PROPERTY(bool isSpeedValid READ isSpeedValid)
public: GpsCommunicator(QObject *parent = 0); virtual ~GpsCommunicator();
//Latitude Property double latitude();
//Latitude Property double longitude();
//Accuracy Property double accuracy(); bool isAccuracyValid();
//Altitude Property double altitude(); bool isAltitudeValid();
//Heading Property double heading(); bool isHeadingValid();
//Speed Property double speed(); bool isSpeedValid();
//Number of Satellite Property double satellites();
//Registered successfully to geolocation events bool isRegistered();
Q_INVOKABLE void StartPollTimer(int i = 0); Q_INVOKABLE void StopPollTimer();

//Bool to track if this class is registered to receive geo-location events bool m_isRegistered;
double m_latitude; double m_longitude; double m_accuracy; bool m_accuracy_valid; double m_altitude; bool m_altitude_valid; double m_altitude_accuracy; bool m_altitude_accuracy_valid; double m_heading; bool m_heading_valid; double m_speed; bool m_speed_valid; double m_num_satellites; bool m_num_satellites_valid;
void InitializeGps(); void InitializeCommunicator();
//Poll timer QTimer *pollTimer;

public slots:
void CheckForGPSEvent();

Here is the .cpp for her

GpsCommunicator::GpsCommunicator(QObject *parent): QObject(parent) { //Start up sequence this->InitializeCommunicator(); this->InitializeGps();}
void GpsCommunicator::InitializeCommunicator() { this->m_isRegistered = false;}
GpsCommunicator::~GpsCommunicator() { // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub this->StopPollTimer(); delete this->pollTimer; geolocation_stop_events(0); bps_shutdown();}
double GpsCommunicator::latitude() { return this->m_latitude;}
double GpsCommunicator::speed() { return this->m_speed;}
double GpsCommunicator::altitude() { return this->m_altitude;}
double GpsCommunicator::longitude() { return this->m_longitude;}
double GpsCommunicator::accuracy() { return this->m_accuracy;}
double GpsCommunicator::heading() { return this->m_heading;}
double GpsCommunicator::satellites() { return this->m_num_satellites;}
bool GpsCommunicator::isRegistered(){ return this->m_isRegistered;}
bool GpsCommunicator::isSpeedValid() { return this->m_speed_valid;}
bool GpsCommunicator::isAccuracyValid() { return this->m_accuracy_valid;}
bool GpsCommunicator::isAltitudeValid() { return this->m_altitude_valid;}
bool GpsCommunicator::isHeadingValid() { return this->m_heading_valid;}
void GpsCommunicator::StartPollTimer(int i) { this->pollTimer->start(i);}
void GpsCommunicator::StopPollTimer() { this->pollTimer->stop();}
void GpsCommunicator::InitializeGps() {
if( bps_initialize() != BPS_FAILURE) { if ( geolocation_request_events( 0 ) != BPS_SUCCESS ) { //Report that the initialize failed this->m_isRegistered = false; //emit this->registeredChanged(this->m_isRegistered); } else { geolocation_set_period(1);
//Update that the communicator is now registered and emit the signal this->m_isRegistered = true; //emit this->registeredChanged(this->m_isRegistered);
//Create the timer instance this->pollTimer = new QTimer();
//Connect it to the polling function this->connect(this->pollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(CheckForGPSEvent())); this->StartPollTimer(100); } }}
void GpsCommunicator::CheckForGPSEvent() {
bps_event_t *event = NULL; bps_get_event(&event, 100); // -1 means that the function waits // for an event before returning if (event) {
if (bps_event_get_domain(event) == geolocation_get_domain()) {
if (event == NULL || bps_event_get_code(event) != GEOLOCATION_INFO) { return; }
// TODO: change this so the emit is only called if the information is new
this->m_latitude = geolocation_event_get_latitude(event); //emit this->latitudeChanged(this->m_latitude);
this->m_longitude = geolocation_event_get_longitude(event); //emit this->longitudeChanged(this->m_longitude);
this->m_accuracy = geolocation_event_get_accuracy(event); //emit this->accuracyChanged(this->m_accuracy);
this->m_altitude = geolocation_event_get_altitude(event); //emit this->altitudeChanged(this->m_altitude);
this->m_altitude_valid = geolocation_event_is_altitude_valid(event);
this->m_altitude_accuracy = geolocation_event_get_altitude_accuracy(event);
this->m_altitude_accuracy_valid = geolocation_event_is_altitude_accuracy_valid(event);
this->m_heading = geolocation_event_get_heading(event); //emit this->headingChanged(this->m_heading);
this->m_heading_valid = geolocation_event_is_heading_valid(event);
this->m_speed = geolocation_event_get_speed(event); //emit this->speedChanged(this->m_speed);
this->m_speed_valid = geolocation_event_is_speed_valid(event);
this->m_num_satellites = geolocation_event_get_num_satellites_used(event); //emit this->satellitesChanged(this->m_num_satellites);
this->m_num_satellites_valid = geolocation_event_is_num_satellites_valid(event); } }

I was checking to see if the deconstructor was called, but it doesn't seem to be. So I think it might be the QTimer not cleaned but I don't know how I get it to call on family members since I thought that once I signed with qml my QObject class would be deconstructed with other resources in a certain order.

Thanks in advance for any help

Do not call bps_get_event from an application of stunts that you might fly the main event loop events.  Rather implement AbstractBpsEventHandler to the BPS events delivered on the thread of your event.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Published by: Atlas77 on April 16, 2012 06:53

    Published by: Atlas77 on April 16, 2012 06:54

    Published by: Atlas77 on April 16, 2012 06:56

    Published by: Atlas77 on April 16, 2012 07:27

    Call it a guess, you're not the first to fall into the trap of the nested :) form Its too easy to simply slap a high h:form somewhere near the top of the tree and forget it.

    For the future: remember that the browser is actually doing the work when you submit a form. If something goes wrong, it appears in the HTML source as you can see by using the function "view page source" from the browser. It pays to know HTML and especially the limits if you want to understand such things by yourself. When you locate the faulty HTML code, it is usually not so hard more to trace what is bad in the JSF source.

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    Thank you

    The other posts are correct, because it is currently not possible to use the function on a real-time target. This is a known issue and is being investigated for correction, but currently there is no work around. It is available on the pallets that this behavior is not intentional and should work.

    You have described your application requires that recursively through a table and access to specific data. Does this mean that the Data Structure might be different when the vi is run and you need to adapt to a changing data type? If this isn't the case, then all you need to do is to get the value of the reference and then ungroup the cluster as needed then store the changed values to the same reference.

    If you're going to have to settle you will encounter difficulties to be determined pragmatically you should do but I have a suggestion. Create a cluster with an enum and a Variant. You can use the enumeration to set the type of the variant in question. He chooses the type to convert the variant according to the code. It is a similar structure, like messages in queue manager and his messages that happening except that you will be passing a reference to this group that has both the message and the payload in one. The reference could be used to get the value and then the code must only be written to accept the Cluster of Enum and variant you can then convert the variant to the appropriate type for later use. For best performance, you also use in Place of the Structure element.

    It's only a means potentially accomplish what you want. If you describe your program and needs more in depth, we are able to offer a more suitable solution for your application that does what you need. I wish you a nice day!

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    Thanks in advance!

    go to programs and features in windows 10, there you will find TrueColor application right click and press change, it will be to repair or reinstall the application. Even though I have upgraded to windows 10, true color works very well with me, yes sometimes it does, sometimes only. In windows update, you will get the update for graphics card intel it will be

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    Answer to what's going on

  • Simply my slot is not called

     * CustomTimer.h
     *  Created on: Feb 6, 2015
     *      Author: shubhendusharma
    #ifndef CUSTOMTIMER_H_
    #define CUSTOMTIMER_H_
    class CustomTimer:public QObject
           QTimer *timer;
       public slots:
           void MyTimerSlot();
    #endif /* CUSTOMTIMER_H_ */
     * CustomTimer.cpp
     *  Created on: Feb 6, 2015
     *      Author: shubhendusharma
        qDebug() << "hello123"; this is printing but method MyTimeSlot is not calling
        // create a timer
        timer = new QTimer(this);
        // setup signal and slot
        connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
              this, SLOT(MyTimerSlot()));
        // msec
    void CustomTimer::MyTimerSlot()// not calling
        //QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
            //QString text = time.toString("hh:mm");
      //  QTime time = QTime::currentTime();
        //qDebug() <<"hello" +time.toString();
        qDebug() << "hello";

    I now call this class

    ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI() :
        CustomTimer timer;
        qmlRegisterType("my.library", 1, 0, "QTimer");
       qmlRegisterType("map.location", 1, 0, "LocationService");
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///homescreens.qml").parent(this);
     //   Login *login=new Login(this);
       // qml->setContextProperty("login", login);
        // Create root object for the UI
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();

    Sorry it was my mistake.

    In fact, I created the object in another class despite the Main.class.

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  • Run not called in thread

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    package UpdateTest;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Dialog;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.DeviceInfo;
    import java.lang.Runnable;
    import java.lang.Thread;
    public class UpdateTest extends UiApplication
        public UpdateTest()
          pushScreen(new UpdateTestScreen());
        public static void main(String[] args)
            UpdateTest bm = new UpdateTest();
    final class UpdateTestScreen extends MainScreen
        LabelField _field;
        UpdateThread upThread;
        public UpdateTestScreen()
            upThread = new UpdateThread();
            setTitle("Update field test");
            add( new LabelField("field: ") );
            _field = new LabelField("0");
        public boolean onClose()
            return true;
        public class UpdateThread extends Thread
            private volatile boolean _start = false;
            private volatile boolean _stop = false;
            private static final int TIMEOUT = 500;
            public UpdateThread()
                System.out.println("UpdateThread Created");
            public void stop()
                _stop = true;
                System.out.println("UpdateThread Stopped");
            public void start()
                _start = true;
                System.out.println("UpdateThread Started");
            public void run()
                System.out.println("UpdateThread running");
                    while( !_start && !_stop)
                        try {
                            System.out.println("UpdateThread sleeping");
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    if (_stop)
                    UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            _field.setText("" + System.currentTimeMillis());

    If you go to substitute Thread.start, then call super.start () somewhere in there, like after your DD.

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    Please see code below

    public class UserInterface extends UiApplication{
        public static void main(String[] args){
            if ((args != null) && (args.length > 0) && (0==StringUtilities.compareToIgnoreCase(args[0].toString(), "GUI"))){
                UserInterface theApp = new UserInterface();
            else {
                    ManageResources mg = new ManageResources();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (RuntimeConfig.DEBUG)
                        System.out.println("UserInterface, main:  " + ex);
        public UserInterface() {
            //  DialogDisplay dd = new DialogDisplay();
            pushScreen(new UserInterfaceScreen(this));

    I also had this problem, the cause is that my computer is behind a proxy firewall so that MDS services Simulator cannot connect to internet, I added the following lines in the file rimpublic.property in the directory "Eclipse\plugins\net.rim.eide.componentpack4.7.0_4.7.0.46\components\MDS\config".

    application.handler.http.proxyEnabled = true
    application.handler.http.proxyHost = proxyserver
    application.handler.http.proxyPort = 8080

    These lines must be placed in the [MANAGER HTTP] section.

    It will be useful.

  • the menu item run method not called

    Eclipse SDK Version: 3.4.1

    BlackBerry JDE plugin for Eclipse Version:

    BlackBerry JDE component package Version:

    I added a menu item to the contacts list. I would like to get the context when the user clicks the menu item, but the run method is not entered. When the user clicks the item in the menu the main routine is entered with correct arguments. Should not called run with the context method? No exception is thrown.


    Import net.rim.blackberry.api.menuitem.ApplicationMenuItem;
    Import net.rim.blackberry.api.menuitem.ApplicationMenuItemRepository;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.Application;
    Import net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationDescriptor;

    SerializableAttribute public class BwMain extends Application {}
    private static final long APP_ID = 0xf46f5a7867d69ff0L;
    private static final String ARG_LAUNCH_BW = "1";

    public BwMain() {}
    long menuItemLocation = ApplicationMenuItemRepository.MENUITEM_ADDRESSBOOK_LIST;
    ContactsBwMenuItem menuItem = new ContactsBwMenuItem();
    ToolBarMenuButton.AddMenuItem (menuItemLocation, ARG_LAUNCH_BW, menuItem);
    System.Exit (0);

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}
    If (args == null | args.length == 0) {}
    BwMain bwMain = new BwMain();
    bwMain.enterEventDispatcher ();
    else {}
    System.out.println ("App launched from the menu");

    private public static Sub ToolBarMenuButton.AddMenuItem (long location, String argOfAppl, ApplicationMenuItem appMenuItem) {}
    Amir ApplicationMenuItemRepository = ApplicationMenuItemRepository.getInstance ();
    ApplicationDescriptor app = ApplicationDescriptor.currentApplicationDescriptor ();
    app = new ApplicationDescriptor (app, new String [] {ARG_LAUNCH_BW});
    amir.addMenuItem (location, appMenuItem, app);

    private static class ContactsBwMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem {}
    Super (20);

    public String toString() {}
    return "PC connection";

    public Object execute (object context) {}
    try {}
    System.out.println ("input run method");
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    e.printStackTrace ();
    Returns a null value.

    You call system.exit() in the Builder before entering the EventDispatcher. I'm guessing that you add the menu item, but leave the application, and when the menu item is called it is more a reference to the context of the application and decides not to continue. The menu item will not remove itself when the application closes.

  • onPageLoad activity was not called in jsff child page

    Hi all

    I've implemented the onPageLoad feature in my grain of support by the RegionController extension, but the method is not called in jsff child page.

    I'm having jsff parent and child jsff. In my parent jsff, I invoke the jsff as pop-up child. I want to do something different on the loading of the page parent and child.

    for example... I have traced superclass jsff pagedefinition backingbean A controller and controller pagedefinition class child jsff on back bean B

    When the parent page opens action onload in the controller's class. runs but when I open the child page onload in the controller B class action does not run.

    But if I delete the parent page definition controller class mapping, then the action of onload child page in the class controller B is executed.

    Kindly help me to solve this problem.

    Thank you and best regards,


    And your version of jdev?

    You can try to lazy initialization of a property of beans as shown on this blog https://tompeez.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/lazy-initalizing-beans/

    If youbdefine a view range of the bean in the child workflows that bean is initialized when the child is in charge.


  • Class StatelessJavaRpcWebService not deployed in WebLogic 12

    Does anyone know where the oracle.j2ee.ws.StatelessJavaRpcWebService class in Weblogic server

    When running our applications, which took place in earlier versions of the server application, Weblogic Server 12, you get errors like:

    "HTTP error BEA-101249 [ServletContext@1715082290[app:jdprint_server_v2 module: jdprint_server_v2.war path: / jdprint_server_v2 spec-version: 2.5]]: class oracle.j2ee.ws.StatelessJavaRpcWebService Servlet for servlet Jdprint could not be loaded because the requested class is not found in the classpath.

    I understand that this class has been default in older versions of application server.

    If I knew where to find him, I could just deploy...
    Is - this class depricated?

    It seems that your application has been developed for Oc4j application server.

    The oracle.j2ee.ws.StatelessJavaRpcWebService class is not packed/shipped with Weblogic Server.

    You need to upgrade your oc4j application using the smart upgrade tool before deploying the oc4j to Weblogic Server application.

    Smart upgrade tool generates a detailed report on the changes to your application and changes to the deployment descriptors to be made compatible for Weblogic Server.

    Please refer to the documents below for more information.

    http://docs.Oracle.com/CD/E1676401 /doc.1111/e15878/intro.htm_

    Thank you

  • toString, method why it is not called implicitly for objects

    class building {}
    public class Example
    Public Shared Sub main()
    Building b = new Building();
    String s = (String) b;

    in the 5th line it shows error that cannot cast building type in string...
    but all classes have the toString method that is called whenever we give the object argument in System.out.println ();

    the following code compiles

    class building {}
    Class Example
    Public Shared Sub main()
    Building b = new Building();
    System.out.println (b);
    can someone explain this?

    is the tostring method implicitly called only in println where he expects a string?

    It is not called implicitly anywhere. It is explicitly called by println (Object).

  • Class Java not found

    Good afternoon

    I'd like to think, this question has been asked and answered before, but I'm not having the best time naming the forum updated. In any case, I have a compiled Java application that I can't read with CF. This is my error message: object instantiation Exception. Class not found. My pot is here: < cfset THIS.javaSettings = {LoadPaths = [' / ReaderRFID/lib '], loadColdFusionClassPath = true, reloadOnChange = false} / >.

    My page of output:

    < cfset jar = CreateObject ("java", "AlienClass1ReaderTest") >

    < cfset readTags = jar. AlienClass1ReaderTest >

    < cfoutput >

    #readTags #.

    < / cfoutput >

    The class must be called from the pot, but nothing happens. Any help is always appreciated. Thank you!

    On the command line, you must run it like this:

    > java - cp C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\ReaderRFID\lib\AlienRFID.jar AlienClass1ReaderTest

    A way to translate this into Coldfusion is:

    Java does.

    Who would the code and store the result in the current like the output.txtfile directory.

  • JavaFX 2.2 initialize is not called when using ControllerFactory

    Is there a reason why the initialize method is not called when specifying a controller factory (by calling FXMLLoader #setControllerFactory) instead of an instance of a controller (via FXMLLoader #setControllerFactory)? By the "initialize" method, I mean one of the following:
    public void initialize()
    @FXML private void initialize()
    @Override public void initialize(URL, ResourceBundle) /*as defined in the Initializable*/
    Published by: 951674 on August 8, 2012 12:27

    First of all, I'm not using the static version of the load method. I call class #getResourceAsStream not the #getResource class.

    Well Yes, you are right. I read it too fast. See? Source of confusion. ;-)

    But just to repeat what said Tom - Yes, fx:controller is always necessary, even if you specify a controller factory. The type specified by the fx:controller attribute is the type that is passed to the factory. If you do not specify a type of controller, then the plant is not called.

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