Delete a table row

I had another problem when I delete a row after row of selection...

javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke( at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXComponentBase.__broadcast( at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCommand.broadcast( at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXCollection.broadcast( at oracle.adf.view.faces.component.UIXTable.broadcast( at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.broadcastEvents( at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processApplication(

public void commandButton4_actionListener (ActionEvent action) {}
Add the code in the event here...
If (table1.getSelectionState () .getSize () == 0)
FacesContext ctx;
CTX = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage (FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "row SELCECT","" "");
ctx.addMessage (ctx.getViewRoot (.getViewId ()), fm);

Choose one of the following lines

Returns a null value. If it is an Action
If it's an ActionListener
else {}
Table coreTable = getTable1();
Selection of the iterator = table.getSelectionState () .getKeySet () .iterator ();
String oldKey;
oldKey = (String) table.getRowKey ();
System.out.println ("before the Loop");
While (Selection.hasNext ())
System.out.println ("after the loop");
String rowKey = next (m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
System.out.println ("after casting");
table.setRowKey (rowKey);
TestcustomermasterViewRowImpl line = table.getRowData ((TestcustomermasterViewRowImpl));
-System.out.println ("Before Removing"); - the action when I click on Remove button, the code is executed until this statement only. not enter enter row.markForDeletion)
row.markForDeletion ();
System.out.println ("after delete");
restore the old key:
table.setRowKey (oldKey);





Tags: Java

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  • Blocking and Deleting parent table row

    Dear all,

    I use Oracle Database 10 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit.

    My application crashes when I try to delete the row in a parent table even if I do not have the child records for the corresponding parent row.

    This may be due to, my records in the child table are in update mode, but they do not match my parent row.

    Is it possible to force Delete parent row, when it has no child records?

  • Unable to delete all the rows in the table

    Hi all

    According to the time range I'm removing the equipment data and travel work shifts then insert new data of mth_site_shift_definitions in the work day moves and equipment move the table. If mth_Site_shift_definitions table has three rows for a given plant and I delete the two lines in a time then I am able to delete data for movement of equipment and work sihfts table, and then click Insert data in a single row in these two tables, but when I try to remove the last line I get an SQL exception. Can someone tell me the reason for this exception. In fact, I want that if we delete the last row also mth_Site_shift_definitions then the corresponding data should also get demolished transfers of equipment and work instead of give to the exception. I have this code:

    p_start_date IN this update,
    p_end_date IN DATE)
    -declation of local variable

    l_plant_fk_key NUMBER;
    l_sysdate DATE: = sysdate; - sysdate variable
    l_last_update_system_id NUMBER;
    l_last_update_date DATE;
    l_plant_pk VARCHAR2 (120);
    l_start_time varchar2 (8); - variable to store the start time
    l_end_time VARCHAR2 (8); - variable to store end_time
    l_graveyard VARCHAR2 (30);
    number of l_shift_num;
    l_shift_name VARCHAR2 (240);
    l_line_num NUMBER;
    l_start_date DATE;
    l_end_date DATE;
    NUMBER of l_start_time1;
    NUMBER of l_end_time1;
    l_equipment_fk_key NUMBER;
    NUMBER of l1_plant_fk_key;
    Number of N;
    l_creation_system_id NUMBER;
    -l_organization_code VARCHAR2 (120);
    l_system_fk_key NUMBER;
    l_site_id NUMBER;
    l_entity_pk_key NUMBER;
    l_entity_name VARCHAR2 (100);
    l_entity_type VARCHAR2 (30);
    l_production_entity VARCHAR2 (1);
    l_shift_workday_pk_key NUMBER;
    DATE of l1_shift_date;
    l_from_date DATE;
    l_to_date DATE;
    l_shift_type VARCHAR2 (30);
    -l_graveyard_shift NUMBER;
    CURSOR c_shift_def IS

    Select the value of start_time, end_time, cemetery, shift_num, shift_name, shift_type
    -in l_start_time, l_end_time, l_graveyard, l_shift_num, l_line_num, l_shift_name, l_shift_type

    mth_site_shift_definitions where plant_fk_key = p_plant_fk_key;


    l_plant_fk_key: = p_plant_fk_key;
    l_start_date: = p_start_date;
    l_end_date: = p_end_date;
    l_system_fk_key: = 'MTH_UTIL_PKG. ' "MTH_UA_GET_VAL"();

    -DELETE FROM mth_workday_shifts_D WHERE plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key and shift_date > = l_start_date;
    DELETE FROM mth_workday_shifts_D WHERE plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key and Trunc (from_date) > = l_start_date AND Trunc (from_date) < = l_end_date;
    DELETE FROM mth_workday_shifts_D WHERE plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key and shift_date > = l_start_date AND shift_date < = l_end_date;
    DELETE FROM mth_equipment_shifts_d WHERE availability_date > = l_start_date AND availability_date < = l_end_date
    AND equipment_fk_key IN (SELECT DISTINCT (Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
    OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_equipments_d b WHERE the b.equipment_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
    Separate (SELECT Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
    OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_resources_d b WHERE the b.resource_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key

    Separate (SELECT Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
    OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_plants_d b WHERE the b.plant_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_pk_key = l_plant_fk_key

    Separate (SELECT Nvl(a.equipment_fk_key,0))
    OF mth_equipment_shifts_d a, mth_equip_entities_mst b WHERE the b.entity_pk_key = a.equipment_fk_key AND b.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key

    FOR l_shift_def IN c_shift_def

    l_start_time: = l_shift_def.start_time;
    l_end_time: = l_shift_def.end_time;
    l_graveyard: = l_shift_def.graveyard;
    l_shift_num: = l_shift_def.shift_num;
    -l_line_num: = l_shift_def.line_num;
    l_shift_name: = l_shift_def.shift_name;
    l_shift_type: = l_shift_def.shift_type;

    Select plant_pk in the mth_plants_d l_plant_pk where plant_pk_key = l_plant_fk_key;
    -SELECT organization_code INTO l_organization_code FROM mth_organizations_l WHERE plant_fk_key =
    N: = l_end_date-l_start_date;

    because me in 1... N + 1

    l_last_update_system_id: = - 99999.
    l_last_update_date: = l_sysdate;
    l_creation_system_id: = - 1;
    l_start_time1: = TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 1, 2)) * 3600 +.
    TO_NUMBER (substr (l_start_time, 4, 2)) * 60 +.
    TO_NUMBER (substr (l_start_time, 7, 2));

    l_end_time1: = TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 1, 2)) * 3600 +.
    TO_NUMBER (substr (l_end_time, 4, 2)) * 60 +.
    TO_NUMBER (substr (l_end_time, 7, 2));

    INSERT INTO mth_workday_shifts_D (shift_workday_pk_key, shift_workday_pk,
    shift_date, shift_date_julian, plant_fk_key, shift_type,
    from_date, to_date, shift_num, graveyard_shift, shift_name,
    source_org_code, system_fk_key,
    CREATION_DATE, last_update_date, creation_system_id,
    VALUES (mth.mth_workdays_shifts_s.nextval,
    TO_CHAR (DECODE (GREATEST (l_start_time1, l_end_time1),
    l_start_time1, l_start_date,
    l_start_date) + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 1, 2)) +))
    (TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
    ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) (/ 24),
    "(AAAAMMJJ-hh24:mi:ss') ' | '-'|" l_shift_num | » -'|| l_plant_pk,
    DECODE (GREATEST (l_start_time1, l_end_time1), l_start_time1,)
    l_start_date + Decode (l_shift_def.graveyard, 'SED', 1, 0), l_start_date).
    TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (l_start_date, 'J')),
    l_plant_fk_key, l_shift_type, l_graveyard,
    l_start_date + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 1, 2)) +))
    (TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
    ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_start_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) (/ 24),
    DECODE (GREATEST (l_start_time1, l_end_time1), l_start_time1,)
    l_start_date + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 1, 2)) +))
    (TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
    ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) (/ 24) + Decode (l_shift_def.graveyard, 'SED', 1, 0),
    l_start_date + ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 1, 2)) +))
    (TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 4, 2)) / 60) +.
    ((TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (l_end_time, 7, 2)) / 3600)) ((/ 24)),
    l_shift_num, l_shift_name, null, l_system_fk_key.
    l_sysdate, l_sysdate,
    (l_creation_system_id, l_last_update_system_id);
    l_start_date: = l_start_date + 1;


    l_start_date: = p_start_date;

    IF SUPERIOR (l_shift_type) = "BOTH" THEN
    INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

    SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, a.from_date from_date, To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y', a.to_date
    b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

    -IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
    -l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
    Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
    SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
    SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "SITE", production_site production_entity
    OF mth.mth_plants_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "RESOURCE", production_resource production_entity
    OF mth.mth_resources_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "EQUIPMENT", production_equipment production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equipments_d
    ) b
    WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
    AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
    AND shift_date > = l_start_date
    AND shift_date < = l_end_date
    AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "BOTH".
    - AND a.line_num = l_line_num
    AND a.shift_num = l_shift_num
    AND a.shift_name = l_shift_name
    AND l_shift_def.start_time = To_Char(from_date,'HH24:MI:SS')
    AND l_shift_def.end_time = To_Char(To_Date,'HH24:MI:SS'));)

    END IF;
    IF SUPERIOR (l_shift_type) = 'PROD-SHIFT' THEN
    INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

    SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, a.from_date from_date, To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y', a.to_date
    b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

    -IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
    -l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
    Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
    SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
    SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "Site", production_site production_entity
    OF mth.mth_plants_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "Resource", production_resource production_entity
    OF mth.mth_resources_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "Equipment", production_equipment production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equipments_d
    ) b
    WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
    AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
    AND shift_date > = l_start_date
    AND shift_date < = l_end_date
    AND b.production_entity = 'Y'
    AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "PROD-SHIFT."
    - AND a.line_num = l_line_num
    AND a.shift_num = l_shift_num
    AND a.shift_name = l_shift_name
    AND l_shift_def.start_time = To_Char(from_date,'HH24:MI:SS')
    AND l_shift_def.end_time = To_Char(To_Date,'HH24:MI:SS'));)

    END IF;
    IF SUPERIOR (l_shift_type) = 'NON-PROD-SHIFT' THEN
    INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

    SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, a.from_date from_date, To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y', a.to_date
    b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

    -IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
    -l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
    Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
    SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
    SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "Site", production_site production_entity
    OF mth.mth_plants_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "Resource", production_resource production_entity
    OF mth.mth_resources_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "Equipment", production_equipment production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equipments_d
    ) b
    WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
    AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
    AND shift_date > = l_start_date
    AND shift_date < = l_end_date
    AND b.production_entity =' no
    AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "NON-PROD-SHIFT."
    - AND a.line_num = l_line_num
    AND a.shift_num = l_shift_num
    AND a.shift_name = l_shift_name
    AND l_shift_def.start_time = To_Char(from_date,'HH24:MI:SS')
    AND l_shift_def.end_time = To_Char(To_Date,'HH24:MI:SS'));)

    END IF;


    l_start_date: = p_start_date;

    because me in 1... N + 1

    l_last_update_system_id: = - 99999.
    l_last_update_date: = l_sysdate;
    l_creation_system_id: = - 1;

    INSERT INTO mth_workday_shifts_D (shift_workday_pk_key, shift_workday_pk,
    shift_date, shift_date_julian, plant_fk_key, shift_type, graveyard_shift, from_date, to_date, shift_num, shift_name, source_org_code, system_fk_key,
    CREATION_DATE, last_update_date, creation_system_id,
    VALUES (mth.mth_workdays_shifts_s.nextval, l_start_date |) » -'|| l_plant_pk | 'MTH_UTIL_PKG '. "MTH_UA_GET_VAL"(), l_start_date, TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (l_start_date, 'J')),
    l_plant_fk_key, 'TWO', null, null,
    NULL, null, FND_PROFILE. VALUE ('MTH_CATCH_ALL_NAME'), null, l_system_fk_key,
    l_sysdate, l_sysdate, l_creation_system_id, l_last_update_system_id);
    l_start_date: = l_start_date + 1;

    l_start_date: = p_start_date;

    INSERT INTO mth_equipment_shifts_d (equipment_fk_key, availability_date, shift_workday_fk_key, from_date, To_Date, line_num, availability_flag, entity_type, creation_date, last_update_date, creation_system_id,

    SELECT b.entity_pk_key entity_pk_key, a.shift_date shift_date, a.shift_workday_pk_key shift_workday_fk_key, Trunc (a.shift_date) from_date, Trunc (a.shift_date) To_Date, 1 line_num, 'Y ',.
    b.entity_type entity_type, SYSDATE-1, SYSDATE,-99999

    -IN l_site_id, l_entity_pk_key, l_entity_name, l_entity_type, l_production_entity,.
    -l_shift_workday_pk_key, l1_shift_date, l_from_date, l_to_date
    Mth_workday_shifts_d a.,
    SELECT site_id plant_fk_key, entity_pk_key, entity_name, entity_type, production_entity production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equip_entities_mst
    SELECT plant_pk_key site_id, plant_pk_key entity_pk_key, plant_name entity_name, "Site", production_site production_entity
    OF mth.mth_plants_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, resource_pk_key entity_pk_key, nom_entite resource_name, "Resource", production_resource production_entity
    OF mth.mth_resources_d
    SELECT plant_fk_key site_id, equipment_pk_key entity_pk_key, equipment_name entity_name, "Equipment", production_equipment production_entity
    OF mth.mth_equipments_d
    ) b
    WHERE b.site_id = a.plant_fk_key
    AND a.plant_fk_key = l_plant_fk_key
    AND shift_date > = l_start_date
    AND shift_date < = l_end_date
    AND SUPERIOR (a.shift_type) = "BOTH".
    AND one. To_Date IS NULL
    - AND a.line_num = NULL
    AND a.shift_num IS NULL

    -exception handling
    -"An exception occurred');


    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Kind regards

    You have assigned data to N in the loop of the cursor which doesnot have given.

    N := l_end_date-l_start_date;

    Assign the value out of the loop as it doesnot has nothing to do with the cursor data.


  • DELETE THE TABLE (...) does not


    I want to remove some lines from a collection (nested table), but the following statement does not work

    I'm in vaAtcGroups.first... vaAtcGroups.last * DELETE OF TABLE (tmp_drugTable) WHERE v2DrugATC LIKE vaAtcGroups (i) | '%';*
    end loop;

    the table variable is declared and I use it before, just remove it won't work (at least according to this). I always get the error message PL/SQL: ORA-00903: invalid table namepointing to tmp_drugTable.

    There must be a way to do this, I can't see it :)
    Maybe someone else can

    Thank you

    maschlegel wrote:
    Thanks for the explanation.

    You can put your data into a global temporary table and then work with SQL. Data will exist only for the duration of the session or until you do one commit (depending on the way in which you set the TWG).

    That's exactly what I look at you now :)
    I tried to put the following in my inside, but he dislikes the syntax

    (DrugTable) CREATE TABLE TEMPORARY global
    nDrugId number (11.0).
    v2DrugUnit varchar2 (50).
    v2DrugIntervalNumber varchar2 (2000).
    nDrugIntervalId number (11.0).
    v2DrugName varchar2 (50).
    v2DrugATC varchar2 (10)

    I tried in the BLOCK IS and after BEGIN, but it gives me the error 'encoutered symbol create when waiting for the next' and then nothing?

    In General, a global temporary Table, you create a time and simply leave it is there to be used as and when you need. that is, you don't need to create dynamically at run time. If you really really really issue when executing DDL statements then you must use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to do, because cannot you issue directly code DML, PL/SQL DDL only may be issued directly.

  • Report Generation Toolkit Table Row height-MS Word

    I have a problem affecting the height of table row in the report generation tool. I can set the width of the thin columns, but line height seems to remain the same, no matter what I put it. I have attached the VI that generates and formats the table and print it's catchy. I've also attached the template file that I use.

    Advice for it to work well? I'm doing the cells exactly the same height as the text inside.


    So I essaye.2 and it did not work.  So I went to Word to change it manually, and it doesn't work anymore.  There is a selection box in word, for the properties of the table, which appears as default value 'at least'.  When I have it changed manually on 'exactly' in word, no problem with le.2 manually in Word.

    I hope that this can be set in the model, for all new tables inserted.  I don't know that the generator report VI sets this property.  Well, that's a start for the question.

    Edit *.

    You can go in the table add VI and expose the property.  See photo.   However, you must decide if you want to 'upgrade' this VI to expose this property or make a copy with the exposed property at all times.   I not messed with new reports of class too, so not sure of ins and outs with that.

    I think that's the problem with the line size becomes smaller.

  • Can we restrict the number of table rows to display on a page that is only 2 or 3 rows appear? How to do this?

    Mr President.

    Can we restrict the number of table rows to display on a page that is only 2 or 3 rows appear? How to do this?



    Set the RangeSize property on the table.

    See you soon


  • ORA-00054. Is possible to interrupt the cancellation and delete then table?


    I m import a long table with utility IMP.

    When has spent a lot of hours and the process was near complete I ORA-30036 and a restore operation was launched.

    I m trying to drop/truncate the table to avoid the wait, but the cause of the restore process I ORA-00054 and I have to wait for several hours to try to import again.

    My question is: there is a way to interrupt this restore operation and delete the table without inducing an inconsistent state of the database?

    I m working with Oracle 9i on Windows plataform


    No, it isn't.

  • How to shade a table row? I already have the updated PDF at the point, just try to change.

    How to shade a table row? I already have the updated PDF at the point, just try to change.

    No, Acrobat isn't these editing features.

    My suggestion is to re - create the file, making sure that you keep a copy of the original, this time, in case you should make other changes in the future.

  • How to identify the last instance of a dynamic table row

    Hi all

    I'm trying to figure out how to create an action for my form in Livecycle Designer ES2, which will affect the last instance of a dynamic table row. I have a table with a repeatable row where the user will enter information about a part purchased and I have buttons that allow the user to add and remove the lines. I need to create a line extra addition button which will add a new instance of the repeatable table line (this is not a problem) and disable and change the background color of the first cell in the row added. The problem I have is how to have an action that affects the last instance of a line.

    If anyone knows how to do this in Javascript, I would appreciate some advice/help.


    I think that it is beyond providing an action. You will have a need to write JavaScript directly.  When you call the addInstance method it returns the new line, if you can do something like;

    var line = Table1._Row1.addInstance ();

    line. TextField1.border.fill.color.value = "255,0,0";

    line. TextField1.access = 'protected ';

    To find the last line and do the same thing, you can do something like;

    var line = Table1.resolveNode ("Row1 [" + (Table1._Row1.count - 1) + "" "]" ");

    line. TextField1.border.fill.color.value = "255,0,0";

    line. TextField1.access = 'protected ';



  • To delete all tables in TT, how can I use cursor this way Timesten 11?

    I want to delete all tables in Timesten, so I create a procedure like this, but it seems does not work correctly.

    It seems cursor in not accurate Timesten with which in ORACLE. So we are looking for alternatives to do. Could you please provide your expert voice on it.

    Thank you very much.

    Like the following:

    Command > create or replace procedure dropAllTables
    > as
    > CURSOR mycursor IS select table_name from user_tables;
    > table_name user_tables.table_name%type;
    > dropSql varchar2 (200);
    > start
    > Open mycursor;
    > fetch mycursor into table_name;
    > while mycursor found %
    > loop
    > dropSql: = 'drop table ' | table_name;
    > immediately execute dropSql;
    > fetch mycursor into table_name;
    > end of loop;
    > close mycursor;
    > end;
    > /.

    Created procedure.

    Command > exec dropAllTables;

    8507: ORA-01001: Invalid cursor
    8507: ORA-06512: at "TT. DROPALLTABLES', line 13
    8507: ORA-06512: at line 1
    The command failed.

    How can I use cursor this way Timesten 11?

    It is the implementation of cursor close commit on in Timesten is the cause.

    As the drop statements are internally auto-valider the transaction so it closes the cursor itself. So when the next time that you attempt to extract it is your "error cursor not valid."

    Can you try this instead

    create or replace procedure dropAllTables
    CURSOR mycursor IS select table_name from user_tables;
    table-name user_tables.table_name%type;
    type t_row_collection is table of the directory index user_tables.table_name%type;
    t_rows t_row_collection;
    dropSql varchar2 (200);
    Open mycursor;
    Mycursor fetch bulk collect into t_rows;
    Close mycursor;
    j in t_rows.first... loop t_rows. Last
    dropSql: = 'drop table ' | t_rows (j);
    immediately run dropSql;
    end loop;

  • Help with Ora-19046: Out-of-table row cannot be shared by two top-level tab

    My tutor asked me to store and query xml "natively" files in xml db. First, I tried to save the patterns that rely on these xml files. There are about 30 patterns thus between them, and I have to use 'FORCE' them to save, like this:

    () DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.registerSchema
    BFILENAME ('ISOGMD', 'metadataEntity.xsd'),

    So no tables are created automatically. And when I wanted to create a XML based on patterns of thses manually, he proped error: ORA-19046: Out-of-table row cannot be shared by two top-level tab. He mistook me for a week. Does anyone know what is the problem with registration? Forward online! Thank you!

    Maybe you're missing type due to the DeffaultTable = ""-xdb:annotation "
    Try to understand it with the trace file that will be created if you set

  • Is it possible to have more than 25 feet (table rows) of a table?

    Is it possible to have more than 25 feet (table rows) of a table?

    I think the tables inside a more large nesting table might work for you.

    @ Eugene, very intelligent...

  • How to delete all TABLEs in the schema SYS that are created from 09:15?

    Unfortunately a script created a lot of tables in the diagram (= SYS) and bad Tablespace (= SYSTEM).

    How can I delete all TABLES that are created inTablespace = SYSTEM and SCHEMA = SYS (in a DDL command)
    respectively for the past 3 hours from 09:15 to 25 Sep 2011?

    Alternative: How can I move these tables in another schema (for example ATEST) and Tablespace (USERS)?
    Is this possible with Oracle XE or Oracle Enterprise?


    You can use ALTER TABLE... MOVE. It offers a TABLESPACE clause, which allows you to choose a different tablespace as target. Refer to the documentation for your version of the database.

  • Oracle 10g - problem with "DELETE from TABLE WHERE ID in (1,2,3)" (use cfqueryparam)

    Hello, everyone.

    I have problems with executing a DELETE statement on an Oracle 10 g server.

    FROM tableA
    WHERE ID in (1,2,3)

    If there is only a single ID for the IN clause, it works.  But if more than one ID is provided, I get an error message "SQL command" not correctly completed.  Here's the query as CF:

    WHERE userID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#trim(form.userID)#">
         AND TRAINING_ID in <cfqueryparam value="#form.trainingIDs#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" list="yes">

    Someone at - it works with Oracle that can help me with this?  I'm a developer experienced in MS - SQL; Oracle is new to me.

    Thank you


    So much worse... a colleague just told me I should always use parentheses around the values in the IN clause.

  • Framemaker10: cannot cut and paste tables, rows, or columns

    When I select a table row, copy and then try to paste a new row, only Pasty in text. When I Edition > paste special, the only options provided are text , and Unicode text.

    I used to be able to copy / paste lines, but this is no longer an option. If anyone has experienced this? Know a fix?

    Edit my maker.ini files does not fix it.

    This has probably been fixed by the discovery that a plug-in toolbar Skype messes up ability to the Clipboard for copy/paste of the text - it is be the culprit in a couple of other threads on the forum.

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