How can I get a value on a XY Chart

Hey there,

I'm pretty new to LabView and I hope you can help out me.

I had 2 bays both of them got 3 values and I managed to put them in a XY Chart.

Here's my problem, I want a value y for the correspondent x.

Is it possible to get to these chart data?

Thanks in advance for your efforts.

Unless your DAQ data are quantified three possible X values, you need to interpolate. You already have a linear adjustment, so all you have to do is feed the new value "assessment" linear x and get the value of y corresponding. Of course, you could also just use e.g. a quadratic polynomial. (For higher orders, you need more points).

Tags: NI Software

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    -1. Error ----------- xml ------------------------------
    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    * < TaxInvoice xmlns = "" urn: kr: or: kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0 "xmlns: xsi =""xsi: schemaLocation =" urn: kr: or: kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0 "> *"
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    < IssueDateTime > 20110810133213 < / IssueDateTime >
    < ReferencedDocument >
    < ID > 318701 - 0002 / < ID >
    < / ReferencedDocument >
    < / ExchangedDocument >
    < TaxInvoiceDocument >
    < IssueID > 201106294100 < / IssueID >
    < > 0101 TypeCode < / TypeCode >
    < IssueDateTime > 20110810 < / IssueDateTime >
    < PurposeCode > 02 < / PurposeCode >
    < / TaxInvoiceDocument >
    < TaxInvoiceTradeLineItem >
    < SequenceNumeric > 1 < / SequenceNumeric >
    < > 200000000 InvoiceAmount < / InvoiceAmount >
    < TotalTax >
    < CalculatedAmount > 20000000 < / CalculatedAmount >
    < / TotalTax >
    < / TaxInvoiceTradeLineItem >
    < / TaxInvoice >

    -2. success - xml - remove namespace.
    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < TaxInvoice >
    < ExchangedDocument >
    < IssueDateTime > 20110810133213 < / IssueDateTime >
    < ReferencedDocument >
    < ID > 318701 - 0002 / < ID >
    < / ReferencedDocument >
    < / ExchangedDocument >
    < TaxInvoiceDocument >
    < IssueID > 201106294100 < / IssueID >
    < > 0101 TypeCode < / TypeCode >
    < IssueDateTime > 20110810 < / IssueDateTime >
    < PurposeCode > 02 < / PurposeCode >
    < / TaxInvoiceDocument >
    < TaxInvoiceTradeLineItem >
    < SequenceNumeric > 1 < / SequenceNumeric >
    < > 200000000 InvoiceAmount < / InvoiceAmount >
    < TotalTax >
    < CalculatedAmount > 20000000 < / CalculatedAmount >
    < / TotalTax >
    < / TaxInvoiceTradeLineItem >
    < / TaxInvoice >

    procedure insert_table
    l_clob clob,
    OK, Boolean.
    Error out varchar2
    l_parser dbms_xmlparser. Analyzer;
    xmlDoc xmldom.domdocument;

    l_doc dbms_xmldom. DOMDocument;
    l_nl dbms_xmldom. DOMNodeList;
    l_n dbms_xmldom. DOMNode;
    l_root DBMS_XMLDOM.domelement;
    l_node DBMS_XMLDOM.domnode;
    l_node2 DBMS_XMLDOM.domnode;

    buf VARCHAR2 (30000);

    XMLParseError exception;

    TYPE tab_type is Table of xml_upload % ROWTYPE;
    t_tab tab_type: = tab_type();
    pragma exception_init (xmlparseerror,-20100);
    l_node_name varchar2 (300);

    l_parser: = dbms_xmlparser.newParser;
    l_doc: = DBMS_XMLDOM.newdomdocument;
    dbms_xmlparser.parseClob (l_parser, l_clob);
    l_doc: = dbms_xmlparser.getDocument (l_parser);
    l_n: = dbms_xmldom.makeNode (l_doc);

    l_nl: = dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes (l_n, ' / TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument ');

    FOR cur_tax in 0.dbms_xmldom.getLength (l_nl) - 1 LOOP
    l_n: = dbms_xmldom.item (l_nl, cur_tax);


    t_tab (t_tab.last) .ed_id: = '5000000';

    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf (l_n, ' IssueID / text () ', t_tab (t_tab.last) .tid_issue_id);
    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf (l_n, ' TypeCode / text () ', t_tab (t_tab.last) .tid_type_code);


    FORALL i IN t_tab.first... t_tab. Last
    INSERT INTO xml_upload VALUES t_tab (i);


    dbms_xmldom.freeDocument (l_doc);
    correct: = true;

    When xmlparseerror then
    -xmlparser.freeparser (l_parser);
    correct: = false;
    error: = sqlerrm;

    end insert_table;
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(l_n, '/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument');

    try to change as follows

    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectnodes(l_n,'/TaxInvoice/TaxInvoiceDocument','xmlns="urn:kr:or:kec:standard:Tax:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformation:1:0"');

    Published by: Alexandr on August 17, 2011 12:36 AM

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    Hey Dina,


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    v_first_loop: = false;
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    You can use the apex_util.string_to_table function to retrieve the values of the LOV as shown in the example

    arr wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    arr:= apex_util.string_to_table(:P_CHECKBOX_LOV_ITEM)
    for x in arr.first..arr.last loop
    // insert statement
    iNSERT INTO registro_documento( arr(i) ,.........id_reg_documento,id_registro,id_documento)
    end loop;


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    Import mx.utils.Delegate;
    Import mx.transitions.Tween;
    Import mx.transitions.easing. *;

    var numOfItems:Number;
    var radiusX:Number = 300;
    rayonY var: number = 75;
    var centerX:Number = Stage.width / 2;
    var centerY: Number = Stage.height / 2;
    var speed: Number = 0.05;
    perspective of the var: number = 130;
    var host: MovieClip = this;
    theText._alpha = 0;
    theHeader._alpha = 0;

    var tooltip:MovieClip = this.attachMovie("tooltip","tooltip",10000);
    ToolTip._alpha = 0;

    var xml = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;

    xml.onLoad = function()
    var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
    numOfItems = nodes.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < numOfItems; i ++)
    var t is home.attachMovie("item","item"+i,i+1);.
    t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2) /numOfItems);
    t.onEnterFrame = mover;
    t.toolText = nodes [i].attributes.tooltip;
    t.Content = nodes [i].attributes.content;
    t.Header = nodes [i].attributes.header;
    t.icon.inner.loadMovie (nodes [i].attributes.image);
    t.r.inner.loadMovie (nodes [i].attributes.image);
    t.icon.onRollOver = more;
    t.icon.onRollOut =;
    t.icon.onRelease = freed;

    function over()
    BONUS section
    home.tooltip.tipText.text = this._parent.toolText;
    Home.ToolTip._x is this ._parent ._x;.
    Home.ToolTip._y = this ._parent ._y - this._parent._height/2;
    home.tooltip.onEnterFrame = Delegate.create (this, moveTip);
    Home.ToolTip._alpha = 100;

    function out()
    delete home.tooltip.onEnterFrame;
    Home.ToolTip._alpha = 0;

    function released()
    BONUS section
    Home.ToolTip._alpha = 100;
    for (var i = 0; i < numOfItems; i ++)
    var t:MovieClip = host ["item" + i];
    t.xPos = t._x;
    t.yPos = t._y;
    t.theScale = t._xscale;
    delete t.icon.onRollOver;
    delete t.icon.onRollOut;
    delete t.icon.onRelease;
    delete t.onEnterFrame;
    If (t! = this ._parent)
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,t._xscale,0,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,t._yscale,0,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,1,true);
    on the other
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,t._xscale,100,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,t._yscale,100,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_x",Strong.easeOut,t._x,150,1,true);
    var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,250,1,true);
    var tw5:Tween = new Tween(theText,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
    var tw5:Tween = new Tween(theHeader,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
    theText.text = t.content;
    theHeader.header = t.header;
    var s:Object =;
    tw.onMotionStopped = function()
    = new s.onRelease;

    function unReleased()
    BONUS section
    var penny: Sound = new Sound();
    sou.attachSound ("sdown");
    Penny. Start();

    delete this.onRelease;
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(theText,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,0.5,true);
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(theHeader,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,100,0,0.5,true);
    for (var i = 0; i < numOfItems; i ++)
    var t:MovieClip = host ["item" + i];
    If (t! = this ._parent)
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,0,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,0,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,100,1,true);
    on the other
    var tw:Tween = new Tween(t,"_xscale",Strong.easeOut,100,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw2:Tween = new Tween(t,"_yscale",Strong.easeOut,100,t.theScale,1,true);
    var tw3:Tween = new Tween(t,"_x",Strong.easeOut,t._x,t.xPos,1,true);
    var tw4:Tween = new Tween(t,"_y",Strong.easeOut,t._y,t.yPos,1,true);
    tw.onMotionStopped = function()
    for (var i = 0; i < numOfItems; i ++)
    var t:MovieClip = host ["item" + i];
    t.icon.onRollOver = Delegate.create (t.icon, over);
    t.icon.onRollOut = Delegate.create (t.icon, out);
    t.icon.onRelease = Delegate.create (t.icon, released);
    t.onEnterFrame = mover;

    function moveTip()
    Home.ToolTip._x is this ._parent ._x;.
    Home.ToolTip._y = this ._parent ._y - this._parent._height/2;

    XML. Load ("icons.xml");

    function mover()
    This ._x = Math.cos (this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
    This ._y = Math.sin (this.angle) * rayonY + centerY;
    var s = (this ._y - perspective) / (centerY + rayonY-perspective);
    This ._xscale is this ._yscale = s * 100;.
    This.angle += this._parent.speed;
    this.swapDepths (Math.round (this._xscale) + 100);

    this.onMouseMove = function()
    Speed = (this ._xmouse-centerX) / 8000;

    your textfield must incorporate numbers, in addition to uppercase and lowercase letters.

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    Copy the following code shows how you can do it if you know the dataProvider for ComboBox data fields.

    If this post has answered your question or helped, please mark it as such. '.
    Initialize = "initData ()" > "
    Import mx.collections. *;
    private var DGArray:Array =]
    {Artist: 'Pavement', Album: 'Slanted and Enchanted' price: 11.99, combo1: [1,2,3], combo2: [100,200,300]},
    [{Artist: 'Pavement', Album: 'Brighten the corners', price: 11.99, combo1: [2,4,6] combo2: [200,400,600]}] ;
    [Bindable] public var initDG:ArrayCollection;
    public function initData (): void {}
    initDG = new ArrayCollection (DGArray);
    private void dgChangeHandler(event:ListEvent):void {}
    var ac:ArrayCollection = event.currentTarget.dataProvider;
    txt. Text = "";
    txt. Text += ac.getItemAt (event.rowIndex) .combo1 + "\n";
    txt. Text += ac.getItemAt (event.rowIndex) .combo2;

    dataProvider = "{initDG}" change = "dgChangeHandler (event); » >










  • parameter $ v see - how can I get these values for both instances on the db?

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    However, when I use the TOAD, I can access parameters for the two instances in the database/administer/Oracle settings.

    Thank you!

    Instead of V$ PARAMETER use GV$ PARAMETER so that you can get the id of the instance

    SQL> describe gv$parameter
     Name                                      Null?    Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     INST_ID                                            NUMBER
     NUM                                                NUMBER
     NAME                                               VARCHAR2(80)
     TYPE                                               NUMBER
     VALUE                                              VARCHAR2(4000)
     DISPLAY_VALUE                                      VARCHAR2(4000)
     ISDEFAULT                                          VARCHAR2(9)
     ISSES_MODIFIABLE                                   VARCHAR2(5)
     ISSYS_MODIFIABLE                                   VARCHAR2(9)
     ISINSTANCE_MODIFIABLE                              VARCHAR2(5)
     ISMODIFIED                                         VARCHAR2(10)
     ISADJUSTED                                         VARCHAR2(5)
     ISDEPRECATED                                       VARCHAR2(5)
     ISBASIC                                            VARCHAR2(5)
     DESCRIPTION                                        VARCHAR2(255)
     UPDATE_COMMENT                                     VARCHAR2(255)
     HASH                                               NUMBER
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    If I want to show the list of colon delimited in an alert box JS what I'd do?
    or if not, how do you show it?

    There are several SelectedIndexes?

    Type = select-multiple



    Watch more closely the example I've provided earlierly:

    I use this code:

    for (i = 0; i < $x (pShuttle2) .length; i ++)
    If (p_array == ")
    p_array is $x (pShuttle2).value;.
    on the other
    p_array = p_array + ":" + $x (pShuttle2) [i] .value;

    Get.Add ('SHUTTLE_ITEM_VALUE', p_array);

    to concatenate the values in the table in a colon delimited string by some. It is later used to define the session state of the element of the shuttle to this value.

    Denes Kubicek

  • How can I get a value of an element to the variable?

    I have a simple page with name and address on a form text fields.

    First name: (txtLastName)

    First name: (txtFirstName)

    Address: (txtAddress1)


    Once the user enters information, what is the syntax for this information in a form variable?  I want the variables available on the next page.

    $varLastName = ["txtLastName"];  ?

    Thank you.

    PS I am obviously a newby and am very frustrated.  I would appreciate your help!

    What I read, it seems that I should use Session variables to store data from one page to another, but I don't know how to do this.

    Google can help you here.  It's pretty simple.

    Can I publish data without that happening in a database?

    Of course - when you submit a form, it is displayed to the next page in the header, so that it is not visible by the user.

    If you want to have several forms on the page, each page can submit each page, where the data from the previous page is loaded in hidden fields.  In this way, each page shows the cumulative set of data.  Who is?

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    How can I get the value as a string? (for example 01:30 for an hour and thirty minutes)

    Thank you


    Hi Sean.C!

    M_Peeker's suggestion is a good thing.  A stage that could clarify things is that you must set the % t <%H:%M> format string entry.

    < br / > Kristen:.

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