highlighting a graph link


I want to highlight a section of a data plotted on a graph (i.e. a rectangle area in the Middle graph th).

is it difficult to achieve methods?

Thanks for any help


You can draw a rectangle and set its z-plane order behind the locations of data, using for example

rectangle_handle = PlotRectangle (...);

GetCtrlAttribute (panel_handle, PANEL_GRAPH, ATTR_NUM_PLOTS, & plot_handles);

SetPlotAttribute (panel_handle, PANEL_GRAPH, rectangle_handle, ATTR_PLOT_ZPLANE_POSITION, plot_handles - 1);

Tags: NI Software

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    If I understand correctly, in photoshop, choose the highlight layer (= 1, etc.) and move it.

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    Hi weirpenguin,

    Please see the new example. I changed it to LabVIEW 2009 and U8.

    If the graphic is U8, it means that data cannot be outside the range of 0-255 anyway, right?  U8 is only 0-255. Then why grow you to be larger than 0-255 range?

    Kind regards

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    You must add a few lines of CSS in the page code.

    This may be easy for a person at ease with the code, but fortunately in Muse , it is not too difficult to simply add the line like a piece of code in the HEAD of the page. You will find the metadata tab on the Page Properties at normal or (preferably) the master page.

    This is the exact code:

    You can try this page on your mobile device to check it out for a while:


    More information can be found here:

    ARI https://CSS-Tricks.com/snippets/CSS/Remove-Gray-Highlight-when-Tapping-Links-in-mobile-SAF.

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    $('#CategoryDetailsDD').trigger ('apexrefresh');


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    Where should I look? We never seen anything like this? Any ideas would be very appreciated.



    Workaround: Add a link annotation that is not asked to avoid the bug.

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    From now on, that's what I do:

    var g = myDoc.allGraphics;
    for (var i=0; i<g.length; i++) {
         if (g[i].itemLink.name == USER_LINK) {
              g[i].parent.move(undefined, [USER_X, USER_Y]);

    It works well, however, I ran into a few problems where the link is null

    Also, is it always the graph linked, or its parent may be related as well?

    If not, then I can just condition that if itemLink == null - continue

    Advice and guidance would be much appreciated

    Thank you


    It works well, however, I ran into a few problems where the link is null

    if (g[i].itemLink && g[i].itemLink.name == "USER_LINK")     //     should be enough

    Also, is it always the graph linked, or its parent may be related as well?

    Graphics can be linked to the ==> itemLink ! = null and itemLink.status may vary

    or stuck ==> itemLink == null.

    As much as I know the graphic.parent may not be related.

    However not all are related graphic.parent can be moved. I e. those who are anchored with

    AnchorPosition.INLINE_POSITION and AnchorPosition.ABOVE_LINE

    Above the case can be a source of error as well.

    Also consider locked object or the layers locked together.


  • Links NOT alert missing images and not in the links Panel

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    InDesign CC 9.2.1 running on the Mavericks 10.9.2 NOT indicate images missing links in the links Panel. In fact it is not showing the image on the page is still in the document - it does not appear in the links Panel, although I can see the image on the page.

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    Basically, the image is visible on the page, but InDesign doesn't know...  What gives?  I'll have to go through a long document now by clicking on each image to verify it is showing in the links Panel, and then re-release of links each image that seems to be completely lost as much as InDesign is concerned not even knowing it's there.

    I have "reset all warning dialogs. Made no difference.

    I worry about what other files will do it for me now and how much time will be lost carefully checking validity of each image.

    John Mensinger wrote:

    Oh, and... drag & drop = place, so if indeed your apparent no paired images were pulled, there may be something wrong with that.

    Drag and drop from the Finder, Windows Explorer or bridge are all equivalent to the file > Place..., but drag it from Photoshop or another application, it would be the same as Edit > paste.

  • PDF link open in a new window

    My 'main' PDF, how can I view a pdf attached (or incorporated) link in a new window? Currently, the link opens in the same window as the main pdf file. I chose 'go to page mode' and look at a new window is not an option.

    I'm not sure I understand. Looks like you want to create a link to the document to the other PDF documents that are included as attachments to the main PDF file. Is this fair? If so, where you have "Highlight the attachment link" above, I would say that this should be "open one of the attached PDF files and navigate to the desired page. After you press the "Set" button, the link is created. If now go you back to the main PDF document and change the link (properties > Actions > access a page in another document > Edit) there should be a menu drop-down "open in" as stated above. If you do something else, post again.

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    Thank you

    (I'm using CS3 on Mac)

    What is

    1) to highlight all the links in the links Panel

    (2) choose command "copy links to" from the Panel menu and give a target folder (or create a new on-the-fly)

    3) switch to this folder

    4) highlight all files (InDesign has copied all your images in this folder)

    (5) control + C or use the command copy

    (6) (6) aller go to textEdit app, set mode text only (control + shift + T)

    (7) press Command + V or use the Paste command

    This way, you have a list of all your links. After that you can trash this folder and copy / paste your email list...

    You can also perform steps 6 & 7 directly to your e-mail client if it s able to receive only text data from the Clipboard.

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