display the same value in a times column in multiple lines

Dear all:

I have a table id, with the following data values

EG001 5888314
EG001 5888315
EG001 5888316
EG002 5888317
EG002 5888318

I want to display a query to display the result as follows:

EG001 5888314
EG002 5888317

Kind regards



WITH test_tab AS (
SELECT 'EG002', 5888318 FROM DUAL)
-- end test data
  FROM (
  FROM test_tab)

EG001 5888314
EG002 5888317

Tags: Database

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    On my page, I have an inputText and outputText bound to the same link of the attribute. The bind value is defined in a value change listener, and then the two components are updated. Say I put in 2009 for the PeriodFrom, the inputText remains empty, but the outputText shows the 2009. How is possible that the two items related to the same link does not show the same value.

    < af:inputText value = "#{bindings." PeriodFrom.inputValue}"required =" #{bindings. " PeriodFrom.hints.mandatory}.

    columns = "#{bindings." PeriodFrom.hints.displayWidth}"shortDesc =" #{bindings. " PeriodFrom.hints.tooltip}"id ="id1 ".

    autoSubmit = "true" simple = "true" >

    < f: validator binding = "#{bindings." PeriodFrom.validator} "/ >"

    < / af:inputText >

    < af:outputText value = "#{bindings." PeriodFrom.inputValue}"id ="ot3"clientComponent ="true"/ >

    Furthermore, I tried to get the RichInputText component and call a getValue on it, and the value returned is 2009. I'm completely lost.

    Thank you

    I made the fragment of page from scratch. I discovered why the update does not work. This is because the selectOneChoice is inside an af:subform. If I remove the subform, the update works correctly.

    shortDesc = "#{bindings." StdcntyCode.hints.tooltip}"id ="soc2"simple ="true"autoSubmit = 'true '.

    valueChangeListener = "#{pageFlowScope.identificationSessionEditBean.countryValueChangeListener}" > "

    columns = "#{bindings." PeriodFrom.hints.displayWidth}"shortDesc =" #{bindings. " PeriodFrom.hints.tooltip}"id ="id1 ".

    autoSubmit = "true" simple = "true" >

    columns = "#{bindings." PeriodTo.hints.displayWidth}"shortDesc =" #{bindings. " PeriodTo.hints.tooltip}"id ="id2 ".

    autoSubmit = "true" simple = "true" >

  • The column is to summarize all the lines and display the same value in all the lines.


    Please see the query below. I have a problem in this query to retrieve the abs_qty when the P:item ie setting) msib.segment1 is not given as an input parameter. His warning just to the top of the total quantity for all items. With the passage of P:item ie) msib.segment1 as an input parameter, it gets the exact value for abs_qty. kindly help me to solve this problem.

    Note only: manufacturing plant, start date and end Date are Mandatory parameters (required). Others such as code point, Base model and Scheduler are optional.

    SELECT mmt.transaction_date date_produced, msib.segment1 point,
    CIC.cost_type_id, msib.description item_description,
    MC.segment6 base_model, mc.segment7 trade_brand,
    MMT.subinventory_code subinventory,
    mil. Segment1 | '.' || mil. Segment2 | '.' || mil.segment3 ELECTROLUX,
    || '-'
    || OOD.organization_name manufacturing_plant,
    MMT.transaction_quantity quantity_produced,
    MTT.transaction_type_name transaction_type, msib.inventory_item_id,.
    MSIB.organization_id, cic.material_cost, COST,
    CIC.material_overhead_cost transport, csc.standard_cost,.
    * (check (NVL ((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty *))))
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Completion of work in PROGRESS"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date), 0)
    * (NVL ((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty *)))
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Ongoing work exit"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date
    *), 0))) abs_qty of the double) AS ABS_qtyy, * (select (NVL ((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Completion of work in PROGRESS"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date), 0)
    (((SELECT SUM (mmt.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty NVL
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Ongoing work exit"
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date
    AND: p_end_date
    (), 0))) abs_qty of dual) * csc.standard_cost AS abs_val
    OF mtl_material_transactions mmt.
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mil mtl_item_locations
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    org_organization_definitions ood,
    mtl_txn_source_types mts,
    MC mtl_categories,
    mtl_item_categories mic,
    MCS mtl_category_sets,
    cst_item_costs cic,
    cst_standard_costs csc,
    cst_cost_types ct,
    mfg_lookups OLM
    WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
    AND mil.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND mil.subinventory_code = mmt.subinventory_code
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
    AND msib.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mic.category_set_id = mcs.category_set_id
    AND mc.category_id = mic.category_id
    AND mc.structure_id = mcs.structure_id
    AND mic.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
    AND mic.organization_id = msib.organization_id
    AND mcs.category_set_id = 52487965
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id
    AND msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id
    AND ct.cost_type_id = cic.cost_type_id
    AND cic.organization_id = ood.organization_id
    AND mil.inventory_location_id = mmt.locator_id
    AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mtt.transaction_source_type_id
    AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mtt.transaction_action_id
    AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mts.transaction_source_type_id
    AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mlo.lookup_code
    AND mmt.inventory_item_id = csc.inventory_item_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = csc.organization_id
    AND csc.last_update_date > =.
    (SELECT MAX (csc1.last_update_date)
    OF cst_standard_costs csc1
    WHERE csc1.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND csc1.organization_id = mmt.organization_id)
    AND msib.segment1 = NVL (: p_item, msib.segment1)
    AND NVL (mc.segment6, 'X') = NVL (: p_base_model, NVL (mc.segment6, 'X'))
    AND = NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y')
    NVL (: p_planner_code, NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y'))
    AND SUPERIOR (mlo.meaning) = "COMPLETION of the ASSEMBLY.
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name = "Completion of work in PROGRESS"
    AND ct.cost_type = 'Frozen '.
    AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'job or schedule. "
    AND ood.organization_code =: p_manufacturing_plant
    AND BETWEEN TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date): p_start_date AND: p_end_date

    If abs_qty and, accordingly, abs_val must not be the same for all rows returned, you will need to rewrite your query so that the abs_qty will not be calculated (separately) in isolation without interaction with the data in the main table list.
    Your query is treated the same as below (note the changed table alias by adding numbers to the original of yours)

    SELECT mmt.transaction_date date_produced,
           msib.segment1 item,
           msib.description item_description,
           mc.segment6 base_model,
           mc.segment7 trade_brand,
           mmt.subinventory_code subinventory,
           mil.segment1 || '.' || mil.segment2 || '.' || mil.segment3 LOCATOR,
           ood.organization_code || '-' || ood.organization_name manufacturing_plant,
           mmt.transaction_quantity quantity_produced,
           mtt.transaction_type_name transaction_type,
           cic.material_cost COST,
           cic.material_overhead_cost freight,
           (select (NVL(
                        (SELECT SUM (mmt1.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                           FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1,
                                mtl_system_items_b msib1,
                                mtl_transaction_types mtt1,
                                org_organization_definitions ood1,
                                mtl_txn_source_types mts1
                          WHERE mmt1.organization_id = msib1.organization_id
                            AND msib1.inventory_item_id = mmt1.inventory_item_id
                            AND mmt1.transaction_type_id = mtt1.transaction_type_id
                            AND mmt1.organization_id = ood1.organization_id
                            AND mtt1.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
                            AND mts1.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                            AND msib1.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib1.segment1)
                            AND ood1.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                            AND TRUNC (mmt1.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                       ) - NVL(
                               (SELECT SUM (mmt2.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                                  FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt2,
                                       mtl_system_items_b msib2,
                                       mtl_transaction_types mtt2,
                                       org_organization_definitions ood2,
                                       mtl_txn_source_types mts2
                                 WHERE mmt2.organization_id = msib2.organization_id
                                   AND msib2.inventory_item_id = mmt2.inventory_item_id
                                   AND mmt2.transaction_type_id = mtt2.transaction_type_id
                                   AND mmt2.organization_id = ood.2organization_id
                                   AND mtt2.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Issue'
                                   AND mts2.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                                   AND msib2.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib2.segment1)
                                   AND ood2.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                                   AND TRUNC (mmt.2transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                   ) abs_qty
              from dual
           ) AS ABS_qtyy,
           (select (NVL(
                        (SELECT SUM (mmt3.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                           FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt3,
                                mtl_system_items_b msib3,
                                mtl_transaction_types mtt3,
                                org_organization_definitions ood3,
                                mtl_txn_source_types mts3
                          WHERE mmt3.organization_id = msib3.organization_id
                            AND msib3.inventory_item_id = mmt3.inventory_item_id
                            AND mmt3.transaction_type_id = mtt3.transaction_type_id
                            AND mmt3.organization_id = ood3.organization_id
                            AND mtt3.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
                            AND mts3.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                            AND msib3.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib3.segment1)
                            AND ood3.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                            AND TRUNC (mmt3.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                       ) - NVL(
                               (SELECT SUM (mmt4.transaction_quantity) total_NET_qty
                                  FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt4,
                                       mtl_system_items_b msib4,
                                       mtl_transaction_types mtt4,
                                       org_organization_definitions ood4,
                                       mtl_txn_source_types mts4
                                 WHERE mmt4.organization_id = msib4.organization_id
                                   AND msib4.inventory_item_id = mmt4.inventory_item_id
                                   AND mmt4.transaction_type_id = mtt4.transaction_type_id
                                   AND mmt4.organization_id = ood4.organization_id
                                   AND mtt4.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Issue'
                                   AND mts4.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
                                   AND msib4.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib4.segment1)
                                   AND ood4.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
                                   AND TRUNC (mmt4.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date
                   ) abs_qty
              from dual
           ) * csc.standard_cost AS abs_val
      FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt,
           mtl_system_items_b msib,
           mtl_item_locations mil,
           mtl_transaction_types mtt,
           org_organization_definitions ood,
           mtl_txn_source_types mts,
           mtl_categories mc,
           mtl_item_categories mic,
           mtl_category_sets mcs,
           cst_item_costs cic,
           cst_standard_costs csc,
           cst_cost_types ct,
           mfg_lookups mlo
     WHERE mmt.organization_id = msib.organization_id
       AND msib.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
       AND mmt.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
       AND mil.organization_id = msib.organization_id
       AND mil.subinventory_code = mmt.subinventory_code
       AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id
       AND msib.organization_id = ood.organization_id
       AND mic.category_set_id = mcs.category_set_id
       AND mc.category_id = mic.category_id
       AND mc.structure_id = mcs.structure_id
       AND mic.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
       AND mic.organization_id = msib.organization_id
       AND mcs.category_set_id = 52487965
       AND msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id
       AND msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id
       AND ct.cost_type_id = cic.cost_type_id
       AND cic.organization_id = ood.organization_id
       AND mil.inventory_location_id = mmt.locator_id
       AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mtt.transaction_source_type_id
       AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mtt.transaction_action_id
       AND mmt.transaction_source_type_id = mts.transaction_source_type_id
       AND mmt.transaction_action_id = mlo.lookup_code
       AND mmt.inventory_item_id = csc.inventory_item_id
       AND mmt.organization_id = csc.organization_id
       AND csc.last_update_date >= (SELECT MAX (csc1.last_update_date)
                                      FROM cst_standard_costs csc1
                                     WHERE csc1.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id
                                       AND csc1.organization_id = mmt.organization_id
       AND msib.segment1 = NVL (:p_item, msib.segment1)
       AND NVL (mc.segment6, 'X') = NVL (:p_base_model, NVL (mc.segment6, 'X'))
       AND NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y') = NVL (:p_planner_code, NVL (msib.planner_code, 'Y'))
       AND UPPER (mlo.meaning) = 'ASSEMBLY COMPLETION'
       AND mtt.transaction_type_name = 'WIP Completion'
       AND ct.cost_type = 'Frozen'
       AND mts.transaction_source_type_name = 'Job or Schedule'
       AND ood.organization_code = :p_manufacturing_plant
       AND TRUNC (mmt.transaction_date) BETWEEN :p_start_date AND :p_end_date



  • Need to show the same values in all jspx pages


    I use jdeveloper

    I had created a jspx pages such as dept.jspx and emp.jspx

    I've been using this in my jspx page
     <af:outputText value="#{bindings.return.inputValue}"
    The bindings.return.inputValue will return the value of the code below
        public String checkLoginCredentials1(String p_user,String p_pwd)
        System.out.println(p_user + " " + p_pwd);
         ApplUsersVOImpl  vo = (ApplUsersVOImpl)this.getApplUsers1();
         /*set the bind variable value*/
        int rowCount=vo.getEstimatedRangePageCount();
           throw new JboException("Password doesn't match");
           return "Welcome"+ "  " + p_user.toUpperCase();
    My scenario is that I need to display the same value in emp.jspx

    I had created a task flow frm dept.jspx to emp.jspx and emp.jspx to dept.jspx

    I tried the same XML file in my emp.jspx
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.return.inputValue}"
    But while I m browsing frm emp.jspx to dept.jspx there are doesnot.,.

    This means that for the faces-config. XML (the standard JSF configuration file), there is no scope spanning application except for the scope of the session. This does not mean that you should not use extended session if you use faces - config.Xml.

    However, you have been advised to use the workflow and no faces - config.Xml.

  • Find the same value in different columns


    I'm trying to figure out how I would get the same value in the same row but in different columns. For example, in the table sometimes report the name is the same as the description. I would like to find all the lines where this is the case.

    Thank you

    Name of the report
    Report 1Report 1DelalandeTTTT
    Report 2Billing reportDelalandeTTTT
    Report 3Report 3DelalandeTTTT


    Is that what you want?

    SELECT *- or whatever the columns that you want to

    FROM table_x

    WHERE description = report_name


    If not, post a small example data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) for all of the tables involved and also publish outcomes from these data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you are using (for example,

    See the FAQ forum: https://forums.oracle.com/message/9362002

  • An update on an index column with the same value generates an index to the top

    An update on an index column with the same value generates an update of the index?

    Thank you

    In addition to my previous answer, see also


    Riyaj Shamsudeen has this to say:
    "+ We have an index on this column v1 and we update this column indexed too." Oracle was updating the indexed column? N ° if the values match the level of the indexed column, then the code of RDBMS isn't up-to-date index, a feature for optimization again. Only the row of table is updated, and the index is not updated. + "

    Hemant K Collette

  • display the last value

    Hi all

    I have a questions. It is that I create a Subvi to my table and it can display the last value in the upper part. Below attached snapshots of my programming. I use a number random and STOP for control of you guys let see the whole process of what I want.

    but when I change "constant true/false" and using a digital command. and I put it in my program. It won't list down the values and it will not display the most recent value at the top. What is the problem? I was stuck on this problem for a while.

    and another question was how to keep the size of the list is constant? for example, I onli wants to view 30readings on my table. as the program continued to run, the oldest value will be overwritten. because if kept under my table more, means memory increase my programming and registration of cause late development. I do not want to happen. So is it possible to maintain the display of fixed table values?

    Hi Isabelle,.

    I think that the problem causes initialization of a register shift to void / vi. If you initialize a shift register, each time sub vi is called, he will replace value in the registry to offset with initialized value. Uninitialize a registry change to resolve a problem. I've attached a screenshot of my sub vi for your reference.

    Sincerely, Kate

  • Is it possible to display the dynamic value in the ToolTip? I tried: this.assist.toolTip.value = this.rawValue; for a text field 'property MouseEnter', but it does not display the current raw value. It displays a previous raw value of the field... Guilty

    Is it possible to display the dynamic value in the ToolTip?

    I tried:

    this.assist.toolTip.value = this.rawValue; for a text field on 'ownership' MouseEnter

    but it does not display the current raw value. It displays a previous raw value of the field...

    I wrote 'YYYY', but is not displaying on the first mouseEnter event


    When I show event mouseEnter for the 2nd time it gives good value.


    Now, I changed the "BBBB" value but the first mouseEnter event it displays the value previous i.e. "YYYY."


    I found the solution. I wrote the script ("this.assist.toolTip.value = this.rawValue ;") on 'property MouseEnter' but the need to write the script to the "Output" of the field event. ")

    Thank you.

  • Only GET records that have the same values of field has the same value in field B

    Have a hard time with below, please help.

    Here's the situation:

    create table cord (identification NUMBER, CM VARCHAR2 (3), PM VARCHAR2 (2));
    insert into string values (1, '002', 'H1');
    insert into string values (2, '006', 'H1');
    insert into string values (3, '004', 'H2');
    insert into string values (4, '006', 'H2');
    insert into string values (5, '004', 'H3');
    insert into string values (6, '004', 'H3');

    I just need to select the folders which, for the SAME value of PM have the same value in CM, in example above, those are recordings with ID (5,6).

    1 and 2 fail because for them CM and PM are different for the same H1, similar on the 3 and 4.

    I don't know if this will help but records are always in 'pairs', which means that there are no cases as

    7. '004' | H4

    8. ' 006' | H4

    9. '005' | H4

    Any ideas are much appreciated.

    Thank you

    See if the following can help...

    select id,cm,pm
            select t.*
                  ,count(1) over(partition by cm,pm) cnt
                from testt t
        where cnt>1;
  • How can I get a CMYK or Gray scale halftone and replace it with a spot color with the same value of midtones?

    Is it possible that I can select an object or objects that have a value of mixed CMYK or Grayscale, and then select a Spot color and it will keep the same value of midtones as before?

    For example, I have an object that is C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 k: 20 and I select Reflex Blue. What is happening is it change my object to 100% Reflex Blue. Is there a way to change to automaitically Reflex Blue 20%?

    Another example, I have 3 objects, one is 20 k: the second is 40 k: and the third is KC: 85. I want to select all the objects in three at the same time, select Yellow PANTONE and get them to change yellow PANTONE 20, 40 yellow PANTONE and PANTONE yellow 85.

    Is there a way to do it or I will always have to manually edit each element?

    Thanks for the help.

    Select the elements to recolor

    Edit > edit colors > redefine > follow my screenshots

    I love clicking this button under the entitlement, one place for everything that you color reduction settings.

    Use tinted scale. Exact will give you 100% of the color. The exact word is confusing here, this means that the color of the destination (100% of everything that the color you choose), not a version tinged scale.

    Unfortunately I do not know how to get the exact values of blacks to convert the exact values of spot color. Scale of hues will you get you get you close enough for what you need. In my example that a black 89% converts a 84% of the place, so no exact but alteast I have a range of shades, and sometimes the results are better than accurate, depends on your art.

    Here are my before and after.

  • Bind variables (how replace the placeholders with the same value?)

    Hello, I have a code like this:
      procedure getAllTasks(o_cursor                      in out PKG_APPLICATION.rc,
                            in_filter_project_id          in T_FCT_TASK.project_id%type default -1,
                            in_filter_scope_id            in T_FCT_TASK.scope_id%type default -1,
                            in_filter_user_creator_id     in T_FCT_TASK.user_creator_id%type default -1,
                            in_filter_priority_id         in T_HST_TASK.priority_id%type default -1,
                            in_filter_status_id           in T_HST_TASK.status_id%type default -1,
                            in_filter_user_responsible_id in T_HST_TASK.user_responsible_id%type default -1,
                            in_pagination_first           in integer,
                            in_pagination_last            in integer) is
        v_query varchar2(4000) := v_query_allTasks || v_query_whereFilter;
        PKG_LOG.debug('query: ' || v_query, PCK);
        open o_cursor for v_query
          using in_filter_project_id, in_filter_scope_id, in_filter_user_creator_id, in_filter_priority_id, in_filter_status_id, in_filter_user_responsible_id, in_pagination_last, in_pagination_first;
    The variable v_query contains:
                      FROM (
        SELECT task_id, project_id, project_name, scope_id, scope_name, user_creator_id, user_creator_login, title, description,
               priority_id, priority_name, status_id, status_name, user_responsible_id, user_responsible_login, due_date,
               last_modified_by_id, last_modified_by_login, last_modified
          FROM V_FCT_TASK
        WHERE project_id          = decode(:1, -1, project_id, :1)
          and scope_id            = decode(:2, -1, scope_id, :2)   
          and user_creator_id     = decode(:3, -1, user_creator_id, :3)   
          and priority_id         = decode(:4, -1, priority_id, :4)   
          and status_id           = decode(:5, -1, status_id, :5)   
          and user_responsible_id = decode(:6, -1, user_responsible_id, :6)   
      ) A
                      WHERE ROWNUM <= :LAST)
                WHERE :FIRST <= RNUM
    Note that placeholders: 1: 2,...: 5 appears 2 times in the query.

    Is there a more elegant way to say that *: 1 * must be replaced by in_filter_project_id, *: 2 * by in_filter_scope_id without having twice in the USING clause these variables? If this is not the case, why the placeholders have name, if you can only refer to their position (order)?

    Thanks for all replies.

    Hi Adam,.

    text taken from http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/appdev.920/a96624/11_dynam.htm

    Duplicate use of Placeholders

    Placeholders in a dynamic SQL statement associated with the arguments of bind in the USING clause of position, and not by name. Thus, if the same placeholder appears two times or more in the SQL statement, each appearance must correspond to a bind argument in the USING clause. For example, if the dynamic string

    sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO payroll VALUES (:x, :x, :y, :x)';

    you could code the corresponding USING clause as follows:

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING a, a, b, a;

    However, only the unique placeholders in a dynamic PL/SQL block are associated with bind arguments in the USING clause of position. Thus, if the same placeholder appears two times or more in a PL/SQL block, all appearances correspond to a single argument to bind in the USING clause. In the example below, the first unique placeholder (x) is associated with the first bind argument (one). Similarly, the second unique space reserved (y) is associated with the second argument to bind (b).

       a NUMBER := 4;
       b NUMBER := 7;
       plsql_block := 'BEGIN calc_stats(:x, :x, :y, :x); END;'
       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE plsql_block USING a, b;

    Hope this helps
    Christian Balz

  • rows with the same value

    I have this request:
    Select b.db_name, a.handle from bp a, dbinc b where a.db_key = b.db_key;

    By request I see the lines where the handle columns have the same values?
    Thank you.


    First thing is that your question is very abstract, we can not know which data table you is central to the present moment.

    Select b.db_name, a.handle from bp a, dbinc b where a.db_key = b.db_key;
    By request I see the lines where the handle columns have the same values?

    What you mean you 'same' values with what data need to be compared to 'the same '.
    Fact it is same or some values.

    -Pavan Kumar N

  • Satellite P300-156 - and the button Return give the same values


    I have a satellite P300-156, and it has a numeric keypad.
    I have problems because the Enter key and the Return key give the same values. I believe that it is incorrect.
    Can anyone help.

    Key on the numeric keypad should give an input it does.
    the Enter key on the main keyboard should give a carriage return value, but it gives an input value.

    Usually this does not cause a problem, but with software like photo shop that makes the distinction between a carriage return and a hard fall it does not work.

    Can someone help me please

    Thank you


    To my eyes the entry and return keys are the same keys that provides the same functionality.
    I really put t know why you believe that there is something not right

    By the way; Check if you are using the latest version of the BIOS!

  • I've updated for picture with the captain and when I plug in my iPhone it loads the same pictures twice each time how it stop loading the same things every day?

    I've updated for picture with the captain and when I plug in my iPhone it loads the same pictures twice each time how it stop loading the same things every day?  I tried to make the old default iphoto but picture still open when I plug in my iPhone?

    I tried to make the old default iphoto but picture still open when I plug in my iPhone?

    When the iPhone is connected and Photos opens, select iPhone in sideba of the windowr of Photos. Then, uncheck the option 'Open for this iPhone Photos' below the toolbar.  Do this for all your iPhones. The hook should be unmarked for each device individually.

  • All channels to HAVE it have the same value

    I use the example for a multichannel AI aiex2.cpp read with mseries NI6280 devices.

    This example works for a lane, but other chains have the same value

    For example: I put 5 Volt on the first string, and then the other channel are 5 Volt too.

    What should I consider in the configuration?

    Hello Beilei,

    I think that you run in theghost of the question.  The other strings that you use are connected to the earth when you connect the first channel to 5V?  If the other channels are floating, they will read the same value as the first string... 5V.

    Steven T.

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