C2960-lanbasek9 - tar.150 - 2.SE2.tar high memory consumption

Hi all

I would strongly appreciate that someone could explain to me why my Clients-LAN Switches (c2960) during the upgrade to new IOS namely

rump C2960-lanbasek9 - tar.150 - 2.SE1 and c2960-lanbasek9 - tar.150 - 2.SE2 upward memory consumption to somewhere between 80% and 90%.

Is there a "bug" always with these IOS versions that could have caused this? I've never had this problem with the old version (c2960-lanbasek9 - tar.150 - 2.SE) of IOS. I've read through the Cisco Documents on these releases but wasn't too sure if new arrivals on these IOSs caused this high memory usage.

Shown is an example of one of many c2960-switches using these IOSs. In the meantime, I intend to downgrade to c2960-lanbasek9 - tar.150 - 2.SE.

Looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards



CSCtw83946 Details of bug
Problems of low memory on the 2960 switches
Use of the high memory on the switch 2960. Without any configuration just a switch box output shows little memory.
The available memory is only 5 mb. Conditionsof :
No configuration to the output of the switch to the box with 12.2 (58) SE2 image.
-See the compilation of statistics of memory-
The Total head (b) Used (b) Free (b) Lowest (b) Largest (b)
Processor 21586420 16308768 5277652 4527884 5165508 27A7D6C
E/S 2 00000 4194304 2464344 1729960 1729960 1718664
1 has 00000 pilot you 1048576 44 1048532 1048532 1048532Workaround:
None.This is a physical limitation and this is how far we can go.
We should always be able to make configurations, although a large may need an upgrade according to C-comments

Kind regards
Please evaluate the useful messages.

Tags: Cisco Network

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    Dear all,

    When you try to import the IOS c2960-lanbasek9 - tar.122 - 35.SE.tar in the repository of the Cisco Works LMS RME software I get the following error:

    SWIM0009: Unable to retrieve the attributes of the image.

    Check if it is supported by the management software.

    I can import other IOS images such as c2950-i6k2l2q4 - tar.121 - 22.EA9.tar with no problems.

    Any ideas? Where a check to see if a particular IOS image is taken in charge by the management software?

    We run LMS 2.6 with RME 4.0.5.


    I sent it again, but it is most likely to be filtered. He is sent to the email address linked to your Cisco.com account. Check your SPAM settings to ensure that the email from Cisco.com is allowed (at least temporarily).

  • High memory consumption of Developer SQL


    I have been using SQL Developer for some time and had initially had problems in the past with memory consuption high when I use this tool.
    I have received and applied the advice from this forum, and while he had helped a little, the majority of high memory consumption remains a problem.

    Finally, I had more time to dig around and try to isolate exactly where the problem seems to come from and here's what I found.

    (* 1) * I removed functionality updates checking
    (* 2) * I turned it off a lot of the extensions with the exception of Navigator DBA, SQL monitoring in real time, search bar, and extracts.
    (* 3) * when I start a fresh SQL Developer Session and initiate an Oracle application connection consumes about 148 meg RAM fo
    (* 4) * when I opened my Windows Task Manager and watch the memory allocated to SQL Developer, I noticed it goes back to when I move my mouse over the SQL Developer tool and when I run the menu about 5 k a second or so and the memory never came out in the system.
    (* 5) * when I run a great SQL in the memory grid jumps by about 100 meg or more and will continue to do so whenever I repeat the SQL until the SQL Developer consumes about 748 meg of RAM.
    (* 6) * 748 Meg of RAM seems to be the number when the SQL Developer (with an Oracle connection) is more continues to consume more and then not return memory to the system.

    Is it possible to have a SQL Developer automatically clear it's using active memory without closing down then restarting him?
    Why SQL Developer continues to consume memory more and more just to move your mouse or navigation in the menus?

    Here is my speech in detail;


    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build a HAND - 09.87
    Copyright © 2005, Oracle 2012. All rights reserved.
    The IDE version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product version:


    Version of the component
    =========     =======
    Java (TM) Platform 1.6.0_35
    Oracle IDE


    Value name
    ====     =====
    awt. Sun.awt.windows.WToolkit Toolkit
    Class.Load.Environment oracle.ide.boot.IdeClassLoadEnvironment
    Class.Load.log.Level CONFIG
    Class.Transfer delegate
    leader. Encoding Cp1252
    leader. Encoding.pkg sun.io
    leader. Separator.
    Fake Ice.Browser.ForceGC
    True Ice.Pilots.html4.ignoreNonGenericFonts
    Ice.Pilots.html4.tileOptThreshold 0
    IDE. True AssertTracingDisabled
    IDE.bootstrap.Start 109707460930968
    IDE. Build HAND - 09.87
    IDE.conf C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf
    IDE.config_pathname C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf
    IDE. Fake DebugBuild
    Fake IDE.devbuild
    sqldeveloper IDE.extension.Search.Path / extensions: jdev / extensions: ide / extensions
    True IDE.firstrun
    IDE.java.MinVersion 1.6.0_04
    3276 ide.launcherProcessId
    IDE.main.Class oracle.ide.boot.IdeLauncher
    IDE.patches.dir ide/lib/patches
    IDE.pref.dir developer C:\Users\twilliams\AppData\Roaming\SQL
    IDE.pref.dir.base C:\Users\twilliams\AppData\Roaming
    IDE. Product oracle.sqldeveloper
    ide.shell.enableFileTypeAssociation C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloperW.exe
    IDE. Splash.Screen splash.gif
    ide.startingArg0 C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloperW.exe
    IDE.startingcwd C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\SQLDEVELOPER\SQLDEVELOPER\BIN
    IDE. User.dir developer C:\Users\twilliams\AppData\Roaming\SQL
    IDE. User.dir.var IDE_USER_DIR
    IDE. Work.dir developer C:\Users\twilliams\Documents\SQL
    IDE. Work.dir.base C:\Users\twilliams\Documents
    fake ilog.propagatesPropertyEditors
    Java.awt.graphicsenv sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
    Java.awt.PrinterJob sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob
    Java.class.Path...... \ide\lib\ide-boot.jar
    Java.class.version 50.0
    Java.endorsed.dirs C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\endorsed
    Java.ext.dirs C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\ext; C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext
    Java.Home C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre
    Java.IO.TMPDIR c:\Temp\
    Java.Library.Path C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin; C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin; C:\Windows\System32; C:\Windows; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\bin; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3; C:\Windows\System32; C:\Windows; C:\Windows\System32\Wbem; C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\; C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Access Connections\. C:\Program Files\WinMerge; C:\Program logiciels\ ThinkPad;
    Java.naming.Factory.initial oracle.javatools.jndi.LocalInitialContextFactory
    Java.Protocol.Handler.pkgs oracle.jdevimpl.handler
    Java.Runtime.Name Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment
    Java.Runtime.version 1.6.0_35 - b10
    Java.Specification.Name Java Platform API Specification
    Java.Specification.Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Java.Specification.version 1.6
    Java.util.Logging.config.file logging.conf
    Java.Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Http://java.sun.com/ Java.Vendor.URL
    Java.Vendor.URL.bug http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
    Java.version 1.6.0_35
    Java.VM.info mixed mode
    Java.VM.Name machine customer of Java virtual
    Java.VM.Specification.Name specification of Machine Java virtual
    Java.VM.Specification.Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Java.VM.Specification.version 1.0
    Java.VM.Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Java.VM.version 20.10 - b01
    JDBC. Driver.Home /C:/app/twilliams/product/11.2.0/client_3/
    JDBC. Library /C:/app/twilliams/product/11.2.0/client_3/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar
    Line.Separator \r\n
    Oracle.Home C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper
    true oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG
    fake oracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp
    of Oracle.translated.locales, are, fr, it, ja, ko, pt_BR, zh_CN, zh_TW
    Oracle.xdkjava.Compatibility.version 9.0.4
    orai18n. Library /C:/app/twilliams/product/11.2.0/client_3/jlib/orai18n.jar
    OS. Arch x 86
    OS. Name Windows 7
    OS.version 6.1
    con reserved_filenames, to the, prn, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8, lpt9, com1, com2, com3, com4, com5, com6, com7, com8, com9, conin$, conout, conout$
    sqldev. False debug
    Sun.Arch.Data.Model 32
    Sun.Boot.class.Path C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\resources.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\jsse.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\jce.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\charsets.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\lib\modules\jdk. Boot.jar; C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\classes
    Sun.Boot.Library.Path C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin
    Small Sun.CPU.endian
    Sun.CPU.isalist pentium_pro + pentium mmx + mmx pentium i486 i386 i86 pentium_pro
    Sun.Desktop windows
    Sun.IO.Unicode.Encoding UnicodeLittle
    Fake Sun.Java2D.ddoffscreen
    Sun.JNU.Encoding Cp1252
    Sun.Management.Compiler HotSpot Client compiler
    Sun.OS.patch.Level Service Pack 1
    User.Country U.S.
    User.dir C:\app\twilliams\product\11.2.0\client_3\SQLDEVELOPER\SQLDEVELOPER\BIN
    User.language en
    User.Name twilliams
    User.TimeZone America/Los Angeles


    Name identifier Version status
    ====     ==========     =======     ======
    Check For Updates oracle.ide.webupdate responsible
    Oracle.ide.ceditor code editor in charge
    Charge of the component Palette oracle.ide.palette1
    Data Miner oracle.dmt.dataminer disabled by user
    Support connection to database oracle.jdeveloper.db.connection responsible
    Charge of the object database explorers oracle.ide.db.explorer
    Charge of oracle.ide.db of the user interface of database
    Schema oracle.diagram framework Loaded
    Diagram of Javadoc Extension oracle.diagram.javadoc Loaded
    Diagram thumbnail oracle.diagram.thumbnail Loaded
    Diff/Merge oracle.ide.diffmerge responsible
    Extended Platform IDE oracle.javacore responsible
    Oracle.IDE.externaltools of external tools responsible
    Support oracle.ide.files Loaded file
    Help oracle.ide.help system Loaded
    Steeped in history oracle.jdeveloper.history Support
    Charge of the Import/Export oracle.ide.importexport Support
    Index Migrator support oracle.ideimpl.indexing - migrator Loaded
    JDeveloper Runner oracle.jdeveloper.runner responsible
    JViews record Addin oracle.diagram.registration responsible
    Connect to oracle.ide.log of the Loaded window
    Mac OS X adapter oracle.ideimpl.apple responsible
    Navigator oracle.ide.navigator responsible
    Gallery of the object oracle.ide.gallery responsible
    Oracle IDE oracle.ide responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer oracle.sqldeveloper responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - 3rd party browsers oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.browsers Database loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - APEX listener Administration oracle.sqldeveloper.listener responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - change Mangement oracle.sqldeveloper.em_cm responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - DBA Navigator oracle.sqldeveloper.dbanavigator responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - database oracle.sqldeveloper.dbcart basket loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Extras oracle.sqldeveloper.extras responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - file Navigator oracle.sqldeveloper.filenavigator loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - missing dependencies of migration Antlr3 translator oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core_antlr3 oracle.sqldeveloper.migration
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.application migration applications disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration Core oracle.sqldeveloper.migration disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - DB2 migration oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.db2 disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - missing dependencies of migration DB2 translator oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.db2 oracle.sqldeveloper.migration, oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core_antlr3
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration Microsoft Access oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.msaccess disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration Microsoft SQL Server oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sqlserver disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration MySQL oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.mysql disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration Sybase Adaptive Server oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sybase disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - migration T missing dependencies - SQL Translator oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core oracle.sqldeveloper.migration
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration Teradata oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.teradata disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - missing dependencies of migration Teradata SQL Translator oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.teradata_translator oracle.sqldeveloper.migration, oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migration UI oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.gui translation disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Object oracle.sqldeveloper.oviewer browser loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Real Time SQL Monitoring oracle.sqldeveloper.sqlmonitor responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - reports oracle.sqldeveloper.report responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - oracle.sqldeveloper.scheduler Planner disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - schema browser oracle.sqldeveloper.schemabrowser responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - SearchBar oracle.sqldeveloper.searchbar responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - Security oracle.sqldeveloper.security disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - extract oracle.sqldeveloper.snippet responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - spatial oracle.sqldeveloper.spatial disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - TimesTen oracle.sqldeveloper.timesten disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - Tuning oracle.sqldeveloper.tuning responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - Unit Test oracle.sqldeveloper.unit_test disabled by user
    Oracle SQL Developer - support to users oracle.sqldeveloper.userextensions Extensions loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - spreadsheet v2 oracle.sqldeveloper.worksheet responsible
    Oracle SQL Developer - oracle.sqldeveloper.xmlschema XML schema loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeling oracle.datamodeler disabled by user
    Data Modeler Oracle SQL Developer - reports oracle.sqldeveloper.datamodeler_reports disabled by user
    Debugger oracle.jdeveloper.db.debug.probe Loaded PROBE
    Look oracle.ide.peek responsible
    Storage Oracle.IDE.persistence persistent loaded
    Support for the property inspector oracle.ide.inspector
    QuickDiff oracle.ide.quickdiff responsible
    Charge to replace by oracle.ide.replace
    Runner oracle.ide.runner load
    THT oracle.ide.vhv responsible
    Versioning Support oracle.jdeveloper.vcs disabled by the user
    Support for versioning for missing dependencies of Subversion oracle.jdeveloper.subversion oracle.jdeveloper.vcs
    Oracle.IDE.VFS of charge virtual filesystem
    Browser Web and Proxy oracle.ide.webbrowser responsible
    Load the Extension XML Editing Framework IDE oracle.ide.xmlef
    Audit oracle.ide.audit Loaded
    classpath: protocol extension oracle.jdeveloper.classpath Manager support
    jdukshare oracle.bm.jdukshare responsible
    MOF - xmi oracle.mof.xmi responsible
    Oracle.IDE.Dependency oracle.ide.dependency responsible
    Oracle.IDE.Indexing oracle.ide.indexing responsible
    Palette2 oracle.ide.palette2 responsible
    status oracle.ide.status responsible

    Thanks in advance...

    Published by: ERPDude on February 28, 2013 14:46

    Hi Tom,

    Memory consumption you observe is characteristic of the machine virtual Java and algorithm of garbage collection that he uses. There are a few tricks you can use to improve the deallocation of memory in the JAVA virtual machine. See the following topics:
    Re: Reduce the footprint memory SQLDeveloper with JDK 1.7
    Re: Memory leak or bad Java Garbage Collector

    In addition, it is best to follow the size of the heap of the JVM and memory via a memory profiler. The Task Manager is supposed to these exaggerate.

    Kind regards
    SQL development team

  • WS-C2960S-48FPD-L with high memory usage.

    I have in my network has a WS-C2960S-48FPD-L, which use more than 90% of the memory. The installed version of IOS is 150 - 2.SE2 (c2960s-universalk9 - mz.150 - 2.SE2.bin), could not know if it is a BUG. The treatment is about 23%. Here is the 'show processes cpu sort 5 min' and 'see the memory allocated sorting process. " Thanks for help.

    SW_ACC_02_TR #show process cpu sort 5 min

    CPU utilization for five seconds: 24% / 0%; 01:00 %; 05:00 %

    Process PID Runtime (ms) Invoked uSecs 5 Sec 1 Min 5 Min TTY

    155 4195888138 639952845 6556 15.59% 16.41% 16.21% 0 Hulc LED process

    4 248001934 13719097 18077 0.00% 1,14% 0.94% 0 check heap

    124 169412938 25660800 6602 0.49% 0.53% 0.56% 0 hpm meter proc

    212 118535249 574852125 206 0.59% 0.51% 0.48% 0 STP

    120 41576380 332054932 125 0.29% 0.31% 0.27% 0 hpm main process

    166 59299274 5119156 11583 0.19% 0.22% 0.20% 0 HQM battery trial

    85 31122391 1161331958 26 0.39% 0.17% 0.18% 0 RedEarth Rx Mana

    10 46775005 426883 109574 0.00% 0.13% 0.15% 0 license Auto U

    284 19497943 56623180 344 0.19% 0.14% 0.15% 0 Marvell wk - a Pow

    103 20399008 703273565 29 0.00% 0.13% 0.12% 0 lea to address HLFM

    78 15964116 925562055 17 0.00% 0.10% 0.10% 0 draw link sta

    84 20573751 272991015 75% 0.09 0.09 0.09% 0 RedEarth Tx Mana

    358 8190900 2585781 3167 0.00% 0.12% 0.08% 0 SNMP ENGINE

    56 35021439 25699423 1362, 0.08% 0.00% 0.07% 0 jobs per second

    198 12025895 703271618 17 0.09% 0.04% 0.06% 0 IP ARP retry age

    105 12471548 706772431 17 0.00% 0.05% 0.05% 0 address HLFM ret

    186 19272066 15440290 1248 0.00% 0.06% 0.05% 0 CDP Protocol

    44 14077734 31430059 447% 0.00 0.04% 0.05% 0 net bottom

    12 11847905 35899234 330 0.00% 0.05% 0.04% ARP 0 comments

    199 7505111 33071459 226 0.00% 0.02% 0.03% IP 0 comments

    228 9706327 25585689 379 0.00% 0.02% 0.03% 0 PI MATM ageing Pr

    356 3004646 4774701 629 0.00% 0.04% 0.01% 0 IP SNMP

    229 6628564 256439705 25% 0.01 0.02% 0.00% UNI-DIRECTIONAL 0

    357 1236671 2523911 489 PDU DISPATCHER 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.03%

    161 230 2446 94 0.39% 0.04% 0.00% 1 virtual Exec

    147 4448561 125135068 35% 0.00 0.04 0.00% 0 Hulc Storm control

    55 9622045 444117 21665 0.39% 0.04% 0.00% 0 jobs

    53 1861943 34905451 53 0.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0 net entry

    167 5308849 10236218 518 0.09% 0.01% 0.00% ask 0 HRPC qos

    65 3560170 479944329 7 0.09% 0.01% 0.00% 0 DownWhenLooped


    SW_ACC_02_TR #show process memory allocated sorting

    Total processor pool: 66607236 used: 57945988 free: 8661248

    E/s Total pool: 14680064 used: 12340676 free: 2339388

    Pilot you Pool Total: 1048576 (s) used: 40 free: 1048536

    PID TTY allocated released Holding Getbufs Retbufs process

    38 0 3637735668 3638354640 7692 0 0 sw crypto pk pro

    167 0 3416215012 3415330192 90424 492372 0 HRPC qos request

    166 0 2108866696 968241432 170224 3395844 0 HQM battery trial

    356 0 2088379404 2074798724 25744 7004880 0 IP SNMP

    358 0 2069043972 2520358128 16416 258876 0 SNMP ENGINE

    10 0 1800214384 1800214384 7160 0 0 license Auto U

    186 0 874988176 125196 865416 24938388 0 protocol CDP

    357 0 418086688 0 33248 0 0 PDU DISPATCHER

    183 0 249277624 211662804 18074212 0 0 Auth Manager

    257 0 230142288 230141476 7972 0 0 Base cluster

    271 0 225815492 225815492 7160 QoS stats 0 0 trial

    290 0 199977112 199958180 8732 10152 NIST rng proc 0

    0 0 12 0 121517796 121481096 43860 entry ARP

    120 0 97428096 92337752 58976 0 0 main process of hpm

    92 0 93195956 1196348440 7160 0 99828 hrpc<->

    0 0 76977196 73891632 1827512 12832067 928178 * dead *.

    0 0 73660260 27113924 41827516 0 0 * Init *.

    5 0 68336032 132544800 99416795 of 61954432 32920 pool Manager

    214 0 64277948 60183624 68312 0 0 802.1 x switch

    107 0 46027340 45332908 7160 406080 HRPC hulc misc r 0

    82 0 37271008 37271008 10160 0 0 adjust areas

    363 0 28303364 28300096 31596 0 0 hulc con running

    212 0 18442748 876 7376 0 0 spanning Tree

    199 0 17137088 22760 31028 0 0 entry IP

    103 0 13616600 232 157084 0 0 lea to address HLFM

    187 0 8341472 6196184 8300 0 0 SpanTree Helper

    332 0 6298952 12438752 11568 0 0 PM reminder

    285 0 4720612 14241044 33776 0 0 MLDSN L2MCM

    278 0 4699604 14251332 30388 0 0 IGMPSN L2MCM

    258 0 3213116 856496 56308 0 0 DHCPD receive

    303 0 2247272 600 129208 1248696 0 IKEv2 crypto

    346 0 2008824 2011716 13160 0 1692 Syslog

    44 0 1973632 1837448 95588 0 0 net bottom

    252 0 1811708 17030976 13160 0 0 TCP protocols

    80 0 1754692 1744796 15896 0 0 TEMP OBFL obfl0

    89 0 1213028 150984 725664 0 0 battery Mgr Notifi

    333 0 1022008 1017008 18032 0 0 VOLT OBFL obfl0

    1 0 642016 470972 195248 0 0 chunk Manager

    354 0 614096 0 15632 0 0 SSH event descriptor

    216 0 589100 227808 34860 0 0 DTP Protocol

    PID TTY allocated released Holding Getbufs Retbufs process

    32 0 549552 549552 7160 0 0 PrstVbl

    302 0 422492 421180 8472 0 0 cryptographic engine pr

    61 0 368228 600 377788 0 0, EEM ED identity

    176 0 294744 0 294744 0 HL2MCM 0

    177 0 294744 0 294744 0 HL2MCM 0

    325 0 265100 0 275260 100548 EEM 0 ED Syslog

    315 0 236408 201388 48884 0 0 AC crypto

    350 0 113924 90852 15020 3120 0 VLAN Manager

    336 0 107464 0 114624 0 0 Server EEM

    49 0 101540 84896 63848 0 0 IF - MGR controls p

    161 1 93412 75972 42524 0 0 virtual Exec

    108 0 92752 0 99912 53760 0 HRPC emac reques

    16 0 82600 79336 73296 0 11180 entity MIB API

    55 0 78164 412 7160 45684 0 jobs

    204 0 76192 74416 14808 0 0 MSG OBFL obfl0

    311 0 71960 5324 13484 0 0 key IPSEC driver

    231 0 71328 0 78488 0 0 switch backup

    337 0 68292 18904 48984 0 0 call Home trial

    86 0 65972 232 7160 0 0 HULC thermal Pro

    143 0 65812 232 72740 0 0 REP Helper Proc

    64 0 58096 232 39864 0 0 boot USB

    237 0 56128 380 69044 0 0 p from bottom CEF

    188 0 54936 9784 39956 0 0 CEF: IPv4 trial

    254 0 52588 40728 22020 0 0 HTTP CORE

    13 0 51560 51560 7176 0 0 bottom of ARP

    291 0 49584 232 56512 0 0 Timer library

    180 0 49368 0 56528 0 0 ACCT periodic Pr

    46 0 43612 232 13160 25380 logger 0

    198 0 33020 0 40180 0 0 IP ARP retry age

    56 0 22152 0 27020 0 0 jobs per second

    84 0 21584 21836 7160 0 0 mana RedEarth Tx

    197 0 20388 3196 30352 0 0 IP ARP contiguity

    282 0 14912 232 11752 0 0 L2TRACE SERVER

    361 0 14764 10932 14836 0 0 SNMP Traps

    338 0 13020 1720 18460 0 0, EEM Policy Director

    85 0 12844 22640 7504 0 0 mana RedEarth Rx

    301 0 12408 0 37440 0 0 LICENSE AGENT

    0 0 12316 3117752 12316 0 0 * Sched *.

    309 0 12268 232 25196 0 0 IKMP crypto

    347 0 12164 464 24860 0 0 RBM CORE

    208 0 10724 0 35884 0 0 SMI backup procedures

    329 0 10652 392 20292 0 0 OBFL ENV obfl0

    274 0 10276 232 17204 0 0 REP BPA/EPA Proc

    206 0 8204 3408 33364 0 0 Director SMI DB

    112 0 5044 0 12204 0 0 HRPC vlan reques

    PID TTY allocated released Holding Getbufs Retbufs process

    320 0 4884 232 11812 0 0 VTP trap process

    211 0 4884 232 17812 0 0 IBC SMI download

    294 0 4884 232 11848 0 0 support crypto

    4 0 4772 500 11752 0 0 check heap

    340 0 4556 0 14716 0 0, EEM ED Config

    63 0 4556 547248440 14716 0 0 ED ND EEM

    62 0 4556 0 14716 0 0, EEM ED MAST

    341 0 4556 0 14716 0 0, EEM ED Env

    343 0 4556 0 14716 0 0 ED OIR EEM

    342 0 4556 0 14716 0 0 ED EM GOLD

    345 0 4556 0 14716 0 0, EEM ED Timer

    344 0 4556 0 14716 0 0, EEM ED Test

    52 0 4140 4140 10160 0 0 IP Admission HA

    209 0 3892 232 10820 0 0 SMI IBC server p

    115 0 2244 0 7160 0 0 Hulc ILP Alchemy

    300 0 1936 232 8864 0 0 MORE

    48 0 1936 7620 14864 0 0 SXP CORE

    293 0 1936 232 8864 0 0 process LDAP

    26 0 1688 0 8848 0 0 IPC seat Manager

    359 0 1156 232 14092 0 0 IP SNMPV6

    264 0 1120 0 14280 0 0 IP RATINGS updated

    283 0 924 0 8084 0 0 power Inline

    193 0 868 708 7320 0 0 Dot1x Mgr trial

    95 0 640 232 7160 0 0 HULC device Mana

    The IOS version installed is 150-2.SE2 (c2960s-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE2.bin), could not find out if this is a BUG

    Avoid using 15.0 (2) SE2 at all costs.  There are so many bugs of CPU and memory, it is a well known joke.  Hey, you should try 15.0 (2) SE3, if you can still find this IOS, and then you'll laugh all the way to the Loonie bin.

    Use either 12.2 (55) SE8 or 15.0 (2) SE4.

  • Firefox uses a huge amount of memory on my computer. I continue to receive alerts from high memory usage. Can I do to solve this problem?

    Firefox uses a huge amount of memory on my computer. I continue to receive alerts from high memory usage. Can I do to solve this problem?

    300-400 MB is not huge.

    How much RAM do you have?

    How AVG reports that Firefox uses?

  • How to check a Svchost.exe high memory usage and troubleshoot?

    How to check a Svchost.exe high memory usage and troubleshoot

    Beautiful Basu 'ASK ',.

    I think I know the answer. Visit this link

    And you can download SvcHost Viwer here.

    Run the following command from cmd: tasklist/SVC /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe".

    Focus on the PID that is causing the high CPU.

    Run SC Config = own Type for each service under this PID. It will launch each service with a separate svchost.exe.

    I would recommend for a complete AV scan.
    Use the following link for the same thing:
    Microsoft safety scanner

  • I get a pop up has a high memory usage when on Internet Explorer.


    Original title: pop ups. high memory usage

    try to clean the temporary files, disable unnecessary programs that are running

    in the background and disable add-ons, you don't use

    at the time.

  • High memory usage alert

    I get this message on my computer and I don't know what that means. Should "Use of the high memory by Internet Explorer" I worry?

    It is always sensible in this situation to achieve a malware check

    Start the computer in safe mode with network and download and install Malwarebytes (free version for individuals only), updated definitions and run in safe mode. Disable other security software while you do the analyses.


    Download and run SuperAntiSpyware (Free Edition)


    Some malware is installing the entries of proxy server redirecting internet connections. If you encounter this problem step 2 see in the following link:


  • high memory usage

    How to getri of high memory usage

    Memory is used when the programs are 'in progress' (to be run, a program must be copied into memory).  If the (the only way) to remove the high memory usage is to close programs that are not needed.

  • Use of the high memory on Windows 7 without reason...

    Hello, I had recently a few problems with my computer after going on vacation for a week and turn it off.  When I got home my computer has had some problems of high memory use, I have no idea why.  I looked in my processes tab and it shows that Svchost.exe as the highest [150K] usage, but is not a lot to slow down computers.  Nothing else under it attracts a lot of use, I tried to disable my anti-virus [Norton] and it still didn't work.  All my drivers are up to date.

    Data sheet:

    Dell Inspiron 560 [2009]
    No upgrade graphics card
    64 bit
    Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5700 @ 3.00 GHz 3 .00GHz
    4.00 GB memory installed

    Hi Daniel,

    Please follow the methods:

    Method 1:

    You need perform a clean boot to prevent any third party conflicting application from interfering with your computer.

    To put the computer in a clean boot State, you must follow the steps in the article mentioned below and check with the question.

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or Windows 7:

    Note: You must follow step 7 of the article mentioned above to recover your computer to a Normal startup after you complete all the steps.

    Method 2:

    Scan your computer by using the Microsoft Security Scanner by clicking Download now to check if there is no virus:


    Note: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.

    Method 3:

    Optimize windows 7 for better performance:

    TP://Windows.Microsoft.com/is-is/Windows7/optimize-Windows-7-for-better-performance HT

    Important: Running chkdsk on the drive if bad sectors are found on the disk hard when chkdsk attempts to repair this area if all available on which data can be lost.

    Note: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.

    I hope this helps.

  • High disk use and high memory usage

    It seems that my friend helped clean up my laptop I will still have a lot of problems. First my laptop becomes the high memory use. What? The system apparently when I look at the Task Manager. Here's what it looks like:

    I don't know how to solve this problem. Keep looking it towards the top online and I haven't found anything that helps. I'm not a tech somehow so when you say something like "have you checked your drivers? I will say that I have no idea how to do that.  As you can see the the Service Host: Local System has a lot of memory for some reason use any. And the system takes a lot of space for some strange reason.  He is also windows modules Installer. I can't update my laptop Windows 8 for Windows 8.1

    Another problem is that I can't get my cell trusts. I go on Internet explore and copy and paste the link that appears on the screen in another tab on him and he always says the same thing 'Open in Internet Explorer' and it still doesn't work!

    I should also mention that my friend had to do a system restore to clean all the problems I had before. Who has worked for the most part. Since my laptop was running slower and he's still but a little better.

    Any help would be great.

    In order to diagnose your problem, we need run Windows performance toolkit, the instructions that are in this wiki

    If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask
  • ISE high memory use

    Hi team,

    Kindly help me on our ISE Cisco version that meets the high memory use. It has a HA configuration.

    Primary school has 83% and secondary 63%.

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards


    Tehreare some fixes in patches that resolve the problems associated with the use of memory

    Last paych 1.3 patch 6 and included the following fix

    CSCux53910: patch 1.3 ISE 5 augmented memory of lead for authentic latency

    I recommend cosnidering install the latest patches

  • How to determine which process is using high memory

    Dear team,

    on the single ESXi host we have 192 GB of RAM and on this 5 VMs esxi host who r under tension and a machine virtual is turned off, IF I check ESXi summary and performance tab it show ESXi host uses close to 140 GB of RAM on 192 GB, on the performance tab it show current total current memory usage is 73% and troubleshooting further if I check each VM memory usage then use VM's total memory is not over 50GB then there is show 73% i.e. use of 140 GB, needs your help to check which process is high memory, please find the file attached lot ESXTOP output.



    Mr. VMware

    The memory consumed, it's affecting the VM (memory affected by the VM, more general memory pages), i.e. "the memory usage. Active memory is usually much lower and calculated by the hypervisor using a mathematical formula.


  • Qosmio F755 - 3d 150 - Win 7 - no high definition on external screen


    After installation windows 7 and nvidia driver, him dosent external display poster in HD as before.
    I tried setting configer but not resolt,

    Should which driver I install?

    In your other thread, I read that you have problems to install the drivers.
    I guess that the problem is related to the lack of graphics driver and so you are not able to choose the higher display resolution to the external monitor.

    But if you have already installed the right graphics card driver, I recommend you to check external display resolution settings.

  • Help! My Macbook Air has a high memory pressure.

    Product: Macbook Air in early 2015


    256 GB of flash storage

    1.6 GHz processor

    4 GB memory

    OS X Yosemite - Version 10.10.5

    A few weeks memory of my Macbook Air pressure continued to increase, most of the time he was in the green zone, but it has been several times that I had the pressure of memory to be in the yellow box with a few tabs in Google Chrome. In addition, the Kernel_Task continues to rise as it was around 380-390 MB a few weeks ago and now he's moved more than 500 MB. I tried to restart and stop the computer several times as an attempt to decrease the Kernel_Task and even thought that the memory pressure is high, the CPU doesn't have a lot of problems, because it is essentially inactive between 65 and 80 percent.

    What it looks like without all the eleven (shown) Google Chrome processes running? You should never see Swap used, and that tells me that you are using too many applications for your 4 GB memory available on your machine. With this RAM limited, you have to be very selective of what applications and browser tabs are open (you use) quit everything.

Maybe you are looking for