How to get the second and third weekend of every month over a period of time?


No idea how to get the second and third weekend of every month on a given period without use of CLAUSE?

Thanks in advance.

Try it below,


THEN ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)) + 1

WHERE TO_CHAR (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), 'DY') = 'Sun '.

THEN ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)) + 6

Of OTHER NEXT_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), "SAT") + 1

END as second_weekendday,

BOX WHEN TO_CHAR (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), 'DY') = 'SAT '.

THEN ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)) + 7

WHERE TO_CHAR (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), 'DY') = 'Sun '.

THEN ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)) + 7

Of OTHER NEXT_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), "SAT") + 7

END AS third_weekendday


SYSDATE + 300 enddate



Tags: Database

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    Stop the main timeline

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    ss.addCuePoint ("admin", 20000);
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    ss.addCuePoint ("mc_650, 000 ', 5439);
    ss.addCuePoint ("130 mg/j", 3254);
    ss.addCuePoint ("1938", 2439);
    ss.addCuePoint ("vintage_mc", 0);

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    ss.loadSound ("Scn04 - 05.mp3", true);

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    cuePoint and onSoundComplete events
    var listener: Object = new Object();
    listener.cuePoint = function (): Void {}
    listener.onSoundComplete = function (): Void {}
    ss.addEventListener ("cuePoint", listener);
    ss.addEventListener ("onSoundComplete", listener);

    and the file as follows:
    Import mx.utils.Delegate;
    class net.quip.sound.SoundSync extends its {}
    private var _cuePoints:Array;
    private var _currentCuePoint:Number;
    private var _interval:Number;
    private var _intervalDuration:Number;
    private var _secondOffset:Number;
    Event dispatcher
    public var dispatchEvent:Function;
    public var addEventListener:Function;
    private var removeEventListener:Function;
    public void SoundSync(target:MovieClip) {}
    Super (target);
    private function init (): Void {}
    Initialize properties
    _cuePoints = new Array();
    _currentCuePoint = 0;
    _intervalDuration = 200;
    _secondOffset = 0;
    Initialize the instance of the class as the valid event broadcaster
    EventDispatcher.initialize (this);
    Add Cue Point
    public void addCuePoint(cuePointName:String,_cuePointTime:Number):Void {}
    () _cuePoints.push
    type: "cuePoint",.
    name: cuePointName,.
    time: cuePointTime,.
    target: this
    _cuePoints.sortOn ("time", Array.NUMERIC);
    Get cue point
    public void getCuePoint(nameOrTime:Object):Object {}
    var counter: Number = 0;
    While (counter < _cuePoints.length) {}
    If (typeof (nameOrTime) == 'string') {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .name == nameOrTime) {}
    return _cuePoints [counter];
    } Else if (typeof (nameOrTime) == 'number') {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .time == nameOrTime) {}
    return _cuePoints [counter];
    counter ++;
    Returns a null value.
    Get the Index of the current Cue Point
    private void getCurrentCuePointIndex(cuePoint:Object):Number {}
    var counter: Number = 0;
    While (counter < _cuePoints.length) {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .name == {}
    return the meter;
    counter ++;
    Returns a null value.
    Get the next Cue Point index
    private void getNextCuePointIndex(seconds:Number):Number {}
    seconds (seconds) =? seconds: 0;
    var counter: Number = 0;
    While (counter < _cuePoints.length) {}
    If (_cuePoints [meter] .time > = seconds * 1000) {}
    return the meter;
    counter ++;
    Returns a null value.
    Benchmark deleted
    public void removeCuePoint(cuePoint:Object):Void {}
    _cuePoints.splice (getCurrentCuePointIndex (cuePoint), 1);
    Remove all Cue Points
    public function removeAll_cuePoints (): Void {}
    _cuePoints = new Array();
    public void start(secondOffset:Number,_loops:Number):Void {}
    Super.Start (secondOffset, loops);
    dispatchEvent ({type: "onStart", target: this});
    Reset benchmark
    _secondOffset = secondOffset;
    _currentCuePoint = getNextCuePointIndex (secondOffset);
    Poll for cue points
    clearInterval (_interval);
    _interval = setInterval (Delegate.create (this, pollCuePoints), _intervalDuration);
    Load sound
    public void loadSound(url:String,_isStreaming:Boolean):Void {}
    super.loadSound (url, isStreaming);
    clearInterval (_interval);
    _interval = setInterval (Delegate.create (this, pollCuePoints), _intervalDuration);
    public void stop(linkageID:String):Void {}
    If {(linkageID)
    Super.Stop (linkageID);
    } else {}
    Super.Stop ();
    dispatchEvent ({type: "onStop", target: this});
    Kill the ballot
    clearInterval (_interval);
    Survey benchmarks
    private function pollCuePoints (): Void {}
    If the current position is close to the cue point.
    var time: Number = _cuePoints [_currentCuePoint] .time;
    var span: Number = (_cuePoints [_currentCuePoint + 1] .time)? _cuePoints [_currentCuePoint + 1] .time: time + _intervalDuration * 2;
    If (position > = time & & position < = span) {}
    Send event
    dispatchEvent (_cuePoints [_currentCuePoint]);
    Advance to the next landmark...
    If (_currentCuePoint < _cuePoints.length) {}
    _currentCuePoint ++;
    } else {}
    _currentCuePoint = getNextCuePointIndex (_secondOffset);
    public function onSoundComplete (): Void {}
    Kill the ballot
    clearInterval (_interval);
    Reset benchmark
    _currentCuePoint = 0;
    Send event
    dispatchEvent ({type: "onSoundComplete", target: this});

    any help will be greatly appreciated.


    > Hi Dave, your tutorial is very cute and it is very useful.

    Thank you! My daughter is cute. She inherited all of
    me, so I have not left. ;)

    > I'm sorry that I don't have my question clearly.

    No worries. :)

    > I have listen mp3 in Windows Media Player and try to
    > get both for the tail, I found it on the bottom of the
    > player time indicates 00:26.

    I'm with you.

    > How can I writer this number in the code? Is it 0026 or 26?

    The code expects milliseconds, then 26 seconds would be written as


    If he said 01:22 (one minute and 22 seconds), you must write it like this:


    ... which is 60 seconds for now, 22 seconds
    side, then multiplied by 1,000 to get milliseconds.

    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    WITH month_range AS


    SELECT TO_DATE ('Dec 2013', 'Mon YYYY') AS first_month

    , TO_DATE ('Mar 2014', 'Mon YYYY') AS last_month

    OF the double


    SELECT NEXT_DAY (6 + ADD_MONTHS (first_month

    , LEVEL - 1


    , 'MONDAY '.

    ) AS second_monday

    OF month_range

    CONNECTION OF LEVEL < = 1 + MONTHS_BETWEEN (last_month, first_month)


    Thanks in advance.

    Good fishing, when the first day of the month is Thursday... So I changed the query accordingly... Try the below

    SELECT CASE WHEN TO_CHAR (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), 'DY') = 'game '.

    THEN NEXT_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), 'THU')

    Of OTHER NEXT_DAY (ADD_MONTHS (TRUNC(startdate,'MM'),(LEVEL-1)), 'Game') + 7

    END AS second_day

    FROM (SELECT SYSDATE startdate,

    SYSDATE + 300 enddate



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    NET. RIM. Device.API.util
    Class DateTimeUtilities

    getNumberOfDaysInMonth (int month, int year)
    Returns the number of days in the specified month

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    It is useful to include the manufacturer and model number.

    What version of Windows you have, including the service pack?

    How the device is connected to your computer (USB, Ethernet, other)?

    Have you installed the software that came with your HP Color LaserJet 2840 AiO printer?

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    Start here: HP Color LaserJet 2820 and 2840 AiO products Series - first installation and install

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    Hi all

    I got the Contact Picker work but I have no idea how to get the selected telephone number and the name.

    There are attributes that I can put like contactId.value () to retrieve or there is another way?

    Thanks in advance.

                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/bluebutton.png"
                        onClicked: {
                        attachedObjects: [
                            ContactPicker {
                                id: contactPicker
                                onContactSelected: {
                                    result.text = "You chose contact: " + contactId;
                    Label {
                        id: result
                        text: "You chose contact: "


    You can get the contact name and phone number as this,

                        defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/bluebutton.png"
                        onClicked: {
                        attachedObjects: [
                            ContactPicker {
                                id: contactPicker
                                onContactSelected: {
                                    result.text = "You chose contact: " + contactId;
    // call a cpp method to get the details
    app.getDetails(contactId); } } ] } Label { id: result text: "You chose contact: " }

    the CPP code:

    void ContactDetails(ContactId id)
    Contact contact_info = m_contactService->contactDetails(id);
        QString firstName = contact_info.firstName();
        QString lastname = contact_info.lastName();
            QList phoneno_list = contact_info.phoneNumbers();
        QStringList no_s;
        foreach(ContactAttribute attr, phoneno_list)
            no_s << attr.value();

    You can get details like this.

    Kind regards

    Naresh Kodumuri.

  • How to get the name and number of the procedure parameter list or a function?

    I stated the procedure described in the package

    If I want to get the number and the name of the parameter list, so how do I it

    I don't have I her name with the package.

    create or replace package demoApp is

    PROCEDURE insert_data (p_fname IN VARCHAR2,

    p_lname IN VARCHAR2,

    p_address IN VARCHAR2,

    p_cellno IN VARCHAR2,

    p_email IN varchar2);

    end demoApp;

    create or replace package demoApp body is

    PROCEDURE insert_data (p_fname IN VARCHAR2,

    p_lname IN VARCHAR2,

    p_address IN VARCHAR2,

    p_cellno IN VARCHAR2,

    p_email IN varchar2) IS

    EmpID number;


    Select nvl (max (emp1.empid), 0) + 1 in EMP1 empid;

    INSERT INTO VALUES EMP1 (empid, p_fname, p_lname, p_address, p_cellno, p_email);



    raise_application_error (-20001,' insert the problem ' |) SQLERRM);


    end demoApp;


    I want to get the name of the parameter and the number of use of stroredrprocedure ""demoApp.insert_data " "

    Select *.

    of all_arguments

    where package_name = 'DEMOAPP.

    and object_name = 'INSERT_DATA.

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    I use the theme 4 for apex 4.0.2.
    I must have the logo as well as the name of the company the two, but when I select den Image it shows only the image in the dashboard and when I select den text it shows the name of the company.
    How to get the two logo and the name of the company?

    Thanks for your help.

    Kind regards
    Sébastien Pallav.

    Pushpesh Pallav says:

    I use the theme 4 for apex 4.0.2.
    I must have the logo as well as the name of the company the two, but when I select den Image it shows only the image in the dashboard and when I select den text it shows the name of the company.

    The word is spelled 'then', not 'den '.

    How to get the two logo and the name of the company?

    Select the text, and include HTML, making reference to the image in the text:


    The image src URI used depends on the location of the image, which you have failed to specify.

  • How to get the length and sub lymph nodes.


    find the script below.

    < List1 >

    < list >

    < List1 >

    < List1 >

    < List1 >

    < / list >

    < list >

    < List2 >

    < List2 >

    < List2 >

    < / list >






    -< / list1 >

    Here the tag list will be growing based on the I / p. Now what I want is to know how to get the length of the tag < list >.

    To implement the above I used the code below

    var number = xfa.record.List1.List [0].nodes.length; (Does not work)

    But if var account = xfa.record.List1.nodes.length; (work)

    and also I want to delete a tag inside the < List > tag. How?

    Very Urgent.

    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, you need to use the name instead of the value to get the tag name... (0) .name

    Thank you


Maybe you are looking for