How to display the drop-down list box in MS excel by using labview report generation toolkit? pleasepost code block diagram?

How to display the drop-down list box in MS excel by using labview report generation toolkit? Please post the block diagram of the code so that I can able to generate from the drop-down list box in excel with the menu drop-down...

Like this. (edition, use the reference forms instead of the reference to the worksheet)


Tags: NI Software

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    Click the OPTIONS tab. You will see the drop-down menu for options, that you must choose boxes.


    This option is not yet available in Muse I'm sure they are working.

    You can use radio buttons.

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    And what do do you with it?

    If you want to post the result, use this free widget:


    If you want to trigger different actions with this combo box list on your site, there is no way to do it.

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    IM building a program that queries a database for options and display options in a number of comboBoxes. The comboBoxes are dynamically built and loaded through code and added to the stage. I would like to integrate the comboBoxes a simple clip (maybe not the correct wording) so I can use options like tweening and others to make it better. The code is below. Any suggestions are welcome...

    PS. the QueryDriver class is the class that provides the methods to load the comboBoxes.

    package classFiles


    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import classFiles.URLFactory;

    import classFiles.QueryBuilder;


    import fl.controls.Button;

    import fl.controls.ComboBox;



    import fl.controls.TextInput;

    import fl.controls.Label;

    import fl.controls.CheckBox;

    import flash.display.Shape;

    import fl.transitions.Tween;

    fl.transitions.easing import. *;

    /public class MainClass extends MovieClip


    _UrlDriver:URLFactory private var;

    _QueryDriver:QueryBuilder private var;

    private var subBtn:Button = new Button();

    private var numbDays:TextInput = new TextInput();

    treatDays:TextInput private var;

    startDate:TextInput private var;

    endDate:TextInput private var;

    from_Btn:CheckBox private var;

    to_Btn:CheckBox private var;

    startDateString:String private var;

    endDateString:String private var;

    _xcoor:int private var;

    _yCoor:int private var;

    private var square: Shape;

    typeBx:ComboBox private var;

    dbBox:ComboBox private var;

    treatBx:ComboBox private var;

    indBx:ComboBox private var;

    stkBx:ComboBox private var;

    public void MainClass (xCord:int, yCord:int)


    this.x = xCord;

    this.y = yCord.








    _QueryDriver = new QueryBuilder ('hello');

    _QueryDriver.addEventListener ("SetDataBase", SetDbBox);

    _QueryDriver.addEventListener ("SetTreatments", SetTreatBx);

    _QueryDriver.addEventListener ("SetIndicators", SetIndBx);

    _QueryDriver.addEventListener ("SetStocks", SetStkBx);



    function SetTypeBx (): void


    typeBx = new more.

    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider (_QueryDriver.ReturnType ());

    typeBx.x = 200;

    typeBx.width = 200;

    typeBx.dataProvider = dp;

    typeBx.prompt = "Please select A Type;

    typeBx.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetType);

    addChild (typeBx);


    int SetType(e:Event):void


    _QueryDriver.TYPE =;



    int SetDbBox(e:Event):void


    dbBox = new more.

    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider (_QueryDriver.ReturnDatabases ());

    dbBox.y = 100;

    dbBox.dataProvider = dp;

    dbBox.width = 200;

    dbBox.prompt = "Please select a database";

    dbBox.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetDB);

    dispatchEvent (new Event ("DataBaseReady"));

    addChild (dbBox);


    //Event Listener for the database comboBox

    int SetDB(e:Event):void


    var temp: String =;

    var i: int = temp.indexOf('"');

    _QueryDriver.DATABASE = temp.substr(0,i);

    _QueryDriver.UpdateQueryString ();



    int SetTreatBx(e:Event):void


    treatBx = new more.

    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider (_QueryDriver.ReturnTreatments ());

    treatBx.y = 200;

    treatBx.dataProvider = dp;

    treatBx.width = 200;

    treatBx.prompt = "Please select A treatment."

    treatBx.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetTreatments);

    addChild (treatBx);


    //Event Listener for the database comboBox

    int SetTreatments(e:Event):void


    var temp: String =;

    var i: int = temp.indexOf('"');

    _QueryDriver.TREATMENT = temp.substr(0,i);

    _QueryDriver.UpdateQueryString ();



    int SetIndBx(e:Event):void

    {/ / trace ("hellO");}

    indBx = new more.

    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider (_QueryDriver.ReturnIndicators ());

    indBx.y = 300;

    indBx.dataProvider = dp;

    indBx.width = 200;

    indBx.prompt = "Please select an indicator."

    indBx.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetIndicators);

    addChild (indBx);


    //Event Listener for the database comboBox

    int SetIndicators(e:Event):void


    var temp: String =;

    var i: int = temp.indexOf('"');

    _QueryDriver.ENTITY = temp.substr(0,i);

    _QueryDriver.UpdateQueryString ();



    int SetStkBx(e:Event):void


    stkBx = new more.

    var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider (_QueryDriver.ReturnStock ());

    stkBx.y = 700;

    stkBx.dataProvider = dp;

    stkBx.width = 200;

    stkBx.prompt = "Please select A Stock."

    stkBx.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetStocks);

    addChild (stkBx);


    //Event Listener for the database comboBox

    int SetStocks(e:Event):void


    var temp: String =;

    var i: int = temp.indexOf('"');

    _QueryDriver.STOCK_INDICATOR = temp.substr(0,i);

    _QueryDriver.UpdateQueryString ();


    int CreateSubmitBttn()


    subBtn.x = 350;

    subBtn.y = 350;

    subBtn.label = 'Submit ';

    subBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, SubmitQuery);

    addChild (subBtn);


    int SetDaysToCalculateBx()


    numbDays.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetDaysToCalculate);

    numbDays.x = 200;

    numbDays.y = 200;

    addChild (numbDays);


    int SetTreatmentDaysBx()


    treatDays = new TextInput();

    treatDays.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, SetTreatmentDays);

    treatDays.x = 200;

    treatDays.y = 100;

    addChild (treatDays);


    int SetStartDate()


    var lbl:Label = new Sun;

    lbl.text = "Start";

    lbl.move (300,275);

    startDate = new TextInput();

    startDate.x = 275;

    startDate.y = 300;

    startDate.text = "";

    startDate.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, StartDate).

    addChild (lbl);

    addChild (startDate);


    int SetEndDate()


    var lbl:Label = new Sun;

    lbl.text = "End";

    lbl.move (425,275);

    endDate = new TextInput();

    endDate.x = 400;

    endDate.y = 300;

    endDate.addEventListener (Event.CHANGE, EndDate);

    addChild (lbl);

    addChild (endDate);


    int SetStartChkBx()


    from_Btn = new CheckBox();

    from_Btn.y = 325;

    from_Btn.x = 275;

    from_Btn.label = "ALL";

    from_Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, FromClickHandler);

    addChild (from_Btn);


    int SetEndChkBx()


    to_Btn = new CheckBox();

    to_Btn.y = 325;

    to_Btn.x = 400;

    to_Btn.label = "NOW";

    to_Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, ToClickHandler);

    addChild (to_Btn);


    int SetTreatmentDays(e:Event):void


    _QueryDriver.TREATMENTDAYS = treatDays.text;


    int SetDaysToCalculate(e:Event):void


    _QueryDriver.DAYSTOCALCULATE = '-' + numbDays.text;


    int FromClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void


    if (from_Btn.selected == true)


    _QueryDriver.STARTDATE_STRING = "ALL";




    _QueryDriver.STARTDATE_STRING = startDate.text;



    int ToClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void


    if (to_Btn.selected == true)


    _QueryDriver.ENDDATE_STRING = "NOW";




    _QueryDriver.ENDDATE_STRING = endDate.text;



    int StartDate(e:Event):void


    trace (startDateString);


    int EndDate(e:Event):void


    trace (endDateString);




    Yes, this is the way to do it, but don't forget to addChild the mclip as well... Here is a small example using the Tween class integrated...

    Import fl.transitions.Tween;

    var mclip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    mclip.addChild (aComboBox)

    mclip.addChild (aComboBox2)

    mclip.addChild (aComboBox3)

    addChild (mclip);

    var tw:Tween = new Tween (mclip, "x", null, mclip.x, mclip.x + 200, 1, true);

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    Thanks in advance.

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    I use form 6i.

    Sorry if the question is already exist in the forum...

    Kind regards

    Maybe this helps

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    In my project, I have to store the Daq measurement values in file.

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    For this I need to select a file from the number of files.

    Give an idea or a sample program.

    Kind regards


    Hi hari,.

    I couldn't open your vi I use Labview 8.5.

    See vi attached with this post.

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    This article can help...


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    Thank you

    If you want that the read-only text box, simply set with the following custom calculate script:

    Set this field to the value of the drop-down list box

    Event.Value = getField("combo1").value;

    but replace "combo1' with the actual name of the combo box field.

    If you want something else, post again with more information.

  • How to fill the drop-down list components installed?

    I have installed Eclipse and the blackberry for eclipse plugin that includes the component pack 4.5.0. I have installed all of the components listed on this page: The versions 4.2.1 and 4.3.0 are zip files that I add to Eclipse by using the software update-> add the site-> archive. Version 4.6.0 and 4.6.1 4.7.0 are exe files that settle in the location C:\Program Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE component Package 4.x.x.

    In the folder plugins on the box, I see version 4.3.0 and listed 4.5.0 4.2.1. When I go on Blackberry JDE-> installed components and click the drop-down list box, the only pack component that I see is 4.5.0. How do the other components packs appear?

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  • Automatically populate a drop-down list by using another selection from the drop-down list box

    New java/preparation forms so I apologize in advance.

    I currently have a menu drop-down box 1 (Occupation) with three options: "enter your own description/blank", retired housewife. When someone chooses either retirement or anyone at home, I would another drop box 2 (employer) to assign automatically "n/a. . The employer drop box has only two options: "enter your own/blank", N/A.

    Far, I could for that box to fill but only when the person clicks in the box (as if they were about to enter their own text.) Then only it will fill the drop-down list "employer." I would like it auto fill once the person has chosen retired, Virgin or stay-at-home woman without having to enter in the box (just using the arrow to the size of the drop-down list box).

    I currently have a key shot that resets the employer box when a person chooses the option vacuum/enter your own option. I then a JavaScript (only for the housewife now) that only works if you click the box of. Key combination works I want to than the other options work as well. If the client settles on white, the choice of the employer updates automatically empty without having to click in the box of. Any help (including general advice to make my code cleaner) is very appreciated!

    Current script of typing:

    If {(event.willCommit)

    If (event.value == "") this.resetForm (["use"]); of other SetFieldValues (event.value);


    The current upward, mice running JavaScript :

    var v = this.getField ("Occupation") .value

    If (v is "Housewife")

    1. this.getField("Employer").value = "N/a".

    I think maybe I should use event.willCommit in my formula, but I'm not sure how to include it.

    Thank you!

    I would not use the key sequence or MouseUp actions for this, but the action post.

    Just make sure that you set the field option to validate the selected value immediately (under Properties - Options) and then use this code as the custom validation script:

    var employerField = this.getField("Employer");
    if (event.value=="Homemaker" || event.value=="Retired")
        employerField.value = "N/A";
    else employerField.value = employerField.defaultValue;
  • How to clear a drop-down list box

    OK, been awhile, here goes:

    I have a combobox non-Edition and 3 radio buttons.

    When I select a radio button, I have reset the items in the list and run:
    The intent is a new list, nothing pre-selected and invited him to display in the text box (?). And it seems to work at first.

    However, when I select the original square, the first list is restored, and the drop-down list box shows my original selection!

    I would like that the prompt as in other radio buttons. I can not even find where the initially select value is stored! It SEEMS that the selection is cleared, as the value, it's the control renderer displays always a selection, even if the previous list, he showed the guest
         templateToggle.selectedToggleProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Toggle>() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Toggle> ov,
                        Toggle old_toggle, Toggle new_toggle) {
                    if (templateToggle.getSelectedToggle() != null) {
                        final String tmplType = ((RadioButton) templateToggle.getSelectedToggle()).getText();
                        Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                                category.getEditor().setText("");  << was getting desparate
                                ListManager.getInstance().setTemplateCategoryList(TemplateDao.getInstance().findCategories(tmplType));   << template list is the list behind the combo

    Published by: edward17 on 8 April 2013 11:20

    Published by: edward17 on 8 April 2013 17:11

    Published by: edward17 on 8 April 2013 17:12

    This looks like a bug: you must file a JIRA for her.

    As you said, the State seems to be correctly updated: getSelectionModel () .getSelectedIndex () and getSelectionModel.getSelectedItem () return the correct value.

    The only solution I can find is to define an explicit Circus on the drop-down list box and call setText (null) on the circus to clear the displayed selection:

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
    import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
    import javafx.scene.control.ListCell;
    import javafx.scene.control.RadioButton;
    import javafx.scene.control.Toggle;
    import javafx.scene.control.ToggleGroup;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class SwitchableCombo extends Application {
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        final Map> comboData = new HashMap<>();
        comboData.put("Beer", FXCollections.observableArrayList("IPA", "Stout", "Porter", "Dubbel"));
        comboData.put("Wine", FXCollections.observableArrayList("Cabernet Sauvingnon", "Zinfandel", "Merlot", "Malbec", "Pinoit Noir"));
        final ComboBox combo = new ComboBox<>();
        final ListCell buttonCell = new ListCell() {
          public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
            super.updateItem(item, empty);
        final HBox buttons = new HBox(5);
        final ToggleGroup toggleGroup = new ToggleGroup();
        for (String type : comboData.keySet()) {
          final RadioButton button = new RadioButton(type);
            new ChangeListener() {
              public void changed(ObservableValue obs,
                  Toggle oldToggle, Toggle newToggle) {
                final ObservableList items = comboData.get(((RadioButton) newToggle).getText());
        combo.getSelectionModel().selectedIndexProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
              public void changed(ObservableValue obs,
                  Number oldValue, Number newValue) {
        combo.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
              public void changed(ObservableValue obs,
                  String oldValue, String newValue) {
        VBox root = new VBox(15);
        root.getChildren().addAll(buttons, combo);
        primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 200, 400));;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
  • Adobe Acrobat 9: Javascript populated the drop-down list box - response selected array will not save

    I have a combo on one of my forms box that is filled with the help of a Javascript array.  The drop-down list box is filling very well, but when an item is selected in this drop-down list box, the selected item does not save when the user saves the document.  Any suggestions as to what is the problem and how it can be corrected?  I am a loss to know where even to start the search.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.


    It seems that the drop-down list box may be getting filled with code that runs when the form is opened. If so, it will overwrite the value selected, whenever it opens. The solution would be to change the code so that it is not than that. If not, you can post the form somewhere so we can take a look?

  • Validation in the drop-down list box


    I use JDev 11.1 with fusion ADF

    I have the drop-down list box, this drop-down list box include a description and the value I want to if the user choose value e.g. - 2 and press the button Save appear validation said cannot insert this value, how can I do?

    Note that this drop-down list box to retrieve data from managed bean (not the view object)



    You add a validator to your combobox component.

    Select your component in the property inspector-> Behaivour-> Validator-Edit... and create a method, and then you add the validation code it.

    More details on custom validators:


  • How to animate a drop-down list box?

    I have a combo box that get is filled from a web service. This can happen in the background, the user made other tasks.

    I would like the drop-down list box jiggle or bounce up and down when it gets its data. Can anyone offer ideas on how to do this?

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I found the rotation effect to work just great. Here is the code I used for anyone else who is interested:

    In my web service call that updates the drop-down list box, I declare the function jiggle on the result:

    public void jiggleComboBox(): void
    cbxProjects.visible = true; ();

    I love watching this combo box jiggle up and down. Laughing out loud

    Thanks again to all!

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