calculate the deduction using the percentage and amount

I have a dynamic form with three fields decimal:

grossamount (grossamount)

percentage of deduction (fwpercent)

amount of the deduction (fwamount)

I have the following scripts:

Form1. #subform [0]. fwpercent::calculate - (FormCalc, client)


Form1. #subform [0]. fwamount::calculate - (FormCalc, client)


I want to be able to change the amount or percentage and have it calculate the other, as shown in the scripts. If I open the form and taken in 100 for the gross amount, then 10 percent, the script works correctly, and 10 will be displayed in the w/h quantity. If I go to the fw amount field and replace it with 20, the percentage field still shows 10. the results are the same, if I make first, and then changes the percentage value but does not update if I do update percentage. This will only work for everything that I do everything first. I can't always fields depend on eachother whenever one of them is changed?

changed for the scripts below and it works as expected:

Form1. PaymentInfo.FederalWithholdingPercentage::exit - (JavaScript, client)


Form1. PaymentInfo.FederalWithholding::exit - (JavaScript, client)


Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    Val1 Val2% cod

    X 10 4 40.00

    Y 20 3 15: 00

    Total: 30 7

    I would like to bring to the rest of column %, instead of the sum, to calculate the percentage (23.33%)

    It is a real hack, but it works on my example page

    (find the last line, from individual cells to last row and divide them into another)

    $(«#report_emp tr:last td:eq (2)' ") .text (parseInt ($(' #report_emp tr:last:eq(3)').text()) td / parseInt ($(' #report_emp tr:last td:eq(4)').text()))))))

  • How to calculate the second and minisecond for audio landmark

    I'm doing a sound synchronization for the clip audio and video in Flash. I found a tutorial on the web, and it seems to work. However, I do not know how to calculate the second and the mini (deuxieme from mp3 file. The first frame has the following lines to set the duration for each animation:
    Import class
    Import net.quip.sound.SoundSync;

    Stop the main timeline

    Create an instance of SoundSync
    var ss:SoundSync = new SoundSync();

    ss.addCuePoint ("IT", 20100);
    ss.addCuePoint ("admin", 20000);
    ss.addCuePoint ("maintenance", 19800);
    ss.addCuePoint ("treatment", 16479);
    ss.addCuePoint ("engineering", 14598);
    as.addCuePoint ("logo_epa_npdes", 12356);
    ss.addCuePoint ("construction", 8967);
    ss.addCuePoint ("370 mg/j", 7896);
    ss.addCuePoint ("mc_650, 000 ', 5439);
    ss.addCuePoint ("130 mg/j", 3254);
    ss.addCuePoint ("1938", 2439);
    ss.addCuePoint ("vintage_mc", 0);

    Use the instance of loading external MP3
    ss.loadSound ("Scn04 - 05.mp3", true);

    Create a listener object for the
    cuePoint and onSoundComplete events
    var listener: Object = new Object();
    listener.cuePoint = function (): Void {}
    listener.onSoundComplete = function (): Void {}
    ss.addEventListener ("cuePoint", listener);
    ss.addEventListener ("onSoundComplete", listener);

    and the file as follows:
    Import mx.utils.Delegate;
    class net.quip.sound.SoundSync extends its {}
    private var _cuePoints:Array;
    private var _currentCuePoint:Number;
    private var _interval:Number;
    private var _intervalDuration:Number;
    private var _secondOffset:Number;
    Event dispatcher
    public var dispatchEvent:Function;
    public var addEventListener:Function;
    private var removeEventListener:Function;
    public void SoundSync(target:MovieClip) {}
    Super (target);
    private function init (): Void {}
    Initialize properties
    _cuePoints = new Array();
    _currentCuePoint = 0;
    _intervalDuration = 200;
    _secondOffset = 0;
    Initialize the instance of the class as the valid event broadcaster
    EventDispatcher.initialize (this);
    Add Cue Point
    public void addCuePoint(cuePointName:String,_cuePointTime:Number):Void {}
    () _cuePoints.push
    type: "cuePoint",.
    name: cuePointName,.
    time: cuePointTime,.
    target: this
    _cuePoints.sortOn ("time", Array.NUMERIC);
    Get cue point
    public void getCuePoint(nameOrTime:Object):Object {}
    var counter: Number = 0;
    While (counter < _cuePoints.length) {}
    If (typeof (nameOrTime) == 'string') {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .name == nameOrTime) {}
    return _cuePoints [counter];
    } Else if (typeof (nameOrTime) == 'number') {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .time == nameOrTime) {}
    return _cuePoints [counter];
    counter ++;
    Returns a null value.
    Get the Index of the current Cue Point
    private void getCurrentCuePointIndex(cuePoint:Object):Number {}
    var counter: Number = 0;
    While (counter < _cuePoints.length) {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .name == {}
    return the meter;
    counter ++;
    Returns a null value.
    Get the next Cue Point index
    private void getNextCuePointIndex(seconds:Number):Number {}
    seconds (seconds) =? seconds: 0;
    var counter: Number = 0;
    While (counter < _cuePoints.length) {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .time > = seconds * 1000) {}
    return the meter;
    counter ++;
    Returns a null value.
    Benchmark deleted
    public void removeCuePoint(cuePoint:Object):Void {}
    _cuePoints.splice (getCurrentCuePointIndex (cuePoint), 1);
    Remove all Cue Points
    public function removeAll_cuePoints (): Void {}
    _cuePoints = new Array();
    public void start(secondOffset:Number,_loops:Number):Void {}
    Super.Start (secondOffset, loops);
    dispatchEvent ({type: "onStart", target: this});
    Reset benchmark
    _secondOffset = secondOffset;
    _currentCuePoint = getNextCuePointIndex (secondOffset);
    Poll for cue points
    clearInterval (_interval);
    _interval = setInterval (Delegate.create (this, pollCuePoints), _intervalDuration);
    Load sound
    public void loadSound(url:String,_isStreaming:Boolean):Void {}
    super.loadSound (url, isStreaming);
    clearInterval (_interval);
    _interval = setInterval (Delegate.create (this, pollCuePoints), _intervalDuration);
    public void stop(linkageID:String):Void {}
    If {(linkageID)
    Super.Stop (linkageID);
    } else {}
    Super.Stop ();
    dispatchEvent ({type: "onStop", target: this});
    Kill the ballot
    clearInterval (_interval);
    Survey benchmarks
    private function pollCuePoints (): Void {}
    If the current position is close to the cue point.
    var time: Number = _cuePoints [_currentCuePoint] .time;
    var span: Number = (_cuePoints [_currentCuePoint + 1] .time)? _cuePoints [_currentCuePoint + 1] .time: time + _intervalDuration * 2;
    If (position > = time & & position < = span) {}
    Send event
    dispatchEvent (_cuePoints [_currentCuePoint]);
    Advance to the next landmark...
    If (_currentCuePoint < _cuePoints.length) {}
    _currentCuePoint ++;
    } else {}
    _currentCuePoint = getNextCuePointIndex (_secondOffset);
    public function onSoundComplete (): Void {}
    Kill the ballot
    clearInterval (_interval);
    Reset benchmark
    _currentCuePoint = 0;
    Send event
    dispatchEvent ({type: "onSoundComplete", target: this});

    any help will be greatly appreciated.


    > Hi Dave, your tutorial is very cute and it is very useful.

    Thank you! My daughter is cute. She inherited all of
    me, so I have not left. ;)

    > I'm sorry that I don't have my question clearly.

    No worries. :)

    > I have listen mp3 in Windows Media Player and try to
    > get both for the tail, I found it on the bottom of the
    > player time indicates 00:26.

    I'm with you.

    > How can I writer this number in the code? Is it 0026 or 26?

    The code expects milliseconds, then 26 seconds would be written as


    If he said 01:22 (one minute and 22 seconds), you must write it like this:


    ... which is 60 seconds for now, 22 seconds
    side, then multiplied by 1,000 to get milliseconds.

    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • How to include the total number of table one fact in another fact table to calculate the percentage

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    Now, I want to calculate the percentage return documents reviewed. For this I need to divide count separate from the document of performance by the total performance document. Now this document of total performance can be obtained from the 1st table of facts, but I don't get how to bring this indictment in the 2nd table of facts to show the percentage.

    Please let me know if there is no ambiguity in my question, because I'm a starter in OBIEE.

    Thank you very much.

    then you can set new logical column with two columns of fact in the formula

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    How to calculate this percentage of sales.

    Please advice.

    Kind regards


    You can use the AGGREGATE function for the TOTAL monthly sales in the year:

    Something like: AGGREGATE ("measure monthly sales" to "Time" ".") Time hierarchy ".» An »)

    Calculate your final formula:

    "measure the monthly sales" / AGGREGATE ("measure monthly sale 'to"time'." Time hierarchy ".» Year') * 100

  • query to calculate the value and produce new lines


    01/01/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 454234,00 65633456.00
    01/04/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 324562,00 45333234.00
    01/07/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 67845423.00 NULL
    01/10/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 67453453.00 NULL
    01/01/2007 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 56754633.00 NULL
    01/04/2007 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 45423434.00 NULL

    Hi guys,.

    It's a situation where I have to produce a few new lines with projections based on Q4 RETAIL_SALES_AMT
    RETAIL_SALES_AMOUNT and fourth ' rs following WHOLESALE_AMT. As you can see from the sample data for a specific customer,
    product I have populated only until 01/04/2006 retail_sales_amt but WHOLE_SALE amt for the same product and customer
    are there up to 01/04/2007.

    I have to produce a PROJECTED RETAIL_SALES_AMT and it must be inserted in a new line with an indicator to identify
    a proposed line. Here, in this case I have to produce a new line of projection from 07/01/2006,10/01/2006 and 01/01/2007
    the RETAIL_SALES_AMT. The method of calculation is provided for in:

    retail_sales_amt scheduled for 07/01/2006=.345+ ((01/07/2006 whole_sales-01/04/2006 whole_sales) / (01/04/2006 whole_sale)))
    * 01/04/2006 RETAIL_SALES_AMT and move forward to subsequent quarters.

    Is it possible that I can use a query to produce these new lines by calculating the RETAIL_SALES_AMT on the fly, or any other
    How to procedure.

    Please help as it seems a little complicated.


    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:26

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:26

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:27

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:28

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:31

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:32


    As far as I can tell, that's what you asked for:

    WITH     got_prev         AS
         SELECT     table_x.*
         ,     LAG (wholesale_amt) OVER ( PARTITION BY  customer
                                        ,                product
                                ORDER BY      quarter
                               )     AS prev_wholesale_amt
         FROM     table_x
    --     WHERE     ...     -- Any filtering goes here
    ,     tree     AS
         SELECT     got_prev.*
         ,     SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH ( CASE
                               WHEN  LEVEL = 1
                               THEN  retail_sales_amt
                               ELSE  ( .345
                                              + wholesale_amt
                                              - prev_wholesale_amt
                                  ) / prev_wholesale_amt
                            , '*'
                            )                    AS path
         FROM     got_prev
         START WITH     retail_sales_amt     IS NOT NULL
         CONNECT BY     retail_sales_amt     IS NULL
              AND     quarter               = ADD_MONTHS (PRIOR quarter, 3)
              AND     customer          = PRIOR customer
              AND     product               = PRIOR product
    SELECT       quarter
    ,       customer
    ,       product
    ,       COALESCE ( retail_sales_amt
                 , eval_number ( LTRIM ( path
                                           , '*'
                               )       )
                 )      AS retail_sales_amt
    ,       wholesale_amt
    ,       NVL2 ( retail_sales_amt
                , 'F'
                , 'T'
                )          AS projected_flag
    FROM       tree
    ORDER BY  customer
    ,            product
    ,       quarter

    I posted earlier the eval_number function.

    In this query, a group of consecutive quarters, where the first group a retail_sales_num and the rest of the members of the group are not, is treated as a hierarchy. The retail_sales_amt of all members (except the first) will be based on the previous, as well as the wholesale_amts past and present.
    Say that a tree is 5 points of time (as in your examples of data). We can calculate the 2nd point in several ways: using analytical functions, for example. But we cannot use the same formula to calculate the 3rd point, because the calculation of section 2 must be completed before we can calculate the 3rd. It goes the same for the 4th and 5th.
    This is CONNECT BY arrives. CONNECT BY is one thing in Oracle SQL that can be recursively; children may find themselves once their parents are found, in the same way we want to calculate the nth retail_sales_amt once the amount of the n-minus-1 has been calculated. To do this, we use SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, where the first element in the path is the retail_sales_amt given, and all others are the factor to multiply this number to get the next amount.
    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH produces a string like ' * 324562 *. 4965935 *-. 0057739', which should be interpreted as a number. TO_NUMBER won't: TO_NUMBER cannot convert only a single numeric literal. Instead, we have a function defined by the user who put this string dynamically in the SELECT clause of a query, where it is interpreted as a numeric expression.

  • Need help to calculate the start and end time and place the result in a term like text box

    I did a search on the forum for calculating start and end time and found the code depending on which I am using as a formcalc on the duration field.
    Form1. Page1.duration::calculate - (FormCalc, client)

    If (HasValue (StartTime) and HasValue (EndTime)) then
    industrial var = Time2Num (StartTime.formattedValue, "h: mm A")
    var = Time2Num out_ (EndTime.formattedValue, "h: mm A")
    If (IN2 > = out_) then ("start time cannot be greater than or equal to the end time.")
    $.rawValue = null
    on the other
    var out_ - IN2 = diff
    $.rawValue = diff/3600000
    on the other
    $.rawValue = null

    Then, when I enter for example from 15:30, an hour of beginning and end of 04:00

    The duration field will say 0.5

    How can I get my form to say 30 minutes instead of placing a decimal?

    Secondly, how can I use field models LC where the employee can just type 330 or 03:30 and it automatically based on the computer's clock on time to start 15:30?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

    Attached is the form for display:

    To view the results in a regular time format, you can use:

    $.rawValue = Num2Time (diff/3600000, "HH: mm")

    For a flexible time entry check this example.

  • With the mouse to draw the edges of a XY Chart to calculate the perimeter and area of him

    I have signals from a stabilometer... I traced X in terms of y in a XY Chart and I want to know how I can draw with the mouse a circle linking most of the points that is the graph of X on Y and calculate the area of her more perimeter. I joined my program labview with two files X and Y

    LV 2009 Version attached.

  • calculate the percentage of error in the table with a reference number


    I am able to make the mistake of column 0, table...

    How I would be writing the code for the column 1, 2, as well as the n column?

    You really do need to learn more about arrays and scalars. You use tables 1 d as the scalars and arrays in tables 1 d 2D. Transpose two operations in a row is a NOP, why do it?

    Do not have the same code in all cases a case structure. Everything is the same thing belongs outside. Only one number differs between business and it's the only thing that belongs inside picture).

    Do not bury terminals inside the loops and other structures. They belong to the toplevel chart background.

    Here is a quick sketch.

  • Calculate the start and end date in Connect By - during Hirerchy changes

    / * Formatted 05/20/2013 09:53 (PS5 v5.115.810.9015) * /.

    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    Hello, can you please help me or guide me in the calculation of the dates of beginning and end to the underside of logic

    I want to calculate the Hirerchy Manager to the Agent.
    Then under query works fine and its giving me the expected results
    But when there is a change in the Hirerchy Manager or manager gets promoted
    Then I need to calculate the start date and end date.
      SID                 VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
      EMP_MGRS_ID         VARCHAR2(10 BYTE),
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M100', 'M107', TO_DATE('05/20/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M101', 'M102', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('05/18/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('A100', 'M100', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M100', 'M101', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('05/18/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M107', 'M102', TO_DATE('05/20/2013 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M102', 'M103', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M103', 'M104', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('A101', 'M105', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Insert into PERSON_DTL
       ('M105', 'M106', TO_DATE('01/01/2010 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), TO_DATE('12/31/9999 00:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT (b.sid) agent_sid,
                 TRIM (
                    LEADING ',' FROM    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (b.sid, ',')
                                     || ','
                                     || b.emp_mgrs_id
                 START_EFFECTIVE_DT Start_dt,
                 END_EFFECTIVE_DT End_dt
          FROM   PERSON_DTL b
    START WITH   sid IN ('A101', 'A100')
    CONNECT BY   PRIOR b.emp_mgrs_id = b.sid
    This is the results that i am getting now.
    AGENT_SID    PATH                       START_DT    END_DT
    A100    A100,M100,M101,M102,M103,M104    1/1/2010    12/31/9999
    A100    A100,M100,M107,M102,M103,M104    1/1/2010    12/31/9999
    A101    A101,M105,M106                   1/1/2010    12/31/9999
    Results Required
    A100    A100,M100,M101,M102,M103,M104    1/1/2010    5/18/2013
    A100    A100,M100,M107,M102,M103,M104    5/20/2013   12/31/9999
    A101    A101,M105,M106                   1/1/2010    12/31/9999

    WITH the CLAUSE will make it readable

    SQL> with paths as
      2  (
      3        SELECT   CONNECT_BY_ROOT (b.sid) agent_sid,
      4                 TRIM (
      5                    LEADING ',' FROM    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (b.sid, ',')
      6                                     || ','
      7                                     || b.emp_mgrs_id
      8                 )
      9                  PATH,
     10                 START_EFFECTIVE_DT Start_dt,
     11                 END_EFFECTIVE_DT End_dt,rownum rn
     12        FROM   PERSON_DTL b
     13        START WITH   sid IN ('A101', 'A100')
     14        CONNECT BY   PRIOR b.emp_mgrs_id = b.sid
     15  ),
     16  flagged as
     17  (
     18      select agent_sid,
     19             path,
     20             start_dt,
     21             end_dt,rn,
     22             case when path like lag(path) over(order by rn)||'%' then 0 else 1 end flg
     23      from paths
     24  ),
     25  summed as
     26  (
     27      select agent_sid,path,start_dt,end_dt,
     28             sum(flg) over(order by rn) sm
     29      from flagged
     30  )
     31  select agent_sid,max(path) path,max(start_dt) start_dt,
     32         min(end_dt) end_dt
     33  from summed
     34  group by agent_sid,sm
     35  order by agent_sid;
    AGENT_SID  PATH                                     START_DT  END_DT
    ---------- ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------
    A100       A100,M100,M101,M102,M103,M104            01-JAN-10 18-MAY-13
    A100       A100,M100,M107,M102,M103,M104            20-MAY-13 31-DEC-99
    A101       A101,M105,M106                           01-JAN-10 31-DEC-99
  • Calculate the percentage registered


    How can I get the correct value for the recorded percentage?

    Retail_Price = 100.00
    Sale_Price = 30.00

    Select (retail_price - sale_price/retail_price * 100) as prs_tab percentage_saved
    where prskey = 1516345;

    result = 9970

    result should be = 70

    What Miss me?

    Thank you!

    How can I get the correct value for the recorded percentage?

    Retail_Price = 100.00
    Sale_Price = 30.00

    Select (retail_price - sale_price/retail_price * 100) as prs_tab percentage_saved
    where prskey = 1516345;

    result = 9970

    result should be = 70
    Add parentheses around the numerator

    select ((retail_price - sale_price)/retail_price * 100) as percentage_saved from prs_tab
    where prskey = 1516345;

    Who will calculate the difference first: retail_price - sale_price = 70, which is 70% on retail price

  • Calculate the percentage using narrative view?

    Hi all

    I have a table like this.

    Sales for the month in Prod
    Jan aa 4500
    Feb bb 5500

    Now, I'm going to display content like this by using Narrative view.we use OBIEE11g.

    sale of 5500 we recevied in FEB comapred to 4,500 of the previous increase by 1%.

    Please any help.

    Thank you

    Published by: 958741 on September 14, 2012 03:24

    Published by: 958741 on September 14, 2012 06:08

    Check this thread:

    Re: formula in a narrative mode You may need to modify to your specific needs.

    So useful, please mark as correct or useful.

  • Bug with all numbered, measures the percentages and units. Help!

    Hello! Im having some struggles with '00' behind each individual measure, percentage, unity and point I use. This allso mess up to the size of things.

    measurements-units etch bug.PNG

    Does anyone know how to fix this?


    We have released an WINDOWS ONLY fix today that solves this problem of corrupted preferences. Go to the creative cloud application and download the patch CC 20151.1 (19.1.1)

    If you see not the patch in the creative Cloud application wait on or refresh cycle you can disconnect and connect to force refresh the list of available patches.

    Kind regards


    On behalf of the Illustrator engineering team

  • Calculate the percentage of various errors (1309-REP REP - 1248 REP - 1517)


    I have a SQL query, which brings me two fields.

    The first field is of type varchar, and the second is the number of times that the first field has been returned.

    So overall let's call them A and B.

    How can I calculate B/AMOUNT (B) * 100?

    I tried different techniques and they all failed unfortunately. So please help me to point out what is wrong.

    1 formula column:
    function CF_POURCENTAGE_FORMULA return Number is
      :P_POURCENT := :TOT_SYS / :CS_G_TOT * 100;
    2. Executive summary column
    function CF_POURCENTAGE_FORMULA return Number is
      :P_POURCENT := :TOT_SYS / :CS_G_TOT * 100;
    3. summary column (% of total), (it worked but the % were adding up in a way that the last poster showed 100%)

    Kind regards



    I have a SQL query, which brings me two fields.

    The first field is of type varchar, and the second is the number of times that the first field has been returned.

    So overall let's call them A and B.

    How can I calculate B/AMOUNT (B) * 100?

    So far, I can understand what you're trying. But the rest you have shown that you code I did not understand correctly. If you could explain that the way in which the report to print now and what you want to do extra for example. So, it's easy to say something. And what is the query also.


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    I have this table, and I need to select the year (VAR %) percentage between today and the day before,

    In this case below between 10 and 09 August and August 09 and 08 August,.


    Thanks if you can help



    OK, so now you have defined exactly what you mean by % VAR and in view of the expected results, how about this:

    Select the emp,



    sales - lag (sales) over (partition by order by edate emp) variation,

    (sales - lag (sales) over (partition by order by edate emp)) / sales '% VAR '.

    to my_data

    order of the emp, edate desc;

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    The majority of my mail in my Inbox disappeared

  • Qosmio G20 is not able to read a cd after burning

    Hello I need help please. My laptop just came back from the center of toshiba. The problem is, that I can burn a cd, but after I reinsert the laptop is not able to read. It always says E: / is not accessible incorrect function. On another pc, the cd

  • Video/DVD Player Toshiba and Windows 8

    I get a response message saying 'your version of the video/DVD Toshiba drive is not compatible with this version of Windows' turn Windows 8 Pro and downloaded the appropriate software on the site of Toshiba for Windows 7 x 64 and ran the software to

  • Satellite Pro A200-1MV - resolution problem

    Hello Brand new machine with pre-installed XP Pro and I am trying to set my screen resolution. Currently the maximum limit is 1280 x 800, otherwise I have 1024 x 768 with a Center screen. Ideally, I would like to have 1280 x 1024, as 800 option makes

  • Signature of the error: BCCode: 1000008e

    Any help with this error: Error Signature: BCCode: 1000008e BCP1: C0000005 BCP2: 22880001 BCP3:A9718B00 BCP4:0000000 OSERV: 5_1_2600 SP: 3_0 product: 768_1 Thank you