How to find the max value of scrollV in AS3?

I used the response from Ned to get my 3 fields of scrolling text set based on the value of one of them. Thanks Ned!

The other two text fields scroll to match the text box 'parent', but in the end – you get to the last scroll position - the other two do not update and 3 text fields are out of alignment. It's just at the end of the roll. The rest of the scroll values line up. I think that if I can find the scrollV max value, I can force the two others to scroll one last time when this value is reached by the text field "parent".

The textfield object has a property for this: maxScrollV.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    with t as)

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    It seems that you are not interested in the MAX at all.  Looks like you want to classify the lines, such as one that has the lowest value is assigned the number 1, the 2nd line with the lowest values gets 2,... and line with him gets N-th lowest value N.  If is not serious if the MAX is 4, 2 or 420.

    Here's a way to do it:

    SELECT T.*

    , RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY r_nm, r_obj)

    ORDER BY val

    ) AS rk


    ORDER BY r_nm, r_obj



    Depending on how you want to deal with links, you can use ROW_NUMBER or DENSE_RANK instead of RANK.

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    Kind regards


    You did not specify if year and period are there separate dimensions, in any case as always a number of different possbilities and I don't have much time today to think about, but only one method can be to use @MAXRANGE

    DIFFICULTY (other members to set, 'Dec')

    'MemberToStoreAgainst' = @MAXRANGE("MemberToFindMaxRangeFor","2009:"2011");


    See you soon


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    Anthony Alix.

    Its only editor that gives you the problem; Try it on TOAD or sql developer, it works perfectly.

    Is there a particular reason you want in sql * more?

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    -v_numbers (i): = v_src_file_string_array (i);
    v_number (i): = i;

    max_temp: = v_number (v_number.first);
    IDX: = v_number.first;

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    While the idx is not null
    If (idx) v_number > = max_temp
    max_temp: = v_number (idx);
    end if;

    IDX: = (idx);
    end loop;

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    Thank you!

    Harinath Arasu says:
    Hi all

    I'm using Oracle 11 g 2. I need to know the maximum value in a collection of items.

    When I run the following, I get the maximum number of collection as '5' but I need the max value itself which is 8, please help.

    type v_number1 is table of number of directory indexes;

    v_number v_number1;

    psrc_file VARCHAR2 (10): = '1,2,4,8,6';
    v_src_file_string_array v_number1;
    number of max_temp;


    SELECT regexp_substr (psrc_file, "[^,] +', 1, level") coll
    LOOSE COLLECTION v_src_file_string_array
    FROM (SELECT psrc_file FROM dual)
    CONNECT BY LEVEL<= length(regexp_replace(psrc_file,="" '[^,]+'))="" +="">

    -Set up some test values:
    BECAUSE me IN v_src_file_string_array. FIRST... v_src_file_string_array. COUNTING LOOP

    It should be-online 1... v_src_file_string_array. COUNTY

    -v_numbers (i): = v_src_file_string_array (i);
    v_number (i): = i;

    This should be-online v_numbers (i): = v_src_file_string_array (i);

    Can't do you all just...

         type v_number1 is table of number index by binary_integer;
         v_number v_number1;
         idx NUMBER;
         psrc_file VARCHAR2(10) := '1,2,4,8,6';
         v_src_file_string_array v_number1;
         max_temp number;
         SELECT regexp_substr(psrc_file, '[^,]+', 1, level) coll
         BULK COLLECT INTO v_src_file_string_array
         FROM (SELECT psrc_file FROM dual)
         CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length(regexp_replace(psrc_file, '[^,]+')) + 1;
         FOR i IN 1..v_src_file_string_array.COUNT LOOP
           if max_temp is null or
                    v_src_file_string_array(i) > max_temp then
                max_temp := v_src_file_string_array(i);
              end if;
         END LOOP;
         dbms_output.put_line ('Max: ' || max_temp);

    Or more simply...

         type v_number1 is table of number index by binary_integer;
         v_number v_number1;
         idx NUMBER;
         psrc_file VARCHAR2(10) := '1,2,4,8,6';
         v_src_file_string_array v_number1;
         max_temp number;
             SELECT to_number(regexp_substr(psrc_file, '[^,]+', 1, level))
          BULK COLLECT INTO v_src_file_string_array
             FROM (SELECT psrc_file FROM dual)
                  CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length(regexp_replace(psrc_file, '[^,]+')) + 1
             order by 1 desc;
         dbms_output.put_line ('Max: ' || v_src_file_string_array(1));

    Published by: JAC on April 3, 2013 18:56
    Unhandled exception...

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    Hello, RSH,.

    Now, how can I limit the decimal points to 2 digits, say, for example, we use d.dd. How can I use it here?

    You can simply convert the string variables and the format of this string using the str function in DIAdem.

    Here is an example for your specific application:

    Maximum: @@str (CMax("[1]/Speed"), "d.dd").

    I hope this helps.


  • SQL, find the MAX value and placing it as a QVariant

    I have a database that is loaded and defines the customerID as 0 which is ideal when the database is not be saved and restored, etc.  The question I have is that I added the possibility to users to restore a backup in the app, and now I have to do a query to select MAX (customerID) so that there is no duplicate CustomerID when you add or save items.  Here is the following code, I knew that I must settle, specifically the 0 highlighted in red.  I need zero to be the new customerID max value:

    int SettingsStorage::load(int& lastID, GroupDataModel *model)
        // number of locations loaded.
        QSettings settings(m_author, m_appName);
        int loadedCount = 0;
        QVariant items;
        // Get the last customer id first.
        // ID's will be generated by incrementing this number
        // Note values coming from settings should be cast to the
        // required type.
         lastID = settings.value(m_lastCustomerIDKey, 0).toInt();
        items = m_sda->execute("SELECT * from items ORDER BY datefield");
        qDebug()<< "the ID" << items;
        // Load all the locations from the database.
        foreach( const QVariant& temp, items.value() ) {
            Location *p;
            if (loadLocation(temp.value(), p)) {
        return loadedCount;

    Ive tried the following, but it doesn't seem to do anything:

    int SettingsStorage::load(int& lastID, GroupDataModel *model)
        // number of locations loaded.
        QSettings settings(m_author, m_appName);
        int loadedCount = 0;
        QVariant items;
        // Get the last customer id first.
        // ID's will be generated by incrementing this number
        // Note values coming from settings should be cast to the
        // required type.
         QVariant endID = m_sda->execute("Select MAX(customerID) from items")
         lastID = settings.value(m_lastCustomerIDKey, endID).toInt();
        items = m_sda->execute("SELECT * from items ORDER BY datefield");
        qDebug()<< "the ID" << items;
        // Load all the locations from the database.
        foreach( const QVariant& temp, items.value() ) {
            Location *p;
            if (loadLocation(temp.value(), p)) {
        return loadedCount;

    Any help will be loved and marked solutions.

    -Thanks in advance

    I was wrong about executeAndWait(). Somehow, I decided that you use the SqlConnection object, but seems his SqlDataAccess. So disregard my previous post. Keep your execute method, but you must change your code to something like this:

    QVariant endID = m_sda->execute("select max(customerID) as m from items");
    QVariantList vlist = endID.value();
    QVariantMap vmap = vlist.first().toMap();
    lastID = vmap["m"].toInt(&ok);

    So I changed your SQL query slightly and added "that m" so I will have something to refer later.

    Then I cast QVariantList because it is where are the results.

    Then because we know its going to be the only record, I took the 1st element in the list and converted to QVariantMap.

    Last step is to get the maximum.

    Should work this time

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    Hello world

    Thanks in advance.

    I need your help to find the latest data from the line in the Datagrid control.

    In fact I use Datagrid to display my data in flex. In my data, I stored the value of gender of the employees. So if the last row in my datagrid 'female' I need to highlight this particular line. So please help me to solve this problem.

    Thank you

    Charles. J

    mylastrowitem dg.dataProvider.getItemAt = (dg.dataProvider.length - 1).

  • How to choose the max value

    Hi all

    I have the following data

    Pat_id Pat_enc_csn_id Dept_id Admit_date

    Z269466457982980405500116/05/2014 13:21
    Z0062455957760008205505008/05/2014 14:37

    My requirement is to get the max dept or the date of maximum admission for each patient. my output should therefore

    Pat_id Pat_enc_csn_id Dept_id Admit_date

    Z269466457982980405500116/05/2014 13:21

    can someone help me with the code please. using 11 g.

    (Note: there are several number of patients not only 2)

    Thank you.

    with t as)

    Select p,

    ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Pat_id of Admit_date desc order) rn

    from your_table p


    Select Pat_id,





    where rn = 1



  • How to get the Max value with other columns data also.

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    Time of ID
    01 07/12/2014
    02 07/05/2014
    03 16/07/2014
    04 07/07/2014

    I need to get the ID and time to time max.
    that is, should I get
    Time of ID
    03 16/07/2014

    To do this, I wrote a query that gives me necessary data. But I thought that's the best way?
    Is it an effective way to get this data?
    My query that returns the data required is:

    WHERE MAX_DT = (EDT) 1

    Frank mentioned links

    WITH test_data (id, time) LIKE)

    SELECT 01, to_date('2014/07/12','yyyy-mm-dd') FROM dual


    SELECT 02, to_date('2014/07/16','yyyy-mm-dd') FROM dual


    SELECT 03, to_date('2014/07/16','yyyy-mm-dd') FROM dual


    SELECT 04, to_date('2014/07/07','yyyy-mm-dd') FROM dual


    SELECT id, time

    go (select id,


    Max (Time) on latest_time (order by time lines between unbounded preceding and following unbounded)

    of test_data


    where time = latest_time

    3 16/07/2014
    2 16/07/2014



  • How to find the maximum value of the alphanumeric column


    I have following data varchar column.


    I'm looking to separate the 2 SQL queries which should get the output as CS/990087 for the first query and * 999999 * for the second query.

    database is 10g.

    As always: it is documented.


    And make a few quick searches yourself:

  • Cannot find the MAX Date value in the USER_TAB_PARTITIONS HIGH_VALUE

    Hi all

    I'll try to find the Max value of the date of the HIGH_VALUE from the USER_TAB_PARTITIONS, but my request has failed because the HIGH_VALUE is a LONG column.

    Appreciate your valuable contributions here.

    Thank you

    Maldini says:
    I'll try to find the Max value of the date of the HIGH_VALUE

    You use the PL/SQL:

    SQL> select  high_value
      2    from  user_tab_partitions
      3    where table_name = 'RANGE_SALES'
      4  /
    TO_DATE(' 1998-04-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 1998-07-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 1998-10-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 1999-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 1999-04-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 1999-07-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 1999-10-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 2000-04-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 2000-07-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    TO_DATE(' 2000-10-01 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN')
    12 rows selected.


    create or replace
      type DateList
          table of date
        v_DateList DateList := DateList();
        v_max_high_value date;
        for v_rec in (select high_value from user_tab_partitions where table_name = 'RANGE_SALES') loop
          if v_rec.high_value != 'MAXVALUE'
              execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || v_rec.high_value || '; end;'
                using out v_DateList(v_DateList.count);
          end if;
        end loop;
        select  max(column_value)
          into  v_max_high_value
          from  table(v_DateList);
        dbms_output.put_line('Table RANGE_SALES max high value is ' || to_char(v_max_high_value,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    Table RANGE_SALES max high value is 10/01/2000 00:00:00
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


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    For example, in the table max/min for the first three columns would be 45/23, 14/10, 80/67.

    Thank you


    With color on your bars, you should have enough experience to understand this.

    You're a loop in the table already.  Now you just need a function like table Max and min. loop.  And you may need to transpose the table 2D.

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    Check this link cool -

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    We have now migrated bpel 10g and 11g process. How to find the bpel instance in 11 g based on the index values?

    You can go there. Do a join on the cube_instance and ci_indexes tables.

Maybe you are looking for