How to apply a custom rule just for a relational model?


My drawing has several relationship models, but I want to check custom rules or apply custom transformations just to a specific relational model.

So, I created a 'personal library' called 'Custom design rules' with the following function:

function checkColComments() {}

result = true;

ruleMessage ="";

If (! column.getCommentInRDBMS ()) {}

ruleMessage = 'no comment in RDBMS defined ";

errType = "error";

result = false;


return the result;


In the 'custom design rules", I created a rule"Comments column Check", referring to the library and the method created previously.

But, even if I chose the "relational model" which I intend to apply this validation rule, run the script for all open models.

This seems a bug (I use v3.3.0.747 DDM,) because it is asked to select the template to apply the script, but subsequently, this selection is ignored.

I have not yet tried the v4.0EA to see if it has been resolved or not and the release notes does not refer to the list of the bugs fixed (or I have not found) as it was in version

No idea if I'm doing something wrong or if the bug still exists?

Thank you!


design (including custom) rules are still applied on a relational model. I wasn't able to reproduce a case when this rule is broken.

However, there is a bug in the 'Custom Design Rules' functionality and the rule is applied on what is called "current" model and model selected is ignored.

Which works very well in the "Design rules" feature, where the selected model is used.

As workaround for 'Custom Design Rules' - you can generate DDL by using "Generate the DDL" icon and this model will become as "current"relational model. "


Tags: Database

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    Hi Gunter,

    the function to check if the column of table a insert privilege for role is less.

    It is possible insert are defined in table instead of the column - that does not check the function below.


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        sd = table.getRelationalModel().getStorageDesign();
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                    return true;
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    After Effects CS6

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