Fireworks navigation bar won't show 'down' and ' over all the way down ' States.

So my Fireworks navigation bar won't show 'down' and ' over all the way down "says when I saw it.

Heres javascript for navigation bar:

< script type = "text/javascript" >


function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


function MM_nbGroup (event, grpName) {//v6.0

var i, img, nbArr, args is MM_nbGroup.arguments;

If (event == "init" & & args.length > 2) {}

If ((img = MM_findObj(args[2]))! = null & &! img.) MM_init) {}

IMG. MM_init = true; IMG. MM_up = args [3]; IMG. MM_dn = img.src;

If ((nbArr = document[grpName]) == null) nbArr = document [grpName] = new Array();

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

for (I = 4; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

IMG.src = img. MM_dn = args [i + 1];

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

} }

} Else if (event == "over") {}

document. MM_nbOver is nbArr = new Array();.

for (i = 1; I < args.length - 1; i += 3) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn & & args [i + 2])? args [i + 2]: ((args[i+1])? args [i + 1]: img.) MM_up);

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;


} Else if (event == 'out') {}

for (i = 0; i < document.) MM_nbOver.length; i++) {

IMG = document. MM_nbOver [i]; IMG. SRC = (img. MM_dn)? IMG. MM_dn: img. MM_up; }

} Else if (event == 'down') {}

nbArr = document [grpName];

If (nbArr)

for (i = 0; i < nbArr.length; i ++) {img = nbArr [i]; img.src = img. MM_up; IMG. MM_dn = 0; }

document [grpName] is nbArr = new Array();.

for (i = 2; I < args.length - 1; i += 2) if ((img = MM_findObj (args [i]))! = null) {}

If (! img.) IMG MM_up). MM_up = img.src;

IMG.src = img. MM_dn = (args [i + 1])? args [i + 1]: img. MM_up;

[nbArr.length] nbArr = img;

} }



< /script >

And here is the code of navigation bar:

< table border = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" width = "196" >

<!-fwtable fwsrc = "navbar.png" fwpage = "Page 1" fwbase = "Page 1.gif" fwstyle = "Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "182993200" fwnested = "0"->

< b >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "196" height = "1" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "1" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Index.html" onmouseout = "MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r1_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r1_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r1_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r1_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r1_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r1_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r1_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r1_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Hevoset.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r2_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r2_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r2_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r2_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r2_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r2_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r2_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r2_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Tunnit.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r3_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r3_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r3_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r3_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r3_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r3_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r3_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r3_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Leirit.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r4_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r4_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r4_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r4_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r4_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r4_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r4_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r4_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Hinnasto.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r5_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r5_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r5_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r5_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r5_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r5_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r5_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r5_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Tayshoitopaikat.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r6_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r6_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r6_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r6_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r6_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r6_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r6_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r6_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Kuvagalleria.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r7_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r7_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r7_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r7_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r7_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r7_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r7_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r7_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Kisamenestys.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r8_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r8_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r8_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r8_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r8_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r8_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r8_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r8_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Ajankohtaista.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r9_c1','... / Kuvat, TESTINAVI, images, navbar_r9_c1_f2.) " GIF ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r9_c1_f4.gif',1); "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r9_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r9_ c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r9_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r9_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r9_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< b >

"" < td > < a href = ".. / Html/Yhteystiedot.html ' onmouseout ="MM_nbGroup ('out'); "onmouseover =" MM_nbGroup ('over', 'navbar_r10_c1','... / 2.gif Kuvat, TESTINAVI, image, navbar_r10_c1_f ',', Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r10_c1_f4.gif',1); " "" onclick = "MM_nbGroup ('down', 'navbar1', 'navbar_r10_c1','... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r1 0_c1_f3.gif', 1);" > < img name = "navbar_r10_c1" src =""... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/navbar_r10_c1.gif "width ="196"height ="36"border ="0"id ="navbar_r10_c1"alt =" "/ > < / has > < table >

"" < td > < img src = "... / Kuvat/TESTINAVI/images/spacer.gif" alt = "" name = "undefined_2" width = "1" height = "36" border = "0" id = "undefined_2" / > < table > "

< /tr >

< /table >

I had a look at the files you sent me and tested in different browsers. I don't see a problem because mouseover and mouseout/mouseouthandler() events work as expected. The reason why all down and several events have not been programmed to. Remember that when a menu item is clicked on, it takes you to another page with a different menu and a different logic.

If you want the item of menu appropriate to remain in an inactive state, you need to program for it.

Why don't you use a menu ready fact as Spry system?


PS: Faceless and nameless moderators have removed some of my responses that made me decide that I can use my time better in other places. I won't answer any further.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Try the following.

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    Kind regards

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    Looks like you are using full-screen.

    • F11 will toggle the Mode full screen or not.
    • Another way to exit full screen, when you move your cursor to the top of the screen, toolbars 'slide' down; Move your cursor over an empty spot on one of the toolbars, right click and click on "exit full screen".

    You need to update the following:

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    1. Check your plugin versions on one of the following links:

    2. Update of Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):
      • Within your existing Adobe (If you have already installed) drive:

        • Open the Adobe Reader program in your list of programs
        • Click Help > check for updates
        • Follow the instructions to update
        • If this method works for you, go to the section "download full installer ' below and go to"after the installation"below
      • Download the full installer (If you have NOT installed Adobe Reader):
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    Most modern laptops use lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries.

    If frequently drain you a lithium-ion battery, and then recharge it, it can quickly lose its ability to hold a charge, which also affects the accuracy of the battery meter.

    The practice of completely draining the battery and then full charge is recommended which applied on the old batteries to nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and, to a lesser extent, the batteries to nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH).

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    (1) what version of the Windows operating system is installed on your computer?

    (2) did you of recent changes to the computer before the show?

    (3) what is the file format of the files you are trying to play?

    (4) you get an error message?

    (5) you are able to hear the sound of Windows and other applications?

    (6) that Microsoft Fixit ran?

    You can try the following methods and check if it helps.


    Method 1: No sound in Windows


    Method 2: Problems running Windows Media Player

    Open the troubleshooting Windows Media Player settings Troubleshooter by clicking the Start button, then Control Panel. In the search box, type Troubleshooting, and then click Troubleshooting. Click view all, and then click the Windows Media Player settings.

    See this link:

    Method 3: Solving problems run Windows Media Player library

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    progam start showing some problem of its own.

    progam was started for the first time after starting the computer indicates a sound problem, windows Explorer minimizes and optimizes all the time until he is arrested. Pls suggest a solution for this type of problem.

    1 did you do changes on the computer before the show?
    2. you receive an error message?
    3. what version of operating system you are using on the computer?

    Method 1:
    You can run a Microsoft security scanner to make sure that the computer is free from virus infection:
    If you run the antivirus program that is infected by the virus scan will get deleted. Therefore, reinstall the program. Also if the files and folders are affected by the virus, while they might even get deleted

    Method 2:
    You can also perform a clean boot and check:
    Windows XP: How to configure Windows XP to start in a "clean boot" State
    Windows 7 and vista:
    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7
    Note: When the diagnosis is complete do not forget to reset the computer to a normal startup. Follow step 7 in the above article.
    Method 3:
    You can also try to run a SFC scan, it will scan and try to correct some of the system files.
    How to use the System File Checker tool to fix the system files missing or corrupted on Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Windows Explorer does not work properly and hold all the time

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    Thank you for your time and enjoy your time.



    Use the startup clean and other methods to try to determine the cause of and/or
    eliminate problems.


    References to Vista also apply to Windows 7.

    What antivirus/antispyware/security products do you have on the machine? Include
    everything you've ALWAYS had on this machine, including those you have uninstalled (they
    remains of leave behind which can cause strange problems).


    Follow these steps:

    Try these to erase corruption and missing/damaged file system repair or replacement.

    Start - type this in the search box-> find COMMAND at the top and RIGHT CLICK – RUN AS ADMIN

    Enter this at the command prompt - sfc/scannow

    How to fix the system files of Windows 7 with the System File Checker

    How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker
    (SFC.exe) program generates in Windows Vista cbs.log

    Also run CheckDisk, so we cannot exclude as much as possible of the corruption.

    How to run check disk in Windows 7


    After the foregoing:

    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows
    Vista or Windows 7

    Use advanced tools to solve performance problems in Windows 7

    Problems with the overall speed of the system and performance

    How to troubleshoot performance issues in Windows Vista

    Optimize the performance of Microsoft Windows Vista
    To see everything that is in charge of startup - wait a few minutes without doing anything-
    then right click on taskbar - task manager - take a look at stored by -
    Process - Services - this is a quick reference (if you have a little box on)
    Lower left - show for all users, then check that).

    How to change, add or remove startup programs in Windows 7

    Is a quick check to see who are loading method 2 - using MSCONFIG
    then after a list of these here.

    Tools that should help you:

    Process Explorer - free - find out what files, registry keys, and other objects
    processes have open, which DLLs they have loaded and more. This unique
    powerful utility will show you even owned by each process.

    Autoruns - free - see what programs are configured to start automatically
    When your system boots and you connect. Autoruns also shows you the complete list
    locations of registry and files where applications can configure start automatic settings.
    Process Monitor - Free - monitor file system, registry, process, thread and DLL
    activity in real time.

    There are many excellent free tools from Sysinternals

    WhatsInStartUP - free - this utility displays the list of all applications that are
    loaded automatically when Windows starts. For each application, what follows
    the information is displayed: Type of startup (registry/Startup folder), Command - Line
    Channel file, the product name, Version, company name, location in the registry or
    file system and more. It allows you to easily disable or remove unwanted programs
    that runs in your Windows startup.

    There are many excellent free tools to NirSoft

    Window Watcher - free - do you know what is running on your computer? Maybe
    not. The window Watcher says it all, every window created by each execution of the statement
    program, if the window is visible or not.

    Many excellent free tools and an excellent newsletter at Karenware


    Think about it an absolute must - manually update your drivers.

    Vista and Windows 7 updated drivers love then here's how update the most important.

    This is my generic how updates of appropriate driver:

    This utility, it is easy see which versions are loaded:

    -Free - DriverView utility displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded
    on your system. For each driver in the list, additional useful information is
    Poster: load address of the driver, description, version, product name,.
    company that created the driver and more.

    For drivers, visit Maker as replacements and system manufacturer of device which are
    the most recent. Control Panel - write - graphics card - device manager
    the brand and complete model of your video card - double click - tab of the driver-
    Note the version information. Now click on UPdate Driver (this can do nothing
    MS is far behind the certification of drivers) - then do a right click - Uninstall - REBOOT
    This will refresh the driver stack.

    Repeat this for network - card (NIC), Wifi network, sound, mouse, and keyboard
    If there are 3rd party with their own software and drivers and the other main device drivers
    you have.

    Now, go to the site of the manufacturer of system (Dell, HP, Toshiba as examples) (restore)
    and site (Realtek, Intel, Nvidia, ATI, for example) and get the manufacturer and device
    their latest versions. (Look for the system to update the BIOS, Chipset and software updates
    Site of the manufacturer here.)

    Download - SAVE - go to where you put them - right click - RUN AD ADMIN -.
    REBOOT after each installation.

    Always check in the Device Manager - drivers tab to be sure the version you are
    installation actually appears. This is because that some rollback of drivers before the
    later is installed (particularly that audio drivers) so install a driver - reboot.
    Make sure that it is installed and repeat if necessary.

    Repeat to the manufacturers - BTW to the device makers DO NOT RUN THEIR
    SCANNER - check manually by model.

    Look at the sites of the manufacturer for drivers - and the manufacturer of the device manually.

    Installation and update of drivers under Windows 7 (updated drivers manually using
    the above methods is preferable to ensure the latest drivers from the manufacturer of system
    and device manufacturers are located)

    If you update the drivers manually, then it's a good idea to disable driver facilities
    in the updates of Windows, which leaves on Windows updates, but it will not be installed
    pilots who are generally older and cause problems. If updates provides a new
    driver then hide it (right click on it) and then go get new ones manually if
    you want.

    Stop Windows 7 to automatically install device drivers

    How to disable automatic driver Installation in Windows 7 / Vista

    Turn off Windows Update Device Driver search prompt in Windows 7 / Vista (for the)
    Professional, comprehensive and Enterprise edition)


    Refer to these discussions because many more excellent advice however remember to check
    your antivirus, the main drivers and BIOS update programs and also to solve problems
    with the first method cleanboot.

    Problems with the overall speed of the system and performance

    Performance and Maintenance Tips

    Explorer Windows stopped working

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle=""><- mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • I added a 128 gB microSD card to provide the space for my photos, (a second hard drive) but lightroom won't let me not import all the pictures that are already on the map. The only import option is 'copy', not 'Add '.

    I had a problem with Lightroom on Microsoft Surface 3.  I added a 128 gB microSD card to provide the space for my photos, (a second hard drive) but lightroom won't let me not import all the pictures that are already on the map.  The only import option is 'copy', not 'Add '.  I worked around this by mounting a network directory containing photos and imported from there.  Is it possible to stop Lightroom to see such a map as a camera?

    I have not tested, but it should work with Lightroom:

    Not sure what happens if you remove the card and put in a similar SD card. I would like to test it so that you know what to expect.

  • manage all folios and access all the Analytics

    Hello and happy new year

    We have an urgent question about dps:

    We create an adobe id different for each application we build.

    by downloading folios associated with a certain app to the folio Builder we need to connect with this specific adobe ID?

    or can we use 1 adobe ID to manage all folios for all applications.

    which is the best way to go, in the long term to manage all folios and access all the Analytics.

    Please let us know as soon as possible.


    one account per app. Yes, you have to identify you with this Adobe ID to create content for this App. unless you intend to create application kiosk (one that shows all folios of all content), this is the right approach.

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