Help with excel import and delete the page script

Hello. I will try to make it as simple as possible. I have some data from excel (saved as delimited by tabs) that I need to import in a 5 PDF page. I use the script below to import, and it works fine. All import fields and records the individual (one for each record) PDF. However, I need to extend this functionality by removing some pages before it saves the document by looking at the different boxes. The code below is what I use to import the records.

// specify the filename of the data file
var fileName = "/Users/MacMike/Desktop/Test.txt";  // the tab delimited text file containing the data
var outputDir = "/Users/MacMike/Desktop/Dump/";    // make sure this ends with a '/'

var err = 0;
var idx = 0;
while (err == 0) {
    err = this.importTextData(fileName, idx);    // imports the next record

    if (err == -1)
        app.alert("Error: Cannot Open File");
    else if (err == -2) 
        app.alert("Error: Cannot Load Data");
    else if (err == 1)
        app.alert("Warning: Missing Data");
    else if (err == 2)
        app.alert("Warning: User Cancelled Row Select");
    else if (err == 3)
        app.alert("Warning: User Cancelled File Select");
    else if (err == 0) {
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf"); // saves the file

As I said before you import works surprisingly well.

My PDF consists of 5 pages (info-registration, p1 = Dir-contract = p0, p2 = contract ndarp-brand, p3 = takes-contract, p4 = agreement must be brand). My idea is that on the import of data, the script will look at a few check boxes and determine which contracts to remove on the PDF and then save. I wrote the syntax of which, in my view, what it should look like. I'm not a programmer and know just a little bit. I looked through the documentation and this is what I came with. I don't know how to combine to work. Here's the code I came up with that.

var dir = this.getField("Associate Director"); // checkbox
var aldir = this.getField("Alumni Director"); // checkbox

var fac = this.getField("Facilitator"); // checkbox
var alfac = this.getField("Alumni Facilitator"); // checkbox

var oyb = this.getField("Optimize Your Brain"); //checkbox
var poyb = this.getField("DVD and Workbook Previously Purchased"); // checkbox

// Below are all the possible training options.
if (dir.value=="Checked" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:4})
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="Checked" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:4})

else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="Checked" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:2, nEnd:4})
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="Checked" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:2, nEnd:4})

else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="Checked" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="Checked" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:2, nEnd:2})
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="Checked" || oyb.value=="Checked" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:2, nEnd:2})
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="Checked" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="Checked") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:2, nEnd:2})
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="Checked" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="Checked") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:2, nEnd:2})

else if (dir.value=="Checked" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="Checked" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages(none) // I realize this is incorrect. Just showing that this option results in no deleted pages.
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="Checked" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="Checked" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages(none) // I realize this is incorrect. Just showing that this option results in no deleted pages.
else if (dir.value=="Checked" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="Checked") {
    this.deletePages(none) // I realize this is incorrect. Just showing that this option results in no deleted pages.
else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="Checked" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="Checked") {
    this.deletePages(none) // I realize this is incorrect. Just showing that this option results in no deleted pages.

else if (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="Checked" || poyb.value=="") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:1, nEnd:2})
else (dir.value=="" || aldir.value=="" || fac.value=="" || alfac.value=="" || oyb.value=="" || poyb.value=="Checked") {
    this.deletePages({nStart:1, nEnd:2})

How to combine these two so that I can create a document temp import my data, check the boxes to check off and delete the appropriate pages and save the file and then go to the next record? I got the first part done. It imports large and has the right, but I don't know what to do next. Thanks for any help!

Or y at - it another way to do this?


Wow. Ok. I had it works beautifully. There was a lot of trial and error. Because the script as it was would have, would open the original PDF, delete the pages needed, then save the file. While it would be to go to the next record is missing pages in PDF and bomb to open. I hunted and searched for a way to do this. I found "this.insertPages" in the documentation. Finally, what worked was so move the "save under" in the service and put it under every variation of check. So now when checking the boxes, he performs the check, removes the mandatory pages, stops, insertions of back in deleted pages from the original file, leave the service and finally goes to the next record.

Here is my final script:

// This code looks at an excel (tab delimited) file, imports the records into a PDF form 10 Pages long.
// Then checks a series of checkboxes and deletes the pages that aren't associated with first page.
// After it deletes these pages it reinserts the deleted pages so it can do the checks for the next record in the (tab delimited) file.

// variables for importing excel data
var err = 0;
var idx = 0;
var fileName = "/Users/MacMike/Desktop/Test.txt";  // the tab delimited text
var outputDir = "/Users/MacMike/Desktop/Dump/";    // make sure this ends with a '/'

//Checking a bank of 6 checkboxes and determine which pages need to be deleted, save the file, and the insearch the deleted pages again.
function seekandDestroy() {
    if (dir.value=="Checked" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:6, nEnd:9})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:5, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:6, nEnd:9 });
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Checked" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:6, nEnd:9})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:5, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:6, nEnd:9 });

    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Checked" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:9})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:2, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:3, nEnd:9 });
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Checked" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:9})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:2, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:3, nEnd:9 });

    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Checked" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Checked" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:5})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:2, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:3, nEnd:5 });
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Checked" && oyb.value=="Checked" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:5})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:2, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:3, nEnd:5 });
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Checked" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Checked") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:5})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:2, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:3, nEnd:5 });
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Checked" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Checked") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:3, nEnd:5})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:2, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:3, nEnd:5 });

    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Checked" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:1, nEnd:5})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:0, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:1, nEnd:5 });
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Checked") {
        this.deletePages({nStart:1, nEnd:5})
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
        this.insertPages({nPage:0, cPath:"/Users/MacMike/Desktop/TT Reg & Contracts.pdf", nStart:1, nEnd:5 });
    else if (dir.value=="Checked" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Checked" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
    else if (dir.value=="Checked" && aldir.value=="Off" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Checked") {
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Checked" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Checked" && poyb.value=="Off") {
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")
    else if (dir.value=="Off" && aldir.value=="Checked" && fac.value=="Off" && alfac.value=="Off" && oyb.value=="Off" && poyb.value=="Checked") {
        this.saveAs(outputDir + this.getField("Full Name (First Last)").value + "-" + this.getField("Event Title").value + ".pdf")

// Imports records does the above function then go the next record, all the while doing error reporting.
while (err == 0) {
    err = this.importTextData(fileName, idx);    // imports the next record

    if (err == -1)
        app.alert("Error: Cannot Open File");
    else if (err == -2)
        app.alert("Error: Cannot Load Data");
    else if (err == 1)
        app.alert("Warning: Missing Data");
    else if (err == 2)
        app.alert("Warning: User Cancelled Row Select");
    else if (err == 3)
        app.alert("Warning: User Cancelled File Select");
    else if (err == 0) {
        var dir = this.getField("Associate Director"); // checkbox
        var aldir = this.getField("Alumni Associate Director"); // checkbox
        var fac = this.getField("Facilitator"); // checkbox
        var alfac = this.getField("Alumni Facilitator"); // checkbox
        var oyb = this.getField("Optimize Your Brain Site Coordinator"); //checkbox
        var poyb = this.getField("DVD and Workbook Previously Purchased"); // checkbox
        seekandDestroy(dir, aldir, fac, alfac, oyb, poyb); //performs the above function
        idx++; //goes to next record

Tags: Acrobat

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    Hello Joe,

    Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community.

    I understand that you have questions, import and delete the photos from the camera. We are happy to help you in the matter of fixing.

    You can check the below link to import photos from the camera.

    1. First, connect your digital camera, and press the Power On button. Windows 8, which will detect the camera and will install the appropriate drivers.
    2. After the driver installation is complete, the AutoPlay menu appears.
    3. Select the option import pictures using Windows.
    4. In the lower right corner of the screen, a small window asking if you want to mark photos will appear. You can type a general images you want to import. Tags can be very useful to organize and find your photos.
    5. If you do not want to insert a tag just leave this space empty and click Import.
    6. If you want to customize the import settings, click the Options button. Now you can change the following settings: where pictures import them (the default folder is pictures - if you want another folder, click Browse and select or create this folder), the name of the folder (by default the name of the folder will be the date when the images are imported over the tag you entered) and the file naming convention.
    7. When you are finished, click the OK button. These settings apply to all the photos you want to import in the future.
    8. After you click import, Windows 8 starts to move all your photos.  If you want the pictures to be removed from your camera once the import process is completed, click the Delete after import check box.
    9. Once the process is complete, start Windows Photo Gallery and you will be able to see all the photos that have been imported.
    10. Now, turn your unit off and unplug the cable to connect to your PC.

    If this does not help then, try the steps below to get the images from the camera.

    1. Go in computer.
    2. You will find the camera under portable device or removable devices.
    3. Double-click on this unit and you can copy and paste from this location and import it onto your computer.

    I hope this helps. Otherwise, feel free to write us back for assistance.

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    Is that what helps you regain control?

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    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.xml.*;
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
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    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; // Set stage alignment
    stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, whenStageResize); // Add a stage resize event listener
    // Background variables
    var interactiveMenuBgSpr:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var bgSwitchMenuSpr:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var footerBgSpr:Sprite = new Sprite();
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    var volDownMC:VolumeDownMC = new VolumeDownMC(); // Volume Down
    var artistTxtBGMC:TxtBGMC = new TxtBGMC(); // Artist Textbox Background
    var songTxtBGMC:TxtBGMC = new TxtBGMC(); // Song Textbox Background
    var prevBtnMC:PreviousBtnMC = new PreviousBtnMC(); // Previous Button
    var rewindBtnMC:RewindBtnMC = new RewindBtnMC(); // Rewind Button
    var stopBtnMC:StopBtnMC = new StopBtnMC(); // Stop Button
    var playBtnMC:PlayBtnMC = new PlayBtnMC(); // Play Button
    var fforwardBtnMC:FastforwardBtnMC = new FastforwardBtnMC(); // Fastforward Button
    var nextBtnMC:NextBtnMC = new NextBtnMC(); // Next Button
    // Array for menu list
    var menuArray:Array = new Array("Home", 
                              "Transplant Statistics", 
                              "Transplant Details", 
                              "Understanding Donations", 
                              "Your Part", 
    // Hold the x position for next menu item
    var xPos:Number = 0;
    // Menu container
    var menuHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();
    // Menu text field format
    var titleFace:Font = new ParkAvenue();
    var siteLogoTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
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        siteLogoTxt.color = 0x260f26;
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    // Text Formats
    var txtFace:Font = new Myriad();
    var menuTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        menuTxt.font = txtFace.fontName;
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        headingFormat.color = 0x701b2e;
        headingFormat.size = 14;
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        headingFormat.bold = true;
    // Text Fields
    var headingTxt = new TextField();
        headingTxt.condenseWhite = true;
        headingTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        headingTxt.selectable = false;
        headingTxt.defaultTextFormat = headingFormat;
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        headingTxt.width = 490;
        headingTxt.height = 18;
        headingTxt.x = 5;
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    var contentTxt = new TextField();
        contentTxt.condenseWhite = true;
        contentTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
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        contentRTopTxt.defaultTextFormat = bodyTxt;
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        contentRTopTxt.width = 465;
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    var contentRBottomTxt = new TextField();
        contentRBottomTxt.condenseWhite = true;
        contentRBottomTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        contentRBottomTxt.selectable = false;
        contentRBottomTxt.defaultTextFormat = bodyTxt;
        contentRBottomTxt.wordWrap = true;
        contentRBottomTxt.multiline = true;
        contentRBottomTxt.width = 465;
        contentRBottomTxt.height = 295;
        contentRBottomTxt.x = 530;
        contentRBottomTxt.y = 340;
    // Variable for content container
    var mcContent:Sprite = new Sprite();
        mcContent.x = 0;
        mcContent.y = 30;
    // Variables for pages
    var pageContent:Sprite = new Sprite();
    // Variable for content container
    var pgContentBG:Sprite; // MCContentBG = new MCContentBG();
    // Global tween variable
    var pageTween:Tween;
    // Intro page variables for title
    var titleContainerLarge:Sprite = new Sprite();
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    var titleLargeUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("imgs/png/titleLarge.png");
    var titleLargeImg:Bitmap;
    var titleLarge:Bitmap;
    var standardShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter();
        standardShadow.distance = 2;
        standardShadow.angle = 0;
        standardShadow.color = 0x000000;
        standardShadow.blurX = 3;
        standardShadow.blurY = 3;
        standardShadow.quality = 10;
        standardShadow.alpha = .5;
    // Iterative title (bottom left corner)
    //var titleSmallLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    //var titleSmallUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("imgs/png/titleSmall.png");
    //var titleSmallImg:Bitmap;
    titleLargeLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadTitle);
    //titleSmallLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadTitle);
    //Specify the path to the XML file.
    //You can use my path or your own.
    //var xmlFilePath:String = "scripts/xml/content.xml";
    //We save the loaded XML data into a variable
    var pageXML:XML;
    //Load the XML file.
    //We call the pageXMLLoaded() function when the loading is complete.
    var pageXMLLoader = new URLLoader();
    pageXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest("scripts/xml/content.xml"));
    pageXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, pageXMLLoaded);
    var CSSreq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("scripts/css/xmlStylesheet.css");
    var CSSloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var styleSheet:StyleSheet;
    var CSSload;
    // Intro page variables for title
    var swfContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var imgContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    // Call init
    // Initialize functions
    function init():void {
    //This function is called when the XML file is loaded
    function pageXMLLoaded(e:Event):void {
        //Create a new XML object from the loaded XML data
        //pageXML = new XML(;
        pageXML = new XML(;
        imgLoader.load(new URLRequest(;
        swfLoader.load(new URLRequest(;
    function loadTitle(e:Event):void{
        var titleLargeImg:Bitmap = titleLargeLoader.content as Bitmap;
            titleLarge = new Bitmap(titleLargeImg.bitmapData);
            titleLarge.smoothing = true;
        titleContainerLarge.x = 183;
        titleContainerLarge.y = 214;
        mcContent.addChildAt(titleContainerLarge, 0);
        var pageMoveTween:Tween = new Tween(mcContent, "y", Regular.easeInOut, stage.stageHeight + 20, 0, .5, true);
    function drawMenus():void {
        // Clear prevents an instance of the interactiveMenuBg from remaining in its original position
        // Not so much a problem with the interactiveMenuBg, but it is with the bgSwitchMenu
        addChild(interactiveMenuBgSpr); // Add interactive menu background (full screen & mp3 controls)
   InteractiveMenuBG(0, 0));
  , 0, stage.stageWidth, 27);
        // Background-Switch Menu Background
        addChild(bgSwitchMenuSpr); // Add background-switch menu background
   BackgroundChangeMenuBG(0, 0));
  , stage.stageHeight - 99, stage.stageWidth, 25);
        // Footer background
        addChild(footerBgSpr); // Add footer background
   FooterBG(0, 0));
  , stage.stageHeight - 74, stage.stageWidth, 74);
        // Add the interactiveMenuBg container to the display list
        // Loop the array and create each array item
        for (var i in menuArray) {
            // Create the menu navBtn.
            var navBtn:Sprite = new Sprite();
       = "navBtn" + i;
                // Disable mouse events of children within the navBtn.
                navBtn.mouseChildren = false;
                // Make the sprite behave as a button.
                navBtn.buttonMode = true;
            // Create the label for the down navBtn state.
            var label:TextField = new TextField();
                label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                label.selectable = false;
                label.defaultTextFormat = menuTxt;
                label.text = menuArray[i];
                // Add the label to the navBtn.
                // Position the text in the center of the navBtn.
                label.x = (navBtn.width/2) - (label.width/2);
                label.y = (navBtn.height/2) - (label.height/2);
            // Add mouse events to the navBtn.
            navBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, choosePageTransition);
            // Add the navBtn to the holder.
                // Position the navBtn.
                navBtn.x = xPos;
                // Increase the x position for the next navBtn.
                xPos += navBtn.width + 12;
        // Add menuHolder to display list
            // Postion The Menu.
            menuHolder.x = 140;
            menuHolder.y = ((stage.stageHeight - (menuHolder.height * 2)) - 10);
    // Position on and add to stage all menu control buttons (interactivity controls)
    function positionAndAddMediaControls():void {
        addChild(volIcoMC); // Volume Icon
            volIcoMC.x = interactiveMenuBgSpr.x + 5; // Volume Icon
            volIcoMC.y = interactiveMenuBgSpr.y + 6; // Volume Icon
        addChild(volUpMC); // Volume Up
            volUpMC.x = volIcoMC.x + volIcoMC.width + 6; // Volume Up Icon
            volUpMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Volume Up Icon
        addChild(volDownMC); // Volume Down
            volDownMC.x = volUpMC.x; // Volume Down Icon
            volDownMC.y = volUpMC.y + 10; // Volume Down Icon
        addChild(artistTxtBGMC); // Artist Textbox Background
            artistTxtBGMC.x = volDownMC.x + volDownMC.width + 6; // Artist Textbox Background
            artistTxtBGMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Artist Textbox Background
        addChild(songTxtBGMC); // Song Textbox Background
            songTxtBGMC.x = artistTxtBGMC.x + artistTxtBGMC.width + 6; // Song Textbox Background
            songTxtBGMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Song Textbox Background
        addChild(prevBtnMC); // Previous Button
            prevBtnMC.x = songTxtBGMC.x + songTxtBGMC.width + 6; // Previous Button
            prevBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Previous Button
        addChild(rewindBtnMC); // Rewind Button
            rewindBtnMC.x = prevBtnMC.x + prevBtnMC.width + 6; // Rewind Button
            rewindBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Rewind Button
        addChild(stopBtnMC); // Stop Button
            stopBtnMC.x = rewindBtnMC.x + rewindBtnMC.width + 6; // Stop Button
            stopBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Stop Button
        addChild(playBtnMC); // Play Button
            playBtnMC.x = stopBtnMC.x + stopBtnMC.width + 6; // Play Button
            playBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Play Button
        addChild(fforwardBtnMC); // Fastforward Button
            fforwardBtnMC.x = playBtnMC.x + playBtnMC.width + 6; // Fastforward Button
            fforwardBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Fastforward Button
        addChild(nextBtnMC); // Next Button
            nextBtnMC.x = fforwardBtnMC.x + fforwardBtnMC.width + 6; // Next Button
            nextBtnMC.y = volIcoMC.y; // Next Button
    function loadTitleTxt():void {
        var siteLogoTxtContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
        var titleDropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter();
            titleDropShadow.distance = 2;
            titleDropShadow.angle = 90;
            titleDropShadow.color = 0x000000;
            titleDropShadow.blurX = 3;
            titleDropShadow.blurY = 3;
            titleDropShadow.quality = 10;
            titleDropShadow.alpha = .5;
        var titleSmall:TextField = new TextField();
            titleSmall.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            titleSmall.selectable = false;
            titleSmall.defaultTextFormat = siteLogoTxt;
            titleSmall.wordWrap = true;
            titleSmall.width = 130;
            titleSmall.text = "Transplant the Heart";
            titleSmall.filters = [titleDropShadow];
            siteLogoTxtContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - siteLogoTxtContainer.height;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    /* ----                                                                          ----*/
    /* ----        < MOUSE EVENT: LOAD CONTENT BASED ON PAGE NUMBER (XML) >          ----*/
    /* ----                                                                          ----*/
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    // Choose page transition function
    function choosePageTransition(e:MouseEvent):void {
        function drawPgContentBG(shapeX:Number, shapeY:Number, shapeWidth:Number, shapeHeight:Number):void {
            pgContentBG = new Sprite();
          , 0xeeeeee, 1);
          , .75);
          , shapeY, shapeWidth, shapeHeight);
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* ----                                                            ----*/
        /* ----                                                            ----*/
        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        // Set page number variable
        var pageNumber:uint;
        mcContent.y = 30; // Why do I need to reset the y position each time?
        // Set up if for mouse click
        if (e.type == MouseEvent.CLICK) {
            // Switch based on target name
            switch ( {
                case "navBtn0" :
                    pageNumber = 1;
                case "navBtn1" :
                    pageNumber = 2;
                case "navBtn2" :
                    pageNumber = 3;
                case "navBtn3" :
                    pageNumber = 4;
                case "navBtn4" :
                    pageNumber = 5;
                case "navBtn5" :
                    pageNumber = 6;
                case "navBtn6" :
                    pageNumber = 7;
                case "navBtn7" :
                    pageNumber = 8;
                case "navBtn8" :
                    pageNumber = 9;
                case "navBtn9" :
                    pageNumber = 10;
            // Loop through the XML file
            for each (var page:XML in {
                // "page.@pagenumber" points to "pagenumber" in the XML file.
                if (page.@pagenumber == pageNumber) {
                    // Set the title
                    headingTxt.htmlText = page.title;
                    // Set the page content
                    contentTxt.htmlText = page.content;
                    contentRTopTxt.htmlText = page.contenttr;
                    contentRBottomTxt.htmlText = page.contentbr;
                    headingTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                    contentTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                    contentRTopTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                    contentRBottomTxt.styleSheet = styleSheet;
                    // Exit the loop
            } // < /For Loop >
            // Have the mcContent tween out
            pageTween = new Tween(mcContent, "x", Regular.easeInOut, 0, stage.stageWidth + 20, .5, true);
            // Add the tween finished event listener to trigger runHomeTransition
            pageTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, runPageTransition, false, 0, true);
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
            /* ----                                                     ----*/
            /* ----    < TRACE MCCONTENT CHILDREN AND SUB CHILDREN >    ----*/
            /* ----                                                     ----*/
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/
            // Children check, placement seems off... are children added correctly?
            traceDisplayList(mcContent, "=>");
            function traceDisplayList(container:DisplayObjectContainer, indentString:String = ""):void {
                var child:DisplayObject;
                for (var i:uint=0; i < container.numChildren; i++) {
                    child = container.getChildAt(i);
                    trace(indentString, + " " + indentString + " " +;
                    if (container.getChildAt(i) is DisplayObjectContainer) {
                        traceDisplayList(DisplayObjectContainer(child), indentString + "");
            } // < /traceDisplayList();
        } // < /If Statement >
    } // < /Function >
    // Home page function
    Facing errors here or in the click event... likely the click event triggering content switch too soon... consider rewriting switch to if and include transition complete to trigger click event, content switch, and then the page's transition in (runPageTransition function)
    function runPageTransition (e:TweenEvent):void {
        pageTween = new Tween(mcContent, "x", Regular.easeInOut, stage.stageWidth + 20, 0, .5, true);
        pageTween.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, runPageTransition);

    Here is the XML with the path as: scripts/xml/content.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!--<sitetitle><![CDATA[<strong>Transplant the Heart</strong>]]></sitetitle>-->
            <page pagenumber="1">
                <title><![CDATA[<h1>Page #1</h1>]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[<p>Aliquam nec dui neque. Aenean rutrum suscipit turpis vel fringilla. Nam tortor lacus, sagittis sed pulvinar vitae, facilisis laoreet leo. Suspendisse interdum elit nulla, et tempor eros. Vestibulum rhoncus orci et ante lobortis nec pellentesque purus blandit.</p>]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Cras non risus nisi. Nam tincidunt lacinia massa, vel interdum massa ultricies ultricies.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam eget mauris ante, sit amet placerat tortor. In consectetur consectetur orci.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="2">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #2]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Cras quis nisl id neque eleifend vehicula quis eget dolor. Proin ante lectus, tincidunt vitae sodales vel.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[In eget magna diam, non interdum est. Donec aliquam, enim eu gravida vehicula, nulla massa vehicula nibh.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Etiam posuere porttitor dignissim. Vestibulum nisi est, pharetra ac feugiat mattis, suscipit eu orci.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="3">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #3]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Maecenas ac est quis nulla mollis suscipit vulputate quis felis.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Sed augue felis, dictum ut suscipit in, pellentesque quis leo. Integer dui sem, accumsan sed iaculis nec.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="4">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #4]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="5">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #5]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Duis interdum justo nec felis semper vel pretium ligula volutpat. In consequat interdum mauris vitae pulvinar.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Aliquam ipsum eros, adipiscing ac volutpat eu, dictum id mauris. Vivamus rutrum ultricies metus.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Pellentesque porttitor vulputate dui tincidunt scelerisque. Aenean quis orci non massa vulputate hendrerit non eu urna.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="6">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #6]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Pellentesque porttitor, ante nec ullamcorper vehicula, ante nulla elementum nulla.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Nunc eu ipsum ac massa semper ultrices in non leo. Maecenas malesuada enim sed dui sodales molestie.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Maecenas at tortor a velit lobortis auctor. Quisque venenatis pellentesque quam non placerat.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="7">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #7]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Aliquam nec dui neque. Aenean rutrum suscipit turpis vel fringilla. Nam tortor lacus, sagittis sed pulvinar vitae.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Praesent sagittis dictum velit, at posuere nisl ultrices a. Maecenas gravida semper porttitor.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="8">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #8]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Ut interdum, urna ac accumsan sollicitudin, diam ante interdum est, at luctus magna nibh quis purus. ]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Sed sed enim mauris, et consectetur dolor. ]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Nullam at quam et justo iaculis sagittis]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="9">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #9]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Ut interdum, urna ac accumsan sollicitudin, diam ante interdum est, at luctus magna nibh quis purus.]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Donec bibendum sapien iaculis neque volutpat varius. ]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Vivamus neque turpis, sollicitudin ac consequat vel, faucibus non felis. Nam mattis convallis eros eu tincidunt.]]></contentbr>
            <page pagenumber="10">
                <title><![CDATA[Page #10]]></title>
                <content><![CDATA[Cras non risus nisi. Nam tincidunt lacinia massa, vel interdum massa ultricies ultricies. Nulla aliquet vehicula purus facilisis posuere. ]]></content>
                <contenttr><![CDATA[Integer elementum, dolor fermentum aliquam gravida, eros augue posuere erat, quis gravida neque dui sed enim. Fusce tempus vulputate lobortis.]]></contenttr>
                <contentbr><![CDATA[Nunc vulputate elementum lectus, ac vehicula libero faucibus non. Mauris suscipit nibh sit amet enim eleifend sit amet scelerisque sem rutrum. ]]></contentbr>

    You don't have swfURL in each node.

    You can directly access the swfURL nodes: which will give you a f URL XMLList.

    So that you can read: [0]

    or through loop. [i]

    The same thing with images: [0], etc.

  • I want my standard account work and delete the Admin account.

    When I got to the computer a portable windows 7 I did the daughter of a user name maxewell my keyboard got wet and I had it repaired my password was Danielle livick when I got my laptop back I added Danielle 28 and it of a standard user and deleted maxewell daughter well, in the search bar it shows up , but not in the control panel to remove it, so I don't know why it's there and how to remove and also I made an account administer Danielle 29 and every time I do something on my computer a thing with Danielle 29 and he asks me a password then when I did the admin account , I didn't put a password I tried to remove it and it won't let me all I want my standard account 28 Danielle and delete the admin account, but I can't help me please

    Original title: Hi I have a windows 7

    You must be at least one account Admin on the PC.  It's just the way that Windows 7 works.

    The account that you used to make the new Admin account must also be an administrator full - account only administrators can make new accounts.

    Of running Windows 7, it is recommended to use a user account Standard for all daily activities.  In addition to that, make two password protected administrator accounts & write passwords.  Make a password reset disk for each account on the PC.

    On the removal of Maxewell girl - the account is deleted [this is possible by an Admin]

    1. go to the daughter of C:\Users\Maxewell's and copy all the files of this user that you want to continue

    2 using Control Panel, user accounts, manage another account.

    3 you can then remove the entire Panel Contorl system, advanced system, Advanced tab settings user profile, select user account profiles - settings button - then click on the button Delete

    4. go on girl C:\Users\Maxewell's and verify that the files are deleted

  • I've just updated Adobe Professional, but I'm not able to add, to delete the pages more. Before the update, it wasn't a problem. I missed something?

    I've just updated Adobe Professional, but I'm not able to add, to delete the pages more. Before the update, it wasn't a problem. I missed something?

    Are you sure that you're not open your files with the free player instead of using Acrobat? And please do not post the same question multiple times. Also, try to be more specific. "I am not able" can mean many different things.

  • one of the icons at the top of my software is missing.   I have those for: open the safe, files, print, share files, customize, reminder, BUT THE ONE for SOULIGNANT A WORD or EXPRESSION IS MISSING, then delete the page, etc.  I have Acrobat Pro 10.  How c

    one of the icons at the top of my software is missing.   I have those for: open the safe, files, print, share files, customize, reminder, BUT THE ONE for SOULIGNANT A WORD or EXPRESSION IS MISSING, then delete the page, etc.  I have Acrobat Pro 10.  How to get back the icon and the missing function?  I would just reinstall, but I get the message that I don't have a legal copy of the program.  However, I bought and paid for it.  Thank you very much for your help!  Carolyn

    Add them to your quick tools. Go help > Quick of the tool.

    I've added these tools to my quick tools, as follows:

    Also see this article: Adobe Acrobat X Pro * databases the workspace

  • Help with DW, MySQL and PHP


    I created a simple connection using dw8 system. When a user logs into the system, he can see all support incidents created by him. This is done with a simple mysql query and a dynamic array is filled with the incident IDs.

    However, I would like to make each incident ID that is returned clickable. Thus, when the user clicks on one of the incident ID that is returned, it must redirect the user to a page that displays information about the incident.

    Is someone can you please tell me how I can get this done.

    Thanks in advance

    First thing you need to do is to read on the sessions.

    Sessions are important, because if this information is sensitive (by calling "incidentID", I feel that) then you must ensure that the user is connected throughout the process.  So when the user connects you need to store data that you need to access quickly, as the user name and the user group ID.  Then once you write values from the session (DW should allow you to do), you can call the variables of the superglobal $_SESSION.  This way you have given so that the user is who they say they are and puts the connection.

    Without seeing your creation of table (for the database) I can you say the logic of what happens, but if you need a more details on your example, you need to display more information.  What you need to do, that's when you print the results just print with a link around it, so:

    echo "$_POST [incidentID]";

    It's just the simplest solution.  I would recommend considering your loop print format in a table or other structured and feel this way in a loop.  Then on the details page, you must call the user session so that everyone on Google cannot go on ' detailpage.php? incidentID = # ' and enter the pages without logging in.

  • Cannot delete the Pages?

    I have a file in indesign cs4 is 5 pages long. It contained there on only 2 of these pages; I wish I have created these pages in the past and then discarded the content on them. I can't get rid of the extra pages.

    When I try to delete them, I get this dialog box: "the affected page contains objects. Delete the page anyway? "By clicking Yes, the page disappears to reappear a few seconds later. Sometimes, the program crashes.

    I haved trashed my preferences, rebooted and do not know what is causing this problem.

    (I use a Mac 10.5.8)

    Any help? Thank you.

    Looks like you have the active smart text reformatting, and there is a thread that rebuilds. Make sure that there is no text that is in excess or otherwise wants to flow to another page.

  • Add, change and delete the file "iTunes" on a NAS

    I have just said "Apple Support Community" by Apple Support.

    The title probably sums up what I'm trying to do. I'm looking for a way to add, change, and delete files on a NAS.

    Hardware: MacBook Pro 15, 1 TB of storage, 16 GB memory, OSX El Capitan.

    NAS: Qnap TS - 453 has: storage nominally 16 TB, up to about 5 TB.  4 WD 4TB disks in a RAID 5 configuration.

    a Vaio WIN10 as well as a smaller MacBook (my wife)

    The purpose of the NAS is to provide a backup system for computers and act a server "iTunes."

    I acquired the NAS after the death of my WD MyBook live in December 2015 after five years of reading backup and "iTunes" to my computer and the Sonos system.

    After two months of 'getting to know you' with the NAS, I finally managed to configure the server "iTunes" and Mirabile Indo-European it works!  I'm just doing the SIN to a back-up for computers.

    Now for the question: I am looking for an app (for lack of a better term) that will allow me to add and remove files to and from the NAS "iTunes" folder

    My search for a solution so far has indicated that:

    (1) NAS' iTunes folder is not really true Apple iTunes and

    (2) I need something that is DAAP (Digital Audio Access Protocol) friendly, that would allow me to add, change and delete the files.that would allow me to add, edit and delete files.

    I'm not looking for something that would synchronize the files iTunes NAS to one of my computers, I am all prepared to do myself if necessary.

    If I can't find an application so I use the app 'Brute Force' change my Mac iTunes required records and download again to my NAS.

    Why do you need an app to put the files in a folder on the NAS Server?  Make them just above in the Finder.  Maybe I'm missing just your problematic here.  Do you mean add your PEMA files to iTunes? I've never used this file format, but kind of, I would be very surprised if iTunes supported it.

    the NAS iTunes folder is not really true Apple iTunes

    I don't understand what you're trying to say here.  "Apple iTunes" is an application. Yes, a folder is not an application.

    Be warned, we see not few messages from people that use iTunes with a NAS. Often the problems cannot be explained. sometimes just iTunes and NAS disagree togther.

  • I have stored more than 120 bookmarks and deleted the names to save space in the quick bookmark bar. Therefore, since the Bard got full, if a bookmark or folder had desciptive text next to it, the text would collapse until just the icon shows. I have

    I have stored more than 120 bookmarks and deleted the names to save space in the quick bookmark bar. Therefore, since the Bard got full, if a bookmark or folder had desciptive text next to it, the text would collapse until just the icon shows. If I hover over the icon, the test appears again. These days, I found easier to rank my favorites in folders, HOWEVER, I do not know which folder is because the text next to the icons folder remains reduced until I have pass the mouse on them. I want to customize it so that the text is fixed next to the icon or folder. How can I do this? Please help and thank you!

    Incredible bookmarks try:

Maybe you are looking for

  • any way to disable the bank number when you reset program change?

    Hello I do not use bank number and wish to turn it off. whenever I'm doing a "reset change program number" he takes by default with the number of Bank B1 is he way leave the bank number unchecked so that he won't be back on? Thank you

  • Equium A200-1v0 overheating

    Hello I Equium A200-1v0 and well it keeps overheating and just close his auto.No idea why it is not used or on any weird surface. More I have problems where I can have only one internet window explore open at the same time, the other goes down and so

  • Dialog boxes for loading LVCompare

    I wrote a tool do automatic compares files I have locally and their counterparts from repository to a SVN repository. Due to frequent RT deplays and reuse of code on different targets, this lead to a LOT of screws can be marked as being changed even

  • stop the wordpad as a source for open word attachments

    How can I stop the Wordpad as a source to open the word atttachments

  • Question about port forwarding WRTU54G-TM

    I suddenly have problems with port forwarding on my WRTU54G router. I try to open port 3389 for remote access. I to the departure port 3389, 3389 to port to end, and when I press on save I get an error message that says "start port can not be smaller