Help accomplish upright Fluctuation analysis (DFA)


I am tryting to fulfill a DFA of time series chart.

I have the EKG signal, where I got the RR intervals. For the DFA analysis, I have to do:

Analysis of upright fluctuation method proved to be useful in revealing the magnitude of correlations at long range in time series. In short, the time series analysis (with samples N) is first built. Then, the integrated time series is divided into boxes of equal length, n. In each box of length n, a line of the least squares method is suited to data (representing the trend in this area). The ordinate of the straight line segments is denoted by on(k).

Then we detrend the time series integrated, y (k), by subtracting the local trend, on(k), in each area. The fluctuation of root-mean-square of this time series integrated and reorganized is calculated by

This calculation is repeated on all time scales (dimensions of the box) to characterize the relationship between f(n), fluctuating medium and the size of the box, n., f (n) increases with the size of the box. A linear relationship on a logarithmic field indicates the presence of straight (fractal) power scaling. In these conditions, fluctuations can be characterized by an exhibitor, the slope of log f (n) line to log n.

As a first step, first of all, we calculate the signal integrated according to the formula

Hi, DFA frustrated me for a long time. My question has repeat box Analytisis segment for each window of the series. Which means that if there are 300 beats then beat 4 interval is repaeted 75 times while the beat section 64 is repeated 4 times with RMS for each length of window being f (n).  See my solution below. MinN and MaxN is the minimum and maximum window lengths.

It is able to reproduce the same result as Kubios for the DFA.

Hope this is of some use.

See you soon


Tags: NI Software

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    1, test, resolved
    2, test2, resolved


    ID, feedback_id, note, result
    5.1 test pending
    6.1 test pending
    7.2, test2, outstanding
    8.2, test2, outstanding

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    6.1 test pending
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    8.2, test2, outstanding
    10.2, test2, resolved * feedback tbl *.

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    Published by: user8840929 on 11/12/2009 18:18

    Published by: user8840929 on 11/12/2009 18:22

    Here's what I could think of:

    SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY NULLS LAST, f.feedback_id) +
             (min( OVER (ORDER BY - 1) id,
              FROM feedback_history fbh
            UNION ALL
            SELECT null id,
              FROM feedback fb) f
    ORDER BY feedback_id, id

    and run the example

    SQL> SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY NULLS LAST, f.feedback_id) +
      2           (min( OVER (ORDER BY - 1) id,
      3         f.feedback_id,
      4         f.remark,
      5         f.outcome
      6    FROM (SELECT,
      7                 fbh.feedback_id,
      8                 fbh.remark,
      9                 fbh.outcome
     10            FROM feedback_history fbh
     11          UNION ALL
     12          SELECT null id,
     13       ,
     14                 fb.remark,
     15                 fb.outcome
     16            FROM feedback fb) f
     17  ORDER BY feedback_id, id
     18  /
    ---------- ----------- ------ ----------
             5           1 test   unresolved
             6           1 test   unresolved
             9           1 test   resolved
             7           2 test2  unresolved
             8           2 test2  unresolved
            10           2 test2  unresolved
    6 rows selected
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    Hi aubree737,

    I suggest that scan you SFC on the computer that will search the corrupted system files and check if it helps.

    The analysis may take some time, so be patient. Windows allows to fix corrupt or missing files it finds. If the information of the installation CD is required to fix the problem, you may be asked to insert your Windows XP installation CD.

    Description of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 System File Checker (Sfc.exe)

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    Thank you for using the HP forum.

    One suggestion is to use a photo editing software and save it in JPEG low res.

    Hope that helps. (except a new analysis 200 pages)

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    Hi wedward and welcome to the forums of HP!

    I would be happy to help you find a way to scan with your printer, I need just a little more information so I can serve you best you

    1. what model HP printer do you have?

    2. what version of Windows or Mac do you have?

    3. is the printer connected to the computer via USB or wireless?

    4. you have problems with scanning or just don't know how?

    Once I have this information, I would be happy to help you in your analysis!

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    create or replace PACKAGE BODY htmldb_tools
        TYPE varchar2_t IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32767) INDEX BY binary_integer;
        -- Private functions --{{{
        PROCEDURE delete_collection ( --{{{
        -- Delete the collection if it exists
            p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2
            IF (htmldb_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name))
            END IF;
        END delete_collection; --}}}
        PROCEDURE csv_to_array ( --{{{
        -- Utility to take a CSV string, parse it into a PL/SQL table
        -- Note that it takes care of some elements optionally enclosed
        -- by double-quotes.
            p_csv_string IN  VARCHAR2,
            p_array      OUT wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2,
            p_separator  IN  VARCHAR2         := ','
            l_start_separator PLS_INTEGER     := 0;
            l_stop_separator  PLS_INTEGER     := 0;
            l_length          PLS_INTEGER     := 0;
            l_idx             BINARY_INTEGER  := 0;
            l_quote_enclosed  BOOLEAN         := FALSE;
            l_offset          PLS_INTEGER     := 1;
            l_length          := NVL(LENGTH(p_csv_string),0);
            IF (l_length <= 0)
            END IF;
                l_idx := l_idx + 1;
                l_quote_enclosed := FALSE;
                IF SUBSTR(p_csv_string, l_start_separator + 1, 1) = '"'
                  l_quote_enclosed := TRUE;
                  l_offset := 2;
                  l_stop_separator := INSTR(p_csv_string, '"', l_start_separator + l_offset, 1);
                  l_offset := 1;
                  l_stop_separator := INSTR(p_csv_string, p_separator, l_start_separator + l_offset, 1);
                END IF;
                IF l_stop_separator = 0
                  l_stop_separator := l_length + 1;
                END IF;
                p_array(l_idx) := (SUBSTR(p_csv_string, l_start_separator + l_offset,(l_stop_separator - l_start_separator - l_offset)));
                EXIT WHEN l_stop_separator >= l_length;
                IF l_quote_enclosed
                  l_stop_separator := l_stop_separator + 1;
                END IF;
                l_start_separator := l_stop_separator;
            END LOOP;
        END csv_to_array; --}}}
        PROCEDURE get_records(p_blob IN blob,p_records OUT varchar2_t) --{{{
           l_record_separator VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
           l_last             INTEGER;
           l_current          INTEGER;
            -- Sigh, stupid DOS/Unix newline stuff. If HTMLDB has generated the file,
            -- it will be a Unix text file. If user has manually created the file, it
            -- will have DOS newlines.
            -- If the file has a DOS newline (cr+lf), use that
            -- If the file does not have a DOS newline, use a Unix newline (lf)
            IF (NVL(dbms_lob.instr(p_blob,utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_record_separator),1,1),0)=0)
                l_record_separator := chr(10);
            END IF;
            l_last := 1;
                l_current := dbms_lob.instr( p_blob, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_record_separator), l_last, 1 );
                EXIT WHEN (nvl(l_current,0) = 0);
                p_records(p_records.count+1) := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(p_blob,l_current-l_last,l_last));
                l_last := l_current+length(l_record_separator);
            END LOOP;
        END get_records; --}}}
        -- Utility functions --{{{
        PROCEDURE parse_textarea ( --{{{
            p_textarea        IN VARCHAR2,
            p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2
            l_index   INTEGER;
            l_string  VARCHAR2(32767) := TRANSLATE(p_textarea,chr(10)||chr(13)||' ,','@@@@');
            l_element VARCHAR2(100);
            l_string := l_string||'@';
                l_index := instr(l_string,'@');
                EXIT WHEN NVL(l_index,0)=0;
                l_element := substr(l_string,1,l_index-1);
                IF (trim(l_element) IS NOT NULL)
                END IF;
                l_string := substr(l_string,l_index+1);
            END LOOP;
        END parse_textarea; --}}}
        PROCEDURE parse_file( --{{{
            p_file_name       IN VARCHAR2,
            p_collection_name IN VARCHAR2,
            p_headings_item   IN VARCHAR2,
            p_columns_item    IN VARCHAR2,
            p_ddl_item        IN VARCHAR2,
            p_table_name      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
           l_blob        blob;
           l_records     varchar2_t;
           l_record      wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
           l_datatypes   wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
           l_headings    VARCHAR2(4000);
           l_columns     VARCHAR2(4000);
           l_seq_id      NUMBER;
           l_num_columns INTEGER;
           l_ddl         VARCHAR2(4000);
            IF (p_table_name is not null)
                execute immediate 'drop table '||p_table_name;
                WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL;
              l_ddl := 'create table '||p_table_name||' '||v(p_ddl_item);
              execute immediate l_ddl;
              l_ddl := 'insert into '||p_table_name||' '||
                       'select '||v(p_columns_item)||' '||
                       'from htmldb_collections '||
                       'where seq_id > 1 and collection_name='''||p_collection_name||'''';
              execute immediate l_ddl;
            END IF;
                select blob_content into l_blob from wwv_flow_files
                where name=p_file_name;
                  raise_application_error(-20000,'File not found, id='||p_file_name);
            IF (l_records.count < 2)
                raise_application_error(-20000,'File must have at least 1 ROW, id='||p_file_name);
            END IF;
            -- Initialize collection
            -- Get column headings and datatypes
            l_num_columns := l_record.count;
            if (l_num_columns > 50) then
              raise_application_error(-20000,'Max. of 50 columns allowed, id='||p_file_name);          
            end if;
            -- Get column headings and names
            FOR i IN 1..l_record.count
                l_headings := l_headings||':'||l_record(i);
                l_columns  := l_columns||',c'||lpad(i,3,'0');
            END LOOP;
            l_headings := ltrim(l_headings,':');
            l_columns  := ltrim(l_columns,',');
            -- Get datatypes
            FOR i IN 1..l_record.count
                l_ddl := l_ddl||','||l_record(i)||' '||l_datatypes(i);
            END LOOP;
            l_ddl := '('||ltrim(l_ddl,',')||')';
            -- Save data into specified collection
            FOR i IN 2..l_records.count
                l_seq_id := htmldb_collection.add_member(p_collection_name,'dummy');
                FOR i IN 1..l_record.count
                        p_collection_name=> p_collection_name,
                        p_seq            => l_seq_id,
                        p_attr_number    => i,
                        p_attr_value     => l_record(i)
                END LOOP;
            END LOOP;
            DELETE FROM wwv_flow_files WHERE name=p_file_name;

    The order of the parameters for the parse_file in the specification and body must match. In your case, it stopped the p_separator parameter (before nom_table_p in spec, but otherway around body) which is the origin of the problem of compiling again.

  • help me to explain


    I have a question:

    Here is a table with two columns ab a, b

    When I use this sql query in sqlplus

    Select *, an AB;

    It raises the error: ORA-00923: KEYWORD not found where expected

    I know it must add the table name before ' *', but can you tell me why, why is not allowed without the table name.
    and can you help explain how oracle analysis shows the sql statements that raise so the "keyword FROM not found where expected" error

    Thank you.

    user12418924 wrote:
    Thank you so much, (Finally, I really know the right way to write this statement)

    what I am confused which is why oracle raise this error message 'FROM keyword not found' where should (no matter what other error message)

    "as you said that only sql"is an incorrect syntax"," is not the standard set by oracle.

    -I can't find out why oracle do consider this incorrect syntax and not "the standard set by oracle", any reason on that? you know select * AB is ok, why select *, one AB is not, (there is only one table inside sql, not ambiguous)

    and more: why oracle does not trigger something like this error message, but "from keyword not found."

    I want to know how oracle 'includes' presents sql statements so that it triggers this error message "of the keyword not found", but not an other error message?

    Thank you.

    I don't think that no one can answer. Only people can say what they think, but not what does oracle think ;) These things go to the internals of oracle. These details are not available in the documentation as well.

    Oracle has given us a syntax specific to follow format. And failure to follow what it triggers the error.

    Here is my hypothesis. When oracle see (*) in his field of a select list, it assumes that its going to do what ever the columns that do not exist in the tables mentioned in the cause OF. So, basically, it does not wait for any other column to be included in the list of fields in the SELECT statement. And therefore the immediate following statement, it is expected that the FROM clause. Once, he does not see that it triggers the error message saying "Keyword is not found"

    I hope that this is a logic?

  • HP Envy5530: Save scan to the specified location

    Whenever I try to scan the printer says it is successful, but the computer says: application from HP could not save the file to the specified location.  I've never had this problem before because she was always going to My Documents folder.  Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks

    Hi @ljsbus2,

    Welcome to the HP Forums!

    I see that you are unable to save your scan with your HP Envy 5530 on Windows 7. I'm happy to help you in your analysis!

    Please try our HP print and Scan Doctorand let me know the results!

    Start us with that and go from there!

  • HP envy 4500: digitization of documents in PDF format

    After doing some research, it seems that HP are not including a PDF option on their scanning software. Is anyone know why and what I can do about it?

    Thank you!

    Hi @sharon_c


    Thank you for using the HP forum.

    You can download and install the software COMPLETE features of HP printing for your operating system:

    Once you have downloaded and installed the software, FULL of features, you will be able to print and scan.

    The following resources will help you on your analysis. (it uses the same software as your desire to 4500)

    Scanning multiple pages in PDF format

    HP Officejet Pro 8630


    Scanning multiple photos:

    HP Officejet Pro 8630


    Scanning tips:

    HP Officejet Pro 8630


    Hope that helps.

  • Low laptop slowdown - don't know why - maybe HDD or RAM?

    I have a T410s with Intel i5 processor. During a fairly standard use office - word, Chrome with 30 tablets, dropbox - slows down and sometimes actually freezes for a few minutes.

    My hunch is that it is the hard drive or memory. It has 4 GB of ram, and whenever I pull up the Task Manager, there seems to be about 75% RAM usage. He never seems to push much higher than that. The disc will often be popping up and down to 100% but there is no clear correlation between this and the slow downs.

    Disc is Samsung PB22 - JS3 FDE 128 GB SSD and it is almost complete (do not know if the fullness might have something to do with it?)

    Thanks a lot for any assistance.

    Disable virtual memory (also known as disable the page file). Google; It is very easy and harm your system, although you can get a little more accidents in Firefox. Disable virtual memory forces your laptop for use in the RAM. Right now, it also uses 4 to 8 GB of SSD like pretend-RAM, and even an SSD is no match for the speed of the RAM.

    But attention, Windows starts flashing 'insufficient memory' messages, once you cross 3 GB of RAM used, which means that 10 or 15 tabs in Chrome at most. RAM is cheap and ridiculously easy to update, so, since you have already provided your Thinkpad with an SSD, think about getting a 16 GB from Of course, you use [almost] never more than 8 GB, but it is good to know that it is there.

    In any case, use the pagefile as the decisive criterion. If Chrome is accelerating, you know it's the pagefile and having a full SSD. If it didn't help any, make complete analysis with your antivirus.

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    Thank you got the quick answer. How did you install the software and drivers for your JO 4500?

    To start, I suggest below:

    1. Hold down the Windows Logo key on the keyboard and the 'R' to open the dialog box run, type % temp %

    2. Delete all files and folders in the temp folder. Choose Skip if all pop ups seem to say all files cannot be deleted

    3. Uninstall the software again - uninstall the printer software Instructions

    4. Once the uninstall is complete, reboot the computer

    5. Follow these steps to reset the registry settings and options for Windows Installer.

    • Hold down the key of the Windows Logo on the keyboard and the 'R' to open the dialog box run

    • In the Open box, type

      msiexec /Unregister

      and then click OK.

    • Hold down the key of the Windows Logo on the keyboard and the 'R' to open the dialog box run

    • In the Open box, type


      then click OK

    * Note: there is a space between the c and the /.

    If you do not at this stage, use this link to perform another way. Restart Windows install

    1. Run the system Accessories\ tool disk cleanup <> How to delete files using disk cleanup

    2. Download and install the latest version of Adobe flash player r/downloads.html

    3. Perform a clean boot > How to perform a boot in Windows

    4. Download file SP40669 according to download - if this download and or install, please proceed to the next step.

    5. Disable real-time scanning and the firewalls; The image below is an example of McAfee, if you have another antivirus program and need help to disable the analysis in real-time and firewall let me know.

    - Image source

    Now you can go ahead and download and install the software by clicking here >HP Officejet Full Feature Software and Driver

    Follow the on-screen instructions. What are the results?

    Let me know the results. If this resolves the problem please let others know to mark this message as "accept as Solution".  To simply say thank you, click the "Thumbs up" below!   If you need more assistance let me know and I will gladly do everything I can to help.

  • Office jet pro 8600: 10 windows drivers

    I have a new ASUS laptop computer, running 10 windowes and the installation for my officejet pro 8600 disc don't suport windows 10 what I do


    Thank you for using the HP forum.

    You can download and install the software COMPLETE features of HP printing for your operating system:

    Once you have downloaded and installed the software, FULL of features, you will be able to print and scan.

    Here are some relevant resources to help you in the analysis:

    Scanning multiple pages in PDF format

    HP Officejet Pro 8630


    Scanning multiple photos:

    HP Officejet Pro 8630


    Scanning tips:

    HP Officejet Pro 8630


    Hope that helps.

  • HP all-in - One Photoshop C6280: Scanner tring to connect with C6280 all-in - One Photoshop crashes w/task and not complete

    I had already used my scanner and it worked very well on a wireless set up.  Now, when I went to click scan again, a little box came and said, ' establish a connection with 6200. and it just hangs it and does no connection.»  I have forcibly close Microsoft fax and scan program manager tasks.   I closed my PC printer and modem wireless disconnected and reconnected since and all lit again.  My wireless phone and seems to work very well as I can get on the internet, etc., but the attempt at analysis of a new document yeilds the same results as previously with the application tries to establish a connection and just hanging there.  I used my HP scan and print doctor and everything is fine with my legacy, with the exception of the low ink level.   My drivers are up to date analysis of my HP PC.  Help, please.  What to do next?

    Hi @Zippy-4,.

    Thank you for joining the HP Forums!

    I understand that you cannot analyze with your HP Photosmart c6280 printer. I'm happy to help you in your analysis!

    To confirm that the hardware of the printer is functional, you are able to make a copy with the glass of the scanner of the printer?

    For now, try the steps in troubleshooting in this guide, Network Scanner connection is lost (Windows)and let me know what happens!

    If it helps, please consider clicking on "accept as a solution." And, please click the thumbs up icon. The two icons are below this post.

    I hope that this post helps!

  • Photosmart HP 7510: Scan on my printer function does not see my Mac


    I recently installed at El Capitan (OS X 10.11).  I install the new HP Easy Scan application, and I can now scan if I boot it from my Mac.  However, there are times where it's easier to start scanning from the control panel of the printer.  When I press "Scan" and then "computer" he can't see my Mac.

    Can someone help me?

    Thank you!

    Hi @Machomamma,

    Welcome to the HP Forums!

    I understand that you can not scan computer with your HP Photosmart 7510, on Mac OS X 10.11. El Capitan. I'm happy to help you in your analysis!

    Please, try the steps in this guide, an error "can not scan to computer" message. Select OS X Mavericks v10.9 and v10.8 OS X Mountain Lion, that these steps work on Mac OS X 10.11. Then choose your type of connection, network, or USB and follow the steps.

    If this, or one of the posts on this thread, helped you to solve the problem, please click 'Accept as Solution' said post. To show you 'like', or that they are grateful for my post, please click the thumbs upwards below. If there is anything else I can do to help, please don't forget to let me know!

    Hope that this guide is useful and thanks for posting!

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