How could I add together the numerical values in the dynamic text boxes?

I do an application and I currently have sections such as travel, rent, etc., where you can press one of two buttons to increase or decrease the total number (fresh) for this article. All totals are displayed in the dynamic text boxes - here is an example of the code for a section-

var FoodAndDrink:Number = 0;

button1_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Add);

function Add(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Repasetboissons += 1;

trace (FoodAndDrink);

FoodAndDrink_txt.text = "£" + FoodAndDrink;


button2_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, subtraction);

function Subtract(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Repasetboissons-= 1;

If (repasetboissons < 0) {}

Repasetboissons = 0;


trace (FoodAndDrink);

FoodAndDrink_txt.text = "£" + FoodAndDrink;

Does anyone know how I would go all add up all the sections so that the total is in a box and changes based on the total entered in each section?

Thank you

then use:


var FoodAndDrink:Number = 0;

button1_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Add);

function Add(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Repasetboissons += 1;

trace (FoodAndDrink);

FoodAndDrink_txt.text = "£" + FoodAndDrink;



button2_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, subtraction);

function Subtract(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Repasetboissons-= 1;

If (repasetboissons< 0)="">

Repasetboissons = 0;


trace (FoodAndDrink);

FoodAndDrink_txt.text = "£" + FoodAndDrink;



var/entertainment: Number = 0;

button3_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Add1);

function Add1(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Entertainment += 1;

trace (Entertainment);

Entertainment_txt. Text = "£" + Entertainment;



button4_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Subtract1);

function Subtract1(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Entertainment-= 1;

If (Entertainment< 0)="">

Entertainment = 0;


trace (Entertainment);

Entertainment_txt. Text = "£" + Entertainment;



Hotels var: Number = 0;

button5_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Add2);

function Add2(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Accommodation += 1;

trace (Accommodation);

Accommodation_txt. Text = "£" + accommodation;



button6_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Subtract2);

function Subtract2(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Accommodation-= 1;

If (accommodation< 0)="">

Accommodation = 0;


trace (Accommodation);

Accommodation_txt. Text = "£" + accommodation;



var travel: Number = 0;

button7_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Add3);

function Add3(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Travel += 1;

trace (Travel);

Travel_txt. Text = "£" + Travel;



button8_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Subtract3);

function Subtract3(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Travel-= 1;

If (trip< 0)="">

Travel = 0;


trace (Travel);

Travel_txt. Text = "£" + Travel;



var bills: Number = 0;

button9_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Add4);

function Add4(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Draft law += 1;

trace (Bills);

Bills_txt. Text = "£" + Bills.



button10_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Subtract4);

function Subtract4(e:MouseEvent):void {}

Projects of law-= 1;

If (bills< 0)="">

Projects of law = 0;


trace (Bills);

Bills_txt. Text = "£" + Bills.



function addAllF (): void {}

total_txt. Text = 'pound sign' +(FoodAndDrink+Bills+Travel+Accommodation+Entertainment);


Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Before or after the line that begins with «trace...» ' set dynamicTextFieldInstanceName.text = pixelValue.toString (16); Replace dynamicTextFieldInstanceName with the actual name that you gave to the dynamic textfield.

    There is an error in your output window. It seems that you have not integrated a font in the dynamic textField.

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    If your textfield reference name tf, use:

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    remove these return statements, create a function that updates your textfield totalPrice and call this function of objComboListener.change after your if-else statements.

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    "I make things look purdy, but do not know why the sky is blue".

    to create a movieclip button:

    create a (insert/new symbol/movieclip) movieclip and attach a stop() to its first image and etiquette 'up '.  create any graphic you want for the up state button movieclip.  create a 'more' and, if necessary, a "low" setting

    When you place this button movieclip on stage give an instance name (for example, printer1) and use:

    {Printer1.onRollOver = Function ()}

    this.gotoAndStop ("over");


    {Printer1.onRollOut = Printer1.onDragOut = Function ()}

    this.gotoAndStop ("up");


    {Printer1.onPress = Function ()}

    this.gotoAndStop ("down");


    and add your onRelease to do all that.

    If you also wanted to add a textfield that displays the instance name of the button when the button is postponed, place a textfield on the framework of the "over" and give it a name instance (say tf) and associated to the MovieClip "over" frame that uses:

    TF. Text = This._name;

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         "<font size='16' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerIndex+
         "\n<font size='14' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerDate+
         "<img src=''/>"+
         "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<font size='12' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerDescription;

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    Hello J,

    If you use a component to scroll, you can eventually use the ScrollPane for movieclips instead.

    The Adobe AS2 components reference:

    " The ScrollPane component to view video clips, the JPEGs and SWFs in a scrollable area. Using a scroll pane, you can limit the amount of space occupied by these types of media screen. The scroll pane can display the content loaded from a local drive or on the Internet. You can set this content during programming and execution with ActionScript. "page 1093 "

    This way you could integrate the area of dynamic text (for your text) both the movieclip (which has the text for your image inside box) that you can then scale them both in an another movieclip (parent), you use the ScrollPane component on.

    This way your text in dynamic text field dimensionnera not, the image can be scaleed to the size of what ever you like (dynamically) and if the two are sitting in a parent movieclip, this parent movieclip may have a ScrollPane component on it.

    How does that sound?

    Best regards


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    b_load.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, Load_URL);

    function Load_URL(event:MouseEvent):void


    var i = new Loader();

    i.Load (new URLRequest (image_url));

    pic.addChild (i)


    This code gives me: #2044 Error: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text = Error #2035: URL not found.

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    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    You declare the image_url variable after the dynamic text? If this isn't the case, then the value of this variable will be an empty string. Set the variable inside the function declaration, and it should work as expected.

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    then you're not g-d instructions.

    You should have two textfields.  the one on the boards that you started with and that incorporates your normal font (not bold).  and a slide that takes the same family of fonts with license "BOLD".  Repeat the test.

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    I do not see this behavior, but you can use the mouseChildren property to disable the children of your movieclip to respond to the mouse.

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    I wanted to do a manufacturer Bill... sort for me. I have some products Let tell and I click on them, and clicking on these buttons, I'd give to see the numbers add up in a text box dynamics and if I could keep track of the value inside the box.

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    Is this possible atall with AS2?

    Please guide me through

    Thank you.

    ensure that:

    TF. Text =""; TF is your textfield that shows the results of your movieclip button clicks

    for (var i: Number = 0; i<>

    This ["btn_" + i] .ivar = i;  Use the movieclip buttons btn_1, btn_2,.., btn_9

    This ["btn_" + i] .onRelease = btnF;


    function btnF (): Void {}

    TF. Text += this.ivar;


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    Thank you!!

    You can use the textWidth of textfield property to get the width of the text inside.

  • LoadMovie give the error message in the dynamic text box

    I have a movie of controller that bring in other films.

    In any film, I have this code:

    var myStyle:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet ();
    myStyle.load ("kcm.css");
    copyHolder.txt.styleSheet = myStyle;

    copyHolder.txt.multiline = true;
    copyHolder.txt.wordWrap = true;
    copyHolder.txt.html = true;

    var history: XML = new XML();
    story.ignoreWhite = true;
    Story.Load ("Director.html");
    story.onLoad = function () {}
    _root.copyHolder.txt.htmlText = history;

    that works fine in itself, but when I import the movie into the main movie I get this: _level0.buttClip.copyHolder.txt where the HTML text should be. I tried variations of the last line, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

    Well hit me upside the head. Publish the movie when you make changes allows, just so accustomed to saving a file to see the changes. The response was to add "buttClip" to the last line, according to the message.

    I have a movie of controller that bring in other films.

    In any film, I have this code:

    var myStyle:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet ();
    myStyle.load ("kcm.css");
    copyHolder.txt.styleSheet = myStyle;

    copyHolder.txt.multiline = true;
    copyHolder.txt.wordWrap = true;
    copyHolder.txt.html = true;

    var history: XML = new XML();
    story.ignoreWhite = true;
    Story.Load ("Director.html");
    story.onLoad = function () {}
    _root.copyHolder.txt.htmlText = history;

    that works fine in itself, but when I import the movie into the main movie I get this: _level0.buttClip.copyHolder.txt where the HTML text should be. I tried variations of the last line, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

    Well hit me upside the head. Publish the movie when you make changes allows, just so accustomed to saving a file to see the changes. The response was to add "buttClip" to the last line, according to the message.

  • CP4: Nattering add to the input text box button submit

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    Thanks in advance.


    DOH!  You are right.

    Go with the legends of success or failure is a better way to go.  Just need to ensure that captions are not set to fade.

    However, it would be a good thing to have as a feature for COP6.

    I find that Cp does not have certain basic features round when it comes to easily trigger sounds.

  • get rid of the area around the dynamic text box?

    I want to make my text 'grabable' on my swf as a way to do it, I was thinking the whole dynamic of the text, is it a good idea? If so, how can I do so that the box appears around the text? Thank you, Raphael

    The text should not be dynamic to make 'Selectable' - is an option to the widow of properties. Click your text and in the Properties window, click the 'Selectable' - it's an Arelatifs capital and b small nail beside him: Ab (the b is white in a black box). The text has a box around it, because you did have it's icon two courses on the right of the icon 'selectable '. Click this icon to remove the box.

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