How can I call a function with parameter out of sql

Hello world
I'm calling a Sql statement function and I get this error ORA-06572: XX function has arguments.

can you offer any solution on this workaround.

Thank you


Sorry, you cannot call functions with OUT arguments (or arguments, but I'll just say in the future) SQL statements.
This is one of the reasons why many people avoid having arguments in functions.
THE arguments are never optional. If the function expected of them, you must pass to them.

Depending on your needs, you can write a Wrapper function that has no arguments.
For example, if you want to call this function:

fun1 ( in_out_str      IN OUT  VARCHAR2
     , in_num          IN      NUMBER

you don't need really the value changed to in_out_str, then you can write a function like this:

fun1_wrapper ( in_str          IN      VARCHAR2
               , in_num          IN      NUMBER
    in_str2     VARCHAR2 (32767)  := in_str;
    RETURN  fun1 ( in_str2
                   , in_num
END  fun1_wrapper;

You can use fun1_wrapper in a SQL statement, even if you cannot use fun1 in the same statement.

Published by: Frank Kulash on February 27, 2013 09:42

Tags: Database

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    import flash.display.Stage;



    import flash.ui.Keyboard;

    import flash.display.MovieClip;


    SerializableAttribute public class extends MovieClip Hero


    public var stageRef:Stage;

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    public var downPressed:Boolean = false;

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    {if (leftPressed)}

    x = speed;

    } else {if (rightPressed)

    Speed x +=;


    {if (upPressed)}

    y = speed;

    } else {if (downPressed)

    y += speed;



    public void keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent)


    If (event.keyCode is Keyboard.LEFT)


    leftPressed = true;

    } else {}

    leftPressed = false;


    If (event.keyCode is Keyboard.RIGHT)


    upPressed = true;

    } else {}

    upPressed = false;


    If (event.keyCode is Keyboard.UP)


    rightPressed = true;

    } else {}

    rightPressed = false;


    If (event.keyCode is Keyboard.DOWN)


    downPressed = true;

    } else {}

    downPressed = false;





    The function definition using what follows, and it should work with and without passing the argument

    public void loop(E:Event=null):void

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       vParmIn2      varchar2(100) := 'HHH';
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    Thank you.

    You are not using bind variables with your dynamic code. That is a major mistake and the #1 reason for poor database performance.
    It is a fundamental flaw in programming to design a function that includes output parameters. This is simply and plainly wrong.
    Output parameters are also not supported by the SQL language - it does not support "procedure" like code units and call methods. 
    I know that the function should not have out parameters. But its programmed that way already...

    You try something like

       vRunFunctie   varchar2(100) := 'startfunction';
       vParmIn1      varchar2(100) := 'AAA';
       vParmIn2      varchar2(100) := 'HHH';
       vParmOut1     number;
       vParmOut2     varchar2(100);
       execute immediate 'begin :x := ' || vRunFunctie || '( :p1,  :p2, :vParmOut2 ); end;' using out vParmOut1, vParmIn1, vParmIn2, out vParmOut2;
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    create or replace
    package pkg as
      type rec is record (
        dte date
      type rec_set is table of rec;
      function dts(p_eff_date date) return rec_set pipelined;
      function dt(p_eff_date date) return date;
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    21-SEP-2012 11:26:31   
    SQL> select * from table(pkg.dts(sysdate))
    21-SEP-2012 11:26:31   
    22-SEP-2012 11:26:31   
    23-SEP-2012 11:26:31   
    24-SEP-2012 11:26:31   
    However, in DB_B the I get the following:
    SQL> select rpkg.dt(sysdate) from dual
    21-SEP-2012 11:29:05   
    SQL> select * from table(rpkg.dts(sysdate))
    Error starting at line 2 in command:
    select * from table(rpkg.dts(sysdate))
    Error at Command Line:2 Column:20
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-06553: PLS-752: Table function DTS is in an inconsistent state.
    06553. 00000 -  "PLS-%s: %s"
    selection rpkg.dt shows I can get to the remote package and run functions in it, but the second line is where my problem.

    Why the function table in an inconsistent state and how can I fix this problem so that it will work in all of the linlk database?

    Published by: Sentinel on September 21, 2012 11:35

    Go! You have posted more than 1,000 times and know that you must provide your Oracle version 4-digit.
    Why the function table in an inconsistent state and how can I fix this problem so that it will work in all of the linlk database?
    You can't - it is not supported.

    See the note under the PIPELINED clause in the declaration section of the definition of the doc of PL/SQL and function

    You cannot run a function table in pipeline over a database link. The reason is that the return type of a function table in pipeline is a SQL type defined by the user, which can be used in a single database (as explained in the Guide of the Oracle object-relational database developer). Although the return type of a function table in pipeline may appear as a PL/SQL type, the database actually converts this PL/SQL type to a type defined by the corresponding SQL user.
    Your code using PL/SQL types for these types are implicitly converted to the SQL type needed to access the service using SQL. But the SQL types have an OID (object ID) which is not recognized on the other server so that the other server is unable to create the appropriate type.

    If you click on the link provided to the other doc in this note, you will see that even though you can create a type and specify an OID you still won't be able to use it as you wish.
    Restriction on the use of Types defined by the user with a remote database

    Objects or user-defined types (specifically, types declared with a SQL CREATE TYPE statement, as opposed to types declared in a PL/SQL package) are currently only useful in a single database. Oracle database limits the use of a link of database as follows:

    Unable to connect to a remote database for select, insert, or update a type defined by the user or a REF object on a remote table.

    You can use the CREATE TYPE statement with the Optional keyword OID to create an object identifier specified by the user (OID) that allows an object type for use in multiple databases. See the discussion on the attribution of an OID for a type of object in Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide.

    You cannot use the links from the database of the PL/SQL code to declare a local variable of a type defined by the remote user.

    You cannot pass an argument value or return of type user defined in a PL/SQL remote procedure call.

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    writeBtn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, writeFile1);

    private void writeFile1 (e:MouseEvent = null): void
    checkBtn = (writeBtn1.label == 'Confirmation' & & textInput1.text! = "");  my State...
    If (checkBtn)
    NC. Call ("WriteNow", null, textInput1.text + "\n");
    writeBtn1.label = "done";

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    Can someone help me?




    writeBtn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, writeFile1);

    writeBtn2.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, writeFile1);

    writeBtn3.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, writeFile1);

    private void writeFile1 (e:MouseEvent = null): void

    No matter what

    } else {if(e.currentTarget==writeBtn2)

    do whateverelese

    } else {}

    It's writeBtn3



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    FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE f_is_eligible2 (in_dm_row IN amplify_dm % ROWTYPE)

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    SELECT f_is_eligible2 (dm.*)
    Of amplify_dm dm


    SELECT f_is_eligible2 (dm % rowtype)
    Of amplify_dm dm

    None of those who have worked so I think it is not possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

    Thanks in advance!

    You are correct, it is not possible.


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    .. and the only thing different is this three-digit string in the end ("006" may vary). How can I write a function that I can call from Meadow step Expression then it should look like this? ...

    Locals.tagID = MyNewFunction("006")

    You can not write custom expressions for commands.

    That being said, there are two options:

    • Create a sous-suite with a single step. Use a setting of the sequence as "function parameter.

    • Create a step type custom including a lower level module that implements the function. Add a step edit to allow the user to the steptype graciously change the setting.

    • Store the variable setting in a local global variable / file and change the value in each step. This will, at least, keep the same 'function' for each step.


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    FUNCTION find_id(
          p_id            IN   VARCHAR2,
          p_special_columns     IN   varr_varchar,
          p_special_values      IN   e_varr_varchar,
          RETURN VARCHAR2;
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    Select find_id (p_id, VARR_VARCHAR('1','2','3'), e_varr_varchar('1','2','3')) of double;


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    I have two components: form and Confirmation.  Form is a Web and Confirmation is a TitleWindow.

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    How can I address the function of the component in the form of Confirmation component so I can start the function?

    Thank you!

    Here is the source

    CustomForm.mxml"width ="400"height ="300">

    public function callBack(): void {}

    lblStatus.text = "success";



    label = "Submit" / >

    CustomTitle.mxml '.

    layout = "absolute" width = "200" height = "80".

    showCloseButton = "true" closed = "closeMe (event)" "

    backgroundAlpha = "1".

    Color = "#173553" backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE."

    headerColors = «#FFFFFF, #CBCCCC»

    borderColor = "#666666" borderStyle = "solid" >

    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

    public var callBack: Function = new Function();

    private void closeMe(event: Event): void {}

    PopUpManager.removePopUp (this);




    "" xmlns = "*".
    layout = "absolute".
    Width = "100%" height = "100%".
    creationComplete = "init ()" > "
    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    private void init (): void {}
    customForm.submit.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick);
    private void onMouseClick(event: MouseEvent): void {}
    customForm.lblStatus.text = "";
    var customTitle: CustomTitle = new CustomTitle();
    customTitle.callBack = customForm.callBack;
    PopUpManager.addPopUp (customTitle, this);
    PopUpManager.centerPopUp (customTitle);
    Width = "100%" height = "100%".
    verticalAlign = "middle" horizontalAlign = "center" >
  • Call the function with the arguments in AS3

    I am a new in Flex development and cannot understand same code convention, im Java programmer.
    How I can write correct function in ActionScript, my call call: var goodsWnd:CreateGoodsWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp (this, CreateGoodsWindow, true) as CreateGoodsWindow;
    I want call above function with argument, how do?
    Where my class: public class CreateGoodsWindow extends extends TitleWindow
    public CreateGoodsWindow(data:Object)

    Using PopUpManager.addPopUp () instead of of createPopUp(). addPopUp takes an object that has already been instantiated:

    var createGoodsWindow:CreateGoodsWindow = new CreateGoodsWindow (data);
    PopUpManager.addPopUp (createGoodsWindow);

  • How can I call a stage, which is in a sous-suite, of a different sous-suite

    Hi, could someone me, please?

    How can I call a stage, which is in a sous-suite, of a different sous-suite.

    For example:

    Two sub sequence, is called, it is called B. In the order B, there is a step called BStep.

    In a sequence, there is a stage called AStep.

    Now, I Hope AStep can I call BStep, how can I do?

    Thank you in advance!


    What you're asking to do is not a practice of good software.  That's like saying you want to call a single line of code into a DLL.

    The best way to do what you want is to put the steps in a 3rd sous-suite.  Then set the subsequence with the parameters of the step.  Then call this subsequence of a sequence and the sequence B 3rd.

    This way, whenever you update the stage, they both get changes.

    Hope this helps,

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    I am trying to sync my ipod with my windows media player and when I connect my ipod windows media play is not read. How can I sync my ipod with windows media player?


    Your MP3 player should have 2 settings - MSC that should allow the player to be used as a
    external drive and PSG that is the parameter to use to sync with WMP11. Remove the MP3
    and restart the computer. Change the MP3 in MTP mode - it power off and plug it in.

    I hope this helps.
    Rob - bicycle - Mark Twain said it is good.

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    How can I share my files with my friends?

    I'm tempted to say "the same way you share small files" but I suspect that you are having some kind of problem you describe sharing of large files.  What file size do you start hving problems?  How do you share your files (email, messenger, via a network, whatever) and what is the EXACT name and version of the program that you are using?  This error message you get when you try to share a file too big (the EXACT, including all codes message)?

    One solution is to compress the files so that they are smaller in size.  This sometimes helps a lot and sometimes, does virtually nothing (especially according to the type of file) - but it's worth a try.

    Here are two articles on the implementation of compression in Vista right click: These articles should tell you how to activate and deactivate the compaction and reset the compression options in Vista.

    If you can not get Vista compression/decompression works correctly despite these instructions, you can simply try to download and install 7-Zip which provides essentially the same functionality in a free and easy to use program.  Many people use this program (or other similar) instead of Vista program for various reasons.

    Amother option with certain types of files is to convert other types of files which take less space (such as the conversion of a TIFF file in a JPG file).  It isn't exactly the same thing, but most of people it would be hard to notice the difference (and sometimes the difference is not visible to the naked eye or on a monitor).  To help here, we would need to know the types of files of these large files.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck!

    Lorien - MCSA/MCSE/network + / has + - if this post solves your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' button at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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    How can I activate noff functionality of mouse that causes your entire page to disappear when you click on it the wrong way .i have an acer v5 inspire.please help. Ive had a lot of computers, but this feature never appeared until the windows 8

    Please help its driving me crazy

    James m


    Thanks for posting your query on the Microsoft Community.

    According to the description, I understand that you are facing problems with your mouse.

    I suggest you to refer to suggestions of Mohammad_Imran replied on 5 April 2013 and check if that helps.

    You can also check:

    Hope this information helps. Please let us know if you need any other help with Windows in the future. We will be happy to help you.

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