Creative Cloud apps will not appear / tired of apps don't CC no appears.

Hello, I have a lot of trouble with creative cloud.

I first downloaded it a few weeks ago and got to Photoshop and Illustrator without problem in my Windows PC. Summer use it normally, but long before the time of the trial expires the two programs will not open and they display a program error saying "Adobe Application Manager is required to run the program, but it is missing or damaged.

I tried to uninstall, but could not because I needed to do this procedure with creative cloud but (here's the problem) the 'App' section displays just a message of an error in downloading, and since everything is managed from here I can't uninstall anything because the programs do not appear.

After several attempts to uninstall CC finally got him to start all over again, but this is the fourth or fifth time I have uninstall and re-install CC (closed between my computer) and the "App" window always displays the error message. Need help please, I don't know what else to do.

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Hola, estoy having a problemas monton con creative cloud.

Lo de hace unas weeks y baje e Photoshop Illustrator y sin problemas in mi PC Windows. Usaba sin problemas, pero mucho Los no antes that los dias prueba expiraran ambos programasya no to podían open y purchased una ventana error respond that "Adobe Application manager are necessary para el programa, that esta perdido o damaged run."

He intentado desinstalarlos, pero no podia are con procedure ese that tapeworm do creative cloud, pero (aqui esta el problema) Sección 'Apps' solo muestra than hay a descarga error, there is that todo is Massy desde aqui, no puedo nada desinstalar ago that los programas no appears.

Muchos question después para desinstalar CC finalmente lo cero of to start poder para, pero esta I made are the cuarta quinta vez as lo desinstalo o y reinstalo CC (reiniciando the PC) is the "App" sigue el error message showing ventana. Por favor ayuda no se what mas hacer.


were you able to locate and delete the two folders?

If so, just uninstall cc.

delete these folders again.

Run the cleaner,

Restart your computer

Reinstall the cc desktop application,

Tags: Adobe

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