How to extract the XML with namespace?

Hi all

Here's the XML I:

<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
-< transaction xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns = "" xsi: schemaLocation = " Support.test1.v1.xsd" >
-< application >
< > 10 Sam < / Sam >
< > 32 Actid < / Actid >
< Pax > 3 < / Pax >
< > 10 - DEC - 2012 Flt < / Flt >
< user name > WebUserNameTest < / name >
< / request >
< application >
< Sam > 1 < / Sam >
< Actid > 3 < / Actid >
< > 2 Pax < / Pax >
< Flt > 2012 - dec - 12 < / Flt >
< user name > WebUserNameTest < / name >
< / request >
< / transaction >

I need to extract the item values:

The code below will help me when I have no namespace, what needs to be done in order to work with the value of the element namespace and etract

v_string_xml: =.
' / / Query [' |] To_char (counter_xml) | '] / Sam / text () ';
v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table. COUNTY) .memid: =.
p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getnumberval ();

v_string_xml: =.
' / / Query [' |] To_char (counter_xml) | '] / Actid / text () ';
v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table. COUNTY) .actid: =.
p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getnumberval ();

v_string_xml: =.
' / / Query [']
|| To_char (counter_xml)
|| '] / Pax / text () ';
v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table..) Pax COUNT): =.
p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getnumberval ();

v_string_xml: =.
' / / Query [' |] To_char (counter_xml) | '] / Flt / text () ';
v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table..) Flt COUNT): =.
p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getstringval ();

v_string_xml: =.
' / / Query [']
|| To_char (counter_xml)
|| '] / Username / text () ';
v_ssp_table (v_ssp_table. COUNTY) .username: =.
p_xml_in. EXTRACT (v_string_xml) .getstringval ();
  v_xml xmltype := xmltype( '



' );
  for r_xml in ( select *
                 from xmltable( xmlnamespaces( default '' )
                               , '/Transaction/Request'
                               passing v_xml
                                 columns memid number path 'Memid'
                                       , actid number path 'Actid'
                                       , pax number path 'Pax'
                                       , flt varchar2(100) path 'Flt'
                                       , username varchar2(100) path 'Username'
    dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.memid );
    dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.actid );
    dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.pax );
    dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.flt );
    dbms_output.put_line( r_xml.username );
  end loop;

Tags: Database

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    Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 12.57.49 PM.png

    My coding in the below.

    var elements = app.activeDocument.xmlElements[0].xmlAttributes.item["@new_class"] = "list-style-type:none";
        delete elements["@new_class"];

    Please suggest friends,

    Thank you in advance,


    Try this...

    var doc = app.activeDocument;
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    1 ~/

    2 ~ /Person/

    3 ~ /Person/ âge /

    4 ~ /Person/ homecity /

    5 ~ /Person/ nom /

    6 ~ /Person/ AccueilGuides/lat /

    7 ~ /Person/ AccueilGuides/name /

    8 ~ /Person/ homecity / long /

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    The result of the code below the performance translates into just below result


    In the XML file above, XML namespace is not constant and varies for each XML. My requirement is to analyze the complete XML code, where I can read the XML with namespace and get the result that is mentioned below


    Can you please help me solve the issue mentioned. Thanks in advance. -Code snippet below:

      l_File VARCHAR2(32000) := '<person>
     l_Where_Clause VARCHAR2(100) := '/*';
     l_Append_Var   VARCHAR2(100) := '/';
     l_Ty_Paths      Ty_Paths;
     l_Ty_Paths_Temp Ty_Paths;
     TYPE Ty_Verifier IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1000) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(1000);
     l_Ty_Varifier Ty_Verifier;
    l_Prev_Query_Rec VARCHAR2(100);
    l_Index_Num      NUMBER := 0;
    l_Cur_Exec_Row   NUMBER := 0;
     l_Ty_Paths(Nvl(l_Ty_Paths.COUNT, 0) + 1) := l_Append_Var;
     l_Cur_Exec_Row := 1;
     --Dbms_Output.put_line('Before entering the loop');
      SELECT DISTINCT REPLACE(l_Append_Var || '/' || t.Xml || '/', '//', '/') BULK COLLECT
       INTO   l_Ty_Paths_Temp
      FROM   (SELECT Xmltype(Extract(VALUE(e), '/').Getstringval()) .Getrootelement() AS Xml
               FROM   TABLE(Xmlsequence(Extract(Xmltype(l_File), l_Where_Clause))) e) t;
      l_Ty_Varifier(Nvl(l_Ty_Varifier.COUNT, 0) + 1) := l_Append_Var;
      IF l_Ty_Paths_Temp.COUNT > 0 THEN
         l_Index_Num := Nvl(l_Ty_Paths.COUNT, 0) + 1;
         FOR i IN l_Ty_Paths_Temp.FIRST .. l_Ty_Paths_Temp.LAST LOOP
            l_Ty_Paths(l_Index_Num) := l_Ty_Paths_Temp(i);
            l_Index_Num := l_Index_Num + 1;
         END LOOP;
      END IF;
      IF (NOT l_Ty_Paths.EXISTS(l_Cur_Exec_Row + 1)) OR (l_Cur_Exec_Row = l_Ty_Paths.COUNT) THEN
         --Dbms_Output.put_line('Inside the Else part');
         l_Cur_Exec_Row := l_Cur_Exec_Row + 1;
         l_Append_Var   := l_Ty_Paths(l_Cur_Exec_Row);
         l_Where_Clause := l_Ty_Paths(l_Cur_Exec_Row) || '*';
      END IF;
      --To Display the record:
      END LOOP;
      IF l_Ty_Paths.COUNT > 0 THEN
        FOR i IN l_Ty_Paths.FIRST .. l_Ty_Paths.LAST LOOP
          Dbms_Output.Put_Line(i || ' record is ' || l_Ty_Paths(i));
       END LOOP;
     END IF;

    Thank you.

    If you have patterns, it may be easier to work directly on them.

    Here's the idea:

    (1) install "Oracle XML DB manageability Packages", available on the code page for the XML DB sample:

    This is a set of utilities which allows us to annotate the XML schemas, to deal with the underlying or storage structure, and (this is the interesting part here) a few views of dictionary to describe the relational XSD structure.

    (it is now an integrated 12 c btw)

    (2) enter these two schemas:


    () dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema

    schemaURL-online "pacs.002.001.03S2.xsd."

    schemaDoc-online xmltype (bfilename('TEST_DIR','pacs.002.001.03S2.xsd'), nls_charset_id ('AL32UTF8'))

    local-online true

    genTypes-online fake

    genTables-online fake

    enableHierarchy-online dbms_xmlschema. ENABLE_HIERARCHY_NONE

    options-online dbms_xmlschema. REGISTER_BINARYXML





    () dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema

    schemaURL-online "SCTCvfBlkCredTrf.xsd."

    schemaDoc-online xmltype (bfilename('TEST_DIR','SCTCvfBlkCredTrf.xsd'), nls_charset_id ('AL32UTF8'))

    local-online true

    genTypes-online fake

    genTables-online fake

    enableHierarchy-online dbms_xmlschema. ENABLE_HIERARCHY_NONE

    options-online dbms_xmlschema. REGISTER_BINARYXML




    (3) the following query built all the paths of node defined by the main schema (SCTCvfBlkCredTrf.xsd), as well as the namespaces:

    with schema_list (schema_url, schema_owner) as)

    Select 'SCTCvfBlkCredTrf.xsd', 'OTN' from dual

    Union of all the

    Select sd.dep_schema_url, sd.dep_schema_owner

    of schema_list sl

    Join dba_xml_schema_dependency on sd.schema_url = sl.schema_url sd

    and sd.schema_owner = sl.schema_owner


    namespace_mapping (target_namespace, prefix) as long as)

    Select target_namespace

    , « ns » || ROW_NUMBER() (order target_namespace) as a prefix

    of user_xml_schema_namespaces

    where schema_url in (select schema_url from schema_list)


    () schema_nodes








    ) as)

    Select 0

    element_name as node_name


    XMLQUERY ('/ XS: ELEMENT / ' @maxOccurs passing returning content element)

    as varchar2 (10)






    of user_xml_schema_elements

    where schema_url in (select schema_url from schema_list)

    Union of all the

    Select 1

    attribute_name as node_name






    of user_xml_schema_attributes

    where schema_url in (select schema_url from schema_list)


    Select the level



    connect_by_isleaf as is_leaf


    -case when ns.prefix is not null and is_attr = 0 then ns.prefix | ':' end |

    -case when sn.is_attr = 1 then ' @' end |


    , '/'

    ) as xpath

    -, target_namespace

    of schema_nodes sn

    outer join ns namespace_mapping let ns.target_namespace = sn.target_namespace

    Connect prior sn.element_id = sn.parent_element_id

    Start with sn.schema_url = "SCTCvfBlkCredTrf.xsd".

    and sn.parent_element_id is null


    ----- ------------------ ---------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 SCTCvfBlkCredTrf 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf
    2 1 SndgInst /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:SndgInst
    2 1 RcvgInst /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:RcvgInst
    2 1 SrvcId /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:SrvcId
    2 1 TstCode /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:TstCode
    2 FType 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FType
    2 FileRef 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FileRef
    2 1 FileDtTm /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FileDtTm
    2 1 OrigFRef /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:OrigFRef
    2 1 OrigFName /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:OrigFName
    2 1 OrigDtTm /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:OrigDtTm
    2 1 FileRjctRsn /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FileRjctRsn
    2 1 FileBusDt /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FileBusDt
    2 1 FileCycleNo /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FileCycleNo
    2 FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf 0 / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2
    3 GrpHdr 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:GrpHdr
    4 MsgId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:GrpHdr / ns1:MsgId
    4 CreDtTm 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:GrpHdr / ns1:CreDtTm
    4 InstgAgt 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:GrpHdr / ns1:InstgAgt
    5 FinInstnId 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:GrpHdr / ns1:InstgAgt / ns1:FinInstnId
    6 BIC 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:GrpHdr / ns1:InstgAgt / ns1:FinInstnId / ns1:BIC
    3 OrgnlGrpInfAndSts 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts
    4 OrgnlMsgId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlMsgId
    4 OrgnlMsgNmId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlMsgNmId
    4 OrgnlNbOfTxs 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlNbOfTxs
    4 OrgnlCtrlSum 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlCtrlSum
    4 GrpSts 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:GrpSts
    4 StsRsnInf 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf
    5 Orgtr 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr
    6 id 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr / ns1:Id
    7 OrgId 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr / ns1:Id / ns1:OrgId
    8 1 BICOrBEI /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr / ns1:Id / ns1:OrgId / ns1:BICOrBEI
    5 ARS 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Rsn
    6 Cd 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Rsn / ns1:Cd
    6 Prtry 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Rsn / ns1:Prtry
    4 NbOfTxsPerSts 2 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:NbOfTxsPerSts
    5 1 DtldNbOfTxs /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:NbOfTxsPerSts / ns1:DtldNbOfTxs
    5 1 DtldSts /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:NbOfTxsPerSts / ns1:DtldSts
    5 1 DtldCtrlSum /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:OrgnlGrpInfAndSts / ns1:NbOfTxsPerSts / ns1:DtldCtrlSum
    3 TxInfAndSts boundless 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts
    4 StsId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsId
    4 OrgnlInstrId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlInstrId
    4 OrgnlEndToEndId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlEndToEndId
    4 OrgnlTxId 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxId
    4 TxSts 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:TxSts
    4 StsRsnInf 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf
    5 Orgtr 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr
    6 id 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr / ns1:Id
    7 OrgId 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr / ns1:Id / ns1:OrgId
    8 1 BICOrBEI /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Orgtr / ns1:Id / ns1:OrgId / ns1:BICOrBEI
    5 ARS 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Rsn
    6 Cd 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Rsn / ns1:Cd
    6 Prtry 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:StsRsnInf / ns1:Rsn / ns1:Prtry
    4 InstdAgt 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:InstdAgt
    5 FinInstnId 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:InstdAgt / ns1:FinInstnId
    6 BIC 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:InstdAgt / ns1:FinInstnId / ns1:BIC
    4 OrgnlTxRef 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef
    5 IntrBkSttlmAmt 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:IntrBkSttlmAmt
    CTL 6 1 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf/ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2/ns1:TxInfAndSts/ns1:OrgnlTxRef/ns1:IntrBkSttlmAmt/@Ccy
    5 1 IntrBkSttlmDt /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:IntrBkSttlmDt
    5 DbtrAgt 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:DbtrAgt
    6 FinInstnId 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:DbtrAgt / ns1:FinInstnId
    7 1 BIC /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:DbtrAgt / ns1:FinInstnId / ns1:BIC
    5 CdtrAgt 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:CdtrAgt
    6 FinInstnId 0 /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:CdtrAgt / ns1:FinInstnId
    7 1 BIC /ns2:SCTCvfBlkCredTrf / ns2:FIToFIPmtStsRptS2 / ns1:TxInfAndSts / ns1:OrgnlTxRef / ns1:CdtrAgt / ns1:FinInstnId / ns1:BIC

    In fact, you would be generally extracted from mapping data in a separate query so that you can use it to build the dynamic with XMLNamespaces clause of the namespace.

    NB1: Also note that not all roads are needed, only those which IS_LEAF = 1 or MAX_OCCURS = "unlimited" or MAX_OCCURS > '1', then you can add a filter predicate in the query directly.

    NB2: The query does support all the features of XSD, for example, I've relied on the default behavior for attributes 'element_form_default' and 'attribute_form_default '.

  • Re: Satellite Pro C660 - how to do the recovery with command prompt disc?

    I have a brand new Pro C660 of Satellite. It worked fine for a day, now it will not load windows. I don't have to create the recovery disks, as I only had a few hours (Yes, Yes, I know, should have been the first thing I did). All data are present (but backed up just in case USB) and I can see the folder HDDREcovery with all data intact. However, I can't run the application to create recovery discs. Does anyone know how to extract the images and create the media using only the command line? (I can go into command prompt by booting from the Windows 7 disc a friend). All options fail own laptop startup disks. It says 'Windows does not load' and I try startup repair, but it detects no error. Any help/thoughts on this will be greatly appreciated!


    It of not possible to create the drive with command prompt recovery. You must use the Windows Toshiba Recovery Media Creator.

    Now it s too late for you, but you can order a disc here:

  • How to extract the signal from the waveform of my power level designated?

    Hi all

    How can I extract the signal of the waveform accroding to the power level? I read the Trigger & Gate .vi, but this vi retrieves the signal duration. I want to extract the signal depending on the power level.

    As shown in the following figures, the signal I want to deal with is between 130000 to 140000, if I Zoom, I can see the useful signal is between 135400 to 138200. The question is how to extract the signal in the area?

    I tried the in the example of Packet_based_link also, but this Subvi seems to be a bit slow. Can someone give me the best advice? Thanks in advance!

    I'm working on something similar, but have not had time to fully develop.

    My idea was to use an envelope detector (low pass filter) and then use a detection of energy VI on the envelope.

    Here is where I left

  • Need urgent help! In my Vision Application, how to extract the parameters of the geometric model specified curve was generated by the template editor OR?

    I have an application of machine vision, in which the geometric pattern match technique was used to find the target in the images of type variant.

    as we know, we do a geometric model by model OR editor in the editor we can adjust the parameters of the curve specified settings to get the desired curves and we derive the custom box to ignore during the match. then we save the use of the same model in our application of vision.

    Now my question is coming. When I program my request for the geometric game. I have specified the parameters of the curve for the entrance of the IMAQ Advanced Setup learn ringtone 2, of course, I have to adjust this identical to the model, but I don't know how we extract the geometric model. I tried all the methods, for example, I can read data custom, IMAQ get characteristics of the geometric model(it's just for the basic functionality? so is there even a VI based edge?), even at anasys PNG file formats! But I can't read the info of the geometric model by myself!

    It is also illogical to adjust the CURVE SETTINGS manually again for the " IMAQ Advanced Setup Learn Pattern 2" after that I already have in the template editor OR!


    Why do you need to specify the curve settings once again, if you have already built a model using the template editor? You don't need to use "IMAQ Advanced Setup learn geometric model 2 VI" to find games (see the attached example).

    You can wire the 'curve settings' control to 'IMAQ configuration geometrical game model 2 VI', but the values are not used if wire you a Boolean true to the node "use learning curve settings" (it's like that by default). To prove it, I enclose a small program with pre-created model (using the template editor) for a geometrical alignment. The model and the test of three images are also included.

    Try changing the settings of the curve with the 'use know curve settings' enabled, and you will see the corresponding score remains the same. Disable the Boolean control, then try to change the curve settings.

    Also take a look at the detailed help for "IMAQ configuration geometrical game model 2 VI", specifically the "learning curve parameters of use."

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards


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    However, I use a little problem.

    I am trying to extract a very simple piece of xml in this way:
    SELECT d.*
      FROM (SELECT xmltype ('<ArrayOfstring>
              FROM DUAL),
           XMLTABLE ('$d/ArrayOfstring'
                     PASSING x AS "d"
                     COLUMNS string VARCHAR2 (100) PATH 'string') d;
    and I get this error: XPTY0004 - dynamic XQuery type mismatch: expected - singleton sequence got several sequence element

    I do not understand what goes wrong, since the same code work with a more complex pieve of XML:
    SELECT d.*
      FROM (SELECT xmltype ('<ArrayOfProperties>
                                <name>4 Megapixel</name>
                                <name>5 Megapixel</name>
                        </ArrayOfProperties>') x FROM DUAL),
           XMLTABLE (
              PASSING x AS "d"
              COLUMNS Id VARCHAR2 (100) PATH 'Id',
                      Naam VARCHAR2 (4000) PATH 'name',
                      code VARCHAR2 (100) PATH 'code') d                 
    Published by: Erik_NL on July 20, 2012 06:11

    You have two elements of the chain at the same level.

    So, something like:

    SQL> SELECT d.*
      2    FROM (SELECT xmltype ('
      3                             415391
      4                             415392
      5                        ')
      6                    x
      7            FROM DUAL),
      8         XMLTABLE ('$d/ArrayOfstring/string'
      9                   PASSING x AS "d"
     10                   COLUMNS string VARCHAR2 (100) PATH '/string') d;
  • How to extract the values of XMLTYPE column,

    SQL > create table temporary global xmtype_tab (xmlfile xmltype);

    SQL > select * from all_directories;

    SYS RESTOREDIR/home / / dbimptask /.

    insert into xmtype_tab values (xmltype (dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob ('RESTOREDIR ','LAS_SETUP.xml ')));

    1 line of creation.

    SQL > select * from xmtype_tab;

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    rowset <>
    < ROW >

    How to extract the values inside each tag?

    XML file has the following data...

    rowset <>
    < ROW >
    < > 9600 BAUD_RATE < / BAUD_RATE >
    < / ROW >
    < / LINES > ';

    I use the Oracle version...

    Why does this work?

    You are missing the tag of the ROWSET:

    select extractvalue (xmlfile, '/ROWSET/ROW/BAUD_RATE') baud_rate
      from xmltype_tab
     where existsnode (xmlfile, '/ROWSET/ROW/BAUD_RATE') = 1;
  • How to change the xml link?

    First a few words about my background:

    I got a page on a version of InDesign CS3 layout. Now, I'm creating a procedure to automate the production of several pdf based on this provision. Manually process would be to open the page layout; change the xml with each xml source link and create a file pdf corresponding...

    First question:

    In CS4 when I want to manually edit the xml link, the open dialog box prevents me (xml files are grey) to select xml files, it is a well known problem? How can I avoid it?

    Second question:

    How to change the script xml link?

    Last question - applescript question -:

    How to skip application dialog boxes? As "this document is missing a few links, would continue you?

    If you want to be able to help me, thanks in advance!

    There is a piece of code found on the net:

    tell document 1 of application "Adobe InDesign CS3"relink thisItemLink to someFileReferenceupdate thisItemLinkend
  • How to play the song with .wma extension

    How to play the song with .wma extension

    If it does not DRM, use VLC. If so, no Mac OS X software can play or convert.


  • How to fix the error with the code: 0xe7210001 failed to load powrprof, object: cls


    Dose anyone know how to fix the error with the code: 0xe7210001, message: unable to load powrprof, object: CLSD-no-it is found;
    OR: Fingerprintsoftware OR error: replicas THotkey.exe message window and the computer freezes

    Maleware scanned and virus, also in safe mode, found no infection, reinstalled driver fingerprint, but nothing has changed.

    grateful for the help!


    > message: unable to load powrprof, object: CLSD-no-it is found;
    In my view, this would mean that there is a problem with Toshiba Power Saver
    What laptop Toshiba, you have exactly?

    Maybe reinstall Power Saver could help. You can find it on the official website of Toshiba.

  • How to have the sidebar with thumbnails by default in the application preview? Whenever I open a PDF file, there is no sidebar.

    How to have the sidebar with thumbnails by default in the application preview?

    I'm on OSX El Capitan 10.11.3 on iMac, and whenever I open a PDF file, there is no sidebar. I have to every time click on the Sidebar icon, then select the thumbnails. I would like to be on by default, but cannot find the option or how to edit the plist file...

    If the thumbnails is checked in the menu 'View' preview, it should always open a PDF file with the open sidebar. Unless of course, it's a single page PDF.

  • all my data is all save on the local disk c, how to share the data with the other drive, local drive d.

    all my data records on the local disk c, how to share the data with the other drive, local drive d.

    Hi Jasonbichard,

    1. what type of drive is D? Is - this another partition on the same disk?

    2 Windows operating system you are using?

    You can change the location of the disk to save the data in the d: instead of C: and check if it helps.

    a. navigate to the location (username) C:\Users\.
    b. right click on the folder that you want to change the location, and then select Properties.
    c. click on the location tab and change the location to D: drive.

    d. click on apply and Ok.

  • How to concatenate the string with a digital command?


    How to concatenate the string with a digital command?

    Thank you.

    I think I forgot to add the semicolon, what you can do is, drag the CONCATENATE function and add semicolon.

  • How to open the labview with function of Labview program to stop smoking inside?

    Hi any idea how to open the labview with the Labview function program to stop smoking inside?

    I forgot to add and define the condition of the type for this program.

    If the program is an application, she closed immediately.

    If it is still the work of labview, it will go directly to editing without closing the program.

    I so need to retrieve, open it and make some changes.


    Place the VI in a project and open it from there, then it should not autorun. App.kind application property allows you to decide whether to close or not.


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