Export data in standard format (e.g. JSON)

I was surprised to see that "JSON" turned up zero search results in this forum.

Over the years, we have added the ability to export the content of our reports to Word, Excel, text, XML, HTML, etc. This leads to a lot of similar code which is cumbersome to maintain. In addition some of the underlying technologies can come near the end of their lifespan supported. (e.g. DDE, ActiveX,..). I've done a few XML export, but it turned to be wordy b and (b) bulky code. I only spent time to abstract boredom to generate XML and in the meantime WHAT JSON seems to have prevailed over XML.

So I would like to move to a model where there is a uniform to export our application data, and other details of presentation can be dealt with separately.  Very tabular data, and what I'd like to be able to do, is take a table 2D with a list of row and column labels at a tool that serializes the JSON data with a specified accuracy.

Such a tool exist?

Comments/suggestions welcome!

Thank you


I added this idea for the forum for the exchange of idea.

Feel free to support it, if you think that this may be useful.

Tags: NI Software

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  • Force SQL Developer 1.5.4 to export data on 1 sheet XLS


    I use SQL Developer 1.5.4 to export data in XLS format.
    The exported file is about 40 MB of wholesale.

    When exporting, I noticed that developer SQL divides the data into multiple worksheets, with about 64 001 lines each.

    Please, is there a way I could force SQL Developer to have all data on a spreadsheet of singke?

    Thank you.

    I'm just guessing, but I suspect that the 64 000 line limit is so the resulting XLS file can be opened in Excel 2003 or an earlier version. Excel 2003 has a limit of ~ 65 536 (2 ^ 16) rows in a worksheet. Even if you were to export as a text or CSV (separator: tab) file and try to load it into Excel, it could choke and leave once the limit of the worksheet intervened.


  • export data wave graph problem

    Hi all!

    I have a problem with my table of waveform:

    The length of the history of the chart I updated 5 X 24 X 60 X 60 = 432 000 comments. I draw a new point in all the 1 minute, so that I can preview as the last 5 days. The problem is, when I'm just trying to export to Excel, the data for the chart, the data are not in the order time (if I export the data to the Clipboard, it is all the same). The data starts with the second day. And Yes, before I export data, the x-axis are configured to be autoscaled, so I don't see 5 days together data curves. But after export, in the table opening Excel (2010 office, LabView 2011, silver chart) the data are really mixed upward...

    Anyway, the workaround is simple: 2 clicks in Excel and it puts the data in order, but I'm curious to know why it happens... I guess I'm doing something wrong with the berries of waveform of construction?

    Is this a bug?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS. : I have attached a graphic exported to jpg format what I see, and excel table with "mixed up" sequence of data, as well as the Subvi, that I use to generate and send the three points of the chart made every minute.


    as far as I know, it was a change in the interface ActiveX of Office 2007 to Office 2010.

    You wouldn't have this bug in Exel 2007.

    Try to use the the VI 'Export waveforms to spreadsheet' or if you use a PDM file.



  • Data loading 10415 failed when you export data to Essbase EPMA app

    Hi Experts,

    Can someone help me solve this issue I am facing FDM

    I'm trying to export data to the application Essbase EPMA of FDM

    import and validate worked fine, but when I click on export its failure

    I am getting below error

    Failed to load data

    10415 - data loading errors

    Proceedings of Essbase API: [EssImport] threw code: 1003029 - 1003029

    Encountered in the spreadsheet file (C:\Oracle\Middleware\User_Projects\epmsystem1\EssbaseServer\essbaseserver1\app\Volv formatting

    I have Diemsion members

    1 account

    2 entity

    3 scenario

    4 year

    5. period

    6 regions

    7 products

    8 acquisitions

    9 Servicesline

    10 Functionalunit

    When I click on the button export its failure

    I checked 1 thing more inception. DAT file but this file is empty

    Thanks in advance


    Even I was facing the similar problem

    In my case I am loading data to the Application of conventional planning. When all the dimension members are ignored in the mapping for the combination, you try to load the data, and when you click Export, you will get the same message. . DAT empty file is created

    You can check this

    Thank you


  • exporting data to Excel using XSSFWorkbook

    Hi everyone export data to Excel using XSSFWorkbook

    having error javax.el.ELException: means: lots of Java space now I need to change my code to BigGridDemo.java



    How can I change my code for BigGridDemo.java

    This is my code

    import com.bea.common.security.xacml.context.Result;

    import com.sun.jmx.snmp.Timestamp;

    to import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

    import java.io.IOException;

    import java.io.OutputStream;

    import java.util.HashMap;

    to import java.util.Iterator;

    import java.util.Map;

    Org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel import. *;

    Import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

    Org.apache.poi import. *;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;

    Import oracle.adf.model.BindingContainer;

    Import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;

    Import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;

    Import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;

    Import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.data.RichTable;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIDocument;

    import org.apache.poi

    Import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    Org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import. *;

    Import oracle.jbo.Row;

    Import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;

    Import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySetImpl;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;

    Import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocumentPart;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

    public class PoiBean {}

    RicheTableau CustomTable;

    public PoiBean() {}


    public static BindingContainer {} getBindingContainer()

    return (BindingContainer) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{bindings}");

    return (BindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();


    public static DCBindingContainer getDCBindingContainer() {}

    return (DCBindingContainer) getBindingContainer ();


    ' Public Sub generateExcel (FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {}

    try {}

    Workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();  or new HSSFWorkbook();

    Spreadsheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Fonts");

    Get all lines of an iterator


    Links DCBindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();

    DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings = bindings.findIteratorBinding("CustomClientView1Iterator");

    Line rowss = worksheet.createRow (0);

    ViewObject yourVO = dcIteratorBindings.getViewObject ();

    Get all the lines of a ViewObject

    RowSetIterator iter = yourVO.createRowSetIterator ("CustomClient");

    ITER. Reset();

    int rowCounter = 0;

    While (iter.hasNext ()) {}

    A cell = null;

    line oracle.jbo.Row = iter.next ();

    print header on the first line in excel

    If (rowCounter == 0) {}

    rowss = worksheet.createRow (rowCounter);

    int cellCounter = 0;

    {for (String colName: {row.getAttributeNames ())}

    cell = rowss.createCell (cellCounter);

    cellA1.setCellValue (colName);

    cellCounter ++;



    print the data from the second row in excel

    rowCounter ++;


    short j = 0;

    int cellCounter = 0;

    excelrow = (HSSFRow) worksheet.createRow ((int) i);

    rowss = worksheet.createRow (rowCounter);

    {for (String colName: {row.getAttributeNames ())}

    System.out.println ("Hello" + row.getAttribute (colName));

    System.out.println ("Hello" + name of column);

    cell = rowss.createCell (cellCounter);

    rowCounter ++;

    cell.setCellValue (new HSSFRichTextString (rs.getS));

    {if (! isBlank (colname))}

    If (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCode")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    System.out.println ("column name" + colName + "row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ()" + row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());



    logic for the cell formatting

    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnName")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    make double if you want to convert as a result

    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnRegDate")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCancelDate")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    } ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnUndertaking")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());



    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCode8")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    }                                                                                                            }

    on the other

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    cellCounter ++;


    worksheet.createFreezePane (0, 1, 0, 1);


    Workbook.Write (OutputStream);

    outputStream.flush ();



    catch (Exception e) {}

    e.printStackTrace ();



    The demo "big grid" is obsolete and has been replaced by SXSSF, which is compatible with XSSF (seehttp://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/how-to.html#sxssfthe new Halloween Document) API.

    Theoretically, all you need to do is replace "new XSSFWorkbook()" by "new org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook ()" in your program.

    You better post any specific questions of POI on the forum of the user Apache POI (see mailing lists , Apache POI)

    Kind regards


  • How to export data from the table with the colouring of cells according to value.

    Hi all

    I use jdeveloper

    I want to export data from the table with a lot of formatting. as for color cells based on value and so much. How to do this?

    You can find us apache POI-http://poi.apache.org/

    See this http://www.techartifact.com/blogs/2013/08/generate-excel-file-in-oracle-adf-using-apache-poi.html

  • Reg: Export data of the physical database system standby.

    Hi all

    We have a standard edition one 11 GR 1 material oracle environment, I need to export the data from the physical monitoring system.

    If anyone can suggest me, how to do it safely (up state).

    Kind regards


    Oracle Data Guard is available only as a feature of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. It is not available with Oracle database Standard edition.

    Then you must export data only from primary or you use EXP instead of EXPDP on the standby database. Because EXPDP create a temporary table export process duration.


    Mr. Mahir Quluzade

  • Import and export data between XE 10.2 and 11.2 XE

    This Oracle documentation reference link:

    This process migrates all schemas, storage, data and applications of the Apex?
    The process seems to avoid patterns associated with Apex... see exclusions...

    d.Export data database of 10.2 XE to the dump folder.

    expdp system/system_password full = Y
    EXCLUDE = PATTERN:------"AS \'APEX_%\'\",SCHEMA:\"LIKE \'FLOWS_%\'\".
    Directory = DUMP_DIR dumpfile = DB10G.dmp logfile = expdpDB10G.log
    expdp system/system_password TABLES is FLOWS_FILES. WWV_FLOW_FILE_OBJECTS$
    Directory = DUMP_DIR dumpfile = DB10G2.dmp logfile = expdpDB10G2.log

    I'm trying to migrate from Apex 4.1 on 10Gex on a single server, at Apex 4.1 on 11Gex on another server.
    Suggestions on the best way to achieve this?

    Thank you

    Has anyone else tried this?

    I know a few people who have migrated successfully in this way. But there are many users who have failed, either because they don't follow the documentation carefully, they fell on a charset conversion problem, or that they had made the "non-standard stuff" in their database. See below.

    This process migrates all schemas, storage, data and applications of the Apex?

    In general: Yes. But there may be problems, however.
    * Charset problems:
    If you have the 'Unicode-Edition"of 10.2 XE installed right now, he probably won't a problem. If you have ISO-Charset, UTF-8 conversion can raise several issues...

    * documentation questions:
    It is not just the expdp you mentioned above. You also need the result of the 'geninst.sql', including 'gen_apps.sql' to your APEX applications.

    * No Standard stuff:
    There are some restrictions not documented in the Guide of XE, because they would be "non-standard" from the point of view XE. For example, you cannot downgrade your APEX applications, that is, if you have already upgraded to 4.1 in your XE 10.2 APEX, you must upgrade to 4.1 in your 11.2 XE before , you can import your applications.
    Another problem could be synonymous and subsidies for APEX objects your drawings may have: If you have an older version of the APEX on your delivered 4.0 with 11.2 XE XE 10.2, you'll have to re - generate these for the workflow scheme 11.2 XE manually.
    And this kind of "non-standard" things you might have done in your instance of XE 10.2... You have yourself to care. I hope that you have a list of things to watch. ;)


  • Problem with export data from an application and importing data into another application


    I need to give a stream to an application (target) of one of the other application (source) of data. So what I did is I exported the data necessary for the application target using the DATAEXPORT function in text files and you now want to import data in text files in the application of the source using rules files.

    I'm trying to create files for each exported text file separate compilation, but I'm not able to do this successfully.
    I traced all members of the source to the target application, but still there is something wrong is going on is to not let the successful import or do not allow that data to go to the right places.

    There all the specifications, while using this function DATAEXPORT as format or the kind of DATAEXPORTOPTIONS that I use to make it work?

    Here is the first part of my script to calc. For all other data I wanted to export that I wrote similar statements by simply setting on individual members.


    DIFFICULTY ("ST", "BV", "SSV", "ASV", "ESV", "W", "HSP_InputValue", "SÜSS", "TBSD", "ABU", "AC", "LB", "LT", "VAP", "Real", "FY11", @REMOVE (@LEVMBRS (period, 0), @LIST (BegBalance)));
    DATAEXPORT 'File' ',' '...\export Files\D3.txt ';

    Please let me know your opinion on this. I really need help with that.
    ~ Hervé

    So, you have 12 periods through the columns of the export data?

    If so, you must assign each column of data at a time. The data column property is used only when you have completely defined the dimensions either through other fields or other areas and the header and the left point only possible is data. This does not work when you have several columns of data that you find, just so assign the right period; doing this means there is no column of data .

    Kind regards

    Cameron Lackpour

  • Exports data in the CSV spreadsheet but also fits XML

    I have a problem with a form used to my work. The same form is used by several people. We had no problem until one of the forms when you export to a spreadsheet, it exported CSV normally but also stick a lot of what looks like to me XML data below (large quantity). What would cause the form to export it? The others do not.

    Take a look at the schema of your form for all links irrelevant. If so, simply remove them.

    How do export you the data in CSV format? through Acorbat? Let me know so that I can try it out in my local system.


  • Export data from the table

    Hello. Is it possible to export data from a table in Oracle using SQL Loader? If Yes, can you tell a good examples?


    Hello. Is it possible to export data from a table in Oracle using SQL Loader?

    No, with SQL * Loader, you can load data from external files into tables not export.

    coil c:\temp\empdata.txt
    sqlplus abc.sql (assumes that abc.sql runs select * from emp)
    spool off

    It cannot work like this, because the declaration of the COIL is not recognized outside the SQL * Plus the term.

    But, you can include the statement of the COIL in abc.sql like this:

    spool c:\temp\empdata.txt
    select * from emp;
    spool off

    Then, you just have to run the SQL script as follows:

    sqlplus  @abc.sql 

    However, I advise you to use Oracle SQL Developer, this is a free tool and with it you can export a Table in several types of format (html, xml, csv, xls,...).

    Please find attached a link to this tool:


    Hope this helps.
    Best regards
    Jean Valentine

  • export data to sql


    I'm trying to export essbase data then reload it into the sql table, I to the right, click Export, then choose "All data" and check "Export to the format column", if I get the text file. However, when I try to import into a sql table, it's just a great column.

    What is the best way to export data out essbase and then import them into a table in sql, the idea is that I want to just export, for example, budget data, and then import them into sql.

    Thank you

    If you read my blog, you will see that you can really control the export format except in the designate one of the dense dimensions such as columns. The rest follows the contour. I'll guess that your periods dimension is what is prevalent throughout. While you can not retrieve the columns in the desired order. If it is still a cube of dev, you can add a dense dimension with a single member and use it as your column. It would not affect the performance of the cube, but would affect any charge the rules or you get already.

    If you need to format you describe, another suggestion would be to export the format as you see, then put views above it that unions periods to take a single column of data and forcing a month name in it.

    If your table looks like the year, scenario, dept, acct, per1, Per2, Per3etc
    Then, you could do a view as
    Select the year, scenario, dept, Acct, 'Jan', table 1, where 1 is not null
    Select the year, scenario, dept, Acct, 'February', Per2 table where Per2is not null

  • Export data to different levels


    I am trying to automate pulling a report out of essbase. The Calc of data export creates a Level0 txt file that is difficult to validate against one online report from oracle. I'm pretty much wanting to pull all top-level except accounts whiich dimension must be at level 0, I can compare the balance in Oracle Hyperion. This must be an automated solution and I will use VBScript to run Oracle sql queries. Is it possible to pull a report at different levels in essbase maxl or any other form? I'm really not familiar with Hyperion reports. Is it possible to run a report of Hyperion via a script and do produce a txt file?

    I really appreciate any information on this and hope someone can help.

    Out the data is quite simple using a report script. In a script to report unspecified dimensions by default to the top of the dimension, so if that's really all you need (i.e. you have no dimension that do not consolidate the Summit or otherwise should be noted) something as minimalist as...


    .. could actually be sufficient as the report script. Script editor for the report of the Administration Console allows to develop and test the script before trying to automate. Much better control the missing / zero suppression and substition, formatting, etc. is possible. The Builder of the technical documentation section is here: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17236_01/epm.1112/esb_tech_ref/frameset.htm?rw_commands_chap.html

    To integrate the report script in automation, you can watch the execution of the script of report using the MaxL "data export" command I'm assuming you can afford in your scenario. "export data" allow us you to specify a file for the output .txt. For more information, the MaxL in the technical reference section is here: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17236_01/epm.1112/esb_tech_ref/frameset.htm?maxl_chap.html.

  • Need help to export files in Jpeg format for printing

    I'm quite new to this, so any help would be appreciated. I use Lightroom 3 and need to export files in Jpeg format to put on Smugmug for printing. My understanding is that I put 300 PPI, in measuring the "size to fit" and the width and the height, I'm a bit confused. I'm trying to find my size of the original file that I can't find if I can put it in the right dimensions for export. My problem is that I want to export by batch and I need a way where I can export there will be minimum smugmug in culture when people are going to buy prints. I'm looking for the best image quality for printing without losing parts of the image due to the size of the file. Thank you very much!

    The size of the image are in the metadata Panel of the library Module.

    If you want to allow people of the same image to print sizes, then they will have to crop the image to the right size on Smugmug. There is no way to avoid it. I know that you said you don't want to crop the images, people, but users MUST make a crop so that the image has the same proportions as the print size.

    Similarly, if you want to allow people to print 4 x 6 or 11 x 17 or any other standard size, then you must provide as many pixels as possible. You can not, to your computer in Lightroom, choose settings that match all of these possibilities.

    So, again, I recommend that you download the whole photo, without culture and without resizing to the default PPP. Nothing else will not provide the end user the flexibility to print in different sizes.

  • Developer SQL exports DATE as a TIMESTAMP

    In my view, that it is a bug. When I export a table to a XLS file, the values in the DATE columns are saved as if they were TIMESTAMP:
    for example. December 31 09 12:00:00 AM exported as 31 December 09 AM

    Not really a huge deal until you try to import, in which case you cannot import a TIMESTAMP into a DATE column. First of all, you will get an error from the Miss AM / A.M.. or AM/PM. You cannot explicitly specify the date format then import either as rejects Oracle it since it is not supported. The proper way is to cast to a date, but you can do this through the import feature.

    Nevertheless, I think the export function should export DATEs according to the NLS Date Format settings, but it is not.

    If it makes any difference, I use the 64-bit version of Windows of SQL Developer on Windows 7 64 - bit with the Oracle 64-bit client.


    Don't know if it's something related to my previous problem.
    My SQL Dev gives the correct date format to export to Excel, but fails on an insert export

    Verdin, a member of the sql dev team gave this workaround solution that solved my problem
    You can add the following in the sqldeveloper.conf to ensure that the driver tell not the column of a DATE in the TIMESTAMP column type.

    AddVMOption - Doracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp = false

    as suggested in this thread
    Re: 2.1 EA1: problems with Date type columns

    Hope this helps,


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