Explicacion memoria uso


He estado con revisando bastante e afan intentando understand los contadores performance of una VM in Relación a los town of memoria. Me surgen dudas.

Tengo bastante claro that:

(1) granted memory = memory consumed + shared memory

(2) shared memory = memory zero + RAM COMPARTIDA

(3) para el valor RAM COMPARTIDA, decir memoria compartida con otras VMs utilizando deduplicacion del Page sharing sin into account areas of memory are a 0. I think it indicates no hay any contador as este valor directly.

(4) fresh el General memory entered in estos computos.

(5) Granted Memoria = memory total Quebec City we see in Windows.

(6) use of memory (%) = (active memory / memory granted) * 100

Put dudas surgen aqui:

In este punto appears memory Active, pero...? of juego Donde entered into Active memory? ¿mediante is a shingles Memoria of consumed memory?

He visto también that shared memory = Memoria available in en windows, pero no entiendo el concepto, realmente Hay is good RAM COMPARTIDA con otroas VMs y entiendo than esta RAM is esta utilizando y por lo tanto no estar available should...

Spend los back puntos anteriores, entonces memoria usada, Quebec City we see in windows should be consumed memory.

What amendments indica smell use (%) of the Memoryr? ¿quiza UN trabajo of the memoria Parâmetro? ES decir, Delcourt memoria consumida, hay una parte that're the memoria activa that esta trabajando y esta zona as realmente esta tabajando, el Memory use (%) amendments of el uso the memoria indicator?

In the end... try expuestas.



VCP4 and professional VCP3 certified VMware.


If upon that esta o any other campaign respuesta ha sido utility, votalas. Gracias.

If you find this or any other information useful or appropriate, please consider giving points. Thank you.

Okay vamos a dejar los puntos claros tratar,

= aquella memoria virtual shared memory (memory physics comments) that're compartida between machines virtual utilizando (GST-transparent page sharing (memoria identica) y memoria in zeros) básicamente mem deduplicada con GST y toda aquella United Nations comments that contenga zeros.

Memory = Granted are the amount of memoria in ese momento mapeada a Máquina virtual dicha, aqui is includes fresh el General (the amount of memory needed para virtualizar dicha vm). None are memoria garantizada, TR "garantizar" estariamos spend reservaciones hablaramos.

Active memory = aquella memoria as el vmkernel ha visto having activity recently (lectura y escritura) por lo cual no inactive esta en. El vmkernel toma and statistics of 100 pages cada 30 segundos.

Memory zero = memoria con puros ceros, windows el momento than bootea "toca" the memoria y escribe puros ceros ella, esta memoria en forma parte Memoria compartida.

Entonces shared memory = memory zero + GST (this is the Sección amarilla en you faltante diagrama).

Esta imagen me I help a su momento hear a mi este embrollo:

Granted memory = (VM1) contamos the amount of "flechas o Francisco" salen los blocks of 'physical memory comments' a los blocking "memory machine", we have 5 flechas o 5 block mapeados a United Nations blocks fisico, por ende if cada blocks of 4 KB, we have 20 KB of memory granted.

Consumed memory = (VM1) aca vamos a count the amount of blocking mapeados, are no contamos blocking the amount of "Patio" sino, entonces, tenemos 3 blocking the VM1 mapeados "memory of the machine" (memoria del ESX/ESXi host), pero if do we have one blocks shared with the VM2, por lo tanto tenemos 2.5 blocks 4 KB as en total would be 10 KB.

shared memory (memoria of VMS) = Aca vamos a observar both VM1, VM2 maquinas y, contamos todos aquellos blocking of "memory physics comments ' Board a UN mismo blocks in 'machine memory' (mem del ESX), entonces, tenemos 6 blocks, por lo cual 6 x 4 = 24 KB compartidos, esto, viene al nivel physical memory as basically being memoria o las guest virtual machines virtual.

common shared memory (memoria ESX) = contamos the amount of blocked compartidos al nivel 'memory machine', we have 3 blocks compartidos por lo cual memoria compartida between todas las vms (in this case 1 y 2) of're 12KO. This is the memoria compartida directly del ESX (fisica).

El problema as tenemos con windows y el task manager esta en when is starts windows to use mucha Memoria (the ceros llena), el caso y Québec exista recursos contencion memoria no is the quita a vm dicha, por lo cual podemos ver UN consumo mas elevado dentro del task manager mientras el consumo del en el ESX comments are mucho menor are the memoria activa ESA vm are mucho menor

Espero acercado aclarado las dudas, este tema para mi también fue muy dificil en understand knew momento you fits as vieras siguiente presentacion del VMworld 2008



If you find this information useful, please give points to "correct" / "useful."

My blog virtualizacion you en idioma

Tags: VMware

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    PS: all the jar are signed and all permissions are granted.

    Thank you very much!


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    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >

    " < jnlp spec ="1.0"xmlns:jfx =" http://JavaFX.com "href =" Tedros - Box.jnlp "> "

    < information >

    < title > Tedros-Box < /title >

    < vendor name > Gordon Davis < / seller >

    value null < description > < / description >

    < offline permitted / >

    < / information >

    < resources >

    " < jfx:javafx - runtime version ="2.2 +"href =" http://javadl.Sun.com/webapps/download/GetFile/JavaFX-latest/Windows-i586/javafx2.JNLP "/ > "

    < / resource >

    < resources >

    " < j2se version = '1.6 +' href = ' http://Java.Sun.com/products/AutoDL/J2SE "/>

    < jar href = "Tedros - Box.jar" size = '200921' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = "lib/App-message - Controle.jar" size = "141981" download = "eager" / >

    < jar href = ' lib/Tedros-App - API.jar' size = '116706' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = "lib/Tedros-Core - EjbClient.jar" size = '5185' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = ' lib/Tedros-Core - Model .jar' size = '47516' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = ' lib/Tedros-Core' size = '108000' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = ' lib/Tedros-DataAccess-model - API.jar' size = '13588' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = ' lib/Tedros-DataAccess-Server - API.jar' size = '32124' download 'impatient' = / >

    < jar href = "lib/Tedros - Exception.jar" size = "2624" download = "forward" / >

    < jar href = "lib/Tedros - FXComponents.jar" size = "282972" download = "eager" / >

    < jar href = ' lib/Tedros - Util.jar' size = '15348' download 'impatient' = / >

    "< jar href="lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar ' size = download "583672" = "forward" / >

    "< jar href="lib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar ' size = tΘlΘchargement "319222" = "forward" / >

    "< jar href="lib/eclipselink-jpa-modelgen_2.4.1.v20121003-ad44345.jar ' size = tΘlΘchargement "12387" = "forward" / >

    < jar href = "lib/eclipselink.jar' size = download"8449501"="forward"/ >"

    "< jar href="lib/javaee-api-6.0-5.jar ' size = download "989597" = "forward" / >

    "< jar href="lib/javax.persistence_2.0.4.v201112161009.jar ' size = download "128747" = "forward" / >

    < jar href = "lib/jfxrt.jar' size = download"15117378"="forward"/ >"

    "< jar href="lib/openejb-client-4.5.2.jar ' size = download "318492" = "forward" / >

    "< jar href="lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpars.source_2.4.1.v20121003-ad44345.jar ' size = tΘlΘchargement "65144" = "forward" / >

    "< jar href="lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpars_2.4.1.v20121003-ad44345.jar ' size = tΘlΘchargement "93694" = "forward" / >

    "< jar href="lib/spring-beans-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar ' size = download "563508" = "forward" / >

    < / resource >

    < security >

    < all-permissions / >

    < / security >

    < width applet-desc = "1280" height = "760" hand-class = "com.javafx.main.NoJavaFXFallback" name = "Tedros-Box" >

    < param name = "requiredFXVersion" value = "2.2 +" / >

    < / applet-desc >

    < jfx:javafx - width desc = "1280" height = "760" hand-class = "com.tedros.Tedros" name = "Tedros-Box" / >

    < audit update 'always' = policy = "always" / >

    < / jnlp >

    I could be wrong, but I don't think that these are not errors. They just say you whence your jar files. In your case, they just cached entries. You probably want to clear your cache. I do this by running javaws - uninstall and then javaws - clearcache

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    Physical server of the Outro possui only 01 disco SATA 250 GB, com 4GB memoria RAM, atuando como simple Fileserver only, remote access e dominio driver, sistema operational Windows Server 2003 R2.

    O client quer vitualizar estas e Máquinas add but uma para ser um Fileserver Printserver dedicated, beleza, solicitei cotacao Máquina e a um partner Dell e ele me enviou, Máquina para instalar Vmware ESXi 4.1, com as seguintes hardware features.

    24GB of RAM

    02 Processadores Intel Xeon Quad-Core da series 56xx

    Gigabit of rede 02 interfaces of

    E 03 em 500 GB of the discos SATA RAID-5

    MAS, what a most profissionais e o say that disco SATA nao e bom para virtualizar, has used deixar muito a performance of em desejar, claro as discos chegam ate 15 K rpm SAS e disco SATA nao 7.2 Jeanne K, mas ai peegunto o fato discos SATA, vir pode ser a pudiendo o projeto? Or seja, Concerto as Máquinas physical em tolls, not coloco tudo neste servidor com ESXi e o novo client pode ter problemas com gargalo no sistema?

    Como estou Coordenando este pequeno projeto P2V, nao quero ter problemas com back of causa este client por discos e ai me queimar

    O that I don't?



    NAO is um padrão para I/O banco dados Oracle number. Depende muito da size than using esse banco esta.

    E O ideal use any logging para coletar o memoria uso, processador, rede e disco. Desta forma voce pode fazer um sizing apropriado do noso material. Você pode usar o VMware Capacity Planner, UO is for servers o ideal para perfmon (windows); top (linux); or any another tool you agrade.

  • USO of memoria y CPU, s en ESX 4.1

    Buenos dias

    Tengo montado para the tests a small PC, como s ESX host with Vmware infrastructure. Antes tenia con pc an esx 4.0 con 1 image is 4 GB RAM y ahora he comprado otro mas con powerful 1 Quad Core y 8 GB para instalar an ESX segundo. In este nuevo he wont el ESX 4.1 y una Máquina virtual XP 64 bit el virtualcenter 4.1. Add los back after host al virtualcenter y mover las Máquinas al nuevo host para fornuis soon el antiguo con ESX 4.0, the del virtualcenter vm host y el propio client of vmware accediendo al virtualcenter van He estado mirando los requirimientos UN pelin lentos hard del vc4.1 y veo son bastante altos y mas para mi infrastructure there been momento no llego a ellos ahi the lentitud. Bueno, esta explicacion toda para long, puedo estirar el hardware del host is? If I have a Quad Core is 8 GB puedo asignar, of for example, 8 CPU Office y 16 RAM, las maquinas office sin that affect en exceso al performance general host los y las vm, s? ¿o If hago eso to me co-ordinate todo? colour donde no pasar should?. Been para the tests the working carga y el trafico are no gran cosa in spite of a DC 2003, United Nations exchange 2007 tener, a linux firewall y ahora estoy serve back 2003 para instalar Xenapp vm, todo esto, some clients are mas the instalacion what el uso going has tener. Gracias of photos.

    Kind regards



    None will be replaced by Recomiendan asignar so many vCPU en una VM, of hecho the mid-week use 1 o 2 vCPU per VM has less than the requiera mas capacidad of aforementioned application y siempre that the application can handle multiple processors.


    As has the RAM, you can sober-aprovisionar memoria in tus VM, o sea, asignar mas memoria problems with what you have, pero esto implicaria hacer paginacion memoria in disco, lo cual impactaria fuertemente en tus performance VMs.  Cada vez than not hay contencion memoria, in brought her the in fisica memoria no're suficiente para los requirements of tus VMs, VMware Roman los requirements making the memoria swaping, lo cual clearly reduce fuertemente performance.

    Best wishes / Saludos


  • USO of memoria Máquina virtual Windows Server 2003 R2 STD

    Hola dear grupo,

    Queria hacerles una consulta no dado than no entiendo como memoria RAM asigna a las maquinas Office ESXi 4.0. 2 detallo docking 1 del ESXI donde indica el uso en el host memoria y otra el administrator of tasks of Windows where indicates that tiene mas memoria RAM Escalin Québec esta using in el ESXi host.

    How this can be?

    Desde el tiempo por leer mi message thank is.

    A gran Saludo!

    Martin Morana

    Hola MMorana

    ES debido has the technology of VMware, llamada overcommitment, decir, you server ESX overcommited, lo cual esta are no bueno, desde el punto performance vista, pero esta tecnologia hace as el ratio of page para servidores ESX sea Mayor in otras soluciones Virtualizacion.


    Jose Maria Gonzalez,

    Founder and president of JmGVirtualConsulting.com


  • Memoria fantasma IPhone 6

    Saludos a todos:

    I have a 16 GB IPhone 6 me lo compre en el ano pasado, el problema TX are me siento estafado por el uso memoria del equipo. Para hacer mi valido calls for detallare exactamente los motivated:

    In primer lugar, el equipo are 16 GB of available memory, bueno yo no veo 16 GB available for porque cuando entro en clamp/General/information/la capacidad of're 11.8 GB. Tiendo than por Apple policies are the IPhones los structure without concern that can include memorias SD, pero al menos TR van a poner extra details the memoria as vamos has used, that sea eso realmente, aun if el operating system IOS requiera should include an aside una memoria para eso.

    In segundo lugar, we have the capacity of 11.8 GB y mi caso lo siguiente:

    USO en: 10.4 GB

    Available in French: 1.2 GB

    Sumado should dar 11.8 pero da 11.6 gb, falta memoria como ven.

    Ahora, las sumando applications than I have in el detail should dar los 10.4 gb... in the dar ese number pero cuando sumo should realidad me da lo siguiente:

    2.34 gb used por todas las del IPhone applications (including las descargadas of the AppStore). Entonces digo lo siguiente:



    Soy yo o algo esta raro. AHI no tengo none foto, video, en mi casir, no tengo musica in mi IPhone, of juego y solo tengo UN 1.2 GB.

    POr favor alguien than me can explain.

    Part of the space is used by the operating system and reinstalled apps. How OS X and iOS report storage - Apple Support

    To see what is using to top your space go to settings > use storage and iCloud > manage storage > what is at the top of the list.


  • Details on the implementation of shared memory to set memory_target on Oracle Linux

    Hi all.

    I have a database of Oracle 11 g Rel2 ( 64-bit running on Oracle Linux 5.8 64-bit.

    Several notes on MOS, must properly configure the shared memory to make use of automatic (memory_target) memory management.

    On these notes basically to allocate memory: Mount size of t tmpfs-o shmfs = 1073741824/dev/shm

    And keep the overall starting value by adding an entry in/etc/fstab: shmfs/dev/shm tmpfs size = 1073741824 0

    My doubt is that oracle Linux uses tmpfs instead of shmfs:

    [oracle@union ~] $ df-h/dev/shm

    S.ficheros Tamaa±o Disp Uso % Montado used in

    tmpfs 7, 9G 0 7, 9G 0% / dev/shm

    [oracle@union ~] $

    [oracle@union ~] Mount $

    / dev/map/VolGroup00-LogVolroot on / type ext3 (rw)

    proc on/proc type proc (rw)

    Sysfs on/sys type sysfs (rw)

    type devpts on/dev/pts devpts (rw, gid = 5, mode = 620)

    / dev/sda1 on/U01 type ext3 (rw)

    / dev/sdb1 on / boot type ext3 (rw)

    tmpfs on/dev/SHM type tmpfs (rw)

    None on/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw)

    sunrpc on/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)

    / dev/sdc1 on/media/respaldos type vfat (rw)

    [oracle@union ~] $

    [oracle@union ~] $ cat/etc/fstab

    / dev/VolGroup00/LogVolroot / ext3 defaults 1 1

    LABEL = / u01/U01 ext3 defaults 1 2

    LABEL = / boot/boot ext3 defaults 1 2

    tmpfs/dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

    devpts/dev/pts devpts gid = 5, mode = 620 0 0

    Sysfs/sys sysfs defaults 0 0

    proc/proc proc defaults 0 0

    / dev/VolGroup00/LogVolswap swap swap defaults 0 0

    As you can see it's ride on tmpfs/dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

    So the question is: is it the same? is tmpfs just a label? After all this is pointing to/dev/SHM and tmpfs.

    Best regards, Luis.

    I have this line in/etc/fstab on OEL 6.5 system that I use now to give me 4 GB shared memory:

    tmpfs / dev/shm tmpfs defaults, size = 4000 m 0 0
  • Dudas memoria balloning


    I have a nominal of dudas acerca del uso of memoria, balooning y reservas.

    In principio reserva are esa memoria what siempre will tend in available limited the sober memoria that no sobrepasar.

    The duda are, tengo una Máquina con 2 GB, if a nivel of activa no solo son 512 MB aprox estables, y en monitor processes no sobrepasa 1 GB el

    apply correcto 512 use solo ram than nadie required, 1 GB limit avoid than TR llega seria algo abnormal, reserva para

    Quebec TR usara 1.5 mas pasaria? usaria o nunca llegaria a MAS poder usar 1.5 baloning/permutation?

    Entiendo cuando esx of activo're lo realmente to usa / entera tiene cambios, seria correcto usar el dato activo para recess the ram of the machine? are reliable? Buscar the memoria ram del equipo el perfmon based operation?

    Which are the opcion mas aconsejable para los equipos para asi sobredimensionarlos avoid ram recess?

    Gracias por todo y saludos photos.

    Hello that tal,
    Son several las questions haces, vamos por parte.
    The reserva of memoria, memoria FISICA reservando estas para dicha MV, in case of lack of resources.
    Deadline for El, are el maximo memoria as una MV you can use.  Generally este Parâmetro are no recomendable utilizarlo, is that you can be doing cuellos botella in tus MVs, cuando aun tienes recursos en el the ESX/ESXi host
    If tienes una con MV 2GB of RAM, pero you ves in los uso territories graphic (for example el ultimo my) real that el uso (host of el memoria activa en) of're solo 512 MB, con pics of use of 1 GB, you puedes optar por reduce the memoria asignada, pero siempre dejando a percent adicional para botella innecesario cuellos avoid.  Esto're recomendable para MVs as hayan sido muy sobredimiensionadas, for example 8 GB of RAM cuando solo needs 1 GB.
    In remaining casos, lo mas recomendable seria configurar los solo una reserva por the amount of memoria what use the MV segun datos territories, en el anterior, una reserva seria base example of between 512 MB y 1 GB.
    Al configurar una reserva 1 GB en una MV of 2 GB of RAM, Ning as ante una Lonko recursos memoria en el host, the MV obtendra 1 GB memoria fisica desde SIEMPRE, y lo remaining can be obtained doing don't swap memoria fisica o no private (compitiendo don't con otras MVs por recursos do no reserved), pero durante the normal operation (sin recursos Lonko) , the MV can igual using 2 GB of RAM desde memoria física, if are esta amount is available in el host encuentra.
    If a una MV of 2 GB in RAM the United Nations apply limit of 1 GB, y luego MV it requires usar for example 1.8 GB, entonces lo obtendra SIEMPRE desde the fisica memoria 1 GB, y los remaining 800 MB has permutation traves, aun cuando el host tenga memoria fisica available in French.
    Como antes, lo Dije're recomendado without limits apply, a menos what tengas a uso special muy as lo requiera caso.  To be replaced by Recomiendan use solo reservas, pero evitando reservas muy altas, utilizando en lo posible to los datos cada MV territories performance.
    Te recommend además revisar el uso los actions, that you can be of utility, al momento in Los recursos escaseen y las MV tengan than compete por ellos.
    Te dejo estos mi blog links that you can use:
  • Consulta los ESXI memoria

    Tengo una consulta con respecto a administration of the las maquinas office memoria y los ESXI

    Cluster of United Nations for example con 4 ESXi tengo y memoria cada uno 64gigas

    If mi pregunta are configurated United Nations pool o varios Poole of maquinas vituales yo con back gigas of memoria cada maquina aunque solo use a giga cada maquina mayoria del tiempo, Los dos gigas cada maquina siempre estan por completo might memoria a cada maquina virtual desde el esxi o el host back gigas Máquina los space solo cuando los asingna?

    Son 2 things distintas.  Efectivamente en El host a fisico nivel, pero el hecho that 'free' memoria tengas, going to a worm el uso real memoria of the MV, no means that the con usar, is that if tienes memoria reserva, esta supuesta 'free' memoria, can that no sea realmente lo.



  • ESXi 4.0: memoria ram

    HO a host physical Così composto:


    It is a VM (Windows server 2008 32-bit Standard), che impegna constantly full memoria ram di cui has:


    Lato risorse ESXi, the presenta questi valori VM:
    Posso fare qualcosa per una migliore della memoria di guest operating system level is taking way?

    È poco da fare... The macchina barrier need di avere what risorse e ridurre the solo creerebbe problemi memoria.

    The uso della cache e medio/alto (my normal base a essere could quello che fanno I servizi).

    Reed the attiva vista memoria da VMware e alta, segno di una VM che sta lavorando tanto enough.


  • Sober Duda the memoria...

    UNA dudilla...

    If I have a 6 gb might con vm, y el vc me as tiene los 6 GB occupied, but in el visor of resources of windows me solo as busy tiene el 60% possible that el visor me diga el total con memoria swap? por eso el visor vc me of Québec tiene todo ocupado?

    Gracias. Seguro are una chorrada! jejeje

    VCP 410

    Hola Jose,

    Vayamos por partes (diria como aquel) para analizar a poco all the information that my proporcionado en you last comment

    If revisamos information provided por the pestana of performance of administrator of tasks we can see that esa maquina virtual esta consumiendo casi el total memoria (esta cerca los 6 GB). Approximately you like free unos 700-800 MB, are lo what podrá usar is Québec como esta disco/ram cache. AHI you diga than you have used 5.31 GB 6.

    Been segun mi opinion are Nations United uso excesivo of RAM is that if consultas los datos that da performance pestana, veras is esta beginning a usar swap in el operating system of the virtual machine (approximately 124 MB). El usar swapping siempre afecta al general performance of the machine. Física o virtual sea.

    Por lo that yo you aconsejaria revisar esa virtual machine to see what esta using esos mas 5 GB of RAM.

    Must UN reinicio has Máquina esa not evil of nada were, porque veo that leads UN buen rato burning. If ese RAM fuera assistance para el correcto uso (y normal) use of the virtual machine without seria bad idea increase the virtual memory asignada has the virtual machine. Siempre y cuando you host ESX (i) you lo Permite, claro.

    Respecto a los values you muestra pestana Escalin mv in el servidor ESX (i), if you have into account overhead the propia veras Máquina el virtual Los numbers básicamente 'cuadran '.

    En 'memory of comments' you da a valor aproximado 6 GB uso (memoria usada + cache are reportados in el administrator of tasks of the mv) y despues en 'memory of the host' son esos 6 GB of RAM + overhead asociado por vmware para management memoria del comments.

    Espero ayuda sido acercado

    Best wishes / Saludos.


    Please consider to assign all useful or correct answer. Thank you!! - Por favor considered premiar any respuesta correcta o util. ¡¡MUCHAS gracias!

    Virtually noob blog

  • I have an IMAC of 2008 with 2 GB of memory plus 300 GB of storage. If I buy 2GB of memory I'll be able to download Sierra?

    I have an IMAC of 2008 with 2 GB of memory plus 300 GB of storage. If I buy 2GB of memory I'll be able to download Sierra?


    No, macOS Sierra is not compatible with your hardware.

    Here is an analytical compatibility.

  • iPhone SE sync - memory almost full

    When I sync my SE I see that my phone memory is almost full. Most of the memory is used by Documents and data. What is this and how can I reduce it?

    "Documents & data" so often in large part album art associated with music on your iPhone.

    Another way to measure the use of storage of your iPhone is on the iPhone: settings > general > storage & use iCloud > manage storage (in storage).  Remove some of the elements of y.

  • MacBook pro mail on El Capitan running slow? I have a lot of memory and storage.

    Slow mail. 9.3: if I remove large attachments in emails that will make e-mail faster turnaround? I have around 100 emails in email with attachments to file 15 MB image on average software.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    OS X El Capitan

    10.11.6 version

    MacBookPro 13 inch 2011

    Processor Intel Core i7 2.7GHz

    16GB 1333 MHz DDR3 memory

    Mackintosh of HD boot drive

    Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB graphics

    Mail Version 9.3 (3124)

    Try to run this program in your usual account, then copy and paste the result in a response. The program was created by Etresoft, a regular contributor.  Use please copy and paste the screenshots can be difficult to read. On the screen with the Options, please open Options and tick the boxes in the bottom 2 before the race. Click on the button "Report share" in the toolbar, select "Copy to Clipboard" and then paste into a response. This will show what is running on your computer. No personal information is shown.

    Etrecheck - Information System

  • Blue screen and bad RAM memory?

    My MBP 2011 early all just stopped working yesterday, it worked very well without any problem of performance for the last 5 years, and then suddenly a blue screen (of death) and it has problems starting.

    He will ring the Bell to start, display the bar loading and Apple, and then there will be a glitch on the big screen (horizontally) 1 inch above the Apple, after that, the fans speed up and all that I see a gray screen, not user interface.

    I zapped the PRAM/MSC and tried the unique memory sticks, I have no spare RAM on hand, but who will order soon.

    Tips to solve this problem?

    AHT says this - 65/4MEM/4000000000: 0x84f6f918

    Google says it is bad memory

    Here is the BSoD:

    I think you have a problem of memory, although if your MacBook Pro 15 or 17 inch, you should consider video issue as well now.


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