Excel XML format

Hi, I have an excel XML file that is downloaded from SAP as below, and I use the method in


to read the data in the xml file, but some columns eg.Component Req Qty (cell 22) was not read correctly.

y does it have that no XML Guru can help see something wrong with the SQL?

(Attached XML file)

Thank you


Here is the SQL code, I used to read the xml data.

Select x1.sheetname

x 2. PO


x 2. WH


x 2. PO_QTY

x 2. PN


x2.q1, x2.q2, x2.q3, x2.q4, x2.q5, x2.q6, x2.q7, x2.q8, x2.q9, x2.q10, x2.q11

of cust_tmp_xml t


XmlNamespaces (default ' urn: schemas-microsoft - com:office:spreadsheet')

"urn: schemas-microsoft - com:office:spreadsheet" as "ss") "."

, "/ Workbook/worksheet.

in passing t.object_value

path of sheetname varchar2 columns (31) ' @ss: name '

, lines xmltype path ' Table/Row.

) x 1


XmlNamespaces (default ' urn: schemas-microsoft - com:office:spreadsheet')

"' /Row [position () > 1]"

in passing x1.rowset

"path of varchar2 (20) column IN. ' Cell [1] / data"

", path of varchar2 (20) plant ' Cell [2] / data"

", Path of varchar2 (20) WH ' cell [3] / data"

", Path of varchar2 (20) FGPN ' cell [4] / data"

", Path of the PO_QTY NUMBER ' cell [7] / data"

", Path of varchar2 (30) PN ' cell [8] / data"

", sortstring varchar2 (10) path ' [11] cell / data"

, path of varchar2 (20) T1 ' cell [15] / data '

, path of varchar2 (20) q2 ' cell [16] / data '

, path of varchar2 (20) q3 ' cell [17] / data '

, path of varchar2 (20) q4 ' cell [18] / data '

", path number q5 ' cell [19] / data"

", q6 varchar2 (20) path ' cell [20] / data"

", path of varchar2 (20) q7 ' cell [21] / data"

, path of varchar2 (20) q8 "[22] cellular / data"

", path of varchar2 (20) q9 ' cell [23] / data"

", path of varchar2 (20) q10 ' cell [24] / data"

, path of varchar2 (20) q11 ' cell [25] / data '

) x 2

where x1.sheetname = "Sheet1".

SQL> with cells (r_num, c_data, c_pos) as (
  2      select /*+ no_merge(x1) */
  3             x2.r_num
  4           , x3.c_data
  5           , x3.c_num
  6             + nvl(
  7                 last_value(x3.c_idx - x3.c_num ignore nulls)
  8                 over(partition by x2.r_num order by x3.c_num)
  9               , 0
 10               )
 11      from gtt_xml t
 12         , xmltable(
 13             xmlnamespaces(
 14               default 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'
 15             , 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' as "ss"
 16             )
 17           , '/Workbook/Worksheet'
 18             passing t.object_value
 19             columns sheetname varchar2(4000) path '@ss:Name'
 20                   , rowset    xmltype        path 'Table/Row'
 21           ) x1
 22         , xmltable(
 23             xmlnamespaces(default 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet')
 24           , '/Row'
 25             passing x1.rowset
 26             columns r_num for ordinality
 27                   , cells xmltype path 'Cell'
 28           ) x2
 29         , xmltable(
 30             xmlnamespaces(
 31               default 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'
 32             , 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' as "ss"
 33             )
 34           , '/Cell'
 35             passing x2.cells
 36             columns c_num  for ordinality
 37                   , c_data varchar2(4000) path 'Data/text()'
 38                   , c_idx  number         path '@ss:Index'
 39           ) x3
 40      where x1.sheetname = 'Sheet1'
 41      and x2.r_num > 1
 42  )
 43  select *
 44  from cells
 45  pivot (
 46    min(c_data)
 47    for c_pos in (
 48      1    as PO
 49    , 2    as plant
 50    , 3    as WH
 51    , 4    as FGPN
 52    , 7    as PO_QTY
 53    , 8    as PN
 54    , 11   as sortstring
 55    , 15   as q1
 56    , 16   as q2
 57    , 17   as q3
 58    , 18   as q4
 59    , 19   as q5
 60    , 20   as q6
 61    , 21   as q7
 62    , 22   as q8
 63    , 23   as q9
 64    , 24   as q10
 65    , 25   as q11
 66    )
 67  );

     R_NUM PO             PLANT     WH     FGPN           PO_QTY   PN             SORTSTRING   Q1    Q2          Q3    Q4           Q5                        Q6    Q7                        Q8      Q9      Q10      Q11
---------- -------------- --------- ------ -------------- -------- -------------- ------------ ----- ----------- ----- ------------ ------------------------- ----- ------------------------- ------- ------- -------- ------
         2 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P19315-01OOS                                                     2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
         3 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00069-01OOS                230   R030702D01  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   276     276     585      276
         4 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00070-01OOS                260   F010506A    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   414     414     650      414
         5 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00074-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   966     0       0        0
         6 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00074-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   2208    0       0        0
         7 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00075-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   483     0       0        0
         8 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00079-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   207     0       0        0
         9 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00079-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   276     0       0        0
        10 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00080-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   1311    0       0        0
        11 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00080-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   138     0       0        0
        12 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00081-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   897     0       0        0
        13 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00081-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   483     0       0        0
        14 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00212-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   690     0       0        0
        15 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00221-01OOS                200   S101401A    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   138     138     138      138
        16 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00226-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   759     0       0        0
        17 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00227-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   759     0       0        0
        18 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00227-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   483     0       0        0
        19 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00228-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   138     0       0        0
        20 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00233-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   207     0       0        0
        21 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00233-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   828     0       0        0
        22 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00244-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   276     0       0        0
        23 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00244-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   207     0       0        0
        24 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00279-01OOS                210   P020806E    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   552     552     552      552
        25 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00394-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
        26 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00397-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   207     0       0        0
        27 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00420-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
        28 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00421-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   552     0       0        0
        29 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00811-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
        30 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P01127-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   414     0       0        0
        31 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P01169-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   138     138     0        138
        32 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P01333-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
        33 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P01333-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
        34 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P01423-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      69      0        69
        35 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P02310-01OOS                200   S101403B    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   2070    2070    3000     2070
        36 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P02373-01OOS                200   S101404B    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   4899    4899    5000     4899
        37 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03184-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      69      0        69
        38 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03490-01OOS                260   F010502A    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   414     414     847      414
        39 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03670-01OOS                200   S100202B    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   138     138     138      138
        40 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03695-01OOS                230   SS BIN 1    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   207     207     639      207
        41 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03742-01OOS                230   SS BIN 1    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      69      381      69
        42 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03848-01OOS                260   F030400A    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   9108    9108    9108     9108
        43 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03954-01OOS                230   SS BIN 1    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   690     454     454      454
        44 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P04097-01OOS                260   F040306C    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   483     483     500      483
        45 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P05120-01OOS                260   F020303B    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   483     483     483      483
        46 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P03316-02OOS                210   P020104A    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      69      5        69
        47 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       1400-0617YJY                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   207     0       0        0
        48 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       8110-0002YJS                210   P020606A    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   27.6    27.6    0        27.6
        49 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       345300CYJS                  200   S090406B    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      69      69       69
        50 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       345301CYJS                                    525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   13.8    0       0        0
        51 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       3508-0133YJS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   0       0       0        0
        52 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00271-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0
        53 100002343123   2010      201    P19314-01OOS   69       P00544-01OOS                                  525   PRODSUPPLY   2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69    2015-04-09T00:00:00.000   69      0       0        0

52 rows selected.

Tags: Database

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    There is also an excellent tutorial that explains what to do to start using the XML editor


    Documentation for EBS can be found on http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/applications-167706.html

    Detailed descriptions of all objects of the EBS and the ERD diagrams are at http://etrm.oracle.com


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    You're right that the current implementation does not do.

    You have two options:

    1. create your own plugin that analyzes your resultlist and generates the XML file

    2. create something late MainSequence which analyses the resultlist and generates the XML file

    It depends on the scope of your project.  If there is one thing to type 1 and then option 2 would be easier.  If it's something, you use through multiple tests and then I'd go with Option 1.

    In both cases, you must go to analyze thorugh the results list and generate code for XML.  I recommend keeping the algorithm in TestStand to browse the resultlist.  It is much easier and simpler.  Simply create a sous-suite that does and pass the list of results.

    Kind regards

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    This is the email only changed in XML format?

    You can use your favorite search engine to look for third party software to convert XML to HTML format or other readable formats.

    Note:   software use of third parties, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of third-party software can be solved. Software using third party is at your own risk.

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    A colleague came to me because he has a classic report that displays the data in XML format created by a function of the atmosphere. Need download data in XML format to use in another application.

    The download link in the report attributes is set to YES, and when the report is downloaded the XML tags are removed.

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    I tried to change the display as attributes, but the XML tags are always removed once downloaded.

    So, can anyone help with how to get the report now download XML tags?

    Can what information I provide?

    Thank you


    Joe R wrote:

    A colleague came to me because he has a classic report that displays the data in XML format created by a function of the atmosphere. Need download data in XML format to use in another application.

    The download link in the report attributes is set to YES, and when the report is downloaded the XML tags are removed.

    The problem, it could be that the HTML of band property is set for the report...

    I know that the report template in the page layout and Pagination in report attributes can be set to "export: xml", but it removes the XML tags he has on data and replaces it with the APEX XML tags.

    I tried to change the display as attributes, but the XML tags are always removed once downloaded.

    So, can anyone help with how to get the report now download XML tags?

    Can what information I provide?

    If this is not something trivial as have broadband active HTML while we'd probably need everything: source report, all report and settings of the region, function source in pipeline, DDL for dependent objects, sample output etc.

    Is a report showing raw XML data on screen one any real use? Another option would be to drop the report completely and expose the result of the function in pipeline for download through an application process on.

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    Best regards


    What is your version of the database?

    I reproduce on or

    SQL > create table xmltype tmp_xml

    xmltype store 2 as securefile xml binary;

    Table created.

    SQL > insert into tmp_xml values)

    xmlParse 2 (document ' ')

    3  );

    1 line of creation.

    SQL > select object_value in the tmp_xml;



  • XML Format statement with grouping

    Allow me to preface this with the notice I'm not familiar with the XML code outside of its hierarchical structure and not'm not familiar with what you can do with him using formatting.

    For example, let's say you have the following table:

    Object_type | Object_name | Descriptor of |
    Fruit | Apple | Crisp |
    Fruit | Orange | Sour |
    Cookware | Pencil | Wood |

    Now, let's say you want to query this table to return a XML format, which will be used in a web site to view information, and you want to group the view by Object_Type, so you want an XML format, like this:

    < group >
    Result of < object Type > < / object Type >
    < object >
    < object name > Apple < / object name >
    crunchy <>descriptor < / template >
    < / object >
    < object >
    Orange < object name > < / object name >
    Sure < descriptor > < / template >
    < / object >
    < / group of objects >

    < group >
    Utensil of < object Type > < / object Type >
    < object >
    < object name > pencil < / object name >
    <>descriptor wood < / template >
    < / object >
    < / group of objects >

    However, from what I can tell, using the XMLELEMENT function, it seems the closest, I can get is:

    SELECT XMLELEMENT ("group object",
    XMLELEMENT ("Object Type", object_type)
    XMLELEMENT ("subject",
    XMLELEMENT ("object name", object_name)
    XMLELEMENT ("Descriptor", descriptor)
    Of object_tbl;

    < group >
    Result of < object Type > < / object Type >
    < object >
    < object name > Apple < / object name >
    crunchy <>descriptor < / template >
    < / object >
    < / group of objects >

    < group >
    Result of < object Type > < / object Type >
    < object >
    Orange < object name > < / object name >
    Sure < descriptor > < / template >
    < / object >
    < / group of objects >

    < group >
    Utensil of < object Type > < / object Type >
    < object >
    < object name > pencil < / object name >
    <>descriptor wood < / template >
    < / object >
    < / group of objects >

    Is it possible to group them in a way so that Apple and Orange are in the same < Object Group >? Or does that not make sense and this grouping can be done on the website itself by formatting the XML?

    Published by: Nick Clinite on May 14, 2013 09:59


    This sounds like a job for the XMLAGG function.
    Browse this section of the manual of SQL language and look at all the functions that start with XML. There is no need to memorize all the, but begin to learn what tools are available.

    Whenever you have a question, please post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) for all of the tables involved and also publish outcomes from these data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get these results from these data.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using. Do not use just a vague and easily missed, label like "11g"; out to the right and give your exact version, for example,, in the body of the message.
    See the FAQ forum {message identifier: = 9360002}

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    We use the Hyperion financial management of the quality of the data (version
    Earlier today we are generating the export format .dat file, is it possible to generate the export to .xml format file?

    What are the possible export available in MDF file formats?
    Any suggestion would be greatly helpful.

    Thanks in advance :)

    Aly Hassan

    The file output and its formatting is defined/created in the Export Action of each adapter FDM script. You can modify this script to print the file exported in any format you want. However, I don't see why you want to do for the entire target specific adapters supplied with FDM, well if we talk about changing the default output of the adapter then PULL, this would be where you would bring changes. There is no magic switch that automatically does for you :-)

  • Is there a tool to view / get the SQL XML format?

    Work on Oracle 11g R2 SOE.
    It is my first try with XML function, suppose I have a query similar to the one mentioned here, how to get a well formatted by this query XML file?
    I run on SQL Plus and tried 'Spool' in the xml file, but information was not in XML format.
    select xmlelement(
                     select xmlagg(
                                   xmlcdata(e.ename) ename,
                     from   emp e
                     where  e.deptno = d.deptno and
                            e.empno in (7369, 7499, 7934)
                   ) employees
           ) x
    from   dept d;
    Kind regards

    Fateh says:
    Thank you
    Yes, I meant by good - as XML, the same format you obtained as a result of your query.

    The point is that the expression "well formatted" in terms XML, means an XML document that has the opening and closing etc and responds to the XML standard. It does not mean one that is displayed in a way enough with all the beautiful indented of the hierarchy. This is called a "pretty print" XML document

    As Odie, for technical purposes you need only a well formatted XML document, because if you insist on using a pretty print XML, then you introduce a lot of white space in the document, which will make the XML content conisiderably of large files for example more big or bigger storage required. To treat XML programmatically there not enough print XML at all.

    So, why do you need your print by little data?

    If you have data stored in an XML file, you can simply open it in a web browser and it will present this pretty print for you... If it's just a case of you want to be able to browse the data for testing etc.

  • read data from utl file in xml format

    I need like this...

    UTL file (on server) I'll have 10 records in xml format, the file is located in the xml extension.

    now I want to read all 10 records in the server using the UTL files
    and I want to extract the values of labels.

    links or solutions?

    Why utl?

    Why not use bfilename?
    Re: How to insert rows from an xml file in a table
    Re: Tags XML in the top or bottom of case?

  • Extract data to XML Format?

    Hello world

    Is this possible in 11.1.2 to extract HFM in XML data (including topic Details).

    Thank you
    Robb Salzmann

    Hi Robb,

    I fear for the data you will be limited to a custom code or potentially ODI in conjunction with the XML driver. A small review of the XML driver might not be obvious that she would support the entry of data in an XML format - apparently not written bear installation XML schema.

    If you write custom code, you can look at Apache Xerces to: http://xerces.apache.org/

    Someone else?

    Kind regards

    John A. Booth

  • The action Wizard has no option to save in XML format

    The action Wizard has the ability to save in jpg format, but doesn't have an option to save in XML format. What is the best way to save a PDF file in xml format. I have about 100 PDF files I am trying to record in xml format.

    The action Wizard has the ability to save in jpg format, but doesn't have an option to save in XML format.

    Of course, it does.

  • I wonder if it is possible to design a form that will read the records in xml format?

    I'm studying for exams and don't really get study a lot because of work and I recently bought flashcards for the subject that are in XML format. The flashcards are open through a program that comes with them and it's just a small flashcard base looking for the box. Very simple.

    Well, the problem I have is that I want to study at work but failed to install software not approved. But I was wondering if I could create a flashcard form that displays the XML for me so that I look like im work haha. I want to import the XML data into the form.

    Here is a copy of one of the files xml (card game)

    Thank you

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    < core_version mnemosyne = "1" >

    < active category = "1" >

    secured transactions < name > < / name >

    < / category >

    < item id = "_0" >

    secured transactions < CAT > < / cat >

    < Q > what a security attach or become enforceable? < /q >

    < a > secure interest must be accompanied by taking into account

    Debtor must actually own the rights in the collateral or have in his possession

    Guaranteed interest that much be registered < /A >

    < / point >

    < item id = "_1" >

    secured transactions < CAT > < / cat >

    < Q > what are the characteristics of perfection of interest in a secure transaction? < /q >

    < a > receives higher on other priority claim rights to guarantee after that perfection takes place

    Attachment must take place BEFORE perfection

    < /A >

    < / point >

    < item id = "_2" >

    secured transactions < CAT > < / cat >

    < Q > how perfection occurs in a secure transaction? < /q >

    < A > by the filing of a financing statement

    With the collateral < /A >

    < / point >

    < item id = "_3" >

    secured transactions < CAT > < / cat >

    < Q > automatic perfection happens in a secure transaction? < /q >

    < a > store sells a consumer credit of course - store maintains security

    A Bank finances the purchase of a good consumer - Bank keeps safety < /A >

    < / point >

    < item id = "_4" >

    secured transactions < CAT > < / cat >

    < Q > what are the rules of priority of payment in a secure transaction? < /q >

    < A > if both parties are developed, then the first file WINS

    If none of the parties are perfect, then the first set win < /A >

    < / point >

    < item id = '_5' >

    secured transactions < CAT > < / cat >

    < Q > what are the benefits of a creditor with a lien in a secure transaction? < /q >

    < a > creditor has priority over claims of warranty against collateral not perfect

    Bat perfected security interests filed after attachment of privilege

    Exceptions: Purchase money security, which has the grace period of 10 days to file

    Buyers to purchase in the normal course of business are immune from collateral held by merchants < /A >

    < / point >

    < / mnemosyne >


    For me, it was easier to simply create the form for you that he would have been giving step by step instructions. I was able to link the XML you provided to a repeatable subform. The answers are hidden until you press a button to see the answer.

    If you send me a private message here with your email address, I'll send the pdf to you directly.


  • Variables FM renamed and duplicated after save in XML format

    Hello again,

    I am also a problem where formal economy docs as XML results in the duplication of work and renaming of variables.  For example, in a given document, I have the name of the web service inserted as variable 4 times throughout the piece. Once I recorded in XML format, the variable is renamed fmvar1, fmvar2, fmvar3 and fmvar4.  Then, when I open the doc once again, instead of having 1 variable in 4 places, I now have 4 variables on 4 sites.

    variable duplication.png

    Is that what I should wait, because there is no way to tell the XML doc (or FM transmit this information) it's the same variable, used in 4 places?

    Kind regards



    You don't mention the name of your variable to FrameMaker. I suspect that it contains a space or other special character that is not allowed in an XML name.

    FrameMaker writes XML variables as entity references General. If a variable name is a valid from MXL, default name, it uses the name of the variable in the name of the entity. Several references to such an entity can occur. If not, he names the variable fmvar # where # is an integer. In this case, you are right that it generates a different entity for each occurrence of the variable. I also find this proliferation of general entities to be a bug.

    You can change the default behavior with a rule of read/write in the form:

    "twowords" entity is variable fm "two words";

    In your case, so you have at least 3 choices:

    1) live with multiple entities

    (2) rename the variable to something that can be used as a name of entity

    (3) add a rule r/w for each variable in any document that causes this problem


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