Help with date code

SRY about that amount of lines of code... but I really need help...

I have to insert into a table, the date as 12/10/2009 and time, like 22:34:12... but, when I select a date picker date and insert into a text field... the time I got this result:

If the inserted date was 12/12/2009 time 22:34:12
The result is... 12/12/0922 34:12:00 < < < < < s get just the number two last year and by inserting the two number first time in the year, as the year 0922...

I m using a javascript source to create a date picker...

and this is the procedure to insert in the table...

PROCEDURE set_atendimento)
p_id_chamado_atendimento IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado_atendimento%TYPE,
p_id_chamado IN chamado_atendimento.id_chamado%TYPE,
p_informacao IN chamado_atendimento.informacao%TYPE,
p_datahora_inicio IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_inicio%TYPE,
p_datahora_fim IN chamado_atendimento.datahora_fim%TYPE,
p_hora_inicio IN VARCHAR2,
p_hora_fim in VARCHAR2

v_inicio DATE;
v_fim DATE;

v_inicio: = TO_DATE (TO_CHAR(p_datahora_inicio || p_hora_inicio), "DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS");
v_fim: = TO_DATE (TO_CHAR(p_datahora_fim || p_hora_fim), "DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS");
Informação = UPPER (p_informacao)
id_chamado_atendimento = p_id_chamado_atendimento;
(id_chamado_atendimento, id_chamado, id_operador, datahora_inicio, datahora_fim, Informação)
(SEQ_CHAMADO_ATENDIMENTO.nextval, p_id_chamado, pkg_operador.get_id_operador, v_inicio, v_fim, UPPER (p_informacao));



< script language = "JavaScript" type = "text/JavaScript" >
$(function() {})
$. datepicker.setDefaults({)
showOn: 'button ',.
ButtonImageGadget: ' / i/themes/fwsac/includes/jquery/images/calendario.gif',
buttonImageOnly: true,
closeText: 'can ', he said.
prevText: "< previous ',"
nextText: ' Pr & oacute; ximo > ',
currentText: "Hoje,"
monthNames: ['Janeiro', 'February', 'March & eacute; o', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'There are', 'Set', 'Out', 'November', 'December'],
dayNames: ["Domingo","Segunda-feira ',' Ter & ccedil;"] [' a - feira ","Quarta-feira","Quinta-feira","Sexta-feira","Saturday"],
dayNamesShort: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", 'Quality', 'Who', 'Sex', 'Sab'],
dayNamesMin: ["Dom", "Seg", "Ter", 'Quality', 'Who', 'Sex', 'Sab'],
dateFormat: dd/mm/yy"."
firstDay: 0,
isRTL: false,
showAnim: "creep".
$('#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO,_#P5004_DATAHORA_FIM').datepicker ({beforeShow: fdateRange});
function fdateRange (input) {}
return {}
minDate: ( == 'P5004_DATAHORA_FIM'? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO").datepicker ("getDate"): null);
maxDate: ( == 'P5004_DATAHORA_INICIO'? $("#P5004_DATAHORA_FIM").datepicker ("getDate"): null)
< /script >

what I need to change to get the 4 digits of the year and all the numbers of the hour and the conca "|" with the date?

can anyone help with this, pls?

Hello again,

Yes, maybe you need to change them all to varchar2. You work with 2 different types of data, trying to concatenate them and then convert them. I would start with them all the same.


Tags: Database

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    Thank you very much


    user9223521 wrote:

    ...  You're right, that a space between column1 and column2 is useful.

    I do not think that a space it is useful, but if you think it is, go ahead and add - we.  The important thing is that the data in the 1st argument to TO_DATE having match format in the 2nd argument.  If there is no space between the year and the time in the 1st argument, then do not use a space between the year and hour in the 2nd argument.

    This code is not convert the column or add a column? ...

    It's true.  Replace the 2 columns existing VARCHAR2 with a DATE column is a good idea.  Here's a way to do it:

    1. Use ALTER TABLE to add a new column (let's call it entry_dt.  You cannot use the same name as one of the existing columns.)
    2. UPDATE the table using TO_DATE as shown above, to set the value of entry_dt
    3. Use ALTER TABLE to drop the old column1 and column2
    4. If you want to rename entry_dt to one of the old names of columns, use ALTER TABLE to this

    If you have incorrect or invalid data, then step 2 fails.  See

    Re: How to select valid dates only

    of the means to detect bad data without triggering an error, then you can fix before the UPDATE, or ignore it all by doing the UPDATE.

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    all together

    Published by: 871431 on July 9, 2011 18:30

    871431 wrote:

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    what I did is check if the recording is U if the incoming value is not approved for this error of combination stimulus funds & date, but if I need to update this unlicensed recording error... so I need to update record, and trigger the error if try to insert another disc not approved.
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    Not clear for me

    Help pls

    Please realize and understand that everyone here talks about SQL

    Please post DDL for table
    Please provide the sample/test data & then explain with the help of data from the trial itself said it that results should be & why

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    This.ar_links.push (evt. Target.Data ["Link" + i]);
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    Looks like the film loaded AS2/AS1. AS2 and AS3 are completely incompatible. This means that you cannot read all properties or call all the methods in AS2 (load) clip of AS3 wrapper.

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    You can use the following after having changed 'yourbutton' and 'yourmovieclip' to use appropriate instance names:

    {yourbutton.onRelease = function ()}

    {if(!this.) Toggle)}

    yourmovieclip. Stop();

    } else {}

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    This.Toggle =! This.Toggle;


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    No, there are no gaps. In fact, there is error in your code.

    Scenario 1:
    If the blk_exam is on the top of blk_score when I run the blk_exam form works with execute_query but the text of the note element is a bit turn off so I have to click on to a grey, she and her show '0' because of its first value 0 then walla pressing "next question" with my codes work... it increments...

    For this scenario, you use NVL then it will work as...


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    So now don't need to keep the DB NO BLOCK on top just keep the issue/block on top. Normal then run query which is now to work it will work.

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    Thanks in advance.

    I think that you misunderstood my comment about the Console window. Please see the Console window tutorial link in my previous answer. The Acrobat JavaScript Console window is internal to Acrobat, so there is no system restrictions that may prevent you from using it. It's a perfect place to run short automation scripts that do things like print separate copies.

    George also underscores a great solution, put the script in a (non-printable) button on the document itself. However, due to security restrictions this solution can be a bit tricky, but no more so than using the Console window. Each solution takes a little extra effort.

    The problem with having multiple pages, it's that you must manually create a document with pages already in it.  It is certainly a feasible solution, it comes you limit the number of pages that you have already created manually.  At least one solution AcroForm. If you re-create your form as a dynamic LiveCycle, then creating new pages on the fly is not a problem.

    None of these solutions will work fine, the real trick is to increment the date.

    Here's a short script that begins with today's date and adds a day for each iteration of the loop and then prints

    One day in milliseconds

    var nOneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

    var nToday = (new Date()) .getTime ();

    for (var i = 0; i)<>


    oTheDate = new Date (nToday + i * nOneDay);

    Date format

    cTheDate = util.printd("mm/dd/yyyy",oTheDate);

    this.getField("MyDate").value = cTheDate;



    This same loop could be used to fill in a form on the page - multi (repeated) fields.

    Using the util.scand () function, this loop could be setup to start at an arbitrary date.

    See you soon,.

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    -edit expiration date - start
    var lastDay = 26
    var lastMonth = 7
    lastYear var = 2010
    -end to change the expiration - date
    var sessione
    var today = new Date();
    var myDate = new Date();
    lastMonth = lastMonth-1;
    myDate.setFullYear (lastYear, lastMont, & #135;)
    If (myDate < = today & & sessione! = 1).
    App.Alert ("Date of expiry reached, sorry!", 1, 0, "ALERT");
    Sessione = 1;
    this.closeDoc (true);

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    And no, please don't tell me to get the rights adobe Manager because I'm on a Mac

    First of all, Adobe has sometimes changed the way JavaScript works for some orders from one version to the other, and the possibility of using 'this.close ()' has been changed.

    You the line "myDate.setFullYear(lastYear,lastMonth,lastDay);" only sets the value of the year and does not take account of the other 2 parameters, because "setFullYear()" does parameter and uses the 1 value to set the full 4-digit year.

    The example script uses 'var finalDate = new Date("3/20/2009");' then why not just create the string value of end date of your variables?

    You can use something like ' var finalDate = new Date (lastMonth + "/" + lastDay + "/" + last year); "to build the string of the date of your variables and strings for separators.

    You did not get the value of the "today" date object

    If you want to change the sample code, you should have the reference for the language material, so you can read what the line of code is supposed to do. Only change a single line of code at a time then and see what happens. In this way, you would have to deal with the error of a change. And if you have a mistake, re-read on the property, method, or function you are trying to use is supposed to do.

  • Need help with LabVIEW code for motor control.


    My name is Sasi. I'm a grad student BME working on my thesis topic of assessment for back pain spine implants. To do this, I'm building a test machine that would apply pure moments of a specimen of the spinal column. I use LabVIEW 8.5 to implement the control of a brushless AC servo motor. My requirement is

    Step 1: Initialize the engine.
    Step 2: Start moving it to a uniform to the right PLAN (this value of RPM too user can enter).
    Step 3: while doing step 2; at the same time read the couple cell data (acquisition of data using Asst.). DAQ o/p is 0 v to 10 V; 0 v is 10 Nm n
    10 v is + 10 Nm
    Step 4: What torque reached + 10 Nm, i.e. 10 V, the engine stops.
    Step 5: from the position where the motor stopped (IE not need to return to the initial position) start moving in the opposite direction to the same
    Uniform rpm as in step 2 at the reading of data in the cells of the couple.
    Step 6: once more what torque reached-10 Nm, i.e. 0 V, the engine should stop.
    Step 7: Repeat "Step 2" to the "step 6' 3 times.
    Step 8: Reset engine position.

    So far, I managed to get the engine to move backward @ a desired vel, the accl, deceleration for 3 cycles before n n. I enclose my code. I have a problem inserting the code for reading DAQmx amidst all this. Can someone help me.



    Hi Sonia,.

    I took a quick glance to your problem and I think I have a solution for you.  I certainly agree with the suggestion of the use of parallel loops Lynn.  This will allow the portion DAQmx run uninhibited by the part of the motion, and vice versa.  In addition, you need only perform an iteration of the loop of the movement whenever the voltage level exceeds a threshold.  Thus, by performing an iteration on the code of movement in the same loop are you iterate over DAQmx code, you essentially waste processor.

    I created a VI that should do what you are wanting.  I tested it on me and it works very well.  You have a tweak a few things to apply to your system (such as motion Council DAQmx and physical channel ID, etc.).  I used two parallel loops and event programming.  Basically, the loop of movement starts the engine turns at the specified speed.  Once the engine is running, he expects the DAQmx loop to tell him that the voltage value has crossed the threshold.  When the voltage value exceeds the maximum threshold (I put a value slightly less than 10 to jitter and saturation), the DAQmx loop indicates the loop of the motion that it may end its iteration.  The motion loop stops the motion, causes a reversal and repeats the motion.  Once the movement has begun, he expects the DAQmx loop once again to tell him that a threshold was held, but this time, it's looking for a minimum threshold.  I used "Occurrences" to implement the event programming in LabVIEW.

    I've commented the code pretty thoroughly, so I hope that comments will answer all remaining questions.  The advantage of using programs that focus on the event for this is that you save time processor, and your movement is more closely synchronized with the DAQmx.  Instead of one iteration of the loop of movement as fast as you can, updates every hour, you just put in pause and wait for the other loop to tell you when to start up again.  Meanwhile, the processor doesn't have to worry about an iteration of this loop over and over again.  In addition, when the accident occurs, you catch him immediately, instead of having to wait until the next iteration.  Thus, you are more closely synchronized with the DAQmx code portion.

    I hope this will help you.  Please report if you have any questions about the code or its implementation.  Good luck!

  • Help with identification code of failure

    My product ID is: G9D66UA #ABA (HP laptop, 15). I dropped this laptop, after which he worked always, but rather fitfully. After a reboot, it came to a blue screen with a message saying it was running the diagnosis and try to solve the problems and said "it may take more than an hour". After approxamately 16 hours, the same blue screen message. I subsequently pressed F2 on startup, ran some tests and the ID of the next failure came to each test ran: can RTTSMG-77K7MS-XD7V6J-60XJ03 someone please tell me what this failure code. Also, what are my repair and above all, options recovery data (unfortunately no recent backup)? Any help understand this failure identification code would be greatly appreciated, EE

    Whenever the short hard drive DST test fails with 24 digits failure ID, which indicates that the hard drive has failed and that needs to be replaced to solve the problem

    This problem could be due to an Application or a driver conflict, virus issues, corruptions of files due to incompatible applications, incorrect judgments, update failures due to conflicts, mounted sudden power so portable, sudden falls etc...

    HP will offer a replacement HDD if the laptop warranty is Active, otherwise you can buy a SATA hard drive in a nearby retail store

    Please make sure that you get at least equal as long as the original one in order to use recovery disks. If you need you can buy a bigger, but not smaller hard drive capacity. For example, if you have a 500 GB hard drive you can improve it to 750 GB hard drive, but not 320 GB hard drive

    Please try the troubleshooting below indicated once the steps:

    Step 01. Remove the battery and unplug the power adapter AC.

    Step 02. Press and hold the power button for more than 30 seconds

    Step 03. Plug the AC power adapter / (leave the battery for now)

    Step 04. Press the power button and check if the unit is operating normally

    If the steps listed above is not enough, then you can try reinstalling the hard disk on your laptop

    If the problem persists again please Contact HP if your HP laptop is under warranty, HP could replace the hard drive and provide recovery media to restore the operating system to factory after the replacement (if you have not yet created recovery disks/USB support)

    Note: Back up all personal data on an external drive if possible. Otherwise, you can connect the HDD defective via SATA USB adapter with another PC or a PC even after replacing the HARD drive & put in place of the operating system and try to copy / retrieve files. You can also check out the link below for additional help

    Please click on the link in order to identify, prevent, diagnose & recover against any failure to drive on HP Portable Hard Drives & Solid State Drives:

    You can check your warranty here to check the status and click here to order a new hard drive

    Hope this helps, for other queries in response to the post and feel free to join us again

    * Click on the white button on the right to say thank you Thumbs Up *.

    Make it easier for others to find solutions by checking a response "Accept as Solution" if it solves your problem.

    Thank you

    GBL 84

    Although I am an employee of HP, I speak for myself and not for HP

  • Help with error code 80072EFE

    I tried several fixes for Windows Update to work, but I still get the error 80072EFE code. Windows suggested going to a program called "Fixit", but when I click on it, another window pops up saying that windows cannot connect to this site. I'm not an expert, but would classify me as pretty good for solving problems, but this one left me speechless. I have not installed anything back to my computer. The last time that I could do a update 12/15/10. Help!


    - You can encounter errors related to the connection of temporary when you use Windows Update or Microsoft Update to install updates

    What is the result of a security/antivirus installed (SS); It's current subscription; its definitions are up to date; has whatever it is detected the last time that the system has been analyzed for the presence of malware?
    Were there updates/updates recently installed for the installed AV/SS?

    Another aspect that may be at play here is the home network. The networked system via a wireless or wired router connection?

    This specific error may be temporary or, as has been the case in the course of the 4 or 5 months indicated by messages on this forum, it's a sign that malware prevents the system to connect to the update servers.

    The system is having trouble connecting with all the addresses of
    Suggest you see if the system can access the malware scanners online, such as these-

    ESET Online Scanner
    Windows Live OneCare for Windows Vista and Windows 7 security scanner
    (requires Internet Explorer 32-bit)
    Emsisoft Web Malware Scan

    Expert in Windows IT Pro - consumer safety

    * - 343-* FDNY

  • Help with error code irql_not_less_or_equal

    Windows 8 error irql_not_less_or_equal

    Do not know how to read the minidump but I compressed it and here is a link! 204 & authkey =! AFcAakJybuCgUOM&

    Thanks for any help!


    This seems to be a fairly new computer still in warranty. If so be sure to contact ASUStek
    Supported. As ASUS OEM is responsible for the proper functioning of these two material and
    Windows. Whatever the cause, it will be them to solve.

    The 0 has CAUSE ntkrpamp.exe Bug_Check which is a component of Windows, which means
    Another thing he has led astray. No other real help in the minidump.

    Bugcheck A, {0, 2, 0, 816e0522}

    Probably caused by: ntkrpamp.exe (nt! KiTimerWaitTest + 2ba)

    1. check with ASUStek support, their drivers and documentation online and ask in their forums
    on known problems. Update the BIOS, chipset low level drivers and ask in their forums
    on known problems.

    BiosVersion = T100TA.227
    BiosReleaseDate = 27/02/2014
    SystemManufacturer = ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC..
    SystemProductName = T100TA
    Family = T
    SystemVersion = 1.0
    SystemSKU = ASUS-TabletSKU
    BaseBoardManufacturer = ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC..
    BaseBoardProduct = T100TA
    BaseBoardVersion = 1.0

    carefully check for malware.

    3 check memory very carefully (see memory test methods below).

    4 use the other methods below to solve the problems.

    5 after using ALL methods if necessary run Driver Verifier to see if it can indicate a
    CAUSE (see methods of auditor of drivers below).


    Note the use of Win Key + X and Win Key + W (to go on the Control Panel, Run and parameters
    According to needs). Win + D key calls the office and using Win Key active / disable the Office
    and the splash screen.

    Translate these methods Windows 8/8.1 (there is little real difference):

    Resolution of the blue screen in Windows 8/8.1 errors

    Resolve errors stop (blue screen) in Windows 7 - has a section for if you can or can not
    Start Windows. (applies to Windows 8/8.1)

    Check this thread for more information using BlueScreenView, MyEventViewer and other methods
    to troubleshoot the BlueScreens - top 3 responses (+ 1 other) (applies to Windows 8/8.1).


    Also this, so you can see the probable bluescreens.

    Windows Vista restarts automatically if your computer encounters an error that requires him to plant.
    (also, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1)


    BCCode: 0a 0x0000000A

    Drivers could be at fault, however the problems of disk or security/antivirus/antispyware products are
    just as likely to be the root cause that they can force a driver to corrupt or go out of bounds.
    The video driver or something affecting it would be questionable.

    Make sure that the drivers, BIOS and chipset of low-level drivers are all updated by checking manually
    system manufacturer and device manufacturers sites.


    BCCode: 0a 0x0000000A


    Control bug IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x0000000A value a. This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a driver in mode accessed kernel memory paged at DISPATCH_LEVEL level or above.

    Important info if you received a STOP Code

    If you received a blue error screen, or a stop code, the computer stopped abruptly to protect against data loss. A hardware device, its driver or software might have caused this error. If your copy of Windows is shipped with your computer, contact your computer manufacturer. If you purchased Windows separately from your computer, Microsoft provides support. To find contact information for Microsoft or the manufacturer of your computer, Contact Support.

    If you have experience with computers and try to recover from this error, follow the steps in the Microsoft article solution STOP (blue screen) errors in Windows.

    These actions could prevent a mistake like this does not happen:

    1. Download and install updates for your computer from Windows Update device drivers.
    2. Scan your computer for computer viruses.
    3. Check your hard drive for errors.

    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL parameters

    The following settings are displayed on the blue screen.

    Parameter Description


    Memory referenced


    IRQL at time of reference


    0: read

    1: write


    Memory address


    This bug check is issued if the memory paged (or invalid) is accessible when the IRQL is too high.

    The error that usually generates this bug check occurs after the installation of the faulty device driver or service system, BIOS.

    If you encounter a bug 0xA control during the upgrade to a later version of Windows, this error can be caused by a device driver, system service, an anti-virus or a backup tool that is not compatible with the new version.


    If a kernel debugger is available, get a stack trace.

    To resolve an error caused by the faulty device driver or service system, BIOS

    1. Restart your computer.

    2. Press F8 to character-based menu that displays the choice of operating system.

    3. In the Windows Advanced Options menu, select last known good Configuration . This option is most effective when a pilot or a service is added at a time.

    To resolve an error caused by an incompatible device driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup tool

    1. Check the system log in Event Viewer for error messages that may identify the device or driver that caused the error.

    2. Try disabling the cache in memory of the BIOS.

    3. Run the diagnostics of equipment provided by the manufacturer of the system, in particular the scanner memory. For more information about these procedures, see the manual of your computer.

    4. Make sure that the latest Service Pack is installed.

    5. If your system has cards (SCSI) small computer system interface, contact the card manufacturer for updated Windows drivers. Try to disable sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS, check the wiring and the SCSI ID of each device and confirming the proper termination.

    6. For devices (IDE) peripheral electronic integrated, set the built-in as only primary IDE port. Also, check each IDE device to the right setting master/slave/stand alone. Try to remove all IDE devices except for the hard drives.

    If the message appears during installation of Windows, make sure that the computer and installed devices are compatible with the version of Windows being installed. For example, you can get information about compatibility with Windows 7 in the Windows 7 Compatibility Center.

    Here is an example of debugging: (see this link) (v = vs. 85) .aspx

    BCCode: 0a 0x0000000A<-- read="" this="">
    * 1025.html


    Look in the Event Viewer to see if something is reported on those.

    MyEventViewer - free - a simple alternative in the standard event viewer
    Windows. TIP - Options - Advanced filter allows you to see a time rather
    of the entire file.


    Here are a few ways to possibly fix the blue screen issue. If you could give the blue screen
    info that would help. Such as ITC and 4 others entered at the bottom left. And all others
    error information such as codes of STOP and info like IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and similar messages.

    As examples:

    BCCode: 116
    BCP1: 87BC9510
    BCP2: 8C013D80
    BCP3: 00000000
    BCP4: 00000002

    or in this format:

    Stop: 0 x 00000000 (oxoooooooo oxoooooooo oxoooooooo oxooooooooo)
    Tcpip.sys - address blocking 0 x 0 00000000 000000000 DateStamp 0 x 000000000

    It is an excellent tool for displaying the blue screen error information

    BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during ' blue screen of the.
    death ' crashes and displays information about all accidents of a table.

    BlueScreens many are caused by old or damaged, in particular the video drivers drivers however
    There are other causes.


    Windows 8 - improve performance by optimizing your hard drive - see "to repair a drive:

    How to check a drive for errors with "chkdsk" in Windows 8

    Redesign of chkdsk and the new model of health NTFS


    Translate these methods Windows 8/8.1 (there is little real difference):

    References to Vista also apply to Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1.

    It's my generic how updates of appropriate driver: (also update the BIOS and the low level)
    drivers for chipset - see the website of the motherboard manufacturer of the system

    This utility, it is easy see which versions are loaded:

    -Free - DriverView utility displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system.
    For each driver in the list, additional useful information is displayed: load address of the driver,
    Description, version, product name, company that created the driver and more.

    For drivers, visit manufacturer of emergency system and of the manufacturer of the device that are the most common.
    Control Panel - device - Graphics Manager - note the brand and complete model
    your video card - double - tab of the driver - write version information. Now, click on update
    Driver (this can do nothing as MS is far behind the certification of drivers) - then right-click.
    Uninstall - REBOOT it will refresh the driver stack.

    Repeat this for network - card (NIC), Wifi network, sound, mouse, and keyboard if 3rd party
    with their own software and drivers and all other main drivers that you have.

    Now in the system manufacturer (Dell, HP, Toshiba as examples) site (in a restaurant), peripheral
    Site of the manufacturer (Realtek, Intel, Nvidia, ATI, for example) and get their latest versions. (Look for
    BIOS, Chipset and software updates on the site of the manufacturer of the system here.)

    Download - SAVE - go to where you put them - right click - RUN AD ADMIN - REBOOT after
    each installation.

    Always check in the Device Manager - drivers tab to be sure the version you actually install
    presents itself. This is because some restore drivers before the most recent is installed (sound card drivers
    in particular that) so to install a driver - reboot - check that it is installed and repeat as

    Repeat to the manufacturers - BTW in the DO NOT RUN THEIR SCANNER device - check
    manually by model.

    Look at the sites of the manufacturer for drivers - and the manufacturer of the device manually.

    Look at the sites of the manufacturer for drivers - and the manufacturer of the device manually.

    Windows 8/8.1 - hardware and drivers

    Windows 8/8.1 - Why Windows is not find my device? ' t-windows-conclusion-device

    Windows 8/8.1 - what happens if a device is not installed correctly ' t-installed-correctly


    Tests of memory intercept all errors such as memory do not match (possible even for sticks
    seemingly identical) and when the faster memory is placed in system behind the slower memory.
    So it is best to Exchange also sticks in and out to check for those, even if all the tests of memory do not
    show a problem.

    To test the RAM here control - run 4 + hours or so.<-- best="">

    For the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool.

    WinKEY + W - type in the search-> memory box - find the top Memory Diagnostics tool
    list - and follow the prompts.

    Windows Vista: How to scan / test your memory with Windows Vista memory or RAM
    Diagnostic tool

    How do I run the memory diagnostic Windows 7 (and 8/8.1) - in Windows 8/8.1
    the name is "Windows Memory Diagnostic".


    After doing ALL the updates you can and if the problem persists, run DriverVerifier.
    (Remember to use the methods Windows 8 posted at the top of the first answer above).

    Driver Verifier can help find some BSOD problems:

    Using Driver Verifier to identify issues with Windows drivers for users advanced

    How to solve problems of drivers in Windows Vista or 7 (or 8/8.1)

    Using Driver Verifier (v = VS. 85) .aspx

    How to use Windows drivers check Manager to solve problems and identify the Driver questions

    Driver Verifier

    Using Driver Verifier

    How to use Windows drivers check Manager to solve problems and identify the Driver questions

    You can disable the driver verifier

    WINDOWS key + X - RUN - type-> auditor/reset press ENTER to disable

    BlueScreenView lets you know if there is a driver specified in the error message. Also check with
    MyEventViewer at the blue screen.

    If DriverVerifier creates a minidump upload it and post the link here so we can analyze.

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle=""><- mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

  • Need help with Data Bridge/DataAssist!

    Hi all

    So Ive recently brought Data Bridge I need to create a search box on a site I'm developing. I have a limited knowledge of Dreamweaver and so advised to buy Data Bridge to help me create my search box. This is what I would like as my Web page to do.

    The site is a funeral and I need to create a page for donations with a search box, so that donors can enter the name of the deceased and therefore a name (or names that are similar to what has been entered) will appear. Next to the name will be a URL.  Every deceased person will have a unique URL, used gift payments actually being taken on this site, the URL will link to a page of different gifts for that person on another site, the link will redirect them to this site (I hope all this makes sense!).

    Ive Setup MAMP on my computer, created a database table in phpmyadmin, deamweaver connected to this base with a Recordset, created a page php DataAssist Search Wizard automatically inserts the form on my donations.html page (see below - donations.html and php)

    But I'm stuck now what to do next. The results will appear on this page or do I create a html page appear on the results and a new php page for results? I'm confused as to what I should do?

    Any help REALLY appreciated!


    <? php require_once('Connections/milesdata.php');? >

    <? php require_once("webassist/database_management/wada_search.php");? >

    <? PHP

    (Copyright 2005, WA database search

    Recordset: milesdata;

    Advanced: donations.html;

    Form: form1;

    $WADbSearch2_DefaultWhere = "";

    If (! session_id()) session_start();

    If ((isset($_POST["WADbSearch2"])) & & ($_POST ["WADbSearch2"]! = "")) {}

    $WADbSearch2 = new FilterDef;

    $WADbSearch2-> initializeQueryBuilder("MYSQL","1");

    statements of keyword tables

    $KeyArr0 = array ('name');

    comparison list additions

    $WADbSearch2-> keywordComparison (' $KeyArr0, "".) ((isset($_POST["Name"])))? "$_POST ['Name']:" ") ."","and","includes",",%20","%20","%22","%22",0);"

    Save the query in a session variable

    If (1 == 1) {}

    $_SESSION ['WADbSearch2_search'] = $WADbSearch2-> whereClause.



    else {}

    $WADbSearch2 = new FilterDef;

    $WADbSearch2-> initializeQueryBuilder("MYSQL","1");

    get a session variable filter definition

    If (1 == 1) {}

    If (isset($_SESSION["WADbSearch2_search"]) & & $_SESSION ['WADbSearch2_search']! = "") {}

    $WADbSearch2-> whereClause = $_SESSION ["WADbSearch2_search"];


    else {}

    $WADbSearch2-> whereClause = $WADbSearch2_DefaultWhere;



    else {}

    $WADbSearch2-> whereClause = $WADbSearch2_DefaultWhere;



    $WADbSearch2-> whereClause = str_replace ("\" "," "", $WADbSearch2-> whereClause);

    $WADbSearch2whereClause = ";

    ? >

    <? PHP

    If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

    function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


    If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


    $theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

    Switch ($theType) {}

    case 'text ':

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "long":

    case "int":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "double":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "date":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "set":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



    Return $theValue;



    @mysql_select_db ($database_milesdata, $milesdata);

    $query_milesdata = "SELECT url OF Don WHERE name = 'name' ORDER BY name ASC";


    $milesdata = mysql_query ($query_milesdata, $milesdata) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_milesdata = mysql_fetch_assoc ($milesdata);

    $totalRows_milesdata = mysql_num_rows ($milesdata);

    ? >

    <? PHP

    mysql_free_result ($milesdata);

    ? >

    DO NOT copy anything from the donation.php page is the reason why it probably doesn't just copy the code I pasted above and paste it into a new .php file - save as what you want BUT remember to point the scope of shapes on the page.

  • I need help with the code of php mailer

    I followed the instructions to make this announcement and I get an email but no inside information. No message, no who he comes, nothing. only the mailer 'shape' is received. I am new to DW, still using training wheels. can anyone help?

    Here's the code for the contact page:

    <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional / / IN" "" > ""
    "< html xmlns ="">".
    < head >
    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"
    < title > Untitled Document < /title >
    < / head >

    < body >
    < do action = "mailer.php" method = "post" > "

    Name: < br / > < input name = "test" type = "text" size = "32" / > < br / >
    E-mail: < br / > < input name = "email" type = "text" size = "32" / > < br / >
    Message: < br / > < textarea name = "message" rows = "10" cols = "40" > < / textarea > < br / >
    < input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit" / >
    < / make >
    < / body >
    < / html >

    code for mailer:

    <? PHP
    $to = "[email address removed by Moderator] ';
    $subject = "from my Web site";
    $headers = "from: Form Mailer ';
    $forward = 0; 0 = no redirect, redirection of 1 = 1
    $location = ""; If 1 then "".

    $date = date ("' 1, f js, y" ");
    $time = date (' h: i A ");

    $mgs = "this is the result of your feedback form. He received the $date $time.\n\n ";

    If ($_SERVER ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {}
    foreach ($_POST as $key = > $value) {}
    $mgs. = ucfirst ($key). » : «. $value. "\n";
    else {}
    foreach ($_GET as $key = > $value) {}
    $mgs. = ucfirst ($key). » : «. $value. » \n » ;
    mail ($à, $subject, $msg, $headers);
    If ($forward == 1) {}
    Header ("' Location: $location '");
    else {}
    echo "thank you for your visit. We will review your information that has been sent to us. Be blessed! « ;

    ? >

    [Proposed by the correct forum Moderator]

    The problem really has nothing to do with Dreamweaver, but your lack of experience with PHP.

    For example, you have this line of code:

    $date = date ("1,f js,y");

    If you use echo to display the output of the $date, what you get is this:

    1,f 1257,09

    Not a very useful date, I think you would agree.

    What should be your code is the following:

    $date = date ("l, F jS, Y");

    Very similar, but completely different insofar as PHP is concerned. Note that the first character is lowercase L and not one. The other letters are also crucial.

    This code generates "Sunday, July 12, 2009.

    Now, why have you not no messages? Elementary, my dear Watson. Throughout your code, you assign to a variable called $mgs the message. When finally, you send the mail, the variable you are using is $msg. I suspect that $mgs should be $msg throughout. As humans, we can identify the misspelling and may ignore it. The computers cannot. You must be very attentive to the spelling when you work with a language like PHP.

  • Help with data &amp; Apps!

    I noticed on my friends phone all of its newspapers of 0bytes data, someone knows why?

    She was also very secret making a new icloud I found as well as the apple, where in addition to his phone can it ID to hide apps? Sorry to ask just so frustrated with him in support when she is not working she is just on a phone that 'I' pay for.

    jeff2965 wrote:

    I noticed on my friends phone all of its newspapers of 0bytes data, someone knows why?

    She was also very secret making a new icloud I found as well as the apple, where in addition to his phone can it ID to hide apps? Sorry to ask just so frustrated with him in support when she is not working she is just on a phone that 'I' pay for.

    We can not help you with your relationship problems.  If you are having problems with privacy and trust to your girlfriend, you may need that back with her.  We do not know any of you.

Maybe you are looking for