How to change folder name by default when you use save for Web in java script?

Hello everyone, hope you can help me.

Photoshop has a folder name by default of images When you export using slices Save for Web . I need to change this folder name.

How to change folder name by default when you use save for Web in java script?

Thanks in advance!



JJMack Chuck Uebele Nicolas Ribot SuperMerlin

You can try with scriptlistener to record the code. Change to the last line of the NO to ALL dialog boxes, so that the dialog - if you wish. There are two places in the code to save the files: one where is actually saved the file, and the other where the default value is file. I have seen it changed something with it. So, you can simply use the first listing of a path in the code below.

#target photoshop

var idExpr = charIDToTypeID( "Expr" );
    var desc19 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
        var desc20 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idOp = charIDToTypeID( "Op  " );
        var idSWOp = charIDToTypeID( "SWOp" );
        var idOpSa = charIDToTypeID( "OpSa" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idOp, idSWOp, idOpSa );
        var idDIDr = charIDToTypeID( "DIDr" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idDIDr, true );
        var idIn = charIDToTypeID( "In  " );
        desc20.putPath( idIn, new File( "C:\\Users\\csuebele\\Pictures\\LR shortcuts" ) );//Here's where it actually saves
        var idFmt = charIDToTypeID( "Fmt " );
        var idIRFm = charIDToTypeID( "IRFm" );
        var idPNtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "PN24" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idFmt, idIRFm, idPNtwofour );
        var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idIntr, false );
        var idTrns = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idTrns, true );
        var idMtt = charIDToTypeID( "Mtt " );
        desc20.putBoolean( idMtt, true );
        var idEICC = charIDToTypeID( "EICC" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idEICC, false );
        var idMttR = charIDToTypeID( "MttR" );
        desc20.putInteger( idMttR, 255 );
        var idMttG = charIDToTypeID( "MttG" );
        desc20.putInteger( idMttG, 255 );
        var idMttB = charIDToTypeID( "MttB" );
        desc20.putInteger( idMttB, 255 );
        var idSHTM = charIDToTypeID( "SHTM" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idSHTM, false );
        var idSImg = charIDToTypeID( "SImg" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idSImg, true );
        var idSWsl = charIDToTypeID( "SWsl" );
        var idSTsl = charIDToTypeID( "STsl" );
        var idSLAl = charIDToTypeID( "SLAl" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idSWsl, idSTsl, idSLAl );
        var idSWch = charIDToTypeID( "SWch" );
        var idSTch = charIDToTypeID( "STch" );
        var idCHsR = charIDToTypeID( "CHsR" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idSWch, idSTch, idCHsR );
        var idSWmd = charIDToTypeID( "SWmd" );
        var idSTmd = charIDToTypeID( "STmd" );
        var idMDCC = charIDToTypeID( "MDCC" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idSWmd, idSTmd, idMDCC );
        var idohXH = charIDToTypeID( "ohXH" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idohXH, false );
        var idohIC = charIDToTypeID( "ohIC" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idohIC, true );
        var idohAA = charIDToTypeID( "ohAA" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idohAA, true );
        var idohQA = charIDToTypeID( "ohQA" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idohQA, true );
        var idohCA = charIDToTypeID( "ohCA" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idohCA, false );
        var idohIZ = charIDToTypeID( "ohIZ" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idohIZ, true );
        var idohTC = charIDToTypeID( "ohTC" );
        var idSToc = charIDToTypeID( "SToc" );
        var idOCzerothree = charIDToTypeID( "OC03" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idohTC, idSToc, idOCzerothree );
        var idohAC = charIDToTypeID( "ohAC" );
        var idSToc = charIDToTypeID( "SToc" );
        var idOCzerothree = charIDToTypeID( "OC03" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idohAC, idSToc, idOCzerothree );
        var idohIn = charIDToTypeID( "ohIn" );
        desc20.putInteger( idohIn, -1 );
        var idohLE = charIDToTypeID( "ohLE" );
        var idSTle = charIDToTypeID( "STle" );
        var idLEzerothree = charIDToTypeID( "LE03" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idohLE, idSTle, idLEzerothree );
        var idohEn = charIDToTypeID( "ohEn" );
        var idSTen = charIDToTypeID( "STen" );
        var idENzerozero = charIDToTypeID( "EN00" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idohEn, idSTen, idENzerozero );
        var idolCS = charIDToTypeID( "olCS" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idolCS, false );
        var idolEC = charIDToTypeID( "olEC" );
        var idSTst = charIDToTypeID( "STst" );
        var idSTzerozero = charIDToTypeID( "ST00" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idolEC, idSTst, idSTzerozero );
        var idolWH = charIDToTypeID( "olWH" );
        var idSTwh = charIDToTypeID( "STwh" );
        var idWHzeroone = charIDToTypeID( "WH01" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idolWH, idSTwh, idWHzeroone );
        var idolSV = charIDToTypeID( "olSV" );
        var idSTsp = charIDToTypeID( "STsp" );
        var idSPzerofour = charIDToTypeID( "SP04" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idolSV, idSTsp, idSPzerofour );
        var idolSH = charIDToTypeID( "olSH" );
        var idSTsp = charIDToTypeID( "STsp" );
        var idSPzerofour = charIDToTypeID( "SP04" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idolSH, idSTsp, idSPzerofour );
        var idolNC = charIDToTypeID( "olNC" );
            var list4 = new ActionList();
                var desc21 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCzerozero = charIDToTypeID( "NC00" );
                desc21.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzerozero );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc21 );
                var desc22 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNConenine = charIDToTypeID( "NC19" );
                desc22.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNConenine );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc22 );
                var desc23 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwoeight = charIDToTypeID( "NC28" );
                desc23.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwoeight );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc23 );
                var desc24 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                desc24.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc24 );
                var desc25 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                desc25.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc25 );
                var desc26 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                desc26.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list4.putObject( idSCnc, desc26 );
        desc20.putList( idolNC, list4 );
        var idobIA = charIDToTypeID( "obIA" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idobIA, false );
        var idobIP = charIDToTypeID( "obIP" );
        desc20.putString( idobIP, """""" );
        var idobCS = charIDToTypeID( "obCS" );
        var idSTcs = charIDToTypeID( "STcs" );
        var idCSzeroone = charIDToTypeID( "CS01" );
        desc20.putEnumerated( idobCS, idSTcs, idCSzeroone );
        var idovNC = charIDToTypeID( "ovNC" );
            var list5 = new ActionList();
                var desc27 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCzeroone = charIDToTypeID( "NC01" );
                desc27.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzeroone );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc27 );
                var desc28 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwozero = charIDToTypeID( "NC20" );
                desc28.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwozero );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc28 );
                var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCzerotwo = charIDToTypeID( "NC02" );
                desc29.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzerotwo );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc29 );
                var desc30 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNConenine = charIDToTypeID( "NC19" );
                desc30.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNConenine );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc30 );
                var desc31 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCzerosix = charIDToTypeID( "NC06" );
                desc31.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCzerosix );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc31 );
                var desc32 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                desc32.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc32 );
                var desc33 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                desc33.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc33 );
                var desc34 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwofour = charIDToTypeID( "NC24" );
                desc34.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwofour );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc34 );
                var desc35 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idncTp = charIDToTypeID( "ncTp" );
                var idSTnc = charIDToTypeID( "STnc" );
                var idNCtwotwo = charIDToTypeID( "NC22" );
                desc35.putEnumerated( idncTp, idSTnc, idNCtwotwo );
            var idSCnc = charIDToTypeID( "SCnc" );
            list5.putObject( idSCnc, desc35 );
        desc20.putList( idovNC, list5 );
        var idovCM = charIDToTypeID( "ovCM" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idovCM, false );
        var idovCW = charIDToTypeID( "ovCW" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idovCW, true );
        var idovCU = charIDToTypeID( "ovCU" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idovCU, true );
        var idovSF = charIDToTypeID( "ovSF" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idovSF, true );
        var idovCB = charIDToTypeID( "ovCB" );
        desc20.putBoolean( idovCB, true );
        var idovSN = charIDToTypeID( "ovSN" );
        desc20.putString( idovSN, """c:\photos""" );//Here's where the default folder is suppose to go.
    var idSaveForWeb = stringIDToTypeID( "SaveForWeb" );
    desc19.putObject( idUsng, idSaveForWeb, desc20 );
executeAction( idExpr, desc19, DialogModes.ALL );

Tags: Photoshop

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    Parameters for TouchPad located in the control panel - mouse (there may be several tabs with TouchPad entered)
    and some come with a utility that loads in the Notification area next to the clock in the bottom right.


    If necessary: (make sure that you have restarted at least once, if the above did not work)

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    on the TouchPad and UNINSTALL.

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    The similar procedure on XP, Windows 7 and Vista is the same, except that we need to clear the specific device if present.

    Then go to the system manufacturer's website and get the latest touchpad drivers.

    Download - SAVE - go to where you put it-click on - RUN AS ADMIN.

    I hope this helps.

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    Hi MarieMeyer,

    You can press the SPACEBAR shortcut to activate the hand tool temporarily once you are finished with the selection on a part of the image.

    Then, move the image with the key space key and let it continue with the selection by using the magnetic lasso tool.

    You can use the SHIFT key to add to the selection by using the magnetic lasso tool.

    Kind regards


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    The police of interface only option in Lightroom of sizing is in the preferences > Interface > panels > Font Size (Small/Large)

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    Hope this helps,

    Kind regards


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    The reason why you see directions is not available, it's that for cards of Apple, turn-by-turn directions is not a feature that is available in the Qatar. You can search for places and satellite imagery
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    Nice day

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    Message edited by mona7865 on 08/07/2008 06:19

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    The button will reset once it is read by the code. This means that the terminal is inside the structure of the event. If you move outside the terminal, it would read only the beginning of the race and then never and it will not be reset.

    If the terminal is learn the structure of the event, it is read by the code (even if it is not connected to anything) and it reset as soon as the event has a chance to run.

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    Even if I could get the column names in the other variables. I am new to CF so question may be stupid.

    getting column names: -.

    < cfquery datasource = "RTW_ORA" name = "cn" >
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = ' #meas #
    < / cfquery >

    obtain data: -.

    < cfquery datasource = "RTW_ORA" name = "cd" >
    SELECT *.
    To #meas #.
    < / cfquery >

    How do all the output data?

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thank you

    Tushar Saxena

    How to reference the names of columns to get out of the data, when you use select * and not aware of the column names (and number of columns) in advance.

    Even if I could get the column names in the other variables. I am new to CF so question may be stupid. getting column names: -.

    WHERE TABLE_NAME = ' #meas #

    obtain data: -.

    SELECT *.
    To #meas #.

    How do all the output data?

    Your question is not stupid. You can use the concept of a query requestand their properties cfquery attributes name and result.

    SELECT *.
    To #meas #.

    column names: #column_names #.

    number of columns: #no_of_columns #.

    SELECT #column_names #.
    FROM the cd

    A SQL query: #resQoQ.sql #.


    #column #: #cd [column] [currentrow] #.


    #column #: #QoQ [column] [currentrow] #.

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    Any help is appreciated,


    The option named "Clip for work plan" and that you find in the menu object > Slice or in the dialog Web save for

Maybe you are looking for