Creating a custom for the current scale

Hi guys,.

I need help in the creation of a custom scale. I read motor current (analog I / P) and I want to show that on a chart and write it to a file. I need to use a linear scaling for custom scale. The slope is 2 and the intersection point is 0. I have attached the code to clearly indicate what I'm currently building. The way I put up right now, it's not the scaling. It has 2 spots in the code. I would like to create a custom for the first task, as in the attached code scale. I had a scale customized using VI to Express DAQ Assistant. But I do not see these options when I try to do the same with the DAQmx task. Please let me know how this can be done. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you



on the pallate DAQmx > advanced > the balance settings

There is a scale property node and "Create"

Tags: NI Software

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    I got similar roles even as production.

    In Production:

    SQL > select granted_role, dealer of dba_role_privs where dealer in ('TRADELOANS');

    ------------------------------ ------------------------------

    In Test:

    SQL > select granted_role, dealer of dba_role_privs where dealer in ('TRADELOANS');

    ------------------------------ ------------------------------

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    Hi.May it is not the role of 'connect' role by default, you get this error. pls post

    select DEFAULT_ROLE from dba_role_privs
    where grantee in ('TRADELOANS')

    Then, if you get "" then follows

    alter user TRADELOANS default role connect,resource; 

    You can connect

  • use Image catalog script for the current document

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    //An InDesign CS6 JavaScript
    @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "ImageCatalog.jsx" 3.0.0 15 December 2009
    //Creates an image catalog from the graphic files in a selected folder.
    //Each file can be labeled with the file name, and the labels are placed on
    //a separate layer and formatted using a paragraph style ("label") you can
    //modify to change the appearance of the labels.
    //For more information on InDesign scripting, go to
    //Or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at .
    //The myExtensions array contains the extensions of the graphic file types you want
    //to include in the catalog. You can remove extensions from or add extensions to this list.
    //myExtensions is a global. Mac OS users should also look at the file types in the myFileFilter function.
    function main(){
      var myFilteredFiles;
      //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
      app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
      myExtensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".eps", ".ps", ".pdf", ".tif", ".tiff", ".gif", ".psd", ".ai"]
      //Display the folder browser.
      var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder containing the images", "");
      //Get the path to the folder containing the files you want to place.
      if(myFolder != null){
      if(File.fs == "Macintosh"){
      myFilteredFiles = myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder);
      myFilteredFiles = myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder);
      if(myFilteredFiles.length != 0){
      myDisplayDialog(myFilteredFiles, myFolder);
    //Windows version of the file filter.
    function myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder){
      var myFiles = new Array;
      var myFilteredFiles = new Array;
      for(myExtensionCounter = 0; myExtensionCounter < myExtensions.length; myExtensionCounter++){
      myExtension = myExtensions[myExtensionCounter];
            myFiles = myFolder.getFiles("*"+ myExtension);
      if(myFiles.length != 0){
      for(var myFileCounter = 0; myFileCounter < myFiles.length; myFileCounter++){
      return myFilteredFiles;
    function myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder){
      var myFilteredFiles = myFolder.getFiles(myFileFilter);
      return myFilteredFiles;
    //Mac OS version of file filter
    //Have to provide a separate version because not all Mac OS users use file extensions
    //and/or file extensions are sometimes hidden by the Finder.
    function myFileFilter(myFile){
      var myFileType = myFile.type;
      switch (myFileType){
      case "JPEG":
      case "EPSF":
      case "PICT":
      case "TIFF":
      case "8BPS":
      case "GIFf":
      case "PDF ":
      return true;
      for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter-1){
      return true;
      return false;
    function myDisplayDialog(myFiles, myFolder){
      var myLabelWidth = 112;
      var myStyleNames = myGetParagraphStyleNames(app);
      var myLayerNames = ["Layer 1", "Labels"];
      var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Image Catalog"});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Source Folder:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:myFolder.path + "/" +});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Images:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:myFiles.length + ""});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Rows:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myNumberOfRowsField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:3});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Number of Columns:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myNumberOfColumnsField = integerEditboxes.add({editValue:3});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Horizontal Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myHorizontalOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:12, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Vertical Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myVerticalOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:24, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      with (dialogRows.add()){
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Fitting:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myFitProportionalCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Proportional", checkedState:true});
      var myFitCenterContentCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Center Content", checkedState:true});
      var myFitFrameToContentCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Frame to Content", checkedState:true});
      var myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"Remove Empty Frames:", checkedState:true});
      var myLabelsGroup = enablingGroups.add({staticLabel:"Labels", checkedState:true});
      with (myLabelsGroup){
      //Label type
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Type:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelTypeDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:["File name", "File path", "XMP description", "XMP author"], selectedIndex:0});
      //Text frame height
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Height:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelHeightField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:24, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      //Text frame offset
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Offset:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelOffsetField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:0, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.points});
      //Style to apply
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Label Style:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLabelStyleDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myStyleNames, selectedIndex:0});
      staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Layer:", minWidth:myLabelWidth});
      var myLayerDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myLayerNames, selectedIndex:0});
            var myResult =;
            if(myResult == true){
      var myNumberOfRows = myNumberOfRowsField.editValue;
      var myNumberOfColumns = myNumberOfColumnsField.editValue;
      var myRemoveEmptyFrames = myRemoveEmptyFramesCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myFitProportional = myFitProportionalCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myFitCenterContent = myFitCenterContentCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myFitFrameToContent = myFitFrameToContentCheckbox.checkedState;
      var myHorizontalOffset = myHorizontalOffsetField.editValue;
      var myVerticalOffset = myVerticalOffsetField.editValue;
      var myMakeLabels = myLabelsGroup.checkedState;
      var myLabelType = myLabelTypeDropdown.selectedIndex;
      var myLabelHeight = myLabelHeightField.editValue;
      var myLabelOffset = myLabelOffsetField.editValue;
      var myLabelStyle = myStyleNames[myLabelStyleDropdown.selectedIndex];
      var myLayerName = myLayerNames[myLayerDropdown.selectedIndex];
      myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent, myHorizontalOffset, myVerticalOffset, myMakeLabels, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle,  myLayerName);
    function myGetParagraphStyleNames(myDocument){
      var myStyleNames = new Array;
      var myAddLabelStyle = true;
      for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myDocument.paragraphStyles.length; myCounter++){
      if (myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myCounter).name == "Labels"){
      myAddLabelStyle = false;
      if(myAddLabelStyle == true){
      return myStyleNames;
    function myMakeImageCatalog(myFiles, myNumberOfRows, myNumberOfColumns, myRemoveEmptyFrames, myFitProportional, myFitCenterContent, myFitFrameToContent, myHorizontalOffset, myVerticalOffset, myMakeLabels, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle,  myLayerName){
      var myPage, myFile, myCounter, myX1, myY1, myX2, myY2, myRectangle, myLabelStyle, myLabelLayer;
      var myParagraphStyle, myError;
      var myFramesPerPage = myNumberOfRows * myNumberOfColumns;
      var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
      myDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
      myDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
      var myDocumentPreferences = myDocument.documentPreferences;
      var myNumberOfFrames = myFiles.length;
      var myNumberOfPages = Math.round(myNumberOfFrames / myFramesPerPage);
      if ((myNumberOfPages * myFramesPerPage) < myNumberOfFrames){
      //If myMakeLabels is true, then add the label style and layer if they do not already exist.
      if(myMakeLabels == true){
      myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.item(myLayerName);
      //if the layer does not exist, trying to get the layer name will cause an error.;
      catch (myError){
      myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.add({name:myLayerName});
      //If the paragraph style does not exist, create it.
      myParagraphStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myLabelStyle);;
      myDocumentPreferences.pagesPerDocument = myNumberOfPages;
      myDocumentPreferences.facingPages = false;
      var myPage = myDocument.pages.item(0);
      var myMarginPreferences = myPage.marginPreferences;
      var myLeftMargin = myMarginPreferences.left;
      var myTopMargin =;
      var myRightMargin = myMarginPreferences.right;
      var myBottomMargin = myMarginPreferences.bottom;
      var myLiveWidth = (myDocumentPreferences.pageWidth - (myLeftMargin + myRightMargin)) + myHorizontalOffset
      var myLiveHeight = myDocumentPreferences.pageHeight - (myTopMargin + myBottomMargin)
      var myColumnWidth = myLiveWidth / myNumberOfColumns
      var myFrameWidth = myColumnWidth - myHorizontalOffset
      var myRowHeight = (myLiveHeight / myNumberOfRows)
      var myFrameHeight = myRowHeight - myVerticalOffset
      var myPages = myDocument.pages;
      // Construct the frames in reverse order. Don't laugh--this will
      // save us time later (when we place the graphics).
      for (myCounter = myDocument.pages.length-1; myCounter >= 0; myCounter--){
      myPage = myPages.item(myCounter);
      for (var myRowCounter = myNumberOfRows; myRowCounter >= 1; myRowCounter--){
      myY1 = myTopMargin + (myRowHeight * (myRowCounter-1));
      myY2 = myY1 + myFrameHeight;
      for (var myColumnCounter = myNumberOfColumns; myColumnCounter >= 1; myColumnCounter--){
      myX1 = myLeftMargin + (myColumnWidth * (myColumnCounter-1));
      myX2 = myX1 + myFrameWidth;
      myRectangle = myPage.rectangles.add(myDocument.layers.item(-1), undefined, undefined, {geometricBounds:[myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2], strokeWeight:0, strokeColor:myDocument.swatches.item("None")});
      // Because we constructed the frames in reverse order, rectangle 1
      // is the first rectangle on page 1, so we can simply iterate through
      // the rectangles, placing a file in each one in turn. myFiles = myFolder.Files;
      for (myCounter = 0; myCounter < myNumberOfFrames; myCounter++){
      myFile = myFiles[myCounter];
      myRectangle = myDocument.rectangles.item(myCounter);;
      myRectangle.label = myFile.fsName.toString();
      //Apply fitting options as specified.
      //Add the label, if necessary.
      if(myMakeLabels == true){
      myAddLabel(myRectangle, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyle, myLayerName);
      if (myRemoveEmptyFrames == 1){
      for (var myCounter = myDocument.rectangles.length-1; myCounter >= 0;myCounter--){
      if (myDocument.rectangles.item(myCounter).contentType == ContentType.unassigned){
      //As soon as you encounter a rectangle with content, exit the loop.
    //Function that adds the label.
    function myAddLabel(myFrame, myLabelType, myLabelHeight, myLabelOffset, myLabelStyleName, myLayerName){
      var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
      var myLabel;
      var myLabelStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item(myLabelStyleName);
      var myLabelLayer = myDocument.layers.item(myLayerName);
      var myLink;
      //Label type defines the text that goes in the label.
      //File name
      case 0:
      myLabel =;
      //File path
      case 1:
      myLabel = myLink.filePath;
      //XMP description
      case 2:
      myLabel = myLink.linkXmp.description;
      if(myLabel.replace(/^\s*$/gi, "")==""){
      throw myError;
      myLabel = "No description available.";
      //XMP author
      case 3:
      myLabel =
      if(myLabel.replace(/^\s*$/gi, "")==""){
      throw myError;
      myLabel = "No author available.";
      var myX1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[1];
      var myY1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[2] + myLabelOffset;
      var myX2 = myFrame.geometricBounds[3];
      var myY2 = myY1 + myLabelHeight;
      var myTextFrame = myFrame.parent.textFrames.add(myLabelLayer, undefined, undefined,{geometricBounds:[myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2], contents:myLabel});
      myTextFrame.textFramePreferences.firstBaselineOffset = FirstBaseline.leadingOffset;
      myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.item(0).appliedParagraphStyle = myLabelStyle;
  • Column filtering for the current year measure


    I'm blocked up with the question, we have a report of three tables D1, D2, and F1. Where D1 is of time dimension. We now report D2 and F1 with action, and the report is placed on the dashboard which is having the guest of the year.

    F1 is joined with dimension D2 and D1 time as well, the requirement is in the report we measure column say X should always show the values for the current year, while others displayed according to the prompt values... In short, I want to show the column to measure for the current year, even if the user selects the value of prompt for year earlier and it must not change the values.

    Please let me know, how to get there.

    Thanks in advance

    I am able to do this by following steps.

    1. I created a column in the MDB layer with similar to above said Srini case statement.
    2. Then I made the logic level of the time dimension column at ALL. So obiee ignores / filter join with the dimension of time to this measure, and the measure will always displays the data from the current year according to the case statement.
    3. If I did not this measure to all levels at the logical level, it's not working to the dashboard, when we change the year with the previous year it shows null values or zero according to the instruction box.

    Thank you.

  • use: app_user to produce the line for the currently logged in user

    I know that it is extremely simple, but I worked on it for about 2 hours now and can't make it work.

    I have a USER table that contains information about the users allowed to use the database. Information such as username (login), pk_id (primary key), name, phone etc is there. I use a schema authorization I created using the advanced tutorial. What I want to do is to have a tab named MYDATA, only when the user clicks on one it will produce an update row with this specific user information so that they can be updated.

    I created a form on a table, then created an item called P36_X_getpkid in the region. The source of this element gets the PK_ID (primary key of the table USERS) using this sql
    Select PK_ID
    where upper (userid) = upper(:APP_USER);

    Then I try to tell the page fetch line rendering process automated to use this field as the element that contains the value of the key column and the primary key column PK_ID column.

    It did not work.

    I thought that maybe the extraction of automated lines disliked the calculated item, so I created another page 35 has only a single element, P35_X_getpkid, with the source
    Select PK_ID
    where upper (userid) = upper(:APP_USER);

    and I created one before process header which redirects to page 36, and assigns P35_X_getpkid to P36_X_getpkid. Page 36, then has a form on a table with treatment extraction automated line and I told him to use the P36_X_getpkid field as the element that contains the value of the key column and the primary key column PK_ID column.

    did not work.

    Thanks for any help.


    Hi Marco,.

    On your page that needs the ID, create a new calculation with the following parameters:

    Geographical area: item on this page
    Calculate the point: P36_X_getpkid
    Calculation Point: Before header
    Calculation type: SQL query

    Select PK_ID
    where upper (userid) = upper (v ('APP_USER'))

    Condition Type: Article 1 of the Expression value is NULL
    Expression 1: P36_X_getpkid

    Leave all other settings as default values

    That should do it. In general, for something like this (that is to say, a value for the current user can be used several times) I create a part of the application and perform a calculation "on new Instance" (this is done through shared components, calculations of the Application), and then use * & APP_ITEM_NAME.* everywhere where I want the value to appear (including in the settings of the branch or the links on a page)


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    The message I get is Microsoft word has not been installed for the current user.   Please run set up to install the application.   I reinstalled the software, but get the same message.


    See the methods listed in the articles below and check.
    You receive an error "Microsoft has not been installed for the current user" message when you try to start an Office 2003 program or an Office XP program for the first time
    You receive a message "Microsoft has not been installed for the current user" when you start an Office XP program or start of Microsoft Office Maintenance mode

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you, and in what concerns:
    Shekhar S - Microsoft technical support.

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
    If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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    How to create an ERD for the vista sp2 x 64?

    How to create an ERD for the vista sp2 x 64?

    If you do not have a Microsoft Vista DVD, make a repair disc to do a Startup Repair:

    Download the ISO on the link provided and make a record of repair time it starts.

    Go to your Bios/Setup, or the Boot Menu at startup and change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order, then reboot with the disk in the drive.

    At the startup/power on you should see at the bottom of the screen either F2 or DELETE, go to Setup/Bios or F12 for the Boot Menu.

    When you have changed that, insert the Bootable disk you did in the drive and reboot.

    Link above shows what the process looks like and a manual, it load the repair options.

    NeoSmart containing the content of the Windows Vista DVD 'Recovery Centre', as we refer to him. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows Vista, and is just a Windows PE interface to recovering your PC. Technically, we could re-create this installation with downloadable media media freely from Microsoft (namely the Microsoft WAIK, several gigabyte download); but it is pretty darn decent of Microsoft to present Windows users who might not be able to create such a thing on their own.

    Read all the info on the website on how to create and use:

    ISO Burner:

    It's a very good Vista startup repair disk.

    You can do a system restart tool, system, etc it restore.

    It is NOT a disc of resettlement.

    Make sure you get the 64 bit version.

    See you soon. Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    You can create the user with the parental control account. This will act as a protection for the child's account.

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    Hello. Guy

    How to get the last date of 3 days for the current month?


    JANUARY 29, 2016

    JANUARY 30, 2016

    JANUARY 31, 2016

    GUYS HELP ME / / /...

    SQL > select last_day (sysdate) - level + 1 double connect by level<= 3="" order="" by="">



    29 JANUARY 16

    30 JANUARY 16

    31 JANUARY 16

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    Split from another thread:

    Hi David,

    By design, we cannot create shortcut on the desktop for Mail App Mail App isn't a desktop program, it is designed to work in the modern user interface Interface.

    For example, you can pin Google Chrome in Start Menu and taskbar. But where you open it open only in desktop mode, because it's a desktop program.

    Hope this information helps. If you need more assistance or information on this question, reply to this post. I'll be happy to help you.

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    If I create a structure for the target data store, and then load the data from source to target works fine. If I make mistakes.

    Is necessary to create a structure for target?

    Please help me...

    Thanks in advance.


    I found the answer. No need to create the structure for target temporary data store. and we need to create the structure for the permanent target data store.

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    Ideas: You have problems with programs Error messages Recent changes to your computer What you have already tried to solve the problem Remember - this is a public forum so never post private information such as numbers of mail or telephone!