change the directory to the command prompt

I need to change the prompt from the root c: directory not c::------(directory\subdirectory

Hello Dennis,.

Thank you for visiting Microsoft Community and we provide a detailed description of the issue.

According to the description, I understand that you want to change the root directory for the prompt on the system.

Certainly, I understand your concern and will try my best to help you.

I suggest you to refer to the steps below and check if that helps.

  1. Open the command prompt. You can access the command prompt by clicking the start menu and typing cmd into the search field. You can also access it by typing cmd in the field run, or it can be found in the system of the start menu accessories/Tools folder.
  2. When you start the command prompt, you will be located in your home directory. It is usually C:\Users\username.
  3. There are a few shortcuts to move through the command prompt. Press ENTER after each command to execute:
  • dir- This command lists all of the folders and files in the directory that you are currently running.
  • Folder of the CD- This command move to the folder that you specify. The folder must be in the directory you are currently in. For example: If you are currently in C:\Users\ username \and you type cd desktop, you will be taken to C:\Users\ username \Desktop\
  • Path of CD- This command will take you to a specific path on your computer. You need not be in the same directory as the path. You must enter the full path to make it work. For example:
  • .. CD - this command move up to a directory of your current location. For example: If you are currently in C:\Users\ username \and you enter, you will be taken to C:\Users\
  • cd\ - This command takes you to the root directory, regardless of your location. For example: If you are currently in C:\Users\ username \and you enter, you will be taken to C:\
  • DriveLetter:- This command takes you to the drive letter that you specify. The drive you specify must be active, or have a disk in it if it a DVD player. For example, if you want to drive D, you should enter the command
  • -output This command will close the command prompt, regardless of your current place of residence.

I hope this information is useful.

Please let us know if you need more help, we will be happy to help you.

Thank you.

Tags: Windows

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    This problem occurs when Windows thinks that the application already exists in the list. Change the name of the application may fix this problem. Please try the following if you do not want to rename python.exe

    Method [1]: Use the registry to change the application Associations
    ATTENTION: It is recommended that you create a restore point before you proceed
    • On the start menu, insert the following text and press ENTER: regedit.exe
    • Delete the following key
      Python.exe HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\

    Thank you
    Have a nice day :)
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    Unfortunately, you'll have to close LabVIEW to pass parameters in a VI of the command prompt. You can build your VI in an executable file, and then pass parameters from the command prompt.  Because the program is its own executable file, it is not dependent on wheter LabVIEW is open.

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    Best regards

    Try to redirect the standard output to a file, as in this example:

    ping > out.txt

    If your utility supports redirection, you can read the contents of the file at any time.

    Be careful to choose a working directory where your username has write permissions.

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    If you have used Windows Explorer (computer) to create the directory in question (C:\KindleGen\) and extract the files in this directory...

    Open a command prompt.


    CD \KindleGen



    Run everything you are supposed to run by typing the name.

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    I don't know how you code this. But if it's like a normal batch or whatever it is command line related.

    Follow these steps to use a switch defined by the user at the end of the script.

    To pause a file of DOS commands under Windows XP, continue to the next command, you can use the PAUSE command. Make request to the user with the text:

    Press any key to continue. . .

    Then the batch file is waiting for the user to press a button. However, if you want to pause a batch file and display anything? Simply redirect the results to no one as follows:

    pause > null

    Given that it is perhaps not very useful (how will the user know they need to press a key to continue the batch file?) you display a different prompt. Issue a command with your desired guest ECHO, and then issue the break preceding > no command.

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    echo press ENTER to run the command
    pause > null
    MCP. MCDST. LVL 80

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    Hi MinecraftDude,

    Did you recent hardware or changes to the software of the system?

    You can consult the following article and the chek if it helps.

    When you run an .exe on a Windows Vista-based or Windows 7 computer file, the file may start another program

    Hope this information is useful.

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    On the flavors below, you must edit the registry directly by creating the value of HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System! DisableCMD.

    How to change the registry? I need more specific measures.
    Thank you
    This is not a trivial process for non trained. Also note that open a command prompt does NOT give your son of additional privileges unless he knows the password for an administrator account.
    Please note that if you skip any step then you may have a machine that won't start longer.
    1. Burn a CD to repair Windows via Control Panel / backup and restore.
    2. Test this boot the machine with her CD in the repair of Windows.
    3. Label this CD as "Repair Windows CD", then store it in a safe place.
    4. Start normally. Logging in as an administrator account.
    5. Create a Restore Point.
    6. Log in under your son's account.
    7. Click on the Globe to start, and then type regedit.exe and press ENTER. Enter the credentials of the administrator in case of dispute.
    8. HKey_Current_User\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows-access
    9. If there is no windows system key, create it:
      Click Edit / new / key, type system, and then press ENTER.
    10. Click on the key to the system.
    11. Click Edit / new / DWord, and then type the letters DisableCMD and press Enter.
    12. Double-click the DisableCMD value, and then type 1 in the data field and press ENTER.
    13. Try to open a command prompt. You should get a message of "deny".
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    I have an Acer Aspire V5 - 573G, running under Windows 8 64-bit with a 12G RAM, about 1 year and a half old, and this is the story of his unexpected collapse.

    3 days ago the computer suddenly began to show extreme problems with the help of any program. I had let him sleep for a few hours, and when I came back all started running very slowly.
    At the beginning I'm not too worried about I have mostly ran programs dependent on Internet and thought it was a simple connection problem. I have conducted a malware check (which I use quite regularly anyway) and downloaded Avast to see if he could detect all viruses, but everything was fine.

    However, after that them stopping and turning back on the morning, things only seem to be deteriorating. I was not using my computer much at all, but after the second day of the fight with all that I realized that in Task Manager, something was really wide, and the drive was 100% use even when nothing was running.
    Usually, after a few minutes it would go back down to 1-2%, but as soon as I ran whatever it is, even simply open Control Panel, happen very quickly to 100 times (sometimes the Task Manager was sufficient to make this happen).

    I removed Avast and tried to delete the process when I made sure it was safe to do so, but it did not work. I tried after tutorials on the Internet for people who reported similar problems, which led me on a desperate journey funny through Windows Defender removal, an (unnecessary) extreme increase virtual memory (which I brought to the standard after that report maybe just made even slower computer), something to change the parameters of High-Performance mode so that the Hard Drive would never turn off has tried to stop the search and indexing in my session, make a small altar to Turing... nothing worked.

    I ran a chkdsk /f C: who found problems with indexing files / indexed and likely fixed, because when I ran simple verification once the computer has been again this topic found no problem. However, the situation was the same: essentially constant use of the disk of 100% and no way out.
    A sad moment, after hours of attempts, I stopped by mistake the wrong process, explorer.exe. I restarted the computer, and then the problem was still there, at least explorer.exeseemed fine.

    However, when a few minutes later, I rebooted the computer, even once, I couldn't access the desktop more and I found myself in a loop of reboot attempt that has nothing, attempted to retrieve an earlier version of the system but nothing happened.

    The only thing I can do is access chkdsk to see what the problem is, but I'm not sure that I could see a way out of this, even if there was a. The only thing that seems clear is that there is a lot of damaged clusters, that he can't solve.
    This morning I ran 2 other chkdsk /f c:, the results by saying that there was no problem and no further action was required.
    So I ran a C: /R, and once again he told me that there are some clusters damaged in this file.

    Is there something I can do? Someone has an idea of what could have happened?
    My idea was to wait for it to perform this check, run a chkdsk /f /r c: and see how it goes if I restart it, but I could really use advice from more experienced and skilled people.

    The computer has not received any physical damage, not even in the relatively distant past of her young life. Before he started having all these problems he did nothing particularly requiring either, just running a few innocent Assassins Creed II (with 11.9 available RAM for what I remember stats and a Nvidia GeForce GT 750 M, I think not that it should have been a source of so much distress). This is the first time it gives me problems.

    Also, I apologize if any information was unclear or confused, but not only am I a tragedy with computers, I also use a computer in a different language and a few technical terms could have been translated a little too big. If someone needs more information, I can do my best to give it.


    Windows Defender is the default Antivirus which comes with Windows 8 and should not have been "removed."


    Reinstall your operating system:

    Here are the instructions Acer for recovery to factory settings, new condition.

    "Using Acer eRecovery application to restore your system or to create a recovery media.

    See you soon.

  • generate the fmx via the command prompt


    I use Oracle forms6i, Oracle Database 10 g and Windows (OS).
    Is it possible to compile the FMB file via the command prompt.
    And then I need to move the files to the server fmx via the command prompt.

    Thank you

    Published by: Sophie on January 24, 2012 17:20

    Eliane says:

    I have created the batch file as directed by your code and I changed only the useridn/password@db.
    I have run the package
    But I can't find the fmx file.

    Sorry I post the compiler in batches of 10g

    Go where u run the batch file? It should be in this folder where you .fmb exist.
    So then do not work. Add the path before the ifcmp60.exe
    This is the compiler 6i

    Echo compiling forms ....
    for %%f IN (*.fmb) do C:\ORANT\BIN\ifcmp60.exe userid=mail/tti@ait module=%%f batch=yes module_type=form compile_all=yes window_state=minimize
    ECHO form compilation complete

    change the path of the ifcmp60.exe you have
    Hope it works for you

    If someone useful or appropriate, please mark accordingly.

    Published by: HamidHelal on January 24, 2012 20:12

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