getEntityByReference VApp Metadata

I have a workflow that is able to start by Workflow-runner"by Christophe.  The workflow I write must update the metadata of a vApp before returning to the blockingtask.

I have a code that shows me that I have a metadata object

[18:39:04.052 2012-04-11] [I] metadata: DynamicWrapper (Instance): [VclMetadata]-[class com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vcloud.model.Metadata] - VALUE: com.vmware.vmo.plugin.vcloud.model.Metadata@c83b3f9

but I'm not sure how read or update this object, use the getEntitybyReference or getEntityByID methods.

The documentation of the API shows getEntries() method for metadata, which returns a vclmap object.  But I can't deduct an appropriate way to use the getEntitybyReference or getEntityByID methods to read or update the VAPP metadata documentation

Help please; ))

Thank you

Try this:

var metadata = vApp.getMetadata();
var entries = metadata.getEntries();
System.log("returning key " + key);
return entries.get(key);


Tags: VMware

Similar Questions

  • Helps getting metadata keys / values

    Hi all

    Struggling a bit trying to figure out how to display a vApps of metadata entries.  For the moment just try to get a list of key/value.  I'm away insofar as:

    Vapp vapp = Vapp.GetVappByReference(client, vAppRef);
    Metadata md = vapp.GetMetadata();
    Dictionary<string, string> mdDict = md.GetMetadataEntries();

    But apparently my dictionary is empty

    I can get a list of metadata keys by doing:

    List<MetadataEntryType> mdList = md.GetTypedMetadataEntries();
    foreach (MetadataEntryType mdEntry in mdList)

    But that's all I can get.  No values - what I am doing wrong?

    Thank you!



    Attached a snippet of java code to read typed metadata entries.

          Vdc vdc =
          Metadata vdcMetadata = vdc.getMetadata();
          for (MetadataEntryType entry : vdcMetadata.getTypedMetadataEntries()) {
             if (entry.getTypedValue() instanceof MetadataStringValue) {
                System.out.println(((MetadataStringValue) entry.getTypedValue())
    // similarly based on the other typed metadata entires you can type cast accordingly and consume them.

    The vCloud API programming guide contains more information on this side atleast API to understand how they work.

    Working with the metadata of the object

    Kind regards

    Rajesh Kamal.

  • Edition VAPP model?

    If a newcomer in vCD (a little late, of course). I gave an environment able to play with in a test environment. I have everything set up, and I am now at the point where I want to set / import a model and play with this deployment. Here is what I tried

    1. Imported a VM model in a catalogue of vDC organization vCD, tried to change it...
    2. Created a new model of vApp, tried to change...

    In both cases each setting, except the profile of storage on the general tab and the metadata tab is grey. Ideally, the model that I imported vsphere would be good to go, but necessary configuration changes.

    Is it normal?  If this is the case, is the right way to change patterns of vApp to

    1. deploy a model of vApp to a paralytic
    2. Make the necessary changes to the vApp
    3. Re - capture the VAPP as VAPP model

    .. or am I missing something?

    Yes you are right.

    If you want to make basic changes you can do (as the name, description and other things). For advanced level, you will need to add to your cloud, make changes, and convert it back into a vApp model.

    Visit this link for the official VMware vCloud Director Documentation Centre

    maybe possible by powercli for vcloud, but not too sure about that.

  • VAPP vCloud query by name of vCO


    I have been using the following analysis as a reference to query an object of VAPP vCloud vCO using a string name.

    My code looks like:

    queryService var = vcloudServer.getQueryService)
    var expression = new VclExpression (VclQueryVAppField.NAME, vAppName, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    filter var = new VclFilter (expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    params.setFilter (filter);
    var PPPV = new Array();
    resultSet var = queryService.queryRecords (VclQueryRecordType.VAPP, params);
    While (resultSet! = null) {}
    var record = resultSet.getRecords (new VclQueryResultVAppRecord());
    System.log (records.length + "records found");
    for each {(var record in documents)
    If (record.vdc is {vdc.getReference () .href)}
    var vAppRef = new VclReference();
    vAppRef.href = record.href; =;
    vAppRef.type = record.type;
    vAppRef.push (vdc.getHost () .getEntityByReference (VclEntityType.VAPP, vAppRef));
    resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage ();
    System.log (vApp (s) found: "+ vApp.length" ' ")

    Where vcloudServer is the type vCloud:Host and vAppName is the name of vApp I'm looking for (string type).

    The workflow is running, but it never finds anything.

    No idea what is the problem here?

    (vCO 5.1, vCloud Director 5.1)

    Thank you



    var vcloudServer = vdc.getHost();
    var queryService = vcloudServer.getQueryService()
    var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVAppField.NAME, vAppName, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    var vApps = new Array();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVAPP, params);
    while (resultSet != null)  {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVAppRecord());
        System.log(records.length + " records found");
        for each (var record in records) {
            if (record.vdc == vdc.getReference().href) {
                var vAppRef = new VclReference();
                vAppRef.href = record.href;
                vAppRef.type = record.type;
                vApps.push(vdc.getHost().getEntityByReference(VclFinderType.VAPP, vAppRef));
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    System.log("vApp(s) found:"+vApps.length);
  • List vApps, redux

    I wrote a code to find a TIME given a name (String), and as usual, he did work as expected.  So I did some research more and found this which was code similar to my attempt (s) if at least I was on the right track.

    However, even with the code of this thread I keep seeing the behavior where the table does not meet with entity objects.  The last two messages in this thread indicate some sort of shift of the URL, but I'm sure about what delay was implicit or find?  We turn a nice stock vCO and vCD and were able to get objects of entity via the references orgNetworks, vAppTemplates, and orgVDCs from similar code successfully.

    For convenience, the code is:

    var vApps = new Array();

    var queryService = vcdHost.getQueryService();
    var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryAdminVAppField.NAME, "*" , VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    var fields = new Array();
    params.addSortFields(fields, VclSortType.SORT_ASC);
    var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVAPP, params);
    while (resultSet != null{
         var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVAppRecord());
         System.log(records.length+" records found");
         for each (var record in records) {
             var vAppRef = new VclReference();
             vAppRef.href = record.href;
             vAppRef.type = record.type;
             vApps.push(vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.VAPP, vAppRef));
    System.log("vapp with name""Found in VDC"+record.vdcName)
         resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();

    return vApps;


    Are you trying to run it with vCO 5.1, using the vCD plugin 5.1 for vCO? If so, you need to change

    vApps.push(vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.VAPP, vAppRef));


    vApps.push(vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclFinderType.VAPP, vAppRef));

    According to the guidelines of this doc:

  • Retrieve the vapps catalog

    In orchestrator 4, we had a built custom workflow and action to recover and return the names of VAPP in a catalog.  But unfortunately in 5 Orchestrator, action no longer works and is not the best at writing scripts, I thought I would ask assistance

    var CatalogItems = Catalog.getCatalogItems ();

    var vAppTemplates = [];

    for {(var CatalogItemIndex in CatalogItems)

    var CatalogItem = CatalogItems [CatalogItemIndex];

    var _VappTemplate is Catalog.parent.parent.getEntityByReference (vclEntityType.VAPP_Template, CatalogItem.entity);.

    VappTemplates.push (vapptemplate);


    Return VappTemplates;

    "The error is"cannot read property' name ' value null

    Any help would be appreciated.   Even a suggestion on a better way to do

    Here's the code that does what you ask:

    var catalogItems = catalog.getCatalogItems();
    var vAppTemplates = new Array();
    var host = catalog.parent.parent;
    for each(catalogItem in catalogItems){
        var entity = catalogItem.entity;
        var vAppTemplate = host.getEntityByReference(VclFinderType.VAPP_TEMPLATE, entity);
        if (vAppTemplate != null){

    The underlying problem in your code is a change described here: - in particular, VclFinderType should now be used instead of VclEntityType.

  • Blocking task - add a virtual machine to VAPP

    Which block task will begin when I add a virtual machine to a Palsy of a catlog. The "add, move or delete virtual machines of VAPP" seems to send a job blocking, but the xml of the blocking task does not include the vcloud:vm, only the vcloud:vapp

    I want to send a notification when the new VM is complete provisioning and include details on the new virtual machine.

    If you duplicated one of the workflow approval of all notifications, try to paste the following in the Get scaffolding Scriptable this workflow task... He will certainly need a cleaning according to your needs. It is a part of my test code for extraction of information of this type of operation...

    var vcdHost = vApp.getHost();
    //User info
    var username =;
    var userDescription = user.description;
    var userFullName = user.fullName;
    var userEmailAddress = user.emailAddress;
    var userTelephone = user.telephone;
    var userIm =;
    var userDeployedVmQuota = user.deployedVmQuota;
    if (userDeployedVmQuota == 0) userDeployedVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userStoredVmQuota = user.storedVmQuota;
    if (userStoredVmQuota == 0) userStoredVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userRole = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.ROLE, user.role).name;
    if (blockingTask != null) {
        var task = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.TASK, blockingTask.getTask());
        var XMLstring = task.toXml();
        System.log("Task XML: \n"+XMLstring);
        // Now begin typical XML Processing for this set of action types:
        // These come from the "Add, Move or Delete Virtual Machines from vApp" blocking task being enabled
        // This workflow requires a single input - a string containing the XML to be processed.
        // It generates the following outputs:
        // operationType - this is a string that is either "create" "delete" or "move"
        // the other output is a Array/Properties object with the following possible properties:
        // vmName - string
        // hostName - string
        // osName - string
        // hwVersion - string
        // cpuCount - string
        // memoryMB - string
        var doc = new XML(XMLstring);
        default xml namespace = doc.namespace();
        // initialize the outputs:
        var operationType = null;
        var vmPropsArray = new Array();
        // Determine action type from XML:
        if (doc.Params.DeleteItem != null && doc.Params.DeleteItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("This is a Delete operation");
            operationType = "delete";
            //    DELETE ITEM Processing
            System.log("DeleteItem Count: "+doc.Params.DeleteItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.DeleteItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Delete: "[email protected]());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        if(doc.Params.CreateItem != null && doc.Params.CreateItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("A blank VM is being added to the vApp");
            operationType = "create";
            System.log("CreateItem Count: "+doc.Params.CreateItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.CreateItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Add: "[email protected]());
                System.log("Description: "+c.Description.toString());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        // ADD/MOVE Testing:
        if(doc.Params.SourcedItem != null){
            System.log("SourcedItem Count: "+doc.Params.SourcedItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.SourcedItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                if(c.@sourceDelete == "true"){
                    operationType = "move";
                    operationType = "create";
                System.log("This is an "+operationType+" operation");
                //System.log("sourceDelete: "+c.@sourceDelete);
                var instantiationParams = c.InstantiationParams;
                System.log("VM Name: "+instantiationParams.GuestCustomizationSection.ComputerName.toString());
                System.log("Host Name: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemIdentifier.toString());
                vmProps.put("osName", instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Operating System: "+instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Hardware Version: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemType.toString());
                var n2 = new Namespace("");
                var n3 = new Namespace("");
                var items = instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.n2::Item;
                for each (i in items){
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Number of Virtual CPUs"){
                        System.log("CPU Count: "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Memory Size"){
                        System.log("Memory (MB): "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
    //vApp Info
    var vAppName =;
    var vAppDescription = vApp.description;
    var vAppVdc =;
    var org = vApp.parent.parent;
    //Using query service to get further information on the to be deployed vApp
    var queryService = vcdHost.toAdminObject().toAdminExtensionObject().getExtensionQueryService();
    var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVAppField.NAME,, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryAllVappRecords(params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords();
        for each (var record in records) {
            //Since we got the vApp by its name we want to check it is the right one
            if (record.href == vApp.getReference().href) {
                var vAppCreationDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(record.creationDate).toString();
                var vAppNumberOfVMs = record.numberOfVMs;
                var vAppStorageMB = record.storageKB / 1024;
                var map = record.otherAttributes;
                var vAppAutoDeleteDate = "Unlimited";
                for each (k in map.keys) {
                    if (k.getLocalPart() == "autoDeleteDate") {
                        var vAppAutoDeleteDateString = map.get(k);
                        if  (vAppAutoDeleteDateString != null && vAppAutoDeleteDateString != undefined) {
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar = VclMiscObjectFactory.xmlGregorianCalendarFromString(vAppAutoDeleteDateString);
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar).toString();
                        System.log(k.getLocalPart() + " : " + map.get(k));
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    var vmsProperties = new Array();
    var queryService = vcdHost.getQueryService();
    expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVMField.CONTAINER, vApp.getReference().href, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVM, params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVMRecord());
        System.log(records.length + " VM records found");
        for each (var record in records) {
            var vmProp = new Properties();
            vmProp.put("guestOs", record.guestOs);
            vmProp.put("memoryMB", record.memoryMB);
            vmProp.put("numberOfCpus", record.numberOfCpus);
            if (record.networkName != null) {
                vmProp.put("networkName", record.networkName);
            else {
                vmProp.put("networkName", "");
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    function addInfoTitle(info, title) {
        info += "" + title + "
    \n"; return info; } function addInfoEntry(info, label, entry) { info += "
  • " + label + " : " + entry + "\n"; return info; } function addInfoSeparation(info) { info += "

\n"; return info; } content = ""; content = addInfoTitle(content, "Requestor"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Username", username); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", userDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Full Name", userFullName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Email Address", userEmailAddress); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Telephone Number", userTelephone); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Instant Messenger ID", userIm); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Deployed VM Quota", userDeployedVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Stored VM Quota", userStoredVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Role", userRole); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "vApp"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Name", vAppName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", vAppDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "VDC", vAppVdc); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Creation Date", vAppCreationDate); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Number of VMs", vAppNumberOfVMs); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Disk Size", System.formatNumber((vAppStorageMB / 1024), "0")+ " GB"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Storage Lease", vAppAutoDeleteDate); System.log("=================================================\n"); System.log("Operation Type: "+operationType); // Process the vmPropsArray: // vmName - string // hostName - string // osName - string // hwVersion - string // cpuCount - string // memoryMB - string if (vmPropsArray != null){ for each (vmProps in vmPropsArray){ System.log("vmName: "+vmProps.get("vmName")); System.log("hostName: "+vmProps.get("hostName")); System.log("osName: "+vmProps.get("osName")); System.log("cpuCount: "+vmProps.get("cpuCount")); System.log("memoryMB: "+vmProps.get("memoryMB")); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "VM"+" ("+operationType+")"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tName", vmProps.get("vmName")); // This is the "Full Name" or "Display Name" if(vmProps.get("description")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content,"\tDescription", vmProps.get("description")); } if(vmProps.get("hostName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tHost Name", vmProps.get("hostName")); // This is the hostname or Computer Name } if(vmProps.get("osName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tGuest OS name", vmProps.get("osName")); } if(vmProps.get("cpuCount")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tvCPUs", vmProps.get("cpuCount")); } if(vmProps.get("memoryMB")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tRAM (MB)", vmProps.get("memoryMB")); } // content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tNetwork name", vmProp.get("networkName")); } } var displayContent = content; // Retrieve the full webview url here: should be like http://your.vco.server:8280/vmo/approvals var webViewUrl = configurationElement.getAttributeWithKey("webViewUrl").value; // Extract the host from the url var vcoHost = webViewUrl.match(/^(ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/)?(.+@)?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+).*$/)[3]; // Now build the answer URL to be placed in e-mail var urlAnswer = "here" ; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "Click "+urlAnswer +" to approve or reject this request."; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "** This is an automated workflow email. Do not reply. **";
  • Get a list of all the vApps?

    I'm having bad to write a VCL query to get all the vApps in VCD infrastructure and have hit a roadblock. I can't return the results. My code is below, and I think it's okay...

    Any help would be appreciated.

    queryService var = vcdHost.getQueryService ();
    expression of var = new VclExpression (VclQueryVAppField.NAME, "*", VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    filter var = new VclFilter (expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    params.setFilter (filter);
    Vapps var = new Array();
    resultSet var = queryService.queryRecords (VclQueryRecordType.VAPP, params);
    While (resultSet! = null) {}
    var record = resultSet.getRecords (new VclQueryResultVAppRecord());
    for each {(var record in documents)
    var VAppRef = new VclReference(); =;
    VAppRef.status = record.status;
    VAppRef.vdc = record.vdc;
    VAppRef.type = record.type;
    vApps.push (vcdHost.getEntityByReference (VclEntityType.VAPP, VAppRef));
    resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage ();
    vAppArray = vapps;

    And here is mine.

    As you can see, all right.

    You can connect using its originalStringRepresentation property the string representation of an object notFound. From there, you can check the URL (you can also you can connect the href of the records).

    I think it's that you may have configured differently vCD plugin url, and the URL of the API public vCD. Please check.


  • Video metadata date is incorrect: the value and not of creation date sharing

    10 iOS, iPhone 6 +, Windows 10. Photos and videos are shared through iCloud, but NOT stored in iCloud.

    Once synced on my PC, the photos and videos have a truncated name (for example, "016a1f2e11dfcc680e1009cb96346b67678fb2c6bc.jpg"). Of course, this is not acceptable at all to me when I organize them on my NAS: I prefer a significant, sortable name, as "2016-09-16 18-15-20259 (Apple iPhone 6 more) .jpg.

    To do this, I simply read the EXIF information directly from the image, and I rename the image accordingly. No problem for the photos.

    But for videos... I do the same, in the world, but with less information. I can extract only creation date/time from metadata of the videos, not the unit that captured video. Sad, but I have not found anything else, and at least it's automatic.

    Recently, I found that the date in the video file is NOT correct: this is the timecode of SHARING via iCloud, not the timecode CAPTURE. I have therefore some videos with a delta of two weeks between the true creation as well as the "official" date

    I checked this on my phone: date is correct (once the video is no longer in full screen, the date is displayed at the top of the screen, and it is 'the' date I'm looking).

    So, question: How can I get the date of the 'real' creation of all these videos on my PC? It exists: it appears on the iPhone that took the video (a woman) AND mine. Information is 'lost' only on the PC, but I think it's a problem of reading of 'bad' metadata (I use FFMPEG to get currently), or the wrong file for reading (perhaps within an iTunes/database file, but didn't find, not found in the registry or the other).

    Best solution is to find something operate locally, through the command line, to do it in batch mode. A solution of GUI PEUT agree if I can automate with AutoIt (i.e. should not be a native Win32 application, not Java, .NET, GTK, QT and so on, OR must have an export feature). A solution based on the web is not suitable, but can be less boring to review each video one after another to manually check the date.

    Thanks in advance.

    In my opinion, the only way to fix this is with third-party software like this one.

  • Why don't the addition of metadata to be added manually in the iTunes library song change metadata in Windows Explorer and anywhere else?

    Adding metadata to a song in the iTunes library has no effect anywhere else (as in Windows Explorer or the Groove music).

    I would like to know if I have disabled this in error or if it is not guaranteed to all visitors.

    Where it is not provided to customers, I would like to know how iTunes stores this metadata and whether it can be automatically sent to the library of Windows.

    Thank you.

    A reason of changes committed to iTunes cannot be is covered in the tip of the user, fix the iTunes for Windows security permissions but iTunes usually returns to the original data if you probably don't see this particular problem. The other possibility is of several tags.

    Several tags (Mp3 files only)

    The ID3 specification allows files to have several tags in different versions and languages, but iTunes does not work properly with simple tags. When multiple tags are present it can sometimes do not apply updates to the tag that reads back (probably update one of the others in the file) and it is also possible that the iPod and iTunes may have different rules for the tag that they give priority to. This could lead to situations where everything is properly organized in iTunes, but then inexplicably collapses on an iPod, or tracks that display different information in Windows Explorer or another media player. There are tags 3rd party editors that allow to manipulate several tags, but I don't have a casual recommendation. A workaround in iTunes is to use the context menu convert the ID3 Tags... > None a few times to remove all the labels, then convert ID3 Tags... > v2.3 to build a cool tag with information still held in the iTunes database. I've read in the past that iTunes is not completely compatible with the specification v2.4, although this may be the case, support is more however for v2.3 is widespread, then I would say using v2.3 to v2.4. All embedded work will be deleted so it must be replaced if wanted. For Windows users running a script named CreateFolderArt before and after the cleaning process tag should handle this.

    Note that some data, for example the sides and the counties of game, is only stored in the database internal iTunes and not surrounded by tags.


  • Change the metadata fields in the details pane

    Is it possible to change the metadata that appears in the details pane?

    For example, I would like to know "Time Zone" without having anyone access to each photo.

    Also, is it is shortened to "set Date and time?

    Thank you

    Also, is it is shortened to "set Date and time?

    There is no predefined shortcut, but you can add one yourself.

    • Open system preferences > keyboard, then the tab "shortcuts".

    • Select "App shortcuts" in the left column and click on ' + '.
    • In the 'Application' menu, select ' Then enter the title of "set Date and Time...» "and a combination of keys.

      Pictures now displays the keyboard shortcut that you chose in the picture menu.

  • No accompanying metadata not share photos sent by e-mail.

    I share pictures with other photographers for your technical questions and criticism.  For some reason, the metadata do not go with the file when I send it by e-mail.  Is it possible to fix this?

    Hello rdfields,

    Thanks for this info and choosing the communities Support from Apple. I know how important is able to share pictures in Photos for OS X is for you! Based on what you said, it seems that you may be having problems with sharing photos by mail directly from the Photos for OS X app. Because this process is not sharing the metadata you need, I suggest you export the images in a lossless, like TIFF or PNG format, because they work better. Then join these images to e-mail and test if the metadata have come through this way.

    Export of photos, videos and slideshows - Photos for OS X Help

    See you soon!

  • Where are stored the metadata of photos iOS10?


    Photos in iOS10 is great in face detection and recognition of objects. I was wondering if recognizable faces and objects (metadata) is stored in iCloud or only locally on the device.

    In other words is the available metadata cross-device (iPhone / iPad / Macbook etc.)?

    It seems at the local level unless something was wrong with my devices.

    I had the installer all the names on the faces and combined if necessary faces on my iPhone running iOS 10. And now I see that I need to redo all that work again on the iPad too. It's very annoying. What is the use of a photo of iCloud library if you do not synchronize these data. This means that whenever you add a photo of someone, you need to update data on all your devices face.

  • Exactly how wipe you the metadata of a photo?

    Without third-party software, is there a way I can wipe the metadata of a photo?

    Using iPhoto or Photos.

    Mac OS Sierra

    It is the third-party product, although ImageOptim can remove metadata from images.

  • Transfer photos with custom metadata

    I have all my photos on my Macbook pro (Photos app) and held them with faces and custom metadata.  I would like to transfer most of them to my iMac (photos app).  I tried various methods, including parachuting, but I lose the metadata.

    is it possible to keep custom metadata?

    is it possible to keep custom metadata?

    The only way to EVS all the metadata transferred another Mac photo library. Make a copy of the photo library on an external drive and copy the complete library to your other Mac.

    If you want to only copy the selected photos to a library on the other Mac with included metadata, export photos using the "file > export". Who will save most metadata (places, keywords, titles, descriptions), but you cannot transfer the faces in this way.  Photo library not even iCloud will now synchronize albums faces between macs or mobile devices.

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