Download Shell32.lib?

I tried to get LabWindows to programmatically open a default browser.  After a quick search here, I found that I should be able to do this by adding the Shell32.lib to my project.  However, when I go to "C:\Program Files (x 86) \National ', the library in question is not here.  I did a general search of my whole computer, and it doesn't seem to be there.  What Miss me?  Reading these forums, it sounds Shell32.lib should be part of the standard installation of LabWindows.

Is there anywhere else that Shell32.lib can be found or downloaded from?   It seems not to be available in the downloads section of National Instruments.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Have you tried the OpenDocumentInDefaultViewer function in box tool of the programming interface? It should not require allows you to load any library. I see nothing in the documentation that says he is in full version only, so you should be able to find it in your machine.

Tags: NI Software

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    Euticus wrote:

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    Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x 86) \National Instruments\NI - DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\lib\msvc

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    Creating temporary file "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\BAT00000751766092.bat" with contents
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    "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\..\..\..\Resources\PiPLTool" "x64\Debug\ResizerPiPL.rr" "x64\Debug\ResizerPiPL.rrc"
    cl /D "MSWindows" /EP x64\Debug\ResizerPiPL.rrc >               "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\"\\"ResizerPiPL".rc
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    goto VCEnd
    echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Compiling the PiPL"
    exit 1
    Creating command line """c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\BAT00000751766092.bat"""
    Creating temporary file "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000851766092.rsp" with contents
    /Od /I "..\..\..\Headers" /I "..\..\..\Headers\SP" /I "..\..\..\Headers\Win" /I "..\..\..\Resources" /I "..\..\..\Util" /D "MSWindows" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_WINDLL" /FD /EHsc /MDd /Zp4 /Fp".\Debug/Resizer.pch" /FAs /Fa".\Debug/" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /FR"x64\Debug\\" /W2 /WX /c /Zi "..\..\..\Util\MissingSuiteError.cpp"
    Creating command line "cl.exe @"c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000851766092.rsp" /nologo /errorReport:prompt"
    Creating temporary file "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000951766092.rsp" with contents
    /Od /I "..\..\..\Headers" /I "..\..\..\Headers\SP" /I "..\..\..\Headers\Win" /I "..\..\..\Resources" /I "..\..\..\Util" /D "MSWindows" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD /EHsc /MDd /Zp4 /Fp".\Debug/Resizer.pch" /FAs /Fa".\Debug/" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /FR"x64\Debug\\" /W2 /WX /c /Zi "..\Resizer_Strings.cpp"
    Creating command line "cl.exe @"c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000951766092.rsp" /nologo /errorReport:prompt"
    Creating command line "rc.exe /d "_DEBUG" /d "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /l 0x409 /fo"x64\Debug/ResizerPiPL.res" ".\ResizerPiPL.rc""
    Creating temporary file "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\TMP00000A51766092.tmp" with contents
    2 /* ISOLATIONAWARE_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID */ 24 /* RT_MANIFEST */ ".\\x64\\Debug\\Resizer.aex.embed.manifest"
    Creating command line "rc.exe /fo".\x64\Debug\Resizer.aex.embed.manifest.res" "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\TMP00000A51766092.tmp""
    Creating temporary file "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000B51766092.rsp" with contents
    /OUT:"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS6\MediaCore\Resizer.aex" /INCREMENTAL /DLL /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"x64\Debug\Resizer.aex.intermediate.manifest" /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /DEBUG /PDB:".\Debug/Resizer.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DYNAMICBASE:NO /IMPLIB:".\Debug/Resizer.lib" /MACHINE:X64 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
    Creating command line "link.exe @"c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000B51766092.rsp" /NOLOGO /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT"
    Creating temporary file "c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000C51766092.rsp" with contents
    /o "x64\Debug/Resizer.bsc"
    Creating command line "bscmake.exe @"c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\RSP00000C51766092.rsp" /nologo"
    Output window

    Compiling the PiPL
    Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for x64
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for x64
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Generating Code...
    Compiling resources...
    Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Compiling manifest to resources...
    Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.1.6723.1
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    LINK : cannot create map for .ILK file; linking nonincrementally
    LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS6\MediaCore\Resizer.aex'
    Creating browse information file...
    Microsoft Browse Information Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\DamsCGWorkStation\Documents\Programmation\After Effect\CS55\Downloads\Adobe-After-Effects-CS6-Win-SDK\Adobe After Effects CS6 Win SDK\Examples\Effect\Resizer\Win\x64\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
    Resizer - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    Hi blenderiseur!

    Welcome to the forum. :-)

    Looks like you put your SDK files in an unconventional place.

    really irritates the resource compiler tool...

    I think the standard path should be:

    c:\Program files\adobe\after effects cs6 sdk...

    do not hold me to the letter. Look for it here in the forum. He has been treated before.

    (my machine is configured very differently, so I can't check)

    You can configure the custom build step to search this tool to another location, but it's a pain to do.

    Let me know if that solves your problem.

  • A better way to get location AppData?

    To comply better with Vista, I took to the recovery of the location "AppData" in registry to determine a safe place for my application write files. The code I am using is like this:

    ERR = RegReadString (REGKEY_HKCU, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell records", "AppData", appdatapath, PATHLEN, & keysize);

    Basically, it works but I have had a few reports it does not - where the AppData registry entry is corrupted or invalid.  How that is I have no idea.

    But I'm intrigued by a key to this place on my Vista machine. The key is!. Do not use this registry key', and the value is "use the SHGetFolderPath or SHGetKnownFolderPath function.  It looks like a very good idea!

    Can anyone tell me if these SDK functions will solve my problem, or how they may differ from a plain reading of the registry string?  Anyone here use them?

    Thank you


    Hello Ian,

    I don't really know why this registry location works sometimes but not others, but Microsoft wants certainly we use the function and not in the registry.

    Note that SHGetKnownFolderPath is too recent to be included in the version of the Windows SDK that comes with the ICB, but you can certainly use SHGetFolderPath that works as well in Vista and XP/2000:


    char path [MAX_PATHNAME_LEN];


    (you will need to add shell32.lib to your project CVI).

    CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA gives you the commune, "all users" folder If you want the folder of each user, you can use CSIDL_APPDATA.


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    Is there a library feature to have a CVI application launch the default email client?  I can get pretty close to what I want using InetLaunchDefaultWebBrowser(), as below:

    InetLaunchDefaultWebBrowser ("mailto:[email protected]");

    But it would be nice if I didn't have to launch the web browser of the user as an intermediate step.  Thank you.

    You can try ShellExecute (Shell32.Lib must be included in your project CVI)


    ShellExecute (0 / * handle * /, "", "mailto:[email protected]", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

    It is a work on XP perfectly (thunderbird on my PC), but I'm not sure working on win2000 and old system

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    I have this path 'c:\test\' and I want to create this "c:\test\aaa\bbbb".

    The problem I have is that I have to create each time a different number of directories.

    I have to creat a Dir again, I need to create three s Dir and so on.

    I can only creat on dir both with makedir

    Thanks for the help

    The Windows SDK defines this handy function:

    int SHCreateDirectory (HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszPath);

    You must #include "shlobj.h" and finally to add 'shell32.lib' to the project. Use NULL for the handle of the window if you do not. This will create any intermediate path. looking in the documentation for the SDK or on the net for more details on return values.

  • File not found: includes/common/lib/file_upload/KT_FileUpload.asp please download him includes / folder on the test server.

    The cooperative, I belong to have a home page made with Dreamweaver, several years ago. Some of the pages suddenly stopped working with this error message:

    File not found:


    Please understand that download / file on the test server.

    I checked, and the file is actually missing on the web server. What I have to buy Dreamweaver to download this file, and it is a path worth pursuing?

    Dreamweaver version: I don't know who or how to check this, could check if given appropriate instructions.

    The page you have shown uses one of the InterAkt extensions for Dreamweaver. Unfortunately, InterAkt was acquired by Adobe, which, in turn, did nothing with it. The latest version was about 5 years ago and was called uninstall.

    Maybe someone here can help you friends of Interakt: Home Page

  • Delete the files from/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/docroot/downloads with Powercli

    I'm tying to achieve the same goal as their example of cron in this KB with PowerCLI or c#: & cmd = displayKC & externalId = 1026359

    We have tools that bring together our newspaper bundles ESX/ESXi and ship it to Vmware support for analysis, but the files never get removed from the * / downloads directory on the host.

    We have a mixed esx 3.5 / 4.0 to esx / esxi 4.1 environment. I prefer not to run local cronjobs on the hosts. Someone at - it a good way to handle this with PowerCLI or c# code against vCenter?

    Thank you!


    On the ESX servers, where you have a COS, you can use the command subsequently plink.exe alottt.

    There is an example in the HBA information: PowerCLI wire.

    On an ESXi server, you can use the same procedure, but it requires a bit more.

    And the environment that you are connecting is somewhat more limited compared to the COS.

    See the example of policies to change password on ESXi

  • Why Firefox does not insist on downloading instead of take me to this page, so I can access PDF files listed there?

    When you use Windows 7 Pro and Explorer 11, I used to be able to access the PDF documents in the library of the University of Yamagata, such as those listed in this index. I have since switching to Windows 10 and Firefox, and Yamagata repository interface has changed. Because so many things are different, I struggled to solve the problem: I can't get Firefox to take me to page Because it downloads it instead, I can't have PDFs on this topic.

      I have made both and trusted sites in Windows 10 and in Firefox, though it is unclear to what extent that alters Firefox's behavior.  On the other hand, MS Edge also fails.  Evidently, something more needs to be done.
      Archived messages on line suggest that the problem could be a hang-up when "index.php" is encountered and/or that "html" files are treated differently from "htm" files.  Perhaps so:  but how does one fix it?

    The server sends the header content-disposition: attachment with the file, which triggers the download dialog box. (Screenshot) There is no built-in way to substitute that.

    But there is an add-on for that. This extension was already proposed, but in the case where you missed it because its purpose was not explained, here is the link again:

  • How can I download a hi res photos.

    How do you download salvation of the resolution images for printing from an iPhone 5 s?  All I can do is 72 dpi files!

    I use EL Capitan 10.11.2 configures one this size in the phone, or is it just compressed once downloaded?

    Thank you.

    the size depends on the source file. A file may not print at a higher resolution that it is already in.

    You also need drivers for your printer and operating system.

    If you want to increase the DPI of an image source you need for editing application that supports this, such as imaging


    of resolution and size

    Affinity Designer ' t-scale-with-dp-i-change-to-document.

    or Gimp & p = 1888164

    Among others.

  • Impossible to download a demo of a web site download more (without given option when I click th right) since I've refreshed. Still can be downloaded from Internet Explorer but

    When I right click on an element of demo (music video in this case) that is for the download I get no option to download. He used to give me a until it had to update Firefox (because of me inadvertently allowing another site change the settings and configuration I used). When I use Internet explore the download works great (as used for Firefox). Watch a video of YouTube there used a download button, I also used to download. Now he's gone.

    Please first see these troubleshooting tips:

    Second, try a Safe Mode to make sure that it is not an add on that affect Firefox:
    Try Firefox Safe mode to see if the problem goes away. Firefox Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode that temporarily disables hardware acceleration, restores some settings and disables add-ons (extensions and themes).

    If Firefox is open, you can restart Firefox Safe mode in the Help menu:

    • Click the menu button

      click Help

      then select restart with disabled modules.

    If Firefox does not work, you can start Firefox in Mode safe as follows:

    • On Windows: Hold down the SHIFT key when you open the desktop Firefox or shortcut in the start menu.
    • On Mac: Hold the option key during the startup of Firefox.
    • On Linux: Exit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run firefox-safe-mode
      (you may need to specify the installation path of Firefox for example/usr/lib/firefox)

    When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, select "start mode safe."

    If the problem is not present in Firefox Safe Mode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, theme or hardware acceleration. Please follow the steps described in the section Troubleshooting extensions, themes and problems of hardware acceleration to resolve common Firefox problems to find the cause.

    To exit safe mode of Firefox, simply close Firefox and wait a few seconds before you open Firefox for normal use again.

    When find you what is causing your problems, please let us know. This might help others with the same problem.

  • Download of Firefox


    I recently had a problem with Firefox in the screen turns off, and it would not show any writing. I tried to go to troubleshooting to find a problem, but even that was empty and there was no writing.

    I decided to uninstall and reinstall Firefox. I uninstalled successfully, but when I tried to install again, I would download it and he'd say 'extraction '. Nothing would happen after that, as it says Firefox menu pop - up and follow the instructions to complete it is supposed to. I tried to download a few times, but it's the same problem each time.

    Someone at - it a solution for this? Thanks in advance!


    Try Firefox Safe mode to see if the problem goes away. Firefox Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode that disables certain parameters, disables most Add-ons (extensions and themes).

    If Firefox is open, you can restart Firefox Safe mode in the Help menu:

    • In Firefox 29,0 and above, click on the menu button

      click Help

      then select restart with disabled modules.

    • In previous versions of Firefox, click on the Firefox button in the upper left of the Firefox window and click help (or click on help in the Menu bar, if you do not have a Firefox button) and click on restart with disabled modules.

    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Mode safe mode as follows:

    • On Windows: Hold down the SHIFT key when you open the desktop Firefox or shortcut in the start menu.
    • On Mac: Hold the option key during the startup of Firefox.
    • On Linux: Exit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run firefox-safe-mode
      (you may need to specify the installation path of Firefox for example/usr/lib/firefox)

    When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, select "start mode safe."

    If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to understand that one. Please follow the section Troubleshooting extensions, themes and problems of hardware acceleration to resolve common Firefox problems to find the cause.

    To exit safe mode of Firefox, simply close Firefox and wait a few seconds before you open Firefox for normal use again.

    When find you what is causing your problems, please let us know. This might help others with the same problem.

  • Downloads fail when the connected HDMI cable

    Since FF26, whenever I plug my my laptop HDMI cable to switch the output on my TV screen or pull on the cable, all my current downloads fail.
    Any suggestions why this could be would be very appreciated!

    Hello z_smith,

    Please contact the Mozilla Support.

    Try Firefox Safe mode to see if the problem goes away. Firefox Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode that disables some settings and disables most Add-ons (extensions and themes).

    (If you are using an additional theme, place you in default theme.)

    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Mode without failure of Firefox in the Help menu by clicking on the restart with the disabled... modules menu item:

    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Mode safe mode as follows:

    • On Windows: Hold down the SHIFT key when you open the desktop Firefox or shortcut in the start menu.
    • On Mac: Hold the option key during the startup of Firefox.
    • On Linux: Exit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run firefox-safe-mode
      (you may need to specify the installation path of Firefox for example/usr/lib/firefox)

    Once you get the pop-up, simply select "" boot mode safe. "

    If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to understand that one. Please follow the section Troubleshooting extensions, themes and problems of hardware acceleration to resolve common Firefox problems to find the cause.

    To exit safe mode of Firefox, simply close Firefox and wait a few seconds before you open Firefox for normal use again.

    When find you what is causing your problems, please let us know. This might help others with the same problem.

    See you soon,.

  • Why several download windows pop up when I download a PDF file or other file?

    Whenever I try to download a file (PDF, JPG, DOC), which was attached to an email (I use Outlook WebMail) the document will download very well HOWEVER eight (8!) or more to download windows pop up as if I tried to download that file eight times (or more).

    So I 'X' by each window after downloading a file. This is the same file on each pop-up window.

    Since it is a new problem, I tried to turn off the computer and put back in operation but failed.

    Firefox 26.0

    Any help... PLEASE, I BEG YOU!


    Try Firefox Safe mode to see if the problem goes away. Safe mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most of the modules.

    (If you use it, switch to the default theme).

    • Under Windows, you can open Firefox 4.0 + in Safe Mode holding the key SHIFT key when you open the desktop Firefox or shortcut in the start menu.
    • On Mac, you can open Firefox 4.0 + in Safe Mode holding the key option key when starting Firefox.
    • Under Linux, you can open Firefox 4.0 + with leaving Firefox then go to your Terminal and running Safe Mode: firefox-safe-mode (you may need to specify the installation path of Firefox for example/usr/lib/firefox)
    • Or open the Help menu and click on the restart with the disabled... modules menu item while Firefox is running.

    Once you get the pop-up, simply select "" boot mode safe. "

    If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to understand that one. To do this, please follow article Troubleshooting extensions, themes and problems of hardware acceleration to resolve common Firefox problems .

    To exit safe mode of Firefox, simply close Firefox and wait a few seconds before you open Firefox for normal use again.

    When find you what is causing your problems, please let us know. It might help others who have the same problem.

    Thank you.

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