How to find the name of the table where the paricular column is common to all the tables...

Hi all

any help please...

I have a lot of tables in the diagram

Select * from tab; show all tables...

Now, there is a single table called has columns as name like this, dept, empno, joindate, sal...
now the description column in table present in so many other tables in the schema above...

How can I know the names of tables where this 'Description' column shows.

Note: I use the 10 g version and I do not have DBA privilege on the diagram...

Thanks in advance

Are you logged in as owner of these tables? Otherwise (and it seems that you're not), you have privileges on these table? If you do, use:


If you don't have privileges, but you can choose from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS, use:


Otherwise ask your DBA to run it.


Tags: Database

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    madala03 wrote:

    Hi thanks for the reply

    I'm out like below




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    With color on your bars, you should have enough experience to understand this.

    You're a loop in the table already.  Now you just need a function like table Max and min. loop.  And you may need to transpose the table 2D.

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    This is the forum for Windows Vista programs related issues.

    For better assistance, please try instead the Forums in SQL Server .

    Thank you! Vincenzo Di Russo - Microsoft MVP Windows Internet Explorer, Windows Desktop Experience & security - since 2003. ~ ~ ~ My MVP profile:

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    You must learn the basic of database Oracle.

    Please don't regard it not same as SQL server in terms of configuration.

    You never specify the database server name in Oracle.

    You specify the host name in only two places, 1) Tnsnames.ora/JDBC/ODBC (or any client you want to connect) and listener.ora) 2.

    There was nothing called specify the name of the Oracle database from an oracle database server.



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    Thank you

    Published by: dbc001 on March 26, 2013 21:48

    check with who ever is privilleges to kill these perticluar session, if you have few users.
    It is not possible to findout without verification or error info... etc.
    Otherwise, restart these jobs perticluar and follow closely.

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    I have a database of relacional (9.2), all right?
         O /* This is a child who makes N references to each of the follow N parent tables (here: three), and so on. */
        /↑\ Fks
       O"O O" <-- level 2 for first table (circle)
      /↑\ Fks
    "o"o"o" <-- level 1 for middle table (circle)
       ↑ Fk
    -Each circle represents a table;
    -Red no tables have foreign key
    -the picture on the front line of tree, for example, a level 3, but when 3 becomes N? How is N? That is the question.

    I started to think about the following:

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      from all_cons_columns father
      join all_cons_columns child
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      join (select child.owner,
                   child.constraint_name fk,
                   child.table_name child,
                   child.r_constraint_name pk,
                   father.table_name father
              from all_constraints father, all_constraints child
             where child.r_owner = father.owner
               and child.r_constraint_name = father.constraint_name
               and father.constraint_type in ('P', 'U')
               and child.constraint_type = 'R'
               and child.owner = 'OWNER') aux
     using (owner)
     where child.constraint_name =
       and child.table_name = aux.child
       and father.constraint_name =
       and father.table_name = aux.father;
    We will share!

    Thanks in advance,

    Published by: BluShadow on April 1st, 2011 15:08
    formatting of code and hierarchy for readbility

    Have you looked to see if there is a cycle in the graph of dependence? Is there a table that has a foreign key to B and B has a back of A foreign key?

    SQL> create table my_emp (
      2    emp_id number primary key,
      3    emp_name varchar2(10),
      4    manager_id number
      5  );
    Table created.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create table my_mgr (
      2    manager_id number primary key,
      3    employee_id number references my_emp( emp_id ),
      4    purchasing_authority number
      5* )
    SQL> /
    Table created.
    SQL> alter table my_emp
      2    add constraint fk_emp_mgr foreign key( manager_id )
      3         references my_mgr( manager_id );
    Table altered.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1   select level lvl,
      2          child_table_name,
      3          sys_connect_by_path( child_table_name, '/' ) path
      4     from (select parent.table_name      parent_table_name,
      5                  parent.constraint_name parent_constraint_name,
      6                  child.table_name        child_table_name,
      7                  child.constraint_name   child_constraint_name
      8             from user_constraints parent,
      9                  user_constraints child
     10            where child.constraint_type = 'R'
     11              and parent.constraint_type = 'P'
     12              and child.r_constraint_name = parent.constraint_name
     13           union all
     14           select null,
     15                  null,
     16                  table_name,
     17                  constraint_name
     18             from user_constraints
     19            where constraint_type = 'P')
     20    start with child_table_name = 'MY_EMP'
     21*  connect by prior child_table_name = parent_table_name
    SQL> /
    ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data

    If you have a cycle, you have some problems.

    (1) it is a NOCYCLE keyword does not cause the error, but that probably requires an Oracle version which is not so far off support. I don't think it was available at the time 9.2 but I don't have anything old enough to test on

    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1   select level lvl,
      2          child_table_name,
      3          sys_connect_by_path( child_table_name, '/' ) path
      4     from (select parent.table_name      parent_table_name,
      5                  parent.constraint_name parent_constraint_name,
      6                  child.table_name        child_table_name,
      7                  child.constraint_name   child_constraint_name
      8             from user_constraints parent,
      9                  user_constraints child
     10            where child.constraint_type = 'R'
     11              and parent.constraint_type = 'P'
     12              and child.r_constraint_name = parent.constraint_name
     13           union all
     14           select null,
     15                  null,
     16                  table_name,
     17                  constraint_name
     18             from user_constraints
     19            where constraint_type = 'P')
     20    start with child_table_name = 'MY_EMP'
     21*  connect by nocycle prior child_table_name = parent_table_name
    SQL> /
           LVL CHILD_TABLE_NAME               PATH
    ---------- ------------------------------ --------------------
             1 MY_EMP                         /MY_EMP
             2 MY_MGR                         /MY_EMP/MY_MGR
             1 MY_EMP                         /MY_EMP
             2 MY_MGR                         /MY_EMP/MY_MGR

    (2) If you try to write on a table and all of its constraints in a file and do it in a valid order, the entire solution is probably wrong. It is impossible, for example, to generate the DDL for MY_EMP and MY_DEPT such as all instructions for a table come first, and all the instructions for the other are generated second. So even if NOCYCLE to avoid the error, you would end up with an invalid DDL script. If that's the problem, I would rethink the approach.

    -Generate the DDL for all tables without constraint
    -Can generate the DDL for all primary key constraints
    -Can generate the DDL for all unique key constraints
    -Can generate the DDL for all foreign key constraints

    This is not solidarity all the DOF for a given in the file object. But the SQL will be radically simpler writing - there will be no need to even look at the dependency graph.


  • How to find the second largest in a pl/sql table

    Hello friends,

    I want to find the first and second maximum items in a pl/sql table.

    Here's the code...

    Max_earnings_type TYPE TABLE IS NUMBER;
    max_earnings_tab max_earnings_type: = max_earnings_type();
    number of v_count: = 0;
    number of v_max_earnings;

    Can someone give me how to find the maximum first max and second in the type of the given table.

    appreciate your help.

    Thank you/kumar

    Published by: kumar73 on October 21, 2010 09:42

    kumar73 wrote:

    When I tried to implement your logic in my application, I get the following error...

    PL/SQL: digital or value error: NULL index key value table

    What happens if the PL/SQL table has NULL values. Question is how you want to handle NULL values. You want to ignore nulls as GROUP BY do? If you want to consider NULL values, you can say if you want to order the NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST. I guess that logical GROUP BY:

        TYPE max_earnings_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER;
        TYPE max_earnings_sorted_type IS TABLE OF NUMBER
        max_earnings_tab        max_earnings_type;
        max_earnings_tab_sorted max_earnings_sorted_type;
        SELECT  sal + comm
          BULK COLLECT
          INTO  max_earnings_tab
          FROM  emp;
        FOR v_i in 1..max_earnings_tab.count LOOP
          IF max_earnings_tab(v_i) IS NOT NULL
              max_earnings_tab_sorted(max_earnings_tab(v_i)) := 1;
          END IF;
        END LOOP;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('MAX value in PL/SQL table is ' || nvl(to_char(max_earnings_tab_sorted.last),'NULL'));
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Second MAX value in PL/SQL table is ' || nvl(to_char(max_earnings_tab_sorted.prior(max_earnings_tab_sorted.last)),'NULL'));
    MAX value in PL/SQL table is 2650
    Second MAX value in PL/SQL table is 1900
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SELECT  sal + comm
      2    FROM  emp;
    14 rows selected.


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    Please let me know, how to find the user apex table. I need validate the unique user based on the same, for which I use below function.

    (: P6_USERNAME);

    However, in this case, he always comes back "FALSE," saying new user exists.

    Kindly help me in fixing this problem.

    There is a view called apex_workspace_apex_users.

    Details under Home > utilities > Application Express views


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    How to find the size of the downloaded image on a column of type blob in a table?


    You can use the built in function dbms_lob.getlength to get the length (size) of a LOB column or a bfile type.
    Check out this link.

  • How to find the size of the semantic model

    Hi all

    Please can you tell me how to find the size of the semantic model.

    Thank you

    Hi Indu,

    A couple of several things:

    1 we still need an application, in order to account for the storage of the Table in the Application

    This query gives you the name of application table

    Select the table table_name from mdsys.sem_model$
    where model_name = '';

    This will give you the size in MB

    Select semmodel.table_name, dbaseg.bytes/1024/1024 MB
    of mdsys.sem_model$ semmodel, dba_segments dbaseg
    where semmodel.table_name = dbaseg.segment_name
    and semmodel.model_name = '';

    2. If the model is the only one of the semantic network, you can get the space used by the table of $ RDF_VALUE using this query

    Select bytes/1024/1024 MB dba_segments where nom_segment = '$RDF_VALUE ';

    If there are several models, this space is shared between all of them.

    Kind regards!

  • How to find the Applet?


    I Name of Table and column name just with this information of how to find the Applet, display, screen ?

    Thank you


    Metadata tools to navigate and

    Go to the buscomp/table/field column then applet/control


    Robert meditate
    Chief Architect and Director
    Meditate on serve Pro
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