Exception during consumption of huge data from a web service.


I m developing an application to receive data from a Web Service and retain the data received on the device.

App is developed for OS 4.3.0

The Web Service call is made using Ksoap. The Code receives the data from the web service, analyzes the data and stores it in an object. This object is then persisted on the device. The data are essentially the coordinates. It takes the number of contacts required as input and passes it to the Web Service. The Web Service then returns the requested number of records

The code works if I ask data of up to ~ 600 cases. If I specify more than 600 cases, it throws the following exception

Chain rg.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException:unexpected type (position: TEXT entity request in T...@1:24 in java.io.InputStreamReader@1f87d1b4)

When I debugged using Eclipse, this exception is thrown on this statement ht.call (soapAction, envelope);

Would it be because of a time-out? OT is because the Analyzer is not able to analyze huge data?

Given that this exception occurs on the declaration of ht.call, I guess the problem is with the web service call and not with the code for persistent storage.

I have included the code here... Is could someone please show me what the problem is?

C ode to call Web Services

public Vector getWebData(String count)

   Vector personsVectorto = new Vector();
    StringBuffer receivedContent = new StringBuffer();
    String serviceUrl = "........";
    String serviceNamespace = ".....";
    String soapAction = ".........";

   SoapObject rpc = new SoapObject(serviceNamespace, "GetContactsList");
        //rpc.addProperty("listSize", "5");
        rpc.addProperty("listSize", count);
     SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);

        envelope.bodyOut = rpc;

        envelope.dotNet = true;
        envelope.encodingStyle = SoapSerializationEnvelope.XSD;
        HttpTransport ht = new HttpTransport(serviceUrl);
        ht.debug = true;

        ht.call(soapAction, envelope); // This is where thexmlpullparser exception occurs

 Object obj = envelope.getResponse();
        SoapObject soapResult = (SoapObject)obj;

            for(int i=0; i < soapResult.getPropertyCount(); i++)

              PersonDTO personto = new PersonDTO();
           SoapObject choice = (SoapObject)soapResult.getProperty(i);
            if( choice!=null)
                for(int j = 0; j < choice.getPropertyCount(); j++)
                  receivedContent.append(" Reading Property Number" + String.valueOf(j) + " Value = " + choice.getProperty(j).toString());

     if (j==0) personto.setElement(1,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
    if (j==1) personto.setElement(2,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
    if (j==2) personto.setElement(3,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
    if (j==3) personto.setElement(4,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
    if (j==4) personto.setElement(5,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
     if (j==5) personto.setElement(6,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
     if (j==6) personto.setElement(7,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
      if (j==7) personto.setElement(8,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
     if (j==8) personto.setElement(9,choice.getProperty(j).toString());
   if (j==9) personto.setElement(10,choice.getProperty(j).toString());


        }catch(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException ex2)
            String bah1 = ex2.toString();
            Dialog.alert("String: " + bah1);
            String bah2 = ex2.getMessage();
            Dialog.alert("Message: " + bah2); 


        catch(Exception ex){
            String bah = ex.toString();
            Dialog.alert("Response: " + bah);


            return personsVectorto;

Thank you

Hi Philippe,.

First Question: Print server response

Yes - I think for you too in fact just print the answer you'll have to do a regular HTTP call to the server and print it like this:

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

int thumb;

HttpConnection httpConn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open (url);

httpConn.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.GET); or by POST depending on your needs

in = httpConn.openInputStream ();

While ((thumb = in.read ())! = - 1).


SB. Append ((Char) inCh);


System.out.println ("server response:" + sb.toString ());

Try and see if you get a request too large entity. Note: you should probably put your SOAP request in GET or POST http request.

Second Question: Is zipping required?

This is how I chose to do for my particular needs that transfer me a large amount of data and the compression algorithm seems to keep all my data well below 40 k. However, it is not the only way, you could actually make several requests and get data piece by piece, but I don't know if it works well with SOAP responses. Depending on the type of Network Setup Blackberry you have, you can also set this limit to be higher (I think a maximum of 1 024 Ko for BES).

Third Question: Timeout Logging

For wait times, usually the exception you get should indicate that there was a timeout, but if you are suspicious that it's a timeout check your web service and see.

Hope that helps!


Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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                  Subscriber confirmed
                  Subscriber confirmed
                  Subscriber confirmed
                  Subscriber confirmed

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      2  FROM tmp_xml t
      3     , XMLTable(
      4         XMLNamespaces(
      5           'http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope' as "soap"
      6         , 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1' as "diffgr"
      7         , 'http://api.***.com/' as "ns0"
      8         )
      9       , '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns0:GetOptOutAllResponse/ns0:GetOptOutAllResult/diffgr:diffgram/NewDataSet/OptOutAll'
     10         PASSING t.object_value
     11         COLUMNS OptOutTime  TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE PATH 'OptOutTime'
     12               , MailingList VARCHAR2(100)            PATH 'MailingList'
     13               , Reason      VARCHAR2(150)            PATH 'Reason'
     14       ) x
     15  ;
    OPTOUTTIME                          MAILINGLIST                    REASON
    ----------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    09/05/12 22:40:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed
    07/06/12 22:30:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed
    14/06/12 00:20:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed
    19/06/12 20:50:00,000000 +02:00     information                    Subscriber confirmed

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    public void result_getAll(event:ResultEvent):void


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    Here, I would like to put the value in the text field.


    What do you see with this:

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    If this post answers your question or assistance, please mark it as such.

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    Go to the Connections tab, and then click the Green plus sign on the central section - you need to add a 'invokeAction. Give it a name, and then select the iterator that built the table, and that's all you should have to do. The invokeAction fires whenever you visit the page and should update the list.


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    Pilot, verified and associated usbfilter.sys from Advanced Micro Devices Inc. USB filter driver.

    Remove the driver current completely and install the latest driver available.  For instructions on how to do read everything to update the drivers of my partner JMH3143 http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki/windows_other-hardware/updating-a-driver/a5e6345e-af9b-4099-bef0-8d22254aa1c1?tm=1436753520149 here

    Also and important you need to update this driver since 2005.  It is a known problem in win 7 (ASACPI.sys)

    Pre 2009 this driver version is a known cause of BSOD.

    Please visit Asus tek computer Inc. - support - drivers and download p7p55d the

    Scroll to the utility category, then scroll down to the "atk0110 driver for Windows XP/vista/windows 7 32 & 64-bit" (it is about 12 down).
    Download and install it.

    Go to c:\windows\system32\drivers to check and make sure that the file asacpi.sys is stamped 2009 or 2010 (not before).  If you are using Win 8 there are at least a 2012 version that is needed for this.  If you can't find it on the site of ASUS you can download using windows update.  Read about it here
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    See http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/2743. It has the code to get the HTML from a URL. Once you have that, all you have to do is to analyze this code (String) for the data of interest.

    Amit Mathilde

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    You can ask this question in the forum of the MAF

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