How to call a function in c ++ QML?

Hi all

In my application, I saw two QML and a class of CPP.

Saying one of my root qml: main.qml is a root page, which displays a list. And the line of the list is an another qml (Customrowlist). And I put the contextProperty for main.qml in the PRC and I need to call a function in the PPC of


I want to call the deleteAccountData(..,..,..) function. Customrowlist.qml, so how can I do.

Here is my code

hand. QML

        TabbedPane {

            //property Page about

            id: tabbedPane
            showTabsOnActionBar: true

            Tab {
                title: "Manage Accounts"
                onTriggered: {
                imageSource: "asset:///images/list.png"
                NavigationPane {
                    id: navPane
                    Page {
                        Container {
                            background: back.imagePaint
                            layout: StackLayout {
                            ImageView {
                                imageSource: "asset:///images/head.png"
                                scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.AspectFit
                                opacity: 1.0
                            ListView {
                                objectName: "savedaccount"
                                listItemComponents: [
                                    ListItemComponent {
                                        type: "item"
                                        CustomListRow {
                        actions: [
                            ActionItem {
                                id: about
                                title: "About"
                                imageSource: "asset:///images/info.png"
                                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    ComponentDefinition {
                                        id: aboutPageMA
                                        source: "about.qml"
                                onTriggered: {
                                    var profilePage = aboutPageMA.createObject();
                            ActionItem {
                                id: help
                                title: "Help"
                                imageSource: "asset:///images/help.png"
                                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    ComponentDefinition {
                                        id: helpPageMA
                                        source: "Help.qml"
                                onTriggered: {
                                    var profilePage = helpPageMA.createObject();
                            ActionItem {
                                id: settings
                                title: "Settings"
                                imageSource: "asset:///images/settings.png"
                                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    ComponentDefinition {
                                        id: settingsPageMA
                                        source: "Settings.qml"
                                onTriggered: {
                                    var profilePage = settingsPageMA.createObject();


            attachedObjects: [
                GroupDataModel {
                    id: feedsDataModel
                    sortingKeys: ["text"]
                    sortedAscending: false
                    grouping: ItemGrouping.None
                DataSource {
                    id: feedsDataSource
                    source: "mydata.json"
                    type: DataSource.Json
                    onDataLoaded: {
                    onError: {
                        console.log("Error Occured" + errorMessage);
                ImagePaintDefinition {
                    id: back
                    repeatPattern: RepeatPattern.XY
                    imageSource: "asset:///images/bg.jpg"


My Customlistrow.qml

import bb.system 1.0
import bb.cascades 1.0
import 1.0  

      Container {
            layout: AbsoluteLayout {}
                id: usr
                layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                    positionX: 0.0
                    positionY: 0.0
                background: Color.create ("#ffffff")
                preferredWidth: 768
                    layout: AbsoluteLayout {}
                    ImageView {
                        imageSource: ListItemData.account
                        preferredWidth: 78
                        opacity: 1.0
                        layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                            positionX: 10.0
                            positionY: 16.0
                    Label {
                        id: username
                        text: ListItemData.username
                        textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                        multiline: true
                        textStyle.color: Color.Black
                        textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Left
                        layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                            positionX: 110.0
                            positionY: 25.0
                    ImageButton {
                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/delete.png"
                        pressedImageSource: "asset:///images/deletepressed.png"
                        preferredWidth: 78
                        opacity: 1.0
                        layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                            positionX: 680.0
                            positionY: 16.0
                        attachedObjects: [
                            SystemToast {
                                id: myQmlToast
                                body: username.text
                        onClicked: {
                    Divider {
                        layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
                            positionX: 0.0
                            positionY: 118.0


                gestureHandlers: [
                    LongPressHandler {
                        onLongPressed: {
                            secondcontainer.visible = true;

                onTouch: {
                    if (event.isUp ()){
                        secondcontainer.visible = false;

                animations: [
                    FadeTransition {
                        toOpacity: 0
                        duration: 300
                    FadeTransition {
                        toOpacity: 1
                        duration: 300

in my PPC

QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

void AccountManager::deleteAccountData(QString user,QString pass,QString imgSource){
SystemToast *toast = new SystemToast();
toast->setBody("Entered delete account!!!");

I got your problem. Your CustomListrow does not receive the reference to your context "objectAM".

Please update your main.qml with the following... function and store the reference to the global object and then from your call of customListRow as "Qt.objectAM.deleteAccount ();

In the hand. QML on finished creation

onCreationCompleted: {}
Qt.objectAM = objectAM;

In CustomListRow...

onClicked: {}
objectAM.deleteAccountData (username.text, password.text, "asset:///images/twitter.png");
Qt.objectAM.deleteAccountData ("Me", "pwd", "asset:///images/twitter.png");

Hope it will work.

Thank you

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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     *  Created on: Apr 2, 2013
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        // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub

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     * test.h
     *  Created on: Apr 2, 2013
     *      Author: nksharma
    #ifndef TEST_H_
    #define TEST_H_
    class test {
        virtual ~test();
         Q_INVOKABLE void nexttest();
    #endif /* TEST_H_ */

    You have a space between the colon and the n in:

    void test:: nexttest()

    Another thiing, if you are using Q_INVOKABLE, you must declare Q_OBJECT in your front header file public:


    If you're still having problems, try to clean up the project with Project > clean...

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    Sorry I can't answer this from the point of view of the eclipse, I use JDE.  But I suspect that the approaches are similar, even if the detail is different, so maybe this will help you.

    In JDE, you have two options:

    (a) use a jar

    (b) create a dependent project

    (a) I usually use a jar.  So to do this I have a workspace is the library, I compile this, then in my project that uses it, I add the jar to build settings

    (b) in this case, you have two projects in the space of a job, and you say the main project that it is dependent on the library project.

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    DBMS_OUTPUT. ENABLE (500000);

    DBMS_OUTPUT. Put_line (' Hello ' |) NAME | ", YOUR ATTEMPT IS SUCCESSFUL");




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    Command > create or replace FUNCTION F_SAMPLE (i_str IN VARCHAR2)
    > o_number NUMBER;
    > START
    > select i_str
    > in o_number
    > double;
    > O_number RETURN;
    > Others THEN
    > RETURN 0;
    > END;
    > /.
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    Order > show errors
    No errors.
    Command >
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    Command > declare
    > number of num1;
    > start
    > num1: = F_SAMPLE ('A');
    > DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE ("F_SAMPLE" |) ' ' || NUM1);
    > end;
    > /.
    F_SAMPLE 0

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Command >

    Pro * C case:

    number of num1;

    : num1: = F_SAMPLE ('A');

    Make sure to install:
    Error on line 146, column 3, file plsqlPROC.pc:
    Error on line 146, column 3 in file plsqlPROC.pc
    number of num1;
    .. 1
    PCC-S-02201, encountered the symbol "num1" when expecting one of the following conditions:

    Thank you.


    There are two problems with your variable declaration:

    1. the name of the variable and type are thew misplacement autour.

    2. you may not use a host variable type.

    If you change this to:

    int num1;

    Then it will work very well.


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    Here's the qml file 1

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        backButtonsVisible: false
        Page {
            titleBar: TitleBar {
                title: "Interval Timer"
            content: Container {
                id: root
                background: Color.LightGray
                // Javascript definition
                function udpateTotalTimeLabel() {
                    var totalHour = 0, totalMinute = 0, totalSecond = 0;
                    var print = function(o) {
                        var str = '';
                        for (var p in o) {
                            if (typeof o[p] == 'string') {
                                str += p + ': ' + o[p] + '; 
    '; } else { str += p + ': {
    ' + print(o[p]) + '}'; } } return str; } for (var i = 0; i < eventsModel.size(); i ++) { var currentEvent =[ i ]); totalHour += parseInt(currentEvent["EventHour"]); totalMinute += parseInt(currentEvent["EventMinute"]); totalSecond += parseInt(currentEvent["EventSecond"]); } if (totalHour < 10) totalHour = "0"+ totalHour; if (totalMinute < 10) totalMinute = "0" + totalMinute; if (totalSecond < 10) totalSecond = "0" + totalSecond; totalTimeLabel.text = totalHour + ":" + totalMinute + ":" + totalSecond; } ... Container { // Container for the total time id: digitsContainer preferredWidth: 780.0 background: Color.create(0.2, 0.2, 0.2) bottomPadding: 50.0 layout: DockLayout { } verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center topPadding: 50.0 topMargin: 0.0 Label { id: totalTimeLabel horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center text: "88 : 88" textStyle.fontSizeValue: 0.0 textStyle.lineHeight: 1.5 textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Center topMargin: 0.0 verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center // Apply a text style to create large, light gray text textStyle { base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText color: Color.Green } } // end of total time container } Container { // Conatiner for the Go button id: goButtonContainer layout: StackLayout { ..... onCreationCompleted: { root.udpateTotalTimeLabel(); console.log("No of EventsModel: " + eventsModel.size()); console.log("In sheet creationCompleted"); mainObj.dataReady.connect(root.onDataReady); }

    Here's the qml file 2

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    Page {
        titleBar: TitleBar {
            title: "Edit Event Detail"
        property alias txtEventName: eventNameText
        property alias pickEventTime: eventTimePicker
        property int selectedIndex: 0
        // Javascript implementation
        content: Container {
            id: editEventPage
            Container {
                layout: StackLayout {
                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                Container {
                    Container {
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                        leftPadding: 20.0
                        topPadding: 50.0
                        bottomPadding: 50.0
                        Label {
                            text: "Event Name"
                            preferredWidth: 200.0
                        TextField {
                            id: eventNameText
                            hintText: "Enter Event Name"
                            preferredWidth: 500.0
                    Container {
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                        leftPadding: 20.0
                        Label {
                            text: "Event Time"
                            preferredWidth: 200.0
                        DateTimePicker {
                            id: eventTimePicker
                            mode: DateTimePickerMode.Timer
                            minuteInterval: 1
                            preferredWidth: 500.0
                            onValueChanged: {
        // Attached Objects
        attachedObjects: [
            SystemDialog {
                id: dialogConfirmDelete
                title: "Confirm Delete"
                body: "Do you really want to delete this event?"
                onFinished: {
                    if (dialogConfirmDelete.result == SystemUiResult.ConfirmButtonSelection) {
                        console.log("Commiting to delete " + selectedIndex);
                    else {
        // Context actions
        actions: [
            ActionItem {
                title: "Save"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: "Delete"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: "Cancel"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                onTriggered: {

    Thanks in advance

    NVMD, I solved it.

    QML 2 file-> refresh C++ function signal-> qml file 1 onDataReady call javascript to label fresh

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    Hi all

    in fact, I am facing difficulties on how to get an external function is called in CVI (Version 2009).

    I was delivered with a. H file and a. LIB file to call an external function of my project CVI. The. H file looks like this:

    void exportedFunction(double *parameter);

    As far as I know, the external function was written with MS Visual C++ 6.

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    -Add the. H file and the. LIB file to the CVI project

    -#include the. Folder H when I needed to call the external function

    -do the external function call

    During construction I get unresolved CVI external function call error, so this seems not work.

    I did some research autour and stood up with two possible problems. Maybe one of you can help me get a bit further and do work things out.

    (1) of the code of the 'real' function inside the DLL file that was not delivered to me. Or y at - it a way to get concrete results (calling external functions) with just one. H and a. LIB file (with none. Included DLL file)?

    (2) the external function does not export according to the rules of Style 'C '. The signature of the function in the. H file shows some things don't like

    extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall ...

    Or maybe it's a combination of these two issues (missing. DLL + bad export style function)?

    I guess I could get around the incorrect service export style when I managed to write a wrapper around the original function that actually uses Style C exporters. But I guess I need to the. DLL file for this test as well.

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    Best regards


    There is no need for the stuff of dllexport. There is also the option of a static library without any DLL.  But the "extern"C"' is essential, because it forces the C++ compiler, which was probably used to compile the library to use the C calling convention.

    If you are unable to ask the library vendor to provide a version that was compiled using C calling convention is the way to write a wrapper with VC ++ 6 around this library that functions using C calling convertion reexports. Something like

    extern 'C' myfunc1 type0 (type1 arg1,...) {

    Back to func1 (arg1,...);


    for each function, you must use.

    BTW. "unresolved symbol" is the error message from the linker, you can expect if you try to bind the C code against a generation of library with the C++ calling convention.

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    Hello world...

    In AS3: Function (fnc name: myFunction) inside a Movieclip (mc1). I'll call you timeline mc1.myFunction ();

    But how to call AnimateCC canvas?

    If you have an instance of MovieClip named "mc" with the following code in to:

    This.Fun = function() {}

    Alert ("Hey!");


    You can call this function (increased to 'this' within the MC) using the oon following the main timeline:

    var root = this; ("click", function() {}

    Console.log ( ());


  • How to call a function in another function?

    When I press a button, I want a series of functions to be performed one after the other (they contain interpolations, but its not relevant) , all of them waiting for the previous must be filled. I want to put the series of functions within a function, so I can simply call this function to run all others. Animations work well, but I don't know how to call functions of in another function. It would also be necessary each function to wait until the previous one is complete, to run. This is a clear example of what I need to do:

    boton.onPress = animate;

    Function animate () {}

    Animation1 (onComplete: animation2);

    animation2 (onComplete: animation3);



    Function () {Tween 1} animation1;

    Function () {Tween 2} animation2.

    Function animation3 () {Tween 3};

    any suggestions?

    which isn't really make sense unless you're tweening or do something of asynchronous (such as loading a file).

    Function b (): Void {}

    C() ;

    D() ;  C() executed when this line runs


  • How to call the function


    How to call functions defined by the user in the select statement.
    I have to concat all the result of columns, though kindly help me.

    When I run after sql statement

    SELECT orgin_pos. «, » || the sender | «, » || consigneename | «, » || vesselname | «, » || travelno | «, » || POS | «, » || ETD | «, » ||
    ETA | «, » || NOP | «, » || grossweight | «, » || CCube | «, » || ccontainer | «, » || CSize. «, » || CType | «, » || Goh | «, » || HBL | «, » ||
    get_sea_report (hbl) linername | «, » || CompanyName AS overseasagent
    OF vietanam_report_view_bd

    -of cluase not found where expected error is coming.
    Kindly help me.

    Prakash P
    Handle:  808542
    Status Level:  Newbie
    Registered:  Nov 8, 2010
    Total Posts:  69
    Total Questions:  48 (45 unresolved)  
  • How 2 call a function db pls. ???


    I created a function of db, I don't know how 2 call form
    CREATE OR REPLACE Function Balance_quantity_update    ( V_STORE_ID  IN NUMBER  ,  V_ITEM_SERIAL IN NUMBER   )
        cnumber NUMBER;
        SELECT NVL( MAX( BALANCE_QTY ) , 0  )
         FROM WH_T_ITEMS
        WHERE STORE_ID    =  V_STORE_ID 
         AND    ITEM_SERIAL  = V_ITEM_SERIAL ;       
    FETCH CR_UPDATE   INTO cnumber;
    IF CR_UPDATE%notfound then     NULL ;
            SET    BALANCE_QTY          =  cnumber 
            AND    ITEM_SERIAL          =  V_ITEM_SERIAL;    
    END LOOP ;
    END IF;
    RETURN cnumber;
          raise_application_error(-20001,'An error was encountered - '||SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM);
    END Balance_quantity_update; 
    Can someone help me pls...

    Kind regards

      vRetVal NUMBER;
      vRetVal:=Balance_quantity_update(Pass_Store_ID, Pass_Item_Serial);


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    I have little problem in as3.  I load 'mainmenu.swf' file "main.swf". through class loader. so now "main.swf" is children of parents 'mainmenu.swf' file how can call "main.swf" variable and function of "mainmenu.swf".

    The parent of the loaded swf file is the charger.  The main SWF is the parent of the charger.  Then to communicate with the main storyline of the loaded file can use:

    MovieClip (parent.parent) .someFunction ();

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    Your answer is apprecited.

    Thanks in advance
    create or replace fn
    return varchar2
    --pass your procedure here

Maybe you are looking for