having two compile errors

Hi all

I have two compile errors for given stored procedure. Any advise will be very much appreciated.

Thank you


Error (16,23): PLS-00103: encountered the symbol "VARCHAR2" when expecting one of the following values: =. (@ %; default range no null characters in the symbol ": =" has been substituted for "VARCHAR2" continue.)
Error (67.6): PLS-00103: encountered the symbol "OUTER" when expecting one of the following values :), with group having intersect less order start union where connect

create or replace procedure


R_listing2rifs_count VARCHAR2 (5);
R_listing2rifs VARCHAR2 (5);

listing2iag County VARCHAR2 (5);
listing2iag VARCHAR2 (5);

R_rod2iag_count VARCHAR2 (5);
R_rod2iag VARCHAR2 (5);
R_rod2ra_count VARCHAR2 (5);
R_rod2ra VARCHAR2 (5);


Select the region

Sum (listing2rifs_count) as listing2rifs_count,

Round ((Sum (listing2rifs) / sum (listing2rifs_count)) / 30.4,1) as listing2rifs
Sum (listing2iag_count) as listing2iag_count,
Round ((Sum (listing2iag) / sum (listing2iag_count)) / 30.4,1) as listing2iag,

Sum (rod2iag_count) as rod2iag_count,
Round ((Sum (rod2iag) / sum (rod2iag_count)) / 30.4,1) as rod2iag,

Sum (rod2ra_count) as rod2ra_count,
Round ((Sum (rod2ra) / sum (rod2ra_count)) / 30.4,1) as rod2ra

in R_REGION, R_listing2rifs
-, R_listing2rifs_count, listing2iag, rod2iag_count, R_rod2iag, R_rod2ra_count, R_rod2ra
Select the site. FK_REF_REGION_CODE region, site.site_id, the site. EPA_ID, site_name site.name,
listing_action, rifs_action, iag_action, rod_action, ra_action,
registration. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as listing_date,
first_rifs. ACTUAL_START_DATE as first_rifs_start_date,
first_rod. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as first_rod_date,
ra_start. ACTUAL_START_DATE as first_ra_start_date,
-case when first_rifs. ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null and inscriptions. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null, then 1 else 0 end as listing2rifs_count,
first_rifs. ACTUAL_START_DATE - list. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as listing2rifs,
-case when first_rifs. ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null and inscriptions. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null, then 1 else 0 end as listing2iag_count,
-case when first_rifs. ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null and inscriptions. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null, then 1 else 0 end as rod2iag_count,
-case when first_rifs. ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null and inscriptions. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null, then 1 else 0 end as rod2ra_count,
ra_start. ACTUAL_START_DATE - first_rod. ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as rod2ra
(fk_site_id, SPECIAL_INITIATIVE_CODE as FT_FLAG select
) SIS ON site.site_id = sis.fk_site_id
(select fk_site_id, TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as listing_action, ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE
of the action
where TYPE_CODE = 'NF '.
and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ("PC", "PB", "OA", "OC", "TO", "TT"))
b action WHERE
and b.TYPE_CODE = 'NF '.
and b.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null)
) registration
of the action
where TYPE_CODE ("NH", "LW") /*('RI','NA','NH','FS','NK','NI','CO','BD','LW') * /.
and LEAD_CODE = 'FF '.
and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ("PS", "PB", "OA", "OS", "TN", "TT"))
and ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
b action WHERE
and b.TYPE_CODE ("NH", "LW") /*('RI','NA','NH','FS','NK','NI','CO','BD','LW') * /.
and b.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null)
) first_rifs
WE site.site_id = first_rifs. FK_site_id
(select FK_site_id, TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as iag_action, ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE
of the action
where TYPE_CODE = "FI".
and the action. LEAD_CODE = 'FE '.
and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ("PC", "PB", "OA", "OC", "TO", "TT"))
b action WHERE
and b.TYPE_CODE = 'FI '.
and b.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null)
) iag
ON site.site_id = iag. FK_site_id
(select FK_site_id, TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as rod_action, ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE
of the action
where TYPE_CODE = "RO".
and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ("PC", "PB", "OA", "OC", "TO", "TT"))
b action WHERE
and b.TYPE_CODE = 'RO '.
and b.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null)
) first_rod
WE site.site_id = first_rod. FK_site_id
(select FK_site_id, TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as ra_action, ACTUAL_START_DATE
of the action
where TYPE_CODE = "LY".
and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ("PS", "PB", "OA", "OS", "TN", "TT"))
and ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
b action WHERE
and b.TYPE_CODE = 'LY '.
and b.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null)
) ra_start
WE site.site_id = ra_start. FK_site_id
and the location. NPL_STATUS_CODE in (/ * 'P' * / 'F' 'd', 'A' ")
) od
Group by region
order by 1;

Maybe (just put setting shaped in the clause and the data type of local variables changed in number with the exception of R_REGION)

create or replace PROCEDURE test AS

  R_REGION             VARCHAR2(5);
  R_listing2rifs_count number;
  R_listing2rifs       number;
  listing2iag_count    number;  /* mentioned already: rp0428 */
  listing2iag          number;
  R_rod2iag_count      number;
  R_rod2iag            number;
  R_rod2ra_count       number;
  R_rod2ra             number;


  select Region,
         sum(listing2rifs_count) as listing2rifs_count,
         round((sum(listing2rifs) / sum(listing2rifs_count))/30.4,1) as listing2rifs,
         sum(listing2iag_count) as listing2iag_count,
         round((sum(listing2iag) / sum(listing2iag_count))/30.4,1) as listing2iag,
         sum(rod2iag_count) as rod2iag_count,
         round((sum(rod2iag) / sum(rod2iag_count))/30.4,1) as rod2iag,
         sum(rod2ra_count) as rod2ra_count,
         round((sum(rod2ra) / sum(rod2ra_count))/30.4,1) as rod2ra
    into R_REGION,R_listing2rifs_count,R_listing2rifs,listing2iag_count,listing2iag,
    from (select site.FK_REF_REGION_CODE Region,
                 site.name site_name,
                 listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as listing_date,
                 iag.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as iag_date,
                 first_rifs.ACTUAL_START_DATE as first_rifs_start_date,
                 first_rod.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as first_rod_date,
                 ra_start.ACTUAL_START_DATE as first_ra_start_date,
                 case when first_rifs.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                       and listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                      then 1
                      else 0
                 end as listing2rifs_count,
                 first_rifs.ACTUAL_START_DATE - listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as listing2rifs,
                 case when first_rifs.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                       and listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                      then 1
                      else 0
                 end as listing2iag_count,
                 iag.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE - listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as listing2iag,
                 case when first_rifs.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                       and listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                      then 1
                      else 0
                 end as rod2iag_count,
                 iag.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE - first_rod.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as rod2iag,
                 case when first_rifs.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                       and listing.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                      then 1
                      else 0
                 end as rod2ra_count,
                 ra_start.ACTUAL_START_DATE - first_rod.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE as rod2ra
            from site
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (select fk_site_id,
                         SPECIAL_INITIATIVE_CODE as FT_FLAG
                    from SPECIAL_INITIATIVE_SITE sppi
                   where SPECIAL_INITIATIVE_CODE = 'FT'
                 ) SIS
              ON site.site_id = sis.fk_site_id
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (select fk_site_id,
                         TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as listing_action,
                    from action
                   where TYPE_CODE = 'NF'
                     and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ('PC','PB','OA','OC','TO','TT'))
                     and ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                     and TO_CHAR(action.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,'YYYYMMDD') || action.TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE =
                            from action b
                           WHERE ACTION.FK_SITE_ID = b.FK_Site_ID
                             and b.TYPE_CODE = 'NF'
                             and b.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                 ) listing
              ON SITE.SITE_ID = LISTING.FK_site_id
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (select FK_site_id,
                         TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as rifs_action,
                    from action
                   where TYPE_CODE in ('NH','LW') /*('RI','NA','NH','FS','NK','NI','CO','BD','LW') */
                     and LEAD_CODE = 'FF'
                     and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ('PS','PB','OA','OS','TN','TT'))
                     and ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                     and TO_CHAR(action.ACTUAL_START_DATE,'YYYYMMDD') || TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE =
                            from action b
                           WHERE ACTION.FK_SITE_ID = b.FK_Site_ID
                             and b.TYPE_CODE in ('NH','LW') /*('RI','NA','NH','FS','NK','NI','CO','BD','LW') */
                             and b.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                 ) first_rifs
              ON site.site_id = first_rifs.FK_site_id
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (select FK_site_id,
                         TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as iag_action,
                    from action
                   where TYPE_CODE = 'FI'
                     and action.LEAD_CODE = 'FE'
                     and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ('PC','PB','OA','OC','TO','TT'))
                     and ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                     and TO_CHAR(action.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,'YYYYMMDD') || action.TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE =
                            from action b
                           WHERE ACTION.FK_SITE_ID = b.FK_Site_ID
                             and b.TYPE_CODE = 'FI'
                             and b.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                 ) iag
              ON site.site_id = iag.FK_site_id
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (select FK_site_id,
                         TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as rod_action,
                    from action
                   where TYPE_CODE = 'RO'
                     and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ('PC','PB','OA','OC','TO','TT'))
                     and ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                     and TO_CHAR(action.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,'YYYYMMDD') || action.TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE =
                            from action b
                           WHERE ACTION.FK_SITE_ID = b.FK_Site_ID
                             and b.TYPE_CODE = 'RO'
                             and b.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE is not null
                 ) first_rod
              ON site.site_id = first_rod.FK_site_id
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                 (select FK_site_id,
                         TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE as ra_action,
                    from action
                   where TYPE_CODE = 'LY'
                     and (ANOMALY_CODE is null or ANOMALY_CODE not in ('PS','PB','OA','OS','TN','TT'))
                     and ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                     and TO_CHAR(action.ACTUAL_START_DATE,'YYYYMMDD') || action.TYPE_SEQUENCE_CODE =
                            from action b
                           WHERE ACTION.FK_SITE_ID = b.FK_Site_ID
                             and b.TYPE_CODE = 'LY'
                             and b.ACTUAL_START_DATE is not null
                 ) ra_start
              ON site.site_id = ra_start.FK_site_id
             and site.NPL_STATUS_CODE in (/*'P',*/'F','D','A')
         ) durations
   group by Region
order by 1;



Tags: Database

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    import flash.display.Sprite;

    import flash.filters.GlowFilter;


    colorON var = "0x1E6175";

    var colorOFF = "0xCCCCCC;


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    mcWorldMapTop.mcUnitedStates.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform

    is it a movieclip, mentioned in the error message is in the same context that this code?

    If so, there are several ways you might be a problem and yet the instance name matches the name used in your actionscript code.

    a solution would be if you converted a button or graphic to a movieclip.  If you do not do this, remove the current movieclip with the same instance name and create a new movieclip with the same instance name.  Repeat the test.

    If you see a different error (about a term being undefined etc.), you can remove this new movieclip and drag the correct movieclip on the stage and, after you copy the name from your code, paste the name in the properties panel.  Repeat the test.

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    ERROR: HDLCompiler:432 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd", Line 144: Formal has no real or default value.
    INFO: HDLCompiler:1408 - "C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000035_CustomNode.vhd", line 18. eiosignal is declared here
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    File VHDL C:\NIFPGA\jobs\R6n310u_Z1R8lYC\NiFpgaAG_00000031_SequenceFrame.vhd ignored errors


    Total memory use is 189944 kilobytes

    Number of errors: 9 (0 filtered)
    Number of warnings: 4 (filtered 0)
    Number of news: 0 (0 filtered)

    "Synthesize - XST" process failed

    I had similar errors (not real or by default) then compile using the code LV would not remove, but the compiler Xilinx would be due to determine it was unused.  It is usually inaccessible code with a register read in the main loop, but write it to enroll in a deal structure that would not be executed.  Differences in the ability of the LV compiler or compiler of Xilinx to decide what is safe to delete this could lead.

    Other times we had errors when a clock has been specified in the file of constraints, but the clock was not used.

    Maybe one of these two seemingly unrelated points might help.


  • LabVIEW FPGA CLIP node compilation error

    Hello NO,.

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    Within the FPGA personality, I essentially have to add some constants on the indicators and entries CLIP to my CLIP out and attempt to save/compile.  With this simple configuration, I met a compilation error (ERROR: MapLib:820 - symbol LUT4... see report filling for details on which signals were cut).  If I go back to my VI and delete indicators on the output (making the output pin of the CLIP connected to nothing), compiles fine.

    I've included screenshots, VHDL and LV project files.  What could be causing an indicator of the output of my VI to force compilation errors?

    Otherwise that it is attached to the output ELEMENT, a successful compilation...

    After that the output indicator comes with CLIP, compilation to fail...

    NEITHER sbRIO-9601
    LabVIEW 8.6.0
    Windows XP (32-bit, English)
    No conflicting background process (not Google desktop, etc.).

    Usually a "trimming" error gives to think that there are a few missing IP.  Often, a CLIP source file is missing or the path specified in the XML file is incorrect.

    In your case I believe that there is an error in the XML declaration:


    This indicates LV FPGA to expect a higher level entity called "RandomNumberGenerator" defined in one of two VHDL files.  However, I couldn't see this entity in one of two files.  If urng_n11213_w36dp_t4_p89 is the top-level entity, edit the XML to instead set the HDLName tag as follows:


    Also - in your XML, you set the 'oBits' music VIDEO for output as a U32, however the VHDL port is defined as a vector of bits 89:

    oBits: out std_logic_vector (89-1 downto 0)

    These definitions must match and the maximum size of the vector CLIP IO is 32, so you have to break your oBits in three exits U32 output.  I have added the ports and changed your logic of assignment as follows:

    oBits1(31 downto 0)<= srcs(31="" downto="">
    oBits2(31 downto 0)<= srcs(63="" downto="">
    oBits3(31 downto 0)<= "0000000"="" &="" srcs(88="" downto="">

    Both of these changes resulted in a successful compilation.

    Note: The only compiler errors when you add the flag because otherwise your CUTTING code is optimized design.  If the IP is instantiated in a design, but nothing is connected to its output, it consumes all logic?  Most of the time the FPGA compiler is smart enough to get it out.

  • URLRequest (?) compiler error IOS

    I noticed a mistake that occurs only after I exported in my iPhone for additional tests.

    I have a function on my App that tests if the user has access to the internet so that they can use additional features (log in, scores, updates, etc.). Please note that theerror that it does NOT occur if I run the application as a .swf. The .swf works fine. Before ask you, yes my phone is currently online. In fact, a previous version of my application, I did in Flash can connect to the internet, but my recently 'upgraded to Animate"version cannot. Same code. I use the latest available SDK (

    Here is the code because I know someone will ask. I am sure that it is a kind of question when the .swf is converted into a .ipa, so I doubt anyone can help me other than the folk of Adobe... which I hope to see this and to provide assistance, so I can get out an update. I've been using this code example for these past two years with great success, but now all of a sudden it doesn't work.

    function onlinechecker() {}

    var onlineloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;

    onlineloader.dataFormat = pouvez;

    var onlinetest:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://www.smileycrewproductions.com/scparacde/scripts/arcade-onlinetest.php");

    onlineloader. Load (onlinetest);

    function runonlinetest(event:Event) {}

    online = event.target.data.online;


    onlineloader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, runonlinetest);


    It is not easy to give an answer when given of misleading information.  for example, or code snippets that you have posted will compile even under any version of air.  It is likely that you have failed some of your code and making it more difficult to debug.

    It is even doubtful that your title is correct as (far as I know) there is no 'new' compiler error in SDK sdk 22 vs 17.  so, if you really have the varialbe "online" typed in the scope of your code posted somewhere, there will be no compiler error in 17 and none in the 22 sdk sdk.

    who says:

    (1) to install previous versions of app: just after the point 1/2 towards the bottom of the page is a portal showing how to install previous versions, https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/download-install-app.html

    (2) for other SDK, find and download archived Adobe AIR SDK versions

    (3) once fix you the problems and see no compiler error (if you don't really see everything), you will probably meet most of your problem: a failure of your application to work when it is installed because of updated air for safety (from the air 20) ios app that you can resolve by updating your app descriptor by adding :









  • Lumetri color is "film compilation error. Unknown error' all the time...

    I have problems to compile anything if I use the Lumetri color in first Pro CC 2016 9.2.0

    If I remove all Lumetri color on all plans, it compiles without any problem. If I use any kind of color Lumetri - presets or custom color Lumetri it's for me

    "Film compilation error. Unknown error. "if I try to render or export/compile.

    It matters little if I just export from in the body or the SOUL use.

    At first I thought it might be some errors with the media, but after trying to remove the clips one by one, he always made the mistake. Finally, I removed all the effects and it worked.

    If I put Lumetri color on a single clip, it does not.

    It's very frustrating.

    My system:

    Windows Pro 10

    I7 - 4930 K 3.4 Ghz

    64 GB OF RAM

    NVIDIA GTX 570

    4 x 4 TB HARD drive

    Clips of Panasonic GH3 GH4 - GH3 vlclips and 50 1080 P the GH4 is 4K 25 p. All places on the timeline with 1080 P. 25, have made many films with mixed without any problems before - looks like this error came after the latest organization update?


    UPDATE: I managed to get the sequence exported using the red giant seems only instead of Lumetri. I had jumped to almost looks like after having to get used to Lumetri, which I find easier to adjust when editing. Have the old edition, but consider the upgrade to bersion last, otherwise Lumetri works more. I wonder if this could have something to do with my Nvidia driver? Old eyes do not use the GPU but only the CPU... so maybe something related to the GPU for my GTX570 driver?

    / Morten

    Just look at the GTX 570... «With 480 CUDA cores...» " ... I think that this is your problem, really.

    Plus, the recommended minimum CUDA cores is to stay more than 1,000. Simply, this card doesn't have the power to handle the most recent Lumetri. The rest of your machine looks very good, I think you just need to move up to say a 970 at least. It would balance the rest of your machine better.

    Among the major warnings of building a computer for applications video Adobe is 'balance'... with the most amazing CPU and 256 GB of RAM, but only using a disk 5400 RPM, for example, is not a machine "balanced". 570 isn't near the capacity of your machine... and PrPro... can use.

    That's why he better just software.


  • Video compilation error - unknown error

    Just got a PC brand new Intel i7 4790 and GTX970 GPU - copied some of my projects from my old computer and tried to return with first Pro CC v7.0. While making pop "Video compilation error unknown error" and if I try to make a second time, it freezes and finally crashes.

    Tried two hardrives (HDD/SSD), and the clips are perfectly fine since they work fine on another computer. Any help would be welcome!

    Thank you


    Update Windows 7 (which was a clean install) to service pack 1 - for some reason that did the job.

  • "Compile error. Unknown error. "or"Multiplexing gone bad"

    Hello people,

    When I try to export my video to 4 minutes (just a simple video in 1080 p: some only clips with a soundtrack, a few titles and, despite a sometimes stabilizer no effect), a "compilation error. Unknown error "or a"multiplexing has failed-error"occurs. For me, it seems that the program chooses just one of two errors, so there will be no export my file... I can't find a reason for these errors.

    I don't know how to get rid of the error division multiplexing (only export the video or audio), but as soon as I get rid of this error, the compilation error occurs, and I don't know how to get rid of that one... I advised Adobe page on the compile error, but none of the advice they gave worked for me...

    I decided to restart the editing of the video. This time that I exported every time after I was 30-second edition. It worked twice (so that total I 1 minute exported), but the third time the error reappears. I removed the third 30 seconds I edited (so I had left only 1 minute again), and I've tried if the first 30 sec still wanted to export. But this time, guess what, errors have come to the top and it wouldn't export... PE will not export the exact same files as it has exported before more!

    I think, something is wrong in the program itself, but tproblem could my computer als. Sometimes while editing a "Premiere Elements has stopped working - popup" appears and then I have no choice but to close the program (what is a sign of a bad work computer?). And tproblem that it could even be forced by me, something wrong...

    Anyone know anything about these errors and how to heal?

    Looking forward to your reply!

    By the way: English is not my mother tongue, so don't go and hate on my English please!

    02010 m

    Your English is very good. But we need more details. We understand the problem you have described.

    1. what version of Premiere Elements and on what operating system works - it?

    2. What are the properties including the extension of what you put on your project timeline?

    What have you (manually) or project (automatically) defined as a project preset to match the properties of your media source on the Timeline?

    3. What is your intended export - version 13/13.1 if, Publish + share/computer/and then what? And what you define as the pre-selection for export? You use the default settings of the selected preset, or customize the selected have been preset on his tab multiplexer tab button and advanced video, Audio tab? What are your settings tab multiplexer?

    4. have you developed the timeline to help - + cursor above the timeline and looked for irregularities in all tracks (used or others that you feel is not used).

    a. gaps in the timeline summary

    b. debris (remains) scattered around the content of the tracks

    placement of c. of video and/or audio transitions, titles

    I guess there is no marker menu timeline or movie Menus involved in all this. I guess correctly?

    Before we get to the point where we suggest program uninstall / free ccleaner Cross (parts regular and register), reinstall it with antivirus and firewall disabled, let us

    a. make sure that the structure of the timeline has no flaws inside

    b. determine if delete the parameter of the item first (Adobe Premiere elements Prefs) editor has an impact on one of the problems you described

    If Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 64-bit

    Local disk C






    First Elements

    Version number

    and in the version number the Adobe Premiere elements Prefs file folder that you delete... If that does not work, delete the record of the number of full version in which Adobe Premiere elements Prefs file exists. Be sure to work with folder Option show hidden files, folders and drives on.

    Please review and consider, and then we can try to put all the information together to find a solution consistent with the problems.

    Thank you.


  • get compilation errors during migration of weblogic7.0 to 9.2

    I get compilation errors for my request during the migration of weblogic7.0 to weblogic9.2. These errors are specific to the weblogic.servlet.FileServlet, weblogic.servlet.WebAppServletContext, and weblogic. Security-related packages.
    In the code of the application itself is called Fileservlet classes. WebAppServletContext calls the getWar() method.
    I found these classes and methods are not api weblogic9.2 and weblogic7.0 api as well.

    But it is having compiled without error in weblogic7.0 and it's errors in weblogic9.2.

    Can anyone suggest sort of like any changes of the configuration necessary for it to fix these errors of compilation.

    This information can be provided by the support the Oracle customer... Because the missing methods belongs to 'Internal API to WebLogic' and no official docs are available from outside the world of oracle because of the internal API.

    Thank you
    Jay SenSharma

  • Newbie get a compiler error


    I am very new to Flash. I get a compiler error when I try to make an example of Animation in the help file. (Found here http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=Liv eDocs_Parts & file = 00000026.html).

    Here is the ActionScript code in my frame 1 (copy and pasted from the tutorial). :


    function startMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
    This.Play ();
    playButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, startMovie);

    function gotoAuthorPage(event:MouseEvent):void
    var targetURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest (" http://example.com/");
    navigateToURL (targetURL);
    homeButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAuthorPage);

    He gets a "' {' ' should ' compile error on each of the lines of two functions.}" Can you see what I'm doing wrong?

    (I tried Flash 6 and Flash 8, in which case it was a problem of version or something. Did not help).

    Thank you

    Try flash 9/as3: it is the as3 code.

  • LV 2011 (and 2012 LV) compilation error. Size not valid in _InstSize: 21

    I created a Subvi in LV8.5 to manage events UI outside a main vi. The Subvi gets control references who are registered for the events, through a queue that all actions are sent to a consumer case, nothing complicated. Everything works fine in LV8.5, but now I got all LV2011SP1 on a Windows 7 64 bit and I still get the same error:

    "Compile error. Report this issue to National Instruments Tech Support. Invalid size in _InstSize 21 "

    which appears 3 times. I tried to open the same code also in LV2012, same error... When you try to isolate the problem, I discovered that by disabling the code in 3 cases of greater consumption that I can get rid of the warning, but then I can't reduce the problem to one...

    Any ideas?

    Yes, the thing to put 'problem' labview code into a Subvi its own helped me as well.

    My speculation is that it forces the choice of another compiler (without the bug) path when compiling the source of the LV.

    I think you should file a bug report using the pages of http://ni.com/support .

    In this way we will have better tools in the future.


    / Roger

  • Compiler error. Report to Technical Support OR: err c = 0xF1 ufppushop

    Compiler error. Report to Technical Support OR: err c = 0xF1 ufppushop

    When recording / runing a vi that performs calculations in a node formula containing several if and a switch statement. (LV6.1, WinNT)

    I solved the problem: the compile error occurred because a single formula node entry was an enum.
    When you insert a cast to digital, the problem has been resolved.

  • DMA FIFO of FPGA compilation error


    I have a cRIO 9074 with FPGA. I tried a simple piece of code to learn how to acquire the data that is generated on the FPGA at a rate of 10 KHz and transfer it to the host VI to treat later in offline mode. However, I meet this compilation error when you compile the FPGA VI base containing a node to write FIFO (photo of the VI attached below). In compiling the report, it is said that there are 256 RAM Block used (the total number is 40), so an error has occurred. The error notification of exact compilation from Xilinx report is reproduced below:

    # From the PAM program

    # o toplevel_gen_map.ncd - intstyle xflow-calendar toplevel_gen.ngd map

    toplevel_gen. FCP


    "Target part using" 3s2000fg456-4 ".

    Design of mapping in the lut...

    Guided running of packaging...

    Running based on the delay of packaging of LUT...

    ERRORack:2310 - type compositions "RAMB16" too found to adapt to this device.

    ERROR: card: 115 - the design is too large to fit the device.  Please consult the Design summary section to see what resource requirements for your design exceeds the resources available in the device. Note that the number of slices don't notice it that their packaging could not be completed accurately.

    NOTE: A file NCD will be always generated to allow you to examine the mapped design.  This file is intended for evaluation use only and will not be processed successfully by means of BY.

    Mapping performed.

    See the report of map file "toplevel_gen_map.mrp" for more details.

    Problem encountered during the packaging phase.

    Summary of design


    Error number: 2

    Number of warnings: 125

    ERROR: Xflow - card program returned the error 2 code. Aborting the workflow execution...

    Bitstream not created

    Time history analysis

    What does that mean? How can I fix this error?

    Thank you



    Have you already tried to reduce the size of the FIFO memory?


  • Outside regs, reg 1239 compiler error

    I installed LV2009 and trying to open the version 8.6 vi.

    I get a message "compilation error. Report this problrm to Technical Support from National Instruments. off-regs - no release candidate has found, reg 1239! »

    32-bit client of Labview on Win 7 64 bit and Win Server 2008 64 bit give the same error.

    The attached code.

    Technical support NOR suggested installation LV 2009 service pack 1, which fixed the problem.

  • const compilation error


    If I declare a const, which is based on a value previously declared const I get a compilation error:

    const int MY_INT_CONST1 = 10;  no error.
    const int MY_INT_CONST2 = MY_INT_CONST1 + 10; compile error: initializer must be constant

    I tried to search the Internet to see if this goes against ANSI-C, but did not find the relevant answer.

    Anyone who knows and who have a source of information?

    Thank you!



    As I remember, in ansi C, global variables must be initialized by constants.
    So, we can write:
    # define MYVAR 5
    int a = MYVAR;
    because the preprocessor replace MYVAR by 5 before compiling the sources.

    But if we write
    const int a = 1;
    const int b = a;

    We want to initialize b with the value of a, which is a global variable and the compiler should detect an error (declare a constant variable will generate a compiler error if the variable is reassigned to the program, but is still a variableand not a constant).

    The same compilation error should appear if write us in the global section

    int a = 1;

    int b = a;

    int c = myFunc ();

    However in the locals, initialiseur initializer is not necessary to be consistent, so we can write

    void myFunc (void) {}
    const a = 1;
    const b = a;
    c const = myfunction2 ();

    In summary, the keyword "const" is not the reason for this error, you can add or remove this keyword, the error will always be the same.

    It is simply impossible to initialize a global variable with another variable as global variables are initialized before executing any statement.



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