Help adding 1 TB HDD Mini 2012 with SSD

I have a Mac Mini end 2012 which came with the 256 GB SSD with El Capitan.  Given that I all filled which I want to add another drive.  I bought a HARD drive of 1 TB with OWC data backup kit.  Thought that I would create my own fusion drive.  I found several articles on creating a disc of fusion when adding a new SSD but haven't found any when you add a HARD drive.  Has anyone here done and it's the same process, i.e. have erase the two drives, reinstall the OS, etc.?  Wouldn't be better to add the second drive and keep it separate for less used data or am I better off the coast of the creation of the fuser unit?

Thanks for any thoughts!

The process for the fuser unit is the same. Format/erase the two disks, then when you install El Capitan. It will automatically be setup as a fusion drive.

It's yours if you want a merger player. Do you have the stuff that you need a very fast access that would take more than 200 GB? If so, use a Fusion drive.

I myself would not expect that this is the case. I don't like disks of melting given that if a disk fails you lose everything on both drives.

Fusion drives have been more desirable/justifiable in the past if it is high (> 120 GB) SSD were expensive.

Tags: Mac

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    Hi demiyo and welcome to the VMware communities!

    There is a known issue with the 'Upload on server' function in Fusion 7 when used with virtual machines in Mac OS X, which causes the loss of one of the necessary configuration options for Mac OS X virtual machines run.  The symptom is that the virtual machine appears to hang when starting, never getting to the login screen.

    To work around the problem:

    • Power off the virtual machine.
    • Open a session shell ESXi (if it is not already selected, use the ESXi console Troubleshooting Options section to allow the ESXi Shell or SSH).
    • Change directory to the virtual machine (/ vmfs/volumes/datastore1 /...).
    • Edit the virtual machine configuration file to add the following line:

    SMC. Present = 'TRUE '.

    • Quit the editor and the power on the virtual machine.  It should now boot successfully.

    See you soon,.



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    (function(f, r, u) {function e (a) {return! a |}}) 'load'== a. == 'complete'a | { "uninitialized"== a}function p() {var a = c.shift (); n = 1; has? a.t.? s (function({(==a.t?w.injectCss:w.injectJs)(a.s,0,a.a,a.x,a.e,1)},0):(a(),p()«c»)): n = 0}function h (g, d, m, t, v, f, h) {function part {If(! z & & e (y.readyState) & & (q.r = z = 1,! n & & p (),)) {"img"! = g & & s (function() {k.removeChild (y)} 50);}}})} for (var b in B [d]) if (B [d] .hasOwnProperty (b)) B [d] [b] .onload (); y.OnLoad = y.onreadystatechange =null}} h = h | w.errorTimeout; var y = r.createElement (g), z = 0, A = 0, q = {t:m, d,

    {e:v, a: f, h: x}; 1 = B [d] & &(A=1,B[d]=[]); 'object'is g? ( = d, y.setAttribute ('type',' text/css ')): (y.src = d, y.type = g); y.width = y.height ="0"; y.OnError = y.onload = y.onreadystatechange =function() { (this, A)}; c.splice(t,0,q); « img »! = g & &(A|| 2 === B [d]?) ((P), k.insertBefore (, a? )) NULL: b), s (w, h)):B[d].push(y))}function l (a, b, g, d, k) {n = 0; b = b |} « j »; z b? h ('c'== b? y: m, a, b,this.i ++, g, d, k): (c.splice (this. i ++, 0, a), 1 == c.length & & p()); return ce} q() function {var a = w; a.loader = {load:l, i: 0}; return }var x = r.documentElement, s = f.setTimeout,.

    b = r.GetElementsByTagName ('script') [0], d = {} m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString, c = [], n = 0, v =function() {}, t ="MozAppearance"in, a = t & &! r.createRange (.compareNode, k = a)? x: b.parentNode, g = f.opera & & =='[object Opera]'(f.opera), g =! r.attachEvent & &! g, x ="webkitAppearance"in & &! ("async"in r.createElement ('script')), m = t? 'object': g | x? 'script':'img', y = g? 'script': x? "img": m, A = Array.isArray | function (a) {return'[object Array]'== (a)}, z =function() {return'string'==typeof one}, E =function() {return"[object Function]"== (a)},

    P =function() {b & & b.parentNode |} (b = r.getElementsByTagName) ("script") [0]}, Q = [], B = {}, L = {timeout:function(a, b) {b.length & &(a.timeout=b[0]); return a}}, M, w; w =function() {function b (a) {a = a.split (".");}} var g = Q.length, c = a.pop (), d is a.length, c = {url: c, origUrl:c, prefixes: a}, m, k, n; for (k = 0; k < d; k ++) n = a [k] .split ('='), (m = L [n.shift ()]) & & (c = m (c, n)); for (k = 0; k < g; k ++) c = Q [k] (c); return c}function g (a) {a = a.split ("?")} [0] ; Return a.substr (a.lastIndexOf (".")) (+ 1)}function c (a, d, m, k, n) {var t = b (a), e = t.autoCallback; g (t.url); } If(! t.bypass) {d & &}

    (d = E (d)? d: d [a] | d [k]: d [a.Split ("/") .pop () .split ("?")]) [0]]); if (t.instead) Return t.instead (a, d, m, k, n); B [t.URL] & &! 0!==t.reexecute?t.NOEXEC=!0:B[t.URL]=1;a & & m.load (t.url, forceCSS t.:! t.forceJS & &'css'== g (t.url)?) ( 'c': u, t.noexec, t.attrs, t.timeout); (E (d) |) E (e)) & & m.load (function() {q (); d & & d (t.origUrl, n, k); e & & e (t.origUrl, n, k);}) B [t.URL] = 2})}}function d (a, b) {function g (a, d) {If(""! == a & &! a)! d & & e(); else If(z (a)) d |}} (n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); e ()}), c(a,n,b,0,k); else if (Object (a) = a) for (h en f =

    function () {var b = 0, g;} for ( in a) a.hasOwnProperty (g) g & & b ++; & ({d | & b} (), has) a.hasOwnProperty (h) of back - f | {(E (n)? n =function() {var a = []. (arguments); t.apply (this, a); (e)}: n [h] =function() {return function() {var b = []. (arguments); has & & a.apply(, b); e()}}(t[h])), c (a [h], n, b, h, k))}var k=!!a.test,m=a.load||a.both,n=a.callback||v,t=n,e=a.complete||v,f,h;g (k? a.yep:a.nope,! m | |! a.complete); m & & g (m);! {m & & a.complete & & g (' ')}var m, k, n =this. yepnope.loader; if (z (a)) c (a, 0, n, 0); else if (A (a)) for (m = 0; m < a.length; ++ m) k =

    a [m], z (k)? c(k,0,n,0):A (k)? w (k): object (k) = k & & d (k, n); else {Object (a) = a & & d (a, n)}; w.addPrefix =function(thefunctionof a, b) {T [a] = b}; w.addFilter = (a) {Q.push (a)}; w.errorTimeout = 1E4; == nullr.readyState & & r.addEventListener & & (r.readyState ='loading', r.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M =function() {r.removeEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', M, 0); r.readyState ="complete"}, 0)); f.yepnope = q (); f.yepnope.executeStack = p; f.yepnope.injectJs =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {var n = r.createElement ('script'), t, h; d = d: w.errorTimeout; n.src =}

    one; for (h in c) n.setAttribute (h, c [h]); g = k? p:g | v; n.onreadystatechange = n.OnLoad =function() {! t & & e (n.readyState) & & (t = 1, g (), n.onload = n.onreadystatechange =null)}; s (function() {t |}) ((t = 1, g (1))}, d); P();m?n.OnLoad():b.parentNode.InsertBefore(n,b)}; f.yepnope.injectCss =function(a, g, c, d, m, k) {d = r.createElement ('link'); var n; g = k? p:g | v; d.href = a; d.rel ='stylesheet'; d.type =' text/css ';} for (n in c) d.setAttribute (n, c [n]); m | (P (), b.parentNode.insertBefore(d,b), s(g,0))}}) (thisdocument),

    'function'! =typeof Array.prototype.forEach & & (Array.prototype.forEach =function(f) {for(var r = 0; r <this. length; r ++) f.apply (this, [this[r], r,this])}); 'function'! ==typeof String.prototype.trim & & (String.prototype.trim =function() {return thisreplace ("/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,' '')}); var aBootcompsLoaded = []; window. AdobeEdge = window. AdobeEdge | {};

    (function(f) {definedfunction {return'[object Array]'= (A)}function u (a, b) {var g; for(g = 0; a & & g < a.length; g ++) b [b.length ++] = a [g]}function e (a, b) {var g, c; }) If(r (a))for(c = a.length, g = 0; g < c; g ++) b(g,a[g]); else for (g dans a) (g) a.hasOwnProperty & & b(g,a[g])}function p {var b =, g, c; for(c = 0; c < a.length; c++)If(g = a [c],Sub 0! == b [g])return! 0;} return! 1}function h (a) {a =' "+; if(!)} (G.RGBA & & 0==a.indexOf ("rgba")) {var b = a.lastIndexOf (","); 0 < b & & (a =' rgb ("+ a.substring(5,b) +" "") "" ")}return a}function part {var b;

    e (,function(a, g) {null! == g & & (b =! 0)}); return! b}function q (a, b) {e (b,function(b, g) {a [b] = g}); return a}function (a) {var b={};b.num=parseFloat(a);b.units=String(a).match(/[a-zA-Z%]+$/);r(b.units) & & (b.a STI = b.units [0]); return b}function s (a) {return a.replace(/^-ms-/,"ms-" () .replace (/-([a-z] |))} {([0-9]) / GI,function(a, b) {return String (b) .toUpperCase ()})}function b (a) {var g; (this); this.length = 0; if (! a) return this; if (a and b instanceof ) return a; if ('chain'=typeof a) if (a=a.trim(),/^#([\w\-]+)$/.test(a)) (g =

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    ce {{[this. length ++] = (this, a)}return this}function d (a) {return new b (a)}function constituting a Farmout {return a.parent () .hasClass (' Centre-wrapper ')}function n (a) {c (a) | a.Wrap ("< div class = 'flow-wrapper' style =" width: 1px "> < div class ="Center-wrapper"> < / div > < / div >")}function v (a, b, g, m, k, t) {function e() {var k = c (a) n = k? a.parent () .parent () .parent (): a .parent (), h is n.width (), n.height () = v, f = a.width (), l is a.height (), y = d (window) .height (), s = 1; (n ='body'= n [0].nodeName.toLowerCase ()) & &(v=y); t | (v = d (window) .height (), h = d (window) .width ());

    " h = Math.round (h) v = Math.round (v); h / = f; v / = l;. the two'= b? s = Math.min (m, v):'height'= b? s = v:'width'= b & &(s=h); Sub 0! == m & & (s = Math.min (s, m, f)); Sub 0! == g & & (s = Math.max (s, g, f)); a.css (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - ms - origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS (' transform - o - original "," 0 0 ""); a.CSS ('transform-origin' "0 0""); v ="scale ("+ s +")"; a.css ("- o - transform", v); a.css (' - ms - transform ", v); a.css (' - webkit - transform ', v); a.css (' - moz - transform ', )

    (v); a.CSS ("- o - transform", v); a.css ("transform", v); n & &! k | a.Parent (). Height (Math.Round (l * s)). Width (Math.Round (f * s)); {k & & (k = a.parent () .pare () nt, k.height (Math.round (l * s + a.offset () .top - k.offset () .top)))} k? (a [0],"alreadyWrapped"). ( (a [0],"alreadyWrapped",! 0), d (window) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), W (function() {e()})): c (a) | (n a, d (fenêtre) .bind ('Resize',function() {e()}), e ())} Function t (a, b) {var g = d (a); (g) & & (g = g.parent ()); } Si(« tant »=== b || ( "horizontal"= b) ('position','absolute'), g.css g.css ('left margin',

    ( 'auto'), g.css (' margin-right ','auto'), g.css ('left','0'), ('straight','0') g.css; if (« tant »=== b || ( «verticale»=== b) g.css ('position','absolute'), g.css (' margin-top ','auto'), g.css (' margin-bottom ','auto'), g.css ('top','0'), g.css ('bottom','0')}function a() {var a =this. notify = {}; a.obs = []; a.lvl = 0}function k (a, b, g) {If(b) {g |}} (g = {}); g.methodName = b; var c = a.notifier, d = c.obs, k, m; c.lvl ++; for (k = 0; k < d.length; k ++) if (m = (m = d [k]) & &! m.deleted? m.o.:void 0) if ('function'=typeof m) m(b,a,g); else If m (m [b]) [b] (a, g); -c.LVL; if (0 = c.lvl) for (a =

    d.Length, k = a - 1; 0 < = k; {(k--) .deleted d [k] & & d.splice (k, 1)}}function g (a, b, g) {var c, d, k, m, n = g?""} «:"", t = / \S + / g, e = / / g [\t\r\n\f] ; if (g? "undefined"=typeof b | " ( 'chain'=typeof b & & b:'string'=typeof b & & b) =(b|| ch. ""). match (t) | [], a.each (function(a, t) {If(d = 1 = t.nodeType & & (t.className?)}) () ""+ t.className +"' ().replace(e," "):n)) {for(m = 0; k = c [m ++];)If(g)for(;}" 0 < = d.indexOf (" "+ k +" «) ;) d=d.replace (""+ k +"","") ; else 0 > d.indexOf (""+ k +"""") & & (+= d k +""); {({{t.className = g? b? d.trim ():' ': d.trim ()}})}function m (a, b) {var g = c' # '==}

    b [0], d is! c & &'. " == b [0], k = c | d?b.slice(1):b,m=/^[\w-]*$/.test(k); return null! = a & & a.nodeType == a.DOCUMENT_NODE & & m & & c? (g = a.getElementById (k))? [g]: []: 1! == a.nodeType & & 9! is a.nodeType? []: (m & &! c? d? a.getElementsByClassName (k): a .getElements ByTagName (b):a.querySelectorAll(b))}function y(a,b) {b = b.replace ([/ = #-] / g,"=" #"]'");}) var g, c, d is pa.exec (b); d & & d [2]in fa & & (g = f [d [2]], c = d [3], b = d [1], c & & (d = number of c, c = isNaN (d)? c.replace (/ ^ ["'"] |))) [""] $/ g » «):d)) ; if(!b) back! g | g.Call (a, c, null) = one; If (! b |! a |)

    1! == a.NodeType)return! 1; if (g = a.webkitMatchesSelector | a.mozMatchesSelector | a.oMatchesSelector |,b); c = a.parentNode;(g=!c)) ( return a.matchesSelector) & &(c=tempParent).appendChild (a); d = ~ m(c,b).indexOf (a); g & & tempParent.removeChild (a); return d}function A (a) {a = d (a); return! (! a.width () & &! a.height ()) & &'none'! == a.css ("display")}function z (a, b, g) {function constituting a Farmout {g._l [b] =null; l (g._l) & & k (g,"assetsLoaded"{})}If(!)})}} Breturn AdobeEdge.supported.addEventListener); if (g & &'chain'=typeof b & &! g._l [b]) switch (a) {case 'image': a =}

    new Image; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ("load", c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case "audio": a =new Audio; a.addEventListener ('error', c); a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c); a.src b = g._l [b] = a; Break; case {{ 'video': a = document.createElement ("video"), a.addEventListener ("error", c), a.addEventListener ('canplaythrough', c), a.src = b, g._l [b] = a}}function E (a, b) {var g = q ({name:, conf:b, apply:function(a, b) {1 =this. conf.a? a.attr (, b): (1 =this. conf.cb & & (a.css ("- webkit-"+this. name, b), a.css ("- ms-"+)))}})}

    this. {(name,b), a.css ("- moz -"+this. name, b), a.css ("- o -"+this. name, b)), a.css (, b))}, units:function() {var b;""} Auto'! == a & &this. conf.u & & ('chain'=typeof a & & (b = x (a)), b & & b.units |) (un +=cette. conf.u)) ; return a}, prep:function(a, b, g, c, d, k, m) {void 0! == c & & b [g]?} () 0 Sub = b [g] [c] & & k & &(c=k),Sub 0! == d & & b [g] [c]? (a = b [g] [c] [d]: (a = b [g] [c],zero 0 = a & & (a =this. conf.d))): a = b [g]; 0 Sub ! == a & & (a =this.units (a), 1 =this. conf.p & & (m._getFullURL (a) b.type, m), zthis. conf.t & & (a =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", a))); return a}, render:function(a,

    (b, g) {var c =this. conf.f |}; Sub 0 = b [c] | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.o & &this. conf.o! == b.tag | 0 Sub ! isthis. conf.e & &this. conf.e = b.tag | ({(c =ce.prep (a, b, c,ce. conf.i,ce. conf.j,ce. conf.ii,g),null! == c & &Sub 0! == c & &this.apply (a, c, b, g))}}, E.prototype); E.splitUnits = x; b.x & & (g = q (g, b.x)); return g}function p {e (a,function(a, b) {S [a]new E = (a, b)})}function Q (a, b, g, c, m, n, t, v) {var h = d (document.createElement (g.tag |))} " « div »)), f = h [0] ; AdobeEdge. $.data (f, g,"domDef"); h.attr ("id",; h.css ('position','absolute');

    h.CSS ('margin','0px'); b & & g.symbolName & & b._applyBaseStyles (h, g.symbolName); e (S,function(b, c) {c.render(h,g,a))}; h.CSS (' - webkit - tap-highlight-color ',"rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)"); b & & b.register (f, g, b.ele?""); h.addClass (h.attr ("id") +"_id"); v. k (AdobeEdge,"beginEle", {sym:b, ele:f, definition: {dom: g, style: c}}); n & & h.addClass (n); (c = document.getElementById ( & & (n = d (c) .parent ()) & & n [0] == m & & m.removeChild (c); m.children & & 0 < = t & & t < m.children.length? m.insert Before(f,m.children[t]):m.appendChild (f); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"originalid",

    g.ID); AdobeEdge. $.data (f,"symparent", b); b & & (m =, b.gpuAccelerate & & & & ("undefined"=typeof m |)) ""===m|| ( 'none'= m)? window.edge_authoring_mode & & = f.nodeName | 'BODY' ( =' translateZ (0) '):! & & window.edge_authoring_mode & & ( = 0)); b & &(v|| k (b,"newEle", {ele:f, defn:g}));)) return h}function b (a) {abdel & & (a.t = a.t.toLowerCase (), a.type = a.t); a.cs & & (a.className = a.cs); for(var b in Y)null! = a [b] & & (a [[b] Y] = a [b], [b] =null); a.rect |} (a.rect = []); for (; 4 >)

    (a.Rect.Length;) a.Rect [a.Rect.Length] = 0; a.Transform & & (1 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [0] = [0,0,0]), 2 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [1] = [0,0,0]), 3 > a.transform.length & & (a.transfor [m2] = [0,0,0]) 4 > a.transform.length & & (a.transform [3] = [1,1,1])); a.children & & (= a.children a.c, e (a.children,function(a, b) {B (b)}))}function L (a, b, g, c (, m, n, t) {If(m | b | b.ID) m = m | d ("." + b.ID) [0], e (g,function(l, r) {var e = Q (a, b, d, c, m, n, t ++), h = {sym:b, ele:e [0], defn:d}; d.c. & & L (a, b, d.c,Sub 0, e [0], n, 0); k (AdobeEdge,'endEle', h)})}function M (b,

    g, c, d, m) {a.Call (this); c._s.push (this); q (this, {name: g, composition: c, data: b, prnt:d, tl: [, variables]: m |})} {}}) ; k (c,"newSymbol", {symbol:this, parent: d}); return ce} Function w (a, b) {If(b & & g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & w (c, b)} g = (._getTimeline)? a () .getState () ._getTimeline: {play:void 0}; } Sub 0 == a.autoPlay | a.autoPlay? { Sub 0 == g.playing & & (0):Sub 0 == g.playing & & a.stop(-1,!1)}function F (a, b) {var g, c; for(g to b)If(b.hasOwnProperty (g)) {c = b [g]; c.typeName = g, resume & &(c.version=c.v); & &}}

    (c.minimumCompatibleVersion =; c.b & & ( = c.b); c.bS & & (c.baseState = c.bS); c.iS & &(c.ini tialState=c.iS); null! = c.gpu & & (c.gpuAccelerate = c.gpu); null! = c.rI & & (c.resizeInstances = c.rI); & & (c.content =; if (c.content) {var d = c.content; null! = d.sI & & (d.symbolInstances = c.content.sI); if (d.symbolInstances) for (var m = 0; m < d.symbolInstances.length; ++ m) {var k = d.symbolInstances [m]; null! = k.sN & & (k.symbolName = k.sN); null! k.a = & & (k.autoPlay = k.a); null! {{= k.x & & (k.variables = k.x)}} e (c.content.dom,function(a, b) {B (b)}); for (var n in (n) & &

    B ( [n]); c.CG & & (c.centerStage =; c.stf & & (c.scaleToFit = c.stf); c.x Fokker-built & & (c.varia = c.x Fokker-built wheats); & &(; d = c.timeline; if (null! = d) for {{(null! = d.d & & (d.duration = d.d),null! = da & & (d.autoPlay = d.a.), d.l & & (= d. d.labels), c = 0; c <; c++) [c] & & [c] [8] & & [c] [8] .vt & & ( [c] [8] .valueTemplate = [c] [8] .vt), [c] & & [c] [1] & &"tr"= [c] [1] & & ( [c] [1] =} a.sym = b}function I (b (, c) { (this); } This. $= d ; q (this, {id: b, opts: q(c||)}) {}, aa), _urlRegExp: / ^ (?: [a - z] + :)?-/-/ / I, )

    _the: {}, _d: {}, _s: [], loaded:function(a, b, c) {this._d [a] =null; (this._d) & &this. ready()}, load:function(a, b) {b |} (ce._d[a]=!0) ; var c =ce; {yepnope ({load:this._getFullURL (a), callback:function(g, d, m) {b? b(a,d,m):c.loaded (a, d, m)}})}, set:function(a, b, c, d, g, m) {F(, b); } This.fnt = c; this.res = d; this.fx = m; ja (b); this.registerFonts (c); var k =ce; {g & & 0 < g.length & & g.forEach (function(a) {k.load (a)})}, _getFullURL:function() {return this. _urlRegExp.test (one)? a: (this. opts.htmlRoot |)} "") +}, definePreloader:function(a) {this.preloaderDOM =

    has}, defineDownLevelStage:function(a) {this.downLevelStageDOM = a}, getStage:function() {return this.stage}, registerFonts:function(a) {If(a) b, c, g, m, k, n, t; f.fonts = f.fonts |} {var {}; for (n in one) if (a.hasOwnProperty (n) & &! f.fonts [n] & & (g = a [n]) & &""!) == g) {b = ! 1 ; for (t in f.fonts) f.fonts.hasOwnProperty (t) & & f.fonts [t] = g & & (b =! 0); if ( ! b). if (f.fonts [n] = g, b = g.indexOf (' / / '), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("" / / "")), 0 > b & & (b = g.indexOf ("/ /"), k = 0 < b, window._adobewebfontsappname_ ="Animate"), 0 < b) c =

    g.indexOf (' "', b + 1"), 0 < c & & (g.substring (b, c), k = b & &"file:"= window.location.protocol & & (b ="http:"+ b), g = document.createElement ("script"), g.src =this._getFullURL (b) = g.type,' text/javascript ', document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0] .appendChild (g), k |) (m =function() {try{window. (({Typekit.Load ()}catch(a) {window.setTimeout (m, 100)}}, window.setTimeout (m, 100))); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script""") & & 0 > g.indexOf ("< link ')) .append (document.createTextNode (g)) d ('head'); else if (0 > g.indexOf ("< script ')) .append (g) d ('head'); else if (b =

    g.indexOf (' > '), c = g.indexOf (' \x3c/script > '), 0 < b & & 0 < c) {g = g.substring (b + 1, c); {{Try{window.eval (g)}catch(e) {}}}, getSymbols:function(a) {If(! a)return this._s; var b = []; e (this._s,function(g, c) { = a & & b.push (c)});} return b}, rC:function(a) {return a}, rR:function() {this.stage & & (this.stage, one) O}, ready:function() {var a =this;} AdobeEdge.ready (function() {a.preloaderDOM & & a.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', a.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) ({event:"done", progress: 1, reason:"complete"});}) C.AdobeEdge & & C.AdobeEdge.bootstrapLoading & &

    (c = c |) {}, c.bootstrapLoading =! 0); window.edge_authoring_mode. (c & & c.framework$ & & (f $c.frame work = $), window.jQuery & &(f.$=window.jQuery)); AdobeEdge.addTouchSupport (); a.bindingFn & & a.bind ingFn(f.$); var b = a.stage =new M (a.sym,'stage', a), g, m ="." + a.ID, k = d (m); k [0] | (k = .addClass (m) d ('body')); b.init (k [0],' - edgeLoad '+; b._applyBaseStyles (k,"stage"); k.CSS ('position','relative'); if (! window.edge_authoring_mode | c.sym) si (k =,! k |) 'height'! == k.scaleToFit & &'width'! == k.scaleToFit & &'both'! == k.scaleToFit |

    n (d (m))! k | "vertical"! == k.centerStage & &'horizontal'! == k.centerStage & &'both'! == k.centerStage | (b.Ele, k.centerStage), t = k.scaleToFit | 'height' = k.scaleToFit | 'width' ( "both"= k.scaleToFit) {var m = ["${stage} '] | [" ${stage} '], e, h, ca = / px | ^ $0 /; m & & m.sizeRange & & (e = m.sizeRange [0], e = ca.test (e)? parseInt (e, 10): 0, h = m.sizeRange [1], h = ca.test (h)? parseInt (h, 10)Sub :Sub 0); v (b. $("step"), k.scaleToFit, e, h,! 0, a.opts.bScaleToParent)} g =function() {If(a.launchCalled | a.opts.bootstrapLoading & &)}

    ! f.doPlayWhenReady) f.readyAndWaiting.push (g); else {a.launchCalled =! 0; d (' - .edgePreload '+ .css ('display','none'); d (' - .edgeLoad '+ .removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+; aBootcompsLoaded.push (;} for (var c = window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.length, k = 0; k < c; k ++)try{window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners [k] (}catch(m) {console.log ("bootstrap error"+ m)} c is d.Event ("compositionReady");. c.compId =; d (document) .trigger (c); a.readyCalled =! 0; window.edge_authoring_mode? He's b.stopA (0):w(b,!0)}}; l (a ._l)? g (): a .addObserver ({assetsLoaded:function(a,})

    ({{(b) g ()}})})}, getCompId:function() {return thisuser.user}}); return ce} function N {e (H,function(b, g) {a = Math.min (g.rC (a), a)}); return a}function J (a, b) {e (H,function(g, c) {var d = c [b]; d & &,a)})}function O (a, b) {If( g = 0; g <; ++ g) {var c = [g]; c & & O (c, b)} a & & a._getTimeline () (b) .tick}function K (a) {({event (:"commencer"})}function W (a) {If(U |)} ( 'complete'= D.readyState) a (); else if (D.addEventListener) {var b =. 1; D.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded',function(g) {U =! 0; b |})} {((), b = a! 0)},! (1); D.onreadystatechange =

    function () {'complete'== document.readyState & & (U =! 0); D.onreadystatechange =null; b |} {{((), b = a! 0)}} else {D.attachEvent & & D.attachEvent ("onreadystatechange",function(b) {U =! 0; a (b)})}function set {return one & &'chain'=typeof a & & (0 < a.indexOf ('%') | 0 < a.indexOf ("em") |)} "auto"= a | « null »=== un) ? ! 1 : ! 0}function $(a) {If(! a)return 0; } If('number'=typeof a)return a; var b = a.indexOf ('px') .val; return 0 < b? (val = a.substring (0, b), parseFloat (val)):parseFloat(a)}function X (a, b, g, c, d) {var k, m, n; for(k = 0; k < a.length; k ++) m = a [k], n ="$ {}"+}

    m.ID +"} ', g [n] & & (b [n] =! 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = m, m =Sub 0, m.rect |) (m.rect = [0,0,0,0])), m.rect & & (m.transform |) (m.transform =, =Sub 0, m.transform |) (m.transform = [])), m.transform [0] | (m.transform[0]=[0,0]), R(m.rect[0]) & & (Mr. transform [0] [0] = c [n] = m.transform [0], $(m.rect [0]) [0], m.rect [0] ="0px"), R(m.rect[1]) & & (m.transform [0] [1] = $ (m.rect [1]), d [n] = m.transform [0] [1] m.rect [1] ="0px"))), m.children? {X: m (m.children, b, g, c, d) & & X (m, b, g, c, d)}function ja (a) {If(! window.edge_authoring_mode)for(var b in a)If(a.hasOwnProperty (b)) {var g =}

    a [b], c =Sub 0, d =Sub 0 mSub = 0, k =Sub 0, n = {}, t = {}, e = {} and h = {}; if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) ( 'top'== k [1]) & & R (k [7]) & & (h [k [5]] =! 0); g.content & & g.content.dom & & X (g.content.dom, e, h, n, t); if (g.timeline) for (m = g.timeline, c = 0; c <; c++) (k = [c]) & & ('left'== k [1] |) {( «top»==k[1]) & & R (k [7]) & & e [k [5]] & & ('left'= k [1]? d ='translateX':'top'= k [1] & & (d ="translateY""), k [1] = d)}}var D = document, window, S = C = {}, H = {}, aa = {imagesDir:' images / '}, ba = Array.prototype.forEach;

    T, ka = [], V, U, oa = [] .push, ga = {}, da = {option: [1,'< select multiple 'multiple' = >',"< / select > '], thead: [1,'< table >','< /table >'], col: [2,'< table > < colgroup >'," < / colgroup > < / table > '], tr: [2,"< table tbody > > <","< / tbody > < / table > '], td: [3," < table tbody > < tr > > < " " < /tr > < / tbody > < / table > "" "]} , _default : [1,« »,« »]}, ma = / < ([\w:]+)/,na=/ < ( ? ! Area: br | col | embed | HR: img | Input | Link | Meta | param) (([\w:]+) [^ >] *)------/ > / gi, G = {}, Z is {}; f.doPlayWhenReady =! 1; f.readyAndWaiting = []; var qa = {columnCount:! 0, fillOpacity:! 0, fontWeight:! 0, lineHeight:! 0, opacity:! 0,}

    order:! 0, orphans:! 0, widows:! 0, zIndex:! 0, zoom:! 0}, ha = {letterSpacing:0, fontWeight:400}; V = ument.createElement ("div"); the doc ba = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); e = d.each; d.extend = q; =function(a, b, g) {var c ='Babar'+ b; 2 < arguments.length & &(a[c]=g); return has [and c]}; q (a.prototype, {addObserver:function() {If(a) {var b =this. notifier.obs, g, c, g = b.length; for(c = 0; c < g; c ++)If(b [c] .o = a)return; b [g] = {o: a}}}, removeObserver:function(a) {If(a) {var b =this. notify, g = b.obs, c;}}})

    for (c = 0; c < g.length; c++) if (g [c] .o = a) if (0 = b.lvl) {g.splice (c, 1); break} else g [c] .deleted =! 0}}, notifyObservers:function(a, b) {return k (the, a, b)}, removeObservers:function() {var a =this.notifier? } This. Notifier.OBS:null; ({{has & & a.splice(0,a.length)}}); b.expr = {}; var f = b.expr [': '] = {visible:function() {If((this) A)return this}, hide:function() {If(!)}} {A (this))return this}, selected:function() {If(this.selected)return this}, check:function() {If(thischecked)return this}, parent:function() {return this.parentNode}, first:function() {If(0 =)}

    {{a)return this}, last:function(a, b) {If(a = b.length - 1)return this}, eq:function(a, b, c) {If(a = c)return this}, has:function(a, b, c) {If(m (this, c) .length)return this}}, pa = /(.*): (\w+)(?:\ {(([^)] +) \))?$\s*/,ra={tabindex:"tabIndex", readonly:"readOnly",'for':'htmlFor','class':'className', maxlength:"maxLength", cellspacing:"cellSpacing", cellpadding:'cellPadding', rowspan:"rowSpan", colspan:"colSpan", well:"well", frameborder:"frameBorder", contentEditable:contentEditable 'a'}; q (b.prototype, {css:function(a, b) {If(!)}}) () 1 >

    (( this.length)) {If('string'==typeof a) {var c, g = s (a); } If(1 < arguments.length) {isNaN (parseFloat (b)) |! isFinite (b) |} QA [g] | (b+="px"); for (c = 0; c <this.length; c ++) ce [c] .style [g] = b; return ce} c = C.getComputedStyle? C.getComputedStyle (this[0]) [g] | ce [0] .style [g]:this[0] .style [g]; 'normal'= c & & g in ha & &(c=ha[g]); return c}If(r (a)) {var m = {}, k =this[0]; d.each (r b? r: [a],function(a, b) {var c = s (b);m[b][c]||C.computedStyle.getPropertyValue(k)[c]});})} return m}for(g in one)this.css(g,a[g]); return this}}, prop:function(a,

    (b) {a = ra [a] | one;} returns 1 in arguments? { this.each (function(c, g) {this[a] ='function'==typeof b? (this, g,this[a]): b}):this[0] & &this[0] [has]}, addClass:function(a) {g (this, a); return this}, removeClass:function(a) {g (this,! 0); return this}, hasClass:function(a) {a =""+ a +""; ""} for(var b = 0, c =this.length,g=/[\t\r\n\f]/g;b < c; b ++)If(1 =this[b] .nodeType & & 0 < = (""+this[b] .className +"""").replace(g,__"_"_).indexOf (a))return! 0; return! 1}, attr:function(a, b) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; if (Sub 0 = b) return ce [0] .getAttribute (a);

    this.each (function(c, g) {b? }) ({This.setAttribute (a, b):this.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, removeAttr:function(a) {If('chain'! ==typeof a |!)} ( this.length)return null; this.each (function(b, c) {c.removeAttribute (a)}); return this}, each:function(a) { (this,function(b, c) { (b, c, b)}); return this},get:function() {If(this.length & & a <this.length)return this[a]}, _s:function(a, b) {If(this.length) {If(Sub 0 = a)return this[0] [b]; }} This.each (function(c, g) {this[b] = one}); return this}}, parent:function() {var a =this[0] .parentNode;}

    { return one & & 11! == a.nodeType? d (a):null}, parents:function() {for(var a =this[0], b = []; (a = a.parentNode) & & 9! == a.nodeType;) 1 = a.nodeType & & b.push (a); return b}, text:function(a) {return this._s (one,"textContent")}, html:function(a) {return this._s (one,"innerHTML")}, show:function() {return this.each (function() {'none'==this. style.display & & (this. style.display =""); })} If('none'== getComputedStyle (this,"') .getPropertyValue ("display")) {var a, b =this.nodeName, c, g; Z [b] | (c = document.createElement (b), (c) document.body.appendChild,)

    {({{(g = getComputedStyle(c,__""_).getPropertyValue ('view'), c.parentNode.removeChild (c),'none'is g & & (g ="block"), Z [b] = g); a.display = Z [b]}})}, hide:function() {return this.css ('display','none')}, wrap:function() {var b ='function'==typeof a; } If(this[0] & &! b)var c = d (a). get (0), g = c.parentNode | 1 <this.length; return { this.each (function(m) {d (this).wrapAll(b?,m):g? c.cloneNode(!0):c)})}, wrapAll:function(a) {If(this[0]) {for(this[0].parentElement.insertBefore (one,this[0]); a.firstElementChild;) a = a.firstElementChild; d (a) of (this) .append}return this},.

    dimension:function() {var b =this[0], c = a [0]? a [0] .toUpperCase () + a.substr (1):""; if(b===b.window)return b.document.documentElement ["client"+ c]; } If(9 = b.nodeType)return Math.max (b.body ["scroll"+ c], D ["scroll"+ c], b.body ["offset"+ c], D ["offset"+ c], D ["client"+ c]); cthis.css (a) = | ""; if ('auto'! = c & & (c = x c,! c.units |)) (( 'px'== c.units))return c.num;b=b.getBoundingClientRect(); if ('width'= a) return Math.Round (b.Width); if ('height'= a) return Math.Round (b.Height)}, width:function() {return void 0! = a? } This.css ("width", one):

    this.dimension ('width')}, height:function() {return void 0! = a? } {This.css ('height', a):this.dimension ('height')}, offset:function() {If(! )} This.length)return null; var a =this[0] .getBoundingClientRect (); return ({{left:a.left + window.pageXOffset, top: + window.pageYOffset, width:Math.round (a.width), the hei (a.height) ght:Math.round}}, is:function() {return 0 <this.length & & y (this[0], a)}}); P ({opacity: {}, on the left: {f:"rect", i: 0, sup:"px"}, up: {f:"rect", i: 1, sup:"px"}, width: {f:"rect", i: 2, sup:"px"}, height: {f:"rect", i: 3, sup:'px'}, right: {f:"rect",})

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    (g.opts.gVideoPreloadPreference):'auto'== k) & & z (m, g._getFullURL (b [n]), g); m = g._getFullURL (b [n]); { Break one}} m =Sub 0}If(d.isArray (b) & & 1! = b.length)for(m = 0; m < b.length; ++ m) k = document.createElement ("source"), d (k) .attr ('src', g._getFullURL (b [m])), a.get(0) .appendChild (k); else m? a.attr ('src', m):a.attr ('src', d.isArray (b)? g._getFullURL (b [0]):g._getFullURL(b));) {{{ "audio"== c.tag & & a.attr ("orders","block"== c.display)}}},' background-image ': {e:'img'f:'fill', i: 1, w:"url(@@0)", p:1, x: {prep:function(a, b, c, g, d, m, k) {var n; b [c] & &}}}

    (n = b [c] [g]); 0 Sub ! == n & & (n = z (b.type, n, k), k._getFullURL (n), n =this. conf.t.replace ("@@0", n)); retour n}}},« background-color »: {f:« remplissage », i:0, x: {s’appliquent :function(a,b){a.css (« couleur de fond », h (b))}}}, texte : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.html(b)}}},« min-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:0},« max-width »: {f :« sizeRange », i:1},« min-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:2},« max-height »: {f :« sizeRange », i:3}, débordement : {x: {s’appliquent :fonction(a,b){a.css (« overflow », b) ;« cachée »! == b & &« scroll »! == b || a.CSS (« text-overflow » (,«clip»)}}},' background-repeat ': {e:"img",

    { f:'fill', x: {apply:function(a, b) {b & & 1! = b.length & & (d.isArray (b [1]) | a.CSS ('background-repeat', b [6]:"no-repeat""))}}},"background-attachment": {f:"fill", i: 7, x: {apply:function(a, b) {"scroll"! == b & & a.css ("background-attachment", b)}}},"background-size": {f:"fill"i: 4, d:'100% 100% '}, autoOrient: {x: {apply:function(a, b) {AdobeEdge. $.data(a[0],"doAutoOrient",b)}}}, clip : {}, display: {},"border-top-left-radius": {f:"borderRadius", i: 0},"border-top-right-radius": {f:"borderRadius", i: 1, ii:0},"border-bottom-right-radius": {f:"borderRadius" }

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    AutoPlay: {a: 1}, loop: {a: 1}, linkURL: {f:'linkURL', one: 1, x: {prep:function(a, b) {ga [a user.user [0]] = b; a .onclick [0] =function() {var a = [thisuser.user] ga; a.linkTarget? (a.linkURL, a.linkTarget): window.location.href = a .linkURL}; a [0]. style.cursor ="pointer"}}}); var Y = {c:'children', from left to right:'rect', zr:"sizeRange", br:'borderRadius', cl:'clip', al:'alt', tt:"title", ti:"tabindex", cn:'orders', SR.:'source', ps:"poster", pr:"preload", cu:"cursor", ap:"autoplay", lp:'loop', n:"police", tf:"transform", sh:'boxShadow', ts:"textStyle", o:'opacity',}

    {UC:'userClass's:'stroke','fill', v f::'view', fi:'filter', sN:'NomSymbole', tr:'trigger'}; q (M.prototype, a.prototype); q (M.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data; c & & L (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b)}, register:function(a, b) {}, play:function() {}}); q (I.prototype, a.prototype); I have ._playAuto = o; (function() {var ; T | (a = C.requestAnimationFrame |) C.webkitRequestAnimationFrame | E C.mozRequestAnimationFram | C.msRequestAnimationFrame | C.oRequestAnimationFrame | function (a) {C.setTimeout (a,

    (17)}, T =function() {var b; b = N (0); J (b,"rP"); J (b,"rR"); J (b,"rA") ; (C, T)}, (C, T))}) (); G.cssTransform = p (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform","MozTransform","OTransform","msTransform"]); G.cssTransform3d = p (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]); =function() {var a = document.createElement ("audio"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.m4a=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2» ') replace (/ No. /," "), b.aac = b.m4a, b.mp3 =!)} a.canPlayType ("audio/mpeg;"). Replace (/ No. /,)

    ""),b.wav=!! a.canPlayType (' audio/wav; codecs = "1" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' audio/ogg; codecs = "vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.oga = b.ogg); Return b} (); G.Video =function() {var a = document.createElement ("video"), b = {}; a.canPlayType & &(b.webm=!! a.canPlayType («vidéo/webm») replace (/ No. /,""), b.mp4 =!)} a.canPlayType ("video/mp4;"). Replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogv =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,""), b.ogg =! a.canPlayType (' video/ogg; codecs = "theora, vorbis" ') replace (/ No. /,"""));

    Return b} (); G.customEvent =function() {If(! window.)} CustomEvent)back! 1; try { void return 0! ==new CustomEvent ('testCustomEvent',! 1! 1)} catch (a) {return!} 1}() ; G.addEventListener =Sub 0! == window.addEventListener; var a = G, here. ='background - color:rgba (150,255,150,.5)'; AI = 0 == (' "+ .indexOf ("rgba")? 0:! 1; his. RGBA = AI; q (f, {version:"5.0.0", Composition: I, defaultOpt:aa, $: d, a$: b, renderDOM: L, ready: W, camelize: s, splitUnits:x, loadCom position:function(a, b, c, g, m) {function n (a, g) {W (function() {var m = "})

    d ("." [ + b),k=/PX|^0$/,n=c.scaleToFit,e=c.centerStage,h=c.minW,f=c.maxW,l=c.Width,s=c.Height,y=m[0] |) document.getElementsByTagName ('body') [0]; "absolute"! = & &"relative"! = & & ( ="on"); s & & (s =; l & & (;/^height$|^width$|^both$/.test(n) & & (h = (h) k.test? parseInt (h, 10): 0, f = k.test (f)? parseInt (f 10)Sub :Sub 0,v(d(y),n,h,f,!1,c.bScaleToParent));/^vertical$|^horizontal$|^both$/.test(e) & & t (y, e); a & & L (H [B],null, a.dom and, m [0], g + b); m.removeClass (' - edgeLoad '+)

    (b)})}function e() {K (function EA {a? ea & & setTimeout (ea, 20): a = {event:'loading', progress:0}; f.preloaderDOM.script & & (new function ('e', f.preloaderDOM.script.loading)) (a)}); n (f.preloaderDOM,' - edgePreload ')}function h() {n (f.downLevelStageDOM,"edgeDownLevel")}var f = H [b] AdobeEdge.compositions [b] =new = I (b, c), k (AdobeEdge,"newComp", {model: f} "); BA? (window.edge_authoring_mode |) (g? ((f.definePreloader (g), e (): f.load (a +"_edgePreload.js", e)), a & & (c & & c.bootstrapLoading? ka.push (a): window.edge_authoring_mode & & c.sym? f.load(a+))

    + c.sym):f.load ' _edge.js? symbol = '(a +"_edge.js"))): window.edge_authoring_mode | (m? {((f.defineDownLevelStage (m), h (): f.load (has +"_edgePreload.js", h))}, registerCompositionDefn:function(a, b, c, g, d, m) {H [a] .define (m, b, c, g, d)}, registerEventBinding:function(a, b) {H [a] .bindingFn = b}, getComposition:function() {return H [a]}, defineProps:P, Accessories: S, symbol: M, stating: a, isSupported:p, supported: G, isIOS:function() {var a = navigator.userAgent; return'webkitAppearance'in & &(/iPad/.test(a)|| /iPod/.test(a) |}

    () /iPhone/.test(a))}, isOpera: / Opera/.test (navigator.userAgent), registerFonts:function(a) {AdobeEdge.getCurrentComposition () .registerFonts (a)}, playWhenReady:function() {f.doPlayWhenReady =! 0; for(var a = 0; a < f.readyAndWaiting.length; a ++) f.readyAndWaiting [a] ()}, _: {c:H, P:E, p:S, rE: Q, no.: k, nDN:B}});} q (f, a.prototype); ( (f)})(window.) AdobeEdge); window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners | (window w. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners = []);

    window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback =function(f) {window. AdobeEdge.bootstrapListeners.push (f); if (0 < aBootcompsLoaded.length) for (var r = 0; r < aBootcompsLoaded.length;r++)f(aBootcompsLoaded[r])};) window.AdobeEdge.compositions | (window.AdobeEdge.compositions = [];) window. AdobeEdge.yepnope = window.yepnope;

    (function(f) {function r() { (this); }}) {This.animationID =' - animID '+ r.nextID; r.nextID += 1}function u (b, d, c) { (this);"function"=typeof b?} this.handler = b:'chain'=typeof b & & (this.eventType = b); this.handlerContext = c; = d; this.isTrigger =! 0}function e (b, d, c, n, h) { (this); } This.animation = b; thiswhich .position = 0; this.duration =-1; this. opts = {}; l.extend (this.opts, h); this.easing ='function'=typeof n? n to n & & l.easing [n]? n: e.defaultEasing; 0 Sub ! == d & & (thiswhich .position = d). 0 Sub ! ==

    c & & (this.duration = c); this.timeline =null; this.dScale = 1; this.dDuration = 0; the.done =! 1}function p { (this); l.extend (this, f.Timeline.config); l.extend(, b); } This.startPositionthis.timerStartthis.timer = = = 0; this.currentPosition =-1; this.playing =Sub 0; thisthis.duration = .iteration = 0; this.interval = 1E3 /this*. FPS; this.objects = []}function h (b) {return s.test(b[1])}var l = $ f, q is {}, x = {}, s = / ^(trigger|@) $/; l.isArray =function(b) {return'[object Array]'= (b)}; l.easing = l.easing |

    {} ; l.extend (l.easing, {linear:function(b, d, c, n) {return c + n * b}, swing:function(b, d, c, n) {return(-Math.cos(b*Math.PI)/2+0.5)*n+c}});r.nextID=1;l.extend(r.prototype,f.Notifier.prototype);}}) l.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function() (), update:function(b, d) {}, getDuration:function() {return 0}}); l.extend (u.prototype, r.prototype); l.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, update:function(b) {this.fired |}}) (this= .fired 0,this.handler?) this. (this.handlerContext, b, & &this.timeline & &

    this. (timeline.notifyObservers (ce.eventType, {écoulé: b, donné}))}, Setup:function(b, d) {var c =Sub 0 = b.executeTriggers |} null= b.executeTriggers; this. fired = b.startingFromCurrent & & c | ! c & &! b.executeTriggers? "backside"! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > = d: b.currentPosition < = d:'backside'! == b.playDirection? b.currentPosition > d: b.currentPosition < d; this. timeline = b}}); e.defaultEasing ='linear'; l.extend (e.prototype, f.Notifier.prototype); l.extend (e.prototype, {constructor: e, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline =})

    b; var d =this.duration, c =null; this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration & & (c =this. animation.getDuration ()); this.dScale =-1. == d & & 0! == d ? c / d: 1; this.dDuration =-1. == d ? d; the.done =! 1; this.animation & &this. {animation.setup & &this. animation.setup (b,thiswhich .position)}, update:function(b) {If(! )} This.done) {var d =this.dDuration, c; This.animation & & (0 = d? c = 0 < = b? 1:0: (b > = d & &(b=d), 0 > = b & & (b = 0), c = l.easing [this.easing](b/d,b,0,1,d)),this. animation.update (b *this.dScale, c)); ("reverse"=this. timeline.playDirection? 0 > = b: b > = d) & &

    {{ this. complete()}}, complete:function() {this= .done! 0; } This.timeline & &this. (this) timeline.updateComplete}, getPosition:function() {return this.position}, setPosition:function(b) {thiswhich .position = b}, getDuration:function() {return-1! ==this.duration? } This.duration:this.animation & &this. animation.getDuration? { this. animation.getDuration (): 0}, setDuration:function(b) {this.duration = 0 < = b? b:-1}});} p.config = {dropFrames:! 0, fps:60, pauseThreshold:250}; p.prototype.tick =function(b) {this._handleTimer (b)}; l.extend (p.prototype, r.prototype);

    l.extend (p.prototype, {constructor: p, reading:function(b) {b = b |}}) {}; this.notifyObservers ('play'); this= .playing! 0; this._stop ({}); if ("undefined"=typeof b.pos |) ( null= b.pos)If("reverse"== b.playDirection) b.pos =this.currentPosition, 0 > = b.pos & & (b.pos =this. getDuration()); else if (0 >this.currentPosition |) ( this.currentPosition > =this. getDuration()) b.pos = 0; l.extend(, b); (b.pos, b); this.iteration = 0; this.timerStart = (new Date) .getTime (); this.startPosition =this.currentPosition; this.lastUpdateTime =this.timerStart;

    this.firstUpdate =! 0; this. _handleTimer(); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, stop:function(b) {this= .playing! 1; b & & b.bSeek? } { (b.pos, b):this._stop (b)}, get:function(b, d) {this.notifyObservers ("seek"); Thisextinguish (d); var c =this.currentPosition; this._stop (d); l.extend (this, d); 0 Sub ! == b & & (this.currentPosition = b); this.startingFromCurrent ='number'=typeof b & & c! isthis.currentPosition? 1 : ! 0; thisfacility (this); this.firstUpdate =! 0; this.updateSeek (this.currentPosition, 1, c); this.firstUpdate =! 1; return this}, add:function(b,

    d, c, n, h) {b =new e (b, d, c, n, h); This.objects.push (b); this.sorted =! 1}, sort:function(b) {var d = {width: 1, height: 2,' - webkit - transform-origin ': 3,' transform-origin ': 4,"- moz - transform-origin ': 5," - ms - transformation-origin ": 6, left: 7, top: 8, down: 9, right: 10, motion: 11}; } This.sorted | (this. objects.sort (function(b, c) {var a = b.animation, k = c.animation; })) If(a | k) {If(! a)return- 1; } {If(! k)return 1;else return b.position - c.Placez; if ( | k.Property) {If(!;} Si (! { return 1}else return b.position - c.Placez;

    var g = d [], m = d []; return a.sourceElements! == k.sourceElements? a.sourceElements > k.sourceElements? 1:-1: g & &(!m|| m < g)? 1: m & &(!g|| m>g)? ({- 1:b.position - c.Placez}),that.sorted =! (0); for (b = 1; b <this. objects.length; b ++) {var c =this[b-1] n, .objects =this. objects [b]; c.animation & & n.animation & & = & & c.anima tion.sourceElements = n.animation.sourceElements?} (c.animation._nextObj = n.animation, n.anima tion._prevObj = c.animation): (c.animation & & (c.animation._nextObj =null))

    {(n.Animation & & (n.animation._prevObj=null))}}, getDuration:function() {var b =this.duration,this.objects,this= c = d. objects.length, n = Math.max, e, t; for(e = 0; e < c; e += 1) t = d [e], b = n (b, t.position + t.getDuration ()); return b}, getCurrentPosition:function() {return this.currentPosition}, update:function(b, d) {this. sort(); } This.notifyObservers ("PreUpdateest", {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) var c =this.objects, n =this. triggers, e = c.length, t = n.length, a ='backside'! ==this.playDirection,k=!1,g=!0,m=!window.edge_authoring_mode & &this.executeTriggers.

    h =! Window.edge_authoring_mode & & (Sub 0 =this.executeTriggers |) ( null=this.executeTriggers), f, l, s, q, p, r; this.currentDirection = one? 'before':'backside'. for (s = 0; s < t; s += 1) if (q = n [a? s: t-s-1], p = q.animation.isTrigger & &!) (this.startingFromCurrent & &this.firstUpdate), (h & & p | m |!) ( this.firstUpdate) & &! q.animation.fired & & (a? b > = q.position:b < = q.position + q.duration)) {p =this. currentPosition = q.position; r =the. getState(); for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.anima tion.isTrigger & &}

    (a? p > = f.position:p < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = p-f.position) | f.Duration | a |) (l = 1), f.upd ate (l)); k =! 0; q.animation.update (p); if (! { this.equalState (r)) {g =. 1; break}}If(! k)for(k = 0; k < e; k += 1) f = c [a? k: e - k-1], (l = a & &! f.opts.reverseOnly |! a & &! f.opts.forwardOnly) & &! f.Anima tion.isTrigger & & (a? b > = f.position:b < = f.position + f.duration) & & ((l = b-f.position) | f.Duration | | a |) (l = 1), f.update (l)); this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: b}); this.notifyObservers ('postUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});}) this.notifyObservers ('update',

    {elapsed: b, easingConst:d});} return g}, setLoop:function(b) {this.loopCount = b}, getState:function() {return{pos:this.currentPosition, dir:this.playDirection, playing:this.playing}}, equalState:function(b) {var d =! b.Playing, c =!} this.playing; { return b.pos =this.currentPosition & & b.dir =this.playDirection & & d = c}, _handleTimer:function(b) {b = b |} (new Date) .getTime (); var d ='backside'=this.playDirection, c = -this.timerStart - bit.iteration * (d? ) This.startPosition:this.duration -this.startPosition), d =this.startPosition +.

    (d?-c); b -this.lastUpdateTime >this.pauseThreshold & & (this.timerStart += b -this.lastUpdateTime +this.interval, c = b -this.timerStart); if (this.playing) {If(this.currentPosition = d = Math.max (0, Math.min (d,this.duration)),this.update(d,1),this.lastUpdateTime = b, b = (d ="backside"=this.playDirection)? 0 <this.currentPosition:this.currentPosition <this.duration,! b) {If(this.loopCount & & (this.iteration += 1,this.notifyObservers ('iterationComplete', {elapsed: c, count:this.iteration}),«forever»=this.loopCount |))}} this.iteration <

    (( this.loopCount)) {c =this. objects; b = c.length; for(d = 0; d < b; d += 1) c [d] = .done! 1;} this. tick(); return} this. stop(); {{{ this.notifyObservers ("complete", {elapsed: c})}}else this.notifyObservers ('fxUpdate', {elapsed: c})}, Setup:function(b) {, b); } This.triggers = []; b =this.objects; var d =ce. objects.length, c, n; for (c = 0; c < d; c += 1) n = b [c], n.done =! 1, (this) n.setup, n.animation.isTrigger & &this.triggers.push (n); { this.duration =this. getDuration()}, updateComplete:function(b) {b.done =! 0}, _stop:function(b) {b & &}

    b.dontNotify | this.notifyObservers ('stop'); this.timer & & not (this.timer) clearTimeout(). thisthis.timer = .timerStart = 0; return this}}) ; p.prototype.updateSeek = p.prototype.update; f.Animation = r; f.TimelineObject = e; f.Timeline = p; f.Timeline.createTimeline =function(b) {return new f.Timeline (b)}; f.Timeline.createTween =function(b) {var d = q [b]; return d? d.func.apply (d.context, (arguments, 1)):null}; f.Timeline.addTweenType =function(b, d, c) {q [b] = {func:d, context:c}}; f.Timeline.addTweenProperty =function(b,

    (d) {x [b] = d}; f.Timeline.getTweenType =function(b) {return x [b] |} 'style'} ; f.Timeline.createTrigger =function(b, d) {return new u(b,d,arguments[arguments.length-1])}; f.Timeline.isTrigger = h; f.Timeline.isTween =function(b) {return! h (b)}; f.Timeline.createTL =function(b, d, c) {var n = f.Timeline.createTimeline (), e = b.length, t, a, k, g; k = b.duration? b.duration:0;} var m; n.duration = k; c & & c.loop & & n.setLoop (c.loop); for (c = 0; c < e; c += 1) t = b [c], a =null, k = - 1, h (t)? (g = t.slice (3.5), g.push (d), a = f.Timeline.createTrigger.apply (null, g), g = t [5],)

    m ='none'): t [1] & & (k = x [t [1]] |) ( 'style', g = [k, t [1]] .concat (t.slice (5)), a = f.Timeline.createTween.apply (null, g), k = t [3], m = t [4], g = t [8]), a & & ( = t [0], n.add(a,t[2],k,m,g)); )(window.) ( return n}} AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {var r = f. $; r.easing.jswing = r.easing.swing; r.extend (r.easing, {def:"easeOutQuad", swing:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return r.easing [r.easing.def](f,e,p,h,l)}, easeInQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e + p}, easeOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {*(e/=l)returnh * (e-2) + p}, easeInOutQuad:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e + p}})}) {: h/2 * (-EI * (e-2)-1) + p}, easeInCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / l =) * e * e + p}, easeOutCubic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutCubic:function(f, e, p, h,

    (l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e + p:h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e-1) + p}, easeInOutQuart:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e-2) + p}, easeInQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * (e / = l) * e * e * e * e + p}, easeOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * e * e * e + 1) + p}, easeInOutQuint:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e / l/2 =)? h/2 * e * e * e * e * e + p} {: h/2 * ((e-=2) * e * e * e * e + 2) + p}, easeInSine:function(e,

    e, p, h, l) {(return- h*Math.cos(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + h + p}, easeOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h*Math.sin(e/l*(Math.PI/2)) + p}, easeInOutSine:function(f, e, d, h, l) {returnh/2 * (Math.cos (Math.PI * e/l)-1) + p}, easeInExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e?:h*Math.pow(2,10*(e/l-1)) + p p} , easeOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return e == l? p + h:h * (-Math.pow (2, -10 * e/l) + 1) + p}, easeInOutExpo:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 0 == e? p:e == l? p + h: 1 > (e/=l/2)?h/2*Math.pow(2,10*(e-1)) + p:h / 2 * (-Math.pow (2, -10 *-e) + 2) + p}, eas eInCirc:function(f, e, p, h l) {returnh *}

    {(Math.sqrt (1--(e / = l) * e)-1) + p}, easeOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h * Math.sqrt (1--(e = e/l-1) * e) + p}, easeInOutCirc:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return 1 > (e/=l/2)?-h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-e*e)-1)+p:h/2*(Math.sqrt(1-(e-=2 *) + 1)) e + p}, easeInElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0} r = h; if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); return-(r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e-=1))*Math.sin(2*(e*l-f)*Math.PI/q)) + p}, easeOutElastic:function(f, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;})

    if (0 == e) return p; if (1 ==(e/=l)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { Return r * Math.pow (2, -10 * e) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + h + p}, easeInOutElastic:function(e, e, d, h, l) {f = 1.70158; var q = 0, r = h;} if (0 == e) return p; if (2 ==(e/=l/2)) return p + h; q | (q = 0.3 * l * 1.5); r < Math.abs (h)? (r=h,f=q/4):f=q/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(h/r); { return 1 > e?-0,5 * r * Math.pow (2, 10 * (e = 1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) + p:r * Math.pow (2, -10 *(e-=1)) * Math.sin (2 * (e * incl..) * Math.PI / q) * 0.5 + h + p}, easeInBack:function(e,

    e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * (e / l =) * e * ((q+1) * e-q) + p}, easeOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return h * ((e = e/l-1) * e * ((q+1) * e + q) + 1) + p}, easeInOutBack:function(f, e, d, h, l, q) {void 0 == q & & (q = 1.70158); return 1 > (e / = l/2)? h/2 * e * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e-q) + p} {: h / 2 * ((e-=2) * e * (((q * = 1,525) + 1) * e + q) + 2) + p}, easeIn Bounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return h - r.easing.easeOutBounce (f, l-e, 0, h, l) + p}, easeOutBounce:function(f, e, d, h, l) {return(e / = l) < 1/2.75?7.5625*h*e*e+p: e < 2/2.75? h * (7.5625* (e = 1.5/2.75)*e+0.75)+))}

    p:e < 2.5/2.75?h* (7.5625* (e = 2.25/2.75)*e+0.9375)+p:h* (7.5625* ({e = 2.625/2.75)*e+0.984375)+p}, easeInOutBounce:function(e, e, d, h, l) {return e < l/2?0.5*r.easing.easeInBounce(f,2*e,0,h,l)+p:0.5*r.easing.easeOutBounce(f,2*e-l,0,h,l}) + 0.5 * h + p}})})(window.)) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (a, b) {return b? b +'_'+ a: has +'_'+ k ++}function u (a) {a.length & &(a=a[0]); return has? a.edgeSymbol:null}function e (a, b) {.}}) Length & & (a = a [0]); {a & & (a.edgeSymbol = b)}function p {var b, c, d, k = a.length; } If(n.isArray (a))for(b = [], d = 0; d < d; k ++) c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &'object'=typeof c? (c) p: c; else for (a d in b = {}) a.hasOwnProperty (d) & &'prototype'! == d & & (c = a [d], b [d] =null! = c & &"object"=typeof c? p (c): c); return b}function h (a) {a = [b.SID]; return a.timeline?}function part {a = [b.SID];

    { return a.timeline? a.timeline.duration:0}function q (a, b, c) {function d (a, b) {for(k = 0; k <.)}} Length; (k += 1) {If(a [k] user.user = b)return a [k]; {{If(a [k] .children)return (a [k] .children, b)}return null} b = b.replace (/ [-{\}------$] "/ g,' ''); a = [b.SID]; var k; if (a = a.content? a.content.dom:null) if (b = d (a, b)) if (a = f.props [c]) Return a.prep (null, b, c, a.i, a.j.); return null} Function x (a, b, c, d, k) {return['generated','place', d, k,'linear', a, [[b.x, b.y, 0, 0], [c.x Fokker-built, c.y, 0, 0]]]}function s (b, c) {var d, k; c & & (b.tlCached =Sub 0); var n = h (b);} if ( ! n). return null;

    n.Duration = l (b); n.dirty & & b.tlCached & & (d = b.tlCached.currentPosition, k = b.tlCached.notifier.o bs, b.tlCached =Sub 0); if (! b.tlCached) {var e, v is [] .timeline, s, p = {}, r = {}, u, w, F = n.duration, I; e = []; var N; s = n.Length; for (w = n.length - 1; 0 < = w; w-) "injected"= n [w] [0] & & n.splice (w, 1); s = n.length; 'number'! ==typeof e.timeline.duration & & (e.timeline.duration = 0); for (N = 0; N < s; N++)(w=n[N]) & & a (w) & & (u = w [5], p [u] |) (p [u] = []), p [u] .push (w), u = u +": '+ ("query"= w [1]?'location': w [1]), [u] r | (r [u] = []), r [u] .push (w)),

    w & & a (w) & & (I = o [3] | 0, F = Math.Max (F, w [2] + I)); p = Math.max (e.timeline.duration, F); w =function(a, b) {return a [2] b [2]}; for ( in r u) (u) r.hasOwnProperty & & r [u] extinguish (w); for (u in r) r.hasOwnProperty (u) & & (w = r [u] [0], 0 < w [2] & & (e = q (b, w [5], w [1]),null== e & & (e = w [6]),'place'= w [1]?)) () w = r [u] [0], s = {x: w [6] [0] [0], y: w [6] [0] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, 0, Math.Max(0,w[2]-1)), e [0] ='injected', n.push (e)):void 0! == e & & (w = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [0]), [6] w = w [7] = e, w [3] = w [2], w [2] = 0, w [0] ='injected', w [8] & &' '! = .valueTemplate w [8] & &'string'==typeof e & & (= .valueTemplate w [8])

    ' '), n.push (w))), s = r [u] .length-1, 0 < = s & & (w = r [u] [s], [2] e = w + w [3], e < F & & ('place'= w [1]?)) (s = w [6]) .length-1, s = {x: w [6] [s] [0], y: w [6] [s] [1]}, e = x (w [5], s, s, e, p-e), e [0] ='injected'): (e = f.cloneJSONObject (r [u] [s]), e [6] = w [7], e [2] = p, e [3] = 0, e [0] ='injected', e [8] = e [8] |) {}, e [8] .reverseOnly =! 0), n.push (e))); F < p & & (w = ['injected','-an_resting ', F, p - F,'linear',' ${stage} ','0','100'], n.push (w)); b.tlCached = t.createTL (n, b, {loop:v.loop});}) n.dirty & &(b.tlCached.currentPosition =d,b.tlCached.notifier.obs=k|| b.tlCached.notifier.obs);

    b.tlCached.sort ()}}function b (a, b) {If('chain'=typeof b) {var c = [b.SID]: 0;}} return {(c=c?c.timeline:0) & & c.labels? c.labels [b]: 0}return b}function d (a) {var b = a, c;'chain' (=typeof a & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),b=a.slice(b+2,c),'string'=typeof b & & (b = f.trimString (b), b = b.replace (/ [""] / g, "")));} Return b} function c (a, b) {for ("var c = a, k; b & &"string "= typeof c & & - 1!")} == (/ \ $------{/}) ;) k = d (c), c = 0 Sub = b [k]? void 0:c.replace (/------$------{[^-]}] {*------} / b [k]); return c} var n = window.jQuery?

    window.jQuery:f. $v = f.Symbol, t = f.Timeline, a = t.isTween, k = 0; v._makeUniqueID = r; f.symbol = v; v.get= v.getSymbol = u; v.setSymbol = e; f.addObserver ({newComp:function(a, b) {b.comp.addObserver ({newSymbol:function(a, b) {b.symbol.addObserver ({newEle:function(a, b) {var c = n (b.ele), g = b.defn, d = a.composition; g.userClass & & c.addClass (g.userClass); f. $.data (c [0],'definition', g); g.symbolName & & (new v (d.sym g.symbolName = g}})}})}}) (, d, a), g.init (c [0]), = | [], (g), g.prnt = (a)}})}})}}); f.CL oneJSONObject = p; s = v.bldTL; v.p2n = b; f.trimString =

    function (a) {return a.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; d = v.parseVariableName; v.substituteVariables = c; n.extend (v.prototype, {init:function(a, b) {var c =this[] .data, d = n (a), k = d [0] user.user, t; }}) This. gpuAccelerate = c.gpuAccelerate; "undefined"=typeof this.gpuAccelerate & & (this.gpuAccelerate =! 0); this.gpuAccelerate =this.gpuAccelerate & & f.supported.cssTransform3d; this.variablesthis.variables = | {}; this._variablesthis._variables = | {} ; a = a | n("." + b) [0] ; this.autoPlay = c.timeline? c.timeline.autoPlay:! 1; e (a,ce) ; if (this= .ele

    (a) k & &' '! == k || (k = r ('stage'), d [0] user.user = k), t ="#"+ k,this._variables [k] isthis. _variables.stage = t,this. _variables.symbolStage = t,this. _variables.symbolSelector = t, d.css ("position","absolute"), d.css (' z-index ','0'); if (c) {f.renderDOM (this.composition,this, c.content.dom,, a, b);} var c =, h, v.; for (h in c) if ("${symbolSelector}"! = h & & c.hasOwnProperty (h) & & (d=h,k=/^\$\{/,k.test(d)?) () d = d.Replace (k,""), d = d.replace ({/------} /,""), dthis.find = $(d)):d=f.$(d),d))for(v in f._.p) f._.p.hasOwnProperty (v) & & f._.p [v] even (d,

    c [h],this.composition)} h = {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}; n.extend (h,Sub 0); { this.notifyObservers ("creationComplete", h)}, lookupSelector:function(a) {If('chain'=typeof a)try{return c ("$ {}"+ one +"")} "(,this._variables)}catch(b) {}}, getSymbolTypeName:function() {return}, getComposition:function() {return this.composition}, are looking for$:function(a) {a = a.split (" "); } var b =this._variables [[0]]; if (2 > a.length |! b) return b? f$ (b):null; b = f.$ (b); if (! b |! b.Length) return null; a.splice (0,1); a = a.join (' ");

    return {(b = u (b))? b.find$ (a):void 0}, $:function() {var b = a; } If('chain'=typeof a)try{(\$\{/)?} {((b =this.lookupSelector (a)),'undefined'=typeof b & &(b=a)): b = c (a,this._variables)}catch(k) {}void 0 = b & & (b = d (a)); { return f.$ (b)}, register:function(a, b, c) {var d =; c = r(d,c); } {This._variables [d] ="#"+ c; b.oldId =; = c}, seek:function(a, b) {s (this); {This(a, b)}, play:function(a, c, and d) {s (this); This.tlCached & & (a b (this, a) =this. ({pos: one, variables:this._variables, executeTriggers:c,}))

    {(playDirection:d}))}, stop:function(a, c) {s (this); {This.tlCached & & (a = b (this, a),this. tlCached.stop ({pos: a, variable:this._variables, executeTriggers:c, bseek:Sub 0! = a}))}, playReverse:function(a, b) {this(a, b,"reverse") .play}, isPlaying:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return a & &! a.Playing}, isPlayDirectionReverse:function() {var a =this. _getTimeline(); return & &'backside'= a.currentDirection? 0:! 1}, getTimelinePosition:function() {return this. getPosition()} , getPosition:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached?

    { this. tlCached.getCurrentPosition (): 0}, getDuration:function() {s (this); {If(this.tlCached)return this. tlCached.getDuration ()}, getLabelPosition:function(a) {return b (this, a)}, _getTimeline:function() {s (this); return this.tlCached}, _rebuild:function() {s (this,! 0)}, getTimelineData:function() {return (this) h}, getTLD:function() {return this. getTimelineData()}, _applyBaseStyles:function(a, b) {var c =this[b] .data; If(c.content & & & & [' ${symbolSelector} ']) {var c = [' ${symbolSelector} '],}

    d; if (a & & a [0]) for (d in f._.p) if (f._.p.hasOwnProperty (d)) {If('width'== d |)} ( 'height'== d) {var k = a [0] .style [d]; } If(null! = k & &""!) = k & &"auto"! ({({{{(= k)continue} f._.p [d] even (a, c,this.composition)}}}, getAutoPlay:function() {return this.autoPlay}, setAutoPlay:function() {this.autoPlay = one}})})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (h, l, q, p, s, b) { (this); }}) ="prop tween"; thisthis.elements = q = .sourceElements; this.deferElementResolution =! 0; this.tweenType = e [h]; this.updateTriggered =! 1; = l; this.fromValue = p; thiss = .toValue; this.duration = 1E3; thisthis.tokens =this=null.valueTemplate = .fromValues; b & & u.extend(, b); this.deferElementResolutionthis.deferElementResolution = | ( 'chain'=typeof q & & - 1!\$\{[^\{\}]+\}/); this.deferElementResolution | (this.elements =this.resolveElementSelector (q));

    this.toValues = q = []; p =this.parseValue (s); var d; u.isArray (s) | (s = [s]) ; p & & 0! == p.length | (p = s); h = p.length; for (s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b = p [s], [l] f.props & & (b = f.props [t] .units (b)), d = {},'string'=typeof b? (d.value = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), d.unit = b.replace (/ ^-?)) [ 0-9] * (\. [ 0-9] +) ? ((/,' '), isNaN (d.value) & & (d.value = b, d.unit ="""")): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), d.value = b, d.unit =""), q.push (d); if (null! =this.fromValue) for (l =this.fromValues = [], (s =this.parseValue (this.fromValue)) & & 0 < s.length?) this.fromValue =

    (this.fromValue) s:u.IsArray | (this.fromValue [this.fromValue] =), h =this. fromValue.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1) b =this.fromValue [s],'string'=typeof b? ([e] l = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")), isNaN (l [s]) & & (l [s] = b)): ('number'=typeof b & & (b = parseFloat (b)), l [s] = b); if (thisfilter) for ((thefilter) u.isArray |) (thisfilter = [thisfilter]), l =this. filter, h = l.length, s = 0; s < h; s += 1)'chain'=typeof l [s] & & (l [s] = Math [l [f]]),'function'! ==typeof l [s] & & (l [e] =null); { this.valueTemplate & & (this.tokens =this.parseTemplate (this.valueTemplate))}

    var u = $ f, e = {style: 0, attribute: 1 property: 2}, p ="webkitAppearance"in; f.trimString =function(e) {return e.replace (/ ^ \s + | \s + $/ g,"")}; r.Token =function(e, f) {this.value = e; This. isPlaceholder = f}; r.parseVariableName =function(e) {var l = e, q;'chain' (=typeof e & & - 1!\$\{/) & & (\$\{/),\}/),l=e.slice(l+2,q),'string'=typeof l & & (l = f.trimString (l), l = l.replace (/ ["'"] "/ g," "")));} return l}; r.substituteVariables = function (e, f) {for (var q = e, p; f & & "string" = typeof q & &)}

    -1! == (/ \ $\ {/}) ;) p = r.parseVariableName (q), q =Sub 0 = f [p]? ([Sub 0:q.replace(/\$\{[^\}]*\}/,f[p]); Return q}; u.extend (r.prototype, f.Animation.prototype); u.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(e) {this.updateTriggered =! 1; }}) This.timeline = e; { this.animData =Sub 0}, update:function(e, f) {var q =this(.getElementSet), p =this, s isthis.tweenType, b, d; This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); q.each (function(c, n) {var v = p.getPropertyTweenData (n, s, b), t, a, k, g, m,})

    q, r; if (v.animationID = p.animationID) {t = v.fromValues, a = v.toValues, v = v.tokens; k = p.filter, g = t.leng e; m = []; for (d = 0; d < g; d += 1) q = t [d], r = a [d], q ='string'=typeof q? 0 = f & & 0 < p.duration? q:r.value:q + (r.value - q) * f, k & & k [d] & & (q = k [d] (q, p,this, b, r.unit, e)),'number'=typeof q & & 1 > q & & (q = q.toFixed (6)), m.push(q+r.unit), t = p.formatValue (m); if (0 < t.length) v = t; else if (v) {t = v.length; a = []; for (d = 0; d < t; 1) k = v [d], k.isPlaceholder? a.push += d (m [k.value]): a .push (k.value); {v = a.join (' ')}else v = m.join ("'); (this, s, b, v); p.notifyObservers ('onUpdate',

    {(({écoulé: element, propriété: b, e, valeur: v, easingConst:f:cette})}})}, setValue:function(e, f, q) {switch(e) {case 0:e = u (this); e.css (f, q); p & &' background-size '= f? e.css (' - webkit - background-size ", q):'view'= f & &"AUDIO"==this.nodeName & & e.attr ('orders','none'= q? )}} NULL:'orders'); Break; case 1:this.setAttribute (f, q); Break; {{ case 2:this[f] = q}}, getDuration:function() {return this.duration}, resolveElementSelector:function() {var e = r.substituteVariables (this.elements,this. timeline.variables); e |} (e =this.elements);/^\$\{/.test(e) & &

    (e ="bad_selector"); return u (e)}, getElementSet:function() {var e =this.animationID f; This. timeline.animData =this. timeline.animData | {} ; (f =this. timeline.animData [e]). (f =this. timeline.animData [e] =this.deferElementResolution?) ( this. resolveElementSelector():this.elements); f return }, getValue:function(e, f) {var q; switch(f) {box 0:q = u (this) .css (e); break; case 1:q isthis.getAttribute (e);. Break; {{ case 2: q = (this[e]) String}return q}, setupForAnimation:function() {var e =this, fthis.tweenType, q =this= .property; } This() .each (function(p) .getElementSet,

    (s) {var b = e.getPropertyTweenData (s, f, q), d, c, n, v; b.animationID = e.animationID; b.toValues = e.toValues; b.tokens = e.tokens; } If(e.fromValues) b.fromValues = e.fromValues; else if (d = (this, q, f),Sub 0 = d & & (d ="0"), (c = e.parseValue (d)) & & 0 < c.length) for (b = b.fromValues = [], d = c.length, n = 0; n < d; n += 1) v = c [n], b [n] ='string'=typeof v? parseFloat (v.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")): v, isNaN (b [n]) & &(b[n]=v); ( else b.fromValues=[parseFloat (d (/ [a-zA-Z] % + $/,))]})}, parseTemplate:function(e) {var f = e.length, q = [], p = 0, s =

    /@@[0-9]+@@/g,b=null; for (p < f & & (b = s.exec (e)); b ;) b.index! == p & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, b.index),! 1)), q.push (new r.Token (parseInt (replace b [0] (/ @ / g,""), 10),! 0)), p = s.lastIndex, b =null, p < f & & (b = s.exec (e);)) p < f & & q.push (new r.Token (e.substring (p, f),! 1)); return q}, parseValue:function(e) {return[]}, formatValue:function(e) {return""}, getPropertyTweenData:function(e, l, q) {var p = $ f..} data (e,"tweenData"); p | (p = {}, f. . data (e,"tweendata", p)); (e = p [l]) | $ (e = p [l] = {}); (l = e [q]) | (l = e [q] = {animationID:-1});}) return l}});

    f.PropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('style',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('style', e, f, p, u, s)}); AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ("attribute",function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ("attribute", e, f, p, u, s)}); ({AdobeEdge.Timeline.addTweenType ('property',function(e, f, p, u, s) {return new r ('well', e, f, p, u, s)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('volume','property')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {var r = $ f, u =function(e) {this.handlers = {}; }}) This. timeline = e}; u.Register =function(e, f, h) {var l = e.updateFinalizer;'undefined'=typeof l & & (e.updateFinalizer = l, l =new (e), e.addObserver (l)); l.handlers [f] = h}; u.unRegister =function(e, f) {var h = e.updateFinalizer;"undefined"! ==typeof h & &Remove h.handlers [f]}; r.extend (u.prototype, {_finalizeUpdate:function(e, f) {var h = {elapsed: e, context: f}, l; for(l in this.handlers)If(this.handlers.hasOwnProperty (l)) {var q =this.handlers [l]; }}) {If(the.handlers q.onFinalUpdate) q.onFinalUpdate (h)} =.

    {}, postUpdate:function(e, f) {this._finalizeUpdate (f.elapsed, f.context)}, complete:function(e) {this.timeline & &this. timeline.removeObserver (this); } This. (timeline.updateFinalizer=_0}}); f.UpdateFinalizer =Sub u})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (b, d, e) {var f = l.event.the [d]; e & & f.teardown & & (b, d, e); var f = b.AnListeners = b.AnListeners |}}) {}, a, k ; a = f [d] = f [d] | []; if (null! = e) for (b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,e):b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent (d, e), k = f.le ngth-1; 0 < = k; k-) a [k] = e & & f.splice (k, 1); { another d & & (f [d] .forEach (function(a) {b.removeEventListener? b.removeEventListener(d,a): b.detachEvent & & b.detachEvent(d,a)}), f [d] = [])}function u (b, d, e, f) {hasfunction {If(2 < = a.length & &'object'=typeof a [0] & &'object'=)}}

    typeof a [1] & &'onError'! == a [1] .Guy) {var g; g = l.Event ("onError"); b & & (g.compId = b.getComposition () .compId);g.originalEvent=a[1];document.dispatchEvent(g)} w indow.console.log ("Javascript error in the event handler.} Type of event = "(+ d)}var k = b [f [0]], g;" return 'function'=typeof k? ('element'= d? g =function() {var d; d = (arguments); d.unshift (b); }) If(2 < = d.length & &'object'=typeof d [0] & &'object'=typeof d [1] & &'compositionReady'= d [1] game & &'chain'=typeof d [1] .compId & &'object'=typeof d [0] .composition & &)

    d [1] .compId! == d [0].composition.ID)return null; try {return k.apply (b, d)} catch (g) {d}}:'timeline'= d? g =function(g, e) {var f, t; t = e & & e.methodName & & /^trig_/.test (e.methodName)? l.Event ("trigger"): l.Event (d); e & & l.extend (t, e As EventArgs) f = (arguments); t.timeline = g; ; e f.splic (0,0,t); f.unshift (b) try{return k.apply (b, f)}catch(v) {a (f)}}:'symbol'= d & & (g =function(b, c) {var g e, f; e = c & & c; c.methodName? l.Event (c.methodName): l.Event (d) & & (l.extend (e, c), e c.variableValu & &(f=c.variableValue)); g = (arguments);

    g.splice (0,0,e,f); g.unshift (b); try {return k.apply (b, g)} catch {{(t) a (g)}}), g):null}function e (b, d) {var e = d [0], f = s [e [0]], a; f & & (a = u (b, e [0], e [1], d.slice (1))) & & f.apply (b, [a] .concat (e.slice (1)))}function p (b, d) {d = d | b.Data [b.Name] .actions |} { ;} l.extend (b, d)}function h(b,n,v,t,a,k) {var g = f.getComposition (b) .sym [n], m = x ("binding"); v = [[k, v, t], m]; var h;} if (g & & (g.actions = g.actions |)) {}, g.actions [m] = a, g.bindings = g.bindings | [], g.bindings.push (v) = f.getComposition (b)) b & & (b.addObserver (d), b = b.getSymbols ()))of(g = b.length,

    k = 0; (k < g;k++) t = b [k], h =, n = h & & (h = {}, h [m] = a, p(t,h), e(t,v))}var l = $ f, q is f.Symbol, x = f.Symbol._makeUniqueID, s = f.triggerDict = {timeline:function(b, d, e) {If(b) {[e] d = b, d = {}; var f =this._getTimeline (); f.addObserver (d)}}, element:function(b, d, e) {If(b)If('document'= d) l (document) .bind (e}} ,b) ; else si ('window'= d) l (window) .bind (e, b); else (({var f=/^\$\{/;f.test(d) & & (d = d.replace (f,' "" '), d=d.replace(/\)},"')); {{{(dthis.find = $(d)) & & d.bind (e, b)}}, symbol:function(b, d, e) {b & & (d = {}, d [e] = b,this.addObserver (d))}}, b, d; l.Event =

    function (b) {If(f.supported.customEvent)return new CustomEvent(b,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});) var d = document.createEvent ('Event'); d.initEvent(b,!0,!0); return d}; leventthe Group {}; levent.the group {};. l.extend (f.An$ .prototype, {bind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e, f) {var a = l.event.the [b]; a & & a.setup & & (f, b, d); f.addEventListener? f.addEventListener(b,d):f.a ttachEvent & & f.attachEvent (b, d); a = f.AnListeners = f.AnListeners |})}}) {} ; a [b] = a [b] | [] ; ({a [b] .push (d)}); return this}, unbind:function(b, d) {this.each (function(e,

    (f) {r (f, b, d)}); return this}, trigger:function(b) {var d = document; } This[0] & & (d =this[0]); d.dispatchEvent (b); return this}}) ; b = {creationComplete:function(b, d) {p (b); var f; f = [] .bindings |}} []; var t = f.length, a, k; for (a = 0; a < t;a++)k=f[a],e(b,k)}};) d = {newSymbol:function(c, d) {d.symbol.addObserver (b)}}; q.bindElementAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f, a,'element')}; q.bindTimelineAction =function(b, d, e, f, a) {h (b, d, e, f,"timeline")}; q.bindTriggerAction =function(b, d, e, t, a) {var k = f.getComposition (b) .sym [d], g;

    {k & & (k = k.timeline? & & (g = x ('trig'), t = ['trigger', t, g, g], k.push (t), k.dirty is! 0, h (b, d, e, g, a,"chronology"), k.dirty =! 1)}; q.bindSymbolAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"", e, f,"symbol")}; q.bindVariableAction =function(b, d, e, f) {h (b, d,"","variableChanged:"+ e, f,"symbol")}; l.extend (q.prototype, {executeSymbolAction:function(b, d) {If(!)}}) () 'object'! ==typeof d | 3 > d.length)) {var e = d [0], f =this. $d [1], a = d [2];! f: 1 > f.length |} (f = q.getSymbol (f [0])) & & e & & (a & &"object"=typeof a |) {{(un =null), f [e] .apply (f a)),}}, eSA:function(b,

    (d) {this.executeSymbolAction (b, d)}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f, r, u) {document.createEvent & & (f.addTouchSupport =function() {var e = f. $, p = f.An$; e.fn = e.fn |})}) {} ; e.each ("touchstart touchmove touchstart blow swipeleft swiperight".split (""),function(b, d) {p.prototype [d] = e.fn [d] =function(b) {return b? }}) {This.bind (d, b):this.trigger (d)}; e.attrFn & &(e.attrFn[d]=!0)}); var h ="ontouchend"in the document, l =! h & & r.navigator.msPointerEnabled, q = h? "touchstart":"mousedown", x = h? "touchstart":"mouseup", s = h? "touchmove":"mousemove"; e.event. Special.swipe = {scrollSupressionThreshold:30, durationThreshold:1E3,

    horizontalDistanceThreshold:30, verticalDistanceThreshold:75, swipeEvent:e.Event ("swipe"), swipeLeftEvent:e.Event ("swipeleft"), swipeRightEvent:e.Event ("swiperight"), setup:function() {If(! )} This.setupDone) {var b = e (this); l & & b.css (' - ms - touch-action ',' pan-y pinch-zoom double-tap-zoom '); b.bind (q,function(d) {function c (d) {b.unbind (x, c); b.unbind (f, s); t & & a & & a.time - t.time < e.event. special.swipe.durationThreshold & & Math.abs(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold & & Math.abs (t.coords [1]-)}})}

    a.coords [1]) < e.event. {special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold & & b.trigger(e.__event__.special.swipe.swipeEvent).trigger (t.coords [0] > a.coords [0]? e.event. special.swipe.swipeLeftEvent:e.event. special.swipe.swipeRightEvent); t = a = u}function FB {If(t) {var c = b.touches? b.touches [0]:b.originalEvent.touches? b.originalEvent.touches [0]: b; a = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords: [c.pageX, c.pageY]};}} Math.ABS(t.coords[0]-a.coords[0]) > e.event. {{special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold & & b.preventDefault ()}} h = d.touches? d.touches [0var ]:

    d.originalEvent.touches? d.originalEvent.touches [0]: d, t = {time: (new Date) .getTime (), coords:[h.pageX,h.pageY],origin:e(},a;b.bind(s,f).bind(x,c)});} this.setupDone =! 0}}} ; (e.each_({swipeleft_:__"swipe"__,_swiperight_:__"swipe"__},__fonction__(b,_d) {e.event.the [b] = {Setup:function() {.bind (d, e.noop) e (this)}, remove:function(b, f, h) {e (b) .unbind (d)}}})})})(AdobeEdge,window);

    (function(f) {function r(b,c,a,k,g,e) {null! == s [c] & & (this.superProperty s = .cssProp, b = s [c] [c] game,"color"= b? f.ColorTween & & (p.extend (this, f.ColorTween.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e)): (p.extend (this, h.prototype), p.extend (this, d), (this, b, c, a, k, g, e))); }}) { ="subpropertyTween"}function u() {var b = $ f..} data (thiselement,thisprop); {b & & r.applySubproperty (the. element, b, b.tween)}function e (b, c) {var a = b [0], k, g = $ f..} data (a, .cssProp s [k]); g | (g = ({superProperty: s [k] .cssProp},))

    ( a), f$.data(a,s[k].cssProp,g)); g [k] = c;{element:a,prop:s[k].cssProp})}var p = $ f, h is f.PropertyTween, l = f.UpdateFinalizer, q, x {'box-shadow': {def:'box-shadow',' ' - webkit - box-shadow ':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'- moz - box - shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split (""),'box-shadow':'boxShadow.color boxShadow.offsetH boxShadow.offsetV boxShadow.blur boxShadow.spread boxShadow.inset'.split ("")}, }

    'text-shadow': {def:'text-shadow','text-shadow': ['textShadow.color','textShadow.offsetH',' textShadow.offsetV',' textShadow.blur']}, filter: {def:'- webkit - filter','- webkit - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),'- moz - filter':' filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur '.split (""),}

    {{ filter:"filter.invert rotation filter.hue filter.contrast filter.saturate filter.brightness filter.sepia filter.grayscale filter.blur filter.drop - shadow.color filter.drop - shadow.offsetH filter.drop - shadow.offsetV filter.drop - shadow.blur".split ("")},'background-size': {def:'background-size','background-size': ['background - size.x','background - size.y']},'background-position': {def:'background-position','background-position': ['background - position.x','background - position.y']}}, s = {'boxShadow.offsetH': {cssProp:'box-shadow' }}

    type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:1},"boxShadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"boxShadow.blur":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"boxShadow.spread":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:4},"boxShadow.color":{cssProp:"box-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:5},"boxShadow.inset":{cssProp:"box-shadow",def:"",i:0},"textShadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style" def {:"0px"u:"px", i: 1},'textShadow.offsetV': {cssProp:'text-shadow' }

    type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2},"textShadow.blur":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3},"textShadow.color":{cssProp:"text-shadow",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",i:0},"filter.drop-shadow.color":{cssProp:"filter",type:"color",def:"rgba(0,0,0,0)",strReplace:"drop-shadow(%1",combinedNum:4,i:8},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetH":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:9},"filter.drop-shadow.offsetV":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px" de sup {: 'px', i: 10},' filter.drop - shadow.blur ': {cssProp:'filter', }

    type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"%1)",u:"px",i:11},"filter.grayscale":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"grayscale(%1)",i:6},"filter.sepia":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"sepia(%1)",i:5},"filter.saturate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"saturate(%1)",i:3},"filter.hue-rotate":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0deg",strReplace:"hue-rotate(%1)",u:"deg",i:1},"filter.invert" : {cssProp:"filter", type:'style', def:'0', strReplace:'invert (%1)', i: 0},'filter.brightness': {cssProp:'filter', }

    type:"style",def:"0",strReplace:"brightness(%1)",i:4},"filter.contrast":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"1",strReplace:"contrast(%1)",i:2},"filter.blur":{cssProp:"filter",type:"style",def:"0px",strReplace:"blur(%1)",u:"px",i:7},"background-position.x":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:2,domProp:"fill"},"background-position.y":{cssProp:"background-position",type:"style",def:"0px",u:"px",i:3,domProp:"fill"} ,'background - size.x': {cssProp:'background-size', type:'style', }

    {{def: sup: i: 4,'%',' 100% ', domProp:'fill'},"background - size.y": {cssProp:' background-size ', type:'style', def: sup:'%',' 100% ', domProp, i: 5:'fill'}}, b = 1, d = {setValue:function(b, c, a) {f. $.data (this, s [c] .cssProp) [c] = a}, getValue:function(b, c) {$ f..}} {data (this, s [b] .cssProp)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {var c = f. $.data (this, b.superProperty); c |}) (c=b.buildProp_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, b.superProperty, c))}) ; (this)}, buildProp:function(c) {var d = {},

    k =this.superProperty, g = f.getSubProps (c, k); for (d to g) g.hasOwnProperty (d) & & (a [d] = g [d]); =this.superProperty + b; b += 1; a.element = c; a.prop k = a.onFinalUpdate = u; return a}, update:function(b, c) { (this, b, c); var a =this() .getElementSet, d =this, g, e =this. tweenType; a.each (function() {If((this, e, g) d.getPropertyTweenData .animationID = d.animationID) {var a = $ f..}})} data(, d.superProperty); a.timeline = d.timeline; a.tween = d; (l.Register (d.timeline,,a)}})}}; r.Pro totype.constructor = r;

    f.getSubProps =function(b, c) {var a = p (b), d, g; for(g in x [c])If(x [c] .hasOwnProperty (g) & & (d = a.css (g)) & &""!)} == d & &"none"! == d) {If(c ==) {g = x [c] [g]; d = d.replace'filter'(/, \s*/g,","); var a = [], e =Sub 0; a = (e=d.match(/invert\((.*?)}} [["filter.invert"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/hue-rotate\((.*?) [[' filter.hue - rotation '] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/contrast\((.*?) [["filter.contrast"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/saturate\((.*?) [["filter.saturate"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/brightness\((.*?) (((['filter.brightness']-) /))?

    e [1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/sepia\((.*?) [["filter.sepia"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/grayscale\((.*?) [["filter.grayscale"] \)/))?e[1]:null; a = (e=d.match(/blur\((.*?) [["filter.blur"] \)/))?e[1]:null; (d=(e=d.match(/drop-shadow\((.*?\)\s*.*?) \)/))?e[1]. Split (""): [null,null,null,null;] an [' filter.drop - shadow.color '] = d [0]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetH '] = d [1]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.offsetV '] = d [2]; an [' filter.drop - shadow.blur '] = d [3]; d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [[e] g] | s .def [[e] g]; return d} a = d; g = x [c] [g];

    a = a.Replace (/, \s*/g,","); a = a.split ("'); d = [] ; e =Sub 0; for (e = 0; e < g.length; e += 1) r [l [e]] = a [e] | s .def [[e] g]; { return d}return[]}; r.getSubType =function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] game: 0}; r.getStyle =void function(b) {return s [b]? s [b] .cssProp: 0}; r.applySubproperty =void function(b, c, a) {var d, g, e, f = p (b); for(g in x [c.prop])If('def'! == g & & x [c.prop] .hasOwnProperty (g)) {d =""; var n =! 0;}} for (b = 0; b < x [c.prop] [g] .length; b += 1) {e = c [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]; Sub 0 = e & &(e=s[x[c.prop][g][b]].def);} if ("combinedNum"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]]) for (var n =

    ! 0, h = b; h < b + s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .combinedNum; ++ h) 0! == c [x [c.prop] [g] [hSub ]] & & c [x [c.prop] [g] [h]]! s = [x [c.prop] [g] [h]] .def & & (n=!1);x[c.prop][g][b].match(/^filter./) & & e == s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] .def & & n | {("strReplace"in s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]] & & (e = s [x [c.prop] [g] [b]].strReplace.replace ("%1", e)), d += e, b! == x [c.prop] [g] .length-1 & & (+= d"""))} (window.edge_authoring_mode & & g = x [c.prop] .def |!) {Window.edge_authoring_mode) & & f.css (g, d)} a & & a.notifier.obs.length & & a.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property: g, value: d})

    (Element:f[0]})}; f.SubpropertyTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('subproperty',function(b, c, a, d, g) {return new r ('subproperty', b, c, a, d, g)}); var c, n; for (q s) c = {}, s.hasOwnProperty (q) & & (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"Subproperty""), n = s [q] c [q] = {f: n.domProp |}) (f.camelize_(n.cssProp), i: NI, j: n.j, def:n.def}, u s [q] & & (u c [q] s = [q] .u), f.defineProps (c), f._.p [q] .apply = e)}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r(b,a,c,d,e,n) { (this, b, a, c, d, e, n); }}) { ="transformTween"}function u (b) {var a = 0;'chain'=typeof b? a = parseFloat (b.replace (/ % [a-zA-Z] + $/,""")):'number'=typeof b & &(a=b);} return a}function e(b,a,c) {If(Sub 0 = a)return c; If(Sub 0 = c)return a; var d = u (a), (c) e = u, n; if ( ! d). return c; if ( ! e). Return a; a = f.splitUnits (a) .units; c = f.splitUnits (c) .units; n = a; a! == c & & ('%'= a & & (n = c, d = d/100 * b),'%'= c & & (e = e / 100 * b)); return d + e + n}function p() {}var h = $ f, l = f.PropertyTween, q =

    f.UpdateFinalizer,x=Math.cos,s=Math.PI/180,b,d='translateX translateY, translateZ scaleX scaleY rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ Scewx skewY'.split (' "); b = f.supported = f.supported | {}; var c = 1, n = {translate3d:0, translation: 0, translateX: 0, translateY:0, translateZ:0, rotation: 1, rotateZ: 1, rotateX:1, rotateY:1, rotate3d:1, tilt: 2, skewX:2, transformations: 2, scale3d:3, scale: 3, scaleX:3, scaleY: 3, scaleZ:3, point of view: 4}, v ="webkitAppearance"in; b.cssTransform = f.isSupported (["transformProperty","WebkitTransform",

    'MozTransform','OTransform','msTransform']); b.cssTransform3d is f.isSupported (["perspectiveProperty","WebkitPerspective","MozPerspective","OPerspective","msPerspective"]);. f.An$.prototype.hasClass = f.An$.prototype.hasClass | function (b) {If(this[0]) {var a = (this[0] .className |)}} ""). Split(/\s+/), c; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c += 1) if (b = a [c]) return! 0}return! 1}; r.removeData =function(b) {var a = f. $.data (b, r.dataName); a & & (a.timeline & & q.unRegister (a.timeline,, $ f..)} (data (ame b,r.dataN,Sub 0))}; r.getNumber = u; r.splitUnits =

    f.splitUnits; r.applyTransform =function(b, a, c, and d) {void 0! == f.applyCount & & (f.applyCount += 1); b = h (b); var m: n =! 0, l, p; d & & (n =! d.dontForceZ); m = e (1, a.translateX, a.motionTranslateX); l = e (1, a.translateY, a.motionTranslateY); d = e (1, a.rotateZ, a.motionRotateZ); p = f.supported.cssTransform3d; v?} (m =«translate ("+ m +",) ' "+ l +') ', l = u (a.translateZ) (0. == l || (n) & & p & & (m +="translateZ ("+ a.translateZ +"" ")" "), m +=" turn ("'+ d +'") ", p & & (l = u (a.rotateY), 0!" == l & & (m +="rotateY ("+ a.rotateY +"" ")" "), l = u (a.rotateX), 0. == l & & (m +="rotateX ("+ a.rotateX +"" ")" ")).

    a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & & (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ a.scaleX +","+ a.scaleY +" ")", l = u (a.scaleZ), 1. == l & & p & & (m +="scaleZ ("+ a.scaleZ +"" ")" "),! (window.edge_authoring_mode & & p & & b.css («-webkit-transform-style»,«chasse gardée-3d»), b.css (' - webkit - transform ', m)): (p = u (a.rotateX), n = u (a.rotateY), n = a.scaleX * x(s*n), p = a.scaleY * x(s*p), m ="translate ("+ m +",) '+ l +" ")"+ (' turn ("+ d +") '), a.skewX & &'0deg'! == a.skewX & & (m +="Scewx ("+ a.skewX +"" ")" "), a.skewY & &'0deg'! == a.skewY & &

    (m +="skewY ("+ a.skewY +"" ")" "), m +=" scale ("+ n +","+ p +" ")", b.css (' - moz - transform ', m), b.css ("- o - transform", m), b.css ("- ms - turn", m), b.css ("msTransform", m)); " {c & & c.notifier.obs.length & & c.notifyObservers ("onUpdate", {elapsed: 0, easingConst:0, property:'transform', value: m, element:b [0]}); b.css ("transform", m)}; r.dataName ="EdgeTransformData"; h.extend (r.prototype, l.prototype); h.extend (r.prototype, {constructor: r, Setup:function(b) {this.timeline = b; }) This= .updateTriggered! 1}, setValue:function(b, a, c) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName) [a] =}

    c}, getValue:function(b, a) {f. $.data (this, r.dataName)}, setupForAnimation:function() {var b =this, a; } This.getElementSet () .each (function() {a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName); a |}) (a=b.buildTransformData_(__ce_), f. $.data (this, r.dataName, a))}) ; (this)}, update:function(b, a) { (this, b, a); var c =this.getElementSet (), d =this, e, n =this. tweenType; c.each (function() {var a; d.getPropertyTweenData (this, n, e) .animationID = d.animationID & & (a = f. $.data (this, r.dataName),)})}

    a.Timeline = d.Timeline, a.Tween = d, q.Register(d.Timeline,a.ID,a))})}, buildTransformData:function(b) {var a = f.parseCanonicalTransform (b); a |} (a = {translateX:'0px', translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}, a.matrix & & a.matrixdelete ); null= a & & (a = {}); ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}, buildDefaultTransformData:function(b) {var a = {translateX:'0px',}}

    {translateY:'0px', translateZ:'0px', scaleX:1, scaleY: 1, scaleZ:1, rotateX:'0deg', rotateY:'0deg', rotateZ:'0deg', skewXZ:0, skewXY:0, skewYZ:0, Scewx:'0deg', transformations:'0deg'}; a.ID ="transform_"+ c; c += 1; a.element = b; a.onFinalUpdate = q.prototype.applyTransform; return a}}); f.getTransform =function(b) {b = h (b); var a = b [0] .style, c; v & & ((c=b[0].style.webkitTransform) |)} (c = b.css) (("- webkit - transform")) ; if (c) return c;(c=b[0].style.msTransform) | (c = b.css ("- ms - turn")); c | (c = b.css ('msTransform')); c | (c = a.MozTransform); c. (c = a [' - moz - transform ']);

    c | (c = b.css (' - moz - transform ')); c | (c = a.oTransform); c. (c = b.css ("- o - transform")); c | (c = a.transform); c. (c = b.css ("transform")); c return | ""}; f.parseCanonicalTransform =function(b, a) {var c = ('chain'= a?a:f.getTransform(b)).match(/(\w+\s*\([^\)]*\)typeof ) (/ g), d = {}, e = {}, h, s, l;} if ( ! c). return null; e.translateX ='0px'; e.translateY ='0px'; e.translateZ ='0px'; 1 = e.scaleX; e.scaleY = 1; e.scaleZ = 1; e.rotateX ="0deg"; e.rotateY ="0deg"; e.rotateZ ="0deg"; e.skewXZ = 0; e.skewXY = 0; e.skewYZ = 0; e.skewX ="0deg"; e.skewY ="0deg"; for (h = 0; h <)

    c.Length; h += 1) {s = c [h] .match(/\w+/); If(d [s [0]] | 0 > n [s [0]])return null; l = c [h] everyone (/ \ ([^-])] *------) /); l = l [0] replace (/ [\ (\)] "/ g,' ''); l = l.split (","); switch (s [0]) {case 'matrix':return null;} case "translate3d": e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; e.translateZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case 'translate': e.translateX = l [0]; e.translateY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateX": e.translateX =

    l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateX =! 0; Break; case "translateY": e.translateY = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translate = d.translateY =! 0; Break; case "translateZ": e.translateZ = l [0]; d.translate3d = d.translateZ =! 0; Break; case "rotate3d": d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateX = d.rotateY = d.rotateZ =! 0return ,null; case "rotateX": e.rotateX = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateX =! 0; Break; case "rotateY": e.rotateY = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotateY =! 0; Break; case "rotateZ":case "rotation": e.rotateZ = l [0]; d.rotate3d = d.rotate = d.rotateZ =! 0; Break; case "crosswise": e.skewX =

    l [0]; e.SkewY = 1 < l.length? l [1]:'0px'; d.skew = d.skewX = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case "Scewx": e.skewX = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewX =! 0; Break; case "skewY": e.skewY = l [0]; d.skew = d.skewY =! 0; Break; case 'scale3d': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: 1; e.scaleZ = 2 < l.length? l [2]: 1; d.scale3d = d.scale = DS = d.scaleY = d.scaleZ = caleX! 0; Break; case 'ladder': l [0] = e.scaleX; 1 = e.scaleY < l.length? l [1]: l [0]; d.scale = d.scaleX = d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scaleX": l [0] = e.scaleX; d.scale3d = d.scale = d.scaleX =! 0; Break; case "scaleY": e.scaleY = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scale =

    d.scaleY =! 0; Break; case "scale": e.scaleZ = l [0]; d.scale3d = d.scaleZ =! 0; Break; case {{{ "perspective": d.perspective =! 0}} e}; r = f.TransformTween;return h.extend (q.prototype, {applyTransform:function(b) {var a = f. $.data (this. element, r.dataName); has & & b & & r.applyTransform (this. element, a, a.tween, b.context)}}); p.applySubprop =function(b, a) {var c = b [0], d, e = r.prototype.buildTransformData (c); e [d] = a; r.applyTransform (c, e,null, {})}; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('transform',function(b, a, c and e d) {return new r ("transform", b, a, c)})

    d, e)}); for (b = 0; b < d.length; b += 1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (d [b],"transform"); f.defineProps ({translateX: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 0, u:"px"}, translateY: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 1, u:"px"}, translateZ: {f:"transform", i: 0, d: 2, sup:"px"}, rotateZ: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 0, u:"deg"}, rotateX: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 1, u:"deg"}, rotateY: {f:"transform", i: 1, d: 2, u:'deg'}, Scewx: {f:'transform', i: 2, d: 0, u:"deg"}, transformations: {f:'transform' }) {, i: 2, d: 1, u:"deg"}, scaleX: {f:'transform', i: 3, j: 0}, scaleY: {f:'transform', i: 3, d: 1}, scaleZ: {f:'transform', i: 3}

    j:2}}); for (b_=_0_;_b_<_d.length;b_+=_1) f._.p [d [b]] .apply = p.applySubprop}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    (function(f){function r(){if(!x){var a=document.createElement("div"),a=h(a),e,g;a.css("background-color","transparent");g=a.css("background-color");a.css("background-color","rgb(100, 100, 100)");e=a.css("background-color");s=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","hsl(100, 100%, 100%)");e=a.css("background-color");b=e!==g;a.css("background-color","transparent");a.css("background-color","rgba(100, 100, 100,.5)");e=a.css("background-color");d=e!==g;a.css("background-color" ,

    ( "transparent") ; a.CSS (' background-color ','hsla (100, 100%, 100%., 5) ») ; c; e = a.css ('background colour') = e! == g ; x = ! 0}}function u (a, b, c, d, e, n) { (this, a, b, c and d, e, n); } ="colorTween"; r()}function e (a) {return 0 > a? a 1:1 < a? a-1: a}function p (a, b, c, d) {return d < v? a + c * d: 0.5 > d? b:d < t? a + c * (t & d): a}:var = $ f., l is ['color',' background-color ',' border-color '], q, x! 1, s =! 1, b =! 1 D =! 1 C, =! 1, n = 1/3, v = 1/6, t = 2/3; h.extend (u.prototype, f.PropertyTween.protot type); h.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, getValue:function(a,})

    (b) {return h (this) .css (a)}, setValue:function(a, b, c) {.css (b, c) h (this)}, parseValue:function() {var b = (a), c = f.parseColorValue / rgb/gi, d = / hsl/im; } If(b & & b.colorFunction & & b.values) {a = b.values, b = b.colorFunction; } If(b.match (c))If(this.animationColorSpace & &'HSL'=this.animationColorSpace) c = {r:a[0],g:a[1],b:a[2]},(c=f.rgbToHSL(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [s.h., c.s., c.l, a]): a = [s.h., c.s., c.l]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="RGB"; else {If('RGB'! ==this.animationColorSpace)return a} else if (b.match (d)) if (this.animationColorSpace & &)

    ( "RGB"=this.animationColorSpace) c = {h:a[0],s:a[1],l:a[2]},(c=f.hslToRGB(c))? 3 < a.length? (a = a [3], a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b, a]): a = [c.r, CG limits, c.b]: a = []; else if (! ( this.animationColorSpace)this.animationColorSpace ="HSL"; else if ("HSL"! ==this.animationColorSpace) &(a[3]=1); {{& a; 3 = a.length return return a}}, formatValue:function(a) {r (); If(a) {var b, e, n,""} HSL"=this.animationColorSpace & & c? (b="hsl",a=4===a.length&&c?b+"a("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%,"+a[3]+")":b+"("+a[0]+","+a[1]+"%,"+a[2]+"%)"):d? (b ="rgb", a = 4 = a.length & & d?)

    b +« un ("+ [0] +" %, »+ a [1] +« % »,+ un [2] +« %, »+ un [3] +«) »: b +"("+ [0] +"%, »[1] + «, » + un [2] +%« % »)) : (b = [0,] e = a [1], n = a [2],« HSL »===cette.animationColorSpace & & (a=f.hslToRGB ({h : a [0], g : a [1], b : a [2]}), b=a.r,e=a.g, n=a.b), un = 65536 * Mat h.floor(2.55*b)+256*Math.floor(2.55*e)+Math.floor(2.55*n) , un =« # »+ a.toString(16)) ; return a}}}); f.ColorTween = u; f.Color = {formatValue:u.prototype.formatValue, parseValue:u.prototype. parseValue}; f.parseColorValue =function() {If(a) {var b=[],c,d,e=/^\s*#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9]) ([a-fA-F0-9]) \s*$ /, f = / rgb/IM,}}

    n = / HSL / GI;(d=/^\s*#([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})([a-FA-F0-9]{2})\s*$/.exec(a))? (b = [go eInt(d[1],16)/255 * 100, 100/255 * parseInt(d[2],16), parseInt(d[3],16)/255 * 100], c ="rgb"): (d = e.exec (a))? (b = [parseInt(d[1]+d[1],16)/255 * 100, parseInt(d[2]+d[2],16)/255 * 100, parseInt (d [3] + d [3], 16) / 255 * 100], c ="rgb"):"transparent"= a & & (b = [0,0,0,0], c ="rgb"); c | (c = a.toString (.match(/\w+/)), (c) h.isArray? c = c [0]: c | (c_=__""_), (d = a.toString (match) (/------([\d %, \.\s]*\)/)) & & 0 < d.length & & (d=d[0].replace(/[\(\)] "/ g,' ''))); if (0 = b.length) if (c.match (f)) if ((e=))

    / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3}) \s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s*,\s*([0-9]{1,3})\s* (?:, \s* ([0-9] (?: \.))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*)? (($/ .exec (d)) & & 4 < e.length =) {for(a = 0; 3 > a; a += 1) b [a] = e [a + 1] / 255 * 100; 4 < e.length & & (e [4] |)} {(e[4]=1), b [3] = e [4])}else{If((d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.))))} [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1, 3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) (\s*)?$/.exec(d)) & & 4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; (un += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]}else If(c.match (n) & & (d = / ^ \s * ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)))) [0-9] +) ?) \s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*,\s* ([0-9] {1,3} (?: \.)) [0-9] +) ?) \s*%\s*(?:,\s*([0-9](?:\. [0-9] +) ?) \s*)?$/.exec(d)) & &

    4 < = d.length)for(5 < = d.length & & (d.length = 5, d [4] |)) (d [4] = 1)), a = 0; has < d.length - 1; a += 1) b [a] = d [a + 1]; if (b) for (a = 0; a < 1E4/b.length; a += 1) b [a] = Math.round (1E4 * b [a]). return {{{colorFunction:c, values: b}}}; f.hslToRGB =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.s. | 100 < a.s. | 0 > a.l | 100 < a.l)return null;} for (; 360 < a.h;) a.h-= 360; for (; 0 > a.h;) a.h = 360 + a.h; var b={},c=a.h/360,d=a.s/100;a=a.l/100; var f, h, l; 0 = d? b = b = a b.b: (d = 0.5 > = a? a *(1+d): a + d - a * d, a = 2 * a-d, f = f (c + n), h = e (c), c = e (c - n), l = 6 * (d - a), b = p (a, d, l, f), b = p (a, d, l, h), b.b = p (a, d, l, c)); b.r = Math.min (100 *)

    b.r, 100); b = Math.min (100 * b, 100); b.b = Math.min (100 * b.b, 100); b = Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b.g=math.round(1E4*b.g)/1E4;b.b=math.round(1E4*b.b) / 1E4; return b}; f.rgbToHSL =function() {If(null= a | 0 > a.r | 100 < a.r | 0 > a.g | 100 < a.g | 0 > a.b | 100 < a.b)return null;} var b={h:0,s:0,l:0},c=a.r/100,d=a.g/100;a=a.b/100; var e = Math.max (c, d, a), f = Math.min (c, d, a), n; b. =(e+f)/2; e > f & & 0 < b.l & & (n = e-f, b = 0.5 > = b.? n /(e+f): n / (2-e-f), BH = e = a? 4 + (c - d) / n: e = d? 2 + (a - c) / n:(d-a) n, b.h * = 60, 360 b.h < b.h? b.h = 360:0 > & & (b. h = 360 + BH)); b.s = Math.min (100 *)

    b.s, 100); b. = Math.min (100 * b., 100); BH = Math.round (1E4 * BH) /1E4;b.s=Math.round (1E4 * b) / 1E4; b. = Math.round (1E4 * b.l) / 1E4; return b}; f.colorToSupported =function() {r (); If(! d & & / rgba/.test (a) |! s & & / rgb/.test (a) |! c & & / hsla/.test (a) |! b & & / hsl/.test (a)) {var e = f.parseColorValue (a) values, g, h, n; If(4 < e.length = & & 0.5 > e [3])return'transparent'; g=e[0];n=e[1];h=e[2];/HSL/.test(a) & & (a = f.hslToRGB ({h:e [0], g:e [1] b:e [2]}), g = a.r, n = a.g, h is a .b); g = Math.floor (2.55 * g); n = Math.floor (2.55 * n); h = Math.floor (2.55 * h); g =(15<g?"":"0") +

    g.toString (16); n = (15 < n?"":"0") + n.toString (16); h = (15 < h?"":"0") + h.toString (16); {{a =' # '+ g + n + h}return }; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('color',function(a, b, c and d, e) {u new return ('color', a, b, c and d, e)}); for (q_=_0_;_q_<_l.length;q_+=_1) f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (l [q],"color")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    {{((function(f) {function r (b) {If( ("webkitAppearance")) {var d = e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform '); d.match(/translateZ/}}}) | d.match(/Matrix3D/) | e (b) .css (' - webkit - transform ", d +' translateZ (0) ')}}function u (b, d, c, n, l, s) {var a =null, k, g; 2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [1]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [1])? a = 1:2 < = l.length & & e.isArray (l [4]) & & 2 < = n.length & & e.isArray (n [4]) & &(a=)} (4); Si ()for(k = n [a] .length < l [a] .length? n [a]: l [a], g = k = l [a]? n [a]: l [a], a = k.length; has < g.length; a += 1) k [a] = k [a-1]; (,

    b, d, c, n, l, s); ="" GradientTween""; this.tweenType = h [b]}var e = $ f, p = f.PropertyTween, h = {gradient: 0}, l = {' background-image ': {cssProp:' background-image ', def:"0px", sup:'px', i: 1}}, q, x = f. _ .apply .p [' background-image '], s = _ f.. p [' background-image '] .prep; f.forceGPU = r; e.extend (u.prototype, p.prototype), e.extend (u.prototype, {constructor: u, setupForAnimation:function() {this.getElementSet () .each (function() {r (this)}); (this)}, getValue:function(b, d) {return e (this) .css (b)}, setValuePre:function(b,})

    (d, c) {e (this) .css ("- webkit-"& c d) e (this) .css (d,"- moz-"+ c) e (this) .css (d,"- ms-"+ c); e (this) .css (d),"- o -"+ c}, setValue:function(b, d, c) {.css (d, c) e (this)}, update:function(b, d) {var c =this(.getElementSet), e =this, f =this.tweenType, h, a, k, g, m, s, q = l [] .cssProp; } This.updateTriggered | (this= .updateTriggered 0,this. setupForAnimation()); c.each (function() {var c = e.getPropertyTweenData (this, f,, l, If([c.animationID = e.animationID]) {a = c.fromValues, k = c.toValues, g = e.filter, m = a.length; s =]; for(h = 0; h < m; += h)}})

    (1) l = a c [h], is [h] k, l is'chain'=typeof l? 0 = d & & 0 < e.duration? l:c.value:l + (c.value - l) * d, g & & g [h] & & (l = g [h] (l, e,this, q, c.unit, b)),'number'=typeof l & & 1 > l & & (l = l.toFixed (6)), s.push (l + c.unit); c = e.formatValuePre (s); l = e.formatValue (s); (e.setV (cette f,q,c); (this, f, q, l); e.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: q, value: the element:this})}})}, parseValue:function(b) {function d (a, b) {If(1 < a [b] .length)return a [b] [1]; var ;c=0===b?0:b===a.length-1?100:(d(a,b-1)+d(a,b+1)) c /}}

    2; a [b] .push (c); c return }If(b & &!) () 2 > b.length)) {"string"=typeof b & & (b = JSON.parse (b)); var c =null, n =null, h =null, l =null, an isnull, k = [], g is! 1, m = [], s; e.isArray(b[1])?} (c = b [0], n = b [1], b [2] & & (g = b [2])): (h = [b [0], b [1]], l = b [2], [3] a = b, n = n [4], b [5], & &(g=b[5])); for (b = 0; b < n.length; b += 1) if (s = f.Color.parseValue (n [0] [b], b)) k = k.concat (s), k.push (d (n, b)); if ((c = {angle: c, colorstops:k, centerPoint:h, ellipse: l mesure: une, répétant: g}) & & c.colorstops) return null! is c.angle? : c.centerPoint m = m.concat (c.angle) & & (m = m.concat (c.centerPoint), m =

    ({m.Concat ([c.Ellipse, c.extent])), m = m.Concat (c.ColorStops), m.Concat (c.Repeating)}}, formatVal EU:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!1)}, formatValuePre:function(b) {return f.formatGradient(b,!0)}}); f.GradientTween = u; f.Gradient = {parseValue:u.prototype.parseValue}; f.formatGradient =function(b, d) {If(b) {var c ="", e =null, h,l,a;2===b.length%5?}} () e = 1, c = c +"degraded (linear)"+ ((d? b [0]:(450-b[0]) %360) +"deg",)): (e = 4, c +='gradient (radial)', c = d? c + (b [0] +'%','%'+ b [1] + (1 == b [2]?""))) Ellipse »:« cercle ») ++ b [3] +«, ») : c + (b [3] +

    " "+(1==b[2]?" Ellipse »:« cercle »)« à »+ b [0] + « » + b [1] +%« % »)) ; 1 == b [b.length - 1] & & (c ="extensible-"+ c); if (! (12 > b.length | 0! ==(b.Length-e-1) %5))) {a=Math.Floor((b.Length-e-1)/5); for (h = 0; h <; h += 1) l = 5 * h + e, c + = f.Color.formatValue (b.slice (l, l + 4)),-1! == b [l + 4] & & (ch. +=""+ b [l + 4] +"%"), h ! == a-1 & & (ch. +=","); retour c +=«) »}}} ; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('gradient',function(b, d, c, e, f) {return new u ("degraded", b, d, c, e, f)}); f._.p ["background-image"] .apply =function(b, d) {var c, e; If('chain'=typeof d)return (f._.p, ["background-image"],

    (b, d); c = f.gradient.ParseValue (d); e = f.formatGradient (c,! 1); c = f.formatGradient (c,! 0); {b.css (' background-image ','- webkit -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- moz -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- ms -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ','- o -'+ c); b.css (' background-image ', e)}; f._.p [' background-image '] .prep =function(b, d, c, e, h, l, a) {return void 0 == d [c] |} { 'chain'=typeof d [c] [e]?[__"background-image"__],b,d,c,e,h,l,a):d [c] [e]}; for (q) l.hasOwnProperty (q_ _en_ _l) & & f.Timeline.addTweenProperty (q,"gradient")})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (b, d, c, e, f, h) { (this, b,'query', c,Sub 0,Sub 0, h); }}) ="motionTween";(this.path = e) & & 1 < e.length & & 6 > e [0] .length & & (e [0] [4] = e [0] [5] = 0, e [e.length - 1] .splice (2,0,0,0)); this. keyframes = []; b = document.createElement ("div"); c = q (b); null! == document.body & & document.body.appendChild (b); c.CSS ('left','-9999px ") .css ("width","100px"); c.CSS (' transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- webkit - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" - moz - transform-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css ("- ms - transformation-origin ',' 50% 50% ') .css (" transform - o - origin ",)

    « 50 % 50 % ») ; d = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); c.CSS ('border-width' '10px') .css ('border-style' 'solid'); c = c.css ('transform-origin'). c.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). c.CSS (' transform - o - original "); null ! == b.parentNode & & (b) b.parentNode.removeChild; ce { .originIncludesBorders = d! == c} function u (b, d, c) {try{If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = )}}

    (d[1])returns{x: p [0], y: d [1]}}catch(e) {var f = {}, h = c * c, a = h * c, k = 2 * a - 3 * h + 1; c = a - 2 * h + c; var g =-2 * 3 a + * h, h = a - h; f.x = k * b [0] + c * b [2] + g * d [0] + h * d [4]; f.y = k * b [1] + c * b [3] + g * d [1] + h * d [5]; return f}function e (b, d, c) {If(b [0] = d [0] & & b [1] = d [1])return{dx:0, dy:0}; var e = {}, f = c * c, h = 6 * f - 6 * c, a = 3 * f - 4 * c + 1, k = f *-6 + 6 * c; c = 3 * f - 2 * c;} var f = b [3], g = d [5]; e.dx = h * b [0] + a * b [2] + k * d [0] + c * d [4]; e.dy = [1] h * b + a * f + k * d [1] + c * g; return e}function p (b, d) {var c = b .x - d .x, e = b.y - Nathalie; return Math.sqrt (c * c + e * e)}function h (b, d, c, e, f) {var l = Math.floor ([e] c .b), a = ([e] c .b +)}

    c[e+1].b)/2-l,k=u(b,d,a),g=0;p({x:(c[e].x+c[e+1].x)/2,y:(c[e].y+c[e+1].y)/2},k) > f & & (k.b = a + l, c.splice(e+1,0,k), g = h (b, d, c, e + 1, f), g = g + h(b,d,c,e,f) + 1); lbfunction return g} {var d, c, e, f, l, a, k, g; for(d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) {f = [0,0, 3 * b [d].upper.x, 3 * b [d].upper.y, 3 * b [d].lower.x, 3 * b [d].lower.y]; l = [1, 1, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.x, 3 * b [j + 1].upper.y, 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.x), 3 * (1-b [j + 1].lower.y)]; a = []; for(c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) e = c/4}} k = {b:e}, g = u (f, l, e), k.x is g.x, k.y = g.y, k.b = e, has [and c] = k; a: {c = a; e = p (c [c.length - 1], c [0]); var m = kSub = 0, s = m =Sub 0; g =}

    .x .x - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; var q = there there - c c [c.length - 1] [0]; for (k = 1; k < c.length - 1; k ++) if (m = {x: c [k] .x - c [0] .x, there there - c [0] y: c [k]}, m = MX * g + m.y * q, s = e * p c [k], c [0], 0.005 < Math.abs ( os(m/s))) {c = ! 1 ; Break a} c =! 0}If(c) a.splice (1.3); else for (c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c, h (f, l, a, e, 0.01); f = b [d]; l = 1; s = m = q = g = k = e = c =Sub 0; for (c = 0; c <.) Length-1; c ++) 0 < [c + 1] .x - a [c] .x & & (l=Math.min(l,a[c+1].x-a[c].x));k=Math.ceil(1/l); g = 1/k; q = [] ; m = 0; q [0] = {t: 0, e:0}; for (c = 0; c < k; c ++) {for(e = c * g; e > a [m + 1] .x & & m < a.length - 2 ;) m ++; s = a [m + 1] there; 0 < a [m + 1] .x .x - a [m] & &)}

    (s=a[m].y+(e-a[m].x)*(a[m+1].y-a[m].y)/(a[m+1].x-a[m].x)); q [c] = {t:e, e:s}} 1 > .t q [q.length - 1] & & (q [q.length] = {var q =:1,e:1});f.easingTable=q}} t $ f, x = f.TransformTween, s = f.UpdateFinalizer;})} q.extend (r.prototype, x.prototype); q.extend (r .prototype, {constructor: r, getValue:function(b, d) {}, setupForAnimation:function() { (this); }}) This.points | (this. setUpPoints(),this.setUpLen2bMap (), l (this.keyframes)); this.deltas | Window.edge_authoring_mode | (this.getElementSet () .each (function() {var b =

    (this) q, c = f. $.data (this,"p_x"). 'left', e = f. $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', h = q (this.parentElement), l = + parseFloat (b.css (c)). 0, a = + parseFloat (b.CSS (e)). 0; '%'= f $.data (this,"u_x") & & (l = l/100 * + h.width ()); '%'= f $.data (this,"u_y") & & (a = a/100 * + h.height ()); f. $ (this"deltaX", l) .data; f. $.data (this,"deltaY", a); b.CSS(c,__"0px"_).CSS (e,"0px")}),that.deltas =! (0); for (var b =this; b._prevObj & & (2! = b._prevObj.path.length | b._prevObj.Path [0] [0]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [0]: b. _prevObj.path [0] [1]! == b._prevObj.path [1] [1]);) b = b._prevObj;

    b = e(b.Path[0],b.Path[1],1e-6); this.deltaRotate=180*Math.atan2(b.dx,b.dy)/Math.PI}, computeEasing:function(b) {var d = b /this=. getDuration(),this.keyframes; var c = 0, e, f, h;} for (e = 0; e < d.length - 1 & &!) (c = e, b < = d [e + 1] .t); e ++) ; e = d [c] .easingTable; f = d [c + 1] l - d [c] l; b = (b - d [c]. t)/(d[c+1].t-d[c].t);h=Math.floor(b/(e[1].t-e[0].t));h=Math.min(e.length-2,Math.max(h,0)); { return d[c].l+(e[h].e+(b-e[h].t)*(e[h+1].e-e[h].e)/(e[h+1].t-e[h].t)) * f}, originInPx:function(b) {var d, c = {}, e is b.width (), h = b.height (), l, one; d = (b.css (' transform-origin "" ') |)}

    b.CSS (' - webkit - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - moz - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' - ms - transform-origin '). b.CSS (' transform - o - original "). "50% 50%"). Split (' "); 0 < d [0] .indexOf ('%')? (l = parseFloat (d [0].substring(0,d[0].length-1)) / 100, a = parseFloat (d [1] .substring (0, d [1] .the ngth-1))/100,c.x=e*l,c.y=h*a):(c.x=parseFloat(d[0].substring(0,d[0].length-2)), c.y = parseFl oat (d [1].substring(0,d[1].length-2))); this.originIncludesBorders | (l = l | c.x Fokker-built/e, a = a | c.y/h,d=f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-left-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-right-width")) .num |)

    0, d * = l, b = f.splitUnits (b.css (' border-top-width ')) .num + f.splitUnits (b.css ("border-bottom-width")) .num | 0, c.x Fokker-built += d, c.y += b * a); return c}, update:function(b, d, c) {this.updateTriggered |} (this= .updateTriggered 0,this.setupForAnimation (c)); c =this.getElementSet (c); var h =this, l, p =this.tweenType, a =this.findSegment (d), k isthis.path, g =this.easeToB (d), m isthis.points [this.points.length-1] l, r, g = Math.min (1, Math.max (0, g - a));r=Math.max(1E-6,Math.min(0.999999,g)); var A = u (k [a], [a + 1] k, g), a = f (k [a], k [a + 1], r), g = 180 *.

    Math.atan2 (a.dx, a.dy) Math.PI, z, E; this._prevObj & & 2 = k.length & & k [0] [0] = k [1] [0] & & k [0] [1] = k [1] [1]? (E =! 0, z = 0): z =this.deltaRotate-g; if (0 > d | 1 < d) k = Math.atan2 (a.dy, a.dx), a 1 = < d? d 1:d, A.x += Math.cos (k) * m * a, A.y += Math.sin (k) * m * a; c. each (function() {var a = q (this), c = h.getPropertyTweenData (this, p, l), e = f. $.data (, x.dataName), g =this. parentElement, k; e.tween = h; }) If(c.animationID = h.animationID) {var a = h.originInPx (a), c = f. $.data (this,'p_x') |} 'left', m = $.data (this,"p_y"). 'top', r = A.x, u = A.y, y = f.$ .data(,"u_x").

    "px", J = f. $.data (this,"u_y"). "px", O =! window.edge_authoring_mode, K = f.$ .data (this,"doAutoOrient"), K ="true"= K? 0:'false'= K? 1: k; O & & (k = q (g), g = k.width (), k = k.height (),'%'= y & & (r = r/100 * g),'%'= J & & (u = u/100 * k)); r +='right'= c? a. x:-1 * a.x; u +=« bas »=== m ? a. there:-1 * a.y; O & & (r = 0, u = 0); r = 0. == r & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (r)? r.toFixed (6): r.toString (); u = 0! == u & & 1E-6 > Math.abs (u)? u.toFixed (6): u.toString (); E | (K || (z = 0), z = 0.01 < Math.abs (z)? z: 0, f. $.data (this,"motionRotateZ", z +'deg'), (thisSub 0,"motionRotateZ", z +)

    (( 'deg'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)); O? {({{(( (cetteSub 0,"motionTranslateX", r +"px"), (thisSub 0,"motionTranslateY", u +'px'), s.Register (h.timeline,, e)):(q(this) .css (c, r + y), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed:b, easingConst:d, property:c, value: r + y, element:e.tween}), q (this) .css (m, u + J), h.notifyObservers ('onUpdate', {elapsed: b, easingConst:d, property: m, value: u + J, element:this}))}})}, findSegment:function(b) {b =this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l); b = Math.floor (b);}

    return {Math.min (Math.Max(b,0),this.path.length - 2)}, easeToB:function(b) {return this.len2b (b *this.points [this.points.length - 1] l)}, setUpLen2bMap:function() {var b = 0, d, c, e = 60 *this.getDuration () / 1E3, f =this= [], h =this.points .len2bMap, a; for(d = 0; d < h.length - 1; d ++) l h [d] = b, b += p (h - h [d], [j + 1]); c = h [h.length - 1] l = b;} this.len2bStep = e = c/e; d = b = 0; if (0, c) {for(; b < = c ;){for(; d < h.length - 1 & & b > h [j + 1] l ;) d += 1; ))} If(d > = h.length - 1)break; a = h [d] .b + (b - h [d] .l) *(h[d+1].b-h[d].b) / (l - h h [j + 1] [d] l); f.push ({l:b, b: a}); b += e} f [f.length-1] .b <

    h [h.length - 1] .b & & f.push ({t:h[h.length-1].l,b:h[h.length-1].b})}else f.push({l:0,b:h[0].b})}, setUpPoints:function() {var b =this.path, d, c, e, f; ) This.points = []; for (d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d ++) for (c = 0; 5 > c; c ++) if (4 > c | d = b.Length - 2) f = c/4, e = {b:d + f}, f = u (b [d], b [j + 1], f), provable = f.x, e.y = f.y,this.points.push (e); for (d = 1; d < b.length; d ++) for (f = b.length - d-1, c = 0; 4 > c; c ++) e = 3 - c + 4 * f, h (b [f], b [f + 1],this.points, e, 2); return this.points}, len2b:function(b) {this.len2bMap |} this. setUpLen2bMap(); var d =this.len2bMap,c=Math.min(Math.max(0,Math.floor(b/

    ((( this.len2bStep)),this.len2bMap.length - 2); return 0 = d.length? 0:1 = d.length? d [0]. ({{b: (b - d [c] l) * (d [c + 1] .b - d [c] .b) / (d [c + 1] l - d l [c]) + d [c] .b}}); f.MotionTween = r; f.Timeline.addTweenType ('query',function(b, d, c, e, f, h) {return new r ('motion', b, d, c, e, f, h)}); f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('motion','movement'); (f.Timeline.addTweenProperty ('place','movement')})(window.) AdobeEdge);

    (function(f) {function r (e, b, d, c, f, l) {If(d & & c & & e & & e._s & & e.sym & & e.sym [d]) {var p = [], a;'object'==typeof c? a = c:(a=b.find$(c)) |}}}) (a = b.$ (c)); a.each (function() {var a = h (this), b is document.createElement ("div"), c = ._children (one), r = {}, u, x; x = q.getParentSymbol (this,! 0); }) If(u =new q(e.sym,d,e,x,l))(f|| 0 === f) & & a._children () .eq (f) [0]? 0 > f? ch.. insertAfterdownload(f) (b): ch. insertBeforedownload(f) (b): a .append (b), u.opts = u.opts | (), h.extend (u.opts, r), u.init (b), u._applyBas eStyles ((b), d (h), ( = |) ([]) .push (u), p.push (u)}); e.readyCalled & &

    p.forEach (function() {x._playAuto (a,! 0); a.getSymbolElement () .css ("position","relative")}); return p}}function u (e, b) {var d, c = b.getSymbolElementNode () user.user; for(d = e.length - 1; 0 < = d; - d) e [d] .getSymbolElementNode (user.user = c) & & e.splice (d, 1)}function e (f, b) {b = b |} []; var d = f.parentNode; f & & 1 = f.nodeType & & (b.push (d), e(d,b)); return b}function p (e, b) {b = b |} {}; var d = e.composition? e.composition._s:null, c = {}, f = h.Event ("beforeDeletion"); h.extend (f, {Symbol:e,element:e.ele,performDefaultAction:!0});}) c & & h.extend (f, c); c =;

    if (d & & (e.notifyObservers ("beforeDeletion", f), f.performDefaultAction)) {e.stop (0);} if {{(c) for (; 0 < c.length;) p (c [0], b); e.prnt & & & & u (, e), u (e.composition._s, e); e.composit ionSub = 0; e.prnt = 0; d = e.ele; q.setSymbol (h (d)Sub [0],Sub 0); b._keepElement? h (d) .empty (): () .remove (d) h e.tlCached =null; e.ele =null; e.removeObservers ()}} var h = x = f.Composition; q = f.Symbol, $l = f.An, $ f. h.extend (l.prototype, {_parents:function() {var f = []; }}) This.each (function(b, d) {e (d, f)}); return SP (FRA)}, _children:function() {var e = [];

    this.each (function(b, d) {for(var c = e, c = c |)}) [], f is d.firstElementChild;f;)c.push(f),f=f.nextElementSibling}); return ({SP (ang)}, eq:function(e) {return (this[e]) h}, add:function(e) {var b =this; h (e) .each (function(d, c) {b.each (function(b, d) {d.appendChild (c)})})}}); q.getParentSymbol =function(e, b) {var d = h (e), c = d._parents (), f = c.length, l; If((l = q.getSymbol (d [0])) & & b)return l; for (d = 0; d < f; d ++) if (l = q.getSymbol (c [d])) return l; return null} ; h.extend (l.prototype, {void:function() {var e; }) This.each (function(b, d) {for(e = d.firstChild; e;) d.removeChild (e),})

    (e=d.firstChild})}, remove:function() {var e; This. empty(); ({{ this.each (function(b, d) {(e=d.parentNode) & & e.removeChild (d)})}}); h.extend (q.prototype, {deleteSymbol:function(e) {return p(e)}, createChildSymbol:function(e, b, d, c) {If(e & & b) {"var f;' object'==typeof b? f = b: (fthis.find = $(b)) |}}}) (f =ce. $(b)) ; if (f & & f [0] & & (e = r (.composition,this,this, e, b, d, c))) {{ Return e.forEach (function(b) {}), e [0]}}, getVariable:function(e) {return this[e] .variables}, setVariable:function(e, b) {this. variables [e] = b; window.edge_authoring_mode & &}

    (this._variables [e] = b); if (e) {var d =this.getVariable (e), c ="variableChanged:"+ e, d = {variableValue:d}, f = h.Event (c); h.extend (f, {symbol:this, element:this.ele, performDefaultAction:! 0}); h.extend (f, d);} { this.notifyObservers (c, f)}return this}, getSymbol:function(e) {e =this. $(e); return q.getSymbol (e)}, getParentSymbol:function() {return q.getParentSymbol (this.ele,! 1)}, getChildSymbols:function() {return } {This. ci.slice (0): []}, playAll:function() {this. play(); for(var e =this(.getChildSymbols, b = 0; b) < e.length; b ++) e [b] .playAll ()}.

    stopAll:function(e, b) {this.stop (e, b); for(var d =this(.getChildSymbols, c = 0; c) < d.length; c++) d [c] .stopAll (e, b)}, getSymbolElementNode:function() {return this.ele}, getSymbolElement:function() {return f. $(this.ele)}, _executeMediaAction:function(e, b) {If(!)} () 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c =this. $(b[1]) [0]; } If(c & & d) {var f = b [2]; e & &'object'=typeof f |} (f =null); 'play'= d? {{(f & & 0 < f.length & &«nombre»===typeof f [0] & & (c.currentTime=f[0]), ()):'pause'= d & & c.pause ()}}}, _executeSymbolAction:function(e,

    b){if(!( 'object'! ==typeof b | 3 > b.length)) {var d = b [0], c = f.Symbol. } Download(this. $(b[1])); if (c & & d) {var = b [2] h; h & &'object'=typeof h |} (h =null); ({c [d] .apply (c, h)}}}, eMA:function(e, b) {this._executeMediaAction (e, b)}}); q.prototype.getParameter = q.prototype.getVariable; ({q.prototype. setParameter = q.prototype.setVariable; h.extend (x.prototype, {createSymbolChild:function(e, b, d, c) {return r (this,this.stage, e, b, d, c)}, removeSymbol:function(e, b) {If(this.symbolInstances) {var d = q.get(e); d & & d.deleteSymbol (b)}}})}) (window. AdobeEdge);

    OK... as usual, I didn't get no help here, but if anyone runs into this problem, the solution was that the command window was causing the error because IE8 does not recognize the responsiveness.  The thing was this piece of code added to the upper part of the script in the file index.html...

    It detects all versions of IE, especially useful as IE 10 and later versions have not been called by a number more

    function detectIE() {}

    UA = window.navigator.userAgent var;

    MSIE = ua.indexOf ('MSIE') var;

    If (msie > 0) {}

    IE 10 or more-online version of back number

    return parseInt (ua.substring (msie + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', msie)), 10);


    Trident var = ua.indexOf('Trident/');

    If (trident > 0) {}

    IE 11 => the version number of return

    var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:');

    return parseInt (ua.substring (rv + 3, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', rv)), 10);


    edge of the var = ua.indexOf('Edge/');

    If (m > 0) {}

    IE 12 => version number of return

    return parseInt (ua.substring (edge + 5, ua.indexOf ('.))) (((', edge)), 10);


    other browser

    Returns false;


    var scaleString = "width";

    {if (detectIE () == 8)}

    Alert ("this is IE8");

    scaleString = 'none ';


    else {}

    scaleString = "width";


    The variable scaleString then goes into the code already present in the index file replacing "width" (in my case, it could also be used for height and at the same time).

    scaleToFit: scaleString,

  • I have an iMac 27' 2012 with macOS Sierra and Apple Watch with watch OS 3, I can use the function "Log?" in Apple Watch

    I have an iMac 27' 2012 with macOS Sierra and Apple Watch with watch OS 3, I can use the function "Log?" in Apple Watch

    Hi John 2078 Tito.

    I understand that you have updated your iMac and Apple Watch and now you're curious about unlock your iMac using your Apple Watch. I know that it is a nice feature to be able to quickly and safely unlock your computer, so I'm happy to help you.

    This feature is available on 2013 iMacs and later versions, which means that your iMac won't be compatible. You can see more info on this feature here:
    Unlock your Mac with Apple Watch - Apple Watch user's Guide

    Thank you for using communities Support from Apple. See you soon!

  • I have an iPad Air. I took a 40 min video with my iPad and am able to see it on the iPad. However, when I tried to transfer it to my laptop, I see this video on the laptop. It shows what I took. How can I transfer it?

    I have an iPad Air. I took a 40 min video with my iPad and am able to see it on the iPad. However, when I tried to transfer it to my laptop, I see this video on the laptop from the list of the iPad. It shows and transferred everything that I took on the iPad (other shorter videos and pictures) just not the big one one. How can I transfer it? Help, please.

    This seems to be a "feature".

    You must use an application like

    "Dukto is a simple application that allows you to share files between devices connected to the same LAN (wireless) network."

    more info here:

    How can I transfer large video files to iPad 2 for PC or a memory card without compression?

  • Model 23k300xt want J6s79av #ab: HP wireless 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac dual band Mini card with Bluetooth (R) (2 x 2) and WIDI

    HP Wireless 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac dual band Mini card with Bluetooth (R) (2 x 2) and WIDI

    How do we change this computer to use the 2.4 Ghz for the 5.0 Ghz a wavelength. My Microsoft Surface Pro works on why 5.0 can not this computer there is a double prohibition?


    So why didn't it connects to your router on the 5.0 GHz band?

    Did you have to do something special for your other 5.0 GHz Wireless N cards to connect to your router?

    Answer to?  N °

    Then explain to me why you can't connect to the 5.0 GHz with the AC map Strip?

    HP has put the designation of expertise because I have solved thousands of questions from members of the forum, not me.

    It's not my problem if you cannot accept the facts of the case.

    Of course, it's a card dual band.

    On the band of 2.4 GHz and AC on the 5.0 GHz band Wireless N Wireless.

    If you want this map to be able to connect to the 5.0 GHz frequency, then you need to upgrade your router to router dual-band wireless AC.

  • Satellite L40 - replacement of HDD of 80 GB with SSD-disk hard

    Toshiba L40 Series (4.5 year old computer): HARD disk replacement

    Toshiba Satellite Pro: L40
    (Model: PSL4BE-00P00YN5)

    Intel Celeron: 540 (1.86 GHz)
    1 GB of ram
    Drive hard 80 GB
    32-bit Windows Vista Home Basic
    (Over four years)

    Looking across the net, but can't find any information on this advice - has
    It is hoped that someone had done a similar job. I know that the HDD in
    This machine supports the SATA drives, but I don't know if the motherboard
    supports several types of SATA drives. I have read several topics on
    users who have bought an SSD for the replacement of the old HARD disk in
    the laptop - just to find out that the motherboard did was too old and has not been
    compatible with SSDS. Even if the motherboard supports some types
    SSDS, this is no guarantee that it will work with the purchased SSD.

    The SSD I think to buy, will be one of them:

    Corsair SSD Force Series 120GB 2.5 GT "
    SATA 6 Gb/s (SATA3.0), 555MB / 515 MB/s write 85 k IOPS (4 k aligned), w/support

    or this one:

    Corsair SSD Force Series 3 120 GB 2.5 "
    SATA 6 Gb/s (SATA3.0), 550MO/510 MB/s read/write,® SandForce SF-2281

    (the first is the better of the two SSD drives, but the last of them has
    SandForce integrated, which (from what I've read) is preferred with
    old computers when upgrading for SSDS).

    If someone could give me some info on this topic, I would be
    very grateful!

    It is always problematic to be around some old piece of newer hardware standards and technology. I n t have this old Satellite but my friend had it.

    Satellite L40's old laptop budget very simply the hardware configuration, so I think that you will not be able to use newest SSDS to this topic.

    I really hope someone else can post a positive experience on these updates. What you can try is to contact nearest Toshiba service provide by phone and ask for some advice. They have exact specifications for laptop and, I hope, can help you with this.

    By the way: I put t know what is the reason for these updates? More performance, more low composition of power or something else?

  • I have a hp mini 110 with a locked bios

    I have a hp mini 110 with a locked bios and 8 hash code for the figure of 88070525. can I get help please? Thank you

    A try.


    I must inform you that these services are not endorsed by HP, and that HP is not responsible for any damages that may occur to your system using these services. Please be aware that you do so at your own risk.

    Let me know.

  • Video OK but sound does not go to the TV when connected HDMI on HP Mini 311 with XP.

    Video OK, but the sound does not go to the TV when connected HDMI on HP Mini 311 with XP. Has anyone experienced and resloved this issue and can share with me.  The solutiuon provided in the manual does not seem to apply to the Mini 311 model that we use. Help, please.


    Visit this link,

    How to get his TV using HDMI cables?

  • HP Mini 1103530NR: HP Mini 1103530NR with Quickweb

    Dear Sir/dear Madam, I have a HP Mini 1103530NR with installed Quickweb.  The configuration of HP Quickweb tool reminds me of for a video tutorial, but the website of splashtop gives a "page not found" error message.

    Y at - it somewhere else I can see Quickweb tutorial?   Thank you, JC

    Hi @coppens1 ,

    Thank you for visiting the Forums HP's Support and welcome. I looked in your question on your HP Mini 1103530NR and issues with Splashtop. Here's a Youtube video on the HP QuickWeb.

    Here is a link to the fix the QuickWeb if you need. The document shows you how to reinstall the missing IOS or QuickWeb if you need.

    Hope this helps you.

    Thank you.

  • is it possible to upgrade the hp mini 3505 with 4 GB of RAM?

    Is it possible to upgrade the hp mini 3505 with 4 GB of RAM?

    If this is the case, what is the spec of the RAM should I buy?

    Taken max memory supported by a Mini unit is 2 GB only. So, you will not be able to upgrade to 4 GB RAM. Optionally, check out a third-party tool to check a compatible memory for your device.
    I hope this helps!

  • U2412M and Mac mini 2012

    After much research, I bought this monitor of second hand with power cable that for a Mac mini from 2012, which has only a hdmi cable adapter dvi. I looked on this topic on many forums and cable mini display port seems the most recommended. I realize that Dell does not test its products with Apple devices, but any advice on the best way to attach your monitor for my Mac mini would be useful.

    The Mac Mini 2012 has the following video ports =
    Crush (their version of Mini-DisplayPort)

    The U2412M has the following ports video =.
    DP (DisplayPort)

    Possible configurations.
    Mac Mini Thunderbolt on--> mDP to DP--> DP U2412M cable in
    Mac Mini HDMI out--> HDMI DVI--> U2412M DVI Cable (you have it. What happened when you tried?)

    Ask users on the Apple discussion Forum on the Apple Thunderbolt (CDM) getting to DP cable.

  • BlackBerry Smartphones BlackBerry Mini keyboard with case Convertible UK

    Anyoine know when the official BlackBerry Mini keyboard with case Convertible, will be available to buy online UK or even Amazon UK?

    Thanks for any help.


  • DVD burning problem: I burn the movie on widescreen PAL on a DVD-R disc. I managed it burned without menu. Now, I've added a "Pan and Zoom" menu with a main marker at 00:00:00:00, 21 scene markers, and a stop at 01:29:32:17 (th

    DVD burning problem: I burn the movie on widescreen PAL on a DVD-R disc. I managed it burned without menu. I have now added a "Pan and Zoom" menu with a main marker at 00:00:00:00, 21 scene markers and a cleat to 01:29:32:17 (the end of the film). The combustion is interrupted with a message to watch a C:\Users\ianle_000\Documents\20151206160446.iso file. There is no file. The message also provides a link for an explanation. This Web page is impossible to obtain. I'm running on a PC with Windows 8.1.

    Thank you once again. I burned the DVD!

    It is the first film for which I have reached the stage of burning. I'm not sure why she didn't in the first place. I tried to burn the "no menu" version, but at the time, was shot the DVD itself - I wonder when he reached this point?

    So, I burned the "no menu" version to another DVD, that worked, then the version of menu, with no cleat to a third DVD, which reads perfectly.

    Now that I have a successful routine, I'll stick to it.

    Thanks for all your help.

    I'll close this discussion now.

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