cursor for loops with exception handling

Hi all

I use oracle11g I need to write a stored procedure to about 10 select statements with the managements of exceptions for each select statement. I am unable to handle the exception handling.please guys help

Here is the code sample I wrote









P_OUT_MSG: = 'BKY000. '




P_OUT_MSG: = 'BKY001. '






It's more clear now

create or replace procedure test_proc (p_id in varchar2, )

p_mob in varchar2,

p_out_msg out varchar2,.

p_result on sys_refcursor

) as

v_err_msg varchar2 (300);

row_count number;

no_data_returned exception;

nonunique_column exception;


Open Select p_result *.


where deptno = to_number (p_id)

and job = p_mob;

Select count (*)

in row_count


where deptno = to_number (p_id)

and job = p_mob;


If row_count = 0 then

raise no_data_returned;

end if;

Select keep max (count (*)) (dense_rank first order by Count)

in row_count

from (select *)


Union all - simulating a duplicate line

Select 7839, "ETBIN', 'PRESIDENT', null, trunc (sysdate), 3000, null, 10

of the double


where deptno = to_number (p_id)

and job = p_mob

Group by empno

view count (*) > 1;

If row_count > 1 then

raise nonunique_column;

end if;

p_out_msg: = 'BYK0000 ';



When no_data_returned

then p_out_msg: = "BYK001";

When nonunique_column

then p_out_msg: = "BYK002";

while others

then v_err_msg: = ' procedure TEST_PROC: error: ' | SQLCODE. ': ' || substr (SQLERRM, 1, 200);




R_C sys_refcursor;

E_r emp % rowtype;

E_m VARCHAR2 (255);

DEPTNO number: = 10;

VARCHAR2 (30) employment: = "PRESIDENT";


dbms_output.put_line (' input parameters: deptno = ' | to_char (deptno) |) '; job = ' | Job);

test_proc (to_char (DEPTNO), Job, E_m, R_C);

dbms_output.put_line (' result: ' | e_m);

If e_m = "BYK0000" then


extract r_c in e_r;

When the exit r_c % notfound;

dbms_output.put_line (to_char (E_r.empno) |' |) '|| RPAD(E_r.Ename,10) |' | '|| RPAD(E_r.job,10) |' | '|| TO_CHAR (E_r.SAL, 'fm99990'));

end loop;

end if;


While other then dbms_output.put_line ('exception: ' | sqlcode |) ': ' || substr (SQLERRM, 1, 200));


input parameters: deptno = 10; job = PRESIDENT

result: BYK002

Statement processed.



Tags: Database

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    Please, could you help me. I start to learn PL/SQL, so please be pattient.

    the very simple block. Base table emp (for Oracle), he sucks with more then 5000 large salary. I thought that the result would be "aaa", but result is actually empty.

      cursor c1 (v_num number) is
        select ename,sal
        from emp
        where sal > v_num;
      for rec in c1(5000) LOOP
        dbms_output.put_line('Employee: ' || rec.ename || ' has a salary of ' || rec.sal);
        dbms_output.put_line('aaa ');
      END LOOP ;

    How can I solve this problem?

    Thank you much for the help.

    With the help of a cursor for loop will never throw an exception no_data_found.

    Despite everything, you try to catch all exceptions thrown by dbms_output.

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    text VARCHAR2 (50)

    CREATE TABLE t_Test to typ_Test;

    INSERT INTO t_Test VALUES (typ_Test('111'));
    INSERT INTO t_Test VALUES (typ_Test('222'));

    -work, simple loop
    CURSOR cur IS SELECT VALUE (o) FROM t_Test o;
    typ_Test obj;
    Heart OPEN;
    Fetch cur INTO obj;
    dbms_output.put_line (obj. (Text);
    CLOSE cur;

    -doesn't work, cursor for loop
    CURSOR cur IS SELECT VALUE (o) FROM t_Test o;
    FOR news of obj IN LOOP
    dbms_output.put_line (obj. (Text);

    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 5, column 30:
    PLS-00302: 'TEXT' element must be declared.
    ORA-06550: line 5, column 5:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550 00000 - "line %s, column % s:\n%s".
    * Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.

    In fact I found no examples on the net of its use "cursor for loop" with cursor that returns the object. Only when the record is returned...

    Published by: user10393567 on February 10, 2009 07:38

    user10393567 wrote:
    Now, in the 'loop' example for what looks "obj" is a folder, not an object, and 'x' is attribute of this recording... But the cursor must return an object, not a record... What Miss me?

    In the FOR loop "obj" is a pointer to the cursor/query, not a subject in its own right. It gives you just a reference in the query.

    So with that you are referring to the query, but then you need to refer to the column in the query that you are interested, so why there need a name (in my case I called it 'x'). 'x' is the object, and then you refer to the attribute of this object "text".

    In the first request that you simply select the value directly object in a variable, so no matter what it's called in the query values are returned by the position that is the first column in the query goes into the first variable in the INTO clause. Once you have that then the variable itself contains the object, and you can just refer to the attribute within that.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • When to use the cursor for loop and the cursor (open, fetch, close)

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    I have a small doubt about when to use the cursor for loop and when to use the cursor for loop and the cursor (open, fetch, close).
    Well, I'm not the difference between implicit and explicit cursor. So please tell me how I got to know, what to use and when?

    Kind regards

    Published by: BS2012 on January 29, 2013 12:15

    All SQLs are analyzed, stored and executed as cursors. Thus, you will always use a cursor.

    The problem is that languages, such as PL/SQL, provide different interfaces to interact with the SQL cursor. As the ref, the slider interface, the interface DBMS_SQL slider interface and so on.

    Each of these interfaces offers different features. For example, using the interface DBMS_SQL allows binding dynamics and dynamic recovery. The Ref Cursor interface allows your code PL/SQL pass a handle to a reference pointing to the SQL cursor, to an external client. Etc.

    The fundamental reason for the use of an explicit cursor interface is mainly that you own and manage bulk made extraction output provided by PL/SQL cursor.

    With a cursor FOR , the motor loop of PL/SQL optimize the loop by extracting block a 100 lines both. However, you cannot access this collection in bulk directly inside the loop.

    With an explicit cursor interface, you specify the size of the extraction in bulk via the clause LIMIT , and you set the variable of collection to use. This allows you to use the collection directly variable inside the loop.

    However, the need to do - code manually in bulk collection - rarely occur in the daily programs in PL/SQL. A line of treatment is both slow and not well fits. And even if your bulk code collects lines, these lines must still be processed one at a time in your code. It is much more efficient and scalable rather write SQL code, and make the engine SQL the line of treatment for you.

  • How to optimize the select query executed in a cursor for loop?

    Hi friends,

    I run the code below and clocked at the same time for each line of code using DBMS_PROFILER.
       p_file_id              NUMBER                                   := 151;
       v_shipper_ind          ah_item.shipper_ind%TYPE;
       v_sales_reserve_ind    ah_item.special_sales_reserve_ind%TYPE;
       v_location_indicator   ah_item.exe_location_ind%TYPE;
       CURSOR activity_c
          SELECT *
            FROM ah_activity_internal
           WHERE status_id = 30
             AND file_id = p_file_id;
       DBMS_PROFILER.start_profiler ('TEST');
       FOR rec IN activity_c
          SELECT DISTINCT shipper_ind, special_sales_reserve_ind, exe_location_ind
                     INTO v_shipper_ind, v_sales_reserve_ind, v_location_indicator
                     FROM ah_item --464000 rows in this table
                    WHERE item_id_edw IN (
                             SELECT item_id_edw
                               FROM ah_item_xref --700000 rows in this table
                              WHERE item_code_cust = rec.item_code_cust
                                AND facility_num IN (
                                       SELECT facility_code
                                         FROM ah_chain_div_facility --17 rows in this table
                                        WHERE chain_id = ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id)
                                          AND div_id = (SELECT div_id
                                                          FROM ah_div --8 rows in this table 
                                                         WHERE division = rec.division)));
       END LOOP;
    The SELECT inside the LOOP FOR cursor query took 773 seconds.
    I tried to use COLLECT in BULK instead of a cursor for loop, but it did not help.
    When I took the select query separately and executed with a value of the sample, and then he gave the results in a Flash of a second.

    All tables have primary key index.
    Any ideas what can be done to make this code more efficient?

    Thank you
      v_chain_id ah_chain_div_facility.chain_id%TYPE := ah_internal_data_pkg.get_chain_id (p_file_id);
      CURSOR cur_loop IS
      SELECT * -- better off explicitly specifying columns
      FROM ah_activity_internal aai,
      (SELECT DISTINCT aix.item_code_cust, ad.division, ai.shipper_ind, ai.special_sales_reserve_ind, ai.exe_location_ind
         INTO v_shipper_ind, v_sales_reserve_ind, v_location_indicator
         FROM ah_item ai, ah_item_xref aix, ah_chain_div_facility acdf, ah_div ad
        WHERE ai.item_id_edw = aix.item_id_edw
          AND aix.facility_num = acdf.facility_code
          AND acdf.chain_id = v_chain_id
          AND acdf.div_id = ad.div_id) d
      WHERE aai.status_id = 30
        AND aai.file_id = p_file_id
        AND d.item_code_cust = aai.item_code_cust
        AND d.division = aai.division;         
      FOR rec IN cur_loop LOOP
        ... DO your stuff ...
      END LOOP;

    Published by: Dave hemming on December 4, 2008 09:17

  • Cursor for loop

    Hey Experts,.

    Can we consider cursor for loop as an example of cursor name


    CREATE or REPLACE function TotalIncome (name_in IN varchar2) RETURN varchar2 IS total_val number (6);   cursor c1 is SELECT monthly_income FROM Employees WHERE name = name_in; BEGIN total_val: = 0;   FOR employee_rec in c1 LOOP total_val: = total_val + employee_rec.monthly_income;   END LOOP;   RETURN total_val; END; In this example, we have created

    SShubhangi wrote:

    Can we consider cursor for loop as an example of cursor name

    Laughing out loud

    Your code example explicitly sets a CURSOR variable in the PL/SQL block. Implied things happening opens, fetch and closing the cursor. But that the cursor is declared (in the DECLARE section), it's an explicit cursor - like the whole code block now has a way explicit to reference this slider.

    An approach of implicit cursor would be as follows:

      for c in(select col1, col2 from table1) loop
        .. do something..
      end loop;

    As you can see - there is no declaration of a cursor variable. A reference implementation is created instead and are accessible only within the construction that creates this reference - that is FOR loop in this case. The rest of the BEGIN... END block cannot refer to this cursor.

    Do not forget the advice of other posters however. In PL/SQL cursor loops is often the WRONG approach to the treatment of data - as it deals with processing (using the PL/SQL) line and not much treatment faster and scalable set of data using SQL only.

  • Question about the update of a cursor for loop

    Hi, please someone could help with the following:

    I have a simple script below:


    cursor c1 is select name, salary of employers;


    for rec loop c1

    dbms_output.put_line ('employee' |) Rec.Name | ' s former salary was £' | Rec.salary);

    update of employers set salary = salary * 1.2 where name =;

    dbms_output.put_line ('employee' |) Rec.Name | "new treatment is £' | Rec.salary);

    end loop;


    This gives me the old value of the salary, but the output for the new salary remains the same, that is to say, it has not increased by 1.2.

    Ive tried to run in the 2 loops that works, but does not give me in order I want, IE employers followed old sal nine.

    Ive tried to add is committed and various other things, but it makes no difference. I thought that the script above should work. Where I'm going wrong?

    Thank you very much

    882839 wrote:

    I learned (perhaps wrongly) that cursor for loops were good practice. Is it not the case?

    Could you mention who told you this?

    I'm curious because on a daily basis in almost all the sons of my treatment is slow , the reason for the slow transformation is the loop and all responses point out that you are using a loop ensures that the process is running more slowly as possible.

    But despite any response in this community saying loops are the worst practices, every day more people come here apparently having learned exactly the opposite and then wonder why their program runs like a dog three legs with an anchor attached to his tail.

  • CURSOR for loops or an associative array

    I just want to know the advantages and disadvantages of the CURSOR for loops. As a general rule, what guys do you prefer: associative array with CURSOR for loops?

    If you use the CURSOR for loop, is it not difficult to debug?

    PL/SQL Developer, I do not see what values are stored in the CURSOR for loop (in SP master_proc below) as
    There are no variables to watch. Not sure if the TOAD can show these values

    If I had used an associative array (master_proc2 below), I can see the values stored in the table by clicking on "show Collection"variable in PL/SQL developer.

    create table emp2 as select * from emp;
    create or replace procedure my_proc(p_empno in number)
    update emp2 set sal=sal+100 where empno=p_empno;
    --Using CURSOR FOR loop
    create or replace procedure master_proc
         for rec in (select empno from emp2 where empno>7700)
              my_proc (rec.empno);
         end loop;
    -- Using Associative arrays
    create or replace procedure master_proc2
    type v_empno_type is table of number index by pls_integer;
    v_empno v_empno_type;
    select empno bulk collect into v_empno from emp2 where empno>7700;
    for i in 1..v_empno.count
        my_proc (v_empno(i));
     end loop;

    VitaminD wrote:
    Thank you Tubby. If you are faced with a situation where you MUST use a loop. Then you would go to associative arrays rather than CURSOR FOR loops. Right?

    Doesn't happen too often, but if/when then I would do as I said in my first post. Use the transformation, the collection table in BULK and FORALLs.

    If we use your example posted, I would NOT spend a single table (in a loop mode) value I would be transmitted in the OVERALL picture and treat it with FORALL.

    So, I would still use neither of the approaches that you mentioned.

  • Cursor for loop in PlSql

    while I was studying on cursor for loop I found this statement in the web

    "A cursor FOR loop implicitly declares its index of the loop as the % ROWTYPE record."

    for example an emp table contain more columns empno, ename, sal, hiredate deptno

    and take a cursor for loop until

    for rec in select empno, sal from emp loop

    If the cursor loop for said index of the loop as a % rowtype our cursor statement must include all columns and follow the data type compatabulity.

    Here our cursor statement includes only a few columns, if we use % rowtype to select all columns but here we do not have it.

    Please can someone explain what is happening in the cursor for loop?

    Type % line is not for the table. its for the cursor.

    its almost like cursor % rowtype

    Select ename, sal from emp will be rowtype of ename and sal... not all the columns EMP

  • declareing cursor for loop inside another cursor for loop

    Hi friends,

    Is it possible declareing cursor loop within another cursor for loop for.

    Please guide for example?

    You can even declare cursor within the cursor loop

    cursor c1 is select deptno from the Department;
    for cr1 in c1
    cursor c2 is select ename from emp where deptno = cr1.deptno;
    for cr2 in c2
    dbms_output.put_line (CR1. DEPTNO | ' ' || CR2.ename);
    end loop;
    end loop;

  • The execution of a stored procedure from inside the cursor for loop?

    I posted this in the SQL Developer forum, but I tried in SQLPlus and get the same error, so I think it's an encoding issue.
    I have a piece of code that I'm trying to write that will only be executed once. The goal: we have three tables relating to the pieces of information. Each table has a column that stores the number of site that belongs to the part. We want to copy the parts of a site to about 130 sites which don't have any info on parts. The number of site is stored in another table. So I created three stored procedures, one for each of the three tables that we, who take 2 inputs: a source and destination site. Procedure names are: ptfile_copy_fac, ptxref_copy_fac and ptvndrs_copy_fac.

    The problem I have is that I can run the procedures in a separate worksheet in SQL Developer, but when they are integrated in this cursor for loop, I get the following message from SQL Developer:

    ORA-06550: line 23, column 11:
    PLS-00103: encountered the symbol "PTFILE_COPY_FAC" during the expected in the following way:
    := . (@ %; immediate)
    The symbol ': = ' was replaced by 'PTFILE_COPY_FAC' continue.

    He repeated this for each of the three methods. I have attached the code I am trying to run below. He expects an assignment operator, but I have no idea why.

    If there is a better way to do this, by all means let me know. I'm a SQL Server guy, I'm not sure how to do what I do using PL\SQL.

    / * Declares the variables source_fac and dest_fac.
    The source_fac is the installation that we copy parts.
    The dest_fac is the installation we copy parts to.* /

    source_fac facility.facility_num%type;

    / * Declare cursor to use loop for.
    Slider load number installation and the status of the installation.
    Is not installation of 1 or 2, since these will be
    the main source of facilities.*.

    CURSOR fac_cursor
    facility_num NOT IN (1,2);
    FOR fac_row IN fac_cursor

    / * Test for the State of the installation. If a Canadian State, the source_fac value 2.
    Otherwise, the value source_fac 1.* installation.

    IF fac_row.div_state IN ("AB", "BC", "Mo", "NB", "NL", "NT", "NS", "NAKED", "WE", "PE",
    "QC", "SK", "YT")
    source_fac: = 2;
    source_fac: = 1;
    END IF;

    / * Sets the installation of destination to the facility_num from the cursor * /.


    / * Execute the three procedures, past of the source and dest AEC variable * /.

    run ptfile_copy_fac (source_fac, dest_fac);
    run ptxref_copy_fac (source_fac, dest_fac);
    run ptvndrs_copy_fac (source_fac, dest_fac);



    Published by: SunDevilKid on March 3, 2010 15:31
    Update the comments you make more sense of the code.

    EXECUTE is a SQLPlus command, change your code to

    dest_fac := fac_row.facility_num;
    ptfile_copy_fac(source_fac, dest_fac);
    ptxref_copy_fac(source_fac, dest_fac);
    ptvndrs_copy_fac(source_fac, dest_fac);


  • For loops with the cursor line and indexing

    Hi all

    I have a question about the loops with the cursor, line and indexing.

    How can I scan via a cursor with an iterator?

    I would use an iterator as

    Whole LoopIndex;
    Whole LoopIndex2;

    for LoopIndex at the beginning of the cursor at the end of the cursor
    line =: cursor [LoopIndex];
    for LoopIndex2 of LoopIndex at the end of the cursor
    end loop;

    I need to use an iterator because I need to use a nested for loop.


    How can I solve the following problem?

    Class name % ofClass average test Score
    1 Niobe 7 8 8.4
    1 alena 4 7 7.5
    1 9 7 8.9 Estia
    1 Lilly 10 8 9.8
    1 Sandra 6 8 8.3
    1 Melanie 8 8 8.1
    Nadia 2 8 3 4.4
    Sayuki 2 9 8 8.4
    Diasy 2 7 8 8.0
    Flower 2 7 8 6.5
    Diana 2 6 8 7.3
    3 Flora 7 8 5.8
    Sukiya 3 4 8 8.4
    Samantha 3 10 8 7.7
    Roxanne 3 7 8 6.9
    Eline 3 8 8 7.4

    I need to
    -By class, I need to recalculate each average people
    -By class, I need to calculate the % of class score (sum averages / people in the class)

    So it can be done in a nested for loop?
    Or do I just step by step?

    Well, based on this information it would be something like...

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select 1 as Class, 'Niobe' as Nm, 7 as Score, 8 as Tests, 8.4 as Average from dual union all
      2             select 1, 'Alena', 4, 7, 7.5 from dual union all
      3             select 1, 'Estia', 9, 7, 8.9 from dual union all
      4             select 1, 'Lilly', 10, 8, 9.8 from dual union all
      5             select 1, 'Sandra', 6, 8, 8.3 from dual union all
      6             select 1, 'Melanie', 8, 8, 8.1 from dual union all
      7             select 2, 'Nadia', 3, 8, 4.4 from dual union all
      8             select 2, 'Sayuki', 9, 8, 8.4 from dual union all
      9             select 2, 'Diasy', 7, 8, 8.0 from dual union all
     10             select 2, 'Blossom', 7, 8, 6.5 from dual union all
     11             select 2, 'Diana', 6, 8, 7.3 from dual union all
     12             select 3, 'Flora', 7, 8, 5.8 from dual union all
     13             select 3, 'Sukiya', 4, 8, 8.4 from dual union all
     14             select 3, 'Samantha', 10, 8, 7.7 from dual union all
     15             select 3, 'Roxanne', 7, 8, 6.9 from dual union all
     16             select 3, 'Eline', 8, 8, 7.4 from dual)
     17  --
     18  -- END OF TEST DATA
     19  --
     20  select class, nm as "NAME", score, tests, average
     21        ,round(((average*tests)+score)/(tests+1),1) as avg_person
     22        ,round((average / sum(average) over (partition by class))*100,1) as class_average
     23  from t
     24* order by class, nm
    SQL> /
    ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------
             1 Alena             4          7        7.5        7.1          14.7
             1 Estia             9          7        8.9        8.9          17.5
             1 Lilly            10          8        9.8        9.8          19.2
             1 Melanie           8          8        8.1        8.1          15.9
             1 Niobe             7          8        8.4        8.2          16.5
             1 Sandra            6          8        8.3          8          16.3
             2 Blossom           7          8        6.5        6.6          18.8
             2 Diana             6          8        7.3        7.2          21.1
             2 Diasy             7          8          8        7.9          23.1
             2 Nadia             3          8        4.4        4.2          12.7
             2 Sayuki            9          8        8.4        8.5          24.3
             3 Eline             8          8        7.4        7.5          20.4
             3 Flora             7          8        5.8        5.9            16
             3 Roxanne           7          8        6.9        6.9          19.1
             3 Samantha         10          8        7.7          8          21.3
             3 Sukiya            4          8        8.4        7.9          23.2
    16 rows selected.
  • several loops with error handling and controll

    I have a project where I spin 4 loops at the same time and must stop all the loops with a stop button as well as all the loops if one of the loops will receive an error.

    Loop 1.

    Loop start

    control the other 3 loops

    Loop 2.

    Analog voltage reading

    Loop 3.

    Digital inputs to read

    Loop 4.

    Write digital output

    Someone knows how to do this?

    Two other methods not mentioned in the otherwise excellent document that mentioned Matt are the use of a global variable 'stop all' and a relative using a Global Variable of VIG/functional.  The reason to talk about, is that they can be used also stop 'detached' live, live which are defined to run asynchronously (and therefore a bit 'out of control') regarding the main VI.

    I use a "combination of ingredients" for some projects I'm developing using LabVIEW 2016 and its support of the channels.  For example, I use a Messenger channel to create something akin to a message in queue manager.  When the event loop detects that the exit button has been pushed back, it puts a Message "Exit" on the channel of Messenger and stops himself.  When the Message Loop sees "Exit", it sends one release Message who else has need to see (in one case, the producer of a producer/consumer model) and stops himself.  When the producer Gets the output Message, it puts a "last element is invalid" on the flow of the channel for consumers and stops himself.  When the consumer gets the message of the last element, he stops himself.  A magnificent waterfall.

    And I work (not yet 100% complete) how to extend this to start the asynchronous calls that do not (yet) support channels as easily...

    Bob Schor

  • For loops with the array variable

    I am using a loop for example with the name of the table in the select variable, but get a compilation error

    for current_aud_row in (select * from ' | table_name |' where...)

    table_name contains the name of the actual table

    I do that I get the name of the table as a parameter.
    Help, please!

    Excellent. Oracle APEX (Application Express) is a web IDE and RTS - it makes heavy use of DBMS_SQL to execute SQLs and restore these dynamically in the form of Web-based reports, or turn it into XML for graphical rendering using Flash software.

    DBMS_SQL is perhaps more complex (and only really necessary when it comes true dynamic SQL at all stages - including the result of SQL), but we must know how to use and apply. It is a valuable tool at times.

  • Best practices for dealing with Exceptions on members of storage

    We recently encountered a problem where one of our DistributedCaches was closing himself and restart due to a RuntimeException is thrown from our code (see below). As usual, it's our own code and we have updated to not throw a RuntimeException in all circumstances.

    I would like to know if there are some best practices for Exception handling, other than catching Exceptions and their record. We should always catch the Exceptions and ensure that they do not spread back to code that is running from the pot of consistency? Is it possible to configure consistency so that our DistributedCaches are not completed even when filters custom and other throw RuntimeExceptions?

    Thank you, Aidan

    Exception below:

    2010-02-09 12:40:39.222/88477.977 Oracle coherence GE < error > 3.4.2/411 (thread = DistributedCache:StyleCache, Member = 48): a (java.lang.RuntimeException) exception occurred reading Message AggregateFilterRequest Type = 31 for Service = DistributedCache {Name = StyleCache, State = (SERVICE_STARTED), LocalStorage = active, PartitionCount = 1021, BackupCount = 1, AssignedPartitions = 201, 204 = BackupPartitions}
    2010-02-09 12:40:39.222/88477.977 Oracle coherence GE < error > 3.4.2/411 (thread = DistributedCache:StyleCache, Member = 48): DistributedCache ending because of an exception not handled: java.lang.RuntimeException

    We have reproduced you problem in the House and it looks like a global filtering does not
    the correct thing (i.e. having caught a processed) when moving from a runtime exception.
    In general runtime exceptions should simply be exploited and returned to the application
    without compromising the cache server, so we will be solving it.

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    My problem is my Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista installed, but without the CD or DVD. I have the label Windows authentication code of product under the laptop, but could not find any instruction on how to do it on site Ms. My reason for wanting to

  • eventvwr threats?

    I got this scam call too. My question is all these can issues error and warning they deleted or are they supposed to be there?

  • The WAP1.1 of TELUS and TCP network connections settings

    Hi all To give a bit of background.  I'm consuming a Web service on the client side, MDS really works, but I'm trying to force the other connection methods. (1) does anyone know the settings WAP1.1 and TCP of Telus Mobility?  I called them and they w

  • Adobe Illustrator CS5 launch

    I downloaded Adobe illustrator CS5 from this link: But it does not start automatically. I double-clicked set - up.exe, a massage appeared saying: Installerfa

  • Blocking and Deleting parent table row

    Dear all, I use Oracle Database 10 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit. My application crashes when I try to delete the row in a parent table even if I do not have the child records for the corresponding parent row. This may be due to, m