Find the difference between two numbers (DBL)

Hi all

Is there a function in labview other than the subtraction function that can find the difference between the two numbers given?

Thank you


Tags: NI Software

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  • Find the difference between two date and time

    Hi friends,

    I wanted to find the difference between two date and time, but my qury is slightest error "invalid number."

    select sql_step_num,proc_name,run_seqno,start_date,end_date,(to_char(start_date,'HH24-MI-SS') - to_char(end_date,'HH24-MI-SS') ) as ed  
    where trunc(start_date) = trunc(sysdate) 
    order by sql_step_num;

    You try to get the feel between two char strings.
    And more difference between two dates gives a NUMBER of days.
    Try this:

    select sql_step_num,proc_name,run_seqno,start_date,end_date,numtodsinterval(end_date-start_date,'DAY') as ed
    where trunc(start_date) = trunc(sysdate)
    order by sql_step_num;
  • Simple query to find the difference between 2 numbers in one column to another column


    I would like to know the difference between 2 numbers in same column corresponding to a condition of another column. How do that?

    For example: say I have a table with 3 columns A, B and C.

    A > Varchar2

    B > Varchar2

    C > number

    A B C

    I want something like 'column value corresponding C min min (col B) result = (col A) - value of the corresponding C column (number)' without having to write 2 select statements. How do I do that?

    Thanks in advance


    Notes on the system:

    2-node GI/RDBMS running on RHEL5.


    It is not very similar to your original question.  It would be better if you asked what you really want in your first post, rather than making people to time writing solutions you want not and can not use waste.  Once you see an answer to this question, will you change the question again?

    Here's a way to do what you asked:

    WITH got_lasts AS


    SELECT val.thread #.

    , MAX (val.sequence #) AS last_standby_seq_received


    WHEN val.applied = "YES".

    THEN val.sequence #.


    ) AS last_standby_seq_applied

    V $ archived_log val

    Join v$ database vdb WE val.resetlogs_change #.

    = vdb.resetlogs_change #.

    GROUP BY thread #.


    SELECT thread #.




    -last_standby_seq_applied AS total_lag

    OF got_lasts

    ORDER BY thread #.


  • How to find the difference between two dates in the presentation layer

    Hi gurus,

    Hello to everyone. Today, I came with the new requirement.

    I need to know the difference between a date and the current date in the formula column application presentation

    Thank you and best regards,

    Hi Navin,

    TIMESTAMPDIFF function first determines the timestamp component that corresponds to the specified interval setting. For example, SQL_TSI_DAY corresponds to the day component and SQL_TSI_MONTH corresponds to the component "month".

    If you want to display the difference between two dates in days using SQL_TSI_DAY, unlike butterflies SQL_TSI_MONTH and so on...

    hope you understand...

    Award points and to close the debate, if your question is answered.

    See you soon,.

  • How to find the difference between two dates in time except Sunday

    Hi all

    I have a table, as shown below.
    SQL> select * from test;
    TR_ID                                              CREATE_TIME                                                                       CODE
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
    S12341                                             05-JUN-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12342                                             11-JUN-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12342                                             07-JUN-12 PM                                                      1002
    S12343                                             20-JUN-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12343                                             15-JUN-12 PM                                                      1002
    S12344                                             01-JUL-12 PM                                                      1002
    S12344                                             06-JUL-12 AM                                                      1003
    S12341                                             31-MAY-12 PM                                                      1002
    I would like to know the difference between same tr_ids create_time, which should give out in hours except Sunday.

    For example:

    TR_ID: S12344
    1002_Create_time: July 1, 12 PM (i.e. Sunday)
    1003_Create_time: AM 6 July 12

    1002 create time is 22:00 Sunday.

    If the query must exclude only the hours of Sunday which is 10 p.m. to Monday 00 h which is 2 Hrs.

    I tried the sub query after doing a search on this forum but I am not getting the desired output.
    SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT ROWNUM RNUM,tr_id,create_time CT_1002 FROM test c WHERE c.tr_id='S12344' and 
    ROWNUM <= (select (cast(a.create_time as date)-cast((select create_time from test b where a.tr_id=b.tr_id and code=1002) as date)) 
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    WHERE to_char(cast((select create_time from test e where e.tr_id=d.tr_id and code=1002) as date) + RNUM - 1, 'DY') NOT IN('SUN');
    Need help to get the desired o/p


    If I unederstand the problem correctly, that's what you want:

    WITH       got_extrema     AS
         SELECT       tr_id
         ,       CAST (MIN (create_time) AS DATE)     AS start_date
         ,       CAST (MAX (create_time) AS DATE)     AS end_date
         FROM       test
         GROUP BY  tr_id
    SELECT       tr_id
    ,       start_date, end_date          -- If wanted
    ,       24 * ( ( ( TRUNC (end_date,   'IW')          -- Count -1 day for every full week
                        - TRUNC (start_date, 'IW')
               / -7
                + LEAST ( end_date               -- If end_date is a Sunday
                            , TRUNC (end_date, 'IW') + 6     -- consider it 00:00:00 on Sunday
                - CASE
                          WHEN  start_date >= TRUNC (start_date, 'IW') + 6     -- If start_date is a Sunday
                   THEN  TRUNC (start_date, 'IW') + 6               -- consider it 00:00:00 Sunday
                   ELSE  start_date
                )     AS total_hours
    FROM      got_extrema

    I guess that you don't need to worry about fractions of a second. As you did in the code you have posted, I am to convert the TIMESTAMP to date values, because of DATE arithmetic and functions are so much better than what is available for timestamps.

    Basically, it's just to find the number of days between start_date and end_date and multiplying by 24, with these twists:
    (a) 1 day is deducted for each week between start_date and end_date
    (b) if End_date is a Sunday, none of the end_date himself hours are counted
    (c) If start_date is a Sunday, then all the start_date himself hours are counted. Why these hours should be counted? Because 1 day is already being deducted for the week which includes start_date, which contains only this Sunday.

    TRUNC (dt, 'IW') is the beginning of the ISO week containing dt; in other words, 00:00:00 the or before the dt last Monday. This is not the NLS parameters.

    Of course, I can't test without some sample data and the exact results you want from these data. You may need a little something more If start_date and end_date are both on the same Sunday.
    Whenever you have a problem, please post a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and only relevant columns, INSERT statements) of all of the tables involved.
    Also post the results you want from this data, as well as an explanation of how you get these results from these data, with specific examples.
    Always tell what version of Oracle you are using.
    See the FAQ forum {message identifier: = 9360002}

  • How to calculate the difference between two numbers in text fields

    Hello, I am fairly new to this, and I am certain that I will be bothered by the simple answer is

    I do a simple calculation... total of total assets - liabilities = net worth

    I have my total assets and my total work of the liability, but is not a subtraction option in the properties of a text field for the Net of a field value.

    I don't know... not any script Java can any who help out me?

    Thank you


    You can use the option of simplified field notation, but first your input fields names must be changed so that they do not contain spaces or punctuation. For example:

    TotalAssets - TotalLiabilities

    If you want to use JavaScript, what will be needed if you ever in more complicated calculations, you can use something like the following as the custom fields (net value) calculation script:

    (function () {}

    Get the values of the field as numbers

    var v1 = + getField("total_assets").value;

    var v2 = + getField("total_liabilities").value;

    calculate the value of this field

    Event.Value = v1 - v2;


    There are no restrictions on domain names when using JavaScript.

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  • How to store the difference between two timestamps as a number?

    I need to find the difference between 2 variables of timestamp and the result will be stored as a number in minutes?
    timestamp (7) of the fir_timestamp: = 1 January 2012 13:30 ';
    timestamp (7) of the sec_timestamp: = 1 January 2012 14:00 ';
    c number;
    dbms_output.put_line (c);

    962813 wrote:

    -fir_timestamp timestamp (7): ='01 - jan - 2012 13:30 ';
    timestamp (7) of the sec_timestamp: = 1 January 2012 14:00 ';  Incorrect type declaration

    fir_timestamp timestamp: = 1st January 12 PM';
    sec_timestamp timestamp: = 1st January 12 PM';
    c number;
    c: = ABS ((extrait (HEURE de sec_timestamp) - extract (fir_timestamp TIME)) * 60) +.
    ABS ((extrait (MINUTE de sec_timestamp) - extract (fir_timestamp MINUTE)));
    dbms_output.put_line (' interval Min Total:-' | c);
    ERROR on line 1:
    ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting all of the input string
    ORA-06512: at line 6

    Follow what Paul has done...

    In fact, you do not need timestamp, date data type is enough

    SQL> declare
      2     fir_timestamp date :=
      3        to_date('01-jan-2012 13:30:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
      4     sec_timestamp date :=
      5        to_date('01-jan-2012 14:00:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
      6     c number;
      7  begin
      8     c:= round((sec_timestamp-fir_timestamp)*24*60);
      9     dbms_output.put_line(c);
     10  end;
     11  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    If you want to place on timestamp

    SQL> declare
      2     fir_timestamp timestamp :=
      3        to_timestamp('01-jan-2012 13:30:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
      4     sec_timestamp timestamp :=
      5        to_timestamp('01-jan-2012 14:00:00','dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss');
      6     c number;
      7  begin
      8     c:= round((
      9     to_date(to_char(sec_timestamp,'ddmmyyyyhh24miss'),
     10             'ddmmyyyyhh24miss')-
     11          to_date(to_char(fir_timestamp,'ddmmyyyyhh24miss'),
     12             'ddmmyyyyhh24miss')
     13           )*24*60);
     14     dbms_output.put_line(c);
     15  end;
     16  /
  • How to quickly find the difference of two version of RPD?

    Hi all

    Someone has a good idea to quickly find the difference of two versions of the RPD in the project?

    Kind regards

    This could be a help for you

    See you soon,.

    Published by: Kranthi.K on December 7, 2011 21:41

  • Dynamic action - Get the difference between two dates + times

    I have problems a little dynamic to work action. I'm trying to get the time between two dates with the time difference.

    Here is what I got (this is apex 4.0):

    Two date pickers + two numbers fields (date/start/end times)

    I created a dynamic action on the page who fires on the point lose focus (above points).

    The real action for the DA is the body of the PL/SQL function:
      end_date DATE;
      start_date DATE;
      start_date := to_char(:P1_START_DATE || ' ' || :P1_START_TIME, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIAM');
      end_date := to_char(:P1_END_DATE || ' ' || :P1_END_TIME, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MIAM');
      :P1_HOURS := end_date-start_date;
    When I change the values on the page, I get the following error:

    AJAX call back Server error ORA-06502: PL/SQL: digital or value error: character number conversion error to set the value.

    I'm guessing that there is a problem with the date formatting, but I can't make it work. Thanks in advance!

    Hi djston,

    because you chose the dynamic action of 'Set value' with the "Body of the PL/SQL function" type you need to return the value. Try the following code

      end_date DATE;
      start_date DATE;
      start_date := to_date(:P1_START_DATE || ' ' || :P1_START_TIME, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MIAM');
      end_date := to_date(:P1_END_DATE || ' ' || :P1_END_TIME, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MIAM');
      RETURN (end_date-start_date)*24;

    and P1_REQUESTED_HOURS like 'item affected. "

    My Blog:
    APEX 4.0 Plug-Ins:

    Published by: Patrick Wolf on January 17, 2011 10:54

  • Formula of FormCalc to make the difference between two time fields if they are populated - help please


    I have a laptop (TotalTime1) which refers to two other cells in the updated hour-shaped (Start1 and 1 to finish).

    The formula below is intended to make the difference between the time of departure and of arrival if they are populated.

    I had to work unconditionally HasValue, but the formula was calculated when there is no value in the Start1 and Finish1 (due to the time format).

    This is the code I have, it is said that there is an error of almost the last line; I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong way, I haven't posted on this forum before but this is:

    If (HasValue (Finish1) and HasValue (Start1)) then if (Time2Num (Start1.formattedValue, "HH: mm") < Time2Num (Finish1.formattedValue, "Hh: mm")) then Abs (Time2Num (Start1.formattedValue, "HH: mm")-Time2Num (Finish1.formattedValue, "HH: mm")) / (60 * 60 * 1000) another 24 - ABS (Time2Num (Finish1.formattedValue, "HH: mm")-Time2Num (Start1.formattedValue, "HH: mm")) / (60 * 60 * 1000) endif

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Cordially Fetachini

    you need an another endif at the end (you have nested statement and only 1 endif)

  • The most elegant way to get the difference between two tables - not least!


    Simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve - I have two tables ORIGINAL and REVISED.

    My aim is to compare the two, such as; -

    When there is data in the two tables I get the difference between the Budget column, and if there is no difference, so I don't want no lines.

    When data exists in the ORIGINAL, but not in review, I want to the inverse of the current value of the Budget column.

    Where the data exist in REVISED I want the REVISED value.

    I can see how I can do this, see below, but is there a more elegant solution?

    Data for the ORIGINAL table
    select '801040' entity, '2186' expense_type, 234000 budget
    from dual
    union all
    select '801040' entity, '3001' expense_type, 1000 budget
    from dual
    union all
    select '801040' entity, 'P132' expense_type, 34000 budget
    from dual
    union all
    select '801040' entity, 'P135' expense_type, 43000 budget
    from dual
    Data for the REVISED table
    select '801040' entity, '2186' expense_type, 235000 budget
    from dual
    union all
    select '801040' entity, 'P132' expense_type, 34000 budget
    from dual
    union all
    select '801040' entity, 'P139' expense_type, 56000 budget
    from dual
    Desired output

    ------ ------------ ----------
    801040 2186 1000
    801040 3001-1000
    801040 P135-43000
    801040 P139 56000

    5 selected lines.

    Code current to achieve this, is there a better way?
    select original.entity
    ,      original.expense_type
    ,       (nvl(revised.budget,0) - original.budget) as difference
    from   original
    ,      revised
    where  original.entity = revised.entity(+)
    and    original.expense_type = revised.expense_type(+)
    and   (nvl(revised.budget,0) - original.budget) != 0
    union all
    select  revised.entity
    ,       revised.expense_type
    ,       revised.budget as difference
    from   revised
    where  not exists
    (select 'x'
    from   original
    where  original.entity = revised.entity
    and    original.expense_type = revised.expense_type)
    and    revised.budget != 0
    Thanks a lot for your comments,.


    Published by: Robert Angel on January 17, 2012 03:31 to change is not equal to! = - Thanks for the heads up
    SQL> with original
      2  as
      3  (
      4    select '801040' entity, '2186' expense_type, 234000 budget
      5    from dual
      6    union all
      7    select '801040' entity, '3001' expense_type, 1000 budget
      8    from dual
      9    union all
     10    select '801040' entity, 'P132' expense_type, 34000 budget
     11    from dual
     12    union all
     13    select '801040' entity, 'P135' expense_type, 43000 budget
     14    from dual
     15  )
     16  , revised
     17  as
     18  (
     19    select '801040' entity, '2186' expense_type, 235000 budget
     20    from dual
     21    union all
     22    select '801040' entity, 'P132' expense_type, 34000 budget
     23    from dual
     24    union all
     25    select '801040' entity, 'P139' expense_type, 56000 budget
     26    from dual
     27  )
     28  select *
     29    from (
     30          select nvl(o.entity, r.entity) entity,
     31                 nvl(o.expense_type, r.expense_type) expense_type,
     32                 nvl(r.budget,0) - nvl(o.budget,0) budget
     33            from original o
     34            full join revised r
     35              on o.entity = r.entity
     36             and o.expense_type = r.expense_type
     37         )
     38   where budget <> 0
     39  /
    ------ ---- ----------
    801040 2186       1000
    801040 P135     -43000
    801040 3001      -1000
    801040 P139      56000
  • How can I compare the differences between two files After Effects?

    I have a major problem.  I was working on special effects for a film.  In After Effects, when I change siggificant, I often have to register under and create a new name so I can go back to the old work if necessary.  It comes in a case, I have come back from earlier works.  If I use these two files After Effects allows you to create multiple clips of effects.  And I do not remember just where you look at it, it is better.  Does anyone know a good way to compare the differences between the files?

    One thing to keep this conversation on the right way: I know that I did a stupid thing.  I've never done this before so can we please not spend a lot of time on how to avoid this problem and stick to how we solve this problem?

    If you encounter difficulties to identify differences in the old and new versions, you can use this procedure:

    To avoid confusion, I'll call your former company and your most recent compositions CompB comps.

    CompA drag "New Comp" icon in the project window.  This will create a new temporary layout that contains the nested CompA.

    Drag in your new COMP CompB temporary ensure it aligns image for image with CompA.

    Place the top layer (CompB) difference.

    Now, when you play through the comp, you'll see differences in color at a time where the comparison and CompB are not identical.

  • By selecting the difference between two images


    I have two photos exactly the same thing that I took using a tripod, studio lighting and general conditions. However, in the second photo, I inserted a subject - in this case a sculpture complex. Photoshop can merge these two images together AND choose so the difference between the two images - in this case the sculpture complex?

    Basically, I need to select the sculpture and do not want to spend time manually selecting due to its complexity. I need to separate the background and the sculpture for editing on their own layers.

    Thank you


    You posted this in the two forums, its been answered in the mac forum.

  • How to tell the difference between two dates


    I have a question on how to get the difference in quantities for two dates in the replies and dashboard.

    This is the scenario. I have two guests date and three columns. The first column must be the sum of the amounts for the first quick date. The second column should be the sum of the amounts for the second fast date. And the third column is the difference between the first two columns.

    Basically, I'm trying to do something similar to a function of sum of two lines but trying to get the difference between the two rows. Any help to solve this problem would be appreciated.

    Use the COLUMN FILTERS level...

    the first column with the first variable of date quick presentation of the filter

    Similarly, the second column in the second variable of quick overview of date filter

    Kind regards

Maybe you are looking for