Delete messages on the server also messages deleted on my computer

My problem seems to be the opposite of the queries that I saw in the forum. Today, it is now the 2nd time in the last 4 months I lost everything on my computer mailbox. It was terrible the first time, unfathomable 2nd.

I received the message from the system administrator this mailbox is full. Went on server, empty folders. The next moment, I clicked on tuberculosis and the Inbox and all the other boxes/files except 1, emptied before my eyes. I called my ISP for help and was assured, again and again, this isn't a problem with the server, there is no way they would have access to my computer. Tech suggested that it is a computer problem, for example a virus. A virus that did exactly the same thing 2 times I went to the server for empty files and create more space?

I'm on a pop I account I don't find any setting that would automatically delete mail from computer when it is emptied from the server. It's very painful.

I'll have to do some reading on encryption, to see if it's important.

It's a safety issue, and I would not use email more without SSL/TLS.

I'll have to remove the IMAP account to actually get the POP function.

N ° by default, POP downloads the messages from the server accessing the account and then deletes them from the server. The first time you access the account via POP, she would get all the messages on the server.
Who should reflect on the IMAP account, there will be nothing left there now.
Implementation of your email provider may be different if, check with them.
If there are messages in the end, you want to keep moving on the server (IMAP) or copy them to your local folders account.
Nothing can get lost in the process however.

For the future, make sure to create backups of your profile on a regular basis folder.
_ _FAQs_:_Backing_Up_and_Restoring

Tags: Thunderbird

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    The gallery works fine when files on my computer, but when I download files on my server does not load images.

    I use the xml file to load the images. Here is the code of the Gallery:

    function loadPlayList(url:String) {
              delete myMO.onMouseWheel;
              delete myKO.onKeyDown;
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        root["_ref"+i] = root["_bmd"+i]=false;
              loadedAll = false;
              infostruc = [];
              for (var i in root) {
                        if ((root[i]._name.substr(0, 3) == "art" || root[i]._name.substr(0, 10) == "reflection") && (parseInt(root[i]._name.split("art")[1]) || parseInt(root[i]._name.split("reflection")[1]))) {
              current = 1;
              root.createEmptyMovieClip("loader", root.getNextHighestDepth());
    function init(Void):Void {
              myMO = {};
              myKO = {};
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        loader.attachMovie("default", "art", 1);
                        root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                        root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                        root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                        this["_bmd"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        this["_ref"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        var mc:MovieClip = loader.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", loader.getNextHighestDepth());
                        matrix = new Matrix();
                        matrix.createGradientBox(loader._width, loader._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                        mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                        mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, 0);
               = reflectionAlpha;
                        loader.moveTo(0, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, 0);
              for (var i:Number = count=0; count<stageWidth-(centerDistance*3); count += shelveCDSpacing, i++) {
                        var cArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("art"+this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        var rArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("reflection"+(this.getNextHighestDepth()-1), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        rArt._x = cArt._x=stageWidth;
                        var tmpFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(reflectionBlurX, reflectionBlurY, reflectionQuality);
                        rArt.filterArray = cArt.filterArray=[];
                        rArt.filterArray[0] = tmpFilter;
                        rArt.filters = rArt.filterArray;
                        tmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_mask", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_rmask", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rArt._visible = cArt._visible=false;
              myMO.onMouseWheel = function(delta:Number):Void  {
                        if (delta>0) {
                        } else if (delta<=0) {
              myKO.onKeyDown = function():Void  {
                        if (Selection.getFocus() != "_level0.goto") {
                                  if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
                                  } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
              scrollBar.scroller.onPress = function():Void  {
                        dist = this._parent._xmouse-this._x;
                        this.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                                  tmp = 1+Math.ceil(((this._parent._xmouse-dist)-scrollBarStart)/(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop)*(infostruc.length-1));
                                  if (tmp>infostruc.length) {
                                            tmp = infostruc.length;
                                  if (tmp<1) {
                                            tmp = 1;
                                  current = tmp;
              scrollBar.scroller.onRelease = scrollBar.scroller.onReleaseOutside=function ():Void {
                        delete this.onMouseMove;
              scrollBar.left.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(previous, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.right.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(next, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
              scrollBar.onMouseDown = function():Void  {
                        if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.left.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.right.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
                                  if (this._xmouse<this.scroller._x) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(previous, clickDelay);
                                  if (this._xmouse>this.scroller._x+this.scroller._width) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(next, clickDelay);
              goto.restrict = "0-9";
              goto.onKillFocus = function():Void  {
                        if (!isNaN(Number(this.text)+1)) {
                                  if (this.text>infostruc.length) {
                                            this.text = infostruc.length;
                                  if (this.text<1) {
                                            this.text = 1;
                                  current = Number(this.text);
                        } else {
                                  this.text = current;
              fscreen.onPress = function():Void  {
                        fscommand("fullscreen", !(this._currentframe-1));
              slideShow.onPress = function():Void  {
                        if (this._currentframe == 1) {
                                  sliderShow = setInterval(function ():Void {
                                            if (current<infostruc.length) {
                                            } else if (slideshowLooping) {
                                                      current = 0;
                                  }, slideshowSpeed);
                        } else {
              distance = Number(i);
    function concat(m1, m2):Object {
              var mat:Object = {};
              mat.a = m1.c*m2.b;
              mat.b = m1.d*m2.b;
              mat.c = m1.a*m2.c;
              mat.d = m1.b*m2.c;
              mat.tx = m1.a*m2.tx+m1.c*m2.ty+m1.tx;
              mat.ty = m1.b*m2.tx+m1.d*m2.ty+m1.ty;
              return mat;
    function updateInfo():Void {
              goto.text = current;
              info = infostruc[current-1].info;
              author = infostruc[current-1].auth;
              album = infostruc[current-1].album;
              displayAlternArt(root["_bmd"+(current-1)], artDisplay._width, artDisplay._height);
              scrollBar.scroller._x = scrollBarStart+((current-1)/(infostruc.length-1)*(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop));
    function brightness(_prop:String, _old:Number, _new:Number, target:MovieClip):Void {
              var brightness_array:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, _new, 0, 1, 0, 0, _new, 0, 0, 1, 0, _new, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
              target.filterArray[1] = new ColorMatrixFilter(brightness_array);
              target.filters = target.filterArray;
    function controlTheObject(mc):Void {
              if (mc._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                        mc.onPress = function():Void  {
                                  if ((getTimer()-this.pressTime<=doubleClickRegister && this.pressTime) || !doubleClickURL) {
                                            if (infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet) {
                                                      getURL(infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet, "_"+infostruc[this.cid].urlAction);
                                  this.pressTime = getTimer();
                                  current = this.cid+1;
    "_brightness", brightness, mc);
              mc.onEnterFrame = function():Void  {
                        this._visible = true;
                        if (infostruc[this.cid].loaded && !this.loadedImage) {
                                  this.allowUpdate = true;
                                  this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  this.loadedImage = true;
                        if (Math.round(Math.abs(this._x-this.x))>=1 || this.allowUpdate) {
                                  if (this._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2));
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                      } else {
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                  } else {
                                            this._yscale = -100;
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && this._x<centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && this._x>centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                      } else if (!validateOk(this)) {
                                                                this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                  this.allowUpdate = false;
                                  this._x -= Math.min(Math.max((this._x-this.x)/albumEase, -maxSlide), maxSlide);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  if (this._x<deleteMinDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid+distance)]) {
                                            this.cid += distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMaxDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  if (this._x>deleteMaxDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid-distance)]) {
                                            this.cid -= distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMinDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                        } else if (Math.ceil(Math.abs(this._x-this.x)) == 0) {
                                  this._x = this.x;
                        if (this.cid+1>current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))+centerDistance;
                        } else if (this.cid+1<current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))-centerDistance;
                        } else {
                                  this.x = centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing);
                        if (fadeType == "brightness") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else {
                                            this._brightness = 0;
                        } else if (fadeType == "alpha") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else {
                                            this._alpha = 100;
    function next():Void {
              if (current<infostruc.length) {
                        current += 1;
    function previous():Void {
              if (current>1) {
                        current -= 1;
    function displayAlternArt(art, width:Number, height:Number):Void {
              artDisplay.attachBitmap(art, 1);
              artDisplay._width = width;
              artDisplay._height = height;
    function loadNext():Void {
              if (!loadedAll) {
                        var num:Number = current-1;
                        if (infostruc[current-1].loaded) {
                                  var num:Number = current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1>=0 ? current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1 : 0;
                                  while (infostruc[num].loaded && num<infostruc.length) {
                                  if (num>=infostruc.length) {
                                            var num:Number = current-1;
                                            while (infostruc[num].loaded && num>0) {
                                            if (num<=0) {
                                                      loadedAll = true;
                        var newLoad:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("artLoad"+num, this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad.createEmptyMovieClip("art", newLoad.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad._alpha = 0;
                        var mc:Object = {};
                        mc.number = num;
                        var artLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
                        mc.onLoadError = function() {
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                        mc.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip) {
                                  tw = target._width;
                                  ty = target._height;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                  target._width = tw;
                                  target._height = ty;
                                  root["_bmd"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  root["_ref"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  var mc:MovieClip = target._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", target._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
                                  matrix = new Matrix();
                                  matrix.createGradientBox(target._width, target._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                                  mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                                  mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._alpha = reflectionAlpha;
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
    xmlData.onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void  {
              if (success) {
                        for (var i:Number = -1; this.childNodes[0].childNodes[++i]; ) {
                                  var cNode:XMLNode = this.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes;
                                  var val1:String = cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownSong;
                                  var val2:String = cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownArtist;
                                  var val3:String = cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownAlbum;
                                  var val4:String = cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : "./";
                                  var val5:String = cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  var val6:String = cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  infostruc.push({art:cNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, info:val1, auth:val2, album:val3, httpType:val4, urlToGet:val5, urlAction:val6, loaded:false});
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        loadStat = "";
              } else {
                        loadStat = "There was an error loading that data, sorry.";
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    loader._visible = false;
    mask._alpha = 0;
    scrollBar.scroller._y = 0;

    It will not work on most of the servers:"./albuminfo9.xml". It should be "../albuminfo9.xml". That may or may not solve the problem. Be sure that all of your files and folders are in the same relative location on the server as they are on your computer. Also be sure that the case for each referenced item is correct. Upper and lower case are sometimes more important on a server than they are on your computer. JPG is not the same as jpg. Be sure that your files are uploading correctly.

  • Windows 7 connection error "the security on the server database has not a computer account for this workstation trust relationship"

    Could someone help me by giving the solution on this error message:

  • Installing TB31.3.0 on a W8.1 workstation; I want to delete the messages on the user agent of TB, but prevent deletion on the server. Where is the switch? When to install


    I have already installed a TB user agent on my workstation 'primary': I can create, read, and DELETE messages ON the workstation and the server.
    I want now to install a user of TB on a "secondary" workstation agent, where I can create, read and DELETE messages on the workstation. But I don't want the secondary workstation to delete messages on the server. (In short: I want that the function "delete" ONLY allowed to my primary workstation).
    Is this possible? Where is the switch ON / OFF? (For example, this feature is available on the agent on my WindowsPhone).
    When I install it?

    Thanks for your support!

    Using Thunderbird on your second workstation - the only option would be to create a Pop email account
    so before you download anything, you must configure the account settings to "leave a copy on the server.

    Tools > account settings > account for Pop mail server settings.
    Menu icon > Options > account settings > server settings

    • Letter: look for the e-news at startup
    • Letter: arrival of new messages every xx minutes
    • Select: automatically download new messages
    • Letter: Leave messages on the server '
    • Click OK

    E-mail POP accounts can only download the mail from the Inbox server.
    This will allow you to remove off the coast of the secondary workstation and leave it on the server.
    However, Pop cannot see or download other folders on the server: IMAP only can see other folders these are read remotely. But in IMAP because records are a same as server, removing in TB will remove also off server.

  • AppleCare have deleted all my messages on the server hotmail.

    They casually asked me to remove my hotmail to my cell phone account, who then sent a message to Hotmail to delete all messages 'more then 1 week old' in my Inbox. Please can someone help me as soon as possible? Is there no emails on my cell phone or on the server of Microsoft Hotmail since earlier then April 29, 2011 despite the fact that my account was in 2006. I lost a lot of important emails that are of extreme importance that I run a small business

    Am very grateful of any advice...
    Thank you very much

    Hi Lisadawnrawson,

    For more specialist on this question help, post your query on the Windows Live Forum.

    Windows Live Forum -

    Also check out the article below

    Windows Live Hotmail Top issues and Support information

  • TBird does not delete messages from POP3 server with setting of ' leave messages on the server until I delete them.

    I use the pop3 Storage account. I installed thunderbird to download messages only when I ask them. I installed thunderbird to leave messages on the server until I delete them. I am able to send and receive messages without problem, but the messages that I delete the Inbox of Tbird not deleted from the server.

    In addition, what is the expected behavior for messages on the server if I move them to a local folder? That should remove them from the server, or they remain on the server until I have remove the local folder?

    Thank you.

    Deleting a message that "it mark as deleted", but it's still in the folder that is hidden from view. It's now displaying in the folder "deleted".

    you need to compact your file.
    ClickON Inbox right and select "Compact".

    Inbox, junk and probably get most of the activity when it comes to deletion, so they should be compacted ona regularly.
    I have several emails that I will delete every day, so these two fodler get compacted by day.

    See info on:
    maintain a healthy thunderbird.

    Compacting file, what it does and why it is important.

    Info Backup:

  • Whenever I sync my calendar on Lightning, I get a message "accept changes and update in any case" on several occasions, even though the event is deleted from the server

    This repetition of message every time I sync, therefore can freeze the Thunderbird application after 3-4 syncs

    Right-click recycle the message to the next synchronization
    Left button instantly recycle the message

    Event deleted on the server, lightning and by Organizer

    Disable Google provider problem ceases, but which makes unnecessary lightning

    TBird reinstalled, updated all modules

    Tried to download the image, but no luck...

    I deleted the event to my calendar and was the Organizer to do the same thing.

    What Organizer?

    I have the latest updates from each of the three

    Once again, what are your versions of Thunderbird, Lightning and the provider add-on?

    and charging each of them...

    I mean you don't have to reinstall Thunderbird, then it was a waste of time.

    You can try to remove the calendar in lightning, restart Thunderbird, and then recreate the calendar.
    Given that the calendar is a calendar of network no data will be lost.

    That said, it is always recommended to have a recent backup of profile.
    _ _FAQs_:_Backing_Up_and_Restoring

  • Messages are not deleted from the server

    There are thousands messages left on the server despite 'Leave massages on server' is not checked - I use POP on port 995

    What email provider? Google and Hotmail/Live? Outlook both ignore the instructions to delete the mail unless you change the setting in your account on their site.

  • Deleted messages do not appear in the Recycle Bin? In the server settings, there is no other choice for where to go deleted

    If I select 'remove', the messages in the Inbox of received or sent, disappear, but do not appear in the 'trash' I can recover using "undo deletion.

    In the 'Server settings' tools 'Copies and folders' there is no questions on where to place a copy when you delete an e-mail from the section.

    What did I miss?

    Thank you

    Norio, thanks for your clear and intelligent response. Thunderbird 38.1.0 failed "when I delete a message" at all anywhere in the settings of the server or the "Copies & folders.

    In any case, I later discovered that new emails received after upgrade to 38.1.0 automatically in "Trash" when deleting. Only emails that were in the Inbox and sending of files before the upgrade disappear... who knows where?
    So no problem the old emails, I will drag in the trash and not worry. The new ones are normally.

    Thanks again for trying to help me.

  • Thunderbird deletes the messages from the server if I said not to do so.

    I use a POP3 server and have 'leave messages on the server - until I delete"checked but Thunderbird is still deleting messages from the server before my other e-mail viewer gets it.

    If my other program (from MR2ICE under OS2 on another machine) Gets the first messages, I'll see them on both machines.

    If Thunderbird 'em first I don't get them on the other machine, and, when I check via webmail, they aren't there.

    Thank you.

    If you want to see messages on several machines, POP is not the best choice. You choose to use POP, or is it you imposed by the e-mail provider?

    I don't have a job here POP account to check with, but you can try with the option ' until I have delete ' unchecked? You doing anything with messages, such as moving them to another folder?

    I've never been confident with the way that ' until I have remove the ' works; If a message has been moved out of the Inbox to another folder, and you remove it, a request to delete the message always spread on the server?

    With IMAP, by moving a message to a folder in account to somewhere the IMAP server can not see it is actually a deletion; the server can no longer see the message, so syncs by removing its own copy of this message. I haven't checked through what a POP server is in similar circumstances.

  • How to use thunderbird on ipad for 2nd email account without deleting the messages from the server

    you want to monitor ebay wifes messages as is my account too. his ebay on server other than Gmail account. you want to be able to remove monitor messages from my Ipad 2 but not the server, which therefore removes his mail before she gets it.

    instead of delete messages from your ipad, he would work to change your view of only unread messages? in this way, they would still be on the server so that it can read but would not remain on display in your Inbox.

  • Set up Thunderbird to always delete messages from the server

    I want Thunderbird to delete all messages on the server everytime I open the program and collect the messages. More specifically, when I move a message read in a folder I don't want a copy of this folder or message on the server. How one who accomplishes?

    Where is the folder to which you move the message?

    Move your messages to local folders in Thunderbird and they will be stored on your computer and deleted the folder.

    My guess is that your account is configured to use the IMAP protocol and you would be more comfortable with pop.

  • messages are deleted from the server, even if I "Leave messages on the server" selected.

    I use Thunderbird 24.4.0 to download my mail via the POP3 service. My messages are deleted on the server when I erase it in Thunderbird. I have Thunderbird set to "leave the message on the server" and I checked "until I have delete ' it worked for several years with no problems. something has changed in the last week or two that I can't understand. Can you help me.
    Thank you
    Jerry Laufer

     Application Basics
       Name: Thunderbird
       Version: 24.4.0
       User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.4.0
       Profile Folder: Show Folder
                 (Local drive)
       Application Build ID: 20140316131045
       Enabled Plugins: about:plugins
       Build Configuration: about:buildconfig
       Crash Reports: about:crashes
       Memory Use: about:memory
     Mail and News Accounts
         INCOMING: account1, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
         INCOMING: account2, , (pop3), plain, passwordCleartext
         OUTGOING:, plain, passwordCleartext, true
         INCOMING: account3, , (pop3), plain, passwordCleartext
         OUTGOING:, plain, passwordCleartext, true
         INCOMING: account11, , (pop3), plain, passwordCleartext
         OUTGOING:, plain, passwordCleartext, true
         INCOMING: account12, , (pop3), plain, passwordCleartext
         OUTGOING:, plain, passwordCleartext, true
       Forward, 0.18, true, [email protected]

    I think the problem might be the option "when I delete them. That tells Thunderbird to reach out and the cops messages on the server when you delete them in Thunderbird. Instead, check the box to leave messages on the server and clear the check boxes under that.

  • How can I get TB automatically delete messages on the server and NOT remove TB?

    My old version of TB has allowed me to delete messages from the server, because they have been downloaded to tuberculosis. How can I get the new version to do?

    If you want that deleted mail from the server that you want to delete the account and start over with the pop Protocol, although IMAP is perfectly adapted to the use of phones and tablets and desktop computers all on behalf of a mail.

  • BlackBerry Q5 permanently delete messages from Pocket and the server

    I have a smartphone BlackBerry Q5 for work.  I want to know how it is possible to remove messages from your handheld, so that they may never be seen again.  I have removed from my Inbox on my PC at work, deleted my box deleted on my PC at work and then purged my deleted emails while they are supposed to be deleted on the server forever.  Yet, if I do a search on my handheld for the said emails, although nothing comes originally, if I click on the remote at the bottom of the page search opition, mails very I want permanently deleted all the records now appear and even when I enter them and click on delete, they're not going anywhere.

    I absolutely need their party for good if nobody knows what can be done?  In addition, e-mails can be recalled all have a red no signs of entry next to them and I don't know what that means.  Any help to solve this problem will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Moochman wrote:

    We have removed from my BB email account and then reset upward a new - emails are still there.  We tried to synchronize the deleted folder again and again and restart the phone but it does not work either.

    And tells me ^^ again once there is a mail server problem, not a matter of BlackBerry.

    The Q5 and all models of BlackBerry10 OS do not store or save send ON the device, they synchronize the email from the server. So if remove you account and the account again on the installation media, and the same e-mail synchronized to your handheld... where do you think they are synchronization from?

    Your server.

    This is where you need to get support.

Maybe you are looking for