Correct use of the function in the pipeline?


I have a function in the pipeline, I am using 11 g. the idea is I can pass in the name of a table, and it returns a set of rowcounts for this table

I obviously have something wrong, but what?


create or replace PACKAGE IS GetMigSamples

-set types for a record and an array of records like this

TYPE sample_record IS RECORD)



number_of_records NUMBER);

TYPE sample_table IS the TABLE OF THE sample_record;


RETURN sample_table



-Package body

create or replace PACKAGE GetMigSamples BODY IS


v_cur sys_refcursor;

v_rec sample_record;

v_migtable VARCHAR (64);

v_stmt_str VARCHAR2 (400);

v_col VARCHAR (64);


v_migtable: = P_TABLE;

-some tables have a different name for the foreign key column

v_col: = box

When v_migtable = "MYTABLE" then "MAIN_ID".

another end 'PERSON_ID ';

-build a sql query for this table and the foreign key column

v_stmt_str: = ' SELECT

MX.' | v_col |' like PERSON_ID,.

COALESCE (MX. Reference, "?") as CF_ID,.

Count (*) as number_of_records

OF ' | P_TABLE |' mx

GROUP BY mx.' | v_col;

-Open the query and loop through it, each line of pipes

Open the v_cur for v_stmt_str;



IN v_rec;


PIPE ROW (v_rec);


CLOSE V_cur;



END GetMigSamples;

When I use it

Select getmigsamples.sp_mig_samples ('M_MY_TABLE') of double

I get

FW. SYS_PLSQL_228255_29_1()

Which I guess means that I have a reference to an object, rather than the actual values in the lines. I tried to corrrect it for centuries and have now arrived at the point of the tear-my-hair-out. Can anyone help please?

Thank you

When I use it

Select getmigsamples.sp_mig_samples ('M_MY_TABLE') of double

I get

FW. SYS_PLSQL_228255_29_1()

Which I guess means that I have a reference to an object, rather than the actual values in the lines. I tried to corrrect it for centuries and have now arrived at the point of the tear-my-hair-out.

No - this 'thing' you got is a hidden type of SQL Oracle automatically created to match the type of PL/SQL, that you used. SQL can only work with the SQL types defined at the schema level. But for functions PIPELINED Oracle allows you to specify the types of PL/SQL and it will create SQL HIDDEN types to make it work.

A pipeline function should be treated as a table. You must use the SCOREBOARD operator

Select * from table (myFunction);

Try this simple example

-type to match record emp

create or replace type emp_scalar_type as an object











-records of the emp table

create or replace type emp_table_type to table of emp_scalar_type


-function of pipelined

create or replace function get_emp (p_deptno number)

return emp_table_type




emp_cv EmpCurTyp;

l_rec emp % rowtype;


Open emp_cv SELECT * from emp where deptno = p_deptno;


extract the emp_cv in l_rec;

When the output (emp_cv % notfound);

line of conduct (emp_scalar_type (l_rec.empno, LOWER (l_rec.ename),

l_rec.job, l_rec.mgr, l_rec.hiredate, l_rec.sal, l_rec.comm, l_rec.deptno));

end loop;




Select * from table (get_emp (20))

See use of the SCOREBOARD operator?

Tags: Database

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    I think that it is advisable to withdraw the headphones well, theoretically Yes - you do not have _have_ to remove them when you use weak references. The listener is never set for GC using strong ref - you make yourself in this case.

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    However, the best solution for printing, is to use a PDF file, what they are for. Create a PDF file containing the same data. You have total control over the printing format in this case. Have a look here

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    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'BULK_UPLOAD_PRC'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Thank you

    Published by: Benton on November 3, 2010 12:01

    You call the procedure as follows:

    EXEC schemName.new_bulk_upload_pkg.bulk_upload_prc;

    Yet, it is defined as follows:

    PROCEDURE bulk_upload_prc
    ( p_rec     OUT get_fbt_bulk_upload_rec_type
    , p_blob    OUT BLOB
    , p_srcfile OUT BFILE
    , p_max_rec OUT NUMBER

    Shouldn't you be calling him more in this sense then?

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    from this
    and ends on this
         OLD_NAME   NEW_NAME
         ---------- --------
         ADAMS      AADMS
         ALLEN      AELLN
         BLAKE      ABEKL
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      from emp e,
           (select rownum pos from emp) iter
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    ---------- --------------------
    ADAMS      A
    ADAMS      A
    ADAMS      D
    ADAMS      M
    ADAMS      S
    ALLEN      A
    ALLEN      E
    ALLEN      L
    ALLEN      L
    ALLEN      N
    BLAKE      A
    BLAKE      B
    BLAKE      E
    BLAKE      K
    BLAKE      L
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    select oldname,
           wm_concat(newcharpos) newname
      from (
            select e.ename oldname, substr(e.ename, iter.pos, 1) newcharpos
              from emp e,
                   (select rownum pos from emp) iter
             where iter.pos <= length(e.ename)
             order by e.ename, substr(e.ename, iter.pos, 1)
      group by oldname;
    but the sequence of the newcharpos is messed up in the process and, rather than the expected result, I get this:
    ---------- --------------------
    ADAMS      A,S,M,D,A
    ALLEN      A,N,L,L,E
    BLAKE      A,L,K,E,B
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    SQL> select   oldname,
           wm_concat(newcharpos) keep (dense_rank last order by null)  newname
      from (
            select e.ename oldname, substr(e.ename, iter.pos, 1) newcharpos
              from emp e,
                   (select rownum pos from emp) iter
             where iter.pos <= length(e.ename)
             order by e.ename, substr(e.ename, iter.pos, 1)
      group by oldname
    ---------- ------------------------------
    ADAMS      A,A,D,M,S
    ALLEN      A,E,L,L,N
    BLAKE      A,B,E,K,L
    CLARK      A,C,K,L,R
    FORD       D,F,O,R
    JAMES      A,E,J,M,S
    JONES      E,J,N,O,S
    KING       G,I,K,N
    MARTIN     A,I,M,N,R,T
    MILLER     E,I,L,L,M,R
    SCOTT      C,O,S,T,T
    SMITH      H,I,M,S,T
    TURNER     E,N,R,R,T,U
    WARD       A,D,R,W                       
    14 rows selected.

    Or (11 GR 2)

    SQL> select ename oldname, column_value newname
      from emp,
           xmltable(('string-join(for $i in (' || rtrim(regexp_replace(ename, '(.)', '"\1",'),',') || ') order by $i return $i, "")'))
    ---------- ------------------------------
    SMITH      HIMST
    ALLEN      AELLN
    WARD       ADRW
    JONES      EJNOS
    BLAKE      ABEKL
    CLARK      ACKLR
    SCOTT      COSTT
    KING       GIKN
    ADAMS      AADMS
    JAMES      AEJMS
    FORD       DFOR
    MILLER     EILLMR                        
    14 rows selected.
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    The question here is how windows works,

    You reserve memory and don't have no limits, so there is no balloon showing VMs to appear that they have high memory use when they are not actually in some cases.

    Processes that Task Manager displays is not all that is running or being eaten, I know when working with SQL, you have FEAR that can use a ton on memory, but there is no process to show.

    Best thing to do is to run RAMMAP a sys internals tool that will show you exactly what is using the memory in windows.

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    Your comments are welcome! Thank you!


    The snapshots are NOT backup anyway. If you use instant as replacement of backup then

    (1) you lose a costly storage space

    (2) that you have less reliable

    (3) you generate disk load high commit when snapshots

    What is the correct use of the snasphots:

    (1) you need to install a patch on your virtual machine

    (2) take the snapshot

    (3) install the patch

    (4) monitor behaviour of the system in case of patch broke something for awhile

    (5) commit instant if everything is ok, or go back to the snapshot if something bad happened.


    MCSA, MCTS, VCP, VMware vExpert 2009

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    create type derived_t as object ( key integer, value varchar2(100) );
    create type derived_tc as table of result_t;
    create or replace function new_derivations( p_param varchar2 ) return derived_tc pipelined
      l_derived derived_t;
        /* do stuff here */
        pipe row( l_derived );
      end loop;
    create table derivations
      key integer primary key,
      value varchar2(100)
    insert into derivations select t.* from table( cast( new_derivations( 'test' ) as derived_tc ) ) t;
    But when I try...
    update ( 
       select d.rowid,
                t.value new_value
       from   derivations d,
                table( cast( new_derivations( 'test' ) as derived_tc ) ) t
       where d.key = t.key 
       and     d.key between :low_key and :high_key
      set value = new_value;
    I get ORA-01779: cannot modify a column that is mapped to a table not preserved key...

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    Is it possible to hint Oracle ( on Windows) to achieve this?

    Thanks muchly,.

    Lachlan Pitts

    You can rewrite this kind of update in a MERGE statement statement, which I think does not suffer the problem you are experiencing:

    merge into derivations d
    using (select t.key, t.value new_value from table( cast( new_derivations( 'test' ) as derived_tc ) ) t) s
    on (d.key = s.key and d.key between :low_key and :high_key)
    when matched then update set d.value = t.new_value

    (Not checked for syntax errors)

    You can also watch this:

    Published by: Toon Koppelaars February 8, 2011 05:40

  • Function DAQmxRegisterEveryNSamplesEvent can be used for the counter input channels

    Hi all

    I have a request to count the number of digital pulses. I want to know the time of impulses coming which start from 1 and an increase in later, 4 as 1, 5, 9, 13... The time interval between each pulse is not a fixed value. So I tried to use DAQmxRegisterEveryNSamplesEvent and DAQmxCreateCICountEdgesChan functions. But afterI calls the DAQmxStartTask function, it has always failed.  The advice that I used is the NOR-PCIe-6320. Here's the part of my code.

    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",&m_taskhandle));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateCICountEdgesChan (m_taskhandle, "Dev1/ctr0", "", DAQmx_Val_Rising, 0, DAQmx_Val_CountUp "));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxRegisterEveryNSamplesEvent (m_taskhandle, DAQmx_Val_Acquired_Into_Buffer, 4, 0, EveryNSamplesCallback, this));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask (m_taskhandle));

    I don't know the reason. Can someone give me help. Thank you.


    DAQmxRegisterEveryNSamplesEvent only works with the buffered in memory tasks.  That's what you should do anyway (if you want to use the callback or not):

    1. make your external signal the sample clock (DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming).

    2. use one of the basics of internal time as the source (DAQmxSetCICountEdgesTerm).

    Each sample you read will give the count in ticks of the time base.  Multiply the number by the base of your time period and you now have a timestamp.  Keep in mind the counter roll to 2 ^ 32 therefore account for this in your program.

    The recall is not necessary, but it is useful that you can make sure that you block your main thread until the samples are available.

    Best regards

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    So is there an easy way to get a list of where these functions are used so that I can quickly go and edit them?

    I find the function is with the display hierarchy that does just what I need.

    Thank you.

  • Solve the ODE which uses a max() function

    I have an ODE that I would like to solve in labview, but it's the max() for the third function OF. How can I integrate this into the Solver, RK4? I also apply it over a period of ten minutes (t here is in minutes), so I would put the RK4 Solver within some set time the end time to be 10 + loop with a start time register offset, or simply? I've included the variables + constants table for your reference.

    I do not understand your question about the error. Comments about all numerical values are already doubled.

    I found the basic problem. Column to 1 d returns an array containing a single element. This causes the Solver RK choke because it needs of 4 elements. The solution is to use only the Index table. This version converge in about 11 iterations.

    The solution seems to be sensitive to the value of h, so something's not quite yet. Fixing that may depend on your knowledge of what represent equations.

    I enclose the things that I've changed. In the f I added the * as mentioned previously. I also reformatted some constants, although I think it was unnecessary. In the Main VI, I added a bunch of indicators so I could see what was going on. These indicators led me to the size of the array, I also added a waiting for me to see the results of each iteration. You will want to remove that in your final version.  I've implemented a "approximately equal" function to stop the loop. I put it as stop on an error.

    I consider calculate two options outside the loop and then simply select the one you want on the inside. No time to run, but if you need hundreds or thousands of iterations to solve the equations we can add.


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    I am also attaching the .vi I use, if this is of any help. All suggestions are welcome!  Thank you.

    The origin of the error found after studying the examples provided by the OR .NET. The callback function had to be moved out of the loop, which solved the problem.

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    Original title: Windows updates

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    Is there a way to prevent Windows Update for sending this reminder in the future?


    Hide and Yes will use you PSI data usage. It depends on how much the updates install you, on the amount of data it uses

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    If for any reason any Windows is lying to me about the use of the wrong username and password. Also, I tried it on another PC and it works fine so it only affects this PC.

    Someone at - it solutions?

    Hi themichaelkc,

    I suggest you open the credentials manager and see if your saved credentials are correct.

    In addition, remove the passwords stored in the vault and re - enter the user name and password for automatic logon.

    See the following article for more information on the storage of passwords, certificates, and other credentials for automatic logon:.
    See also:

    Gokul - Microsoft Support

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