DG Oracle 11 GR 2 - SQL Server connection problem

Hi all

I read the forum discussions and documentation. As far as I can see I have just, however running in typical error:
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Invalid connection. {08001,NativeErr = 14}[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()). {01000,NativeErr = 14}[Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid connection string attribute {01S00}
ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from MSSQL2008
28500. 00000 -  "connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:"
*Cause:    The cause is explained in the forwarded message.
*Action:   See the non-Oracle system's documentation of the forwarded
Error at Line: 3 Column: 46
The documentation seems also like plug & play so I must have missed something, if my config files are correct.

My environment is made up of:
Localhost: Oracle on Windows 7 x 64
Remote host: SQL Server 2005, 2008, SQLExpress-> each running on their own static ports

Oracle software Gatways 11 GR 2 is installed on the localhost on port 1522.

I am trying to connect to the adventure works database on SQL server, but keep the above error. Here's my config files.


ORACLE_GATEWAY-> init4dgmsql.ora
# This is a customized agent init file that contains the HS parameters
# that are needed for the Database Gateway for Microsoft SQL Server

# HS init parameters
ORACLE_GATEWAY-> listener.ora
# listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\gtwhome_1\network\admin\listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))


ADR_BASE_LISTENER_GTW = C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\gtwhome_1
ORACLE_HOME--> tnsnames.ora
dg4msql  =
Local database-> db link
select AddressLine1, City from Person.Address@MSSQL2008;
I have validated here sis there no dynamic ports and each database is running on its own static port, in this case, 1434. I did a tnsping the LISTENER_GTW responds properly. I did a ping on the server to validate the name of the server it's ok too.

SQL Server 2008:
Server Name: SQL2008\SQL2008
Instance Name: SQL2008
Port: 1434
Database: AdvebtureWorks2008R2    (case sensitive)
Failure also on:

SQL Server 2005
Server Name: SVR-CLU-DEV-01\SQL2005
Instance Name: SQL2005
Dataabse: master
Thanks in advance for any help.

Jan S.

The configuration files look correct, except for the value of init4dgmsql.ora to HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO.

The recommended settings are in format-


You defined as -

HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = [SVR-DEV-CLU - 01:1434] / SQL2008/AdventtureWorks2008R2

What happens if you set -

HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = [SVR-DEV-CLU-01] / SQL2008/AdventtureWorks2008R2


HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = [SVR-DEV-CLU - 01:1434] //AdventtureWorks2008R2

Another point, you posted the SQL * Server as -information

Server name: SQL2008\SQL2008
Instance name: SQL2008
Port: 1434
Database: AdvebtureWorks2008R2 (case sensitive)

so, is the name of the database AdventtureWorks2008R2 or AdvebtureWorks2008R2?
Please make sure you use the correct name.

Kind regards

Tags: Database

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  • Problem establish Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server

    I configured dblink between Oracle and SQL Server by using the 'Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server' method.

    I use dg4odbc and freetds, suite Doc-ID 561033.1 .

    I have my isql and osql works correctly, tsql.
    But get below error when query any table/column of Oracle sql * for the sql server database.

    Select subscription_type in Address@ITSMSP;

    ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using SID = ORA-28511: lost CPP
    connecting to heterogeneous remote agent to help
    SID = (Description = (Address = (Protocol = TCP)(Host=localhost) (port = 1522)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = ITSM-Prod)))
    ORA-02063: preceding the line of ITSMSP

    As per below track appears after the connection is a failure.
    I get this error with each table or column selection.
    I already prepare DBlink user id and password with the double quotes and link with the apostrophe.
    One thing surprised me when I close my session it request commit or rollback.
    Although I don't do anything except select.
    I already tried by setting autocommit on, but still getting the same error.

    We create the oracle for sql server before database gateway. This time, few things are different:
    1. the name of the server (on sql server database) contains a '-' hyphen.
    2. name of database server Sql contain also one '-' hyphen.
    2 sql database server for windows 64 - bit OS, prior, we used 32 bits.

    Please let me know if anyone set the Oracle database gateway using dg4odbc and freetds to sql server where the database of sql server resident in 64-bit windows machine.

    Here's the snapshot trace: remove the server name with *.

    Oracle Corporation - Tuesday 2 April 2013 21:15:38.096

    Heterogeneous Agent release

    Oracle Corporation - Tuesday 2 April 2013 21:15:38.096


    Hgogprd entries
    HOSGIP to 'HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL' returned '4 '.
    Hgosdip entries
    default assignment of 50 HS_OPEN_CURSORS
    HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD layout to the default
    HS_IDLE_TIMEOUT layout to the default 0 value
    layout by default «AL32UTF8» HS_NLS_NCHAR
    layout HS_FDS_TIMESTAMP_MAPPING default 'DATE '.
    layout HS_FDS_DATE_MAPPING default 'DATE '.
    layout HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING failure to 'ON '.
    HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS layout without '100 '.
    parameter HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT default 'FALSE '.
    parameter HS_FDS_RSET_RETURN_ROWCOUNT default 'FALSE '.
    parameter HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC default 'FALSE '.
    parameter HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR if there is no 'TRUE '.
    setting HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ".
    parameter HS_FDS_REPORT_REAL_AS_DOUBLE default 'FALSE '.
    HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE layout without "65536".
    parameter HS_SQL_HANDLE_STMT_REUSE default 'FALSE '.
    parameter HS_FDS_QUERY_DRIVER if there is no 'TRUE '.
    HOSGIP returned the value 'FALSE' to HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS
    parameter HS_FDS_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER if there is no 'TRUE '.
    setting in HS_KEEP_REMOTE_COLUMN_SIZE if 'OFF '.
    parameter HS_FDS_GRAPHIC_TO_MBCS default 'FALSE '.
    parameter HS_FDS_MBCS_TO_GRAPHIC default 'FALSE '.
    Default value of 64 assumed for HS_FDS_SQLLEN_INTERPRETATION
    HS_CALL_NAME_ISP layout "gtw$: SQLTables; GTW$: SQLColumns. GTW$: SQLPrimaryKeys. GTW$: SQLForeignKeys. GTW$: SQLProcedures. GTW$: SQLStatistics; "gtw$: SQLGetInfo.
    parameter HS_FDS_DELAYED_OPEN if there is no 'TRUE '.
    HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS layout by default "0".
    Release of hgosdip, rc = 0
    ORACLE_SID is ' *-* '.
    Product information:
    Port RLS / Upd:3 / 0 PrdStat:0
    Agent: Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
    : Installation
    Class: ODBC, ClassVsn:, Instance: *-*.
    Release of hgogprd, rc = 0
    Hgoinit entries
    HOCXU_DB_CSET = 873
    HS_LANGUAGE is american_america.we8iso8859p1
    LANG is en_US. UTF-8
    HOCXU_SEM_VER = 112000
    Entry hgolofn to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    HOSGIP to 'HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME' returned ' / usr/lib64/libodbc.so '.
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLAllocHandle
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca08300
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLBindCol
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca08390
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLBindParameter
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca08b50
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLCancel
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca09dc0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLDescribeParam
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca11890
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLDisconnect
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca11d30
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLEndTran
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca14580
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLExecute
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca15a20
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLFetch
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca16220
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLFreeHandle
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca17c40
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLFreeStmt
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca17c60
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetData
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca19370
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetEnvAttr
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1c4f0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetFunctions
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1c890
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLMoreResults
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1e330
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLNumResultCols
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1ef80
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLParamData
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1f280
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLPutData
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca210b0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLRowCount
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca21480
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLSetEnvAttr
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca22fc0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLSetDescRec
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca22e10
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLColAttribute
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca0a3e0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLColumns
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca0bb80
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLConnect
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca0f4f0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLDescribeCol
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca11150
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLDriverConnect
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca12890
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLExecDirect
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca154b0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLForeignKeys
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca16b40
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetConnectAttr
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca17fb0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetDescField
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca199d0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetDescRec
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca19e90
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetDiagField
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1b060
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetDiagRec
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1bc90
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetInfo
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1cad0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetStmtAttr
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1d4d0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLGetTypeInfo
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1df90
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLPrepare
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1f9b0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLPrimaryKeys
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca1fec0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLProcedureColumns
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca20470
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLProcedures
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca20b00
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLSetConnectAttr
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca21770
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLSetStmtAttr
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca24320
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLSetDescField
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca22b30
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLStatistics
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca258c0
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    LIBNAME=/usr/lib64/libodbc.so, funcname is SQLTables
    symbol_peflctx = 0x2ca26550
    Out of hgolofns to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Release of hgolofn, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    HOSGIP to 'HS_OPEN_CURSORS' returned '50 '.
    HOSGIP to 'HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS' returned '100 '.
    HOSGIP for "HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE" returned "65536".
    HOSGIP to 'HS_NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTER' returned '. "
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_DELAYED_OPEN" returns 'TRUE '.
    HOSGIP to 'HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS' returned '0 '.
    Invalid value of 64 for HS_FDS_SQLLEN_INTERPRETATION
    treat_SQLLEN_as_compiled = 1
    Release of hgoinit, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolgon to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Reco:0, name: *, tflag:0
    Entry hgosuec to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Release of hgosuec, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    HOSGIP to 'HS_FDS_DATE_MAPPING' returned 'DATE '.
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR" returns 'TRUE '.
    HOSGIP to 'HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC' returned 'FALSE '.
    using the * as a default for 'HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER '.
    Entry hgocont to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = ' *-* '.
    Entry hgogenconstr to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    DSN: *-*, name: *.
    Entry hgocip to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    DSN: *-*.
    Release of hgocip, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    # > connection settings (len = 39) < #.
    ## DSN=****-****;
    #! UID = *;
    #! PWD = *.
    Release of hgogenconstr, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgolosf to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    ODBC function-available-table 0xFFFE 0x00FF 0xFF00 0x03FF 0xFB7F 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000
    0x0000 0 x 0000 0xFE00 0x3F5F
    Release of hgolosf, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    DriverName:libtdsodbc.so, DriverVer:0.91
    DBMS name: Microsoft SQL Server DBMS Version: 95.10.0255
    Release of hgocont, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    SQLGetInfo Returns Y for SQL_CATALOG_NAME
    SQLGetInfo Returns 128 for SQL_MAX_CATALOG_NAME_LEN
    Release of hgolgon, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgoulcp to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgowlst to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Release of hgowlst, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    SQLGetInfo returns 0x1f for SQL_OWNER_USAGE
    Able TXN: isolation 2, Option: 0xf
    SQLGetInfo Returns 128 for SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN
    SQLGetInfo Returns 128 for SQL_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN
    SQLGetInfo returns 134 to SQL_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN
    HOSGIP returned the value "TRUE" to HS_FDS_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER
    SQLGetInfo returns "(0 x 22) for SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR"
    instance 2 capabilities will be uploaded
    context: 0x00000000, capno:1989, add info: 0
    context: 0x0001ffff, capno:1992, add info: 0
    Release of hgoulcp, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgouldt to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    NO translation of DD for instance have been downloaded
    Release of hgouldt, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgobegn to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    tflag:0, original: 1
    Hoi:0x4093b4c8, ttid (len 38) is...
    00: 54415058 2E435245 49474854 4F4E2E45 [TAPX]
    10: 44552E33 61383332 3362322E 312E3233 [3a8323b2.1.23]
    20: 2E323037 3631 [. 20761]
    tbid (len 35) is...
    00: 54415058 2E435245 49474854 4F4E2E45 [TAPX]
    10: 44555 B 31 2E32332E 32303736 315D5B31 [[1.23.20761] [1]]
    [20: 2E345D [. 4]]
    Release of hgobegn, rc = 0 to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    Entry hgodtab to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38
    number: 1
    Table: address
    Allocate hoada [0] @ 0x14eedc70
    Hoada free [0] @ 0x14eedc70
    SQL text of hgodtab, id = 0, len = 23...
    00: 73656C 65 6374202A 6 202241 2066726F [select * 'a]
    10: 64647265 737322 [prepare]"
    Entry hgodscr_process_sellist_description to 2013/04/02-21: 15:38

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Published by: 997807 on April 3, 2013 07:26

    Thanks for the information. 2.2 UnixODBC driver manager is quite old and there is now one more late 2.3.1 version available here.


    by clicking on the tab "Download".
    Can you download and install this version then use in the configuration instead of the 2.2 version?

    Kind regards

  • Oracle 9i with microsoft sql server.

    How to connect oracle 9i with microsoft sql server.

    simply the following steps...

    Oracle9i, like the previous versions, supports heterogeneous services in order to allow data in the non-Oracle database to be queried using SQL. This support was in the form of transparent gateways, which are connectivity, vendor specific or generic using ODBC or OLEDB to connect. Features supported by a generic connectivity are generally more limited than as possible when using the vendor specific gateways, but it is fast and simple to configure. The following steps can be used to connect to Oracle to any compatible ODBC database (MS Access, SQL Server etc.) on the local server:
    Make sure that a valid user name and password are present for the non-Oracle (MyUser/mypassword) database.
    Create a data source ODBC for database non-Oracle (Network1).
    Create a file called: "ORACLE_HOME\hs\admin\initACCESS1.ora", which contains:

    Add the following entry in the tnsnames.ora file:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST=localhost) (PORT = 1521))
    (HS = OK)
    Add the following entry in the listener.ora file:

    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = D:\Oracle\Ora\9011)
    (PROGRAM = hsodbc)
    Reload the listener: lsnrctl reload
    Create a database to help link:

    CREATE DATABASE LINK access1.world CONNECT TO 'MyUser' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyPassword' USING "Network1. WORLD ';
    Query the table to help:

    SELECT *.
    OF [email protected];
    With MS Access, the first query is slow because of the request for access is loading. As expected, the following queries are not displayed a similar shift.

  • How to export a .sql file, I created from Oracle Application Express of SQL Server Management 2012?


    I was wondering if you could help me.

    I'm trying to find out how to export a .sql file, I created from Oracle Application Express of SQL Server Management 2012? I'm not very technical, but it seems that the Oracle code does not work with SQL Management Studio when I drag the file inside.

    I need the database Oracle express and its data to enter in SQL Management Studio, so any help would be much appreciated!

    Thank you.


    Your question is beyond the scope of this community.

    Please repost your question in the SQL Server TechNet Forums.


    See you soon.

  • DB Link for MS SQL Server connectivity

    Hi all

    Is it possible to create the DB link in the Oracle to MS SQL server database.

    If yes then guide.

    Best regards



    Hi all

    Is it possible to create the DB link in the Oracle to MS SQL server database.

    If yes then guide.

    Best regards


    refuses or is unable to use GOOGLE yourself?


  • WMware el capitan apple id server connection problem


    I just bought mac os x mountain lion and I install machine wmware virtual. When I level to el capitan, apple id server connection problem came. I have try so much to solve this problem, but I couldn't fix it in any case. When I'm not using the network it works perfectly fine, but if I use the network working I can't connect store mac or itunes or icloud. I spoke with the administrator of this issue, he could not find a solution too. Is there anyone know of this problem or what we should do to overcome this problem.

    When I try to open an app store, itunes, icloud or imessage session, he said: "there was a connection to the server id Apple error."

    Have you seen this page? A few bugs have been reported there for this error message. One of them is related to a proxy server and can be done with a computer serial number

  • Oracle DB for MS SQL Server through ODBC SSL

    Is it possible to connect an Oracle 11.2 box to a box of MS SQL Server with SSL ODBC?

    If not; then with 12 c?

    If this isn't the case, SSL, the two would also be compatible with another form of encryption? AMT perhaps?

    The side of MS SQL Server might be read-only.

    Any help would be great, thanks.

    It would be good to know what product you are going to use the two bridge products that can connect to SQL Server are based on ODBC. I assume you mean of DG4ODBC but will comment also on Dg4MSQL.

    When you use DG4ODBC is the ODBC driver, which must be capable of SSL. When you have a driver capable of SSL, you can use either 11.2 or 12.1 release DG4ODBC.

    About DG4MSQl until SSL libraries have been released for multiple platforms, and support can request a backport of the libs to if they do not exist. So just to file a service request if they are absent.

    12 c by default comes with SSL libraries and you just need to configure it.


    Post edited by: kgronau

  • Oracle, equivalent to the SQL SERVER CLRClipString function

    Hello friends,

    I am running the following sql query in SQL SERVER successfully...

    Select * from
    CLRSplitString ('33, 54, 105, 148, 149, 163, 165, 179, 193, 195, 201, 202, 234, 239, 279, 282, 297, 299, 329, 332, 350, 415, 417, 439, 440, 500, 552, 570, 589, 603, 628, 655', ", ',') x
    Join dbo. PART_ADDL_INFO_NAMES_V v x.col1 = v.addl_info_name_id

    I would like to implement the same ORACLE sql statement.

    I created the function that takes the comma-separated string and display as a single column... I want emerging in oracle as a sql statement...

    create or replace function str2tbl
    (p_str in varchar2)
    p_delim in varchar2 default '.')
    return myTableType
    long l_str p_str default. p_delim;
    number of l_n;
    myTableType l_data: = myTabletype();
    l_n: = instr (l_str, p_delim);
    When the output (nvl(l_n,0) = 0);
    l_data (l_data.count): = ltrim (rtrim (substr(l_str,1,l_n-1)));
    l_str: = substr (l_str, l_n + length (p_delim));
    end loop;
    L_data return;

    v_array mytabletype;
    v_array: = str2tbl ('');
    BECAUSE me in 1... v_array. COUNTING LOOP
    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (v_array (i));

    appreciate your help...

    Thank you

    If you need to split a single string:

    with t as (
               select '33,54,105,148,149,163,165,179,193,195,201,202,234,239,279,282,297,299,329,332,350,415,417,439,440,500,552,570,589,603,628,655' str from dual
    select  regexp_substr(str,'[^,]+',1,level) sub_str
      from  t
      connect by level <= regexp_count(str,',') + 1
    32 rows selected.

    PS REGEXP_COUNT is available in 11g only. If you are using 10g:

    with t as (
               select '33,54,105,148,149,163,165,179,193,195,201,202,234,239,279,282,297,299,329,332,350,415,417,439,440,500,552,570,589,603,628,655' str from dual
    select  regexp_substr(str,'[^,]+',1,level) sub_str
      from  t
      connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(str,'[^,]')) + 1
  • R4 problem EA SQL Server connection - no tabs after following the proc

    I am trying to create a connection to SQL Server and have downloaded and extracted the latest JTDS, moved the jar file in different locations and set the path of the third-party driver but not yet able to see the SQL Server tab in the wizard to connect to the base.  I even tried a suggestions in a really old post on the ntlmauth.dll and it still does not work.  Is this a problem in EA4 or do you do something else?  I have that works well in the version of SQL Developer Data Modeling (SDDM) 3.3 747, but I want to try EA4 SDDM which is available in SQL Developer EA4...

    > have downloaded and extracted the latest JTDS

    Yes, I don't want you to do that.

    You have v1.2

  • ADF BC to SQL Server connection with variable set to View object

    Hello world

    I develop a BPM Application using Oracle BPM and JDeveloper

    Following the thread of the link below, since it is a new topic, I decided to open a new thread.

    Re: ADF method call to extract data from DB before loading the page from the initiator

    what I try to do is to get a record from a database and show to the user on the initiator of the UI using ADF BC and not the database adapter.
    I have worked with ADF BC and display objects to get all the lines and show them to the user in a table.

    However, when I try to run the same query in the parameterized shape just return a single line, I hit a wall.
    In short, my problem is like this:

    I have an Application Module which has an entity object and a display object.
    My database is SQL Server 2008.
    When I try to create a new read only view object to return a single line I face the problem.
    The query that I have in the section my display object query is like this:
    select *
    from dbo.Employee
    where EmployeeCode= 99
    which works very well.
    However when I set a variable input_code, linking for example and change the query as follows it won't validate.
    select *
    from dbo.Employee
    where EmployeeCode= :input_code
    He just telling me
    incorrect syntax near ': '.
    I don't know if this has to do with my Oracle DB is not or I'm doing something wrong.
    Can someone help me with this you problem?

    Thanks in advance

    The problem is that you are using 'Oracle named' style for the binding of parameter in the SQL statement. However, this style of binding is specific Oracle. You must use "Positional JDBC" style of binding with MS SQL Server:

    select *
    from dbo.Employee
    where EmployeeCode= ?

    (The style of binding is specified in the query to the dialog box Definition VO Editor pane).

    If you specify the positional style of binding "JDBC", another field called 'Linking the Positions' will appear in the definitions pane variables bind VO. You will be able to specify it is the position of the particular parameter in the binding variable VO query bound to. (the position of the bond index is 0-based).


  • SQL server datetime problem - oracle do not capture "millisecond" of sql server

    Hello world

    Reading from the datetime sql server timestamp to oracle, oracle is not catpuring correctly the milliseconds of oracle, rather it's just using 0000000 to poulate rather than correct Ms.

    verified in the topology as Yahweh than for sql server datetime converted in to oracle's timestamp.

    Please suggest where he made mistake. its urgency. ?

    Thank you

    Good to know Dev!

    Good luck!

  • SQL developer connection problem


    our remote server a oracle 8 and Oracle 10 G. Oracle 8 installs very little front and oracle 10G install today.

    As sql developer may not support in 8i; When I try to connect to oracle 10G, I get the following error. ORA-12505

    I have oracle in my laptop and can connect via sqlplus but cannot connect with sql developer.

    C:\ > sqlplus sys as [email protected]:1521 / xxxx

    SQL >

    Thank you.


    Not sure if you are running two auditors (one for 8i to 10g) on this server. When I had problems to connect to 10g XE and 11g running on the same server, each with its own listening port, I've read that the deactivation of the listener to 10 g and update of 11 g listener.ora and tnsnames.ora with entries for 10 g solved all. Always use the earpiece for the most recent version of Oracle. Maybe you have no control over the listening port on the server configurations, but it's something to consider.

    And here's a thread from another forum with reviews on how unique or several listener configurations may be preferred (and some information on how to do it):
    Re: Running 10gEE and 10gXE on the same pc

    Kind regards
    SQL development team

  • the server connection problem to download the file

    Not sure how it happened. But DW will update is no longer my remote server. the remote page on the FTP server connection works without a hitch. I have the remote IP, set up as http: (for example), but when I go to download the file, it wants to update remotely http://ipaddress/C: / wamp/www/webfolder/file. Odd.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Suggestions please. Thank you.


    Thanks for the suggestion, but configuring FTP checked OK. in fact he did a test of the thin connection all the time. Maybe it had to do with memory cache on my computer? in any case, I liquidated DW, restarted the program and the download Panel works great.

  • Error message not associated with an approved SQL Server connection"when you try to connect to SQL Server 2000, using xp pro

    I'm trying to implement a program called "On Time." A follow-up of the accounts receivable program.

    Hi Jack,

    Your Windows XP question is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. Please post your question in the MSDN forum. You can follow the link for your question.


    Hope the helps of information.

  • Reconstructed View Composer databases, view server connection problems

    I had to go back to a previous snapshot on my SQL database server that was right before I installed the database to View Composer.  Mode to connect to the server, there is a pool for the related clones.  How can I remove the pool?  When I try to delete it, I get an error that I do not remember the hand, but basically it has to do with the fact that see connection to the server could not find the swimming pool in the database.  Any ideas?

    You would need to connect via ADSI Edit.    Check out this KB for instructions on how to remove obsolete work and clones, http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1008658positions.   This should give you an idea on how to connect to the ADAM database and navigate.

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