How can I change the background image for a single tab on the navigation bar

I create a film site for LEVEL and for the navigation bar, I intend to have a different character for each tab. However, I can't put one image of each separate tab. Instead, a single image appears on each of the tabs. Here is an example of the CSS source.

< td width = "200" > < ul id = "navigation" > < br / >

"< li > < a href ="... / pages/index.html "> home < /a > < /li > < br / >"

"< li > < a href ="... / pages/cast.html "> Cast < /a > < /li > < br / >"

"< li > < a href ="... / pages/pictures.html "> photos < /a > < /li > < br / >"

"< li > < a href ="... / pages/soundtrack.html "> music < /a > < /li > < br / >"

"< li > < a href ="... / pages/interview.html "> Interviews < /a > < /li > < br / >"

"< li > < a href ="... / pages/links.html "> links < /a > < /li > < br / >"

< /ul >

< table >

#navigation {}

list-style-type: none;

padding: 0px;

margin: 0px;


#navigation li {}

margin: 0px;

padding: 0px;

list-style-type: no


#navigation li a: link, #navigation li a: visited {}

display: block;

Width: 200px;

height: 100px;

text-decoration: none;

text-align: center;

line-height: 100px;

do-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

make-weight: bold;

-webkit-transition: 1000ms relieve;

-moz-transition: 1000ms relieve;

-ms-transition: 1000ms relieve;

-o - transition: 1000ms relieve;

transition: 1000ms relieve;

color: #648AAE;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-image: url (.. / Images/gifs/Batman-still-2.gif);

background-position: center bottom;

text-transform: uppercase;

letter-spacing: 0.79em;

border-radius: 5px;


#navigation li a: focus, #navigation li a: hover, #navigation li a: active {}

Color: #000000;

background-image: url (.. / Images/gifs/Batman-animation-2.gif);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: center bottom;

background-color: #454545;

border-radius: 25px;


So, how can I put one image on each of the tabs (home, cast, photos, etc.). Thanks in advance for your help.

Assign a class to the element, and use CSS to apply an image as in

  • class = 'home'; > Home

  • Cast

  • Photos

  • Music

  • Interviews

  • Links

  • and the CSS

    #navigation li a: link. Home, #navigation li a: visited. Home {}

    background-image: url (.. / Images/gifs/Batman-still-2.gif);


    Tags: Dreamweaver

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      It's a known bug with the default "bootstrap" navigation bar in the current version of Dreamweaver CC 2015.

      Select the nav item and click on the button "+" on the screen of the element in Live View mode to add the class default .navbar.

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      I made a bar navigation scrolles fixed to a div when clicking on links (home, hoe het works?, France @ VINDDIT)

      Now the view work, but it will on the content rather than above it.

      I used someone else's javascript, so I have no idea how to solve this problem.

      you can also check it out on:

      (Please note I also have an odd empty space above my navigation bar (you notice when scrolling down)? no idea where that came from!)

      Pictured from fist below how this works now:

      Schermafbeelding 2014-03-01 om 15.12.59.png

      And this it is how should work:

      Schermafbeelding 2014-03-01 om 15.13.13.png

      pls find below my javascript code:


      * SmoothScroll

      * This script to help created by  Copyright 2012

      * Double-under license GPL and MIT.

      * All the individual scripts remain property of their copyrighters.

      * Date: 10-Sep-2012

      * Version: 1.0.1


      If (! window ['jQuery']) alert (' the jQuery library must appear before the smoothscroll.js file.)  The plugin will not work property. ") ;


      * jQuery.ScrollTo - only simple scrolling using jQuery.

      * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Ariel Flesler - aflesler (at) gmail (dot) com:

      * Double licensed MIT and GPL.

      * @author Ariel Flesler

      * @version


      ; (function ($) {var h = $.scrollTo = function (a, b, c) {$(window) .scrollTo (a, b, c)}, h.defaults = {axis: 'xy', duration: pa rseFloat($.fn.jquery) > = 1.3? 0:1, limit:true}; h.window = function (a) {return $(window) ._scrollable ()};$.fn._scrollable=function() {return (function () {var a = this, isWin =! a.nodeName | $.inArray (a.nodeName.toLowerCase (), ['iframe', '#document', 'html', 'body'])! = - 1; if(!isWin) return a; var b = (a.contentWindow | .document has) | a.ownerDocument | a;})}}) (Return/WebKit/i.test (navigator.userAg ent) | b.compatMode == 'BackCompat'? b.body:b.documentElement})}; $.fn.scrollTo = function (e, f, g) {if (typeof f == 'object') {g = f; f = 0} if (typeof g == 'function') g = {onAfter:g}; if (e == 'max') e = 9e9; g = $.extend ({}, h.defaults, g); f = f | g.Duration; g.queue = g.queue & & g.axis.length > 1; if (g.queue) f / = 2; g.offset = both (g.offset); g.over = both (g.ov er); this._scrollable () .each (function () return {if(e==null) return; var d = this)} , $elem = $(d), targ = e, toff, attr = {}, win = $ ('html, body'); switch (typeof targ){case'number':case'string':if(/^([+-]=)?\d+(\.\d+)? (PX) | %) ? ($/ .test (targ)) {targ = the two (t arg); break} targ = $(targ,this); if(!targ.length) return; case 'object': if ( |) { to ff = (targ = $(targ)) .offset ()} $.each (g.axis.split (»), function(i,a) {var b = a == 'x'?'}) (Left) ': 'Top', pos is b.toLowerCase, key = "scroll" + b, old = d [key], max = h.max (d, a); If (tof f) {attr [key] = toff [pos] + (win? 0:old-$elem.offset () [pos]); if (g.margin) {attr [key]-= parseInt (your rg.css ('margin' + b)) | 0; parseInt (targ.css ('border' + b + 'Width')) = attr [key] | 0} attr [Key] += g.o ffset [pos] | 0; if (g.over [pos]) attr [key] += targ [a == 'x'?' width ': 'height'] () * g.over [pos]} else {v ar c = targ [pos]; attr [key] = c.slice & & c.slice(-1) == '%'? parseFloat (c) / 100 * max} {: c} if (g.limit & & / ^ \d+ $/ .test (attr [key])) attr [key] = attr [key] < = 0? 0:Math.min (attr [key], max); ({if (! I & & g.queue) {if (old! = attr [key]) animate (g.onAfterFirst); delete attr [key]}}); animate (g.onAfter); {({function animate (a) {$elem.animate (attr f, g.easing, & & function() { (this, e, g)})}}) .end ()}; = function(a,b) h.max {var c = b == 'x'?'} (Width) ':'Height',Scroll='scroll'+c;if(!$(a).is('html,body')) has [scroll]-$(a) [() return c.toLowerCase]; {var d = 'client' + c, html is a.ownerDocument.documentElement, body = a.ownerDocument.body; return Math.max (html [scroll], [scroll] body) - Math.min ([d] html, body [d])}; ({int both (a) {return typeof == 'object'? a: {top: a, left:a}}}) (jQuery);


      * jQuery.LocalScroll

      * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Ariel Flesler - aflesler (at) gmail (dot) com:

      * Double licensed MIT and GPL.

      * Date: 05/31/2010

      * @author Ariel Flesler

      * @version 1.2.8b


      ; (function (b) {function g (a, e, d) {var h = e.hash.slice (1), f = document.getElementById (h) | document.getElementsByName (h) [0]; if (f) {a & & a.preventDefault (); var c = b (; if (!)}}}) (d.Lock) & &":animated") | d.onBefore & &! 1 = d.onBefore (a, f, c))) {d.stop & & c._scrollable ().stop(!0); if (d.hash) {var a = == h?}} ' ' ID ': 'name', g = b("<a>_</a>").attr (a, h) .css ({position: 'absolute', top: b (window) .scrollTop (), left: b (window) .scroll Left()}); p [a] = " » ; location = e.hash; g.Remove (); p [a], b("body").prepend (g) = h} igger c.scrollTo(f,d).tr ("notify.serialScroll",

      {([f])}}} var i=location.href.replace(/#.*/,""),c=b.localScroll=function(a){b("body").localScroll(a)}; defaults = {duration: 1E3, axis: "y", event: "click", stop:! 0, target: window, reset:! 0}; c.hash = func c tion (a) {if (location.hash) {a = b.extend ({}, c.defaults, a); a.hash =! 1; if (a.reset) {var e = a.duration; delete a.duration;b(,a);a.duration=e}g(0,location,a)}};}}} b.fn.localScroll = func tion (a) {function e() {return! This.href & &! {This.hash & & this.href.replace (this.hash,"" ") == I & &(!a.filter||_b_(thi_s).is (a.filter))}

      a = b.extend ({}, c.defaults, a); ({{return a.lazy? this.bind (a.event, function (d) {var c; c = b([,]).filter (e) [0] & & g(d,c,a)}): this filter .find ("one, ' area') (e) .bind (a.event, function (b) {g(b,this,a)}) () () .end .end}}) (jQuery);

      Initialize all .smoothScroll links

      jQuery (function ($) {$.localScroll({filter:'.smoothScroll'});});)})

      var menu = $('#banner'),

      POS = menu.offset ();

      and my html code:

      < div id = "banner" class = "menudefault" >

      < h2 >

      < a href = "index.html" > < img src = "images/Schermafbeelding 2014 - 02 - 25 om 10.09.52.png" width = "220" height = "76" alt = "logo" / > < /a >

      < a href = "#container" class = "smoothScroll" > HOME < /a > |

      < a href = "#leftcollum" class = "smoothScroll" > HOE HET WORKS? < /a > |  < a href = "#leftcollum2" class = "smoothScroll" > d @ VINDDIT < /a > |

      < a href = "#mainbox2" class = "smoothScroll" > PRICES < /a > |   < a href = "over_ons.html" > ON < /a > ONS |     < a href = "contact.html" > CONTACT < /a > |

      < / h2 >

      < / div >

      lisavs12686 wrote:

      I copied this .js file full of a person on the internet.

      Is it not true?

      the addition of ofset as mentioned above does not work

      No, it isn't, I tested it myself. Try the smooth roll on the next page. You can add the offset to it:

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      Thank you.

      You must do this for each menu page.

      If the rest of the etc button style will be the same, just add the background you want and duplicate this menu before you change the titles, button names, linking.

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      I suggest that you try to do system restore or reinstall Photoedit and check to see if it helps:

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      Note: to perform the system restore, you must be running Windows as an administrator.

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      In general, they will accept the image in the format, that it was taken (if it was taken by the majority of cameras or cell phones).  But if so, you have a few options.

      The most simple and integrated solution is Microsoft Paint.  Yes it is from the 1980s, but it still works and changes of a good job for a time.  Just to right click on the photo file, choose open with and choose paint.  Then go to file > save as and save this return as the file type you want it to be (like PNG or BMP or JPG, quality declining in the JPG option).

      If you need more options like changing the quality he uses during conversion, another free option (of the very very many) is Paint.NET, an open source free image editing program.

      There are also programs that can do it in bulk, so you can highlight 300 photos and do convert them all at once.  You can do this for free or with tools like Photoshop.

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      Hello helpmezune,

      Move your cursor to the bottom right of your screen, as if you were about to shut down your PC. Charms bar appears. Click the settings (gear) icon. In the settings window, click on the option change PC settings at the bottom of the window. You can change the image of the needle space of the screen option customize in the settings window of change of PC.

      This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or the opinion of Microsoft, its employees or other MVPS.

      John Barnett MVP: Windows XP Expert associated with: Windows Expert - consumer: | | |

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      Hello and welcome.

      I feel for you after reading your story, however, it that are supposed to do? It is a forum for Dreamweaver and to my knowledge, Dreamweaver has no functionality called the chronology.

      Could you please explain the problem so that we can understand?

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      A good starting point.

      There are many and varied ways to remove the background from using the background Eraser, creating masks, layer, then the use of the channels.

      It is a big topic, but Google is your friend (the other search engines are available)

      Have fun working through it all.

      See you soon


    • Photos for wallpaper are too big. How can I change the size to fit?

      Photos for wallpaper are too big. How can I change the size to fit?

      Hi demetman,

      Welcome to the Microsoft answers community site.

      Follow the steps below to set the desktop background and select the image to fit the display screen

      1. open the wallpaper by clicking on the Start button , by clicking on Control Panel, appearance and personalization, personalization, and then clicking desktop wallpaper.

      2 click on the image or color you want for your background.

      If the image you want to use is not in the list of background images to display, click the location of the image downwards arrow to view other categories, or click Browse to find the picture on your computer. When you find the image of your choice, double-click it. It will become your desktop wallpaper and appear in the list of desktop backgrounds.

      3. under how the image must be positioned, choose to have the picture fit the screen, tile, or be centered on the screen and then click OK, you can choose here to adapt to the screen.

      Microsoft reference Article:

      I also suggest you check these Microsoft Windows Help & How - Articles:
      1: change the screen resolution
      2: get the best display on your monitor
      3: change your desktop wallpaper (wallpaper)
      4: Customizing the desktop: recommended links

      Let me know if it works. Good luck!

      Hope this information is useful.

      Thank you and best regards,
      KKS Vijay

      [If this post can help solve your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' at the top of this message.] [Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.]

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